October 12, 2014 † 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Saint Francis of Assisi Est. 1950 San Francisco de Asís A PARISH OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF CHARLOTTE ● Most Reverend Peter J. Jugis, J.C.D., Bishop 862 Yadkinville Road ● Mocksville, NC 27028 Phone: 336-751-2973 ● Fax: 336-751-9929 ● Pastor’s Cell: 704-576-6420 (Medical/Sacramental Emergency Only) Email: [email protected] ● Website: www.stfrancismocksville.com Parish Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday-Friday 9am-2pm MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vesperal Liturgy: 5pm (Rosary said at 4:30pm) Sunday: 8am, 10am, 12:30pm (en Español) Daily: 8am Monday, Wednesday-Friday, 10:30am Saturday ● First Friday: 12pm with Adoration until 1:30pm Holy Day Masses: Vigil 7pm, 8am Daily, 7pm (unless otherwise scheduled) 1st Saturday Eucharistic Adoration 7pm-7am ● Wednesday Eucharistic Adoration: 6:30pm-8:30pm October 18 is the Feast of St. Luke, the Evangelist. St. Luke is often shown with an ox or a calf because these are the symbols of sacrifice -- the sacrifice Jesus made for all the world. STAFF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Rev. Fr. John Starczewski, extension 2 Faith Formation Classes (September – May) Rev. Mr. John Zimmerle, Deacon/Home Visitation Kindergarten—6th Grades Sundays 11am—12:15pm David Taylor, Business Manager extension 3 ● Cell (336-406-1089) 1st & 2nd year Confirmation—Sundays 6:30pm—8pm Sister Susie Dandison, RSM, Hispanic Ministry RCIA – Wednesdays 7:00pm—8:30pm Sister Martha Hoyle, RSM, Music & Nursing Ministry NEW PARISHIONERS Renee Hoke, Coordinator of Religious Education extension 4 Welcome! You may register as a member of our parish Agnes Lipnicki, Facilities Housekeeper family after the weekend Masses by filling out a Jay Niland, Webmaster & IT engineer registration card found on the hallway table in the foyer [email protected] of the Church. You may also register at the church office SACRAMENTS during regular office hours. Reconciliation—First Fridays after the 12 noon Mass, Saturdays 4-4:45 pm, Sundays 7:30am, 9:30am, 12pm or by appointment. Baptism—First Saturday monthly at 11:30am. Contact the Parish Office at least one month prior to date of baptism. Marriage—Contact the Parish Office at least six months prior to date of wedding. Care of the Sick—Anytime, day or night, please call (704) 576-6420 when someone is seriously ill or in the hospital. OCTOBER 12, 2014 † † MASS INTENTIONS OF THE WEEK † October 11—October 19 SATURDAY 10:30AM † Michelle Crehan 5:00PM † Ed & Agnes Kronner SUNDAY 8:00AM Intention of David Taylor 10:00AM † Rita Lazar 12:30PM People of the Parish MONDAY NO DAILY MASS TUESDAY NO DAILY MASS WEDNESDAY NO DAILY MASS THURSDAY NO DAILY MASS FRIDAY NO DAILY MASS SATURDAY 10:30AM † Michelle Crehan 5:00PM † Ed & Agnes Kronner SUNDAY 8:00AM Intention of David Taylor 10:00AM † Rita Lazar 12:30PM People of the Parish (Pat & Mary Kronner) (David & Sheri Taylor) (Pat & Mary Kronner) (David & Sheri Taylor) Weekly Calendar of Events October 11—October 19 Saturday Sunday 10:00am Young Ladies With Christ—PH Victims in Middle East Second Collection Prayer Quilt table runners and apron sales 10am & 12:30pm masses Rite of Welcoming (1st year Confirmation Students) 11:00am Faith Formation classes 6:30pm Confirmation Classes—PH Meeting with 1st year students/parents after class Monday 6:30pm Parish Council meeting—CCR 7:00pm Confirmation Practice—C Tuesday 7:00pm Confirmation—C Wednesday 6:30pm Adoration—C 7:00pm RCIA—CCR Thursday 9:00am Prayer Quilt—PH 7:00pm Symbolon—PH Friday 6:00pm Hispanic Music Ministry—C Saturday 6:30pm KofC Spaghetti Dinner—PH Sunday World Mission Second Collection weekend 10-week Raffle Sales Begin after all masses 11:00am Faith Formation Classes 2:00pm Flu Shot Clinic—PH 6:30pm Confirmation Classes—PH (Meeting with 2nd Year parents after class) UPCOMING EVENTS October 21 October 22 October 23 October 24 October 25 October 26 October 27 October 29 October 30 6:00pm Prayer Quilt—PH 7:00pm Community Garden meeting—PH 9:00am Prayer Quilt—PH 6:00pm Hispanic Music Ministry—C 6:00pm Marriage in Christ—PH 6:00pm Assisi Bunch @ Domingo’s Maintenance Fund weekend 10-week Raffle Sales after all masses 11:00am Faith Formation classes 6:30pm Confirmation Classes—PH 6:30pm Finance Committee meeting—CCR 6:30pm Adoration—C 7:00pm RCIA—CCR 9:00am Prayer Quilt—PH 7:00pm Symbolon—PH C—Church CCR—Church Conference Room FFB—Faith Formation Bldg PH—Parish Hall 28TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Please keep the following in your prayers: Loretta Campbell, Betty Clement, Morgan Clement, Ezequiel Cortes, David Cozart, Kirk Deal, Jim Dietrich, Aldora Gaither, Cherie Graham, Simona Grasmuck, Dave & Donna Guest, Mary Kronner, Jose Manuel Lopez, Jean Luce, Al Mondlak, Bruce & Jean Muzia, Lucille Phifer, Paul Poirier, Ron & Jane Semple, D Spry, Ed Stasko, Jr., Ardena Wyrick, Rita Wright, Ladi Zimmerle Saint Peregrine - Patron Saint of Cancer Paents Prayer List Ronald Bodamo, Jack Burke, Patricia Chulick, Ruth Coffey, Benjamin Crowe, Tom Cunningham, Joseph Dean, Phil Diehl, John Drum, Kay Epperson, Riene Evans, Donna Falk, Patty Falk, Rudy Flis, Mark Freeze, Sara Garcia, Joseph Gerstemeier, Sandy Glock, Maria de Jesus Gonzalez, Ruth Gonzalez, Chris Headley, Maggie Hullett, Raymond King, Linda Knight, Carol Kramer, Tanner Ladd, Kim Lakey, Ronnie Lomastro, William Marshall, Juana Martinez, Heather McClamrock, John McCloskey, Steve Miller, Jimmie Mullis, Jim Murphy, Judy Myles, Margaret O’Connor, Joseph Palozzolo, Nicholas Palozzolo, Ron Reynolds, Cindy Robbins, Teci Schultz, Ginny Seay, Linda Shedden, Becky Sinclair, Darlene Slater, Neal Smith, Peter Solomon, William Sorrosa, Sylvia Steele, Paula Varona, Lee Wilson Are you suffering from cancer? This prayer to St. Peregrine can give you hope! St. Peregrine, whom Holy Mother Church has declared Patron of those suffering from Cancer, I confidently turn to you for help in my present sickness. I beg your kind intercession. Ask God to relieve me of this sickness, if it be his Holy Will. Plead with the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Sorrows, whom you loved so tenderly and in union with whom you have suffered the pains of Cancer, that she may help me with her powerful prayers and loving consolation. But if it should be God’s Holy Will that I bear this sickness, obtain for me courage and strength to accept these trails from the loving hand of God with patience and resignation, because he knows what is best for the salvation of my soul. St. Peregrine, be my friend and patron. Help me to imitate you in accepting suffering, and to unite myself with Jesus Crucified and the Mother of Sorrows, as you did. I offer my pains to God with all the love of my heart, for his glory and the salvation of souls, especially my own. Amen. PRAY FOR THOSE SERVING OUR COUNTRY Thomas Bailey—Marines Bryan Boggs—Air Force Chris Braniff—Army James Buchanan—Navy Phillip Chandler —Army Stephan Church—Air Force Adrian Crumpton—Navy Christopher Davino—Air Force Jason P. Donnelly—Army Brittany Dykes—Coast Guard Michael Egan—Marines Angelo Eury—Marines Richie Gassett—Navy Nick Goughnour—Army James Hattenbach—Marines Christan Hodnett—Navy Brian Jackson—Army Delaney Jackson—Army Erik Jackson—Army Robert Jackson III—Marines Nick Jones—Marines Brent Lead—Army Adam Low—Air Force Tyler Luckey—Navy Justin McEwen—Army Josh Mullis—Marines Bill Page—Air Force Billy Page—Air National Guard Kaleb Page—Army John Parker—Coast Guard Eric Prin—Air Force Andrew Mark Sales—Marines Doug Schimmeck—Air Force Michelle Scholl—Navy Jonathan M. VanLew—Army Christopher Veal—Marines Jonathan Waddell—Air Force Stephen Wedderburn—Army James Wilson —Navy OCTOBER 12, 2014 † 28TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Entrance Antiphon PSALM 130:3-4 If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities, Lord, who could stand? But with you is found forgiveness, O God of Israel. First Reading ISAIAH 25:6-10 A banquet of food so good it's indescribable, an end to death, and a welcome, on the Jews' most exclusvie site, for all the earth's people. These are the surprises God is preparing, in this prophet's vision. Responsorial Psalm PSALM 23:1-3, 3-4, 5, 6 I shall live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. Second Reading PHILIPPIANS 4:12-14, 19-20 From Paul's farewell to a much-loved congregation, we'll hear a summary of what Christ has let him accomplish, and of what he wishes for his friends. Gospel MATTHEW 22:1-14 Saint Matthew continues to explore the rejection of Jesus by most Jews, on behalf of Jews who had accepted him. Communion Antiphon PSALM 34 The rich suffer want and go hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no blessing. Never be afraid of loving the Blessed Virgin too much. You can never love her more than Jesus did. - Saint Maximilian Kolbe THE PRAYER QUILT MINISTRY WILL BE SELLING TABLE RUNNER AND APRON SALE THIS WEEKEND AND AT THE KNIGHT'S SPAGHETTI DINNER ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18. ——————————————————————————–—————————————————————————————————————————-——— Knights of Columbus are selling “Pot ‘o Gold” raffle tickets for a chance to win $50 in Instant “Scratch Off” Lottery Tickets after all masses this weekend. Drawing will be at the Spaghetti Dinner. Also, sign up for Spaghetti Dinner to be held on Saturday, October 18th. Tickets are $6 each, $10 for two, or $15 for a To-Go box. ———————————————————– The Parish Council members will be selling 10-week raffle tickets the weekends of October 18-19 and October 25-26. Tickets are $20 and you will have a chance to win 20 times over a ten-week period. 28TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME N EXT WEEK ’ S R EADINGS: 29TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 1 ST R EADING , ISAIAH 45:1, 4-6; 2ND R EADING , THESSALONIANS 1:1-5; GOSPEL, MATTHEW 22:15-21 Stewardship Thought for the Day Stewardship is an important concept for our spiritual growth as Catholics. It is a way of thanking God for all His blessings by returning to Him a portion of the time, talent and treasure we have received. —————————–————————-————————————————— DIOCESAN SUPPORT APPEAL(DSA) 2014 Assessment $ 18,175 Total Amount Pledged $18,737 Total Amount Paid $17,017 Pledge Balance $1,820 Number of Donors 63 Collection amount for the weekend of 10-5-14 $ 3,154.00 Average weekly expenses $ 3,610.15 Surplus/ (Shortfall) $ (456.85) STRENGTHEN OUR FUTURE (SOF) October payment of $4,086.00 (interest $165.86, principal 3,920.14) leaves a balance of $90,859.39 October SOF 2nd collection was $1,970.00 October collection to date is $1,970.00 Our parish received $10 in contributions to the Priests’ Retirement and Benefits last week. We are grateful for the generosity of our parishioners. Our assessment is $5,993.30. This leaves us with a balance of $728.09. From the Pastor’s Desk: 28th Sunday Ordinary Time The prophet of Isaiah says in the first reading this week, “Behold our God, to whom we looked to save us!” There are two aspects of this saying. First that we should seek God and second that we need to be saved. If we are to seek God, how can we find him. There are two ways that people find what they might call god. The best way is to seek to know the God who has revealed himself to us in Divine revelation, most fully in Jesus Christ his Son. This deposit of faith that reveals God to us was given to the Apostles and is entrusted to the Catholic Church. So if you wish to Behold our God, it’s important to know the faith of the Church. The inferior way is to seek a god that we define. This way is predominant in the world today among many people. It’s a refusal to have faith in the revelation of the one true God and a desire to be our own guide through life rather than following the guidance of a loving Father. I invite you this week to explore unit 2 of Symbolon to learn more. Join us every Saturday for the recitaon of the Rosary at 4:30pm in the church before the mass. OCTOBER 12, 2014 † Faith Formation News Oct 12th – Rite of Welcoming the Candidate – 1st year Confirmation students must attend 10am or 12:30pm Mass. Oct 12th - Required meeting for 1st year Confirmation students and their parent(s) after class. Oct 13th – Practice for Confirmation 7pm in the church. Oct 14th – Confirmation 7pm – Students be in the hall 6pm. We need a catechist teacher for 6th grade for the Sunday morning classes (11am-12:15pm) and another teacher for 1st year Confirmation for the Sunday evening classes (6:30pm-8pm). We could also use more volunteers to be teacher assistants. 28TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ST. FRANCIS of ASSISI CHRISTMAS OUTREACH Helping our parish families in need. From now until the December 14th, we will be collecting the following items: ⇒ Bags of dried beans and bags of Rice ⇒ Cans of corn, green beans, tomatoes, tuna, fruit, coffee ⇒ Cake mix, sugar, vegetable oil ⇒ Peanut butter and jelly ⇒ Bagged or boxed Cereal, oatmeal ⇒ Aluminum foil, Paper Towels, Toilet Paper, Laundry detergent, Baby diapers or wipes Shampoo, Soap, General Hygiene Products A thank you card from from a Prayer Quilt recipient: Shalom, Renée Hoke CRE † William & Lenora Zimmerle Flowers at the Altar are donated by John & Ladi Zimmerle KNIGHTS CORNER Upcoming Schedule: - Saturday, October 18—Spaghetti Dinner@6:30pm—Parish Hall Tuesday, October 21—General meeting@7pm—Ginther Hall Saturday, November 1—Squires meeting @ 9am—Parish Hall Wednesday, November 8—Officer’s Meeting@7pm—GintherHall Tuesday, November 18—General meeting@7pm—Ginther Hall Vivat Jesus, Grand Knight Bernie Gerstemeier I would like to express my gratitude for the beautiful Prayer Quilt that you made for me. Your prayers and the Quilt were with me during my surgery and recovery. God definitely heard your prayers on my behalf and provided the healing I needed. The doctors reported that all the cancer was removed and that I was 100% cured. I believe this was direct result of your prayer ministry. I have told everyone about your ministry and have showed them the beautiful quilt. Thank you for your faithfulness to prayer and to the Prayer Quilt ministry that God has led you to. I will remember and cherish this expression of love the rest of my life. Thanks for sharing God’s love. Jerry Dulaney The US Conference of Catholic Bishops has asked parishes across the United States to participate in a special second collection to support the Christian victims of violence in the Middle East in the past several months. Money given to the collection will be disbursed for humanitarian needs by Catholic Relief Services and other Catholic agencies working in partnership with the local Church. As we celebrate Mass together today, we ask that you pray for our brothers and sisters in that region who are suffering, and we thank you for your generous donation to this special collection.
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