#SoloPR Transcript – 10/8/2014 Special #SoloPR Chat 5th Birthday Celebration Questions: Q1: Where were you five years ago? Could you have imagined where you’d be now? Q2: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve learned from the #solopr chat? Q3: Why do you participate in the #solopr community? What does #solopr offer you can’t get anywhere else? Q4: Have you collaborated on work with anyone you’ve met via #solopr? Q5: Where would you like to be five years from now? Q6: Estimate how many new friends/colleagues you now have as a result of #solopr Transcript follows in reverse chronological order: #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 1 dariasteigman 1:57pm via TweetDeck To the next 5 years of smart & sass. #solopr SoloPR 1:57pm via tchat.io Thanks again everyone, and we'll see you in two weeks! #solopr dariasteigman 1:57pm via TweetDeck @Vruno It won't take long. As you can see, where's not a shy bunch. #solopr KateRobins 1:57pm via Twitter Web Client RT @KarenSwim: Toasting @KellyeCrane for her vision and this community of solo smarties! Here's to 5 more rocking years! #solopr SoloPR 1:56pm via tchat.io Don't forget, we'll post a re-cap tomorrow on soloprpro dot com w/winners of two prizes! #solopr NovaComms 1:56pm via TweetDeck BTW #solopr friends, speaking of #wine, I’m studying to be a Certified Specialist of Wine, so send vinorelated Q's or thoughts my way :) JenMarsikFriess 1:56pm via Twitter for Websites #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 2 RT @KarenSwim: Toasting @KellyeCrane for her vision and this community of solo smarties! Here's to 5 more rocking years! #solopr velo_city 1:56pm via TweetChat powered by oneQube Glad to have found y'all! MT @KarenSwim Toasting @KellyeCrane for her vision & this community of solo smarties! #solopr JanetLFalk 1:56pm via Twitter Web Client Congrats and happy Anniversary to @KellyeCrane for building and sustaiing the #soloPR community. See you in two weeks. KristK 1:56pm via Twitter for Websites RT @KarenSwim: Toasting @KellyeCrane for her vision and this community of solo smarties! Here's to 5 more rocking years! #solopr 3HatsComm 1:56pm via TweetDeck Ha @dariasteigman I remember that.. totally surprised, didn't know any of y'all would be there! @rajean @KellyeCrane @markwschaefer #soloPR KarenSwim 1:56pm via tchat.io Au revoir mes amies! #solopr dariasteigman 1:56pm via TweetDeck RT @KarenSwim: Toasting @KellyeCrane for her vision and this community of solo smarties! Here's to 5 more rocking years! #solopr #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 3 thecharlesiwas 1:56pm via Twitter for Android RT @KellyeCrane: A2: Big Q, but I’ve learned just how many ways there are to run a business. 1 size not for all #solopr KarenSwim 1:56pm via tchat.io @gregwbrooks Be safe! #solopr Vruno 1:55pm via Twitter Web Client A6: I have few yet, but welcome all to help me change that. linkedin.com/in/kristinehus… #solopr phyllisweisspr 1:55pm via Twitter for Websites RT @KarenSwim: Toasting @KellyeCrane for her vision and this community of solo smarties! Here's to 5 more rocking years! #solopr dariasteigman 1:55pm via TweetDeck RT @gregwbrooks: Gotta scoot -- brushfires. Congrats to @KellyeCrane for turning a good idea into an extraordinary community. #solopr phyllisweisspr 1:55pm via Twitter for Websites #solopr Also need to run to meet with my client/friend. Thank you #soloPR. KarenSwim 1:55pm via tchat.io #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 4 Toasting @KellyeCrane for her vision and this community of solo smarties! Here's to 5 more rocking years! #solopr dariasteigman 1:55pm via TweetDeck @rajean @KellyeCrane Oh, yes. It took us 2 hotels, but then I got to meet @3HatsComm, @markwschaefer for 1st time too. #solopr SoloPR 1:55pm via tchat.io Five years is forever on the Internet, and there's a reason #SoloPR has staying power - we're in this together!! KateRobins 1:55pm via Twitter Web Client RT @SoloPR: It’s @KristK, and we’ll be sending her a #Solopr gift especially selected for Kristie, looking something like this: http://t.copic.twitter.com/nfkBar5HXW KristK 1:55pm via tchat.io @3HatsComm And TCU! #solopr 3HatsComm 1:55pm via TweetDeck @KristK OMG! the state of MS just imploded all reason and logic in the world of college football! Geaux SEC. :) #soloPR phyllisweisspr 1:54pm via Twitter for Websites RT @gregwbrooks: Gotta scoot -- brushfires. Congrats to @KellyeCrane for turning a good idea into an extraordinary community. #solopr #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 5 gregwbrooks 1:54pm via Twitter Web Client Gotta scoot -- brushfires. Congrats to @KellyeCrane for turning a good idea into an extraordinary community. #solopr SoloPR 1:54pm via tchat.io Thanks to all of you- veterans and newbies alike- for your participation & support of #SoloPR for more than 5 years! velo_city 1:54pm via TweetChat powered by oneQube Fun! RT @KristK @SoloPR I just SQUEE-ed very loudly, more than I did after seeing the most recent AP Football standings. #solopr phyllisweisspr 1:54pm via Twitter for Websites RT @rajean: I trust you found that happy hour @dariasteigman @KellyeCrane! #solopr Where we work hard, think hard, play as hard as we can h… NovaComms 1:54pm via TweetDeck Cheers!! RT @SoloPR: It’s @KristK, and we’ll be sending her a #Solopr gift - something like this: pic.twitter.com/rZpyBvAnGr rajean 1:54pm via Twitter Web Client I trust you found that happy hour @dariasteigman @KellyeCrane! #solopr Where we work hard, think hard, play as hard as we can handle. #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 6 KarenSwim 1:54pm via tchat.io RT @SoloPR: Thanks to @KristK, who's always quick with a wine-related quip, for her loyalty and support all these years! #solopr KristK 1:54pm via tchat.io @SoloPR I just SQUEE-ed very loudly, more than I did after seeing the most recent AP Football standings. #solopr JenMarsikFriess 1:54pm via Twitter for Websites Congrats @KristK! #solopr 3HatsComm 1:54pm via TweetDeck RT @SoloPR: It’s @KristK, and we’ll be sending her a #Solopr gift especially selected for Kristie, looking something like this: http://t.copic.twitter.com/nfkBar5HXW phyllisweisspr 1:53pm via Twitter for Websites RT @SoloPR: Thanks to @KristK, who's always quick with a wine-related quip, for her loyalty and support all these years! #solopr PaulaJohns 1:53pm via tchat.io Nice! MT @SoloPR: It’s @KristK, and we’ll be sending her a #Solopr gift looking something like this: pic.twitter.com/XwCdw7h1Hc #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 7 dariasteigman 1:53pm via TweetDeck @KateRobins And #solopr's 5th Birthday too. SoloPR 1:53pm via tchat.io Thanks to @KristK, who's always quick with a wine-related quip, for her loyalty and support all these years! #solopr JasMollica 1:53pm via Twitter for iPhone RT @SoloPR: She was highlighted in our very *first* chat recap (soloprpro.com/tapping-the-co…) and in our most recent one too... #solopr velo_city 1:53pm via TweetChat powered by oneQube A6 18 people liked & 15 commented on the FB page post I made introducing myself, so if I count those... #solopr KarenSwim 1:53pm via tchat.io Congrats @KristK! #solopr dariasteigman 1:53pm via TweetDeck Woohoo! It’s @KristK, and we’ll be sending her a #Solopr gift .. looking something like this: bit.ly/1v2BBLJ SoloPR 1:52pm via tchat.io #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 8 It’s @KristK, and we’ll be sending her a #Solopr gift especially selected for Kristie, looking something like this: pic.twitter.com/nfkBar5HXW JanetLFalk 1:52pm via Twitter Web Client @SoloPR *drumroll* please as the long-time member is announced #solopr KateRobins 1:52pm via Twitter Web Client @dariasteigman Oh shoot! I missed another! Saw your tweet, wondered what the .. you were talking about and realized it was Wed. #solopr KristK 1:52pm via tchat.io @NovaComms There's prob about 20 former co-workers that I'd HANG on sight. LOL #solopr dariasteigman 1:52pm via TweetDeck I was not in the first few chats. Loved the solo piece, but had to figure out it wasn't just "PR." #solopr KellyeCrane 1:52pm via TweetDeck It’s @KristK, and we’ll be sending her a #Solopr gift especially selected for Kristie, looking something like this: pic.twitter.com/DCZMLMMz4r KarenSwim 1:51pm via Twitter for Websites RT @phyllisweisspr: Q5: We're in this together and feel every #soloPR member is a friend. #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 9 SoloPR 1:51pm via tchat.io She was highlighted in our very *first* chat recap (soloprpro.com/tapping-the-co…) and in our most recent one too... #solopr dariasteigman 1:51pm via TweetDeck When does the confetti drop down? #solopr phyllisweisspr 1:51pm via Twitter for Websites Q5: We're in this together and feel every #soloPR member is a friend. KristK 1:51pm via tchat.io A6: Rough estimate to how #solopr has expanded my network = 250 NovaComms 1:51pm via TweetDeck Lots of huggers in the group! RT @KristK: A6: I'm thinking there's 20 or so that I'd hug on sight. #solopr SoloPR 1:50pm via tchat.io Finally, we have many wonderful long-time chatters, but only one has been with us since the *very* beginning. #solopr SoloPR 1:50pm via tchat.io Thanks for your answers to a fun Q6! #solopr #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 10 dariasteigman 1:50pm via TweetDeck Well put. RT @KristK: A6: I'm thinking there's 20 or so that I'd hug on sight. #solopr phyllisweisspr 1:50pm via Twitter for Websites RT @dariasteigman: You might not know that @KellyeCrane and I first bonded in person while driving around town looking for happy hour. #solopr dariasteigman 1:50pm via TweetDeck You might not know that @KellyeCrane and I first bonded in person while driving around town looking for happy hour. #solopr KristK 1:50pm via tchat.io A6: I'm thinking there's 20 or so that I'd hug on sight. #solopr KellyeCrane 1:49pm via TweetDeck @rajean Great to hear! #solopr cloudspark 1:49pm via Twitter for iPhone a6: 24, plus another 50+ more informally. #soloPR JanetLFalk 1:49pm via Twitter Web Client @cloudspark @akenn And now my daughters are more than 25 -- and one is a therapist! #solopr #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 11 SoloPR 1:49pm via tchat.io RT @rajean: Q6. My answer: Easily 50+, thankfully. #solopr I may not be as consistent in these chats as in the past, but still passionate! dariasteigman 1:49pm via TweetDeck Yes! RT @SoloPR: And toes! RT @dariasteigman: More than I can count with my fingers. #solopr JenMarsikFriess 1:49pm via Twitter for Websites Yes, SO GREAT! RT @NovaComms: @SoloPR SO many friends made at the #SoloPR conference earlier this year. SoloPR 1:49pm via tchat.io RT @KarenSwim: A6: About 128 :-) #solopr rajean 1:49pm via Twitter Web Client Q6. My answer: Easily 50+, thankfully. #solopr I may not be as consistent in these chats as in the past, but still passionate! KarenSwim 1:48pm via tchat.io Ha! Love it! RT @decillis: @SoloPR A6: I couldn't even begin to estimate. Let's just say a CRAPTON. #solopr #scientificmeasurements JanetLFalk 1:48pm via Twitter Web Client #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 12 @cloudspark @akenn My Mantra: When she's 25, her therapist will help her see my perspective. #solopr KarenSwim 1:48pm via tchat.io A6: About 128 :-) #solopr decillis 1:48pm via TweetDeck @SoloPR A6: I couldn't even begin to estimate. Let's just say a CRAPTON. #solopr #scientificmeasurements NovaComms 1:48pm via TweetDeck @SoloPR SO many friends made at the #SoloPR conference earlier this year. SoloPR 1:47pm via tchat.io Hee hee RT @NovaComms: A6: At least 30 but probably more. Not good at math, that’s why I’m in this biz :) #solopr REDMEDIAPR 1:47pm via Twitter for iPad @SoloPR a solid 24 #SoloPR SoloPR 1:47pm via tchat.io And toes! RT @dariasteigman: More than I can count with my fingers. #solopr KellyeCrane 1:47pm via TweetDeck #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 13 Yes, this is silly :-) RT @SoloPR: Q6: Estimate how many new friends/colleagues you now have as a result of #solopr NovaComms 1:47pm via TweetDeck A6: At least 30 but probably more. Not good at math, that’s why I’m in this biz :) #solopr dariasteigman 1:47pm via TweetDeck More than I can count with my fingers. RT @SoloPR: Q6: Estimate how many new friends/colleagues you now have as a result of #solopr rajean 1:47pm via Twitter Web Client RT @SoloPR: Let's get collaborating! Remember, members and non-members alike can take advantage of Find a PR Consultant http://t.co/9H6W3Dx#solopra href='http://t.co/9H6W3DxMSm' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>soloprpro.com/find-a-pr-cons… KellyeCrane 1:47pm via TweetDeck @KarenSwim Thanks to you and everyone else here for helping! #solopr KristK 1:47pm via Twitter for Websites RT @SoloPR: Q6: Estimate how many new friends/colleagues you now have as a result of #solopr JanetLFalk 1:46pm via Twitter Web Client @akenn Agree that every age of child(ren) has its moments and its lesser/stress-inducing moments. #solopr #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 14 cloudspark 1:46pm via Twitter for iPhone @akenn @JanetLFalk as i repeat the mantra "it's just a stage, it's a stage..." #solopr SoloPR 1:46pm via tchat.io Q6: Estimate how many new friends/colleagues you now have as a result of #solopr jlwitte 1:46pm via Twitter Web Client @phyllisweisspr: Mixing clients and friendships is an awesome perk. #solopr SoloPR 1:45pm via tchat.io Great answers to Q5! Q6 is for fun... #solopr KarenSwim 1:45pm via tchat.io @KellyeCrane You have done this beautifully! #solopr akenn 1:45pm via tchat.io @JanetLFalk I try to enjoy every stage of parenting. It's always changing. Flexibility in my work life has been huge. #solopr SoloPR 1:44pm via tchat.io Well said! RT @NovaComms: @KarenSwim I must travel, explore and experience! #solopr #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 15 KarenSwim 1:44pm via tchat.io @cloudspark So true! #solopr NovaComms 1:44pm via TweetDeck @kcwriter Thanks Kelle! #solopr akenn 1:44pm via tchat.io @KellyeCrane yeah...your scale has tipped toward the "life" section of work/life a lot #solopr SoloPR 1:44pm via tchat.io MT @Vruno: Q5 - To build my practice as "cause broker" aligning brands & public figures w/charities to raise more $ & awareness #soloPR cloudspark 1:44pm via Twitter for iPhone @KarenSwim keep going to places you love (best way to stay present) #solopr 3HatsComm 1:44pm via TweetDeck @KristK more consulting and strategy yes, less day-to-day tactical execution .. that sounds like plan! #soloPR kcwriter 1:44pm via TweetChat powered by oneQube @NovaComms That's a good goal. I like that. #solopr #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 16 phyllisweisspr 1:43pm via Twitter for Websites RT @SoloPR: RT @KristK: A5: in 2020, I'd like to do more counseling and strategic work -- making a difference, beyond making a splash. #solopr SoloPR 1:43pm via tchat.io Great one! RT @phyllisweisspr: #solopr Q5 In five years, I hope to continue being "friends" with and enjoying my clients. SoloPR 1:43pm via tchat.io RT @KristK: A5: in 2020, I'd like to do more counseling and strategic work -- making a difference, beyond making a splash. #solopr phyllisweisspr 1:43pm via Twitter for Websites RT @JanetLFalk: @akenn In 5 years your 18 yo will leave the nest. You'll have worked very hard to make that happen Rejoice at the prospect.#solopr KristK 1:43pm via tchat.io A5: And I'd need to renew my new passport early because I've run out of pages, traveling b/t US and my second home in the tropics. #solopr JanetLFalk 1:43pm via Twitter Web Client @akenn In 5 years your 18 yo will leave the nest. You'll have worked very hard to make that happen Rejoice at the prospect. I did. #solopr #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 17 KellyeCrane 1:43pm via TweetDeck @akenn I’m also hoping life will start cooperating with my ambitions, rather than thwarting them. :-) #solopr jlwitte 1:43pm via Twitter Web Client RT @KellyeCrane: A5: Continuing to have fun every day helping make the lives of my fellow #solopr pros better. That’s my mission in life! KarenSwim 1:43pm via tchat.io @REDMEDIAPR Practice makes perfect :-) #solopr phyllisweisspr 1:42pm via Twitter for Websites #solopr Q5 In five years, I hope to continue being "friends" with and enjoying my clients. KarenSwim 1:42pm via tchat.io RT @KristK: A5: in 2020, I'd like to do more counseling and strategic work -- making a difference, beyond making a splash. #solopr REDMEDIAPR 1:42pm via Echofon Not totally there but each vacay is better RT @KarenSwim: A5: a master vacation taker, I take them and then actually do not work #solopr KarenSwim 1:42pm via tchat.io #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 18 @kcwriter Comically so, but yes! Wi-fi made it more of an adventure than intended, lol! #solopr KristK 1:42pm via tchat.io A5: in 2020, I'd like to do more counseling and strategic work -- making a difference, beyond making a splash. #solopr 3HatsComm 1:42pm via TweetDeck real A5: something 'else' - not sure if it's #soloPR or not, but doing the work I enjoy and am really good at, less of the rest. NovaComms 1:42pm via TweetDeck @KarenSwim I must travel, explore and experience! #solopr Vruno 1:42pm via Twitter Web Client Q5 - To build my practice as "cause broker" aligning brands & public figures w/best-in-class charities to raise more $ & awareness #soloPR KellyeCrane 1:42pm via TweetDeck A5: Continuing to have fun every day helping make the lives of my fellow #solopr pros better. That’s my mission in life! KarenSwim 1:41pm via tchat.io @velo_city I'll let you know as soon as I master it, lol! #solopr #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 19 JenMarsikFriess 1:41pm via Twitter for Websites Like @JanetLFalk's destination client. I hope to transition to clients whose biz/service is something I'm very passionate about. #solopr kcwriter 1:41pm via TweetChat powered by oneQube You didn't work in Paris ?! RT @KarenSwim A5: Also a master vacation taker, as in I take them and then actually do not work #solopr KarenSwim 1:41pm via tchat.io C'est possible! RT @NovaComms: A5: Running a successful #solo business and living in another country #solopr akenn 1:41pm via tchat.io Family has driven a lot of my #soloPR decisions. In five years I will have an 18 year old in the house! velo_city 1:41pm via TweetChat powered by oneQube One can do that? RT @KarenSwim A5: Also a master vacation taker, as in I take them and then actually do not work #solopr SoloPR 1:41pm via tchat.io RT @KarenSwim: A5: Still solo, collaborating with more solo partners, deepened expertise and wonderful clients #solopr #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 20 kcwriter 1:41pm via TweetChat powered by oneQube @SoloPR Thanks! Really appreciate the encouragement #solopr KarenSwim 1:40pm via tchat.io A5: Also a master vacation taker, as in I take them and then actually do not work #solopr NovaComms 1:40pm via TweetDeck A5: Running a successful #solo business and living in another country #solopr cloudspark 1:40pm via Twitter for iPhone a5: balanced in life demands and making a difference for others #solopr SoloPR 1:40pm via tchat.io Love RT @REDMEDIAPR: Continuing to grow my biz, enjoying these chats and more importantly my life. That is why I went solo. Balance #solopr 3HatsComm 1:40pm via TweetDeck @cloudspark well it's been the plan a while now, alas the PowerBall folks aren't too cooperative. :) #soloPR SoloPR 1:40pm via tchat.io You can do it! Really. RT @kcwriter: A5: I'd like to be one of those six-figure writers. #solopr #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 21 dariasteigman 1:40pm via TweetDeck And, like @JenMarsikFriess, enjoying a World Series win. :) #solopr SoloPR 1:40pm via tchat.io RT @JanetLFalk: .@SoloPR Representing a cultural institution in a destination location. Easy to get PR in local and travel media. #solopr KarenSwim 1:39pm via tchat.io A5: Still solo, collaborating with more solo partners, deepened expertise and wonderful clients #solopr SoloPR 1:39pm via tchat.io Good goal! MT @velo_city: A5 ...Work-wise: uber confident in skills to help others w/communication needs. #solopr phyllisweisspr 1:39pm via Twitter for Websites RT @dariasteigman: THIS. RT @REDMEDIAPR: Continuing to grow my biz, enjoying these chats and more importantly my life. That is why I went s#solopr cloudspark 1:39pm via Twitter for iPhone @3HatsComm you have a good plan #solopr dariasteigman 1:39pm via TweetDeck #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 22 THIS. RT @REDMEDIAPR: Continuing to grow my biz, enjoying these chats and more importantly my life. That is why I went solo. Balance #solopr SDITSystems 1:39pm via RoundTeam RT @PaulaJohns: A5 Just a bit. Looking forward to more collaboration in the future. #soloPR SoloPR 1:39pm via tchat.io OK this is funny- I'm sensing a theme in these first answers! LOL #solopr REDMEDIAPR 1:39pm via Twitter for iPad Continuing to grow my biz, enjoying these chats and more importantly my life. That is why I went solo. Balance #solopr kcwriter 1:39pm via TweetChat powered by oneQube A5: I'd like to be one of those six-figure writers. #solopr dariasteigman 1:38pm via TweetDeck Or dessert island. RT @KellyeCrane: A5: Desert island? :-) #solopr gregwbrooks 1:38pm via Twitter Web Client A5: Right here. With more money and his same Big Gulp cup. #solopr JanetLFalk 1:38pm via Twitter Web Client #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 23 .@SoloPR Representing a cultural institution in a destination location. Easy to get PR in local and travel media. #solopr KellyeCrane 1:38pm via TweetDeck A5: Desert island? :-) #solopr velo_city 1:38pm via TweetChat powered by oneQube A5 Five years from now? A beach in Bali. :) Work-wise: uber confident in skills to help others w/communication needs. #solopr phyllisweisspr 1:38pm via Twitter for Websites RT @KellyeCrane: RT @SoloPR: Q5: Where would you like to be five years from now? #solopr KristK 1:38pm via Twitter for Websites RT @cloudspark: proof: took a bit of advice from @gregwbrooks and put it in my whiteboard for keeps #solopr 3HatsComm 1:38pm via TweetDeck A5 retired, on a beach, counting my lottery winnings w/ the hand not holding a frosty beverage. #soloPR dariasteigman 1:38pm via TweetDeck Still happy & solo. And maybe standing atop Mt. Kilimanjaro. RT @SoloPR: Q5: Where would you like to be five years from now? #solopr #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 24 JenMarsikFriess 1:38pm via Twitter for Websites Very cool! MT @JanetLFalk: Recently contacted by a prospect who searched #solopr database for NYCbased pros. Lesson: maintain your profile KellyeCrane 1:38pm via TweetDeck RT @SoloPR: Q5: Where would you like to be five years from now? #solopr cloudspark 1:37pm via Twitter for iPhone proof: took a bit of advice from @gregwbrooks and put it in my whiteboard for keeps #solopr SoloPR 1:37pm via tchat.io Yes, PRO member benefit! RT @JanetLFalk: .@SoloPR Recently was contacted by a prospect who searched #solopr database for NYC-based pros. KristK 1:37pm via Twitter for Websites RT @SoloPR: Q5: Where would you like to be five years from now? #solopr SoloPR 1:37pm via tchat.io Q5: Where would you like to be five years from now? #solopr phyllisweisspr 1:37pm via Twitter for Websites #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 25 RT @JanetLFalk: .@SoloPR Recently was contacted by a prospect who searched #solopr database for NYC-based pros. Lesson: maintain your profi… dariasteigman 1:37pm via TweetDeck We pre-vet by our words, actions. RT @cloudspark: There is inherent trust to this group making it more likely to collaborate #solopr JanetLFalk 1:36pm via Twitter Web Client .@SoloPR Recently was contacted by a prospect who searched #solopr database for NYC-based pros. Lesson: maintain your profile 3HatsComm 1:36pm via TweetDeck RT @SoloPR: Let's get collaborating! Remember, members and non-members alike can take advantage of Find a PR Consultant http://t.co/9H6W3Dx#solopra href='http://t.co/9H6W3DxMSm' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>soloprpro.com/find-a-pr-cons… SoloPR 1:36pm via tchat.io We’ll randomly select a winner from the answers to Q5… #solopr kcwriter 1:36pm via TweetChat powered by oneQube MT @SoloPR Remember, members and non-members alike can take advantage of Find a PR Consultant soloprpro.com/find-a-pr-cons… #solopr SoloPR 1:36pm via tchat.io Jack will provide this winner w/a custom virtual sales training- use for your own biz or one of your clientsbig value! #solopr #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 26 Vruno 1:36pm via Twitter Web Client A4 I definitely hope to collaborate. I have had an exchange with one member they may result in a project. #SoloPR phyllisweisspr 1:36pm via Twitter for Websites RT @SoloPR: Let's get collaborating! Remember, members and non-members alike can take advantage of Find a PR Consultant http://t.co/9H6W3Dx#solopra href='http://t.co/9H6W3DxMSm' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>soloprpro.com/find-a-pr-cons… SoloPR 1:35pm via tchat.io Next, we have another gift from @lisagerber’s client @JackVincent... #solopr JenMarsikFriess 1:35pm via Twitter for Websites Yes! RT @cloudspark: @SoloPR and? there is inherent trust to this group making it more likely to collaborate #solopr REDMEDIAPR 1:35pm via Twitter for iPad RT @SoloPR: Let's get collaborating! Remember, members and non-members alike can take advantage of Find a PR Consultant http://t.co/9H6W3Dx#solopra href='http://t.co/9H6W3DxMSm' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>soloprpro.com/find-a-pr-cons… SoloPR 1:34pm via tchat.io Let's get collaborating! Remember, members and non-members alike can take advantage of Find a PR Consultant soloprpro.com/find-a-pr-cons… #solopr #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 27 KristK 1:34pm via Twitter for Websites RT @dariasteigman: A friend of mine says that 'we need each other to grow our businesses." That's also spirit of #solopr. velo_city 1:34pm via TweetChat powered by oneQube Hope to. Looks like a bright bunch! RT @SoloPR Stick around, and you just might! RT @velo_city A4 Brand new to Solo PR, so not yet. #solopr dariasteigman 1:34pm via TweetDeck A friend of mine says that 'we need each other to grow our businesses." That's also spirit of #solopr. phyllisweisspr 1:34pm via Twitter for Websites RT @dariasteigman: We'll give you THAT crown. RT @gregwbrooks: Is Q5 about #SoloPR prom? Because I realllllly want to be prom king. cloudspark 1:34pm via Twitter for iPhone @SoloPR and? there is inherent trust to this group making it more likely to collaborate #solopr SoloPR 1:33pm via TweetDeck RT @3HatsComm: A4 done a little speaking w/ #soloPR connection, a few pitches but haven't had opp to partner yet. jlwitte 1:33pm via Twitter Web Client #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 28 Q4. I have collaborated with 2 people. One worked out fantastic! The other person took a fulltime job.#solopr SoloPR 1:33pm via TweetDeck Stick around, and you just might! RT @velo_city: A4 - Brand new to Solo PR, so not yet. #solopr SoloPR 1:32pm via TweetDeck RT @cloudspark: a4: i have partnered as others have skills better than or compliments to mine #solopr PaulaJohns 1:32pm via tchat.io A5 Just a bit. Looking forward to more collaboration in the future. #soloPR phyllisweisspr 1:32pm via Twitter for Websites #solopr Q4 Just joined this year, and have talked to a few solos offline.Hope to collaborate someday. SoloPR 1:32pm via TweetDeck RT @SoloPR: Q4: Have you collaborated on work with anyone you’ve met via #solopr? #solopr 3HatsComm 1:32pm via TweetDeck A4 done a little speaking w/ #soloPR connection, a few pitches but haven't had opp to partner yet. velo_city 1:31pm via TweetChat powered by oneQube #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 29 A4 - Brand new to Solo PR, so not yet. #solopr SoloPR 1:31pm via tchat.io MT @KristK: A4: I've had #solopr pals speak to professional groups and had the good luck to work with a few too. PaulaJohns 1:31pm via tchat.io @gregwbrooks Greg, you are already prom king. You should know that by now. :) #soloPR JanetLFalk 1:31pm via Twitter Web Client @3HatsComm Have you collaborated with anyone from #solopr community? kcwriter 1:31pm via TweetChat powered by oneQube Exactly! RT @cloudspark a3: aside from professional camaraderie, this is an informal brain trust we can tap into as needed #solopr cloudspark 1:31pm via Twitter for iPhone a4: i have partnered as others have sills better than or compliments to mine #solopr 3HatsComm 1:31pm via TweetDeck RT @REDMEDIAPR: Not yet but working on it. There are so many great minds here I would love to collab (not pick) with! #solopr #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 30 SoloPR 1:31pm via tchat.io Well, you're the only fella here right now, so... RT @gregwbrooks: Is Q5 about #SoloPR prom? Because I realllllly want to be prom king. dariasteigman 1:31pm via TweetDeck We'll give you THAT crown. RT @gregwbrooks: Is Q5 about #SoloPR prom? Because I realllllly want to be prom king. SoloPR 1:30pm via tchat.io Fingers crossed! RT @dariasteigman: A4 Not yet, but have partnered to bid on something that's still pending. (Fingers crossed.) #solopr gregwbrooks 1:30pm via Twitter Web Client Is Q5 about #SoloPR prom? Because I realllllly want to be prom king. dariasteigman 1:30pm via TweetDeck RT @SoloPR: Q4: Have you collaborated on work with anyone you’ve met via #solopr? #solopr KristK 1:30pm via tchat.io A4: I've had #solopr pals speak to professional groups (hello, I'm near the beach, folks!) and had the good luck to work with a few too. REDMEDIAPR 1:30pm via Twitter for iPad #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 31 Not yet but working on it. There are so many great minds here I would love to collab (not pick) with! #solopr 3HatsComm 1:30pm via TweetDeck missed Q4 #soloPR KellyeCrane 1:30pm via TweetDeck A4: Yes! I’ve worked for and with many #solopr community folks. It’s the first place I look to send referrals, too. KarenSwim 1:30pm via tchat.io @JenMarsikFriess Lol! Thanks for that, especially today, totally jet lagged but could not miss this chat! #solopr dariasteigman 1:30pm via TweetDeck A4 Not yet, but have partnered to bid on something that's still pending. (Fingers crossed.) #solopr akenn 1:29pm via tchat.io Same. And I think many others feel this way too. RT @NovaComms A4: Not yet, but it’s been on my mind... #solopr KarenSwim 1:29pm via tchat.io Bien sur (of course) ! RT @SoloPR: Q4: Have you collaborated on work with anyone you’ve met via #solopr? #solopr #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 32 JanetLFalk 1:29pm via Twitter Web Client @SoloPR Would love to collaborate. Waiting for right opportunity. #solopr NovaComms 1:29pm via TweetDeck A4: Not yet, but it’s been on my mind and I’d love to see more collaboration between solos here. #solopr KellyeCrane 1:29pm via TweetDeck RT @KristK: A3: #solopr re-affirms my best ideas, speaks truth for those not-so-brilliant ones, and shares solutions so I can be smarter mo… KristK 1:28pm via Twitter for Websites RT @SoloPR: Q4: Have you collaborated on work with anyone you’ve met via #solopr? #solopr dariasteigman 1:28pm via TweetDeck @gregwbrooks It's really sad how many groups fail b/c people are just selling and thus see everyone else as competition. #solopr cloudspark 1:28pm via Twitter for iPhone RT @KristK: A3: #solopr re-affirms my best ideas, speaks truth for those not-so-brilliant ones, and shares solutions so I can be smarter mo… KristK 1:28pm via Twitter for Websites #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 33 RT @KarenSwim: A3: This community is the wind beneath my wings! I am bolder and more confident bc I am not alone. #solopr KellyeCrane 1:28pm via TweetDeck RT @SoloPR: Q4: Have you collaborated on work with anyone you’ve met via #solopr? #solopr 3HatsComm 1:28pm via TweetDeck A3 chatting on #soloPR makes me think I'm smarter than I think I am, that I might maybe know I'm talking about .. learning from smarties :) JenMarsikFriess 1:28pm via Twitter for Websites See, @KarenSwim? You ARE fast! ;) #solopr cloudspark 1:28pm via Twitter for iPhone @dariasteigman +1 to the respect of each other to not be selling it #solopr KarenSwim 1:28pm via tchat.io @SoloPR Whoa, seriously? So excited, than you @jlwitte and @KellyeCrane! Best.chat.ever. #solopr SoloPR 1:28pm via tchat.io Q4: Have you collaborated on work with anyone you’ve met via #solopr? #solopr jlwitte 1:28pm via Twitter Web Client #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 34 The authentic attitudes are priceless. Makes me feel less crazy and more confident on those down or challenging days. #solopr siewlee1818 1:27pm via RoundTeam RT @JanetLFalk: .@gregwbrooks Thanks for always reminding us to ask about the budget #solopr SoloPR 1:27pm via tchat.io .@KarenSwim is the winner of the charger – thank you again @jlwitte for your support! #solopr KristK 1:27pm via tchat.io A3: #solopr re-affirms my best ideas, speaks truth for those not-so-brilliant ones, and shares solutions so I can be smarter more often gregwbrooks 1:27pm via Twitter Web Client @dariasteigman What I heard: "Yes, Greg, I'd like to buy your new e-book..." :) #solopr dariasteigman 1:27pm via TweetDeck @cloudspark You had hang out for the Big 5.0. :) As did I. #solopr KarenSwim 1:26pm via tchat.io @3HatsComm @REDMEDIAPR It's true I can't RT fast enough!...Beaches, lol! #solopr cloudspark 1:26pm via Twitter for iPhone #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 35 a3: aside from professional camaraderie, this is an informal brain trust we can tap into as needed #solopr SoloPR 1:26pm via tchat.io You all are the best! Q4 is coming up... #solopr KarenSwim 1:26pm via tchat.io A3: Saying YES to all these comments and wrapping you all in a group hug! #solopr 3HatsComm 1:26pm via TweetDeck @REDMEDIAPR heh.. had the same thought.. BEACHES! :) @KarenSwim can hardly keep up w/ #soloPR today phyllisweisspr 1:25pm via Twitter for Websites RT @KarenSwim: A3: This community is the wind beneath my wings! I am bolder and more confident bc I am not alone. #solopr dariasteigman 1:25pm via TweetDeck A3 I'd add the generosity of the community. It's the rare group where we're helping, learning -- not selling. #solopr REDMEDIAPR 1:25pm via Echofon Sing it Bette RT @KarenSwim: A3: This community is the wind beneath my wings! I am bolder and more confident bc I am not alone. #solopr #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 36 cloudspark 1:25pm via Twitter for iPhone missing these chats, but trying to catch up today #solopr KellyeCrane 1:25pm via TweetDeck @gregwbrooks Interesting! You’ll have to tell me about it sometime. #solopr phyllisweisspr 1:25pm via Twitter for Websites A3 #solopr Shows me we are all walking in each other's shoes. PaulaJohns 1:25pm via tchat.io A3 Love the insight and advice for issues I face every day. Great perspectives from so many smart people. #soloPR JenMarsikFriess 1:25pm via Twitter for Websites A3 Yes @dariasteigman! Learning not to be be afraid to ask my dumb Qs has been very liberating! #solopr 3HatsComm 1:24pm via TweetDeck RT @KristK: A3: You're my people. #solopr KarenSwim 1:24pm via tchat.io I <3 you! RT @KristK: A3: You're my people. #solopr #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 37 SoloPR 1:24pm via tchat.io MT @Vruno: A3: Empathy, wise counsel and possible solutions to issues-there's not one that at least a few of us hasn't seen before. #SoloPR KarenSwim 1:24pm via tchat.io Yes! MT @kcwriter: different perspectives on common issues.. and also good preventive resource #solopr KristK 1:24pm via tchat.io A3: You're my people. #solopr SoloPR 1:24pm via tchat.io Me too RT @kcwriter: A3 I get different perspectives on common issues, and find out about ones I hadn't thought of... #solopr KristK 1:24pm via Twitter for Websites RT @SoloPR: Q3: Why do you participate in the #solopr community? What does #solopr offer you can’t get anywhere else? KarenSwim 1:23pm via tchat.io A3: This community is the wind beneath my wings! I am bolder and more confident bc I am not alone. #solopr 3HatsComm 1:23pm via TweetDeck #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 38 @dariasteigman IDK I can be pretty clueless sometimes ;-) bit.ly/1vQUNuF #soloPR Vruno 1:23pm via Twitter Web Client A3: Empathy, wise counsel and possible solutions to issues because there's not one that at least a few of us hasn't seen before. #SoloPR kcwriter 1:23pm via TweetChat powered by oneQube A3 I get different perspectives on common issues, and find out about ones I hadn't thought of, so it's also good preventive resource #solopr SoloPR 1:23pm via tchat.io RT @JenMarsikFriess: A3 All the reasons just mentioned. The education and support is invaluable! #solopr JanetLFalk 1:23pm via Twitter Web Client Reviews of tips and tools in #SM, an area I should more frequently monitor #solopr KellyeCrane 1:23pm via TweetDeck A3: #solopr allows us to get to know each other better than we might otherwise. Real friendships are formed!! gregwbrooks 1:23pm via Twitter Web Client A3: Was part of a hand-picked community trying something similar for years. They fell apart. You haven't. #solopr #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 39 akenn 1:23pm via tchat.io We're from all diff geographies so there's a sense of confidentiality too. Don't typically know the people/clients we talk about #solopr REDMEDIAPR 1:23pm via Echofon A3 support, great feedback and insights and no BS is why I show up every week #solopr SoloPR 1:22pm via tchat.io Not a one RT @dariasteigman: A3 A place to ask Qs -- where there are no dumb Qs. #solopr SoloPR 1:21pm via tchat.io Agree! RT @KarenSwim: A3: A kick butt community that totally has my back! #solopr JenMarsikFriess 1:21pm via Twitter for Websites A3 All the reasons just mentioned. The education and support is invaluable! #solopr phyllisweisspr 1:21pm via Twitter for Websites RT @dariasteigman: A3 A place to ask Qs -- where there are no dumb Qs. #solopr dariasteigman 1:21pm via TweetDeck A3 A place to ask Qs -- where there are no dumb Qs. #solopr #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 40 3HatsComm 1:21pm via TweetDeck RT @KellyeCrane: A2: There’s always more to learn. It’s what this community was founded on, and still teaches me every day. #solopr SoloPR 1:21pm via tchat.io Good one! RT @JanetLFalk: A2 Ask for the budget is best advice gotten from #solopr JanetLFalk 1:21pm via Twitter Web Client .@gregwbrooks Thanks for always reminding us to ask about the budget #solopr kcwriter 1:21pm via TweetChat powered by oneQube Those are my favorites too MT @PaulaJohns A2 Advice around social, biz best practices and client issues has been great. #soloPR phyllisweisspr 1:21pm via Twitter for Websites RT @KarenSwim: A3: A kick butt community that totally has my back! #solopr KellyeCrane 1:21pm via TweetDeck @Vruno Hi Kris- glad to have you! And thanks to @arikhanson for helping spread the word. #solopr phyllisweisspr 1:20pm via Twitter for Websites #solopr Q3 Community, moral support and great ideas. #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 41 KristK 1:20pm via Twitter Web Client yes, @3HatsComm! When I am my harshest critic, my #solopr pals set me straight and propped me up with confidence and support. JanetLFalk 1:20pm via Twitter Web Client A2 Ask for the budget is best advice gotten from #solopr KarenSwim 1:20pm via tchat.io A3: A kick butt community that totally has my back! #solopr REDMEDIAPR 1:20pm via Echofon RT @KellyeCrane: A2: There’s always more to learn. It’s what this community was founded on, and still teaches me every day. #solopr dariasteigman 1:20pm via TweetDeck @Vruno Welcome! Hopefully this will be your first visit of many. @arikhanson @KellyeCrane #solopr KarenSwim 1:20pm via tchat.io RT @SoloPR: Q3: Why do you participate in the #solopr community? What does #solopr offer you can’t get anywhere else? SoloPR 1:20pm via tchat.io #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 42 Q3: Why do you participate in the #solopr community? What does #solopr offer you can’t get anywhere else? SoloPR 1:20pm via tchat.io The first person to answer the next question will win a portable power bank charger, courtesy of #SoloPR Pro Premium member @jlwitte! dariasteigman 1:20pm via TweetDeck @akenn @3HatsComm This is also why I love Urban Dictionary. #solopr 3HatsComm 1:20pm via TweetDeck @akenn YW, here to help :) #soloPR Vruno 1:19pm via Twitter Web Client A2: This is my first #solopr chat. Thanks for letting me participate. Thanks to @arikhanson for introducing me to your group, @KellyeCrane! JanetLFalk 1:19pm via Twitter Web Client A1 I hung up my shingle in January, launched my website in March and was hustling for clients 5 yrs ago #solopr SoloPR 1:19pm via tchat.io Thanks everyone - Q3 is up next... #solopr #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 43 SoloPR 1:19pm via tchat.io Feeling accomplished J MT @gregwbrooks: I hate admitting that I need anyone or any group. Y'all have forced me to reassess that. #solopr dariasteigman 1:19pm via TweetDeck Also our secret plan. RT @gregwbrooks: I hatehatehate admitting I need anyone or any group. Y'all have forced me to reassess that. #solopr JanetLFalk 1:19pm via Twitter Web Client NYC-based #soloPR pro for small biz, nonprofit, consultants, Wall Street, law firm Happy Anniversary @SoloPR phyllisweisspr 1:19pm via Twitter for Websites RT @gregwbrooks: I hatehatehate admitting that I need anyone or any group. Y'all have forced me to reassess that. #solopr gregwbrooks 1:18pm via Twitter Web Client I hatehatehate admitting that I need anyone or any group. Y'all have forced me to reassess that. #solopr SoloPR 1:18pm via tchat.io She's the queen! J RT @akenn: and, oh yeah, getting digital shorthand/acronyms interpreted by @3HatsComm #solopr #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 44 phyllisweisspr 1:18pm via Twitter for Websites RT @3HatsComm: What is your trick?! I needs to know. RT @phyllisweisspr: #solopr You can teach "old school" new tricks. akenn 1:18pm via tchat.io and, oh yeah, getting digital shorthand/acronyms interpreted by @3HatsComm #solopr KellyeCrane 1:17pm via TweetDeck A2: There’s always more to learn. It’s what this community was founded on, and still teaches me every day. #solopr KarenSwim 1:17pm via tchat.io Real talk RT @KristK: A2: Being #solopr means that we're awesome, not that we're desperate. 3HatsComm 1:17pm via TweetDeck What is your trick?! I needs to know. RT @phyllisweisspr: #solopr You can teach "old school" new tricks. phyllisweisspr 1:17pm via Twitter for Websites RT @akenn: Yes. Me too. RT @dariasteigman it's not a single piece of advice, it's the #solopr community. A source of true smarts and suppor… KristK 1:17pm via tchat.io #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 45 A2: Being #solopr means that we're awesome, not that we're desperate. akenn 1:17pm via tchat.io Yes. Me too. RT @dariasteigman it's not a single piece of advice, it's the #solopr community. A source of true smarts and support. KarenSwim 1:16pm via tchat.io This! RT @dariasteigman: A2 For me, it's not a single piece of advice, it's the #solopr community. A source of true smarts and support. SoloPR 1:16pm via tchat.io RT @akenn: One overriding sentiment I've taken from this group is the import of backbone... not standing for poor treatment etc #solopr dariasteigman 1:16pm via TweetDeck +1,000. RT @NovaComms: A2: Best piece of advice from the #SoloPR chat? Seek advice as we’re not alone. KristK 1:16pm via Twitter for Websites RT @KellyeCrane: A2: Big Q, but I’ve learned just how many ways there are to run a business. 1 size not for all #solopr 3HatsComm 1:16pm via TweetDeck ITA @KristK the support from #soloPR has been great.. helped me maintain a glimmer of sanity in a sea of crazy. :-) #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 46 dariasteigman 1:16pm via TweetDeck A2 For me, it's not a single piece of advice, it's the #solopr community. A source of true smarts and support. SoloPR 1:16pm via tchat.io We all need reminders RT @KarenSwim: A2: Reinforced (and still does) importance of valuing your work and charging accordingly #solopr phyllisweisspr 1:16pm via Twitter for Websites RT @KristK: A2: Best advice ever -- being #solopr doesn't mean you're alone in this adventure. akenn 1:16pm via tchat.io One overriding sentiment I've taken from this group is the import of backbone - charging enough, not standing for poor treatment etc #solopr NovaComms 1:16pm via TweetDeck A2: Best piece of advice from the #SoloPR chat? Seek advice as we’re not alone. KristK 1:15pm via tchat.io A2: Always have new biz opps in the pipeline and value your skills and expertise (or your clients won't). #solopr SoloPR 1:15pm via tchat.io #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 47 I like it :-) RT @gregwbrooks: @SoloPR A2: Swear to God, #soloPR chat is the only useful thing I've found about Twitter... KarenSwim 1:15pm via tchat.io A2: Day to day support, reinforcement that keeps me sane and on trend #solopr PaulaJohns 1:15pm via tchat.io A2 Hard to pin it down to just one piece of advice. Advice around social, biz best practices and client issues has been great. #soloPR phyllisweisspr 1:15pm via Twitter for Websites RT @KarenSwim: A2: Reinforced (and still does) importance of valuing your work and charging accordingly #solopr SoloPR 1:15pm via tchat.io Yes! RT @KristK: A2: Best advice ever -- being #solopr doesn't mean you're alone in this adventure. 3HatsComm 1:15pm via TweetDeck RT @KellyeCrane: A2: Big Q, but I’ve learned just how many ways there are to run a business. 1 size not for all #solopr phyllisweisspr 1:15pm via Twitter for Websites #solopr You can teach "old school" new tricks. #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 48 KarenSwim 1:15pm via tchat.io A2: Reinforced (and still does) importance of valuing your work and charging accordingly #solopr SoloPR 1:15pm via tchat.io You can answer more than once :-) RT @3HatsComm: A2 just one? seriously, how to pick just one? ;-) #soloPR gregwbrooks 1:14pm via Twitter Web Client @SoloPR A2: Swear to God, #soloPR chat is the only useful thing I've found about Twitter. I may or may not be an outlier. :) akenn 1:14pm via tchat.io Agree w/ @3HatsComm! #solopr KristK 1:14pm via tchat.io A2: Best advice ever -- being #solopr doesn't mean you're alone in this adventure. SoloPR 1:14pm via tchat.io RT @lisagerber: A1 also, I was way more traditional PR then, now I love how much technology has changed what we do and how we do it #solopr 3HatsComm 1:14pm via TweetDeck #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 49 A2 just one? seriously, how to pick just one? ;-) #soloPR phyllisweisspr 1:14pm via Twitter for Websites RT @SoloPR: Q2: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve learned from the #solopr chat? lisagerber 1:14pm via Hootsuite A1 also, I was way more traditional PR then, now I love how much technology has changed what we do and how we do it #solopr KellyeCrane 1:14pm via TweetDeck A2: Big Q, but I’ve learned just how many ways there are to run a business. 1 size not for all #solopr KarenSwim 1:14pm via Twitter for Websites RT @SoloPR: Q2: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve learned from the #solopr chat? KarenSwim 1:13pm via tchat.io @kcwriter Smart strategy too as it more profitable with less work #solopr NovaComms 1:13pm via TweetDeck Woohoo!! RT @SoloPR: .@NovaComms is the gift card winner–thx again @JackVincent, author of A Sale is a Love Affair for your support! #solopr KellyeCrane 1:13pm via TweetDeck #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 50 RT @SoloPR: Q2: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve learned from the #solopr chat? KristK 1:13pm via Twitter for Websites RT @SoloPR: Q2: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve learned from the #solopr chat? lisagerber 1:13pm via Hootsuite Hi! I’m here! a1 I was #solopr five yrs ago but mostly local clients now I have clients all over the country and I still LOVE what I do. kcwriter 1:13pm via TweetChat powered by oneQube @KarenSwim Yeah, I'm really enjoying them! #solopr SoloPR 1:13pm via tchat.io Q2: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve learned from the #solopr chat? SoloPR 1:12pm via tchat.io .@NovaComms is the gift card winner –thx again @JackVincent, author of A Sale is a Love Affair (coming in Feb), for your support! #solopr SoloPR 1:12pm via tchat.io Great stuff on Q1! Q2 is coming up... #solopr KristK 1:11pm via tchat.io #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 51 A1: In 2009, I had been solo for 5 years. Most clients were holdovers from my TX days, and social media was just taking off. #solopr dariasteigman 1:11pm via TweetDeck Our secret plan. RT @REDMEDIAPR: No I had a corp job I ❤ seed grew #solopr but found this group and gradually the KellyeCrane 1:11pm via TweetDeck @3HatsComm You can do it! #solopr dariasteigman 1:10pm via TweetDeck A1 5 years ago, was early days of SM. Was starting up blog, testing Twitter, experimenting with how shiny toys could be big biz. #solopr SoloPR 1:10pm via tchat.io We can do that to people :-) RT @REDMEDIAPR: I had a corp job but found this group and gradually the seed grew #solopr phyllisweisspr 1:10pm via Twitter for Websites RT @PaulaJohns: Best idea evah! Congrats, Kellye! MT @KellyeCrane A1: I was experimenting with the #solopr blog...couldn’t have imagined th… PaulaJohns 1:10pm via tchat.io Best idea evah! Congrats, Kellye! MT @KellyeCrane A1: I was experimenting with the #solopr blog...couldn’t have imagined the awesome ride! #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 52 SoloPR 1:10pm via tchat.io Interesting! RT @gregwbrooks: A1: Most work was outsourcing contracts with daily papers... #solopr KristK 1:10pm via Twitter for Websites RT @SoloPR: Q1: Where were you five years ago? Could you have imagined where you’d be now? #solopr KarenSwim 1:10pm via tchat.io Nice! RT @kcwriter: Same biz but was doing more ghostwritten articles. Things have changed to white papers and e-books. #solopr KellyeCrane 1:09pm via TweetDeck A1: I was experimenting with the #solopr blog and all the community outposts around it. Couldn’t have imagined the awesome ride! REDMEDIAPR 1:09pm via Echofon No I had a corp job I but found this group and gradually the seed grew #solopr twin13peak 1:09pm via RoundTeam RT @KarenSwim: Ooh chat and prizes. J'adore! #solopr dariasteigman 1:09pm via TweetDeck #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 53 THIS. RT @akenn: A1. I was here in #solopr land, but the economy was quite different five years ago! 3HatsComm 1:09pm via TweetDeck A1 Much the same. which honestly means I haven't done a good job of working the #soloPR plan. (aka this cobbler needs some shoes herself!) gregwbrooks 1:09pm via Twitter Web Client A1: Most work was outsourcing contracts with daily papers -- made more than I make now(!). Industry was jittery. Glad I got out. #soloPR phyllisweisspr 1:09pm via Twitter for Websites #solopr I was 11 years into my solo practice in 2009 and focused on getting my youngest through high school. SoloPR 1:08pm via tchat.io Nice evolution RT @kcwriter: Same biz but was doing more ghostwritten articles. Things have changed to white papers and e-books. #solopr pscheck 1:08pm via Hootsuite RT @KristK: Happy 5th Anniversary to #solopr! It's been quite the ride, and I'm grateful to be part of this wonderful community. SoloPR 1:08pm via tchat.io RT @PaulaJohns: A1. Same place I am now. Have been solo 15 years, but never dreamed things would (still) be this great 15 yrs in. #soloPR #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 54 kcwriter 1:08pm via TweetChat powered by oneQube Same biz but was doing more ghostwritten articles. Things have changed to white papers and e-books. #solopr SoloPR 1:07pm via tchat.io Very true- #SoloPR was founded in diff times RT @akenn: A1. I was here in #solopr land, but the economy was quite different five years ago! KristK 1:07pm via Twitter Web Client RT @SoloPR: Everyone who participates today will be entered to win one of 5 copies of @JackVincent’s book, A Sale is a Love Affair (in Feb)#solopr KarenSwim 1:07pm via tchat.io So true RT @akenn: A1. I was here in #solopr land, but the economy was quite different five years ago! KristK 1:07pm via Twubs @mdbarber We'll miss you today! Have a smooth move and a great #PRSAICON. Wish I were headed to DC! #solopr REDMEDIAPR 1:07pm via Echofon Oui oui ohhh la la RT @KarenSwim: Ooh chat and prizes. J'adore! #solopr PaulaJohns 1:07pm via tchat.io #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 55 A1. Same place I am now. Have been solo 15 years, but never dreamed things would (still) be this great 15 yrs in. #soloPR dariasteigman 1:07pm via TweetDeck Same place, same biz. Def. not boring. RT @SoloPR: Q1: Where were you five years ago? Could you have imagined where you’d be now? #solopr akenn 1:07pm via tchat.io A1. I was here in #solopr land, but the economy was quite different five years ago! SoloPR 1:07pm via tchat.io Whew, lucky escape! RT @NovaComms: A1: Was in corporate cube world. Couldn’t have imagined being solo! #solopr KarenSwim 1:07pm via tchat.io A1: I was solo but could not have imagined or dreamed what came next. #solopr 3HatsComm 1:06pm via TweetDeck I'm late I'm late for a very special #soloPR chat anniversary. Hello everyone! phyllisweisspr 1:06pm via Twitter for Websites RT @SoloPR: Q1: Where were you five years ago? Could you have imagined where you’d be now? #solopr #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 56 NovaComms 1:06pm via TweetDeck A1: Was in corporate cube world. Couldn’t have imagined being solo! #solopr dariasteigman 1:06pm via TweetDeck Ooh. Smarts, sass, #solopr, and swag? What more could we ask for? KellyeCrane 1:06pm via TweetDeck RT @SoloPR: Q1: Where were you five years ago? Could you have imagined where you’d be now? #solopr KarenSwim 1:06pm via Twitter for Websites RT @SoloPR: Q1: Where were you five years ago? Could you have imagined where you’d be now? #solopr SoloPR 1:06pm via tchat.io Q1: Where were you five years ago? Could you have imagined where you’d be now? #solopr phyllisweisspr 1:06pm via Twitter for Websites RT @KarenSwim: Ooh chat and prizes. J'adore! #solopr SoloPR 1:06pm via tchat.io #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 57 The first person to answer this next question will receive a prize, also courtesy of @JackVincent- a $20 Amazon gift card! #solopr KarenSwim 1:05pm via tchat.io Ooh chat and prizes. J'adore! #solopr SoloPR 1:05pm via tchat.io Mais oui! RT @PaulaJohns: Can we start with a re-cap of @KarenSwim's trip to Paris? :) #soloPR phyllisweisspr 1:05pm via Twitter for Websites RT @dariasteigman: @phyllisweisspr Ha. Can you send me some? I just had corn on the cob. Not the same. #solopr dariasteigman 1:05pm via TweetDeck @phyllisweisspr Ha. Can you send me some? I just had corn on the cob. Not the same. #solopr PaulaJohns 1:05pm via tchat.io Can we start with a re-cap of @KarenSwim's trip to Paris? :) #soloPR SoloPR 1:05pm via tchat.io We’ll announce the winners of the random book drawing tomorrow in our blog re-cap post and on Twitter. Hooray for free stuff! #solopr #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 58 SoloPR 1:04pm via tchat.io Everyone who participates today will be entered to win one of 5 copies of @JackVincent’s book, A Sale is a Love Affair (in Feb)! #solopr dariasteigman 1:04pm via TweetDeck @KarenSwim It's such a beautiful city. And the Tour Eiffel is celebrating its birthday too. #solopr KristK 1:04pm via Twubs Hello to my #solopr pals! Kristie here from the MS Gulf Coast (24 yrs exp, 10 as indy, APR and PR prof). Loving life as a #solopreneur SoloPR 1:04pm via tchat.io Good call! RT @phyllisweisspr: #solopr I'm indulging in chocolate right now to celebrate? Anyone want to join me? SoloPR 1:04pm via tchat.io We've got some fun stuff today. Thanks to @lisagerber’s client @JackVincent, who has donated several prizes for our celebration! #solopr phyllisweisspr 1:04pm via Twitter for Websites #solopr I'm indulging in chocolate right now to celebrate? Anyone want to join me? dariasteigman 1:04pm via TweetDeck #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 59 Daria. From Washington, DC, which is not a state. But in the United States. It's complicated. #solopr KarenSwim 1:04pm via tchat.io @dariasteigman Oui! I was in Paris until yesterday and it was AMAZING! #solopr PaulaJohns 1:03pm via tchat.io Happy to be joining the 5-yr anniversary chat on #soloPR today. PR pro with gobs of experience - based in San Diego area. :) REDMEDIAPR 1:03pm via Echofon Happy anniversary gang #solopr SoloPR 1:03pm via tchat.io Great crowd gathering - welcome everyone, newbies and veterans alike! #solopr KristK 1:03pm via Twubs Happy 5th Anniversary to #solopr! It's been quite the ride, and I'm grateful to be part of this wonderful community. KarenSwim 1:03pm via tchat.io Hello @KellyeCrane! Congrats on 5 years! #solopr phyllisweisspr 1:03pm via Twitter for Websites #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 60 Happy 5th anniversary #soloPR. This Atlanta PR lady is so glad to be part of this party. dariasteigman 1:03pm via TweetDeck @KarenSwim @KellyeCrane You were in Paris? So awesome. #solopr KellyeCrane 1:03pm via TweetDeck @dariasteigman Thank you, Daria! #solopr akenn 1:03pm via tchat.io Thanks @SoloPR and @KellyeCrane for bringing us together on these chats for five years running! #solopr gregwbrooks 1:02pm via Twitter Web Client Greg here. Vegas. Known by people who know me. #solopr NovaComms 1:02pm via TweetDeck Looking forward to today’s #SoloPR chat. Solo from #SF - #socialmedia and #PR consultant. KellyeCrane 1:02pm via TweetDeck @KarenSwim Welcome back, Karen! Are you still mentally in Paris? :-) #solopr KristK 1:02pm via Twitter Web Client #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 61 RT @SoloPR: It’s time for our special #solopr chat 5 year anniversary celebration! NovaComms 1:02pm via TweetDeck Happy 5 Year Anniversary #SoloPR! dariasteigman 1:02pm via TweetDeck Five years of smarts & sass (well, five yrs of #solopr smarts & sass). Happy Birthday! SoloPR 1:02pm via tchat.io If you’re new to chatting, we suggest using a tool like tchat.io – makes it easier to keep up, and remember to use the #SoloPR hashtag. KarenSwim 1:01pm via tchat.io Hello and Happy Birthday @SoloPR #solopr NovaComms 1:01pm via TweetDeck RT @dariasteigman: Time for #solopr. Can't believe we're really coming up on 5 years. All hail the awesome @KellyeCrane for bringing us tog… SoloPR 1:01pm via tchat.io If you’re joining, please introduce yourself. This is @KellyeCrane, Atlanta-based founder of soloprpro [dot] com. #solopr #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 62 dariasteigman 1:01pm via TweetDeck Time for #solopr. Can't believe we're really coming up on 5 years. All hail the awesome @KellyeCrane for bringing us together. SoloPR 1:01pm via tchat.io It’s time for our special #solopr chat 5 year anniversary celebration! #solopr transcript – 10/8/2014 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/ Page | 63
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