Lindfield Lines Principal: Craig Oliver Deputy Principal K-2: Katrin Cornell Deputy Principal 3-6: Caroline Desmond Upcoming Events Friday 10 October Day 1 of PSSA and Rec Sport KG, KF and KN to Field of Mars Year 2 excursion to Taronga Zoo RSS tickets - last day for payment Sunday 12 October RSS rehearsal at Opera House Monday 13 October Term 4 Week 1 8 October 2014 Principal’s Report Welcome Back! Welcome back to Term 4! I trust that the holidays were enjoyable for you and that you are ready for a very busy and exciting term. A special welcome is extended to our new students. Staff News Following recent merit selection processes, Ms Lee Stewart was appointed as the new School Administrative Manager, Mrs Karyn MacQuillan was appointed as a fulltime School Administrative Officer and Miss Lindsey McBride was appointed as a part-time School Administrative Officer. Congratulations to each of these staff members. Mrs Chopra has been asked, and has agreed, to relieve as School Administrative Manager at Wahroonga PS for the remainder of the year. RSS performance at Opera House Congratulations to Mrs Jones on the birth of her daughter, Zoe, over the holiday break. Both mother and daughter are happy and healthy! Saturday 18 October Mrs Capper remains on sick leave for the remainder of this week and we are hopeful of having her return to school shortly. Thank you to Mrs Forster who continues on 4C. School Fair Further upcoming events can be viewed by clicking on Calendar on the home page of the school website: Mrs Richardson also remains on sick leave and will do so for the majority, if not all, of this term. Thank you to Miss Meynink who will continue on 3R. Mrs Hanna is on Long Service Leave and will return during Week 3. Mrs Allen will take 2S for this period. Ryde Schools Spectacular Notes, with information relating to the collection of tickets, were sent home with each participating student yesterday. It would be greatly appreciated if the payment for tickets could be finalised by this Friday. Please see Ms Stewart to make this payment. Students are asked to be at school no later than 4.30 pm next Monday afternoon to allow rolls to be taken. Buses will be leaving at 4.45 pm. We are all looking forward to a great night! School Fair Only ten sleeps to go! Once again, please read further in the newsletter for more details regarding the LPS Fair. School Contacts T: 9416 1903 F: 9416 2317 E: [email protected] W: Cake boxes were sent home at the end of last term with the eldest child in each family. We are asking that cakes be brought to school for sale at the fair either the day before (Friday 17 October) or early on the day of the fair. Raffle tickets were also issued to students at the end of last term. Sold / unsold tickets and money can be returned to the locked box in the office area. Additional tickets are available from the front office. The following teachers are prepared to join with me in taking up the Ice Bucket Challenge: Mrs Desmond, Mrs Cornell, Miss Rowsell, Mr Warren, Miss Maclaine, Miss Gibb, Miss Nicholson, Mr Harris, Miss Young, Mr Cheung and Mr Gortley. If you have not already, start selling your tickets for a chance to pour ice over one of the teachers! Craig Oliver Principal excellence innovation opportunity success Deputy Principals’ Report World Teachers’ Day Celebrated in over 100 countries, World Teachers’ Day acknowledges the efforts of teachers in an increasingly complex, multicultural and technological society. It is a day on which students, parents and community members can demonstrate their appreciation for the contributions that teachers have made to their community. This Thursday we will be celebrating World Teachers’ Day. The school has organised a special morning tea to thank to all our wonderful teachers for the outstanding job they do each day. UTS This Friday, we will be both be guest lecturing at the University of Technology, Sydney to talk to the third year university teachers about programming, assessing and reporting. We both thoroughly enjoy the connection with the university and its students. LPS and Lindfield Activity Centre Project with TAFE Over the next few weeks, North Ryde TAFE will be building a beautiful garden bed at the bottom of Camphor Laurel for all of our students to enjoy and learn from. Kindergarten Orientation 2015 We are looking forward to welcoming our 2015 Kindergarten students to Lindfield on Thursday 6 and 13 November from 10.00 am – 11.00 am. Students will enjoy visiting the classroom while parents will be involved in information sessions in the library. Ethics Teachers Urgently Needed Due to the expansion of the Ethics classes to Years 1-2 this year, we are seeking Ethics teachers to take these classes. The classes have been running all year but we now need to replace some teachers who are unable to continue in the role. The Primary Ethics curriculum is inquiry based. Children use dialogue and discussion, learning how to think about ethical matters through the give-and-take of reasoned argument. If you are interested in becoming an Ethics teacher at Lindfield Public School, please contact the LPS Ethics Coordinator (Rachel Smith, [email protected]). More information is also available at The website offers information about Primary Ethics, the curriculum and classes, including a short video titled, “What Happens in Ethics Classes”. Hair Ties There are an increasing number of students wearing colourful ribbons, bows and hair ties to school. We would like to remind parents that girls can wear blue and white ribbons in their hair with their school uniforms and the colour of their house on sports days. Please no rainbow or colourful ribbons with the school uniform. Thank you for helping us with this. PSSA and School Sport – Term 4 Letters regarding placements in Term 4 PSSA, Recreation and school sports were sent home last term and follow up letters yesterday. It would be appreciated if your payment for the group is returned to school by this Friday. All summer PSSA and sports groups will commence this Friday morning 10 October. Katrin Cornell Caroline Desmond Deputy Principal K-2 Deputy Principal 3-6 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ School Contacts School office hours are from 8.30 am to 3.15 pm Monday to Friday during school terms. phone: 9416 1903 fax: 9416 2317 absentee line: 9415 6180 address: Principal: Craig Oliver email: [email protected] Deputy Principal K-2: Katrin Cornell email: [email protected] 218 Pacific Highway LINDFIELD NSW 2070 school email: [email protected] school website: Lindfield Activity Centre (LAC): Deputy Principal 3-6: Caroline Desmond email: [email protected] phone: 9416 1936 email: [email protected] For all enquiries regarding placement for before and after school care vacancies please contact Dale Robins. Parent & Citizens Association (P&C) Contacts website: P & C President: Kelsie Alden email: [email protected] Accounts: [email protected] Committee Contact Person/s Email / Phone Band Alec Taylor [email protected] Canteen Debbie Bryant 9416-1903 (ask for canteen) Chess Club Eric Tse [email protected] Class Parent Coordinator Gillian Huyskens [email protected] Clothing Pool Barbara Liebenberg (Convenor) Greti Lindsay (Clothing Shop Manager) [email protected] Leaf Sarah Burnett Safety Claudette Mann [email protected] Social Kellie O’Keeffe Kerry Richards [email protected] Social Justice Nadja Leffler [email protected] Sports Sandy Basten [email protected] Strings Swimming [email protected] Lynne Sharp [email protected] Articles for Lindfield Lines Please be mindful that all submissions for Lindfield Lines must be emailed to the school at [email protected] no later than 9.00 am each Tuesday morning. Inclusion / exclusion of articles is at the discretion of the Principal. Notes Sent Home Notes are available to download from the school website: Please look under the “Notes” tab. 14271 Year 2 Zoo Excursion Reminder 14272 2S Class Swimming Work on Display Work on display in the office this week: 1C and 2PT Assembly Year 3 - 6: K-2: Tuesday 14 October 2014 at 2.00 pm in the hall Thursday 16 October 2014 at 2.00 pm in the hall Anaphylaxis at Lindfield Public School Parents please note At Lindfield Public School in 2014, we have a small number of children with a potentially life threatening allergic reaction. They are found across our school from Kindergarten to Year 6. How can parents help these children? If possible, choose alternative sandwich spreads to peanut butter and Nutella. If you have no alternative, inform your child that these foods can trigger an anaphylactic reaction. Reinforce the school’s NO FOOD SHARING message. Class Swimming Program The class swimming program for all Year 1-6 students begins next Monday 13 October. Please ensure that your child brings their applicable swimming gear on their allocated day. PSSA and Recreational Sport Round 1 for PSSA cricket, modball and touch football begins this Friday 10 October. All recreational sports begins this Friday 10 October. 2PT have been inspired by the intricate collage work of picture book artist “Jeannie Baker”. We have included the poetic devices of imagery, similes and onomatopoeia in our poems about our houses. More poems and collage can be seen on the class display boards in the main building during Weeks 1 and 2. Principal: Deputy Principal K-2: Deputy Principal 3-6: Craig Oliver Katrin Cornell Caroline Desmond 2015 Kindergarten Information Starting ‘Big School’ is an exciting time, one to look forward to with the anticipation of a wonderful year filled with new friends, happy memories and exciting learning opportunities. PARENT INFORMATION AND KINDERGARTEN ORIENTATION VISITS Thursday 6 November and Thursday 13 November 2014 from 10.00 am to 11.00 am Children visit Kindergarten participate in various activities. classrooms and Children have morning tea on Camphor Laurel playground (please supply morning tea for your child). While the children are visiting the Kindergarten classrooms, there will be an information session for parents in the school library. Please attend both Thursday 6 November and Thursday 13 November orientation visits. We look forward to meeting you! Lindfield Public School, 218 Pacific Highway Lindfield T: 9416 1903 P & C Association Welcome back everybody. I hope you all had a wonderful break. It was lovely to see the children back yesterday, energised & ready for Term 4 - which always seems to go so quickly! We have so many events this term, starting with our LPS School Fair on 18 October. Thanks to everyone involved in ensuring that it will be a fabulous community day and for promoting LPS so positively to the wider community. 2015 P&C President – calling for nominations At LPS, the incumbent P&C President will generally stand for re-election for no more than two years, ie: a maximum of three consecutive years in the role. This is my third year, so at the next AGM (to be held Term 1, 2015), I will not be standing for reelection. We will therefore be seeking nominations from interested parents. The President is responsible for chairing P&C meetings and facilitating fair and effective communication between the School, the P&C and the community. The President also provides leadership, encourages participation, and represents the P&C as required. The role also comes with the usual responsibilities of an Office Bearer within an organisation regarding accountability and acting in accordance with the Constitution. Delegation of the day-to-day running of the P&C is given to the sub-committees, whose incredible and invaluable support cannot be underestimated. Support is also provided by the President’s fellow P&C Executive members and by the School Executive. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in the role and would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support. It has been a pleasure to work with Craig Oliver, Katrin Cornell and Caroline Desmond. I have also had the opportunity to work with some amazing parents and staff within our wonderful school, and I have made some long-lasting friendships. I have no regrets that I said yes to the role three years ago, and encourage others to do the same. If you are interested, please contact me at [email protected]. Kelsie Alden [email protected] LINDFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOL 2014 SCHOOL FAIR S AT U R D AY 1 8 O C T O B E R 10.00 AM - 3.00 PM SCHOOL GROUNDS Proudly brought to you by: Sponsored by: Less than 2 weeks to go! Saturday 18th October 2014 10am – 3pm You should have by now seen all the great activities planned for our 2014 LPS School Fair We have a wide variety of entertainment, food, rides and more....for children and adults. If you’ve missed out on anything you can find all details on the P&C website! Thanks go to our major sponsors: Lindfield Public School Grounds FAIR CHECK LIST!! Email your friends and relatives and tell them to come along! Buy unlimited ride bands at a discount before Friday 10th October. Donate a tombola jar and drop it into the office. Put your name down on stall rosters to help out on the day. Cake Stall - buy your ingredients and get baking! All delivery instructions came with your cake boxes! Return your raffle tickets by Wednesday 15th October – remember, the biggest sellers get iTunes cards and get to ice Mr Oliver and the other teachers! Volunteer to do a post box drop in designated areas – First 45 helpers get a free 7-Eleven medium slurpee voucher! email: [email protected] Thanks also to Sydney Tennis Group for donating tennis vouchers as prizes for our Fair. Find more information about Sydney Tennis Group online: Register for the Pet Competition and Wag Your Tail competition via the website! FOOD GLORIOUS FOOD! Lindy’s Cafe Coffee Van Cake Stall Asian Food Stall World’s Best BBQ Fairy Floss Snow Cones Chocolates and more...... Class Art Display & Auction The children have been painting, gluing, colouring & printing with their classes to produce some colourful and creative pieces as a unique memento of their 2014 class group. Don’t miss out on your chance to take home your child’s fabulous collaborative class creation, which will be on display and sold via auction at the School Fair. Need a Tombola Jar to fill? There are 50 empty jars at reception and we need them filled! Please take one and fill it with whatever you clips, lego, marbles, crayons, pencils, lollies, stickers, ribbons, matchbox cars..... Calling all parent, carer and student CAKE BAKERS for our School Fete! No one can resist home-baked goodies. Pick your favourite recipe…..cakes, biscuits, slices, fudge, toffee …...the possibilities are endless and all are delicious. Cake boxes, cake boards, cellophane and ribbon, along with instructions and ingredient labels will be sent home with students this week. Fill these with your favourite home-baked treat. Extra boxes are available from student reception if you need. It is preferred that you bring your baked goods to the School Community Room on Friday 17th October between 8.30am – 9.30am or 3.00pm – 4.00pm (please do not send anything with fresh cream on this day) OR You can deliver your baked goods directly to the Cake Stall (located near the entrance to the teachers administration block) on the day of the Fete no later than 9.45am. All contributions will be greatly appreciated Please note it is a health and safety requirement that all baked goods are clearly labelled with ALL ingredients and when it was baked. Your identification label must be attached to the underside/side of the cake box or cellophane wrapping. Thank you for baking for this year’s Fete Cake Stall! T H A N K YO U TO O U R S P O N S O RS GOLD SPONSOR SILVER SPONSOR BRONZE SPONSORS Lindfield Community Bank®Branch VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED! We need volunteers throughout the day to help with running the fair stalls. All you need to do is copy and paste the link for Sign Up Genius and Sign up for the time slot that suits you! Or go to the LPS Fair webpage: and click on the links directly. A big thank you to those people who have already signed up! Class Stall - Kindergarten (Sandcraft & Guessing Competition) Class Stall - Year 5 (Pick A Jar) Class Stall - Year 1 (Plaster of Paris) Class Stall - Year 6 (Crazy Hair, Facepainting and Tattoos) Class Stall - Year 2 (Pluck-A-Duck) Lindy’s Cafe Class Stall - Year 3 (Lucky Dip) General Fair Volunteers Class Stall - Year 4 (Cake Stall) Queries Stalls – Julie Walsh/ Natalie Brandon - [email protected] Sponsorships & Marketing – Kerry Richards - [email protected] Rides – Kellie O’Keeffe - [email protected] Café – Verena Conti - [email protected] BBQ – Shannon Garner - [email protected] Volunteers – Sarah Robinson - [email protected] Sideshow Alley – Lucy Basten - [email protected] Community – Jen Diepeveen - [email protected] General – Rushenka Perera – [email protected] Licener, Single Treatment is an easy-to-use head lice shampoo that eliminates head lice and their eggs in just one single application of 10 minutes, with NO combing required! Licener has been tested in several clinical studies and it has been shown that Licener will kill head lice and their nits (eggs). It has also been dermatologically tested and shown to be soft on skin and hair. Visit to find stockists or to purchase online. Licener is a proud sponsor of the Lindfield Public School 2014 School Fair. Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare professional. Mayne Pharma International Pty Ltd, ABN 88 007 870 984, 1538 Main North Road, Salisbury South, SA, 5106 Canteen CANTEEN VOLUNTEERS Welcome back to school! Thank you so much for everyone’s support last term. This term’s roster is up in the canteen and has lots of vacancies. If you would like to volunteer, please pop in and put your name down or ring Debbie and she will add you. Why not bring a friend along to help out with you, doing canteen is a great opportunity to catch up with friends. MANGO FUNDRAISER This week you should receive home a form for our Mango Fundraiser. A tray of mangos are $25.00 (16 or 18 in a tray) and will be available to pick up from the canteen in the first week of December. Our Mangos come delivered straight from the farm in Queensland. All orders are to be put into the canteen by Friday 24 October 2014. ROSTER - TERM 4 WEEK 1 & 2 WEEK 1 (9.00 AM – 2.00 PM) Thursday 9 October Friday 10 October Kellie Marshall April Palfreyman Laura Stipo Laura Stipo HELPER NEEDED (9-12) HELPER NEEDED Any Canteen queries or to Volunteer for the (9-12) HELPER NEEDED (9-12) HELPER NEEDED HELPER NEEDED slots WEEK 2 (9.00 AM – 2.00 PM) Monday 13 October Tuesday 14 October Verena Conti Maria Gouras HELPER NEEDED Sarinya Eyland Wednesday 15 October Thursday 16 October HELPER NEEDED Kellie Marshall HELPER NEEDED Laura Stipo please contact: Debbie Bryant 9416 1903 HELPER NEEDED Friday 17 October Laura Stipo Rose Morrison Kerry Richards (9-12) Susan Mcleod (9-12) HELPER NEEDED (ask for Canteen) Get your orders in for our Canteen Mango Fundraiser. Mangos can be ordered by the tray for $25.00 (16 or 18 in a tray) Mangos will be delivered fresh from north QLD Please return your orders to the canteen by: Friday 24 October 2014 With payment and completed form. (cash, cheques ok) Name: ____________________________________ Class: _______ Phone: ___________________________ Quantity: _________ trays Price $25.00 tray Total: $_________ Mangos will be ready for pick up from the canteen in approximately the first week of December. Thank you for supporting our canteen. Band Program BAND CALENDAR TERM 4 Week 2 Thursday 16 October JB Assembly Week 3 Saturday 18 October – LPS Fair – showcase all bands SB, CB, IB, JB Wednesday 29 CB to play for year 2 Week 4 Thursday 30 October - JB 2015 Information night – 6.45 pm – 8.00 pm. JB & CB Week 6 Friday 14 November – JB 2015 instrument try-outs Week 7 Wed 19 and Thursday 20 November CB Tour Tuesday 25 November Music Assembly – Awards and trophies presented IB to play Week 8 Friday 28 November Music Spectacular 5.30pm SB, CB, IB, JB (DATE CONFIRMED) Week 10 Presentation Day DTC – CB to play 2014 Rehearsal Times JUNIOR BAND Tuesday 3:00 pm - 4:15 pm Thursday 7:40 am - 8:50 am INTERMEDIATE BAND Tuesday 7:30 am - 8:50 am Thursday 3:00 pm - 4:15 pm CONCERT BAND Wednesday 3:00 pm - 4:15 pm Friday 7:20 am - 8:50 am STAGE BAND Monday 5:50 pm – 7:00 pm Convenor – Alec Taylor [email protected] String Program Welcome back to Term 4. Hope you all enjoyed your holidays. This term is going to be a busy one! All ensembles commence rehearsals next Monday 13 October. The String Program schedule for the remainder of 2014 is as follows: Week 2 Monday 13 October All Ensemble rehearsals commence for Term 4 Week 2 Tuesday 14 October Ravel to perform at Year 3-6 Assembly - Lindfield Blue Week 3 Tuesday 21 October Vivaldi to perform at Lourdes Nursing Home 2.00 pm TO BE CONFIRMED Week 4 Thursday 30 October Mozart/Amadeus to perform at K-2 Assembly Week 6 Monday 10 November Free Lesson 2.00 pm-3.00 pm Week 6 Friday 14 November Music Spectacular (6.00 pm at Killara High School) Week 8 Tuesday 25 November Music Assembly 2.00 pm Week 9 Tuesday 2 December Vivaldi 2015 Auditions Week 10 Monday 8 December End of Year Concert and party Week 10 Wednesday 10 December Presentation Day Ravel and Vivaldi to Play Week 10 Thursday 11 December Vivaldi to Play at Year 3-6 Blue Assembly Clothing Pool Clothing Pool Opening Hours 8:30 am to 9:30 am Wednesdays and Thursdays Don’t forget the ONLINE ordering option – easy and secure via the P&C website. Orders then delivered to your child’s class, usually on Wednesdays or Thursdays. PLEASE include your child's name and classroom in the additional customer information at the end of your check-out phase. NEWS Welcome back to Term 4 – hasn’t the year flown by!! Summer uniform is compulsory now. Feel free to send in your unwanted uniforms that are still in good nick to be recycled in our school community Swimming is starting next week for our kids in Years 1-6. SWIM CAPS ARE COMPULSARY. We stock caps in house colours (and you can also pick these up from the canteen). We also have swim bags that have a handy little pocket to keep the goggles and cap safe. Rash Vest: $23.00 With school swimming already underway, grab a Chlorine resistant Rashie for $23.00. UVF 50+. Lindfield blue only, short sleeved. Size 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 Our Upcoming Volunteers’ roster: Week 1 Week 2 Wednesday 8 October Thursday 9 October Greti Lindsay Eve Medina-Taylor Sonya Willis Greti Lindsay Kath Lucas Jean Nightingale Wednesday 15 October Thursday 16 October Greti Lindsay Susan Hobson Betty Ohtaras Greti Lindsay Shannon Garner Keda Chhabra Convenor – Barbara Liebenberg Clothing Shop Manager – Greti Lindsay [email protected] Social Justice Operation Christmas Child - The boxes are due back to school by Wednesday next week! Empty boxes are still available from the LPS office – more details in our poster later in the lines or for videos of kids opening their boxes, see Let your child experience the joy of giving to a child who has never had a present before! (and the challenge of finding gifts without batteries!) Next Kids Social Justice Group Meeting, Monday 13 October in the community room – 1.10 pm – BYO lunch. Task: checking that the contents of the Operation Christmas Child boxes meet the criteria. For parents - the next Social Justice meeting is Wednesday 15 October at 8.00 pm to plan out Term 4. All welcome at Jane’s place – RSVP for details. Lots of Fun at Poker for Pori Thank you to the businesses who donated the prizes for our Social Justice Poker for Pori Night on Friday 19 September and to the dedicated group of Dads who attended – we raised $340.00 which will go a long way in Papua New Guinea. Thank you once again to: Roseville Memorial Club for donating the room and equipment! BELL SHAKESPEARE for their gift of two tickets to Henry V- valid for any performance – AT THE SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE! (Won by the lucky Blewitt family!) A Personal Fitness Training Session and Personal Fitness plan from trainer Angie Black of FitMyDay 3 BIG BREAKFASTS for two thanks to LITTLE GEM CAFE GORDON Linquist Hair – Lindfield for a men’s style cut & colour Vouchers for 18 holes of Mini Golf thanks to Thornleigh Golf Centre Plus each player won a bottle of Margaret River Wine. OPPORTUNITY FOR KIDS TO HELP AT FAIR! The Social Justice team will be opposite the K-2 toilets and we will be raising funds for Pori school’s pit toilets and for school materials for the kids in Uganda. If any kids would like to serve a shift at our two stalls – Slam Dunny and Ugandan Handicrafts - please email us at [email protected]. Come and have some fun at our stalls on the day! Nadja Leffler [email protected] 5th Year at LPS! Let’s see if we can beat our 2013 record of 111 boxes! Operation Christmas Child Boxes now due back in the front office. Please return by Wednesday Week 2, 15th of October. Help your child give a box of very simple gifts for poor children overseas who have never ever received a present! We`ve sent boxes to Thailand, Cambodia, Papua New Guinea, Vietnam and other places Items to include: something to love, a toy, school things, clothing and something for personal hygiene. Check the website Please remember $9 postage. Yes there are still some empty boxes available at the office Any Questions? [email protected] Swimming All LPS students are welcome to come to Friday Club Night - 5.00 pm start. The program for this week is as follows: 25 freestyle (1 lap) 50 freestyle (2 laps) 25 butterfly (1 lap) 50 breaststroke (2 laps) 25 backstroke (1 laps) 100 freestyle (4 laps) SQUAD BOOKINGS There are some vacancies in some sessions for some squads. If your child would like to swim this term or Term 1 next year, please ensure they have been graded and are on the waitlist. We have made adjustments to the timetable to help with the demand. Timetable is effective 7 October 2014. GRADING The next grading session is Friday 10 October at 3.15 pm. If you have booked your child into Block A or B then please bring them along for grading. Children wanting to swim squads may also be graded at this time. TERM 4 LEARN TO SWIM The bookings for Term 4 Learn to Swim are now open. There is a special price for booking your child in for all four sessions before Block A begins - $495.00 It is important for your child to be graded even if they swam in Learn to Swim in Term 1. Grading for Learn to Swim will be held this term on Friday 10 October at 3.15 pm. If your child is in LAC, then notify Dale and she will have one of her staff bring them to the pool. If your child swam in Term 3, or in the holidays, there is no need for them to be graded. WEDNESDAY BREAKFAST CLUB ASSISTANCE We need assistance with Breakfast Club on Wednesdays in November 7.45 am – 9.00 am. Please email Lynne if you are able to help on one week. IMPORTANT DATES Term 4 Friday 10 October Friday 10 October Saturday 11 October Monday 13 October Sunday 16 November 3.15 pm Grading for Block A Learn to Swim 5.00 pm Seahorses Club night Saturday Learn to Swim classes begin Learn to Swim Block A begins Inaugural “Lindfield Laps” family fundraiser For questions regarding any aspect of swimming at Lindfield please email. Lynne Sharp - Swimming Administrator [email protected] LPS Swimming Squads from 7th October 2014 5.45am - 6.45am Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Adults Adults Adults Adults Adults Intermediate Joint Senior & Intermediate 6.45am - 7.30am Intermediate 6.45am - 7.30am Senior 6.45am - 7.45am Intermediate 7.45am - 8.30am Senior 7.30am - 8.30am 6.45am - 7.45am Junior 7.45am - 8.25am Senior 7.30am - 8.30am Senior 6.45am - 7.45am Saturday Joint Senior & Intermediate 6.45am - 7.45am Intermediate Adult Intro 7.45am - 8.30am 7.45am - 8.30am Mini 8.30 - 9.10 Junior 9.10am - 9.50am 3.15pm - 3.55pm Mini Mini Mini Mini 3.55pm - 4.35pm Junior Junior Junior Junior Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate Competition Competition Competition Competition Squad Squad Squad Squad Joint Joint Joint Joint Ex-students & Ex-students & Ex-students & Ex-students & Intermediates Seniors Intermediates Seniors 4.35pm - 5.20pm 5.20pm - 6.20pm 6.20pm - 7.20pm Mini 4.35pm - 5.15pm Seahorses Club Night 5pm
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