The Messenger OCTOBER 2014 Please check our website for postings of events and to view the Messenger and weekly Angel’s Alert/Info bulletin at St. Andrew’s is on FACEBOOK! Go to Office phone 806-376-6316 Fax: 376-6075 The Rt. Rev. J. Scott Mayer Bishop of the Diocese of Northwest Texas Clergy The Rev. Jo Roberts Craig, Rector and School Chaplain The Rev. Dr. Robert Pace, Associate Rector The Venerable Patsy Masterman, Archdeacon Emeritus The Venerable Chris Wrampelmeier, Archdeacon The Rev. Todd Baxley, Deacon The Rev. Pat Knight, Deacon Staff The Rev. Jo Roberts Craig, Rector, Ext 101 The Rev. Dr. Robert Pace, Associate Rector, Ext 102 Sheri Langford, Financial Manager, Ext 104 Kathy Roach, Parish Administrator & Publications Manager, Ext 100 Margaret Lacy, Director of Music Ministries, Ext 107 Barbara Whitton, Pastoral Associate, Ext 105 Edee Aikman, Christian Education Director, Ext 103 DeMarlone Givens, Sexton, Ext 109 Dean Kennedy, Parish Assistant St. Andrew’s Schedule—OCTOBER Sun Mon Tue Ch-Children’s Chapel P.H. -Parish Hall * see details inside Wed Thu 1 4:30pm Yoga (A) 5:30pm Holy Eucharist (c) 2 6pm Bells(N) 6:30-9pm EfM (D) 7pm St Brigid’s Prayer Shawl (G) 5 6 10am-noonESL (S,C) 6-7pm Centering Prayer (ch) 6:00pm Holy Eucharist, Rite II 6:30-9pm EfM 12 Holy Eucharist in Nave 8am Rite I 10:30am Rite II 9:30am Christian Education 10:30 Children’s Chapel 6:00 Holy Eucharist, Rite II 13 10am-noon ESL (S,C) 6-7pm Centering Prayer (ch) 7 8 Noon Bible Stdy (A) 10am D.O.K.(G) 5:15 Tai Chi (Cl) 10am-noon-ESL 5:00 Spanish (G) (S,C) 6pm Properties (C) 6:30 Christian Ed Mtg 4:30pm Yoga (A) 6:30 PASO (D) 5:30pm Holy 7pm Chess Club(A) Eucharist (Ch) 7pm Choir 9 6pm Bells(N) 6:30-9pm EfM (D) 7pmAdelines(Cl) 14 15 Noon Bible Study 10am-noon ESL 5:15 Tai Chi (Cl) (S,C) 5:00 Spanish (G) 4:30pm Yoga(A) 7pm Chess Club(A) 5:30pm Holy Eucharist (Ch) 16 6pm Bells(N) 6:30-9pm EfM (D) 7:00 Adelines(Cl) 7pm St Brigid’s Prayer Shawl (G) 7pm Choir 19 Holy Eucharist in Nave 8am Rite I 10:30am Rite II 9:30am Christian Education 10:30 Children’s Chapel 6:00 pm Holy Eucharist, Rite II OKTOBERFEST 26 Holy Eucharist in Nave 8am Rite I 10:30am Rite I 9:30am Christian Education 10:30 Children’s Chapel Noon– Oktoberfest Luncheon 6:00 pm Holy Eucharist, Rite II 20 21 10am-noon ESL (S,C) 6-7pm Centering Prayer (ch) Noon Bible Stdy (A) 5:15 Tai Chi (Cl) 5:00 Spanish (G) 6pm-Finance Mtg 6:30pm PASO(D) 6:30 Evening DOK(G) 7pm Chess Club(A) 6:30-9pm EfM 27 10am-noon ESL (S,C) 6-7pm Centering Prayer (ch) 6:30-9pm EfM 22 10am-noon ESL (S,C) 4:30pmYoga(A) 5:30pm Holy Eucharist (ch) 3 4 9:00am Altar & Flower Guild (N) 10am BlackBelt Bible Stdy(G) Noon–Men’s Prayer grp(G) 10 10am Blackbelt Bible Stdy(G) Noon–Men’s Prayer grp(G) 11 9:00am Altar & Flower Guild (N) 6-10 PM PARENTS NIGHT OUT (Nursery) 7:30 Contemplative Prayer (E) 6:30-9pm EfM 7:30pm FASO concert* Sat 7:30 Contemplative Prayer (E) 7pm Choir Holy Eucharist in Nave 8am Rite I 10:30am Rite 9:30 am Christian Education 10:30 Children’s Chapel Fri 17 18 9:00am Altar & Flower Guild (N) WORK DAY on the Noon–Men’s Prayer grp(G) Grounds* 9am– Noon 7:30 Contemplative Prayer (E) PARENTS MORNING OUT (Nursery) 10am BlackBeltBible Stdy(G) 23 24 25 9:00am Altar & 10am BlackBelt Bible Flower Guild (N) 6pm Bells(N) Stdy(G) 6:30-9pmEfM (D) Noon–Men’s Prayer grp(G) 7:00 Adelines(Cl) 7:30 Contemplative Prayer (E) 7pm Choir 28 29 Noon Bible Stdy (A) 10am-Noon ESL 5:15 Tai Chi (Cl) (S,C) 5:00 Spanish (G) 4:30pmYoga(A) 6pm—Vestry Mtg(C) 5:30pm Holy 6:30pm PASO(D) Eucharist (ch) 7pm Chess Club(A) 7pm Choir 30 31 6pm Bells(N) 10am BlackBelt Bible 6:30-9pm EfM (D) Stdy(G) 7:00 Adelines(Cl) Noon–Men’s Prayer grp(G) 7pm St Brigid’s 7:30 Contemplative Prayer (E) Prayer Shawl (G) ANNUAL BEANS & CORNBREAD LUNCHEON Hosted by Amarillo Coalition for the Homeless Monday, October 20, 11:30am-1:00pm Funds raised by the luncheon are matched 100% by the Don & Sybil Harrington Foundation. St. Andrew’s has paid for 2 tables….sign up if you would like to attend (sheet on back counter) The speakers for the program will be previously homeless Amarillo residents; individuals that you, through your support of the luncheon, have helped. These previously homeless individuals have gone on to lead independent and productive lives. 6-7:30pm TRUNK OR TREAT & Haunted House* St. Peter’s 3rd Annual Oktoberfest on October 4, Saturday, 12 noon to 3pm $15 for adults $10 for kids 6 & under Good food! Live music! Activities for kids! Complimentary beer provided by Amarillo Brewing Supply Join the fun! (St. Peter’s of Amarillo 4714 NW Fourth Ave) OCTOBER LITURGICAL SUPPORT SCHEDULE 8:00 AM Rite I 5 12 19 26 Phil Mullins Bill Smith Wendell & Penelope Davies Don Patterson READER Maggie McGee Mary Emeny Wendell Davies Richard Partney ACOLYTE Maggie McGee Brody & Ford Bobo Joe & James Clarke Richard Partney JB Lane John Boyce Vic Maza Rodney Steph Bruce McAda Dave Blakley Charlie Henderson Josh Fawell Bill Aikman John Tyson Jay Reid Bill Heck Mike Abdoo Jay Craighead Mary Bohannon Cliff Craig Larry Wolff Tammy Breitbarth Neil Quattlebaum Charlie Henderson Cindy Reid Jay Reid Debbie Wynne Denise Warren Mary Bohannon Georgia Swift Laurie Cizon Don Paxton Doug Voran Susan Willis Mary Harvey Vic Maza Steve Severn Leesa Wood Calvi Bruce McAda Dave Blakley Taylor Withrow Judith Evans Debbie Wynne Cliff Craig Heather Voran USHER/GREETER 10:30 am Rite II USHERS GREETERS CHALICE BEARERS LECTOR EPISTOLER Prayer Reader OBLATIONERS ACOLYTES Crucifer Torches Server LEV Lay Eucharist Visitors Vestry Offertory Service L-Doug Voran E-Don Paxton P-Laurie Cizon Mary Emeny Tammy Breitbarth C-Layne Steph T-Maci Morrow T-Perry Steph S-Harper Steph L-Steve Severn E-Vic Maza P-Susan Willis L-Dave Blakley E-Taylor Withrow P-Bruce McAda Mike Abdoo Margaret Jenkins Jenny Clark Pan Eimon C-Luke McKay T-Liah Givens T-Will Severn S-Mason McKay C-Bubba Givens T-Ethan Adamchak T-Holly Wrampelmeier S-Claudia Wrampelmeier L-Cliff Craig E-Debbie Wynne P-Judith Evans Frank & Lynn Howell C-Sarah Neumann T-Rachel Neumann T-Grace Neumann S-Randall Heck Doug & Heather Voran Cliff Craig Neil Quattlebaum Lil & Taylor Withrow MJ Coats Nate Stidham Sally Emerson Laurie Cizon Charlie Henderson Marcy McKay Jay Reid Sara Adamchak Paul Clark Brent Lancour Altar Guild for October Chairperson: Margaret Jenkins Linens: Sondra Kennon Crew: Dean Paxton, Brenda Higley, & Deborah Rolland Bread: Whitney Kelly & Jim Kemp HOLY EUCHARIST/HOLY UNCTION WEDNESDAY READERS 1st-Don Paxton 8th-Vic Maza 15th– Diane Vinyard 22nd-Whitney Kelly 29th-Lesley Metz Journey with Jo On Sunday, we celebrated Millie Gerken’s baptism. She is this beautiful little bundle of sweetness. As I watched Robert mark her as Christ’s own forever, I could see in my heart all the babies that had been baptized at this altar. Some were older and standing on their tip toes to reach the font; some were crawling away to explore the altar while the prayers were being said; some…very few…thought that the whole thing was a bad idea and were vocalizing their disapproval of long dresses, lace caps, and water; but all were pure gift and blessing. All were signs of God’s grace and mercy. This wonderful, sacred space that we call St. Andrew’s affords us as a community a place to pray, to sing, to seek stillness, to reflect, to ask for and to bestow forgiveness. We now have a Columbarium Chapel where the living and the dead come together; where we are reminded of those who went before us; of those who loved St. Andrew’s and worked faithfully to have her thrive. And included on this campus are places to eat together; to see and hear our children playing together; to gather to grieve; to gather to teach and be taught. We are daily recipients of God’s generosity and grace. During the month of October we will be called upon to consider our monetary stewardship to this parish. And on November 2nd, the Sunday after All Saints Day, we will put our pledges on the altar. It is very important that all of us make a pledge of some amount. It does not really matter how small or how large. What matters is the commitment. What matters is that our pledge says loudly and clearly that we love this community and want it to continue to grow and thrive. We are entirely “pledge driven”. Our budget is not made or presented to the congregation until our pledges are in, and all of us faithfully work to stay within that budget. Please prayerfully consider pledging for the year 2015. To pledge to your parish speaks volumes. Among other things, it says, “I belong” to this community. It says that I want to learn and perpetuate the values taught here. It says I want to learn to accept myself as God accepts me, and I want to accept others. It says that I want to learn to identify my gifts and use them to complement the gifts of others so that our ministry may reflect the kingdom of God. Thank you for allowing me to be your rector, Jo October is Stewardship Month! Financial Report . . . January 1, 2014—September 21, 2014 Annual Budgeted Pledge, Contribution & Plate Income Budgeted Pledge, Contribution & Plate Income YTD Actual Pledge, Contribution & Plate Income YTD UNDER BUDGET $881,662.00 $644,291.52 $623,075.41 $ 21,216.11 October Sun Mon 5 6 Coby Ned Creswell Pritchard Alexis Carroll Stacie Fawell 12 Kirk Thompson Pye Lay Noah Zorsky Duane Wise 13 Mikala Stephens Lee Nielsen 19 Dan Novak Christian Tuls 20 Edie Kolius Cathy Proctor 26 Tom Smith Lauren Pronger 27 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 Matt Capell Donna Miller Ginger Smith 3 Chane Hutton 4 Heather Lancour Thomas Brittain 7 Jennilee Lovelady 8 Clara Ratliff 9 Mirrabella Lancour Dorothy Khoury Arielle Williams Michelle Corlew 10 Currie Smith 11 Susan Lowrance Jameson Findley 14 Kristin Neumann Monty Nash 15 John Ward Hayden Baca 16 Bill Patterson 17 Sandy Heck 18 21 22 Henry Atkins Brynne Voran Ann Jenkins Harrison Brown Richard Cline Megan Koenig Barbara Miner HQ Wrampelmeier 23 Tumi Johnson Evaline Thompson 28 Cate Dowdy Sean Pritchard 29 Abby Fitch October Wedding Anniversaries 3rd– William & Callie Holton 7th– Chris & H.Q. Wrampelmeier 8th-Dakota & Alecia Litchfield 23rd-Stephen & Kristin Neumann 30 Mary Katherine Kauffman 24 25 Stephen Richard Ladd Severn Stanley Marsh Sandra Kari Plequette Childers 31 Dick Ford Doug Voran Gay Chalfant Blessing of Animals Sunday, October 5, 4:00pm Daylight Savings Ends November 2…Set clocks BACK one hour! FASO CONCERT SEASON BEGINS Nigel Potts, Concert Organist will perform on Sunday, October 12, 7:30pm Nigel Potts has built an reputation for his expressive, colorful & tasteful performances, always communicating & placing music at the forefront with warm, sympathetic playing. Join us for an evening of exquisite solo pipe organ music. Check out our new website: Jesus Seminar on the Road… Jesus & Politics… then and now! by Paul Jones, Ph.D. & Perry Kea, Ph.D. October 10-11, 2014 Chalice Abbey, 2717 Stanley St. The recent book by Reza Aslan (Zealot: The Life & Times of Jesus of Nazareth) once again raises the question of Jesus’ agenda. Was Jesus a religious sea lot eager for the fierce judgment of God to burn away injustice & oppression? Or was he dedicated to uplifting God’s people with the tools of service & compassion? This seminar will examine Jesus’ message and ministry in relationship to Roman imperialism, the divide between rich and poor in Judean society, and the leaders in Jerusalem. Register online: Lecture, October 10, Friday, 7:30-9:00pm (price $20) Workshops on Saturday, October 11 11:00am—4:00pm (cost-$30) Additional information, contact Chuck Fisher: 206.7751 or [email protected] Taize Community Program. . . Beginning October 10 & continuing every 2nd Friday, 6-7 pm…. A meditative prayer service. All are welcome! Childcare is available by the Parents Night Out program here from 6-10pm (please call first 376.6316 or email: [email protected]). Spread the word to anyone who would enjoy a quiet time to meditate in community. October 10: St. Thomas Catholic Church November 14: Polk Street Methodist December 12: St. Andrew’s Work Day on the church grounds—Saturday, Oct. 18, meet at 9:30am– lunchtime. Lunch is provided! Come help and bring rakes, hoes, clippers, yard tools, etc. Thank you, Cindy Reid. PACK-A-LUNCH MINISTRY… St. Andrew’s is collecting prepackaged food items that can be put in a lunch bag and distributed to homeless individuals one time each month. Each bag will include a protein, a starch, a fruit, a sweet, a bottle of water and a wet wipe. Please make sure items are packed or wrapped for individual servings. We cannot use bulk items that are not individually wrapped, items that require a can opener or items that need to be heated. And no candy please. We deliver the sack lunches on the 3rd Sunday of the month. Sign up to help on October 16, Thursday at 1:00pm! EXAMPLES INCLUDE: (pop-top cans/packets) tuna or other protein items, Vienna sausages, beanie weenies, Beef Jerky (individually wrapped), nuts, cookies, applesauce, fruit cocktail, cheese crackers, peanut butter crackers, granola bars, & power bars. Individually wrapped wet wipes and bottled water. Parents’ NIGHT Out Ou : $10 / per child October 10 , Friday, 6 – 10 pm Theme: Pumpkins Movie: Charlie Brown & the Great Pumpkin Parents Morning Out: October 18, Saturday, 9 am - Noon $10 for the 1st child; $5 each additional child Theme: Halloween Movie: Pooh’s Heffalump Halloween Movie Sign up at the nursery, email Christian Education Coordinator, ([email protected]) or call the church office 376.6316 ext 103. SAVE THE DATE: Trunk or Treat & Haunted House (SR EYC Project) Friday, October 31, 6:00-7:30pm Make plans to attend! SR EYC Project Sign up to bring your car with decorated trunk (sheet on back counter). Donate candy for the kids (candy bucket in back of nave). E YC October 18, Saturday, 66-10:30pm— 10:30pm—Haunted House Tour Eat dinner before. Wear black & we’ll scare up some fun! October 26, Sunday, 11:45am11:45am-3pm: FrightFright-a-Thon We’ll eat pizza and watch scary flicks, then set up for EYC Haunted House for TrunkorTreat on Friday, Oct. 31. October 31, Friday, 55-8pm: Trunk or Treat Come trick or treat at the decorated trunks in our church parking lot, visit the haunted house and eat hot dogs! FYI...your name goes into the drawing...triple if you work the haunted house. EYC! When you attend EYC (6th – 12th), SR EYC (9th – 12th), or Sunday School, your name goes into a drawing (gift cards - $75, $50, $25). Ditto when you bring a friend. Drawing in May. You MUST be present to win! SAVE THE DATE FOR OktoberFest—October 26 Enjoy a “Brats N Beer” luncheon. Please bring sides, salads & desserts. Meat, beer & bread are provided. Sign up to help to set-up or clean up (on back counter in nave). More details later. Plan to attend the fun & fellowship! Olive Wood Religious Art & Bethlehem Handicrafts sale. The Hannoona family will be visiting St. Andrew’s on Sunday, October 26, during the Oktoberfest to offer beautiful carved items for sale. For centuries, Bethlehem’s Christians have supported their families by carving religious art from olive wood for visiting pilgrims. However, political conflict prevents their families form reaching Bethlehem and many Christians from selling their art in Jerusalem. Adding to this, the number of pilgrims who visit the holy sites decreases during times of political strife which negatively affects the economy in Bethlehem. The situation is not expected to improve any time soon. Your purchase will go to support the Hannoona family and other Christians living in Bethlehem and the Holy Land. Pace’s Pilgrimage . . Jesus said: "Let the little children come unto me." One of the greatest ministries at St. Andrew's is our devotion to children. It is part of our heritage and our DNA. Seeing the scores of smiling children at the blessing during the Sunday Eucharist, or hearing the squeals of laughter as they play in the newly built playground are wonderful blessings to us all. We must make sure that our focus is continually about loving these children and doing what is always in their best interests. Because we have this wonderful situation of having so many families and children in our parish, Mother Jo, Edee Aikman (our Christian Education Director), and I have created a new Children's Faith Formation Task Force, chaired by Doug Voran. The purpose of this task force is to discover all of the potential ways we as a parish might be able to best continue to serve our children, engage our children, inform our children, and demonstrate the love of God to our children in a Christian Education/Faith Formation program. We have charged the task force to: 1) Begin a long-term study that first focuses on the demographics and general needs of this parish in terms of Children's Christian Education/Faith Formation. Focusing on the Pre-Kindergarten through Elementary ages, we want to know how many potential children are in the parish? What are the general patterns of attendance for their families? What are the needs in terms of types of education, engagement, service? What kind of participation have we seen from their parents? Should we expect more/less? How can we better build parental needs into our Children's Education/Faith Formation program? What are things we can do to better include parents and help them participate in the activities and formation of their children? 2) Based on the local study of the parish, the task force will then begin an investigation of the wide variety of Faith Formation/Christian Education models that are available in Episcopal Churches (or other mainline Protestant churches...), that might correspond with our needs. Members of the task force will travel to other churches both inside and outside the diocese to observe their models of Children's Christian Education. 3) The task force will create a report by the Spring of 2015 for the Rector, Associate Rector, and Director of Christian Education, with recommendations for the Fall 2015 Children's Faith Formation/Christian Education Program, giving us time to plan any necessary recruiting/training based on the report. Please keep the work of this task force in your prayers and assist them in any way you can as they try to build up the Kingdom for God's most precious creatures--our children. Robert+ ERROR: undefined OFFENDING COMMAND: STACK:
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