GALWAY CITY COUNCIL’S SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK 2014 12 - 18 OCTOBER ouncil yC Ci t Gaillimhe | Ga na lw ch a ra y Comhairle Ca th GALWAY CITY COUNCIL’S SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK 2014 12 - 18 OCTOBER ouncil yC Ci t Gaillimhe | Ga na lw ch a ra y GALWAY CITY COUNCIL’S SOCIAL A collective response to address Poverty and So taking place in Galway by groups and organisat Comhairle Ca th LAUNCH OF GALWAY CITY COUNCIL’S SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK 2014, WHICH HAS A DISABILITY AND SPORT FOCUS, BY THE MAYOR OF GALWAY CITY, CLLR. DONAL LYONS. ALL ARE WELCOME! KINGFISHER, NUIG, SUNDAY 12 OCTOBER, 12 NOON, DURING THE ABILITY SPORTS DAY EVENT ABILITY SPORTS DAY SUNDAY SUNDAY 12 OCTOBER 10AM–12PM, KINGFISHER, NUIG, NEWCASTLE ROAD Galway Sports Partnership and Galway Centre for Independent Living are hosting an Ability Sports Day to celebrate 20 years of the Galway Centre for Independent Living. People from all over Galway are invited to come along try out some of the sports and get some coaching from the top people in their fields. This Ability Sports Day will have sports ranging from Wheelchair Hurling, Basketball, Table Tennis, Hand-cycling, cycling for visually impaired, martial arts and more. All welcome to meet some of Ireland’s top Paralympians and Galway’s Sports Stars. FURTHER DETAILS CONTACT JASON 087 9817 549 OR [email protected] PAPER FOLDING WORKSHOP WITH CARBON ASSEMBLY MONDAY MONDAY 13 OCTOBER, 9.30AM–1PM, WESTSIDE LIBRARY, WESTSIDE Carbon Assembly will run a paper folding workshop with local primary school Scoil Bhríde in the Westside Library. The aim of the workshop is to introduce the students to alternative art techniques and processes and they, with the Carbon Assembly members, will work towards realising a collaborative art work. FURTHER DETAILS ANTHONY 085 7075 897 OR [email protected] INCLUSION WEEK 2014 12 - 18 OCTOBER ocial Exclusion in Galway City, highlighting the good work tions in tackling issues within their local community. ACCESS FOR ALL PROMOTING UNIVERSAL ACCESS Access For All works towards making Galway more accessible for people of all abilities. Find out more about the everyday difficulties and exclusions that people with disabilities experience and how you can help to change this and make Galway a more inclusive and universally accessible place. TUESDAY TUESDAY 14 OCTOBER 12.30PM–2.30PM, EYRE SQUARE VOLUNTEER POINT FURTHER DETAILS LIZ 085 7717 670 OR [email protected] TUESDAY 14 OCTOBER, 11.30AM–2PM, GALWAY CITY CENTRE LIBRARY, ST AUGUSTINE STREET AND 2.30PM–5PM, WESTSIDE LIBRARY, WESTSIDE Come along and find out about how the many types of volunteering available in your local area and we can help you find something suitable for you. You don’t have to make an immediate commitment on the day. FURTHER DETAILS DONNACHA 091 581 727 OR [email protected] SONKE MULTICULTURAL CHOIR WORKSHOP TUESDAY 14 OCTOBER 7PM–9PM, PRESBYTERIAN / METHODIST CHURCH VICTORIA PLACE Workshop with SONKE Multicultural Choir listen and join in with the celebration of world music under the expert guidance of musical MAKING GALWAY A DEMENTIA FRIENDLY COMMUNITY WEDNESDAY 15 OCTOBER, 12PM–2PM, EYRE SQUARE SHOPPING CENTRE, EYRE SQUARE WEDNESDAY TUESDAY FURTHER DETAILS NOLLAIG 091 773 466 OR [email protected] Director Helen Webb who is an established vocalist, singing teacher and composer. SONKE is composed of members of many walks of life, backgrounds and cultures to reflect Galway’s multidimensional, multicultural population. Singing sessions each week reflect the joy in world music and provide a social outlet for members. No previous experience or singing expertise needed. We would like this workshop to be all inclusive and invite you all to join us and sing with us! Galway City Partnership is currently developing a Dementia Friendly Community initiative. The project aims to increase awareness around dementia and improve the inclusion of people living with dementia in local communities. We will be providing information on the project and how local community groups, organisations and the general public can get involved and support the initiative. FURTHER DETAILS NOLLAIG 091 773 466 OR [email protected] WHIDEN TOIE A CELEBRATION OF TRAVELLER CULTURE THE ROAD TO RECOGNITION & RIGHTS from the Galway Age Friendly Programme. FURTHER DETAILS NOEL 087 2614 501 WEDNESDAY 15 OCTOBER 11AM–1PM, CITY HALL, GALWAY CITY COUNCIL, COLLEGE ROAD ARD WOMEN’S CIRCLE INCLUSION FOR ALL WEDNESDAY 15T OCTOBER 10AM–12.30PM, ARD FAMILY RESOURCE CENTRE, DOUGHISKA A focus on Traveller Inclusion, the views and perspectives of the Traveller Community. Photographic Exhibition and cultural awareness workshop. Celebration of the diversity of the Ard Women’s Circle who are open to women from all walks of life, catering to all needs and interests, Craft Workshops and international food and tea & coffee. FURTHER DETAILS MARGARET 087 0517 321 OR [email protected] WEDNESDAY 15 OCTOBER – ALL DAY shOUT! are asking young people to send out a positive message to other young people who identify as LGBT. Organise some young people to draw the LGBT Rainbow and/or flag (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue and Violet) on the playground or a wall somewhere on the school/club premises. Write the name of the school/Youth Group alongside, take a photo and send it back. FURTHER DETAILS ANNE-MARIE 087 7738 529 OR [email protected] COFFEE MORNING & INFORMATION ON GALWAY AGE FRIENDLY PROGRAMME FURTHER DETAILS GRACE 091 768 852 OR [email protected] MAD HATTERS BINGO FOR THE YOUNG & OLD WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY SAY IT WITH GRAFFITI shOUT! WILL ENCOURAGE POST PRIMARY SCHOOLS & YOUTH GROUPS, PROJECTS & CLUBS IN GALWAY CITY TO ORGANISE A “CHALK GRAFFITI STATEMENT OF INCLUSION” WEDNESDAY 15 OCTOBER 1PM–4PM, WESTSIDE RESOURCE CENTRE, WESTSIDE Westside Age Inclusion in conjunction with Youth Work Ireland are having a mad hatters bingo and lunch for the elderly, which will be an intergenerational event. The participants will have a hot lunch followed by youth work Ireland, service users and Westside Age Inclusion staff members running and taking part with the elderly in an afternoon of fun bingo where all participates will be asked to wear a hat or head piece. FURTHER DETAILS NICHOLA 091 589 861 OR [email protected] WEDNESDAY 15 OCTOBER 10AM–12PM, JOYCES COMMUNITY CENTRE, KNOCKNACARRA LIVING WELL WITH ARTHRITIS GALWAY BRANCH OF ARTHRITIS IRELAND Knocknacarra Active Retirement Association are inviting all Active Retirement Associations in the City to join them for an information morning with a guest speaker WEDNESDAY 15 OCTOBER, 7PM, THE CONNACHT HOTEL, DUBLIN ROAD First week of a 6 week Programme ‘Living Well With Arthritis’ to support people in self- People can take a tour of the Westside Community Garden and light refreshments will be provided. FURTHER DETAILS IRENE 087 6487 187 OR [email protected] 20TH ANNIVERSARY – OPEN DAY PUBLIC INFORMATION FAIR GALWAY BRANCH OF ARTHRITIS IRELAND Westside Resource Centre is now 20 years old. The centre works to address disadvantage and promote social inclusion and provides a base for many groups and activities. The Open Day will highlight the work of the centre and all those who work there. THURSDAY Open Day themed “Know Your The theme is taking a holistic approach to managing your condition and will have stands from different local services such as OT, Nutrition, Adapted Exercise, Podiatry etc. Tea and Coffee will be provided. Every Saturday morning we have a Walking Group that meets at The Connacht Hotel in Renmore at 10am for 1.5 hours that includes tea/coffee and a chat. The Walking Group is led by trained volunteers and all abilities and levels are welcome. THURSDAY 16 OCTOBER 11AM–3PM, WESTSIDE RESOURCE CENTRE, WESTSIDE THURSDAY THURSDAY 16 OCTOBER, 7PM, THE CONNACHT HOTEL, DUBLIN ROAD FURTHER DETAILS VERNICE 091 528 325 OR [email protected] FURTHER DETAILS JAMES 091 528 325 OR [email protected] SCHOOLS INTERCULTURAL FUTSAL BLITZ THURSDAY 16 OCTOBER 10AM–2PM, OUR LADY’S BOYS CLUB, SEA ROAD A local Futsal (5 a-side football) blitz for primary schools with a minimum of 15% participants from ethnic minority backgrounds. FURTHER DETAILS NIGEL 086 0418 648 FURTHER DETAILS IRENE 087 6487 187 OR [email protected] CALENDAR LAUNCH CLARENMORE ARTISTS HEALTH & WELL-BEING MORNING WESTSIDE COMMUNITY THURSDAY 16 OCTOBER 10AM–1PM, WESTSIDE RESOURCE CENTRE, WESTSIDE Everybody is welcome to attend the morning will give people the opportunity to participate in three workshops Yoga, Meditation and Tai Chi. There will also be an input from the Marie Keating Foundation as well as a session on the benefits of healthy eating! FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER 11AM–12.30PM, BALLYBANE LIBRARY, BALLYBANE FRIDAY WEDNESDAY management of their condition. Pre-registration is required with a small fee (reduced for medical card holders). See programmes_events/living_well_ with_arthritis#LWWA The colourful and vibrant art calendar produced by the Clarenmore Artists will be launched at the exhibition of the 12 featured paintings. Along with coffee, tea and home baking in aid of the Galway Hospice this will be a lovely community event. FURTHER DETAILS GAIE 086 0512 203 OR [email protected] COME DINE WITH US! rare opportunity to cook food and to host a social event. FRIDAY FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER 11AM–2PM, CROÍ NA GAILLIMHE, 1 MILL STREET MEMBERS OF THE GALWAY LEADER FORUM GALWAY LEADER FORUM OPEN DAY FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER 12PM–2PM, CROÍ HOUSE, MOYOLA LANE, NEWCASTLE FRIDAY The SOLAS (Support, Orientation and Learning for Asylum Seekers) project which offers mentoring, advocacy, learning and social and cultural support to asylum seekers in Galway are hosting an intercultural event in conjunction with students from its NALA programme. The event will bring together people from various communities and nationalities to share a bite to eat and a chat. The event will showcase the culinary diversity that reflects the asylum seeking community living in Galway City. Dishes from Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Ireland and more will be showcased and discussed as part of the event. The event will give asylum seekers the FURTHER DETAILS LORETTA 091 885 203 OR [email protected] Galway Leader Forum (GLF) invites you to join your colleagues and friends who use disability support services in Galway. Over an afternoon of food and fun members of the Galway Leader Forum will share their experience of working together to get the voices of people with disabilities heard. Come along and learn how your experiences and expertise can effect real change in your community. FURTHER DETAILS SUSAN 086 1712 648 OR [email protected] TRANSGENDER INFORMATION & AWARENESS EVENT THREADING STORIES, WEAVING LIVES ALL WEEK An open information and awareness evening on Transgender supports and services and an opportunity for everyone to learn more about living as a Transgender person in Ireland. The event will be hosted by Amach! LGBT Galway with guests from TENI (Transgender Equality Network Ireland) and GOSSIP, (Gender Odyssey Support Service & Information Project), a local Galway transgender peer support group. Galway City Library will have a Community Loom on display for the week. Anyone can visit the library and weave a layer into the tapestry using fabric, paper or a material of your choice. We need your help build a tapestry of your community. FURTHER DETAILS NIAMH 091 561 666 OR [email protected] FURTHER DETAILS KATHY 086 1960 574 OR [email protected] or [email protected] GALWAY CITY COUNCIL’S SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK 2014 12 - 18 OCTOBER ouncil yC Ci t Gaillimhe | Ga na lw ch a ra y Comhairle Ca th SATURDAY SATURDAY 18 OCTOBER 3PM–6PM, HARBOUR HOTEL, DOCK ROAD THROUGHOUT THE WEEK DURING LIBRARY OPENING TIMES, GALWAY CITY LIBRARY, ST AUGUSTINE STREET EVERYONE HAS A CONTRIBUTION TO MAKE… SOCIAL INCLUSION ENSURES THEY CAN! Social Inclusion Week is a celebration of participation, equality and inclusion and this year we are aiming to ensure that even more people join in and get involved in the events and activities. The week will be used to highlight social inclusion initiatives that are taking place locally and highlight social exclusion issues both locally and nationally. GALWAY CITY COUNCIL’S SOCIAL INCLUSION WEEK 2014 12 - 18 OCTOBER ouncil yC Ci t Gaillimhe | Ga na lw ch a ra y Comhairle Ca th FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ANY OF THESE EVENTS PLEASE CONTACT: SHARON LAWLESS SOCIAL INCLUSION OFFICER GALWAY CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL GALWAY TEL 091 536 498 [email protected] ouncil yC Ci t Gaillimhe | Ga na lw ch a ra y Comhairle Ca th
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