Phone: 07 564-234729 | 234987 FAX : 07554-234743 ffi' GOVT OF INDIA Mt NtsTRy oF AGRICULTURE,(DEPARTMENT ) oF AGRTCULTURE AND COOPERATTON) CENTRAL FARM MACHINERY TRAINING & TESTING INSTITUTE TRACTOR NAGAR, BUDNT 466 445 (M.P.) E-mail : fmti-"[email protected]/ Web site : ,fr' httpi//cfn$ Speed Post Dated: 18.09.20Itj g[ STq'\rg q-q-q , s,q Efr fttYIF (utrrw"r qfr rm trq{s (s.c.) I - ro?Ei[ 1, $-w q. os22-22o4s28 Sub: Acceptance fetter for particrpatron in Training course on \\ModelTraining Course (MTC) of (New Dimensionin Farm Machj-nery Extension) . Extension)" fr-om 10-17 November 2014 at centrar Farm Machinery Tralning and Testlng Institute Budni. Sir, Thls refers to your letter No. qRIZ2014-15 / d{n.a\, ciared zt.vo-z\)Lt+ by which nominatlon of fr oil=rE Erqre srm efr fteero (erft.Ii-rrT), qft rar der;rs gs S {Elrq s6-9t41afo', Yr. q. g. ti. {EITi-dgr, forwarded for particrpation in Trarnrng course *Model Training Course (f'ffCl of Extension ,/ f rom lo-l'7 November 20L4 and to say that nomination of the officers are hereby accepted. Please ask the partrcipants t-o send their travel programme to us place & time along with mobife Number in order to enable i.e. arrivaf various arrangements. The Instrtute as situated by the srde of Central Rallway5 Route Defhi-Mumbai/Chennar and on the national highway 69, 1L -ls 23 kms away from main railway;unctron ftarsr and 65 kms from Bhopal on Bhopal Nagpur Natronal hlghway, however the nea::est rarlway statlon rs Hoshangabad, which is l0 kms away from the rnstltute. yours u.r.nprr, (C. R. LOHI) DIRECTOR Copy to- (Speed post) 1. *ft c.d".ffi-{ f{icrf, rt@ Efr q-qsn E"{errq $qr reqrqdcT,qt-{{ 3rrfu-q- orffi c-s+o , 22r1o7 s.s. 2. * 3rr=r< f*,me ri5fi Eft fttq-f, (erftq-r"Tl, E-B-+r+r deFrs; , ir.c 3. fr r-rsro {{6-sruTrrro, qtw eft lrqsI{ q-{€rl{ rflql r-5qT!dET,q}-{d 3rrfu_s 6rffi d,q=Ts, 227j07 s.s. 4. Shri Vinai praksh Shrivashtabv Director SIMA/SAMETI Rehmankhera Lucknow U.p. \ DIRECTOR
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