Month at a Glance

for Tomorrow
Month Action:
Our new office location is the former Gateway
Christian School in downtown Red Deer.
Our new mailing address is P.O. Box 27077 City Centre P.O., Red Deer, AB T4N
Our new street&address
is 5205 - 48Conference
Avenue, Red Deer
Distri 5 = Recieve il s
at a Glance
Intro to Project-Based Learning
with Charity Allen
with Charity Allen
with Charity Allen
5 - 6, 2014 || The Sheraton Red Deer Hotel
October/November 2014
Oct. 6-8 | $325
Jan. 19-21 | $325
May 4-6 | $325
Learn the fundamentals of project-based learning development and
implementation in this three-day workshop for up to 35 teachers and instructional leaders. Highly interactive by design, this workshop balances
work-time with engaging didactics, activities, facilitated discussions,
protocols and task review checkpoints. Edmodo is interwoven throughout the training to model technology integration as well as support specific technology learning outcomes. The training results in useable, peerreviewed project-based units participants can implement.
Level B Assessment & Testing
with Dr. Dave Carter th
Registe b s it e f o r d e
see we
Oct. 20 - 22 | $360
Building Reading Lives That Last – A Look into
Adolescent Literacy with Kelly GallagherOct. 24 | $75
With a focus on building reading lives that last, participants in this
workshop will explore:
•Strategies that enable students to move beyond surface-level
comprehension and into deeper reading of difficult text
•Why teachers in all content areas should address reading motivation and recreational reading
•Understanding reading as a process, and how that helps improve
student comprehension
•Understanding the importance of 2nd draft reading
•How writing deepens reading comprehension
Hanen Teacher Talk Series
with Bonnie Leaf
Oct. 24, Jan. 30, Mar. 6 | $300
Four major topics to be covered in training sessions: 1) The three
levels of testing and how they differ. 2) The role of each level in
educational assessment. 3) The principles of standardized testing:
“Provincial, national and international standards“ Ethical test selection and use. “Understanding measurement statistics“ Understanding T-scores, z-scores, percentile rank equivalents, age equivalents.
“How to compare standard scores“ Interpreting test scores to parents, teachers and children. 4) Pragmatic issues in test administration: “Choosing standardized tests “ Establishing basals and ceilings.
“Scoring standardized tests with precision“ Meeting District and
Alberta Education guidelines.
The Teacher Talk training series offers three full day training sessions designed to help teaching teams create rich and stimulating
language learning environments and support young children with
language delays/disorders. This training is specifically designed for
teachers and teacher assistants working together in Pre-Kindergarten
and Kindergarten programs.
Analyzing Assessments & Developing Learning
Plans with Dr. Dave Carter Oct. 23 | $45
Stories are central to First Nations, Metis and Inuit world views and
key to understanding the human condition. This learning opportunity will share samples of children’s literature to promote understanding of the diverse cultures, histories, stories and ways of Indigenous
people in both a modern and historical context.
Once you have administered the Level B Assessment, how do you analyze the results and use them to develop learning plans responsive
to the learning needs of the individual student? Dr. Dave Carter will
offer this one-day session in response to requests from jurisdictions in
our region for information about how to best utilize this student data.
To register for these and other sessions,
please visit the CARC website at
Empowering the Spirit-Supporting Literacy
Learning for First Nations, Metis and Inuit Students
with Patricia Randolph-Beaver
& Melanie Brice
Oct. 27 | $45
The workshop will begin with an examination of the Empowering the
Spirit video series that looks at the power of storytelling and how it
can be used in a school and in a classroom to develop authentic ways
of learning in literacy and numeracy. The videos feature speakers,
administrators, teachers and students sharing their perspectives and
personal stories in the area of literacy and numeracy. With each of the
six videos in the series there is an accompanying learning guide that
supports the use of the videos in schools.
w) p) 403-348-8194
e) [email protected]
Excel 2010 for Beginners
with Lianne Kruger
Oct. 28 | $45
Learn the short cuts for Excel 2010 and how to manipulate the data
downloaded from your Student Information System program. We
will cover the following: ; The Ribbon and Office button; Quick access
toolbar, mini toolbars and contextual menus; AutoCorrect; Fill handle; Cell, Column, and Row formatting; Headers and footers; Create
tables: sort and filter, total row; Named ranges; Conditional formatting; Workbook [spreadsheet tabs]; Hyperlinks; Formulas; Functions;
and Sum & Average.
Calm the Chaos
with Kari Lotzien
Oct. 29 | $45
Developing Awareness & Understanding of Cross
Curricular Competencies Gr. 7-12
with Sandi Berg & Purnima Lindsay
Oct. 30 | $45
A focus on Cross Curricular Competencies will support all students in
becoming engaged thinkers, ethical citizens with an entrepreneurial
spirit. A competency-focused learning procesvs allows for intentional
application of “Cross Curricular Competencies”, using the content from
the current programs of study.
This learning opportunity will provide participants with an opportunity to engage in dialogue, exploration and collaboration that will help
them unpack the Cross Curricular Competencies, explore strategies to
support competency-focused learning, and transform current learning
activities that focus on competencies alongside curricular content.
Strategies and techniques to use in the classroom to help students feel
safe, calm and creative. This session will involve basic relaxation, children’s yoga and interactive games to improve focus and attention in
class. This session will be very hands on and cover many “take home
strategies” that do not involve the use of ANY special equipment.
Session de partage et de développement de
ressources pour la salle de classe
Oct. 31 & Jan. 22 | $90
with Sam Dumoulin
Communication Circles:
Supporting Communicative Competence for
Augmentative/Alternative Communication Users
with Caroline Musslewhite
Oct. 29 | $140
Are you a French Immersion teacher and feel overwhelmed and need
time to focus or get creative? Well this is IT! The purpose of this cohort
is to provide time for teachers to share and develop quality resources
(such as assignments, exams, projects, even units) with other FI colleagues in Central Alberta. It is essential that teachers bring their best
classroom resources to share with the group.
CAN rollment
WHERE do we find the time to support students in learning the
linguistic, operational, social, and strategic skills they need to engage in successful interactive communication? One approach is
to form ‘Communication Circles’ or circles of peers who support
AAC users in learning and practicing skills. This seminar will include lecture, demonstration, brainstorming, and case studies.
Participants will receive the Communication Circles book & CD.
to Low E
Developing Awareness & Understanding of Cross
Curricular Competencies K-6
with Sandi Berg & Purnima Lindsay
Oct. 29 | $45
A focus on Cross Curricular Competencies will support all students in
becoming engaged thinkers, ethical citizens with an entrepreneurial
spirit. A competency-focused learning process allows for intentional
application of “Cross Curricular Competencies”, using the content from
the current programs of study.
This learning opportunity will provide participants with an opportunity to engage in dialogue, exploration and collaboration that will help
them unpack the Cross Curricular Competencies, explore strategies to
support competency-focused learning, and transform current learning
activities that focus on competencies alongside curricular content.
Zones of Regulation with Kari Lotzien
(PreK-1: Nov. 3) (Gr. 2-5: Nov. 4) (Gr. 6-12: Nov. 5) | $45
“The Zones” is curriculum designed by Leah Kuypers to teach self-regulation and awareness through the use of four concrete zones. This curriculum provides strategies to teach students to become more aware of,
and independent in, controlling their emotions and impulses, managing
their sensory needs, and improving their ability to problem solve conflicts. Kari will share the curriculum and her experiences in using it with
students in grades 1 through 8 both in small groups and individually. The
results have been amazing and she is so excited to share it with others.
Developmentally Appropriate Centres
with Kari Lotzien
Nov. 6 | $45
This session will focus on the physical and cognitive development of
children from 2-6 years of age. We will discuss the foundations required
for movement, dexterity and early pre-printing development. We will
discuss the importance of play and relationship development within
the classroom setting AND you will come away with creative ideas for
centres that will meet these developmental needs.
w) p) 403-348-8194
e) [email protected]
iPad in a French Immersion Class with Martine Pellerin
(K-3: Morning of Nov. 14) (Gr. 4-12: Afternoon Nov. 14) | $30
Struggling Readers: Why Worksheets Don’t Work &
Bandaids Don’t Stick 3-8 with Lori Jamison Nov. 19 | $75
L’atelier vise à développer des stratégies pédagogiques qui permettront l’utilisation des iPad au service de l’apprentissage et de
l’évaluation dans la langue cible (le français) dans le cadre du premier
cycle primaire. En particulier, les enseignants participeront à des activités concrètes et tangibles avec l’utilisation des iPad et auront la possibilité d’explorer différentes applications éducatives (apps) qui pourront être utilisées au service de l’apprentissage de la littératie précoce
et à travers les différentes matières au programme.
Are there any students in your class who can’t cope with grade-level
reading materials? Do you have students who avoid reading or cause
behaviour problems because the work is “too hard”? The good news is
that it’s not too late to get many of these students back on track - even in
middle years. This session will focus on what works for struggling readers in middle and upper grades - and some of it might surprise you! The
day with Lori will be full of practical, research-based routines and lessons for those kids who just need that “extra scoop” of instruction.
Creating Literacy Connections in the Elementary
Mathematics Classroom with Sandi Berg Nov. 17 | $45
Career & Technology Foundations: Getting Started
with the Red Deer Catholic Team
Nov. 21| $45
Linking literature and mathematics can be a powerful way to “hook”
students into attending to both literacy and mathematical concepts.
Career and Technology Foundations (CTF) is a unique and new curriculum for students in grades 5 - 9. CTF is the first digital curriculum that
focuses on outcomes that align with the cross-curricular competencies
identified through Inspiring Education. CTF will be a forerunner of future redesigned provincial curriculum.
This session will focus on an integrated approach to examining print,
online resources and rich math activities that use literature links to
support mathematical concepts in all the strands. All activities have
been aligned with the current Alberta Mathematics curriculum (K-6)
and also incorporate the mathematical processes and cross curricular
competencies as a means for student learning, assessment and engagement.
Read, Write, Play & Learn: Literacy Instruction In
Today’s Kindergarten with Lori Jamison Nov. 18 | $75
Today’s Kindergarten program is a fine balance of play-based learning
and explicit teaching. This special session just for Kindergarten and
Pre-K teachers will look at what’s new (and what’s g-old) in Kindergarten literacy instruction.
Career and Technology Foundations (CTF) is an inquiry-based, handson, Program of Study for grades 5 to 9 that focuses on essential skills
common to all 28 occupational areas. The program also allows for the
development of specific skills through the CTF key components of design, create, appraise and communicate.
CTF is built on relevant, meaningful and engaging learning experiences for students. Students explore their interests, passions and skills
while making personal connections to career possibilities found in
global and local communities. This program of studies has been developed to support personalized learning and is flexible and adaptable in
meeting diverse student needs.
w) p) 403-348-8194
e) [email protected]
Read, Write, Play & Learn: Literacy Instruction in
Nov. 18 | $75
Today’s Kindergarten with Lori Jamison
Transforming School Culture
with Anthony Muhammad
Apr. 13-14 | $400
No matter how hard you work, school improvement will not
Today’s Kindergarten program is a fine balance of play-based learning and exhappen in a toxic culture. This hands-on workshop sheds
plicit teaching. This special session just for Kindergarten and Pre-K teachers will
new light on an age-old challenge: adlook at what’s new (and what’s g-old) in Kindergarten literacy instruction. The
dressing diverse issues of resistant staff
day will include:
to develop a cohesive, positive culture.
• The Power of Play: supporting inquiry, exploration,
communication and self-regulation
Explore the root causes of staff resis• Oral language development - the foundation of littance to change, and leave with coneracy - and how to promote oral communication and
crete strategies that will improve school
vocabulary in both play and formal instruction.
culture and lay the foundation for a powerful learning en• Reading in kindergarten - a special three-day cycle for
vironment. Dr. Muhammad has developed the strategies
making the most of the kindergarten read-aloud and
necessary to address staff cohesion issues and maximize
a weekly poem-of-the-week routine.
human potential in schools and districts. Get ready to roll
• Beyond “letter of the week” - making alphabet and
up your sleeves to develop an effective action plan for
word play intentional and meaningful.
eliminating unproductive conflicts and creating healthy
• Write from the start - practical ideas for modeled, shared and interactive writing
working and learning environments.
RTI at Work - Workshop with Austin Buffum and Mike Mattos
April 29 & 30 | Commonwealth Centre - CALGARY | $450
Proven techniques to close learning gaps, RTI is not a series of implementation steps to cross off on a list,
but a way of thinking about how educators can ensure each child receives the time and support needed
to achieve success. This workshop was developed for school teams who have started RTI but are still refining processes or experiencing challenges. The presenters have worked with hundreds of schools throughout
North America and can help your school make RTI efficient, effective, and equitable. RTI work must be divided
between collaborative teacher teams and two schoolwide teams (a leadership team and an intervention team). Together, the entire school assumes
responsibility for the learning of every student.
Learn why bureaucratic, paperwork-heavy, compliance-oriented, test-score-driven approaches fail - and then learn how to create an RTI model
that works. Acquire four essential guiding principles—collective responsibility, concentrated instruction, convergent assessment, and certain
access—and experience a simple process for bringing these principles to life in your school.
• Use the four guiding principles to guide thinking and implementation
• Define essential learnings in a program of concentrated instruction
• Create a toolbox of effective interventions
• Shift to a culture of collective responsibility
• Build team structures for collaboration
• Develop a system of convergent assessment to identify
students for intervention, determine their unique needs,
monitor their progress, and revise or extend learning based
on their progress
Leading & Learning Conference 2014
December 4, 2014 || The Sheraton Red Deer Hotel
Courageous Leadership in Uncertain Times with Dr. Tina H. Boogren
Calls for school leadership that translates into enhanced student achievement have never been as strong as they currently are.
• What can school leaders really do to increase student achievement and engagement? • Which leadership practices have the biggest impact on school and teacher effectiveness?
In this session, Dr. Tina Boogren will answer these questions definitively and provide participants with a list of leadership competencies that are
research-based and essential for navigating uncertain times. Dr. Boogren will explain critical leadership principles that every administrator needs
to know, including the difference between first-order and second-order change and the leadership responsibilities—in rank order—that are most
important for each, as well as how to choose the right work to focus on in order to improve student achievement.
Additionally, Dr. Boogren will share a five-step plan for effective school leadership that includes a strong team, distributed responsibilities, and
essential team action steps.
Cost: $125
Inspiring Action: Teaching for Tomorrow
Leading & Learning Conference
December 5 - 6, 2014 || The Sheraton Red Deer Hotel
This year marks the 10th Annual Conference created by the Central Alberta Regional Consortium for Alberta Leaders in
Education. This Conference is a one-of-a-kind learning experience designed specifically to respond to the unique new
opportunities we will encounter in tomorrow’s Alberta, to assist us in overcoming the inevitable challenges we will collectively face. You will not find this Conference repeated anywhere else. For three days, the agenda is all about Alberta.
Friday, December 5, 2014 - Morning Keynote
The Attributes of Tomorrow’s Graduate
Dr. Tammy Heflebower
Morning Break-Out Sessions
Leaders of Learning
Supporting Beginning Teachers Teaching with a Common Language of Instruction Enhancing Building Numeracy and Literacy with Technology Dr. Phil Warrick
Dr. Tina Boogren
Dr. Tammy Heflebower
Mr. Sonny Magaña
Friday, December 5, 2014 - Afternoon Keynote
Why Are We Building the Educated Albertan for 2030?
Afternoon Break-Out Sessions
The Role of Climate and Culture to Create Schools for Tomorrow Building Academic Vocabulary Teaching and Assessing 21st Century Skills Transformational Use of Technology Saturday, December 6, 2014 - Morning Keynote
Teacher Components that Create the Future
Morning Break-Out Sessions
Saturday, December 6, 2014 - Afternoon Keynote
Dr. Tina Boogren
Dr. Phil Warrick
Dr. Tina Boogren
th F
Dr. Tammy
= Rec Mr. Sonny Magaña
e for d
see w
Afternoon Break-Out Sessions
Finding Your Leadership Compass Coaching Classroom Instruction Teaching Argumentation: Activities and Games for the Classroom Enhancing Questioning Sequences in the Classroom with Technology Dr. Phil Warrick
Dr. Tina Boogren
Dr. Tammy Heflebower
Mr. Sonny Magaña
Distrster 5
Teacher Evaluation that Makes a Difference The Highly Engaged Classroom Becoming a Reflective Teacher Enhancing the Art and Science of Teaching with Technology Leading a High Reliability School
Mr. Sonny Magaña
Conference Cost: $450
Dr. Phil Warrick
Dr. Phil Warrick
Dr. Tina Boogren
Dr. Tammy Heflebower
Mr. Sonny Magaña
Visit for further information and to register.