October 12th, 2014 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time St. Thomas More Catholic Church 10205 N FM 620, Ausn, TX 78726 512-258-1161 FAX: 512-258-8812 www.stmausn.org From Our Pastor Dear Brothers and Sisters, In his book “Le)ers to My Brothers,” Msgr. Stephen Rose. refers to a study of young people in our society increasingly becoming narcissisc since the 1970’s. Narcissism is excessive egocentrism when a person acts and thinks like the world revolves around him or her. As Catholics we are not immune to this malaise in our society. In my ministry I occasionally encounter people like that. This a.tude is dangerously unchrisan and ought to be shunned at all costs. It destroys family and community harmony when one person disregards what is the best interest for the whole and concentrates on the “me” alone. Our parish has been blessed with an abundance of God’s gi9s. A parish of 3.400 families in its flock is a challenge for any pastor to shepherd. I wish I could be at every parish gathering, every religious educaon class, or any other meeng where the flock has gathered. I am grateful for our wonderful faith community. I must share my limited me with all of my flock and will ask for your paence and support as I connue to serve you with a humble and loving heart. We all must focus on maintaining the community harmony and any narcissism would not be serving our Lord with a humble heart and a giving spirit May the Holy Spirit lead us in shaping our Chrisan a.tudes. Also, as I am unable to respond to each one of you individually, please allow me to use this medium to THANK YOU for your prayers, gi9s, cards and well wishes for both my ordinaon anniversary (September 10th) and for my birthday (October 3rd). I am grateful to the Lord, and thank him frequently at my masses, for the opportunity to shepherd among you at this me in my life. I always need your prayers that I can be the shepherd of his flock in accordance with HIS will. Blessings upon all of you - Fr. Isidore Mass Inten*ons for the Week 5:00 p.m. Jim & Miriam Mulva 7:30 a.m. Dr. Larry Bourke 9:00 a.m. Bob Gontko 10:45 a.m. Agnes Stojanik 12:30 p.m. Barney Panka 5:00 p.m. Roland Castenson Mon. Oct 13th 8:30 a.m. Andrew Rocus Tues. Oct 14th 8:30 a.m. Special Intenon of Joelle Hannabery Wed. Oct 15th 8:30 a.m. Shirley Oliver 6:30 p.m. Tom Mooney Thurs. Oct 16th 8:30 a.m. Gladys Kouba Fri. Oct 17th 8:30 a.m. Special Intenon of Brian Hannabery Sat. Oct 18th 5:00 p.m. Gregory Bi<ner Please note that due to unexpected circumstances where a priest is not available, a scheduled Mass may be a Communion Service instead. Mass *mes for other parishes (including those outside of the Aus*n Diocese) can be found at: www.mass*mes.org. Sat. Oct 11th Sun. Oct 12th Table of Contents Prayers & Mass Intenons ..........page 2 Liturgy & Sacraments ..................page 3 Adult Faith Formaon .................page 4 Parish Informaon ......................page 5 Social Outreach & Family Life .....page 6 Pastoral Care ...............................page 7 Weekly Calendar .........................page 8 Religious Educaon .....................page 9 Staff Contact Informaon .........page 10 Prayer Inten*ons Anne Allen Jim Babka John Berkel David Hale Theresa Harper Sue Hynes Anne<e Johnson Kay Kishbaugh Tom Klaer Ron Kostelecky Milt Rowin Brianna Vogel Devon Vogel Please pray for the spiritual, mental and physical needs of our parish, especially for those listed above were recently added to our bullen prayer list. To add a Mass Inten*on or someone to the Prayer List please contact the Parish Office at 512258-1161. Those on the bullen prayer list will be listed for 60 days in the bullen and in our Prayer Intenon Book in the church. STM Prayer Line: There is a group of parish volunteers who take me to pray for those who are suffering from physical, mental or spiritual pain. They share a prayer list through e-mail. To join this ministry, call Heather at 512-343-6170. Liturgical & Sacramental Ministries Director: Deacon Steve Pent 512-258-1161, ext.225 deaconsteve1@stmaus*n.org Upcoming Liturgical Trainings Bap*sm for Children A<en*on new and returning Liturgical Ministers, our fall training sessions have begun. Please plan on a)ending one of these upcoming training sessions that pertain to the ministry you serve in: Julianna Marie Botello Gabriel Reagan Gros Heidi Anne Gros Meya Love Mendieta Reid Louis Tobias Joshua Augusne Trejo Altar Servers: • • • • October 25th from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. in the church. November 6th from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. in the church. November 8th from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. in the church. November 15th from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. in the church. Bereavement Ministers: • October 19th from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. in Room #105. Communion Ministers to the Sick: • October 12th from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. in Room #105. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: • October 23rd from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. in the church. Hospitality Ministers: • October 18th from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. in the church. • October 28th from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. in the church. Lectors: • October 30th from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. in the church; • November 8th from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. in the church. Sacristans: • October 21st from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. in the church. Upcoming Mass Readings 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time (October 12th): Isaiah 25:6-10a; Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20; Ma)hew 22:1-14 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time (October 19th): Isaiah 45:1, 4-6; 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b; Ma)hew 22:15-21 For daily Mass Readings, please visit: Our parish has a two step process designed to help parents understand the sacrament of bapsm and to support them in their role of helping their child to fully live the gi9s received in bapsm. Bapsms are celebrated each Sunday at 2:00 p.m. Step One: Parents must meet with one of our clergy. To schedule an appointment, please contact Theresa Roberge at the parish office at 512-258-1161 or [email protected]. Step Two: Both parents and godparents a)end a Bapsm Class. Classes are held at STM on the first Sunday of each month at 2:00 p.m. Parents can schedule a me to parcipate in the class during their meeng with a priest or deacon. All Saints Day is Saturday, November 1st. A Mass will be celebrated at 10:00 a.m. Since this feast day falls on Saturday, it is NOT a Holy Day of Obligaon, but we do invite everyone to a)end our morning Mass. Once again we will have Memorial Walls in the back of the church during November. You are welcome to add the names and/or photos (non-returnable) of deceased family and friends to our walls to be prayed for by our St. Thomas More faith family. www.usccb.org/nab/ Roses for Souls Your prayers are requested for the peaceful repose of the souls of Pierce Broe and Sunny Rose Johnson who died recently. May their souls and the souls of all the faithfully departed rest in peace. Would you like to remember a loved one with a special rose to be displayed around the altar on All Souls Day? If so, feel free to pick up and fill out an envelope a9er Mass during the upcoming weeks. We will celebrate All Souls Day at all weekend Masses on November 1st & 2nd. Your loved one’s name will also be displayed on a banner in the narthex of the Church during the month of November. The suggested donaon is $5. One Book One Parish The STM Library Ministry invites you to join others in sharing and camaraderie at one of two discussion sessions as we explore the bestseller “What Good is God? In Search of a Faith That Ma)ers” by Philip Yancey. Sessions will be in the STM Library on Thursday, October 23rd from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. and Tuesday, October 28th from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Books are available in the STM Gi9 Shop, your favorite book vendor or can be downloaded on your personal device. Join us even if you haven't finished reading the book! Adult Faith Forma*on Director: Dawn Rouen 512-258-1944, ext. 235 dawn@stmaus*n.org Reflection Why does Jesus ma+er? Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” - John 14: 5-6 In scripture Jesus presents himself as more than a good teacher or role model. He offers himself to us as our savior and lets us know he wants us to have an abundant, joy filled life. What significance does Jesus have in my life? How am I developing a personal relaonship with Jesus? For full reflecons visit: stmausn.org/reencounter-christ-reflecons. Basic Catholic Teachings The next Parish Book Fair will be a9er all Masses on November 1st & 2nd in the Family Center. There will be new tles from Catholic Publishers for all members of the family! Preschool sales will be on November 4th & 5th by RE recepon desk from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. Got quesons about what we believe as Catholics? Want a refresher? Basic Catholic Teachings is for you! Our fall sessions will be on Wednesdays starng October 15th from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in Brennan Auditorium. For more informaon, please visit our webpage at: www.stmausn.org/basic-catholic-teachings-0. Eucharis*c Adora*on Exposion and Adoraon of the Blessed Sacrament is every day of the week from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. in the Fisher House. To sign up for an Adoraon me, please visit the parish Adoraon webpage at: www.stmausn.org/adore. Interested in Becoming Catholic? Are you interested in finding out more about how Catholics live their faith? The Rite of Chris*an Ini*a*on of Adults (RCIA) is a process to explore these and other faith issues for those who may be considering becoming a Catholic. You can start this process any me during the year. For more details, contact Debra at 512-258-1161, ext. 214. Light of the World is a new retreat experience coming to STM in February. This retreat will help you foster a deep, inmate, personal encounter with Jesus Christ and connect with community to support your ongoing faith journey. If you are interested in learning more, please come to the Informaon Day on November 8th from 1:00 to 3:15 p.m. in Brennan Auditorium. Please visit: www.stmausn.org/light-world. Set a goal to achieve Financial Peace this fall! From the just starng out to those nearing rerementeveryone can benefit from Financial Peace University. Our next 9-week course meets on Tuesdays at 6:45 p.m. in Room 213. The cost is only $89. For more informa*on, please contact Karen & Dave Drabek at 512-215-9257 or [email protected]. Child care is available. See page 6 for more details. World Priest Day Parish Advisory Council World Priest Day is a celebraon and affirmaon of the men who commit their lives to the Lord and the Church via the Sacrament of Holy Orders. It is an opportunity for Catholic parishioners to thank, affirm and share their love and support for our priests. This year the Worldwide Marriage Encounter AusnCentral Texas Community will honor our priests along with deacons and seminarians within the Diocese of Ausn with a dinner on Wednesday, October 22nd at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Acvity Center. Please join us to honor these men by registering by Monday, October 13th. Registraon is $25/person. Please contact Jose and Rachel Guzman at [email protected] or 512-291-6338 if you have any quesons. The STM Parish Advisory Council met on October 2nd. Discussion highlights included: • Expanding our role as a "flagship parish" in the diocese - including welcoming and involving new parishioners in our community. • Debrief on Fun Fest - Thank you to all volunteers, organizers, and a)endees for helping to build our community in Christ! • Ideas to enhance our worship space - stay tuned for ways to provide suggesons. The next council meeng is Thursday, November 6th at 7:15 p.m. in the Pastoral Office conference room. Visit the council webpage at: www.stmausn.org/ parish-council. Get Registered! Whether you’re NEW to St. Thomas More or have been here awhile, we invite you to formally register in the parish at the next Welcome and Registraon Event. It lasts about one hour and light refreshments are served. Mark your calendar for November 2nd or January 11th at 12:30 p.m. in the Parish Acvity Center. To RSVP or for more informa*on, please contact the parish office at 512-258-1161. Child care is provided. Please see page 6 for details. 2014 Stewardship Drive A BIG thank you to the over 400 families who have turned in their Stewardship forms! Haven’t turned in yours or decided on a ministry? No Problem. You can sll turn it in! You’re invited to parcipate in ministry life here at St. Thomas More. We have 78 ministries to choose from. Which one is calling you? You can fill out an online form at: www.stmausn.org/stewardship-form-2014. Parish Financial Quarterly Report Below are the financials number for the fiscal year ending on June 30th, 2014. Category June 2011 June 2012 June 2013 June 2014 Year-to-Date Receipts* $3,200,144.77 $3,156,756.28 $3,278,530.08 $3,269,399.64 Year-to-Date Operang Expenditures* $2,736,959.05 $2,634,004.11 $2,792,262.61 $2,816,940.49 Year-to-Date Debt Principal Payments*(1) $407,019.83 $338,855.39 $291,215.73 $313,695.21 Year-to-Date Capital Expenditures* $118,147.46 $99,077.14 $15,475.08 $79,769.61 Year-to-Date Total Expenditures* $3,262,126.34 $3,071,936.64 $3,098,953.42 $3,210,405.31 * Through 12 months ending June 30th. (1) When our parish did our last major construc*on project of expanding the sanctuary and adding new buildings in the early 2000’s we took on a debt of $6,200,000. As of June 30th, 2014 the debt was $1,244,919 and is scheduled to be paid off in November 2017. Contribu*ons for the week of October 5th: Amount needed for expenses: Special Collec*on for Mideast Refugees: $52,573.65 $52,500.00 $5,746.55 The Money Counters Prayer Blessed are the parishioners who use their numbered envelope; who write the amount in the correct box; who seal the envelope without Scotch tape and staples. For they make our work easier…Amen. Social Outreach Marriage & Family Life Coordinator: Theresa Stephens 512-258-1161, ext. 256 tstephens@stmaus*n.org Coordinator: Deacon Tom Johnson 512-249-5469 family_life@stmaus*n.org Catholic Social Teaching Corner 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time In today’s Gospel we see that God connues to invite, but that the first on the list did not accept the invitaon. The second er invitees did come, but we see in the parable that it is possible to be asked to leave if we are not ready to accept all that God has to offer, both the banquet and the wedding garment. When we accept being in a relaonship with God we are called to embrace whole new ways of being and thinking which are determined by God’s will, not ours. Some invited by God might not be on our list. Who is it that God is calling us to accept that might be difficult right now? How do we respond to God’s invita3on to rela3onship? To His Eucharis3c Banquet? I am so proud and happy that St. Thomas More parishioners were the majority at “meet our future mayoral candidates” at Spicewood Springs Library on Saturday September 27th. One of the candidates we met and interviewed will definitely be our next mayor. I am of the convicon that a good Chrisan is not the one who is only focused on our future heaven but is also acvely involved in making this side of heaven a be)er world to live in. Your civic parcipaon is a tremendous opportunity to elect the type of leaders that will make our city a be)er place to live. A good candidate for heaven must be a responsible cizen of the world by acvely fulfilling his/her civic responsibilies. Please get busy now forming your conscience to vote for a candidate of your choice, even if this means in some situaons, choosing the lesser evil. - Fr. Isidore Upcoming Events to Note • The annual St. Vincent de Paul Thanksgiving Food Drive will start the weekend of November 8th & 9th. • The Advent Giving Trees will return the weekend of November 29th & 30th. Healing and Educa*onal Retreat Sarah's Hope & Abraham's Promise is hosng a Healing and Educa3onal Retreat for Couples Struggling With Infer3lity and Miscarriage on Saturday, October 25th from 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at St. Marn de Porres Church in Dripping Springs. An oponal Adopon Informaon Dinner Program will be featured from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Come for the whole retreat or just the adopon poron! Please register by Monday, October 20th at: www.Oct2014SHAP.eventbrite.com. For more informa*on, please call 512-736-7334 or email [email protected]. Natural Family Planning (NFP) NFP Introduc*on Seminars sasfy the diocesan requirement for marriage preparaon. The schedule for these seminars is now available at: www.ausndiocese.org/nfp. In this seminar, couples will discover that NFP is about ferlity awareness, is highly effecve and scienfically supported, and is easy to use. This course will also familiarize couples with the four approved methods of NFP within the Diocese of Ausn. A cerficate of a)endance will be provided upon compleon of this seminar. For more informa*on, contact the Office of Pro-Life Ac3vi3es and Chaste Living at 512-949-2489. Appreciate Your RE Teachers! The Nursery is seeking adult & teen volunteers to provide childcare for our teachers’ children during almost ALL RE Sessions on Sundays, Mondays and Wednesdays! To fulfill Diocesan requirements, Nursery caregivers must have completed the Ethics & Integrity in Ministry training & background check. For more informa*on about volunteering or for child care reserva*ons, please contact Kelli Merchant at 512-258-2055 or [email protected]. For child care, contact Kelli at least 3 days before your event. The Nursery webpage is: www.stmausn.org/ nursery.shtm. Pastoral Care Coordinator: Theresa Stephens 512-258-1161, ext. 256 tstephens@stmaus*n.org Respect Life News October is Respect Life Month. Remember to donate any spare pocket change to your Baby Bank and help foster a greater respect for the sancty of life. Return your filled Baby Bank to weekend Masses on November 1st & 2nd. “The Gospel of life is at the heart of Jesus’ message. Everyone has an obligaon to serve life.” - Pope John Paul II. Project Rachel is a compassionate and confidenal ministry that helps women and men suffering emoonally and spiritually from the trauma of aboron. Project Rachel retreats are offered throughout the year. Register confidenally at (877) 932-2732 or [email protected]. The next retreat is scheduled for October 24th to 26th. For more informaon about pro-life acvies at St. Thomas More or to join the Respect Life Ministry, please contact Elodia Simoneaux at [email protected] or Sue Hynes at [email protected]. ? Struggling ? Prayer Blankets Do you have a family member, friend or neighbor who needs prayers? Why not request a Prayer Blanket! These blankets are made by parishioners and blessed by one of our priests. These are intended for persons struggling with physical, emoonal or spiritual illness. For more informa*on, please contact Frankie Wright at 512-258-5216. “No One Dies Alone” (NODA) is a volunteer program that offers bedside companions for paents in the final stages of life who have no one to be with them. The program was iniated in the Seton Family of Hospitals in April 2009 and is looking to expand through addional volunteers. For more informa*on, please contact Liz Powell at 512-324-7000, ext. 80041 or [email protected]. These Ministries Can HELP Contact Eileen 512-507-9563 [email protected] Dealing with a difficult life transion? The Stephen Ministry pairs you with a person trained in confidenal listening to help walk with you through those significant transion mes in your life. If you or someone you know is hurng, feeling forgo)en then they can benefit from a compassionate and spiritual support of a Stephen Minister. Do you have a need for counsel? The Family Counseling and Family Life Office of the Diocese of Ausn offer coun- Bri<any Holan 512-949-2494, seling for children, adolescents, and adults. bri)any-holan@ ausndiocese.org Our New Adventures Respite Program provides acvies for people with any Anne Rodriguez Are you a caregiver form of demena and meets weekly on Wednesday starng at 10:00 a.m. in the Par- 512-918-8580 for someone with de- ish Acvity Center. mena? Dana Brown 512-750-2221 dbrown74@ ausn.rr.com Out of work? Come to an upcoming Job Seekers meeng. The mission of Job Seekers is to find GOD in our job search and be a landing place offering fellowship, networking and support to each other. Our ministry meengs are on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Thursday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. in Room #104. Can’t pay your bills? Contact the St. Vincent de Paul Society (SVdP) at our parish. SVdP is a worldwide STM Office 512-258-1161 Volunteer Catholic Lay Organizaon, which visits poor and needy in their homes. Need help with preparing meals? Contact our Good Samaritan Meal Ministry. They have an amazing team of ready 480-788-6325 and willing volunteers for parishioners who are temporarily unable to cook due to stmcooks@ gmail.com injury or illness. Struggling with an addicon? Contact ADAM (Alcohol and Drug Assistance Ministry). All calls are ABSOLUTELY CONFIDENTIAL. At our parish Alcoholics Anonymous meengs are held on Mondays and Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the Chelsea House. Al-Anon meengs are held Mondays from Noon to 1:00 p.m. at the Chelsea House. The Al-Anon Informa3on Center can be called from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday. ADAM 866-203-4087 Al-Anon Info. Center 512-441-8591 Schedule of Parish Events for the upcoming Week The schedule below lists events that all parishioners are generally invited to. For a more complete schedule, including ministry team meengs and ongoing events, please contact your ministry leader, use our online space calendar at h)p://reservaons.stmausn.org/ or view the outdoor bullen boards on campus. To reserve your parish event, contact Debra Lohrstorfer at 512-2581161, ext. 214 or [email protected]. Event Name................................ Time ..................... Loca*on Sunday, Oct. 12th—28th Sunday of Ordinary Time Taco Breakfast ........................... 8:00 am to Noon.. Family Center RCIA Sessions (CC) ...................... 9:30 to 11:30 am ..... Life House Ministers to the Sick Training ... 1:00 to 3:00 pm ...... Room #105 Bapsms ...................................... 2:00 to 3:00 pm ............Church Monday, Oct. 13th Grief Support Session ................ 7:00 to 8:30 pm ..... STM Library Prayer & Life Workshop ............ 7:00 to 9:00 pm ...... Room #213 RE OSSP Meeng ........................ 7:00 to 9:00 pm ... Brennan Aud. Tuesday, Oct. 14th Men’s Scripture Share ............... 6:30 to 7:15 am ..... STM Room Stretching Toward Christ Yoga . 9:15 to 10:15 am .... Room #213 Young at Heart Lunch ................ 11:00 am to 1:00 pm .. Brennan A. Financial Peace University (CC) ..... 6:45 to 8:30 pm ...... Room #213 Contemplave Prayer ................ 7:00 to 8:30 pm ..... STM Library Rosary Prayer Group .................. 7:00 to 8:00 pm .......STM Room Tech Commi)ee Mtg. ................ 7:00 to 8:00 pm ...... Room #103 Wednesday, Oct. 15th Discovering Christ (CC) .............. 9:30 am to Noon...... Life House New Adventures Respite ........... 10:00 am to 2:00 pm ........ PAC Basic Catholic Teachings............ 7:00 to 9:00 pm ....... Life House Men’s Club Meeng ................... 7:00 to 9:00 pm ............... PAC K. of C. 4th Degree Mtg. ............ 7:30 to 9:30 pm ... Family Center Thursday, Oct. 16th Community Ministries Coordinator: Dawn Rouen 512-258-1161, ext. 235 dawn@stmaus*n.org YAH October Lunch The next fellowship potluck lunch for Young at Heart (YAH) members is Tuesday, October 14th from 11:00 am to 1:00 p.m. in Brennan Auditorium. Our special speaker is Deacon Steve Pent, STM’s new Liturgical Director. His topic is “What you’ve always wanted to ask about the Liturgy.” For further informa*on, please contact Gerri Misko at 512-426-2814. Taste of India The annual flagship fundraiser organized by the India Catholic Associaon of Central Texas (ICA) will be held at the PAC on Saturday, October 18th from 6.30 to 9.30 p.m. Enjoy an opportunity to support a home for the elderly in India and the Mobile Loaves and Fishes in Ausn. Tickets are being sold at $25 each which includes dinner. For more informaon, contact Ramona Kar at [email protected]. Holis*c Touch Holisc Touch is 20 minutes of peace-filled quiet and is one way to slow down and feel the loving presence of the Lord. It is offered monthly to parish members and those in need of healing prayers. Our next offering will be Sunday, October 19th from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Fisher House. For more informa*on, please contact Tina Jude at 512-255-7625 or Barb Brenny at 512-331-9346. “That Man is You” Men’s Group ... 6:00 to 7:30 am ............... PAC Stretching Toward Christ Yoga . 9:15 to 10:15 am .... Room #213 Discovering Christ (CC) .............. 6:45 to 9:15 pm ....... Life House Job Seekers Mtg. ........................ 7:00 to 8:30 pm ...... Room #105 Saturday, Oct. 18th Hospitality Minister Training .... 9:30 to 11:00 am ..........Church Taste of India Celebraon ......... 6:30 to 9:30 pm ................PAC (CC) - Child care available—see page 6 for details. Please join our community in the Family Center for Breakfast Tacos following our morning Masses. The tacos are hand-made by the STM Men’s Club. Men, you are also invited to the monthly Men’s Club meeng on Wednesday, October 15th at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Acvity Center. Coffee & Donuts will return next Sunday. This ministry is in search of a NEW LEADER. If you are interested, please contact Joe Steichen at [email protected]. Time is running out! Come join us for a fantasc scramble golf tournament at Twin Creeks Country Club benefing Mobile Loaves and Fishes. Sign up today! Many good prizes can be won as well as a Ford Mustang for a Hole in One!!! For more details, visit www.stmmlfgolf2014.com or contact Michael G. Kelly at 512-636-5955 or [email protected]. Religious Educa*on RE Director: Cynthia Jordan 512-258-1944, ext. 222 Older Student Sacrament Program This program is for children in 3rd to 8th grade who have not received the sacraments of Bapsm, Reconciliaon or Communion. An Orienta*on Session will be on Monday, October 13th at 7:00 p.m. in Brennan Auditorium. Teen Confirma*on Confirma*on Orienta*on Sessions will be on October 28th in Brennan Auditorium and October 29th in the church, both at 7:00 p.m. Please note that this is a correc*on from the October 1st parish E-Newsle<er. The Confirma3on teen and a parent must a)end one of the sessions and a)end on the same night. The Requirements for Confirma*on are: • • • • Child a)ended 8th grade RE or Life Teen last year. Child a)ends Sunday Mass on a weekly basis. Child is registered in Life Teen program. RE has a copy of the child’s Bapsmal cerficate. cynthia@stmaus*n.org Middle School (grades 6-8) Coordinator: Andrea Cochran 512-258-1944 ext. 226 E-mail – [email protected] The Middle School Retreat is October 18th & 19th at Camp Champions in Marble Falls. It will be a great weekend of faith, fun and friends. Retreat permission forms are due on October 12th. • Luau Dance on October 19th: Pull out your grass skirts/Hawaiian shirts and start working on your limbo skills. We are having a Luau Dance from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. instead of class. Come join us for DJ music, candy throws and prizes. • SWAG T-shirts will be on sale for $10 before and a9er class me. • We need a name for our program. Have an idea rolling in your brain? Submit your entry for a chance of winning a prize plus bragging rights. • For more informaon, please contact Cynthia Jordan. Life Teen (grades 9-12) Coordinator: Logan Mayes 512-258-1944 ext. 226 E-mail – [email protected] Super XLT is October 19th from 2:00 to 8:00 p.m. It’s an awesome day of Praise and Worship, Mass, a moving talk, and adoraon so don’t miss out. Forms are available at the Life Night (due on October 12th) and the cost is $10. Other churches from around the Ausn area will be joining us there too! • Our October Service Day is Saturday, October 25th at 9:00 a.m. at St. Margaret Mary parish. We will be helping out the Capital Area Food Bank. Mark your calendars and look for more details soon. • The Fall Retreat is November 7th to 9th at Camp of the Hills. Make plans now to a)end and contact Logan if you need more details. Upcoming Events at Eagle’s Wings Retreat Center • Fall Informa*on Sessions for parents of prospecve students are scheduled for October 17th, November 14th, and December 5th from 8:30 to 10:00 a.m. To reserve a spot for this parent only event, please contact Ellen Vento in the Admission Office at 512244-4825 or [email protected]. “Spirituality of Simplicity” on November 4th: Come and join us from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. as we discover new ways to balance our lives and fill our days with light, laughter and peace which will allow us to run the race of life at a more meaningful speed. Our presenter is Cheryl Maxwell who is the Director of the Office of Worship and Secretariat Director for Forma3on and Spirituality at the Diocese of Ausn. The cost is $35 which includes lunch. For registraon, please visit: www.ewrc.org or call 512715-0017. • “unBEARable Fun Run” on December 6th: Join us for our first annual 5K Fun Run for all ages. We will start at 9:30 a.m. Walk or run our 5K trail with fun pit stops. Olympic Silver Medalist Leo Manzano will speak and run with the parcipants. Prizes and an a9er party will round out the morning. You also have the opportunity to sponsor Msgr. Elmer Holtman. The early registraon fee (before November 15th) is $35. For more informaon, please visit www.unbearablefunrun.weebly.com. • Staff Contact Phone Numbers Administra*ve Staff Contacts Religious Educa*on Staff 512-258-1161 512-258-1944 Accountant & Benefits Dir. ........ Laurie O’Beirne .......... Ext. 212 Accountant Assistant................. Julie Hormuth ............ Ext. 232 Bridal Coordinator ..................... Terry Wilkes ............... Ext. 335 Business Administrator ............. Dave Montoya ........... Ext. 231 Communicaons Director ......... Steve Kliman .............. Ext. 211 Custodial & Events Coord.. ........ David Lohrstorfer ....... Ext. 282 Facilies Manager ..................... J. W. Green ................ Ext. 234 Liturgy Director ......................... Steve Pent .................. Ext. 225 Music Directors ......................... Ren MacNary ............. Ext. 219 Karen Lawson ............ Ext. 237 Outreach Coordinator ............... Theresa Stephens ...... Ext. 256 Parish Receponist .................... Theresa Roberge ........ Ext. 100 Parish Secretary ........................ Debra Lohrstorfer ...... Ext. 214 STM Gi9 Shop ............................ Antone)e Haecker .... Ext. 312 Stewardship & Membership ..... Roba Da.lo ............... Ext. 229 Nursery Coordinator ................. Kelli Merchant . 512-258-2055 Director. .................................... Cynthia Jordan ........... Ext. 222 Assistant Director ...................... Johanna Isburgh ........ Ext. 220 Receponist .............................. Jill Goeters ................. Ext. 236 Sunday School Coordinator....... Danielle White ........... Ext. 227 Elementary School Coordinator Mary Kubala .............. Ext. 221 Middle School Coordinator. ...... Andrea Cochran ......... Ext. 228 Life Teen Coordinator ............... Logan Mayes ............. Ext. 226 Confirmaon Coordinator ......... Cynthia Klaer-Jordan . Ext. 222 Director of Adult Faith .............. Dawn Rouen .............. Ext. 235 STM GiT Shop News New gi9 items include Spanish/bilingual bibles, bapsm, wedding, memorial, last supper prints, plus many more. Select gi9 items are on sale. Our normal hours are Tuesday to Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and before and a9er all weekend Masses. We are looking for someone to enhance our webpage. If you have any quesons or would like to volunteer, please contact Antone<e Haecker at 512250-1477 or [email protected]. Preschool Staff 512-258-1721 Director. ..................................... Cindy Acosta Assistant Director ...................... Chris Wenz Thank You Sponsors! This bullen is furnished to the parish without charge. The adversements that appear completely defray all publishing costs with which the parish would otherwise be burdened. Please patronize these sponsors when you can as a thank you for their kind generosity. A<en*on Local Business Owners: If you would like to adverse in this bullen, please contact Brian Schroeder at 512-680-0623.
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