Newsletter OCT/NOV 2014 WWW.CORONADOCOUGARS.COM WWW.CSMLEAGUE.ORG Main Phone: 719.328.3600 Attendance: 719.328.3613 CONFERENCES October 29-30 Schedule on Page 3 INSIDE THIS ISSUE ATTENDANCE P/T CONFERENCES NEWS & EVENTS PTA/SAC COUNSELING INFO GT & AP, CU SUCCEED STUDENT, CLUB NEWS BUSINESS NEWS PERFORMING ARTS ACE, FACS SPORTS YEARBOOK FLU SHOTS 2 3 4-6 7 8-11 12-13 14 15 16 16 17-18 18 19 Dear Coronado Community, Thank you for making Homecoming Week a special time for our students and community. We are especially thankful to our Old Colorado City community as they continue to support us in our Coronado Homecoming Parade. Our Student Government worked hard to ensure that all the events ran smoothly and it showed. We look forward to seeing you at parent/teacher conferences October 29 th and 30th. Conferences are the time to discuss your student’s progress with their teachers. These conversations support your student’s success and we encourage your participation. Page 3 lists the scheduled times that are available. All visitors to Coronado Must Show a Picture ID (driver’s license, state ID, military ID), and Sign In at the Security Desk at the Main Entrance for accountability purposes before entering any/all exterior buildings. We apologize for any inconvenience, but Safety Is Priority Number 1! Coronado’s award-winning Choir, Band, and Orchestra will be performing this month. Many of our sports have qualified for state competition, and students have over 30 clubs in which to get involved. Access the school calendar on the website for all of the upcoming activities. Darin Smith Coronado Principal Veteran and Staff Member Tom Hendrix Honored as 2014 Westside Recipient See the full story on page 5. 2 SCHOOL WHEN YOU CALL THE ATTENDANCE LINE ... PLEASE SPELL YOUR STUDENT’S FIRST AND LAST NAME. 719.328.3613 When reporting a partial day absence please state the time student will be out of school - NOT THE PERIODS, for example, 9:00 am to 10:00 am – NOT 2ND AND 3RD PERIODS. We have various schedules for different days. If a student will miss part of a school day, please have your student deliver a parent’s note to the Attendance Office before school begins or call a few hours ahead on the day of (or day prior to) the appointment. This way, students will be ready to leave on time and will have a permit to leave class and the building. Parents cannot expect students to be ready to leave in a timely manner if no advance warning is given. Please make every effort to refrain from picking up your student from 2:40 to 3:00 pm. The office is inundated with calls and activity at this time. Thank you. Parent/Guardian Responsibilities: Notify school of current contact information Contact the school for attendance related issues Know the attendance policies at their school Provide proper documentation if requested Stress the importance of daily school attendance Arrange appointments for after-school hours Parking Lot Guidelines Our parking lot continues to flow somewhat smoothly on most days; however there are a few areas where we need our community’s support: In the morning Please plan on arriving with enough time so your student can get to their locker and class before the 7:40 am bell (at which point they will be considered tardy). If you drop your student off at the west entrance, please pull in as far forward as the marquee to alleviate traffic backing up. In the afternoon Please continue to pull as far forward as possible, this allows us to get as many cars as we can into the pick-up/drop-off lane. Please do not pick up your student in the through lane, pull to the curb to pick them up. Picking students up in the through lane also backs up traffic. If you know that your student will be late coming out of school, please consider pulling into a parking space so that we don’t impede the pick-up lane with standing cars waiting for long periods of time. As winter approaches, please be aware that we tend to have more parents picking up students on bad weather days. We ask that you plan accordingly so that a) your student is picked up in a timely manner, and b) you are aware of the extra congestion and time needed on these days. Thank you for your patience and safe driving on our campus. 3 P/T CONFERENCE Coronado Parent/Teacher Conference Schedule October 29 & 30 Students are STRONGLY encouraged to attend conferences with their parent/guardian. PLEASE BE SURE to BRING A COPY OF YOUR STUDENT’S SCHEDULE! To better accommodate parent work schedules, Coronado will again be departing from the District #11 schedule for Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences by having them on Wednesday evening, October 29 and all day into the evening on Thursday October 30. Teachers who have an unavoidable conflict either Wednesday evening or Thursday will be making arrangements for conferences on Friday morning, October 31. Conferences will be on a walk-in basis and nine minutes in length. If more time is needed, parents/ guardians will need to schedule another appointment with the teacher(s). Sign-up sheets will be on the door or wall near the rooms teachers will be holding their conferences. If a teacher is holding a conference when you arrive, you may wait or reserve a time by signing the posted sign-up sheet. CONFERENCE TIMES Wednesday, October 29 Conferences 5:30 pm—7:00 pm Thursday, October 30 NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS Conferences 10:00 am—11:30 am Lunch Break 11:30 am—Noon Conferences Noon—3:30 pm Dinner Break 3:30—4:30 pm Conferences 4:30 pm—7:00 pm Conferences are your chance to connect with your student’s teachers. Upcoming Events... FALL FESTIVAL CARE & SHARE DRIVE SMART A Fall Festival will be held at Coronado on October 25 from 5:00—8:00 pm. The haunted hallway is open to anyone and costs only $1 per entry. Care and Share is going throughout October and November. Care and Share week is November 17-21. Food donations will be accepted at the school during this time! The Drive Smart Traffic Safety Challenge will be coming to Coronado in November. A week of safe driving presentations will address seat belt use, traffic laws, and the dangers of driving while distracted or under the influence. 4 NEWS &EVENT Holiday Bazaar October 25-26 Come join us for the 4th Annual Coronado High School Holiday Bazaar. This event benefits Band and Orchestra programs at Coronado. Saturday October 25th from 9-4pm Sunday October 26th from 11-4pm Visit from Santa Claus both days from 1-3pm Silent Auction Over 100 booths for your holiday shopping pleasure and a variety of food vendors Contact Brian Kohls [email protected] or by calling 615-507-8478 SALUTING AMERICA In 2013 District 11 partnered with The American Legion to bring the Saluting America program to our schools for the first time. Saluting America educates and instills a strong sense of patriotism in America’s youth, raises awareness of America’s cherished values, and honors the sacrifices made by our nation’s active military and veterans. Coronado embraced this opportunity last year and has begun plans for this year's celebration. District 11's theme for Saluting America is "Neighbors Sharing Our Nation's Story." Coronado will again be honoring our own staff who have served in the military and also pay tribute to our local Wounded Warriors. A special assembly is being planned on Veterans' Day, November 11, 2014. Homecoming Thanks! Homecoming 2014 was a great success! Thanks to all those who helped make each event of the day terrific! Student Government Administration and Staff Homecoming Volunteers: Dawn Abeyta, Candy Archdale, Cindy Aubrey, Peter Aubrey, Beth Austin, Christine Bauers, Misti Baumberger, Emily Boehlke, Laurel Bumpus, Tina Coleman, Mandy Collins, Greg Collins, Karlla Dutton, Greg Garrison, Kate Gascon, Cheryl Gorthy, Donna Hall, Debbie Harvey, Scotti Kassner, Linda Kay, Kathy Kimball, Melissa Kellmann, Linda Loflin, Angela McKibben, Christy Nixon, Roxann Pharris, Jodene Rahaman, Sandy Radzienda, Karen Reynolds, Kari Shea, Tonya Shepherd, Donna Swanson, Brenda Von Lehmden Tia Warren, Linda Wilson, Matt Wilson, Kris Whitcomb, Susan Yeh, and Jill York 5 CORONADO (Left to Right) Austin Micci, Homecoming King Tiffany Lambert, Homecoming Queen Sophomores: Tyler Micci Marley Thomas Seniors: Maddie Quintana Brandon Schwab Lauren Hancock Zeb Foster Isaiah Duvall Dani Bloom Evan Kay Juniors: Kaira Smith Zach Gerber Freshmen: Lindsey Bergen Toby Smith 2013 Westside Recipient Tom Hendrix has been with District 11 for more than 43 years, coming to Coronado in 1977. This former Army veteran turned disciplinarian/study hall supervisor has a passion for helping troubled kids get on the right path and it has been extremely rewarding to him. Mr. Hendrix has done some amazing work with the students. “I’ve had some of the best at Coronado and have worked with some of the best staff,” he said, recalling his years at Coronado. Tom and his wife, Bev, adore Coronado and our great Cougar Nation. You will find them working the gates at basketball, volleyball, and wrestling. Over the years they have also traveled to many away events as well. This gentleman has a deep admiration for his wife of 58 years. The couple has traveled the world together and he describes her as a “wonderful partner.” Mr. Hendrix is setting a great example for Cougars—on Tom Hendrix relationships and living. When asked about his most memorable Coronado moment: “This is it. This is the highest honor I have received while working for District 11.” All four Hendrix children were present to watch their father receive the Westside Recipient Award at Homecoming on September 27 at half-time. The Cougar Nation and Westside community proudly congratulate Tom and his family. Well done! Thank you, Mr. Hendrix, for everything you have done for the Westside and also for our country. 6 CORONADO CC’s in the HOUSE Check out the CHS banner on our security check-in desk in the main foyer. Parent and PTA President Angela McKibben designed and sewed this beautiful custom work of art. What a great first impression for Coronado. Who’s in the house? CC’s in the house! AVID WREATH & GREENS FUNDRAISER The AVID Team will soon be selling wreathes and other Christmas greens as part of our annual fundraiser. Please support our activities by purchasing a product from an AVID student, or at Parent-Teacher conferences. AVID PROGRAM NEWS Our team has been busy this year. We began the year with an orientation and trip to Elitch Gardens in Denver. In September, many of our upper-division students went on a field-trip to Western State Colorado University and Adams State University. On two professional development days, AVID teachers shared our tutorial process and Cornell Notes strategies with our colleagues, and we had our first parent meeting of the year in October. Several parents agreed to be part of the AVID Site Team, and we are excited to collaborate with them on AVID’s mission to prepare students for success in college and in the global workforce. If you would like to learn more about the program, contact Laura Stuckey: [email protected] or 328-3736. Rotary Teacher Diamond Award It's that time of year when the Rotary Club looks to honor teachers in School District 11. The Rotary Club Teacher Diamond Award is highly coveted. During the month of October, students from Coronado will nominate teachers they feel have made a difference in their lives. Once all nominations are submitted, the Rotary Club Diamond Award Committee will read and review all submissions and select a winner from each of the high schools and middle schools in Colorado Springs School District 11. The winners will be honored in the spring by Rotary Club members, Dr. Gledich, and their schools. This unique award is student-driven and based solely on student nominations. Many thanks to the Rotary Club for sponsoring such a wonderful event and honoring our great teachers. 7 PTA & SAC PTA meets Oct. 21 All are welcome! 5:30 pm in the Aztec Room (basement of main building) Join us for the next meeting where we will… Plan fall events including: Clothing Exchange Staff Appreciation events! Betty Field Writing & Reflections Program Keep Reloading your Gift Card! The King Soopers Gift Card program has been a great success! Help us do even more for Coronado… Get your $5 Reloadable card at Open House! PTA earns 5% on all reloads. Meetings: Oct. 21 Nov. 18 Jan. 20 Feb. 17 March 17 April 21 May TBD School Accountability Committee (SAC) What is SAC? SAC is a team of parents, school administrators, staff and community members who meet regularly to discuss issues that impact the school and provide recommendations that ultimately improve the school environment allowing for maximum student success. Such issues may include school improvement plans, safety/security procedures, and standardized test data. Next meeting: Thursday, October 9 Monthly, 2nd Thursday of each month at 5:30 pm in the Aztec room, basement of Building A. Questions? Contact Keith Austin, SAC Chairman, [email protected] or 719.963.1221. After Prom Donations After Prom continues to be a huge success at Coronado and PTA is proud to offer this safe and fun event to our students. Coronado High School After Prom Committee is looking for a sponsorship or donations to support our annual After Prom Party. We are requesting financial donations or items to be used as door prizes. Suggested items include gift cards, coupons for services or merchandise. You may drop your donations off at the Main Office marked “After Prom.” If you have any questions, please contact Christine at [email protected]. After Prom April 17, 2015 8 COUNSELING CTR. FUTURE FRESHMEN—8th Grade Orientation The Coronado Counselors would like to cordially invite the incoming freshmen (current 8th graders) and their parents to the 8th Grade Orientation Evening. It will be held at Coronado High School on Wednesday, January 14, 2015. Students and parents will learn about the variety of programs offered at Coronado and will have an opportunity to speak with Coronado Academic Department Chairpersons to answer any questions about specific courses. It is an evening not to be missed – mark your calendars. Hope to see you there! JUNIOR ACT & PREP INFORMATION ACT for ALL Juniors This spring, your junior will be taking an ACT test at Coronado High School. The State of Colorado mandates that all juniors take the ACT on Tuesday, April 28, 2015. Scores from the April 28 ACT test will be posted on students’ transcripts and will become part of their permanent record. There are several opportunities for college bound juniors: · Coronado will be offering an ACT prep class on March 31st, April 1st, and 2nd after school. The class covers material from the ACT Preparation Manual. The class runs from 3:15 to 4:30 and will review English/reading, math, and science. The cost is $20.00; students may register with Mrs. Guthmiller in the counseling center. The Coronado ACT prep class focuses only on review of subject matter. · Students may also select to take the Prep for the Future ACT Workshop at Coronado High School on April 8 and 9. The cost is $79.00. All juniors will receive information about this workshop in a home mailing from Prep for the Future this spring. The focus is on test taking skills as well as reviewing for the ACT test. Register and pay online at: · Once again, we are offering a free ACT practice test for all juniors, likely on March 19th. We encourage all juniors to take advantage of this free opportunity. Students taking the practice ACT will receive their scores on a follow-up date and hear from a Princeton Review representative who will analyze scores and offer hints for improving scores. Last year a significant number of students who took the practice test improved their score on the state ACT test! FUTURE SENIORS—LEARNING LINK OFFERS MEDICAL FIELD EXPERIENCE Memorial Hospital, in conjunction with D11, offers a program called Learning Link. This program allows seniors an up-close experience in a variety of medical fields within the hospital. Students need to apply through their Coronado counselor for the program. There are a limited number of students selected to participate in the program each semester. Students generally work at the hospital two times per week during school hours to receive one elective credit towards graduation. See your counselor right away! The deadline to apply is at the end of February. SELECTIVE SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT FOR ALL MALES 17 or 18 YEARS OLD – Federal law requires that all males register with Selective Service within 30 days of their 18th birthday. Students can submit their registration information on the Internet at or by filling out a form that is available at any post office. Selective Service registration is required to be eligible for a federal student loan, job training, most federal jobs, and U.S. Citizenship. LOOKING FOR EMPLOYMENT? Students looking for employment need to check our improved job bulletin board, located in the hallway outside the Coronado Counseling Center. All employment opportunities that we hear of are posted on the bulletin board. Check it often as information changes COUNSELING CTR. 9 COLLEGE OPPORTUNITY FUND CORONADO COUNSELING STAFF Ms. McElvogue (A – E) 328–3608 Ms. Cooper (F – L) 328–3637 Ms. Summers (M – R) 328–3642 Ms. Emerson (S – Z) 328–3607 Ms. Smith (College & Career) 328-3606 Secretary: Mrs. Guthmiller 328–3609 COMMUNITY SERVICE— AN OPPORTUNITY FOR ALL STUDENTS As students apply for the National Honor Society, college admission, and scholarships, they find that a history of volunteering or assisting others plays a significant role. Many applications ask what a student has done over the four-year period of high school. Has the student committed to the service of others? Has the student demonstrated leadership within these activities? There are many opportunities in our community to help others. Students in high school should consider giving time to programs such as the Marion House Soup Kitchen, Habitat for Humanity, Silver Key for senior adults, the Humane Society, the summer Park and Recreation programs, and other organizations. POST-SECONDARY SITES Three new websites to investigate: Scholarship Searches Websites The state of Colorado is offering to all Colorado students the College Opportunity Fund (COF). It is basically a reconfiguration as to how the state funds higher education. The monies that normally went to the institutions are now being given to the schools in the name of the student. To take advantage of the College Opportunity Fund, parents and/or students must register at the following website: It is a very simple registration. Once registered, the college or university will take care of reducing the tuition for the student once the student has been accepted to that particular school. Students only register one time for COF. NCAA INFORMATION If you are planning on competing in college athletics at the Division I or II levels, you need to register right now with the NCAA Clearinghouse. The Clearinghouse will evaluate the student athlete’s high school transcript and ACT or SAT scores according to NCAA standards to determine a student’s eligibility to play in college. Clearinghouse applications are available online at See Mr. Howard, Athletic Director, in the Business Office for more information. COLLEGE APPLICATIONS Students who plan to go to college next year (fall of 2015) need to begin the application process NOW. Many colleges are encouraging students to apply early so they will be able to get into the program of their choice. Students and parents should direct any questions to their counselors. Application forms for in-state colleges and universities are generally available in the counseling center. Most colleges now prefer that you apply online. Students who want to attend an out-of-state college or university will need to request that application be sent to them or obtain them via the Internet. The application has several parts to be completed: the application, an application fee (checks to be made out to the specific college), an official transcript ($4.00 is charged for each official transcript), possibly an essay, and possibly several letters of recommendation. As one can see, this is a process. It takes time, so plan ahead! 10 IMPORTANT TESTING DATES AND CLASSES Upcoming National ACT Test Dates: December 13, 2014 (Register by Nov. 7) Upcoming National SAT Test Dates: November 8, 2014 (Register by Oct. 9) December 6, 2014 (Register by Nov. 6) Registration packets are available in the counseling center, or register online at COUNSELING CTR. CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT OPTIONS Students may be interested in our Concurrent Enrollment Options at Coronado. This program allows students to take one or two classes at either Pikes Peak Community College or at UCCS. Interested students should talk to Ms. Smith as soon as possible. Registration and all paperwork submission deadlines for the program are April 15 for fall semester and November 1 for spring semester. There are restrictions as to which classes students are allowed to take at UCCS or PPCC. CU Gold Program Students may also select to take classes at Coronado High School for college credit through CU Denver and/or UCCS. This is an excellent opportunity to get a jump on college classes and credits. See Mrs. Schulzki in the media center for more information. COLLEGE VISITS TO COUNSELING CENTER Many colleges and universities send admissions representatives to Coronado throughout the fall and winter months to visit with interested students. Students are informed via our new message board system on the TV’s, and the names of the schools, dates and times are posted on the counseling center “college visit” calendar found in the hallway just outside the counseling office. This is a great opportunity for juniors and seniors to gain valuable information. Students must obtain a pass from the counseling center to be excused from class to meet with the admissions representatives. for ACT and for SAT. ACT Prep Classes at Coronado Oct. 14, 15, and 16! Held after school; COLLEGE REPS COMING TO CORONADO: Oct 13 Oct 14 Oct 23 CU Boulder, Iowa State, OK City University University of Oregon University of Alabama To meet with the above schools, see Mrs. Guthmiller in Counseling. Total cost: $20.00 Important Dates for your Calendar See Mrs. Guthmiller in Counseling to pay cash or checks made to CHS, October 9th: ASVAB Military Test (see Ms. Mac to sign up) and register. October 13th: Out of State College Night 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm, Expo Center on North Nevada October 14th, 15th, 16th: ACT Prep Classes (after school) $20.00—Sign up in counseling center October 15th: PSAT (for juniors and honors sophomores) $20.00—Sign up in counseling center COUNSELING CTR. TRANSCRIPT INFORMATION FOR COLLEGE BOUND STUDENTS College applications are due soon. Hopefully, you are working hard on them! The counselors suggest that all applications are completed by December 1st. The deadline for requesting an official transcript prior to Winter Break is December 18, 2014. Availability of official transcripts will resume on January 7, 2015. For those students interested in applying to a Colorado college, check out We have found this site to be very helpful. FINANCIAL AID - FAFSA INFO The FAFSA form needs to be completed as soon as possible after January 1st so that colleges can prepare a financial aid package for your student. It is recommended that you complete the FAFSA form online at Please visit the website now to apply for a personal identification number (PIN). Both the student and the parent need a pin number. COLLEGE GOAL SUNDAY COMING FEBRUARY 8, 2015! This important event will be held at two locations this year: PPCC main campus and UCCS. Professional financial advisors will assist families in completing the FAFSA. Come between 2:00 and 4:00 p.m. Don’t miss it! Look for more information soon. CAMPUS VISITS Would you like to tour your prospective college campus? Campus visit information is available on each of the college or university websites. If you need help in obtaining the information or website, see your counselor. Internet access is also available in the counseling center. 11 SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION Scholarship notices are posted in the counseling center and are available on the Coronado web page at Make certain that your student is checking for appropriate scholarships. Many colleges have their own “in house” scholarship application. Students may also shop for numerous other scholarships on a variety of web sites such as, and Deadlines… Deadlines! Guess what? In the world of college admission, deadlines are for real. Ignore them and you’re out of luck. Pay attention to the deadlines for: College Applications – Many of the private institutions have January 1 deadlines. As we approach the end of the semester, be sure to allow at least 10 working days for counselor and teacher recommendations. Transcript requests must be made by December 18 for applications being mailed before Winter Break. Filing for Financial Aid – Schools have their own deadlines for when the FAFSA results must be received. Priority deadlines are just that – those that file by a priority deadline will have a better chance of having their financial needs met if they qualify for financial aid. A common deadline is March 1. Scholarships also have strict deadlines – make sure you know if the deadline means, “postmarked” or “received by”. Merit Awards – Large universities, such as CSU, award merit scholarships to the top students who have applied by a certain date. READ, ASK QUESTIONS, AND BE INFORMED. 12 GT INFORMATION STUDENT CREATED ONLINE ADVANCED LEARNING PLANS Students will be able to participate in creating their own ALP* goal this year simply by going online and connecting to Coronado’s GRT’s (Mrs. Schulzki’s) website. This new plan will allow students to address their identified area of talent, test scores, giftedness and growth, college or post-secondary planning, as well as interests and pursuits, and can be added on to each year. ALP DEADLINES Freshmen & Twice Exceptional: Mon., October 13 Sophomores: Tuesday, January 20, 2015 Juniors: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 Seniors: Any time during the school year The schedule for accessing and turning in online ALPs is listed below. A meeting with GT parents was held on September 10 to discuss the secondary Gifted and Talented program in District 11, along with an overview of the student-driven, Advanced Learning Plan. If you missed this meeting, I will meet with identified GT students throughout the year during their Cougar Connect period by grade levels. The first meeting, with 9 th graders, will be held Wednesday, October 1st. At that time, I will review the ALP process. The sophomore meeting will be held Wednesday, December 10, with juniors meeting with me during Cougar Connect on Wednesday, March 11. Consultations will follow, if desired. Seniors can consult with me, Mrs. Schulzki, throughout the year with their specific needs. We think this is a great opportunity for GT students to keep a record of their high school experience and build a useful resume, making it easier for them to access once students reach their senior year, and can call upon this record to assist with college applications and scholarships. All information and directions can be found on Mrs. Schulzki’s teacher page at: Online ALP Instructions Direct Link (student login required): Quick Start to the Online ALP: 1. Click GT Coronado High School 2014 under Classes, then click ALP Form under Library; or go directly to ALP Form (need student login to view these selections/pages). 2. Click Add document. 3. Save, Close, Print, Page, and Instructions are under ALP Resources on the front of Mrs. Schulzki’s webpage 4. Save your document using this format: "LastNameFirstNameStudentID" - no spaces AP & CU GOLD/SUCCEED 13 ADVANCED PLACEMENT TESTING INFORMATION Students currently taking Advanced Placement courses, or enrolled for next semester, will have the option to sit for the AP test(s) during the AP exam period from May 4 -15. In order to be considered for college level credit most colleges suggest students will need to earn a 3, 4, or 5 on the exam. Each exam will be paid for by School District 11. There may be a small administration cost for each exam – more information to follow in February, 2015. Students and parents will be registering online this year. Mrs. Schulzki will visit AP classes to preview registration prior to the registration period and provide online registration instructions. If your child needs any accommodations for these exams, please check with your child’s counselor as soon as possible in order to establish those accommodations with the College Board. Dates and helpful instructions can be found at the website link: If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to call at 328-3631, or e-mail at: [email protected]. AP & CU Gold/Succeed The dual enrollment registration period for Fall 2014 courses ends October 6 for UC Denver and October 17 for UCCS. As an investment in our students, all tuition will be paid by School District 11, as long as students earn an A, B, or C in their enrolled course(s), sign the Tuition Contract, and are students in good standing. If students fail to pass the course with a D or better, they will be placed under financial obligation in the Coronado Business Office. Please make sure your child has discussed these courses with you and have them return the signed parent permission form (UC Denver only) and tuition contract to their teacher or Mrs. Schulzki (CU Gold coordinator – Rm. 228/North end of the Library). For a list of courses by college go to Coronado High School’s webpage, and click on CU Gold under Quick Links. This will take you to Mrs. Schulzki’s webpage and click on CU Gold on the menu. All Fall 2014 classes and registration course numbers are listed. New UCD/CU Succeed students New UCCS/CU Succeed students For students who have applied by September 29: This is a two-step process. You must apply and then register for the course. Last day to register: October 6 Apply by: October 10 This is a two-step process. You must apply and then register for the course. Last day to register: October 17 14 STUDENT & CLUB RELIQUARY Coronado’s Literary Arts Magazine Congratulations! Save your best writing and artwork to be published in the Reliquary, Coronado’s Literary Arts Magazine. Our theme this year is "Down the Rabbit Hole." Short stories, poetry, prose, artwork; let your creativity shine on. Deadline for submission is March 30, 2015. Watch for the submission button on the web site coming soon. If you are interested in being a part of this annual edition and would like to help publish the magazine, come to Room 201 after school on Wednesdays. COUGARS CARE Coronado has its own in house non-profit that supports its students-in-need by partnering with them to help pay for class fees, providing school supplies, distributing emergency food assistance, and numerous other forms of support. We raise all of our own funds and supplies and grant roughly $10,000 in assistance to our Coronado students and community each year. Please consider helping Cougars Care by giving a tax-deductible donation to Coronado's business office for Cougars Care or contact Brent Urban for additional information - [email protected] 328-3742. Principal Darin Smith, Moriah Yeh, Teresa Jaron, Sheila Cooper, Counselor; Olivia Stenholm, and Kristy Emerson, Counselor. NATIONAL MERIT SCHOLARSHIP Semi-finalists in the 2015 National merit Scholarship competition.: Olivia Stenholm, Teresa Jaron, Moriah Yeh. These students are three of approximately 16,000 high school seniors who have the opportunity to continue for some 7,600 National merit Scholarships to be offered spring 2015. They must meet specific requirements and deadlines which qualify them to advance to the final round. FUTURE PROBLEM SOLVERS MEETS WEDNESDAY MORNINGS The Coronado Future Problem Solvers Club/Team is up and running. Students have met twice, and will continue to meet informally on Wednesday mornings in the north end of the library from 7:30- 8:30 am to prepare for their first big future problem solving event on the topic, Social Media. Mostly working in teams of four, students will work to solve four issues wrapped around a future scenario; The Impact of Social Media, Processed Foods, Propaganda, and Enhancing Human Potential. With a goal to create a solid 9th grade team, as well as several senior teams, FPS is always looking for students who like to think creatively about current and future issues. The next official meeting is Monday, October 13. Please see Mrs. Schulzki, FPS sponsor, in the north end of the library, Room 228, or captains, Ellie Kuykendall or Sara Del Valle, if you are interested or have any questions about joining. Fundraiser for Future Problem Solvers: FPS students are currently selling LockerWorks locker organizers for $25.00 each. Please contact Mrs. Schulzki if you are interested in purchasing this great organizational tool for your student, or to donate to a student who may be in need of some organizing. Contact: [email protected] or call 328-3631. 15 BUSINESS CORONADO’S ENGINEERING & APPLIED TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT TOP 10 BEST ENGINEERING &TECHNOLOGY JOBS Technology is one of the most pervasive forces in our society today – we use it both to connect and detach, to save time and to waste it – so we're especially dependent on those who make their living by creating, powering and supporting our electronics and information systems. Employment numbers are already high within the tech industry, but this is expected to be one of the fastest-growing fields between 2012 and 2022. When you consider this industry's high job prospects and well-paying occupations, it's easy to see why our No. 1 job overall hails from this part of the workforce. Software Developer: The Labor Department considers this one of the fastest-growing jobs this decade and predicts employment should swell at a rate of about 20 percent by 2022. Computer Systems Analyst: The Labor Department predicts 24.5 percent employment growth for this job by 2022. Web Developer: The Labor Department considers this one of the fastest-growing jobs this decade and predicts employment should swell at a rate of about 20 percent by 2022. Information Security Analyst: You probably also aren’t surprised by how much this occupation will grow: 36.5 percent by the year 2022. Database Administrator: The Labor Department predicts this field will add 17,900 new positions by 2022. Civil Engineer: By 2022, there should be 53,700 new openings for civil engineers. Mechanical Engineer: The profession makes our list for its low unemployment rate of 3.1 percent and comfortable median salary of $80,580. IT Manager: Expect 50,900 new positions by the year 2022. Computer Programmer: The Labor Department predicts employment growth for programmers of 8.3 percent between 2012 and 2022. Computer Systems Administrator: This profession is expected to add 42,900 new positions by 2022. Coronado Stock Market Competition Business & Marketing Education The Coronado Stock Market competition is introduced to students taking any Business, Marketing, or Computer Applications course. However, all Cougars and parents are welcome to play (only Coronado students are eligible for the cash prizes). Students are taught the basics about making trades including: buying, selling, shortselling and trend watching. The table at right shows the current top ten. To see the complete rankings of all participants go to http:// and register for a free account. Then find our game using the game name of coronado2014-2015 and the password cougars. Also, you can find instructions on Mr. Gryboski’s web site at . See Mr. Gryboski (Room 12) with any questions. Cash Prizes! First place $20, second through fourth place $10 each. Start Date: 8/25/2014 End Date: 5/8/2015 Rank Student Net Worth Return Trades 1 Cory Gill $19,330 93% 19 2 William Hunt $ 16,721 67% 49 3 Logan Cretsinger $ 11,952 20% 7 4 Bri Gascon $ 11,357 14% 29 5 Lance Coleman $ 11,215 12% 19 6 Gerrit Ralston $ 10,923 9% 2 7 Kelly Conn $ 10,850 9% 16 8 Sarina Hutchinson $ 10,522 5% 27 9 David Ruder $ 10,123 1% 35 10 Michael Petkash $ 10,125 1% 12 16 PERFORMING ARTS CHOIR CONCERT BAND FUNDRAISER Carrabba’s Night & Band Concerts October 14, 2014 CHS Auditorium – 7:00 pm Tickets on sale in the business office October 6-14 for $3/ticket Tickets will be sold at the auditorium ticket booth the night of the concert for $4/ticket – get them in advance! THEATER presents... “Will & Whimsy” Join the Coronado Theatre Department Thursday and Friday November 13th and 14th at 7:00 pm in the auditorium for Alan Haehnel's "Will and Whimsy: 16 Dramatically Illustrated Sonnets of Shakespeare.” Doors open at 6:30, so be sure not to miss out on this date night with Shakespeare! Tickets are $5 for adults and $3 for children under 10. October 16, 2014 Coronado Cafeteria Buy a dinner for $14 per person (The same meal costs $21 at the restaurant!) and support the Band program. Bands will provide entertainment while you eat: 5:30 pm—Wind Ensemble 6:15 pm—Symphonic Band 7:00 pm—Jazz Band 1 and Jazz Band 2 Order a meal from any band student, or drop a check by the business office (payable to Coronado High School) If you have any questions please email Mr. Combs at [email protected]. ORCHESTRA CONCERT October 9, 2014 CHS Auditorium—7:00 pm FACS & ACE Info FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCE Containers Needed! Please recycle by bringing your empty containers and canning jars to Mrs. Runyan in Room 405. TALK TO YOUR COUNSELOR TODAY! 17 FALL SPORTS Coronado athletics is now on twitter. Please follow us @coronadosports. The athletic/business office will begin taking fees for winter sports on November 3rd. (Basketball, Girls Swim, Wrestling, Hockey, etc.) 5-A STATE GOLF CHAMPS!! Pink-out game on Oct. 4th PINK T-shirts will be available for purchase. Proceeds go to Tiffany Lambert! Bon fire after the last football game! Oct. 24, at Coronado from 9:00-10:30 pm The Coronado Football team is continuing to roll with the momentum of last years’ State Championship campaign. The Cougars are currently 5 -1 and ranked #13 in CHSAA 4-A. Coronado won their third straight homecoming game last week. The Cougars thumped Mesa Ridge 37- 14. In the past three games, Coronado has outscored our opponents 114-26. Senior Austin Micci leads the team in rushing (722 yds.) and touchdowns (12). Seniors, Zeb Foster (65 tackles) and Evan Kay (53 tackles) lead a very stingy Coronado defense. Please check MaxPreps for all of the Coronado stats. The Coronado Baseball team has started off-season workouts in preparation for the upcoming 2014/2015 season. Everyone planning to try out in the spring is encouraged to attend. For the complete schedule, please visit the new site: We are very excited to offer this new communication tool to assist with keeping everyone up to date. Parents and players are encouraged to sign up on teamsnap by pressing the "Contact the Team Owner" button on the web page and submitting their email address. We have an experienced coaching staff that is dedicated and highly competitive. We are looking for players willing to work hard, have positive attitudes, and will be dedicated to Coronado baseball as we begin our 2014/2015 season. Hope to see you on the field! Congratulations to first year head golf coach Marty Cornell and the Coronado Boys Golf Team. Coronado made history this week by winning the 2014 5-A State Boys Golf Championship at the Colorado Springs Country Club! The Cougars ran away with the title, winning by 21 strokes. 2014 was a magical season; Coronado won virtually every tournament the entire season. The championship team is comprised of State Individual Runner-up, Isaac Petersilie (Jr) Austin Burgess (Jr) Wes Moran (Jr) and Luke Travins (So). All four will return in 2015! The Coronado Cougar Cross Country teams are performing very well in the 5-A league. Adam Egger, Franz Laguna, Michel Swanson, Chase Mott and Nic Vai pace the boys’ squad. Olivia Babeu and Gabby Roth lead the girls’ team. Last week’s Cougar Classic was an incredible event; 39 teams and over 1800 runners came to Monument Valley Park for this X-C extravaganza. Thanks to all parents and volunteers who helped make this such a special event. Follow us and 18 SPORTS & YEARBOOK The Lady Cougars Softball team has begun to find their winning ways. The Cougars are 3-8 in league play and 6-11 overall. The Lady Cougars have been hampered by injuries at the pitching position, but the girls have proven to be competitive in the CSML 5-A. Junior, Riley Afshari has a 5-3 record on the mound and is batting .467. Brianna Beattie, Jill Dragosh and Kelly Weil-Tekubie all carry batting averages of over .400. Check MaxPreps for more league, team and individual information. The volleyball team (10-3) finished second in the Elizabeth Tournament, after losing to Douglas County in the finals. Coronado started CSML 5-A play in outstanding fashion with a 3-0 defeat over Doherty. Some of the best teams in 5-A are in the CSML. Coronado is ranked # 7 in Colorado 5-A. Please come out and support our teams. You will see some of the best volleyball in Colorado. Madison Brown, Annie MacMillan, Kaira Smith, Allie Garcia, Alexia Morey and Chapel Carter provide Coronado with proven leadership and loads of talent. Boys Tennis heads to Grand Junction for 5-A Regional play October 2-3. Coronado finished fourth in the 5-A CSML league with a league record of 3-3. Coronado was 8-3 overall. James Boehlke is seeded first in #3 singles. The #1 doubles team of Luke Kellmann and Mark Landolfi is also seeded number one for Regionals. Good luck guys! Coronado boys’ soccer has endured a tough month of September. Playing 5-A, a young team, and numerous injuries have taken a toll on the Cougars. Coronado is 2-2 in league and 2-8 overall. Even though the wins have been difficult to achieve, the team is playing very competitive soccer. Coronado lost to Pueblo South 6-5 in a double overtime thriller last week. Coronado has eight sophomores and juniors on the twelve man varsity roster. Team captains, Brandon Hellem (Sr) and Angelo Salazar (Jr) lead the team in goals and total points. The future looks promising for this team! PHOTO CONTEST for the YEARBOOK Senior Reminder - submit your senior pictures by October 16th! There is a link on the website. The yearbook is sponsoring a photo contest! Snap action photos of Coronado students outdoors and enter them on or the ReplayIt app. We are looking for rock climbing, mountain biking, skiing, etc. Something awesome that you do outdoors? Get it in the yearbook! All participants will be entered into the contest for a Chipotle gift card! Good luck! Congratulations to Jaeyoung Jin! She won the first yearbook photo contest! Attention everyone! This is your yearbook; you are in the book! Order your memories today! Click the link to the left to purchase your 20142015 yearbook. Login ID: 401723421 Passcode: CHS2015 HEALTH 19 SCHOOL DISTRICT #11 Coronado High School 1590 W. Fillmore Street Colorado Springs, CO 80904 CORONADO HIGH SCHOOL 1590 W. Fillmore Colorado Springs, CO 80904 Phone: 719-328-3600 Fax: 719-328-3617 Oct. 9 Orchestra Concert Oct. 9 SAC Meeting Oct. 14 Choir Concert Oct. 16 Band Fundraiser Oct. 21 PTA Meeting Oct. 24 Football Bonfire Oct. 25, 26 Holiday Bazaar Oct. 29, 30 Conferences Nov. 13, 14 Theater Performances Coronado community: We want everyone to be aware that we do have staff members who speak Spanish and are available to help answer questions you may have regarding your student. Also, if you have questions about any upcoming activities, events, or resources, feel free to contact Diane Summers, counselor, at 3283642 or Brent Urban, Spanish Teacher, at 328-3742. La Comunidad de Coronado: Queremos que todos sepan que tengamos personas que hablan español y están a sus órdenes para ayudarles con preguntas sobre sus estudiantes. También, si tiene preguntas sobre actividades, eventos, o recursos, se puede llamar a Diane Summers, consejera, al 328-3642 o a Brent Urban, maestro de espanol, al 328-3742.
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