The Residential

Up to 200 homes are proposed, forming a logical extension to
the settlement boundary of Catterall. Access to the homes will
be possible via a mini-roundabout on Joe Lane and a link road
connecting the A6 with Garstang Road.
The indicative plan shows the proposed location of these
homes in the four pink parcels of residential development,
across which the net density would be 39 homes per hectare.
These parcels will be interspersed with green corridors, a
village green and a buffer zone along the A6.
The exact mix of housing has yet to be determined, but the
proposals will predominantly be for family housing between 2
and 4 bedrooms in terraced, semi-detached and detached
formats. A small proportion of these will be affordable.
Children's play areas will also be included within the residential
The residential element of the overall scheme will crosssubsidise and enable the employment, community, and retail
uses, and the necessary infrastructure required to support the
A 0.95ha parcel of employment development is proposed south
of the site. This would form a logical extension to the existing
employment area at the Claughton Industrial Estate.
This employment area will be a mixture of high quality offices,
industrial uses and storage/distribution warehouses, helping to
address the high levels of out-commuting in Wyre. As we are
early in the development planning process, the amounts of each
use have yet to be decided. These details will depend on market
demand at the time of a reserved matters planning application.
Access would be from the new link road, providing an
alternative route for HGV’s heading towards Claughton
Industrial Estate.
Community Facilities
A new village centre is proposed adjacent to Garstang Lane in
order to bring together a provision of services currently
missing in the village. This 0.53ha parcel of land could
incorporate convenience shops, a pharmacy and community
Specific proposals are subject to detailed masterplanning;
individual uses and operators are yet to be decided until
further market analysis and community consultation has taken
town p lanning
The inclusion of new services will help to make Catterall a more
sustainable settlement, reducing the number of instances
where travel by private car is required to reach convenience
shops and services.
A family orientated food and drink establishment is also
proposed to the southern tip of the site at the entry point to
Catterall. This is likely to appeal to the wider community, and
assists in the creation of a communal environment.
A 0.3ha parcel of land south of Mayflower Grove will be
developed for extra care housing in order to meet the needs of
those requiring care in the village.
facilities are proposed?
We propose to improve service provision in the
village, with the potential to include a convenience
store, pharmacy, pub, post office or other community
The Benefits
The mixed-use development will support Catterall as a
sustainable village, and provide the following benefits:
New market and affordable housing.
Extra care homes — for those in need of supported
Individual uses and operators are yet to be decided until
further market analysis and community consultation
has taken place.
Should you have a view on the most suitable uses
to meet the needs of the community, please
provide your comments using our
feedback form or speak to a member
of the development team.
Won't this
ruin the
Any new development will affect some views,
however this is to be balanced with the need for
community facilities, employment uses and
improved infrastructure in Catterall.
Will there be
an increase in noise
levels as a result of the
Rest assured that the final development
design and layout will be sympathetic to
the current character of the
surrounding area.
Times where construction can take place will be
restricted by a legally bound condition as part of any
planning permission, ensuring that the impact on
neighbouring residential amenity is kept to a minimum.
When are
you submitting a
planning application?
We've yet to determine when we will be
submitting an outline planning application,
however once submitted we will update
this page with the details. In addition,
Wyre Council will notify residents of
the application.
Road Improvements — Provision of an alternative
link road and improvements to the A6/Garstang Lane
junction will provide significant benefits, removing
commercial traffic from residential areas by creating
an alternative route to Joe Lane for large vehicles
heading towards Claughton Industrial Estate.
Support for existing and new local business —
construction work and increase in the population as a
result of the development will improve the economic
support for new and existing business.
How will the
roads in Catterall
cope with the increase in
the number of cars on the road?
We will be working closely with Lancashire County Council
Highways and the Highways Agency to determine the levels
of traffic as a result of the development, informing
appropriate highways measures are in place to ensure the
roads are capable of handling the increase in traffic.
Is there a
need for this
New national policy encourages the delivery of housing
to meet local needs, and as such it is anticipated that
additional land will be required to meet demand throughout
the borough, including in Catterall.
existing trees be
A recent housing need study for Wyre confirms that local need
for housing is increasing, in order to meet the Boroughs housing
needs of approximately 340 - 485 dwellings per year for the
next five years.
All trees on the fields are to be kept, and
their protection incorporated into the
green spaces of the masterplan.
The Future Catterall Masterplan will contribute to
meeting this identified need and therefore
complies with the policy requirements of the
emerging Local Plan.
Limited areas of hedgerow will be
removed to allow access, however
this will be kept to minimum.
A village green and network of green spaces
designed to retain existing trees.
A transport assessment will be submitted with the
application, assessing the potential impact of the
development on existing roads and junctions.
We must first determine whether the principle
of the development is acceptable to the Council,
and as such there is no need to submit detailed
Should the Council be satisfied with
development of the site, detailed matters
such as appearance, landscaping, layout,
scale and materials will be applied
for as part of a reserved
matters application.
A village centre — to provide shops and services such
as a pharmacy to the local community.
New Jobs — the development will provide additional
employment land, attracting new business to
Catterall and creating new local jobs.
Leisure space proposed as part of the plan will be well
designed to avoid noise complaints from neighbouring
residents. The site layout will also be designed to
minimise disruption, by position housing next to
existing residential development, and
employment/retail uses next to the existing
industrial estate.
Why do
your plans not
show more detail?
New employment land — to encourage the role of
Catterall as a hub for jobs and business.
The new relief road has been designed to divert
commercial vans and HGVs away from the
residential areas of Catterall such as
Joe Lane.
haven't we heard
from Wyre Council about
the masterplan?
We are at a fairly early stage in the planning of this
development, and as such no planning application has
been submitted to the Council.
An outline application will be submitted first, in
order to determine whether the development is
acceptable in principle. To find out more
about outline applications and what
follows, please ask a member of the
development team.