Form 26 (See Rule 4A) AFFIDAVIT TO BE FILED BY CANDIDATE ALONGWITH NOMINATION PAPER BEFORE THE RETURNING OFFICER FOR ELECTION TO ASSEMBLY FROM JAGADHRI ASSEMBLY CONSTITUENCY _ 08. PART-A l, Shameem Khan son of Mohd. Asram Khan, aged 38 years, resident of vilage Khizri p.o. Khizrabad, Tehsil chhachhrauli, Distt. yamuna Nagar a candidate at the above election, do hereby solemnly affirm and state on oath as under: pARTy (BSp). 1) I am a Candidate set up by BAHUJAN SAMAJ 2) My name is enroiled in Constituency No. Og, Jagadhri, Haryana, at Serial No. 838, Part No. 17. My contact telephone numbers arc 09912152627 and my e_mail id [email protected] and my social media account is NlL. 4) Sr. Details of Permanent Account Number (pAN) and status of firing of Income Tax Retirn:Names PAN No. The financial year Total income shown for which the last in Income Tax income tax return Return (ln Rupees) has been filed 1 is Shameem Khan Mrs. Bushra Khan Ms. Shamaila Khan (Minor ) Yaver Khan (Minor) l. i BFWPK5286E NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL Net Taxable Income NIL NIL NIL NIL nol accused of any offence punishable with imprisonment for two years or more nding case in which a charge has been framed by the court of competent is accused of any such offence, he shall furnish the followrno The following case(s) is/are pending against me in which charges have been framed Information neport frto,r ttos together with complete details of concerned Police Station/Districv State Section(s) oi tfre-ioncernEO-Tct(s) and short description of the offence(s) for which charged Name of tne Court, Case order taking cognizance Court (s) which M=nO clate of tranreO-na[qg Date(s) on wnicir-ire ctrarg;(s) way were Whether atl or any of thElroceeding-@ have been stayed by any Court(s) of competent jurisdiction rhe following case(s) is/are pending against me in which cognizance liu by the court (other than cases mentioned in item (i) above:_ (a) Name of the court, C;se Na and date of order of taking cognizance (b) the court has taken cognizance, section (s) of the Act(s) and description of the offence(s) for which r ||c uera s oT cases where has been taken N,A. NA cognzance taken. (c) @ N,A. revision (if any) filed against the above orde(s) rs convicted and punished as aforesaid, he shall furnish the followino Shameem Khan - Form 26 Page 2 of l0 The details of cases, Section (s) of the (a) N.A. concerned Act(s) and description of the offence(s) for which convicted (b) Name of the Court(s), Case No. and date(s) N.A. of orde(s) (c) Punishment imposed N.A, (d) Whether any appeal was/has been filed N.A. against the conviction order. lf so, details and the present status of the appeal (7) That I give herein below the details of assets (movable and immovable etc.) of myself, my spouse and all dependents: A. Details of movable assets: Note: 1 . Note :2 Assets in Joint Name indicating the extent of joint ownership will also have to be given. In case of deposit/lnvestment, the details including Serial Number. Amount, date of deposit, the Scheme, Name of the Bank/lnstitution and Branch are to be given, Note:3. Value of Bonds/Share Debentures as oer current market value in Stock exchange in respect of listed companies and as per books in case of nonlisted companies should be given. Note :4. Dependent here has the same meaning as assigned in Explanation (v) under section 75A of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 amount Shameem Khan - Form 26 is to be gi! . in respect of each Page 3 of l0 Description S, Self Shameem Khan No Cash in Hand Details of deposits in Bank Accounts (FDRs, Term Deposils and all other types of deposits including saving accounts) Deposits with Financial Institutions Non-Banking financial Companies and Co-operative Societies and the amount in each such deoosit Spouse name Mrs. Bushra Khan 2,00,000/- 1,00,000/. - SB A,/c HDFC 87215300050 70 8,24,623t- Saving lJc The Yamuna Nagar Central uo-op EanK Ltd, YNR 4.83 Lac Details of investment in Bonds, debentures /shares and units in Dependent Name Dependent Name Ms. Shamaila Khan (Minor Dauqhter) Yawar0 Khan (Minor Son) Nil Nil Nil Nil FDR _ HDFC Bank Ltd 10,00,000/-- Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nit Nil Nil Nil Car - Toyota Innova 2009 Model HR-71-9900 Value 6.00 L Nil Nil Nil Gold 20 Tolas 6,00,000/Others 5.00.000/- Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil companies/ Mutual Funds and others and the amount Details of investment in NSS, Postal Saving, Insurance Policies Investment Instruments & in any Financial in Post Office or Insurance Comoanv & the amount. Personal Loans/ advance given to any person or entity including firm, company, Trust etc. and other receivable from debtors and the amount. Motor Vehicles/ Aircrafts/ Yachts/ Ships (Details of Make, registration number etc. year of purchase and amount) - Swift 2012 Model HR 71B - 8600 Value 4.50 L l,4aruti Jewellery, bullion and valuable thing(s) (give details of weight and Gold - 5 Tolas 1,50,000r - - Nil '6,1 t$ro* "r'I Note: tal Value 18,83,000/- 28,24,623t- rJ'.'e,' 1 . Properties in joint ownership indicating the extent of joint ownership will also have to be indicated. Note: 2. ShameemKhan Form 26 Page 4 of I0 J. Description Self Shameem Khan t. (a) Spouse name Dependent Name Dependent Name Ms. Shamaila Khan (Minor Dauqhter) Yawar0 Khan (Minor Son) NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL Yes NIL NIL NIL NA NIL NIL NIL NA NIL NIL NIL NA NIL NIL NIL 1297.38 Lac NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL uale ot purchase in case of self-acquired propertv NIL NIL NIL NIL Uost ot Land (in case of purchase) at the time of NIL NIL NIL NIL purchase Any investment on the land by way of development, construction etc. NIL NIL NIL NIL currenf NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL Not applicable Not applicable No Agricultural land-Locations, Survey number(s)- Area (Totat measuiemEit Mrs. Bushra Khan Village Khrzri, Chhachhrauti KhewaUkhatoni No 1141196 (Jamabandi 2008-00\ 92.67 Acres in acres) Whether inherited propertv(Yes or No) uare oI purcnase in case of self-acquired property Cost of Land (in case of purchase) at the time of purchase (Proportionate) Any investment on the land by way of development, construction etc. Approximate current market value II Non-Agriculture land, locations, survey no. (s) Area (total measurement in Ss ft) Whether inherited property (Yes or No) Approximate market value. ill Commercial buildings, (lncluding apartments)- - 6; ,4 v' ,49 fl tLl ta"l Location - Survey No. Areb (total measurement in sq.ft) bulr:up Area (total measurement in Sq.ft) Whether inhented property lyes or No) Date of Purchase in case of SeJf acquired propertv. Cost of property (in case of purchase) at the time of purchase Any investment on the property by way of development, construction Shameem Khsn - Form 26 Not applicable Not applicable Not app cable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable t Not Not applicable applicable Not Not Not Not applicable applicable Not Not Not Not applicable applicable Not Not applicable applicable Page 5 of l0 etc. Approximate current value. IV Residential Buildinqs (lncluding apartments): Location(s) -Survey No. Not applicable purchase) Not NL NIL NIL App. 500 Sq.Yds (4500 sFt ) NIL NIL NIL 2700 sFt. NIL NIL NIL Yes NIL NIL NIL N.A. NIL NIL NIL N,A. NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 25.00 Lac NIL NL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL '1322.38 Lac NIL NIL NIL at Vill. Khizrabad Resi. House at the time of purcnase Any investment on the land by way of development, construction etc. Approximate current market value Others, such as interest in vt. Not Dnli.e h la Khijri, P Area (total measurement in sq.ft) Built up area (Total measurement in sq.ft) Whether inherited property (Yes or No) Date of purchase in case of self acquired propertv uost oI property (in case of O lloperty Total of the current market value of (j) to (v) above Not applicable e (8). I give here in below the details of my liabilities/over dues to pubtic financial institutions and government: (Note: Please give separate detairs of name of bank, institution, entity or individuar and amount before each item) Dl. -No. -.''lq-ri ooll' 4\-l ,i' Description +oan ot dues to Self Shameem Khan Bank/ Financial institutjon(s) Name of the Bank or financial Institution, Amount outstanding, Nature of Loan Loan or dues to any other individuals/entity other than mentioned above Name(s), outstanding; Nature of loan. Any other liability Grand total of liabilities Government dues : Dues departments dealing with government accommodation Spouse name Dependent Name Dependent Name Khan Ms. hamaila Khan (Minor Yawar0 Khan (Minor Son) NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL Mrs. Bushra Amount (ii) to Shameem Khan - Fonn 26 rL Page 6 of 10 Dues to department dealing with supply of water Dues to department dealing with supply of electricity Dues to department dealing with supply of telephones/ NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL helicopters) Income tax dues NIL NIL NIL NIL Wealth tax dues NIL NL NIL NIL Service tax dues NIL NIL NIL NIL Municipal/Property iax dues NIL NL NIL NIL Sales Tax dues NIL NIL NIL NIL Any other dues NIL NIL NIL NIL Grand total of NIL NIL NIL NIL NL NIL NIL NIL mobiles. Dues to department dealing with government transport (including aircrafts and (iii) (iv) all Government dues Whether any other liabilities are in dispute, if so, mention the amt involved and the aulhoritv pendino. (9) Details of profession or occupation (a) (b) Self : Spouse : Agriculturist Housewife (10). Metric {-lrqrl,Zl Shameem Khan - Form26 Page 7 of 10 PART - B (11) ABSTRACT OF THE DETAILS GIVEN IN (1) TO (10) OF PART-A 1. I Name of the-andidate SHAMEEM KHAN Full Postal address v rage Kntzn p.o. Khizrabad, Chhachhrauli, Distt. yamuna Nagar 08 4. - Tehsil Jagadhri, Haryana DI{FIUJAN SAMAJ PARTY (BSP). 5. Nil (i) Total number of pend-ng cases Nil wnere the court (s) have taken cogntzance (other than the cases mentioned in item (i) above) o. I ot cases in which and sentenced to orar numoer convicted Nil imprisonment for one year or more (except for offences referred to in sub-section (1), (2) or (3) of section 8 of Representation of the people Act, 195.1) a q9l,lcl _,1' I . v/l PAN t14 Shameem Khan -Mrs. Year for which last Income Tax return Total filed BFWPK5286E NIL NIL Bushra NIL NIL NIL Shamaila Khan (Minor ) NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL Khan Ms. Yaver Khan (Minor) income snown I , Shameem Khan - Form 26 Page 8 of I0 8. Details of Assets and Liabilities in Ruoees Description Self Shameem Khan Moveable Asset Spouse name Dependent Name Mrs. Bushra Khan Dependent Name Ms. hamaila Khan (Minor Daughter) Yawar0 Khan (Minor Son) 18.83 Lac 28.24 Lac Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nit Nil Nil Nil 1322.38 Nil NiI Nil lmmovable Assets B Purchase Price of self acquired immovable property Development/ construction cost of immovable property after purchase (if applicable) t Approximate current market pflce (a) Self acquired assets (Total value) (b) Inherited assets (Total varue) I Lac Liabilities Government dues (Total) Nrl Nil Nil Nil Loans from Bank, Financial Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Institutions and others (Total) Liabilities that are under dispute 10 (i) covernment dues (Total ) (ii) Loans from Banks, Fls & others (Total) 11. Hlghe6t.Educational Quatificationi (Give delails of highest School/Univ ersity education mentioning the full form of the cert ma/degree course, nal ne of the School/University and the year in which , o-./, the completed) .r{ I I '<' I ai:, -.4 ' .''/ Xfte.* Shameem Khan ilF- /-/ - /t \ Form 26 Page 9 of '10 VERIFICATION l, the deponent above named do hereby verify and declare that the contents of this affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief; no part of it is false and nothing material has been concealed there from. I further declare that: (a) There is no case of conviction or pending case against me other than those mentioned in items 5 and 6 of Part A and B above. (b) I, my spouse, or my dependents do not have any asset or liability, other than those mentioned in items 7 and 8 of Part A and items 8, 9 and 10 of Part B above. v piroro'l Glarl ^,. ,:- --., DEPONENT ,tt ] anl Shameem Khan - Form 26 Page l0 of l0
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