1 Greek Class 6:30pm 5 6 Nueva Esperanza Spanish Prayer Group 7pm 12 13 Columbus Day 19 CONGRESO HISPANO @ Convention Center Nueva Esperanza Spanish Prayer Group 7pm 20 Nueva Esperanza Spanish Prayer Group 7pm 26 27 Nueva Esperanza Spanish Prayer Group 7pm PRAYER MEETINGS: Spanish: Mondays 7 pm; contact Lolis 505-720-9940 English: Fridays 7:30 pm; contact Mike 505-341-2219 Our Lady’s Prayer Group: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 7 pm; Young Adults: Thursdays at 7:30 pm – Call Sara (505) 205-3145 or email [email protected] Bilingual Youth PG st 1 , 2nd, 3rd Fridays at 7 pm @ San Jose de los Duranes Mission Church, Abq. Call Armando 505-504-0534 INTERCESSORY PRAYER: Tuesdays 9:30 am EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Thursdays 10 am – 7 pm Get our Free App @ 7 Intercessory Prayer 9:30am 8 Birthday Mass & Potluck 12noon Fr. Vanderholt Greek Class 6:30pm 14 Intercessory Prayer 9:30am Our Lady’s PG 7pm 21 Intercessory Prayer 9:30am 28 Intercessory Prayer 9:30am Our Lady’s PG 7pm 15 Greek Class 6:30pm 22 2 Eucharistic Adoration 10am – 7pm Young Adults Prayer Group 7:30pm 9 Eucharistic Adoration 10am – 7pm Young Adults Prayer Group 7:30pm 16 Eucharistic Adoration 10am – 7pm Young Adults Prayer Group 7:30pm 23 Eucharistic Adoration 10am – 7pm Greek Class 6:30pm Young Adults Prayer Group 7:30pm 29 Sts. Simon & Jude, Apostles 30 Eucharistic Adoration 10am – 7pm Greek Class 6:30pm Young Adults Prayer Group 7:30pm 3 Holy Fire Prayer Group 7:30pm Romans (Cont.) Deacon Mike 10 Healing Service Mass 7pm Adoration & prayers for healing Fr. Chris Crotty 17 Holy Fire Prayer Group 7:30pm Romans (Cont.) Deacon Mike 4 St. Francis of Assisi 11 MEN’s Retreat with Father Chris Crotty St. Luke 18 CONGRESO HISPANO @ Convention Center YOUNG ADULTS HOLY HOUR 7PM 24 25 Holy Fire Prayer Group 7:30pm Prayer for Healing 31 NO PRAYER GROUP Like us! www.facebook.com /Albuquerque Catholic CharismaticCenter Follow us! asfccc1 Birthday Mass & Potluck Lunch (EVERY SECOND WEDNESDAY AT NOON) Wednesday, October 8th @ 12 Noon / Celebrant: Fr. Joe Vanderholt, SJ HEALING SERVICE Fr. Chris Crotty was born in 1967 in San Francisco, California. He served in the United States Navy as a Hospital Corpsman during the Persian Gulf War, and joined the Votive Mass for the Sick Fathers of Mercy in 1995. He completed his seminary studies at followed by prayers for healing Holy Apostles Seminary in Fr. Chris Crotty CPM Cromwell, Connecticut, and was ordained on May 31, 2001. After Friday, October 10th serving as an Assistant Pastor in SCHEDULE Louisville, Kentucky, for two 7PM Mass with a teaching years, he was assigned to the Mission Band of the Fathers of “The Centrality of the Mercy. The primary apostolate of Gospel Message” the Fathers of Mercy is to conduct 7:45 Adoration of the Blessed parish missions and retreats throughout the country. Sacrament with prayers for Fr. Crotty specializes in giving healing by parish missions and retreats that Father Chris Crotty focus on Inner/Spiritual Healing. “Mercy or Presumption?” “Oh unfathomable divine mercy!” – St. Faustina What is mercy? Sometimes we confuse mercy and presumption. God manifests His mercy not merely by forgiving sin and remitting its punishment, but rather by delivering man from sin itself, taking away the very sin that causes man’s diminishment and ultimately his death. Clinging to sin is madness; yet it seems that man is crazy. We cling to our sins with more vehemence than we have ever clung to God: Why do I feel that I cannot live without this particular sin? Why am I addicted to this drug of sin? Why am I not free? The promise of God is here, “If the Son frees you, you will be free indeed.” (John 8:32) Bottom line: if you want, Christ can and will set you free. Approaching God’s mercy means seeking freedom: seeking the grace of having sin (and not merely its due punishment) taken away. On the other hand, this is presumption: I want to be forgiven, but do not want to renounce my vices. I seek to avoid the punishment due to sin, but want to continue sinning. I do not want to endure the consequences, but refuse to let go of my sinful behavior. I am mad indeed. Maybe I have not realized that sin always poisons and always destroys; that it makes small those who are destined for greatness. Nothing good comes from sin, nothing. If we think that our lives would be less human without sin, then we have not really understood the nature neither of life, nor of sin. Life is a gift destined to eternal blessedness; sin is a mortal illness that, if left untreated, can take away that glorious destiny. The only treatment is God’s mercy. When we speak of the “happy fault,” we are not rejoicing in sin, but rather extolling God’s mercy, which can bring good out of evil, by giving to sinners such a Redeemer. Only in this sense, sin may become a “happy fault.” In no way we mean that sin brings us happiness; the “happy fault” will not be happy at all, if we refuse to repent of it and renounce it, in which case it would bring us to eternal damnation. The Lord desires to remove from our lives whatever is preventing us to be fully alive and truly happy; He wills our freedom from sin and our ultimate happiness. Our call to greatness awaits us: becoming like God – not supplanting Him, as when we decide that we have the prerogative of defining good and evil, but rather becoming like Him in goodness, generosity, purity, and so on. That is why God created us, to become like Him in the freedom of obedience and trust; totally surrendered to Him in all things. Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on me, a sinner. Sister Magdalena Casas-Nava, DLJC Schedule Men’s Retreat 8:30 Registration 9:00 Praise and worship 9:45 Talk 1 “The Mission of the Holy Spirit in the life of the Church” Break 11:00 Mass. Teaching Homily: “Light vs Darkness, the Spiritual Battle Today” 12:00 Lunch 1:00 Praise and worship 1:30 Holy Hour 2:30 Talk 3 “Go and Be Life Giving Water” 3:30 Final Prayer & Dismissal Men’s Retreat “Healing in the Light of Christ” Retreat Master: Fr. Chris Crotty, CPM Sat., October 11, 2014 Name(s) ___________________________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________________________State:_____________Zip Code _______________ Phone Number(s) Cell________________________________Home___________________________________ Registration: $15 per person, includes lunch: $ ____________ Donation $____________ Total$_____________ (Make checks payable to: CCC Mail form and check to: For more information call: 505-247-0397 Men’s Retreat-CCC • 1412 5th St. NW • Albuquerque, NM 87102-1334
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