St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] St. Paul 1 October 2014 A Community of Christ, Helping, Reaching out, Inviting, and Serving Together. Church address: 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 Katie Lowe Lancaster, Pastor Mailing address: 103 E. Cedar St. Anamosa, IA 52205 [email protected] Paula Hartman, Admin. Assistant Website: [email protected] (319)462-4841 St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 2 In the beginning...God… Genesis 1:1 What are you experiencing right now in the reading and hearing of this message from the scriptures? Pause for a moment. Listen. Pray. As I was pondering, here is what I heard… In the beginning was God’s act. God Giving life, God giving light, God giving freedom and God’s gi of forgiveness. God’s act is not a story to merely give us a framework to explain our existence and therefore choose what is real and what is unreal. God isn’t wai ng for you and me to create and establish a viable and plausible storyline of our own existence. God’s act – is the beginning – it is before – out of nothing – except out of God – to be the sole power with the one and only authority to act– how? By crea ng. In the beginning – there is no prelude to before beginning – God is the beginning, middle and the end...nothing before and nothing a er. God created in order that there was light in the darkness. God created in order that there was life. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, “Let there be light”, and there was light… This is God’s upper story, God’s desire – to bring light into create and to give freedom, and in so doing, love the unlovable and forgive the unforgiveable...always at the expense...and the cost...of God. Our lower story is our daily lives, the joys and the challenges, the laughter and the tears. Our stories are important and personal to God. Why? Because in the Book of Genesis it says, we were made in the image of God. We were made not to be li'le gods, but to be the most treasured crea on above all else to God. Therefore, what happens to us – ma'ers to God. God’s story, the upper story by God’s choice, not ours, intertwines with our story, the lower story of the everyday. This is not because we want love and forgiveness or even understand this sacrifice of God. God loves and forgives because God knows what God’s own crea on NEEDS. You and I, need life once again solely through the God act – of God’s forgiveness – God’s love – God’s grace – God’s gi of salva on – Jesus Christ. We have been each invited to read the Bible in a new format called The Story. It is a simplified version of the New Interna onal Version (NIV) of the Bible in chronological order. Together as we read the scriptures it is our hope we will become more Biblically fluent. Fluent in this context means to understand how God’s story and our story connect. Knowing enough about the Bible that we can hear a story from the Bible and not merely know where the story goes on a meline but the purpose, meaning and relevance of that story injected into our story today. It is never too late to join the journey. Come to worship, join a small group, grab a copy of The Story, or talk with a friend. Together, we are on a journey to find our story in God’s story of grace. ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH 201 N. FORD ST. ANAMOSA, IA 52205 (319) 462-4841 PASTOR KATIE’S EMAIL: [email protected] St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 3 Bridges of Jones County CROP Walk 2014 Baptisms Welcome to our church family Cullen James Hubler, son of Blake & Molly (Lerch) Hubler who was bap zed at St. Paul on Sunday, September 21 . Sponsors were the Lerch and Hubler families. Women’s Circles The Bridges of Jones County CROP Walk will be held Sunday, October 12, 2014 at 2:00pm at the Mon cello Swimming Pool Pavilion. Please bring your walker/sponsor dona on envelope (available in the back of church). Your par cipa on is encouraged. Thank you. ALY News By Virginia Danielson Mary Circle will meet on Tuesday, October 14th at 7pm at Marty Rowland’s home. Hostess will be Marty Rowland and Jan Koppenhaver will lead the Bible Study. St. Paul packed and delivered weekend bags of food during September for the school backpack program. As the month went on, the numbers of children we served grew from just over 40 to over 60, and are s ll increasing. Sarah Circle will meet on Wednesday, October 8th at 1:30pm at Woodland Park. Hostess will be Rosie Aus n and Mary Lou Schipper will lead the Bible Study. The ALY board thanks all who volunteered during the month, especially the large group who were “God’s Hands” on that special weekend of service. Marge Bohlken and Karen Stange led this ac vity, and their work made the start of ALY’s school year program a great one for the children. Pray for Our Military October is the month that ALY hosts our annual Gospel concert, the only fund-raising we do each year. We’re excited to have another local group, THE MESSENGERS, as our headliners this year. THE MESSENGERS are based in Viola, and led by Jim and Chris May. Please mark your calendars for a great a ernoon with musicians gathered from the local churches, including the UCC choir, St. Paul’s Celebra on Singers, and the Methodist bell choir. The date is October 26 at 3:00 pm at the Anamosa United Methodist Church. Please pray for our men and women currently serving in the military: • • • • Alec Embree Jeremy Fall Allen Gilbert Kalib Seeley Please call the church office if you would like to be added or deleted from this list. Ray of Hope Grief & Significant Loss Get-together The 1st Saturday of every month 9:00-10:30 AM Church Basement Fellowship Hall All are welcome! People need each other in a very special way! People need each other to survive from day to day. Elizabeth Delea For more information call Karen at 462-2949. St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 4 September Church Council Report Balances of St. Paul Bank Accounts as of 8/31/2014: General Fund Checking Acct. Beginning Balance $24,807.15 Ending Balance $26,143.33 Land Purchase Savings Acct. Beginning Balance $13,350.24 Ending Balance $10,296.36 Land Purchase Checking Acct. Beginning Balance $2,581.30 Ending Balance $5,676.84 This month the Church Council focused their opening conversa on on “Reviving the Congrega on: Pastoral Leadership in a Changing Context,” by ELCA Pastor Michael W. Foss. The topic centered on what mo vated individuals to establish congrega ons and in so doing create tradi ons that were invi ng, engaging and commi'ed to the proclama on of Jesus Christ? This leads us to ask the big ques on, what does it look like to be people with that same convic on and commitment to risk change, innova on and convic on to sharing the Good News in today’s world? According to our congrega onal survey we are people who stated we are open to change but we don’t like it. Pastor Foss says, acknowledgement of that statement is step one. What does change look like at St Paul? Iden fy and claim the areas of ministry we do well. Pastor Foss says step two, begin doing – the rest of the work to be an inspiring congrega on. What is at stake to change or not to change? Whether or not we con nue to be a voice that proclaims the saving grace of Jesus Christ in today’s ever changing culture. Mo ons were made to accept agendas and reports as presented. Communica on was received by the ELCA Southeastern Synod to a'end the Conversa on with the Bishop and Conference mee ngs. Also a request was received to consider the installa on of electric shades for an easier way to hang banners in the sanctuary. Mo ons were made, seconded and approved to add to the roster: Regan and Zoie Cunningham who were bap zed on August 16 and Kael Hora who was bap zed on August 17. Also added to roster by transfer from St Mark’s Lutheran Church in Marion, Dennis, Amber Chelsea, and Camden Holland. Council heard a report on Children’s Ministry being expanded for Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights for children in Preschool through Fourth grade (Kids for Christ: KFC). Reflec on on the congrega onal report from spring 2014 was discussed including the need for addi onal part- me staffing support. Following up with the need for addi onal staff Kristy Robertson was hired part- me as the KFC Team Coordinator and Kiana Egge hired partme as KFC Wednesday Night Team Leader. Both individuals will be in leadership roles 10 hours a month. There was discussion on the following reports: Call Commi'ee, Discipleship (The Story), Stewardship/Grounds and Maintenance and Worship (The Story). The council was informed of staffing resigna on of part- me bookkeeper, LeeAnna Boone. Mary Achenbach and Nancy Lyon-Douglas will meet to discuss a resolu on to ongoing financial work and submission of reports. Council mee ng concluded with a closing prayer by Nicole Sander. Do you have a topic or request for Church Council to discuss? Each month on the first Monday of the month the Church Council Agenda will be created for the Council Mee+ng the following Monday. You are welcome to contact the church office and request an item be on the agenda. Deadline will always be the 1st Monday! If you have ques+ons please contact Kris+ Fortune, Church Council Secretary for more informa+on. Thank you! St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 5 Generous Giving So in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gi4s, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gi4 is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully. Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. 10 Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. -Romans 12:5-10 New Interna onal Version (NIV) This is just a sample of recent generous gi s shared by members at St. Paul. If you have been a generous giver and your name is not listed, please know, as a community we could never glorify and proclaim the Good News without your faithful stewardship. Your brothers and sisters in Christ thank you! • • • • • • • • • • • • Fall Faith Walk– Women’s Ministry Team: Lisa Hamilton, Jane Ortgies, Carol S ffler, Nancy Hart and Pastor Ka e for an amazing night of fellowship and worship. Daly Creek Winery, Thou Art, Starlighters II Theatre, and Grounds and Goodies, plus an assortment of wonderful local businesses that support the Fall Faith Walk. Paula Hartman– who kept Pastor Ka e sane. Thank you to Paula for her gi to communicate in a variety of ways the countless ministry happenings at St. Paul. Laura Secrist– for her commitment to launching The Story and encouraging individuals to go out of their comfort zone and lead small groups and/or join one! Barb Kleis and team of folks who have handed out The Story resources. DJ & Donna Condry for seVng up the bonfire for the WD4 kick off and also to the food team. Virginia Danielson and the “God’s Work. Our Hands” Team and par cipants for a weekend of God honoring servant projects. Thrivent Financial for Lutherans for providing and financing supplies for Servant Sunday. Pam Humpal for the beau ful banners in our sanctuary. Hank Biere, Virginia Danielson and the members of the Celebra on Singers for the meaningful singing during worship. The family of Bud Hahn, WELCA and St. Paul Memorial Fund for the purchase of Bibles for our sanctuary and fellowship area. Don Harmon and Kristy Robertson for taking such wonderful photos of our St. Paul events. Can you think of someone you would like to acknowledge? Contact the church office and we will add them to our Generous Giving list next month. Anamosa Ministerial Association The season of harves ng is nearing and excitement is growing. However, there are many people who find their cupboards are bare and they are unable to provide a meal for their families. The Anamosa Ministerial Associa on is an ecumenical faith group consis ng of ten churches in Anamosa. Each church contributes me by their pastor/leaders to gather together once a month to connect and share ideas. Each church also contributes financial resources to the group and in turn, available collected funds are dispersed as needed. For the month of October, the Anamosa Ministerial Associa on agreed to collec vely fund what is a typical set cost to cover one month of food vouchers for individuals living in Jones County. The dona on will go directly to the Jones County Community Cupboard so that folks living in the county will receive the support they need. In November, the ten congrega ons will gather together on November 23 to share in worship, servant work, fellowship and giving of our resources. Our hope will be to keep the Jones County Community Cupboard stocked and ready. More informa on will be made available as details come together. We give thanks for this very meaningful collabora on between the ten area churches. FORKS & FRIENDS COMMUNITY MEALS 4th Thursday of the month from 5-7pm at the Anamosa United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 6 THE STORY CHAPTER SCHEDULE Date: Chapter: Bible Reading: Gospel Reading: 10/05/14 3– Joseph: From Slave to Deputy Pharaoh Genesis 37:2-8 Luke 6:35-38 10/12/14 4– Deliverance Exodus 3:7-15 Luke 4:14-22 10/19/14 5– New Commands and a New Covenant Exodus 19:1-8 Mark 9:2-8 10/26/14 6– Wandering Numbers 10:33-36 John 6:30-35 We are a few weeks into “The Story” and all I can say is AMAZING! AMAZING is how many people worked so hard to make sure that everything was ready to go for this adventure. THANK YOU! AMAZING is the number of people who have commi'ed to reading “The Story” and in doing so are becoming more fluent in the Bible and all that it can teach us. AMAZING to see all the small group leaders that have stepped forward to serve and also to all the people that have agreed to a'end a small group. AMAZING to hear about all the people that have chosen to invite a friend or tell someone new about what we are doing. AMAZING is the sheer number of children and adults that gather together every Wednesday night to Worship Grow, Relate, and Serve. AMAZING to hear all the conversa ons that are being had by new and old comers about what God wants for us. AMAZING is how God is s rring hearts to do more than we have done before. AMAZING is how many people are stepping outside their comfort zone to do something for the very first me. AMAZING to be at a church that would embrace “The Story” with such passion. I can’t wait to see where this adventure leads us all. Remember, don’t keep this a secret...tell your friends, invite them to come along on our journey, give them a book, you won’t be sorry you did. See you in church, Laura Secrist St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 7 Ministry Group Leaders for 2014-2015 Our thanks to all of the many individuals that will be faith leaders for our children, youth and adults in the upcoming year. Small Groups will be joining in the 31 week journey, The Story. You are always welcome to jump in a small group any me throughout the year. Group Leaders Time and Loca*on Good Guys/Wednesday mornings Denny Oltmann/Don Hardersen 6:45am/McO'os Saturday evenings Karen Stange 7:00pm/Church Fellowship Hall Adults/Sunday mornings John Lancaster 9:25am/Church Fellowship Hall Adults/Sunday mornings Darel Secrist 9:25am/CE Building- HS Room Preschool & KFC/Sunday mornings Kristy Robertson & Team 9:15am/CE Building WD4 Adults/Wednesday evenings Nancy Lyon Douglas/ John Lancaster/Laura Secrist/ Polly Chalstrom 6:30pm/Church Sanctuary WD4 High School/Wednesday evenings Darel Secrist/Jen Petersen/ Becky Goldsmith/Shaun Lambertsen 6:30pm/Church Sanctuary WD4 7th-8th Grade/Wednesday evenings Jill Darrow/Michele Lubben DJ Condry/Dara Flecksing 6:30pm/Church Sanctuary WD4 5th-6th Grade/Wednesday evenings Kris Fortune/ William Flecksing Sally Meyer/Barb Wilson 6:30pm/CE Building WD4 K-4th Grade/Wednesday evenings Kiana Egge/Angie Thomas/ Nicole Sander 6:30pm/CE Building WD4 Wednesday Discipleship: Worship, Grow, Relate and Serve Many folks may know that WD4 is our mid-week ministry, however, you may wonder what it stands for = WD4: Wednesday Discipleship (WD) with (4) four core values: worship, grow, relate and serve. You may have also heard of some other group names like: KFC- Kids for Christ– ministry for children in Kindergarten through 4th grade. Club 56 and Club 78– ministry for students in 5-6 grade or 7-8 grade. We also have 15-20 High School students that are passionate about not only coming to WD4 but they invite their friends and are truly AWESOME! Snack Shack– in the CE Building, we offer an assortment of snacks that have been donated to this ministry. The income/offerings goes toward youth mission trips. Our hope two years ago was to engage youth and small group leaders in meaningful mid-week discipleship, worship and service in a comfortable and relaxed seVng. In the beginning and s ll today we begin each evening with large group teaching led by Pastor Ka e for youth and adults and key leader for our children. Immediately following is rela onship building in small groups for all ages. We conclude with a full worship service including music, scripture readings, a sermon, Holy Communion, as well as being blessed and sent into the world. In our first two years, we grew from 12 confirma on students to averaging 40-60 people each week. This year we have already grown to over 100 children, youth and adults. We con nue in 2014-2015 with large group kick off at 6:30, small group at 7:00 and worship at 7:30! St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 8 St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] COMMUNION BREAD OCTOBER DUTIES SCHEDULE 6:00 SERVICE DATE/SERVICE USHERS READERS COMMUNION PREP/CLEAN COMMUNION ASSISTANTS POWER POINT Oct. 4– 6:00 Ken/Pam Humpal Dorothy Postel Ken/Pam Humpal Dorothy Postel Myra Powell Oct. 11– 6:00 Dennis Hora Beth Hora Dennis/Beth Hora Beth Hora Beth Hora Oct. 18– 6:00 Jerry/Verlyn Stolte Karen Stange Jerry/Verlyn Stolte Karen Stange Julie Fall Oct. 25– 6:00 Jim Conley Darla Algoe Darla Algoe Eunice Conley Lisa Hamilton OCTOBER DUTIES SCHEDULE 8:00 SERVICE DATE/SERVICE USHERS READERS COMMUNION PREP/CLEAN COMMUNION ASSISTANTS Oct. 5– 8:00 Lynn Decious/ Colin Stiffler Colin Stiffler Barry/Wilma Anderson Jan Koppenhaver Carol Stiffler Oct. 12– 8:00 Paul/Verna Lewison Marty Rowland Paul/Verna Lewison Brian/Jill Darrow Oct. 19– 8:00 Dale/Pat Jensen Pat Jensen Mary Goldsmith/ Jan Kurtz Brian /Michele Lubben Oct. 26– 8:00 John Lancaster Jay Willems Pastor or Mary Lou Schipper Don/Dorothy Harmon Cheri Francik/ Pastor Schipper OCTOBER: Valerie Lambertsen OCTOBER ALTAR FLOWERS October 5: Dave Michels October 12: Marty Rowland October 19: Dave & Jane Ortgies October 26: Fred & Lindsey Austin OCTOBER DUTIES SCHEDULE 10:30 SERVICE USHERS READERS COMMUNION PREP/CLEAN COMMUNION ASSISTANTS POWER POINT VIDEO Oct. 5– 10:30 Denny Folken Family Lisa Folken Barb Wilson Lisa Folken/ Darel Secrist Kirsten Lancaster Kyle Folken Oct. 12– 10:30 Dan/Marilyn Lambertsen Dan or Marilyn Lambertsen Jeff/Barb Switzer Darin & Nicole Sander Jake Harmon Pierce Fairbanks Oct. 19-10:30 CJ Sullivan Family Paula Sisler Serge/Paula Sisler Serge/Paula Sisler Jenna Wilson Cole Sander Oct. 26-10:30 Rob Robertson Family Kristy Robertson DJ/Donna Condry DJ/Donna Condry Kylee Secrist Olivia Christianson DATE/SERVICE 9 St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 10 ST.ST. PAUL PAUL OCTOBER JULY CALENDAR CALENDAR WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1 6:45am Good Guys (McO?os) 8:00am Lutheran Men in Mission (W.P.) 2:00pm Ecumenical Bible Study (Grounds & Goodies) 5:30pm Celebra+on Singers Prac+ce 6:30-8pm WD4 8-8:30pm 9th grade Confirma+on Mtg. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4 9-10:30am Ray of Hope (Church Basement) 9-3pm ARC (CE Building) 6:00pm Contemporary Worship Service 7:00pm The Story Bible Study SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5 8:00am Tradi+onal Worship Service 9:00am Coffee Hour 9:15am Sunday School 9:25am Adult Sunday School 10:30am Praise Worship Service 4:00pm G.S. Daisy Troop (CE Bldg) TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7 8:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8 6:45am Good Guys (McO?os) 8:00am Lutheran Men in Mission (W.Park) 1:30pm Sarah Circle (Woodland Park) 2:00pm Ecumenical Bible Study (Grounds & Goodies) 6:30-8pm WD4 8:00pm Praise Band Prac+ce 8-8:30pm 9th grade Confirma+on Mtg. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11 6:00pm Contemporary Worship Service 7:00pm The Story Bible Study SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12 8:00am Tradi+onal Worship Service 9:00am Coffee Hour 9:15am Sunday School 9:25am Adult Sunday School 10:30am Praise Worship Service 2:00pm CROP Walk (Mon+cello) MONDAY, OCTOBER 13 6:00pm Church Council Mtg. (CE Bldg.) FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24 4:00pm Newsle?er Ar+cles Due TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14 7:00pm Mary Circle (Marty Rowland’s) 8:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25 6:00pm Contemporary Worship Service 7:00pm The Story Bible Study WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15 6:45am Good Guys (McO?os) 8:00am Lutheran Men in Mission (W.Park) 2:00pm Ecumenical Bible Study (Grounds &Goodies) 5:30pm Celebra+on Singers Prac+ce 6:30-8:00pm WD4 8-8:30pm 9th grade Confirma+on Mtg. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 8:00am Tradi+onal Worship Service 9:00am Coffee Hour 9:15am Sunday School 9:25am Adult Sunday School 10:30am Praise Worship Service 10:30am Confirma+on 3:00pm ALY Concert (AUMC) SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 6:00pm Contemporary Worship Service 7:00pm The Story Bible Study TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28 8:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 8:00am Tradi+onal Worship Service 9:00am Coffee Hour 9:15am Sunday School 9:25am Adult Sunday School 10:30am Praise Worship Service 1:00pm St. Paul Golf Ou+ng (Fawn Creek Golf Course) 4:00pm G.S. Daisy Troop (CE Bldg) WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29 6:45am Good Guys (McO?os) 8:00am Lutheran Men in Mission (W.Park) 2:00pm Ecumenical Bible Study (Grounds & Goodies) 6:30-8:00pm WD4 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30 9:00am Newsle?er Group (Paula) TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21 8:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22 6:45am Good Guys (McO?os) 8:00am Lutheran Men in Mission (W.Park) 2:00pm Ecumenical Bible Study (Grounds & Goodies) 6:30-8pm WD4 8:00pm Praise Band Prac+ce THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23 10:00am Friend to Friend (Ch. Basement) 5-7pm Forks & Friends (Anamosa United Methodist Church) SAVE THE DATE! November 9, 2014 9:15am Pastries with the Pastor November 15 & 16, 2014 During all three services New member recogni on October Work Group Chairs: DJ & Donna Condry Terry & Evelyn French Dan & Pam Goodyear Rob & Kristl Hunt John & Donna Jones Pat Lubben Mary Martensen Mike & Pat Plueger Jeff & Jessica Smith Bob & Julie Soupene Mark & Beth Thomas Greta Vaughn Scott & Annette Wheeler Lisa Williams Lucille Zimmerman Mandy Zieser A few du+es include: Taking care of the family care room; (wipe off crib & li?le table, pick up and straighten room) over-see kitchen (*Launder towels on counter, check & clean refrigerators & stoves when needed) keep supplies stocked (paper towels, dish soap in kitchen, kleenex for the bathroom, plas+c wrap & baggies etc.). *It is very important that Work Groups select someone to check on the kitchen. St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] Students will be Confirmed on Sunday, October 26 during the 10:30 service 11 St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church 103 East Cedar Street Anamosa, IA 52205 12 Return Service Requested WORSHIP SCHEDULE Saturday: 6pm Contemporary Worship Sunday: 8am Traditional Worship 9am Fellowship 9:15am Sunday School 9:30am Adult Sunday School 10:30am Contemporary Worship OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS Todd Nielsen Randy Kray Avery Ludwig Lillie Geltz Darcy Jacobs Wesley Meyer Marla Spinler Chris Kray Michele Swartz Denise Whitmore Aus n Holub Lauren Heying Pam Humpal Hannah Michels Kinsey S ffler Gary French Patsy Hardersen Judy Swartzendruber John Capron Jim Hankemeier 01 02 02 03 03 04 04 06 06 06 07 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 10 10 Michael Lancaster Helen Schoon Lacey Smith Eric Kula Neva Nachtrieb Kaylee Fairbanks Preston Geltz John Minzenmeyer Walker Burgess Larry Ricklefs Darel Secrist Beth Rissman Jim Albrecht Benjamin Zuazua Trish Ewing Gust LaDue Ethan Ewing Kris Fortune Edna Roeglin Jeff Smith 10 10 11 12 12 13 13 13 14 15 15 16 18 18 19 19 21 22 22 22 Lisa Folken Kaylee Reinhardt Ashton Weber Tysen Gravel Susan Tapken Denny Folken Bob Algoe Darla Algoe Madalyn Heims Dan Goodyear Grant Lubben Arnie Andreesen Pastor Ka e Madyleine Moenck Ken Shover Kandace Reinhardt Angie Thomas 23 23 23 24 24 25 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 30 30 31 31 If your birthday was omi?ed from this calendar, it is because we do not have the date in our records. If you would like your birthday listed on our newsle?er calendar, please call Paula at 462-4841 or email her at [email protected] and she would be happy to include it.
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