The Messenger St. Andrew Lutheran Church

St. Andrew Lutheran Church
4420 Center Point Rd. N.E.
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
The Messenger
Saturday Worship ........................................ 5:30 p.m. Pastor Tom’s Office Hours:A.Wed. 1-5; Thurs. 9-12
Sunday Worship .......................................... 9:30 a.m. Office Hours .................... Monday-Friday, 8:30-5:00
Sunday School/Adult Forum ...................... 10:45 a.m. Church Phone .................................. (319) 393-4021
(Nursery available Sundays 9:00 a.m.-noon)
Email .................... [email protected]
St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
October 2014
Inquirer’s Class – Sunday mornings in October
On Sunday mornings in October, we will offer an inquirer’s class for all who would like to consider becoming members of this congregation. This would be a perfect time for any member to invite a friend or
neighbor who is wondering “what those Lutherans teach” or who is looking for a church home in this
community. Even better than TELLING them would be inviting them to COME WITH YOU. You can
worship with them, introduce them to others and make them feel at home among us. Slip us a note in the
office so we know whom you have invited so we can be looking for them and do our part in welcoming
them among us.
Place address label here.
Leaf raking time is approaching.
SAY provides raking as a service project. If you would like the SAY group to rake your
leaves please contact John or Beth Horth (319-560-2794) to schedule a time.
Clergy & Staff
Interim Pastor: The Rev. Thomas Reuss
Teresa Girard, Office Administrator
Brett Formanek, Sexton
Brett Formanek, Nursery Attendant
Ben Luedcke, Music Director
Robin Wagner, Organist
October 12
1:00 p.m.
Thomas Park
See page 8 for
more details.
Inside this Messenger:
Notes from PT............................................ p.2
Call Committee Report .............................. p.3
Worship Ministry ....................................... p.4
Congregation Council ............................... p.5
SAY (St. Andrew Youth) ........................... p.6
Learning Ministry ...................................... p.6
Witness Ministry ........................................ p.7
Service Ministry......................................... p.8
Facilities Ministry ...................................... p.9
Anniversaries & Birthdays ....................... p.10
Bits and Pieces ......................................... p.10
In Our Prayers .......................................... p.11
Flowers for the Church ............................ p.11
Financial Summary .................................. p.11
Directory .................................................. p.12
Congregation Council (2014-2015)
Pastor Tom Reuss .......................... (515) 290-2517
[email protected]
Lillian Davis, President ................... (319) 624-3634
[email protected]
Chris Formanek, Vice President..... (319) 361-9297
[email protected]
Lori Krueger, Secretary .................. (319) 378-4158
[email protected]
Dan Lewis, Treasurer ..................... (319) 395-0074
[email protected]
Mike Barton ...................................... (319) 294-1054
[email protected]
Carrie Carson................................... (319) 393-1594
[email protected]
John Horth ....................................... (319) 294-0993
[email protected]
Bill Logan ......................................... (319) 377-7039
[email protected]
Pete Martin....................................... (319) 378-3124
[email protected]
Please donate to the
Garage Sale, October 18.
Donations accepted from
Accepting toys, household
items, tools, books, children’s clothes, newborn up
to 6X.
Notes from PT – Joined Together in Christ
On the weekend of October 4/5, some congregations in our corner of the city will revive an ancient practice in the church – fragmentum. This historically goes back to the time when some communities of believers grew in size and chose to establish more than one congregation in the city. Desiring to maintain the
bond of unity they had felt when “they were all together,” the bishop (pastor of the large congregation)
blessed and broke the loaf at his congregation’s celebration of Holy Communion ( normal practice). He
then sent a portion of that broken loaf to each of the other congregations in the city to be added to
the bread to be used in their communion service.
It is particularly fitting that we use this practice on this weekend because this is worldwide communion
Sunday. As we gather at our table on this weekend, we will add that fragment to our bread, visibly
demonstrating that we are joined together in Christ with fellow believers in our corner of Cedar Rapids –
and in reality with Christians in this and every land.
While we are in the call process, we are again reminded that we are all joined together in Christ. The
bishop has seen that pastoral leadership is provided (an interim pastor), and with his staff is actively seeking candidates whose gifts match our needs. This is one of the blessings we have as a congregation in the
ELCA. Even as we thank God for this blessing, we continue to pray for our bishop in every worship service.
United in Christ we gather at his table and scatter to serve in his name.
Pastor Tom
Worship – Now the Feast setting
Privacy concerns …
In worship we will continue to use the “Now the
Feast” setting of the liturgy. To minimize confusion (shuffling of books) we have chosen to
print in the bulletin most of the spoken portions
of the liturgy. The bulletin will be enough for
the opening. Then we will sing a hymn (red
book). The liturgy which follows will be found
in the burgundy book (pages noted). Creed and
Lord’s Prayer will also be printed. Musical portions of the communion liturgy will be found in
the burgundy book. We hope this minimizes
confusion in worship. We will return to the
ELW (red book) “soon.”
It is good for the people of God to be praying for one
another in our need. None of us should feel we are
alone in carrying a heavy burden. BUT… We are
skating on thin ice if we assume that everything we
know about the needs of others is to be treated as
public information.
The hospitals do not print the names of those hospitalized. We owe it to our members and those we
remember in prayer to ASK them if they want to be
remembered in prayer (BY WHOM? By you? the
pastor? the prayer chain? the congregation?), and to
ask WHAT INFORMATION they want shared.
Hospitalized? Please call the church office at 3934021, to let us know when you or a family member
will be having surgery or is hospitalized. Due to
privacy legislation, the hospitals no longer call us
except upon specific request. And because of this
legislation, we can no longer publish the names of
those hospitalized in print. We do, of course, continue to include names of those hospitalized in
Brandon Schau is serving at Fort Carson, Colorado. Brandon is Irv & Kathy Schau’s grandson.
Eric Walker is stationed at Offut Air Force
Base, NE (near Omaha). Eric, a member of St.
Andrew, is Dennis & Deb Walker’s son.
Flowers for the Church
Sandra Brenneman
Joe Dzikonski
Irma Gunderson
Delores Pine
Lita Schminke
Walt Stoner
Addresses and phone numbers are available
through the office.
The 2014 Flower Charts are posted on
the bulletin board outside Bethsaida
Hall. Please sign for the dates you wish
to give flowers.
Altar Flowers for October 2014 Oct. 5
Oct. 12 Carl & Mary Carson
Oct. 19 Les Yeager (2)
Oct. 26
August 31, 2014, Financial Summary
Beginning balance
Regular Offerings
Other Offerings
Total Receipts
Ministry Expenses
Benevolent Ministries
Other Ministries
Difference + or (-)
Loved Ones in the Military (Prayers and cards
are appreciated; addresses available from the
church office):
August. 2014 Year to date
$ 17,722
$ 144,305
$ 17,842
$ 146,636
$ 14,101
$ 145,784
$ 145,784
Budget .
Bits and Pieces
October Birthdays
Kaitlyn Lutsch ......................... 10/01
Olivia Seubert.......................... 10/01
Brad Paulsen............................ 10/03
Kajsa Jackson .......................... 10/04
Jessica Knutsen ....................... 10/08
Georgia Kolf............................ 10/08
Cedric Lofdahl ........................ 10/09
Eric Walker ............................. 10/10
Kylene Dunham ...................... 10/12
Ashleigh Dunham.................... 10/12
Clare Helppi ............................ 10/12
Janice Mudd ............................ 10/12
Rick Glawe .............................. 10/13
Steven Hazlett ......................... 10/14
Deborah Walker ...................... 10/16
Branden Knight ....................... 10/17
Britta Sandberg........................ 10/17
Heather Seubert ....................... 10/18
Aaron Lohff............................. 10/21
Joseph Frondle ........................ 10/22
Wendy Kluetz.......................... 10/22
Marcia Nilsen .......................... 10/24
Neal Wikner ............................ 10/24
Donna Eager ............................ 10/26
Gretchen Ratterree .................. 10/26
Call Committee Check List Summary
These steps are completed:
• Call Committee prepared a list of interview
questions as suggested by the Congregation.
• Current Pastor Resigns– congregation contacts
the Office of the Bishop
• Call Committee began the interview process.
• Congregation Council Meets with Bishop’s
Thanks to everyone that participated, in the car
wash. We enjoyed washing all your vehicles!
Please note: if your special day is not included it
means we don’t have your information. Please
call the church office to update. Thank you.
Deadlines for November Messenger
November Calendar will be finalized Thursday,
October 9, for inclusion in the November Messenger. Stop by the church office to add meeting
times and activities.
For our worship assistants (acolytes,
assisting ministers, servers, etc.), this is
also the deadline to let the church office
know the dates you will be unavailable for
Brent & Karol Shepherd ................... 10/23/2004
Richard & Veryl Hansen .................. 10/28/1951
Deadline for November Messenger is 9:00 a.m.
Thursday, October 18. Please submit all items on
diskette, CD-ROM, or camera-ready email attachment to [email protected].
Weekly Bulletin/Announcements Deadline: As
always, please have all items for the Sunday
bulletin and announcements to the church office
by 4:00 p.m. WEDNESDAYS by camera-ready
email attachment, CD-ROM, or on diskette.
Next steps:
Interview process continues.
Call Committee recommends one candidate to
the Council.
• The Congregation Meeting is held.
Interim Pastor assigned
Call Committee Appointed, Installed, and
trained by bishop’s representative
Ministry Site Profile (MSP) completed and
approved by the Congregation Council. MSP
shared with the congregation.
Bishop’s Representative provides up to three
names of candidates and their Rostered Leader
Profile (RLP). These names are confidential.
Committee chooses to proceed with interviews. Interview process begins.
Call Committee prepared a general itinerary
for the prospective candidates when they will
visit Cedar Rapids for their interview session
following the guidance of the Congregation
“The Call Process For Congregation Councils”
Page 6. Southeastern Iowa Synod Center for
Ministry, 2635 Northgate Dr Iowa City, IA 52245,
319-338-1273 - ph.,
November 2012
October 4/5 - 17th Sunday after Pentecost
Isaiah 5:1-7
Psalm 80:7-15
Philippians 3:4b-14
Matthew 21:33-46
St. Andrew Lutheran Church
October 11/12 – 18th Sunday after Pentecost
Isaiah 25:1-9
Psalm 106:1-6
Philippians 4:1-9
Matthew 22:1-14
Interim Pastor: (The Rev.) Thomas Reuss
4420 Center Point Rd. NE — Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Church Office: (319) 393-4021
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Mon.-Fri.
Pastor’s Office Hours: 1:00-5:00 p.m. Wed.
9:00 a.m.-noon Thurs. and by appointment
October 18/19 – 19th Sunday after Pentecost
Isaiah 45:1-7
Psalm 96:1-9
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 Matthew 22:15-22
October 25/26 – Reformation Sunday
Jeremiah 31:31-34
Psalm 46
Romans 3:19-28
John 8:31-36
Worship with us at Holy Communion—
Saturday, 5:30 p.m., Sunday 9:30 a.m.
Sunday School and Adult Forum: 10:45 a.m.
Festivals in October
Group Cleanup Day, October 11
Saturday, October 18, is the festival of St. Luke, Evangelist. Identified as the author of both Luke and
Acts, Luke was careful to place the events of Jesus’ life in their social and religious contexts. His gospel
gives us some of the most beloved parables, as well as the songs of Zechariah, Mary, the angels, and Simeon.
Friday, October 31, is Reformation Day By the
end of the seventeenth century, many Lutheran
churches celebrated a festival commemorating
Martin Luther’s posting of the Ninety-five Theses, a
summary of abuses in the church of his time. At the
heart of the reform movement was the gospel, the
good news that it is by grace through faith that we
are justified and set free.
Tuesday, October 28, is the festival of St. Simon
and St. Jude, Apostles. We know little about these
apostles. Simon is listed as “the zealot” or Cananean in New Testament lists. Jude, also called
Thaddeus, asked Jesus at the last supper why he
had revealed himself to the disciples but not to the
From Sundays and Copyright 2014 Augsburg
Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under
Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License #23160.
Altar Guild Meeting
There will be a meeting of the St. Andrew Altar
Guild Saturday, October 5, at 9:30 a.m. in the
church library. This meeting is for existing members and for any individuals or couples who would
like to be part of this important sector of church
life. As a member you are responsible for communion set-up and clean-up on either Saturday
night or Sunday morning once every 5 or 6 weeks.
Communion bread bakers are also members of the
altar guild. New people are always welcome for
both categories. Come with questions and suggestions and also your calendar of winter-spring availability. If you have any questions, please call Sue
Hartley at 395-0297.
Join Us in Prayer!
Join the Prayer Chain!
Praying for others and knowing
that others are praying for you
can be such a healing experience. If you would like
to join the St. Andrew Prayer Chain, please call the
office or e-mail Nan Schroeder at [email protected]. We will notify you by e-mail each
week of prayer requests and ask that you include
those requests in your daily prayers. For more information, call Nan at 521-1317.
St. Andrew’s Vision
A welcoming community,
blessed by God’s grace,
joyfully serving Jesus Christ
and spreading the Good News -
Do you have your flamingo
God’s promise of Eternal Life.
you on October 11th.
Here’s some clean up tips we have used in the past
if you are willing to tackle some of these outdoor
projects on your own schedule:
1. After the first hard frost, all of the perennials will need to be cut back. The foliage can
be put in dumpster or hauled off to the dump.
2. Leaves will begin to fall soon and will continue to fall through November. Leaves should
be raked into long piles along Walker
Street where we are hoping the city will once
again collect them with their leaf vacuum
trucks. The leaf piles must be on the grass, not
in the street, and should not contain brush or
branches. City leaf vacuum collection runs
through December 5, 2014.
3. Pine needles can be raked up and relocated
to cover the ground underneath the evergreen
trees between our property and the car parts
Questions: Contact Lori Krueger for more information at 378-4158 or [email protected]
Fall is a busy time for facilities maintenance
around our church and we could use your help.
With a just few volunteers in September we were
able to clean up the storage shed area, organize the
Sunday School cabinets, and prepare the preschool room for Sunday School. It was a productive morning!
However, we could use your help in October and
November to prepare the planting beds for winter
and rake up all the leaves that are sure to fall on
our property. Group clean up days are scheduled
for October 11 and November 8 from 9:00 am
to noon.
We will meet rain or shine on October 11. If we
can’t work outside, we have plenty to do inside.
The Sunday School Supply Closet needs to be
cleaned and organized. The kitchen and the nursery could use a good deep cleaning to ready them
for the next year. Windows could be washed and
cabinets cleaned out. There’s always plenty to do
around church and your help would be greatly appreciated!
Bring your tools for the tasks you’d be willing to
tackle – gloves, rakes, wheelbarrows, rags, buckets, squeegee, etc. – and I look forward to seeing
Thank you for your support. ☺
Lutheran Services in Iowa
Centers and to homes where the warm comfort of a
quilt is desperately needed by a family.
Thank you for sharing God’s love and care
through these special gifts! If you or someone you
know would like to participate in this ministry,
please contact Deb Whitford for more information
at [email protected].
LSI is proud to be an affiliated social ministry organization of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America (ELCA). Learn mo.
Sharing God’s love and care through a quilt
Do you have a favorite quilt? Maybe it’s one a
family member made, or one you lovingly made
for someone else. Many of LSI’s clients have a
favorite quilt, made by people like you! LSI is
blessed to have many congregations and friends
who share in our social ministry by stitching love
into the hearts of children, families and adults
across Iowa. Your quilts travel all over the state to
be delivered to babies and young children, to youth
at our Bremwood and Beloit Residential Treatment
Please donate to the Garage Sale, October 18.
Donations accepted from Sunday, October 1216. Accepting toys, household items, tools,
books, children’s clothes, newborn up to 6X.
October Change for the Better
Money received will be used to purchase scarves,
gloves, mittens and hats for our coat donation project.
"Coat Collection" project
October Gracious Groceries
goes to CrossRoads Mission.
They need: tuna, beef stew,
hamburger and tuna helper,
canned vegetables, canned
fruits, peanut butter, saltine
crackers, toilet paper, and baby
diapers of all sizes.
St. Andrew is having a Coat Collection project. We
are asking for new or gently used coats for adults
and children. Handmade or purchased scarves,
gloves, mittens or hats are also needed. These items
will be given to shelters for distribution.
Place the donated items in the boxes in the Narthex.
This collection drive will end on Sunday, October 26th. Thank you for your help.
ENDING HUNGER ONE STEP AT A TIME. The CROP Hunger Walk aims to do just that Sunday,
October 6, citizens from all over the Cedar Rapids area will gather in Thomas Park, Marion, to show
their moving support for ending hunger in our community and around the world.
Why support the CROP Walk? The CROP Hunger Walk, sponsored by Church World Services, is
a community based, inter-faith movement to raise
awareness of hunger issues and raise critical funds
to alleviate hunger everywhere it exists.
925 million people in our world do not have
enough food to eat. In America, 1 in 6 people
are affected by lack of food. Almost 13% of
Iowans are “food insecure,” which includes
25,000 in Linn County alone.
Of the money raised by this CROP Walk, 25% will
go to local agencies such as Linn Community
Food Bank, CrossRoads Mission and Green
Square Meals.
St. Andrew members faithfully support food
drives with our Gracious Groceries donations. So
why do we need to support CROP Walk, as well?
Our food donations are critical and will remain
so to our local food pantries. However, monetary
donations can go even further in helping our food
pantries and free meal locations provide for the
local hungry. The HACAP (Hawkeye Area Community Action Program) Food Bank is one of 8
Iowa regional food banks. Local organizations,
CrossRoads Mission, for example, can purchase
food and other needed goods from HACAP at dramatically lower rates than they (or we) could from
local retailers. In one local survey taken in 2010, a
list of 576 items from 7 basic categories cost
$957.84 to purchase from CR retailers. The cost to
purchase the same list of items from HACAP is
$70.80. Clearly, our donations will make a difference!
How can I join the CROP Walk effort?
You can donate online to St. Andrew
Lutheran’s Team at Credit
card or PayPal donations are accepted. From US
map, click on Iowa. From list of Iowa CROP
Walks, click on Cedar Rapids CROP Hunger Walk
on Oct. 6. Click on DONATE. Choose “Support A
Team.” A list of teams will appear. Click on St.
Andrew Lutheran. Instructions follow for making
your donation. Contact Beth Horth with questions,
294-0993 or 560-2794. On behalf of all the neighbors you’ve helped around the world, THANK
Congregation Council Highlights – September 9, 2014
Attendance Report: The average attendance for
August 2014 was 88/weekend compared with 91/
weekend for August 2013.
parent/student meeting and classes begin September 10. Adult Forums are back in session; September will focus on ELCA Communion practices and
October will have a stewardship focus.
Treasurer’s Report: Dan Lewis reported August
was a “pretty decent” month. Giving for August
was about $2,900 more than actual expenses;
which puts our general fund balance at negative
$300. Dan noted we finished the summer slump in
pretty good shape financially.
Witness Ministry: Chris Formanek reported the
Witness Ministry Team has begun a review of our
membership roster and new member classes will
be held on Sundays during October.
Facilities Ministry: The doorbell works again!
All doors have been re-keyed to use the same key.
Council decided to proceed with the tuckpointing
work on the Bethsaida Hall & the Education Wing.
We expect that to begin no earlier than next spring.
The Facilities Ministry team is also exploring adding recording capabilities to our current sound system and exterior signage for our building.
Call Committee: Pete Martin reported we received the names of three Pastoral candidates in
late-August. The Call Committee has reviewed the
candidates and the first interview, via Skype, is
scheduled for Thursday, September 11, 2014.
Worship Ministry: Bill Logan reported Ben
Luedcke has been hired as the new Choir Director
and he began work on August 27, 2014. Welcome
Personnel Committee:
Teresa Girard will be
having back surgery in the near future. The Personnel Committee recommended granting Teresa
up to 6-weeks of paid time off for the surgery and
recovery. This recommendation was approved by
the Council.
Service Ministry: Dan Lewis reported our “God’s
Work Our Hands” day was successful. Furniture
collection for Four Oaks is on-going through Sept.
21, 2014 and a Blood Drive is scheduled for September 22, 2014. Mike Barton reported Habitat for
Humanity is beginning work on a “Youth Build”
house in October. The SAY group should let Mike
know if they would like to be involved with the
build. The Crop Walk will be held in October and
we are looking for a coordinator for this event.
Other Item: Pastor Tom will be meeting with the
NE Ecumenical Pastor’s group on Saturday, October 4th. Breaking of the Bread will be shared at
this meeting with each Pastor taking a piece of the
common bread back to their respective churches to
be used for communion that weekend.
Next Council Meeting: October 14, 2014 @ 6:30
Respectfully submitted,
Lori Krueger, Secretary
Learning Ministry: John Horth reported Sunday
School begins September 14, 2014 with three
classrooms: Pre-K to 2nd grade, 3rd-5th grades, and
6th-8th grades. He also reported we will be using an
Augsburg Fortress curriculum for 3rd grade and
older. SAY raised about $360 with their car wash
and they begin weekly meetings on September 10.
Confirmation kicked off on September 3 with a
SAY! News - St. Andrew Youth
Highlights for October
♦ Wednesday, Oct 1 & 8 –Flocking Huddle at
6:30pm – meet at church
♦ Saturday / Sunday, Oct 4 & 5 – take flocking orders after church – sign up for shift on
youth board
♦ Sunday, Oct 5 & 12 – Flocking after church
starting at 10:40
♦ Wednesday, Oct. 15 – NO Huddle
♦ Thursday/Friday, Oct 16&17 – Garage Sale
setup starting at 6:00 pm
♦ Saturday, Oct 18 – Garage Sale 8 am – 2 pm
(sign up for shift on youth board)
♦ Wednesday, Oct 22 – Huddle at 6:30; meet at
church then take leftover items to Stuff & go
out for ice cream
♦ Wednesday, Oct 29 – Huddle at 6:30
Adult Forum are Sundays, 10:45 a.m. During
October we will have a Stewardship Focus. Please
join us in the Nave.
Thank You Summer Sunday Hosts!
Summer is starting to seem a long time ago already, but nonetheless a warm and grateful thank
you goes out to all our members who hosted the
Summer Sunday Fellowship Hours. We celebrated
birthdays, anniversaries, a departing choir director,
a new interim pastor, and simply a lovely Sunday
morning. The sign-up sheets seem to have been
efficiently recycled, and your fellowship coordinator has a rather faulty memory, so individuals cannot be named, but please know that every one of
you made a contribution to the friendly atmosphere
throughout the summer.
Mary Rogers, Fellowship Coordinator
Leaf raking time is approaching.
SAY provides raking as a service project. If you
would like the SAY group to rake your leaves
please contact John or Beth Horth (319-560-2794)
to schedule a time.
St. Andrew Book Club
The St. Andrew Book Club will meet in the church
library at 6:30 Tuesday, October 21 to discuss a
Fannie Flagg book with a long title. The All-Girl
Filling Station's Last Reunion is a fun loving
mystery spanning decades, generations, and America in the 1940s and today. The story unfolds about
an Alabama woman of today who finds out a
shocking secret concerning her mother's past and
also about five women who in 1943 worked at a
Phillips 66 gas station. It's a fun story of two families, set in present day America and during WWII
and filled with Flagg's funny voice and storytelling
magic. Join us for discussion if you can, and also
be aware of books we have lined up for the next
several months.
In November we'll discuss Unbroken by Laura
Hillenbrand. This is Louis Zamperini's true World
War II story of survival, resilience, and redemption. The movie version of this book will be released on Christmas Day. December will be Reader's Choice Month, and we'll start the new year
with a book not about WWII. Our book for January
2015 will be Sycamore Row by John Grisham.
We're always looking for suggestions for books to
discuss, so please share if you have some ideas.
Fall Leaf Raking service project dates TBD (and
may be relayed by text messages).
Text Debbie Haller at 929-0229 if you would like
to receive weekly text messages about SAY activities.
Attention all 8th Graders and High School Youth
– you have a few more days to sign up for the National Youth Gathering. All registration data will
be entered on October 14th. Please contact Lori
Hardin or Debbie Haller immediately if you have
an interest in going. NYG will be July 15-19,
2015 in Detroit.
STARS October Lunch at Church
Tuesday, October 14, at 11:30 a.m., St. Andrew
Retirees are invited to gather in Bethsaida Hall
for a potluck-style lunch. We have sloppy-joe type
sandwiches already offered, so will need tasty accompaniments such as buns, chips, salads, and
desserts. Tableware, lemonade and coffee will be
provided. Check the table in the narthex for a signup sheet, just to help you decide what to bring.
Hopefully we'll have something of everything by
being organized only in the broadest sense! Remember, too, we always have such an abundance
of food that no one needs to feel they can't come if
they don't bring something. Just know that everyone is welcome, we are not very formal or fancy,
and we always have a good time. Anyone needing
a ride is welcome to call Mary Rogers (377-3016)
or Nancy Gable (393-9045).
EMAIL DEVOTIONS We are not far from the
end of our second year of the e-mail devotion program, in which a devotional message written by
fellow members of St. Andrew is sent to all members for whom we have e-mail addresses. The Witness Ministry Team is the group from which this
project came, and it continues to be a worthwhile
and enjoyable effort. The program we use indicates
that the number of e-mails opened has risen, but
rather slowly. Please note that if your e-mail inbox
indicates "St. Andrew Weekly Devotion" that it's a
friendly communication, with no bugs or viruses,
and only asks to be read.
If you have a friend or family member who
would appreciate this message, you are welcome to
forward it, add them to the mailing list, or let them
know of the links on our website and Facebook.
We also have printed copies for those who don't
use e-mail, or help yourself if you want to send a
few from recent months to someone. Also, we
could easily re-format the print version into large
print if that would be helpful. Please talk to Mary
Rogers or Chris Formanek with any requests -we'd be happy to help!
Please shop at the Garage Sale, October
18, 9:00—2:00. Invite your neighbors!
Tell your friends!
Order flocks or buy your flamingo insurance
before or after church thru October 5th. The first
flocks started on September 24th and the last flocks
will go into October until all orders filled.