ELGHS DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS Tuesday, October 14, 2014 www.elgs.k12.wi.us TODAY, TUESDAY: High School Picture Retakes (7:30 – 10:30 am) 9th Grade ACT/Aspire Testing (please make every attempt to be present) 8th Grade STEM tour to Kohler Company (8:15am – Noon) NHS Mtg (current members) – Lunch (Room 414) WIAA CO-OP SOCCER REGIONALS (DIVISION 3/SECTIONAL 2) vs. Fox Valley (HOME – New Holstein) (4:00) CO-OP SWIM & DIVE @ Sheboygan North (AWAY) (5:30 start) WEDNESDAY: PSAT Exam (Juniors) FFA Members Mtg – Lunch (AG. Room) THURSDAY: Faculty Mtg – 7:00 am (Kohl Lab) 9th Grade ACT/Aspire Testing (please make every attempt to be present) AFS Members Mtg – Lunch (Library) Sophomore Class Ring Info Meeting (2:25 pm) Cross Country @ CLC Conf. Meet (AWAY – Sheb. Lutheran) (2:35 dismissal;2:50 bus; 4:00 start) Volleyball @ CLC Conf. Meet (AWAY – Howards Grove) (3:30 bus; 4:30) Staff Flu Shots (3:30 to 5:30) (Elem/MS IMC) AFS Aluminum Can Drive (drop off all-day)(H.S. back parking lot) WIAA SOCCER REGIONALS (TBA) Basketball Open Gym (5:30 to 7:00 pm) th FRIDAY: 9 Grade ACT/Aspire Testing (please make every attempt to be present) Band Apple Pie Day Set-up (3:00) AFS Aluminum Can Drive (8:00 am to noon)(H.S. back parking lot) SATURDAY: Band Apple Pie Day (8 am to 4 pm) (pick up pies 10 to 2) AFS Aluminum Can Drive (8:00 am to noon)(H.S. back parking lot) Football vs. Three Lakes (HOME – SENIOR DAY) (1:00 pm game) Volleyball @ CLC Conf. Meet (AWAY – Howards Grove) (7:45 am bus; 9:00 start) CO-OP Swim @ Manitowoc Lincoln Invite (AWAY) (12:00 start) ANNOUNCEMENTS HIGH SCHOOL PICTURE RETAKES – TODAY – 7:30–10:30 am – H.S. Gym. If you did not get your school picture taken before or need to have it retaken, reorder forms are available in the office. Please bring the original pictures with you tomorrow. Also, ALL STUDENTS and STAFF need to have their pictures taken for School ID’s. FRESHMEN: REMINDER THAT ACT/ASPIRE TESTING STARTS TODAY. Please make sure every attempt to be in school. Testing will be Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday this week. Thank you for your cooperation! NHS MEMBERS MEETING (current) – TODAY – LUNCH – Mrs. Corbin’s room – ALL CURRENT MEMBERS are expected to be there. FFA MEMBERS MEETING…. Free Food for All. No that is not what FFA stands for, but we are providing LUNCH to everyone attending the FFA CHAPTER MEETING TOMORROW (Wednesday) in the Ag. room. Please be sure to bring your $20 dues to get your new "super-FFA" t-shirt. It's also that time of year again...we will be handing out Fruit Order Forms. This is a great way to raise money for trips and other FFA events. AFS MEMBERS MEETING – Thursday at Lunch in the Library. Please plan on attending! ATTENTION SOPHOMORES: The representative from Jostens will be here THIS Thursday, October 16th at 2:30 to meet with you and hand out CLASS RING INFORMATION. Please plan to be here. The AFS club is holding an Aluminum Can Drive. You can drop off your aluminum cans in the high school parking lot all day THIS Thursday and Friday, October 16th and 17th, and Saturday, October 18th until noon. Proceeds from the drive will go to their trip to Pennsylvania this spring. LOST & FOUND…. MANY items were turned into the office after Homecoming Week last week. Please stop in the office and see if something of your was turned in. THANK YOU! ***Immunization Reminder*** Attn Parents: Please make sure that your student is current on their grade required immunizations for the 2014-2015 school year, and forward a copy of the immunization dates (or a signed waiver if you choose to not immunize) to the school office ASAP! The 40th day of school is fast approaching, and that is the day that all immunization information is reported to state health depts.! Please feel free to contact the office with any questions or concerns! ARE YOUR CHILD’S IMMUNIZATIONS UP-TO-DATE? If you are in need of immunizations, the Sheboygan County Division of Public Health can provide vaccines to those without insurance. If you have any questions, please contact the school. YEARBOOK is looking for photos from this PAST SUMMER. Please give them to Hannah Jenny or Mr. Yasko. Also, please remember to put your name on the back so the pictures can be returned. ‘Flock’ your friend’s lawn today!.... In exchange for a small donation of $20 to the ELGHS World Language Club, a surprise Pink Flamingo Flock will take roost in the lawn of a family member or friend for 48 hours! A Flamingo Flock sign will accompany 25+ pink flamingos, which will explain everything about removal and future destinations of the flock. It will be up to you whether the recipient finds out who ‘flocked’ their lawn or not – your identity will not be anywhere on the information! To place your “work order”, return a completed form along with your donation of $20 to the Elkhart Lake-Glenbeulah High School office, Attn: Leslie Corbin. (forms are available both at the High school and Elementary/Middle schools). (100% of the proceeds go the ELGHS World Language Club Costa Rica Spanish Language Immersion Trip – Summer 2015) THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! UPCOMING DATES: - Lakeland Math Contest – Monday, Oct. 20th (5:30 pm) - School Board Mtg – Monday, Oct. 20th (7 pm) - Teacher In-Service – Wednesday, Oct. 22nd (EARLY RELEASE @ 12:30 pm (Grades 5th – 12th); 1:30 pm (Grades JK – 4th)) - Elementary/Middle School Picture “Retake” day – Wednesday, Oct. 22nd - ELGS Linked into Literacy “Spooky Stories Night” (IMC / Elem Café) – Thursday, Oct. 23rd (6 – 7pm)(JK – 4th gr) - FFA Pumpkin Carving & Painting Night – Monday, Oct. 27th (6:30 – 8:00 pm) - Halloween Pops Concert (Choir & Band) – Friday, Oct. 31st & Sunday, Nov. 1st (6:30 pm) BIRTHDAY WISHES!! HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY TO JOSH FARRAR FOR TODAY! - -- - -- - -- - Lunch Menu Monday - Thursday: Bob & Scott’s Catering (a la Carte) Friday: Lunch Sponsored by the Sophomore Class (Sorry, your Value Cards will NOT work on Friday! You will need cash in line.) - -- -- - - -- -- - ATHLETICS - GO RESORTERS! GOOD LUCK to the RESORTER/HUSKY BOYS’ CO-OP SOCCER TEAM as they HOST the Fox Valley Lutheran Foxes TODAY at HOME at Kiwanis Park in New Holstein for the WIAA DIVISION 3 REGIONAL SOCCER GAME! Athletes will be dismissed at 2:25; the van leaves at 2:30; and GAME TIME is 4:00. COME OUT AND CHEER ON THE TEAM! GOOD LUCK to Lauren and the CO-OP SWIM 7 DIVE TEAMS as they compete at Sheboygan North TODAY. The first race is at 5:30. The TRAINER will be here Monday’s and Wednesday’s at Lunch. If you need to see them, please stop by the office. - -- - -- - -- - GUIDANCE OFFICE NOTES & COLLEGE/MILITARY VISITS ALL JUNIORS planning on taking the PSAT TEST TOMORROW (WEDNESDAY (Oct. 15th)) need to RETURN THEIR PERMISSION SLIP and $14.00 to Mrs. Bunyea BEFORE THE TEST TOMORROW. Please bring them to the office or to Mrs. Bunyea. VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED FOR DESTINATION KOHLER’S FOOD & WINE EXPERIENCE – OCT. 23-26… GREAT volunteer gifts, including rubbing shoulders with celebrity chefs! Check out the posters for a variety of time increments and dates and where to register. Earn Community Service Hours and have FUN doing it. Their ideal volunteer will be available for a variety of shifts; however, they will consider anyone who is available. Individuals must be 18 years of age or older to sell/serve alcoholic beverages. The Red Cross is offering a Babysitter’s Training Course for Saturday, October 25th and will be held at the Sheboygan Red Cross (2032 Erie Avenue) from 8:30 am – 4:00 p.m. The course/class will be FREE! To register, please call 1-800-REDCROSS (1-800-733-2767) or go online at www.redcross.org and you must use coupon code P325UWSHEBOYGAN0615, when registering to get the class for free. This course is designed for children 11 years of age or older. Participants will learn the responsibilities of a babysitter, how to prevent accidents, how to handle emergencies, some basic first aid, infant care skills, and more. For questions please contact the Red Cross office at 920-457-7739. Thank you. ATTENTION STUDENTS: We would like your help in identifying yourselves if you are a student that has taken part in COMMUNITY SERVICE ACTIVITIES over the past year. The faculty would like to nominate a student who has done a number of community service projects and hours, but sometimes we don’t always know all the things the students are involved in. If you are interested, please talk to Mrs. Bunyea or Mr. Brown and submit an application online at http://spirit.prudential.com or www.nassp.org/spirit. The application needs to be completed online by Nov. 4th, and submitted to Mr. Brown. A student will then be selected to receive a volunteer service award, and potentially a $1,000 award or a trip to Washington DC. If you have any questions on this please see Mrs. Bunyea or Mr. Brown. HELP WANTED: Attention Students – Lakeland Truck Caps has a position available in our Service and Installation Department. No evenings or Sundays. Apply in person, Monday – Friday, 8:00am – 5:00 pm at W7761Plank Road, Greenbush, WI. COLLEGE REPS: There are some college reps scheduled to visit our school and would love to talk to students interested in finding out more about their colleges. Please plan to come see the rep during their scheduled time here. Please talk to your teacher(s) ahead of time to let them know you will be missing class that day to see the rep! (forms to get out of class are located in the Guidance and high school offices) NORTHERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY – TODAY @ 7:45 am ST. NORBERT COLLEGE – TOMORROW, Wednesday, Oct. 15th (1:15 pm) UW-SHEBOYGAN – Tuesday, Oct. 21st (1:15 pm) RIPON COLLEGE – Wednesday, Oct. 29th (10:22 am) - --- - --- - --- WALK FOR A PURPOSE (Alzheimer’s Association, Arthritis Foundation, Multiple Sclerosis Society, ALS Association) THIS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18TH TO REGISTER: CALL 892-4858 THANK YOU FOR YOU SUPPORT!
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