ReadinoDetective@ R Mainldea 2. Day of Infamy fromGinger's Diary,1941 The following entriesare taken from thejournal of a seventeen-yearold American girl living at Hickam Field,Hawaii,when PearlHarborwas bombed.The writing is reproduced as originally written, in the style of a diary-with short commentsand incompletesentences. Saturday,December6, l94I A 'Washedmy hair finally. 2lt's warrn again,so it dried real fast. 3Readthe paperand then it was time to eatlunch.alistenedto the Shriner'sfootballgameover the radio. 5TheUniversity beatWillamette 20 - 6. 6I spentall afternoonreading funny books and trying to get our transportationfigured out for tonight. 7Finallyfixed it so Hestertook us, and Dad broughtus home.8We(Kay and I) were usheringat Punahoufor the play "Mr andMrs. North." elt was pretty good. r0Wegot home aboutten of twelve andI'm very sleepy.rll-ani invited us to dinner Tuesday. Sunday,December7, 794I B 12BOMBED! '38:00in the raUnknown morning. attackerso r5Pearl far! Harborin flames!16Also t4 Hickam hangarline. rTSofar no houses bombedhere. C r85of 11:00.reWe've left the 20It 2rThe post. got too hot. PX is in 22We flames,also the barracks. madea 23Left dashduring a lull. everythingwe 2aA own there.... coupleof non-com's housesdemolished.25Hope Kay is 26We're 27lt's O.K. at M's. all so sudden and surprisingI can't believeit's really happening.28lt'sawful. 2eSchool is discontinueduntil furthernotice...there goesmy graduation. D 3oshortwave: Direct hit on barracks,350 killed. 3rWonderif I knew any of them.32Been quietall afternoon.33left Bill on duty at the U. 3aBlackout all nisht of course! .800-458-4849 O2002 The CriticalThinkingCo." . Mainldea R, ReadingDetective@ DIRECTIONS: Circle the letter next to the correctansweror write the answer on the lines given. When askedfor evidence,write the numberof the sentenceor the letter of the paragraphthat best supportsthe answer. 1. About what time of day did the authorprobablywrite in her journal on Saturday? A. 8:00e.vr. B. noon C. midafternoon D. midnight Which sentenceis the best evidence? 2. Which is the main ideaof parugraphB? A. BOMBED! B. PearlHarborin flamesr C. Unknown attackerso far! D. 8: 00i n t h em o r n i n g . How doessentence15 supportthe main idea? 4. Which sentencein paragraphC supportsthe idea that the writer is a high schoolsenior? Sentence 5. How many were killed when the barrackswere hit? 6. Which sentences supportthe idea that Satutdaywas a day much like any other Saturday? A ' 3, 4, 6 B' 12, 13, 14 C' 7,8 ,9 D. 9 . 1 0 .1 1 21 supportsthe maln 3. Sentence idea of p aragraphC that A. the weatherwas too hot. B. they had to leavethe post. C. the PX and barracksare on fire. D. schoolis beingdiscontinued. Which sentenceis the topic sentence? . 800-458-4849 @2002 The CriticalThinkingCo." . l5
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