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Critical Encounters
in Secondary English
Teaching Literary Theory to Adolescents,
Third Edition
Dec 2014/272 pp./PB, $29.95/5623-2
Language and Literacy Series
Praise for Critical Encounters
in Secondary English—
“All the undergraduate students
cited [Appleman’s book] as their
favorite piece of work for the
semester, and the one that was
most successful during student
—English Journal
“This book provides powerful ways
to get young people thinking
about literature and about how it
relates to their lives.”
—Rethinking Schools
—Teacher Magazine
“Interesting and provocative”
—Journal of Adolescent
and Adult Literacy
“Many teachers have difficulty
engaging students in critical
analyses of literature because
teachers themselves do not
know how to use strategies to
ease their students into this
higher-order thinking process.
Appleman’s text helps teachers
understand how and why and provides detailed strategies to guide
students’ review of literature.”
Deborah Appleman is the Hollis L. Caswell
Professor of educational studies at Carleton College
in Northfield, Minnesota.
Because of the emphasis placed on nonfiction
and informational texts by the Common Core
State Standards, literature teachers all over the
country are re-evaluating their curriculum and
looking for thoughtful ways to incorporate
nonfiction into their courses. They are also
rethinking their pedagogy as they consider
ways to approach texts that are outside the
usual fare of secondary literature classrooms.
The Third Edition of Critical Encounters in
Secondary English provides an integrated
approach to incorporating nonfiction and
informational texts into the literature classroom. Grounded in solid theory with new
field-tested classroom activities, this new
edition shows teachers how to adapt practices
that have always defined good pedagogy to
the new generation of standards for literature
New for the Third Edition:
A new preface and new introduction
that discusses the CCSS and their
implications for literature instruction.
n Lists of nonfiction texts at the end
of each chapter related to the critical
lens described in that chapter.
n A new chapter on new historicism, a
critical lens uniquely suited to interpreting
nonfiction and informational sources.
n New classroom activities created
and field-tested specifically for
use with nonfiction texts.
n Additional activities that demonstrate
how informational texts can be used in
conjunction with traditional literary texts.
—Voice of Youth Advocate
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Reading Across Multiple
Texts in the Common
Core Classroom, K–5
Janice A. Dole, professor of education and director
of the Reading and Literacy Program, University of
Utah; Brady E. Donaldson, literacy coach, Salt Lake
City School District; and Rebecca S. Donaldson,
Title I Instructional Improvement Specialist, Utah
State Office of Education.
Foreword by Robert J. Marzano
Oct 2014/144 pp./PB, $29.95/5590-7
large format
The Common Core State Standards
in Literacy Series
“This is the book for which
elementary school literacy
educators have been waiting for
ever since the Common Core
State Standards were released.”
—From the Foreword
by Robert J. Marzano,
CEO, Marzano Research
“These authors provide a
refreshingly realistic look at what
it could mean to read across texts.
The combination of extended
application of comprehension
research and clear understanding
of classrooms make this book a
must-read for teachers.”
—Sharon Walpole,
University of Delaware
This teacher-friendly resource addresses one
of the most important critical reading skills in
the Common Core State Standards—reading
across multiple texts.
As the world grows ever more complicated,
students increasingly need to become skillful at reading multiple sources, comparing,
contrasting, and integrating texts. Responding
specifically to Standards 7 and 9, this guide
shows teachers how to work with students as
they read, think about, critique, and evaluate multiple texts, including narrative and
informational, print, graphic, and video, in
hard copy and online. The authors provide
strategies for helping students answer textdependent questions, find evidence in a text,
and scan for information. Model lessons
developed and taught by the authors and their
professional colleagues will be especially useful to teachers whether they are beginning or
expanding their own teaching of multiple texts.
Book Features:
Standards and assessment readiness tools.
How-to for text comparisons
with prereaders.
n Classroom-tested examples of lessons.
n Templates for planning and organizing
lessons around varied literary
genre and informational texts.
n Step-by-step instructions for
developing lessons around a topic,
theme, person, or issue.
n Digital support to extend the concepts
and ideas presented in the lessons.
The Activist Learner
Inquiry, Literacy, and Service
to Make Learning Matter
Jeffrey D. Wilhelm, professor and founding director of Boise State
Writing Project, Boise State University; Whitney Douglas, assistant
professor, Boise State University; and Sara W. Fry, associate professor,
Boise State University.
Foreword by Mary Beth Tinker
Afterword by Bruce Novak
“Offers an engaging look at how a shift in thinking can positively impact
our future.”
—Clifton L. Taulbert, author and lecturer
“If you are truly interested in
education—in nurturing and
leading—then The Activist
Learner will help you begin a
transformative journey”
—Troy Hicks, Central
Michigan University
This dynamic book explores a variety of ways teachers can integrate
service learning to enliven their classroom, meet the unique developmental needs of their students, and satisfy the next generation of
standards and assessments. The authors demonstrate how inquirybased teaching with service learning cultivates, requires, and rewards
literacy. Through the pursuit of service-learning projects, students
learn how to develop perspectives on real-world issues and to develop
intrapersonal and interpersonal connections and compassion. At the
same time, students acquire literacies essential for creating a culture
of civic engagement and for mastering the Common Core.
A powerful blend of practice, theory, and inspiration, The Activist
Learner includes templates for conducting inquiry units, charts with
connections to the Core and next generation standards, and a free
online supplement.
Oct 2014/160 pp./PB, $32.95/5595-2
Copublished with NWP (National Writing Project)
Transforming Talk into Text
Argument Writing, Inquiry, and Discussion,
Grades 6–12
Thomas M. McCann is associate professor of English
at Northern Illinois University.
Foreword by George Hillocks, Jr.
“In this important book, Tom McCann has given us not only the admonition to change, but the details about what effective change must be and
what it looks like, evidence that it works effectively, and details about
how to bring it to pass.”
—From the Foreword by George Hillocks, Jr., professor emeritus,
University of Chicago.
“For a professional book
to have an impact on the
field, it needs to address
a perceived need. Writing
arguments for Common Core
performance assessments is
a HUGE need right now that
this book helps address.”
—Carol Jago, associate
director, California
Reading and Literature
Project, UCLA
Author Thomas McCann invites readers to rethink their approach to
teaching writing by capitalizing on students’ instinctive desire to talk.
Drawing on extensive classroom research, he shows teachers how to
craft class discussions that build students’ skills of analysis, problem
solving, and argumentation as a means of improving student writing.
McCann demonstrates how authentic discussions immerse learners in
practices that become important when they write.
Book Features:
n Connections to important elements from the CCSS.
n Examples of students at work.
n Portraits of skilled teachers as they facilitate discussions.
n Appendices with problem-based scenarios, interview
questions for students and teachers, samples of
debatable cases in the news, and more.
Aug 2014/176 pp./PB, $31.95/5588-4 Language and Literacy Series
Copublished with NWP (National Writing Project)
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The One-on-One
Reading and Writing Conference
Working with Students on Complex Texts
Jennifer Berne, associate professor and department chair, Northern
Illinois University; and Sophie C. Degener, associate professor,
National Louis University.
Foreword by Douglas Fisher
“Stretch conferences
will transform teachers’
conferencing, and more
importantly, their students’
writing and reading.”
—Laurie Elish-Piper,
IRA Board of Directors,
“This well-organized book is
an outstanding guide on how
to foster independent learners in literacy.”
—Peter Fisher,
National Louis University
“Reading this is a critical opportunity to reflect on our practice, examining whether the content of our conferences is aligned with the rigorous
expectations of the Common Core.”
—Sunday Cummins, literacy consultant and author
Personal interactions are the single most effective way for teachers to
understand and evaluate their student as learners. Responding specifically to new Common Core State Standards in reading and writing,
this book introduces pre- and inservice teachers to a method of
one-on-one interaction the authors refer to as the “stretch conference.”
This book provides detailed practical advice on the logistics of implementing these conferences during the busy school day, including tips
on how and when to schedule conferences and how to successfully
manage the classroom during conference time. The authors argue that,
rather than using valuable conference time for word-level concerns
and editing, teachers should focus on more ambitious goals that will
deepen (or “stretch”) students’ skills in comprehension and writing.
This resource suggests where conferences fit in with other important
pieces of literacy instruction; introduces a variety of high-quality cues
to use during conferences; and shows how conferences can function
as formative assessment for reading and writing skills.
Dec 2014/160 pp./PB, $32.95/5622-5 Language and Literacy Series
Teaching Civic Literacy Projects
Student Engagement with Social Problems, Grades 4–12
Shira Eve Epstein is an assistant professor of secondary education at
the School of Education, The City College of New York (CUNY).
Foreword by Celia Oyler
“Shira’s work offers us a reflection of democratic practice in the classroom through the teaching of critical reading, persuasive writing, and
—From the Foreword by Celia Oyler,
Teachers College, Columbia University
“The best practical guide for teachers who want their students to confront
social problems.”
—Peter Levine, Tufts University
“This book is a gem!
It provides invaluable
assistance for teachers
interested in engaging their
students in the political and
civic spheres in ways that
build crucial literacy skills.”
—Diana Hess,
Spencer Foundation
This resource will inspire teachers to craft curricula addressing a wide
range of genuine civic problems such as those related to racial discrimination, environmental damage, and community health. Dividing
civic literacy projects into three key phases—problem identification,
problem exploration, and action—the author provides concrete
examples from upper-elementary, middle, and high school classrooms
to illustrate and analyze how each phase can unfold. The projects
provide opportunities for youth to participate in civic life while they
develop essential literacy skills associated with reading, writing, and
speaking. The final chapter outlines a curriculum design process that
will result in meaningful civic literacy projects driven by clear goals. It
includes practical tools, such as a sample unit timeline, an assessment
chart, and student worksheets that can be modified for immediate use.
Sep 2014/176 pp./PB, $36.95/5575-4
An Empty Seat in Class
Teaching and Learning After the Death of a Student
Rick Ayers founded the Communication Arts and Sciences small school at
Berkeley High School and is an assistant professor of education at the University
of San Francisco.
“Moving and poignant.”
—Angela Valenzuela, University of Texas
“A must-read for every teacher, administrator, and counselor.”
—Heidi Horsley, Open to Hope Foundation
An Empty Seat in Class illuminates the tragedy of student death and suggests
ways of dealing and healing within the classroom community. The book weaves
the story of the author’s very personal experience of a student’s fatal shooting
with short pieces by other educators who have worked through equally terrible
events. The text also includes contributions from counselors, therapists, and
school principals.
Nov 2014/144 pp./PB, $29.95/5612-6
Effective Classroom Management
The Essentials
Tracey Garrett is a professor in the Department of Teacher Education at
Rider University in New Jersey where she was recently awarded the university’s
Distinguished Teaching Award.
“In just over 100 pages, Tracey Garrett has captured the essence of classroom
management. This would be an excellent addition to any pre- or inservice teacher
education program.”
—Anita Woolfolk Hoy, professor emerita, The Ohio State University
This user-friendly resource will help K–12 teachers become more effective classroom managers. Each chapter concentrates on a key area (physical design, rules
and routines, relationships, engaging instruction, and discipline) and focuses on
the importance of that particular area in relation to a teacher’s overall classroom
management plan. Designed to prevent problems that require active discipline
before they arise, this guide includes classroom examples, case studies, and
study questions. There is also an app, Classroom Management Essentials, available on the iTunes store.
Aug 2014/128 pp./PB, $29.95/5574-7
Why We Teach Now
Edited by Sonia Nieto, professor emerita of language, literacy, and culture at the
College of Education, University of Massachusetts. She is the bestselling author
of The Light in Their Eyes, 10th Anniversary Edition, Why We Teach, and What Keeps
Teachers Going?
“Sonia Nieto has done it again, this time providing us with a hopeful book featuring
a collection of writings grounded in the lived experiences of outstanding teachers.”
—Luis Moll, University of Arizona
Why We Teach Now dares to challenge current notions of what it means to be a
“highly qualified teacher” á la No Child Left Behind, and demonstrates the depth
of commitment and care teachers bring to their work with students, families,
and communities. This sequel to Nieto’s popular book, Why We Teach, features
powerful stories of classroom teachers from across the country as they give witness to their hopes and struggles to teach our nation’s children.
Jan 2015 / 288 pp./PB, $29.95/5587-7/HC, $68/5624-9
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Whole School
Raising Race
Engaging Imaginations
Through Interdisciplinary
Whiteness and
Inquiry in Education
Ali Michael is director
Kieran Egan is a professor
of education at Simon
Fraser University, Burnaby,
British Columbia. He
is a recipient of the
Grawemeyer Award in
Education and an Upton
Sinclair Award,
of K–12 Consulting and
Professional Development
at the Center for the Study
of Race and Equity in
Education at the University of
Pennsylvania. She is also the
director and co-founder of
the Race Institute for K–12 Educators.
with Bob Dunton and Gillian Judson
Foreword by Shaun R. Harper
“Egan’s inspiring yet practical strategy will enable you “This book grew my consciousness in multiple ways,
to engage your students, ignite your colleagues, and
and that’s the greatest gift an author can give me.”
deepen learning throughout the school.”
—Paul Gorski, founder, EdChange
—Andy Hargreaves, Lynch School of Education,
just asking questions about race can be scary
Boston College
because we are afraid of what our questions might
The authors describe a program for engaging a
reveal about our ignorance or bias. Raising Race
whole school in a particular project over a 3-year
Questions invites teachers to use inquiry as a way
period and outline the educational principles
to develop sustained engagement with challenging
and benefits. Providing examples of schools sucracial questions and to do so in community so that
cessfully using Whole School Projects (WSPs),
they learn how common their questions actually
they examine the detailed practices needed to get
are. It lays out both a process for getting to quessuch a project up and running in a typical school.
tions that lead to growth and change, as well as a
While distinct from the regular curriculum, WSPs
vision for where engagement with race questions
can help achieve many of the year’s curriculum
might lead.
objectives in mathematics, literacy, science and
technology, social studies, art, and history.
Nov 2014/192 pp./PB, $34.95/5599-0/HC, $78/5600-3
Aug 2014/192 pp./PB, $36.95/5583-9
HC, $58.50/5584-6 photographs
Practitioner Inquiry Series
Diving In
for Creativity
in the Common
Core Classroom
Bill Ayers and the Art
of Teaching into the
Edited by Isabel Nuñez,
Ronald A. Beghetto,
associate professor, Neag
School of Education,
University of Connecticut;
James C. Kaufman,
professor, University of
Connecticut, and founding
director, Learning Research
Institute, California State University, San Bernardino;
and John Baer, professor, School of Education, Rider
University, Lawrenceville, NJ.
associate professor in the
Center for Policy Studies and
Social Justice at Concordia
University Chicago; Crystal
T. Laura, assistant professor
of Educational Leadership
at Chicago State University;
and Rick Ayers, founder of
the Communication Arts and Sciences small school
at Berkeley High School and assistant professor of
education at the University of San Francisco.
Foreword by Robert J. Sternberg
“This wonderful book is filled with practical advice
for teachers about how to teach to Common Core
standards, in both ELA and math, in ways that lead
to creative learning outcomes.”
—Keith Sawyer,
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Based on cutting-edge psychological research on
creativity, this book debunks common misconceptions about creativity and describes how learning
environments can support both creativity and the
Common Core. It offers classroom examples, ideas,
and lesson plans for teaching English language
arts and mathematics, and includes assessments
for creativity and Common Core learning.
The contributors use themes suggested by Ayers’s
work to open up new perspectives and discourses
on key issues in education, such as participatory
democracy, social justice, liberation, and education as a human right.
Contributors: Alexandra Allweiss • Patrick
Camangian • Bernardine Dohrn • Hubert M.
Dyasi • Michelle Fine • Carl A. Grant • Ming
Fang He • Rashid Khalidi • Alice Kim • Joyce
E. King • Fred Klonsky • Craig Kridel • Gloria
Ladson-Billings • Lisa Yun Lee • Avi D. Lessing
• Karla Manning • Erica R. Meiners • W. J. T.
Mitchell • Sonia Nieto • Bree Picower • Therese
Quinn • William H. Schubert • David Stovall •
William H. Watkins • Joel Westheimer
Aug 2014/224 pp./PB, $31.95/5577-8/HC, $77/5578-5
Dec 2014/144 pp./PB, $34.95/5615-7/HC, $86/5617-1
Reading, Thinking,
and Writing About History
Teaching Argument Writing to Diverse Learners in
the Common Core Classroom, Grades 6–12
Chauncey Monte-Sano, Susan De La Paz, and Mark Felton
Foreword by Sam Wineburg
“The tools this book provides demystify the writing process and offer a sequenced path
toward attaining proficiency.”
—From the Foreword by Sam Wineburg, Margaret Jacks Professor of
Education, Stanford University
“This extraordinary book provides tried-and-true practical tools and step-by-step
—Michelle M. Herczog, president, National Council for the Social Studies
The Common Core and C3 Framework emphasize literacy and inquiry in social studies, but do not offer
resources to achieve these goals. This practical guide presents six research-tested investigations, along with
corresponding teaching materials and tools that have improved the historical thinking and argumentative
writing of academically diverse students. Sample student essays and formative feedback illustrate the progress of two different learners and explain how to support students’ development.
2014/240 pp./PB, $31.95/5530-3 large format
The Common Core State Standards in Literacy Series
Copublished with NWP (National Writing Project)
Social Studies, Literacy, and Social Justice
in the Common Core Classroom
A Guide for Teachers
Ruchi Agarwal-Rangnath
Foreword by Christine Sleeter
This book presents a unique framework for using primary and other sources that
will offer students new ways of thinking about history while meeting Language
Arts Common Core Standards. Grounded in the daily realities of today’s public
schools (grades 3–8), the framework offers a way of planning that takes into
account teaching factors that include pressures for content coverage and preparation of students for high-stakes tests. The book also discusses how to meet
Common Core Standards by teaching language arts and social studies as complementary subjects. The text includes sample lessons and reflection exercises.
2013/168 pp./PB, $31.95/5408-5 large format
Writing Instruction That Works
Proven Methods for Middle and High School Classrooms
Arthur N. Applebee and Judith A. Langer
with Kristen Campbell Wilcox, Marc Nachowitz,
Michael P. Mastroianni, and Christine Dawson
“Secondary teachers should consider this a ‘must.’”
—California Bookwatch
“Offers a vision for how writing could and should be taught. Read it today. Buy a copy for
every educator you know.”
—Carol Jago, past president, NCTE
“If I had to recommend one book to read about improving the teaching of writing in all
content areas, this would be that book.”
—Jim Burke, English teacher and author
Backed by solid research, the authors offer far-reaching direction for improving writing instruction that
will assist both student literacy and subject learning. They provide many examples of successful writing
practices in each of the four core academic subjects (English, mathematics, science, and social studies/
history), along with guidance for meeting the Common Core standards. The text also includes sections on
Technology and the Teaching of Writing and English Language Learners.
2013/216 pp./PB, $34.95/5436-8/HC, $78/5437-5 Language and Literacy Series
Copublished with NWP (National Writing Project)
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The Path to Get There
A Common Core Road Map for Higher
Student Achievement Across the Disciplines
Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and Cristina Alfaro
Foreword by Donna Ogle
”I highly recommend this book for both language and content teachers as together they
grapple with how best to implement the Common Core Standards.”
—Margo Gottlieb, Illinois Resource Center
“Provides a road map for enhancing literacy instruction within and across disciplines.
This will be a valuable resource for new and veteran teachers, curriculum coordinators,
department leaders, and administrators.”
—Taffy E. Raphael, Project READi, University of Illinois at Chicago
This book will assist content-area teachers in understanding the Common Core State Standards that apply
to their various courses. Standards in history/social studies, science, and technical subjects are explained in
detail, including examples of lessons designed to ensure that students master each Standard.
2013/176 pp./PB, $29.95/5434-4 large format
Copublished with IRA (International Reading Association)
2013 AESA Critics’ Choice Award
A Search Past Silence
The Literacy of Young Black Men
David E. Kirkland
Foreword by Pedro Noguera
“These remarkable insights make it possible for us to reject the caricatures of Black males
so that we can see them as they are.”
—From the Foreword by Pedro Noguera, New York University
“This beauty of a book deserves to be read and reread.”
—Sonia Nieto, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
A Search Past Silence is a passionate call for educators to listen to the silenced
voices of Black youth and to re-imagine the concept of being literate in a multicultural democratic society. Key chapters on language, literacy, race, and masculinity examine how the literacies, languages, and identities of six African American friends are shaped by the silences of societal denial.
2013/208 pp./PB, $39.95/5407-8/HC, $78/5420-7 Language and Literacy Series
All About Words
Increasing Vocabulary in the
Common Core Classroom, PreK–2
Susan B. Neuman and Tanya S. Wright
Foreword by Timothy Shanahan
“Clearly illustrates how teachers can narrow the achievement gap and, at the same time,
address the Common Core State Standards in developmentally appropriate ways.”
—Sue Bredekamp, Early Childhood Education Specialist
Vocabulary forms a relentless divide between children who succeed and those who
do not. All About Words is designed to help early childhood teachers take advantage of the unique opportunity provided by the Common Core State Standards.
It offers strategies for planning and presenting vocabulary instruction and for monitoring children’s word
learning progress, along with specific guidance on which words to teach.
2013/176 pp./PB, $24.95/5444-3/HC, $62/5445-0 photos
The Common Core State Standards in Literacy Series
Giving Our Children a Fighting Chance
Poverty, Literacy, and the Development of Information Capital
Susan B. Neuman and Donna C. Celano
176 pp./PB, $30.95/5358-3/HC, $64/5359-0 photos
Engaging Students in Disciplinary Literacy, K–6
Reading, Writing, and Teaching Tools for the Classroom
Cynthia H. Brock, Virginia J. Goatley, Taffy E. Raphael, Elisabeth Trost-Shahata,
and Catherine M. Weber
Foreword by Annemarie Sullivan Palincsar
“I can’t imagine a more timely book for these times in which the CCSS for English
Language Arts are demanding that we pay more than lip service to integrated curriculum. Brock and her colleagues help teachers address this challenge by providing a set of
elegant principles and some stunning examples.”
—P. David Pearson, Graduate School of Education,
University of California, Berkeley
“If you’re wondering how to integrate literacy across the content disciplines, this is the
text you will want to keep and return to often because of the many shared ideas and
examples that support this integration without losing the focus of the discipline. The
voices of the teachers and students are so authentically portrayed that it feels like being
a visitor to each classroom.”
—Diane Lapp, San Diego State University
2014/160 pp./PB, $27.95/5527-3
The Common Core State Standards in Literacy Series
Reading, Writing, and Literacy 2.0
Teaching with Online Texts, Tools, and Resources, K–8
Denise Johnson
Foreword by Donald J. Leu
“Innovative lessons and assessment ideas provide step-by-step supports for designing
curriculum in a Web 2.0 world.”
—Julie Coiro, University of Rhode Island
With the growth in Internet use by even the youngest children, educators urgently
need a practical introduction to online literacy and reading comprehension.
Reading, Writing, and Literacy 2.0 offers that and more by providing tools and
teaching strategies for incorporating online reading and writing into classroom
learning, as well as a host of web resources that teachers can draw on to make
this happen—all this without endless hours of searching! The book connects to
the Common Core State Standards and is organized around the Technological
Literacy Assessment of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).
A companion blog offers ongoing support at
2014/192 pp./PB, $29.95/5529-7 large format, illustrations/photos
Copublished with IRA (International Reading Association)
The Bilingual Advantage
Promoting Academic Development, Biliteracy,
and Native Language in the Classroom
Diane Rodríguez, Angela Carrasquillo, and Kyung Soon Lee
Foreword by Margarita Calderón
Afterword by Chun Zhang
“At last, a book that focuses on the development of students’ bilingualism from the point
of view of their home languages and not simply English!”
—Ofelia García, City University of New York
This comprehensive handbook for bilingualism examines the importance of using
students’ native languages as a tool for supporting higher levels of learning in
K–8 classrooms. The authors highlight the social, linguistic, neuro-cognitive, and
academic advantages of bilingualism, as well as the challenges faced by English
language learners and their teachers in schools across the United States. They
describe effective strategies for using native languages, even when the teacher
lacks proficiency in that language. The text includes examples of programs that
serve learners from diverse language backgrounds, including Spanish, Chinese,
Korean, Haitian Creole, Hindi, Bengali, and Russian.
2014/176 pp./PB, $30.95/5510-5 large format
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Reading and Representing Across the Content Areas
A Classroom Guide
Amy Alexandra Wilson and Kathryn J. Chavez
Foreword by Marjorie Siegel, Teachers College, Columbia University
“Just in time for the challenges posed by the Common Core State Standards.”
—From the Foreword by Marjorie Siegel, Teachers College, Columbia University
“This book hits the ball out of the park!” —Patricia L. Anders, University of Arizona
This groundbreaking work redefines traditional ideas of what a “text” should be,
incorporating new kinds of multimodal texts to revitalize instruction within and
across disciplines. The authors provide examples of innovative representations to aid learning in earth
science, language arts, mathematics, and social studies classrooms. Each chapter focuses on a specific
content area, outlining learning goals, relevant national standards, types of representation that enrich
learning, and teaching strategies for developing critical literacy specific to that discipline.
2014/160 pp. /PB, $37.95/5567-9/HC, $88/5571-6 photos Language and Literacy Series
Writing and Teaching
to Change the World
Connecting with Our Most
Vulnerable Students
Edited by Stephanie Jones
Foreword by Ann Lieberman
Perfect for use in teacher
preparation courses and
professional learning groups,
this engaging book illuminates writing as a powerful tool for thinking deeply
about how and why teachers respond to students
in particular ways. The text includes prompts and
suggested writing exercises and an essay about the
Oral Inquiry Process by Bob Fecho.
2014/160 pp./PB, $29.95/5525-9
Language and Literacy Series
Copublished with NWP (National Writing Project)
Teaching the Taboo
Courage and Imagination
in the Classroom,
Second Edition
Rick Ayers and William Ayers
Forewords by Haki R.
Madhubuti and Carol D. Lee
This second edition is essential reading for anyone looking
to evolve as an educator.
“Does a masterful job of guiding
teachers in developing reading
interventions that are authentic, engaging, and aligned
to current standards as well as the instructional needs
of students.”
—Timothy Rasinski, Kent State University
This easy-to-use guide will help educators plan
and implement intervention lessons for struggling
readers that align with the English Language Arts
Common Core State Standards. The authors offer
hands-on guidance for designing interventions
across grades K–8, provide sample tutoring plans
and lessons, and describe procedures for teaching
print skills, comprehension, vocabulary, fluency,
and study skills.
2013/216 pp./PB, $29.95/5494-8
2014 Society of Professors
of Education Book Award
Fear and Learning
in America
2014/160 pp./PB, $24.95/5528-0
50 Myths and Lies
That Threaten
America’s Public
The Real Crisis in Education
David C. Berliner, Gene V
Glass, and Associates
“What do you get when two
world-class scholars and a team
of talented analysts take a hard
look at 50 widely held yet unsound beliefs about U.S.
public schools? Well, in this instance you get a flat-out
—W. James Popham, professor emeritus, UCLA
Peter J. Fisher, Ann Bates,
and Debra J. Gurvitz
Foreword by Darrell Morris
The Teaching for Social Justice Series
As seen in The Washington Post
The Complete Guide to
Tutoring Struggling
Interventions to
Purpose and CCSS
Bad Data, Good Teachers,
and the Attack on Public
John Kuhn
Foreword by Diane Ravitch
“Packed with more wisdom than
any 10 books that I have read
about American education.”
—From the Foreword by Diane Ravitch,
New York University
“This important book should be heeded.”
—John Merrow, PBS NewsHour
“Demonstrates what is really important.”
—Randi Weingarten, president, AFT
2014/176 pp./PB, $24.95/5572-3
The Teaching for Social Justice Series
2014/272 pp./PB, $27.95/5524-2
Inspiring Dialogue
Talking to Learn in the English Classroom
Mary M. Juzwik, Carlin Borsheim-Black, Samantha Caughlan, and Anne Heintz
Foreword by Martin Nystrand
“Provides specific guidance to encourage authentic conversations between teachers and
students with practical advice for implementation.”
—Leila Christenbury, Virginia Commonwealth University
Providing a thorough discussion of the benefits of dialogic curriculum in meeting
the objectives of the Common Core State Standards, this book with its companion
website is an ideal resource for teacher development. The book follows novice
teachers as they build a repertoire of practices for planning, carrying out, and assessing their efforts at
dialogic teaching across the secondary English curriculum.
2013/176 pp./PB, $30.95/5467-2/HC, $72/5468-9 Language and Literacy Series
Dilemmas in
Educational Leadership
The First Year
of Teaching
Classroom Research to
Increase Student Learning
Edited by Jabari Mahiri and
Sarah Warshauer Freedman
“This is a must-read for teachers, researchers, and policymakers who want to improve
urban education now.”
—Ann Lieberman,
Stanford University
For first-year teachers, the task of establishing a
strong and successful practice is often extremely
challenging. This compelling look at first-year
teachers’ practice in urban schools demonstrates
how a program of systematic classroom research
by teachers themselves enables them to effectively
target instruction and improve their own practice.
The text offers an array of classroom scenarios
that will spark discussions in teacher preparation
classes and professional development workshops,
particularly in the context of problem-based, problem-posing pedagogies.
The Facilitator’s
Book of Cases
Donna J. Reid
In this book, educational
consultant and group coach
Donna Reid argues that
popular vehicles for improving
school cultures and student
achievement too often fail
because the participants are unaware or unwilling
to make the required changes for successful collaboration and change. To assist facilitators and
group leaders, the author presents narrative cases
that examine the experiences of teacher leaders,
principals, consultants, and parents as they negotiate the difficulties of reluctant team members,
hostile colleagues, maintaining group interest,
sharing responsibility, using technology, and cultural competency. Each case includes questions for
reflection that can be used individually or in small
groups to improve facilitation skills.
2014/144 pp./PB, $29.95/5549-5
2014/224 pp./PB, $39.95/5547-1/HC, $78/5564-8
Wham! Teaching
with Graphic Novels
Across the Curriculum
Practitioner Inquiry Series
Copublished with NWP (National Writing Project)
Critical Media
Teaching for Achievement
in City Schools
Ernest Morrell, Rudy Dueñas,
Veronica Garcia, and
Jorge López
“Highly recommended for
general readers, teachers,
and pre-service teachers,
especially in Social Studies
and English.” —Choice
The text includes case studies co-written with
English and social studies teachers . . . hands-on
media production projects that address issues of
social justice...and an online appendix of example
lessons adaptable for different curricular contexts.
2013/192 pp./PB, $29.95/5438-2/HC, $72/5439-9
Language and Literacy Series
William G. Brozo,
Gary Moorman, and
Carla K. Meyer
Foreword by Stergios Botzakis
“A wonderful contribution to the
field of content area literacy
—Michael D. Boatright,
Western Carolina University
Provides instructional guidelines with classroom
examples that demonstrate how graphic novels
can be used to expand content knowledge and literacy in science, social studies, math, and English/
language arts. Book features include advice for
selecting graphic novels, teaching strategies for
each content area, guidance for aligning instruction
with the Common Core State Standards, and study
group questions.
2013/168 pp./PB, $29.95/5495-5 illustrations
Language and Literacy Series
PROFESSORS Request Exam Copies at
Other People’s English
Reading the Visual
Code-Meshing, CodeSwitching, and African
American Literacy
Vershawn Ashanti Young,
Rusty Barrett, Y’Shanda
Young-Rivera, and
Kim Brian Lovejoy
An Introduction to Teaching
Multimodal Literacy
Frank Serafini
Foreword by James Paul Gee
This essential introduction
focuses on what teachers
should know about
multimodal literacy and
how to teach it. It provides
frameworks for teaching
a wide-range of visual and multimodal texts,
including historical fiction, picture books,
advertisements, websites, comics, graphic novels,
news reports, and film. Each unit of study contains
suggestions for selecting cornerstone texts and
visual images and launching the unit, as well as
lesson plans, text sets, and analysis guides. These
units are designed to be readily adapted to fit the
needs of a variety of settings and grade levels.
2013/208 pp./PB, $34.95/5471-9/HC, $78/5472-6
Foreword by Victor Villanueva
“Takes the literacy field to the
next level. Would I buy this
book and recommend it to others? No doubt.”
—Geneva Smitherman, professor emerita,
Michigan State University
This practical resource shows educators how to
extend students’ abilities as writers and thinkers
and to foster inclusiveness and creativity. The text
includes activities and examples from middle and
high school as well as college.
2014/192 pp./PB, $32.95/5555-6/HC, $78/5503-7
Language and Literacy Series
Language and Literacy Series
The Administration
and Supervision of
Reading Programs
ReWRITING the Basics
Literacy Learning in
Children’s Cultures
Anne Haas Dyson
”The author shows how teachers
can continue meeting required
standards while using in-depth
understanding of children’s
lives—honoring children’s experiences and engaging them in a
whole new way.”
—Young Children
This book goes beyond critiquing traditional writing
basics to place them in the linguistic diversity and
multimodal texts of children’s everyday worlds.
2013/224 pp./PB, $34.95/5455-9/HC, $78/5456-6
Language and Literacy Series
The New Inclusion
Differentiated Strategies to
Engage ALL Students
Kathy Perez
Fifth Edition
Embracing all the different needs that teachers
face—from special education, to ELL, to a wide spectrum of student ability and
readiness—this innovative
resource combines the latest research in brainbased teaching and student engagement with
useful interventions and differentiated strategies
(Pre-K–8). Designed to be of practical and immediate use, the text includes classroom vignettes, ties
to the Common Core, illustrations, diagrams, highlight boxes, and many more user-friendly features.
2013/176 pp./PB, $29.95/5482-5
large format, illustrations
Shelley B. Wepner,
Dorothy S. Strickland, and
Diana J. Quatroche
Foreword by Jack Cassidy
“If I were to do a column
‘What’s Hot in Literacy/Reading Texts,’ this volume
would undoubtedly be at the top of the list.”
—From the Foreword by Jack Cassidy,
past president, IRA
Now in its fifth edition, this popular textbook
focuses on what literacy leaders (pre-K–12) need
to know and do to meet today’s mandates. This
updated edition addresses forthcoming assessments aligned to the Common Core Standards, and
new mandates for evaluating teachers and principals. Literacy luminaries provide specific guidelines
for all levels of instruction.
2013/256 pp./PB, $34.95/5480-1
large format, photos
Language and Literacy Series
Multicultural Teaching
in the Early Childhood
Foreword by Lim Chye Tin
Edited by
Approaches, Strategies, and
Tools, Preschool–2nd Grade
Mariana Souto-Manning
“Provides insights into how to do
multicultural education.”
—Language Arts
You will see how amazing
teachers engage in culturally responsive teaching
that fosters educational equity while also meeting
state and national standards (such as the Common
Core State Standards).
2013/168 pp./PB, $27.95/5405-4/HC, $60/5406-1
Early Childhood Education Series
Copublished with Association for Childhood Education
International (ACEI)
Summer Reading
Teaching Vocabulary to
English Language Learners
Closing the Rich/Poor Reading
Achievement Gap
Edited by Richard L. Allington
and Anne McGill-Franzen
Foreword by Gerald G. Duffy
Michael F. Graves, Diane August,
and Jeannette Mancilla-Martinez
Foreword by Catherine E. Snow
2013/144 pp./PB, $27.95/5374-3
Language and Literacy Series
Copublished with IRA
2013/176 pp./PB, $23.95/5375-0
large format, illustrations
Language and Literacy Series
Copublished with IRA, TESOL, and Center
for Applied Linguistics
Educating Emergent
Children, Language,
and Literacy
Diverse Learners in Diverse Times
Policies, Programs, and Practices for
English Language Learners
Ofelia García and Jo Anne Kleifgen
Foreword by Jim Cummins
Celia Genishi and Anne Haas Dyson
2009/176 pp./PB, $24.95/4974-6
Language and Literacy Series
Copublished with NAEYC (Nat’l. Assoc. for
the Education of Young Children)
2010/192 pp./PB, $26.95/5113-8
HC, $60/5114-5
Language and Literacy Series
Accelerating Literacy for Diverse Learners
Strategies for the Common Core Classroom, K–8
Socorro G. Herrera, Della R. Perez, Shabina K. Kavimandan, and Stephanie Wessels
In her new book, nationally known professional development consultant and
literacy expert Socorro Herrera and her colleagues provide a theoretical foundation
for culturally responsive teaching that will accelerate literacy development for all
students, and particularly for English language learners. Aligned with Common
Core State Standards, this resource provides proven-effective strategies, tools, and ideas that can
be modified for any grade level and content area. The book includes a demonstration DVD showing
the strategies in action in real classrooms.
2013/208-page book + 1-hour DVD, $32.95/5450-4 large format, photos
Biography-Driven Culturally Responsive Teaching
Socorro Herrera
Socorro Herrera provides a practical guide to help teachers plan and implement
more successful culturally responsive instruction using students’ personal/
academic/sociocultural biographies as the point of departure. Her researchbased strategies incorporate easily into any program being used by a school or
district for improved results.
2010/192 pp./PB, $31.95/5086-5 large format, photos
Crossing the Vocabulary Bridge
Differentiated Strategies for Diverse Secondary Classrooms
Socorro G. Herrera, Shabina K. Kavimandan, and Melissa A. Holmes
Provides a framework for academic vocabulary and language instruction in today’s
diverse classrooms, using strategies that have evolved over a decade of research
and classroom implementation to provide teachers with multiple avenues for making content and academic vocabulary both accessible and relevant for all students.
2011/208 pp./PB, $28.95/5217-3 large format, photos
The Common Core State Standards
in Literacy Series
The NCRLL Collection
Approaches to Language and Literacy Research
for full series information
for full series information
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