1 THE HIGHLANDER VOLUME 37, ISSUE 9 OCTOBER 2014 HAPPENINGS AT HIGHLANDS: Join us for our special days... World Communion Sunday October 5 In the silence of the morning, as a new Sunday dawns around the world, God’s people gather for worship amid sounds of drums or pipes, strings or organs. We, too, at Highlands will join in this universal assembly of those who call upon the name of the Lord. On World Communion Sunday we affirm that the Scriptures are fulfilled as “People will come from east and west, and from north and south, and sit at the table in the kingdom of God.” So come, not because you must, but because you may. Come not because you are strong, but because you seek God’s strength. We are all invited to join in the feast that Christ has prepared. Peace and Global Witness Offering Peacemaking stands as a central declaration of the gospel. God's peace restores, sustains, and heals. In response to this good news we are to go into the world to witness to Christ in ways that will bring about a climate for understanding and harmony. Each fall we link hands with PCUSA congregations across the country to raise funds for peace efforts, with 25% retained locally in whatever way our church chooses to apply it. Look for offering envelopes in the bulletin and be generous as we bring our gifts on October 5. Children’s Sabbaths Marked on October 12 Our congregation joins thousands of other churches, synagogues, mosques, and temples across the country to lift up children and their families through worship, educational programs, and advocacy. Sponsored by the Children's Defense Fund, this is an annual observance to celebrate children as sacred gifts of the Divine, and provide a time to consider our responsibility to care, protect and advocate for all children. The Presbyterian Church (USA) has been a strong supporter of this observance since its inception. Special Session Meeting Planned Executive Presbyter Rev. Jeannie Harsh will moderate a called meeting of the Highlands session on October 2 at 6:30. The purpose is to consider the ending date of the congregation's three-year pastoral call in February of 2012 to Rev. Botts. Dr. Harsh will outline options open to the congregation and the process needed to extend or conclude the relationship. A Designated Pastor is an installed pastor who serves for a specified or "designated" time, most often for an initial period of three years. The pastorate may be extended for additional terms or changed to a continuing call. If the relationship is to be extended, the offer must be accepted by the minister and ratified by the congregation. There have been five called ministers who have served Highlands since its organization in 1978: Rev. Phil Ferguson, Rev. Matthew Wilson, Rev. Catherine Bogue, Rev. David Choate, and Rev. Botts. Other clergy have also served the church as interim or supply ministers. Inside this issue: Pastor’s Reflection 2 Clerk’s Report, Deacon Report, Announcement 3 Announcements 4 Children, Birthdays, Finance Report 5 Calendar 6 2 Pastoral Reflections On October 19 we’ll be celebrating a birthday—ours! This is the 36th year for being together as a community of faith in the Northwest metro area. “Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” ~Albert Camus The Highlander is published monthly by Highlands Presbyterian Church 6909 Smoky Row Road Columbus, OH 43235 614-764-2134 Rev. Ronald Botts, Designated Pastor Worship 10:30 a.m. Children's Sunday School during Worship Linda Krumm, Editor Marilyn Miller, Volunteer Articles, news reports, and editorial suggestions are welcome and may be submitted to the church office directly to the editor. The closing date for material is the 20th of each month. We began as a bright hope in the planning of the Presbytery of Columbus (now Scioto Valley) almost fifty years ago as development was just underway in the farmland between Worthington and the little village of Dublin. There was potential for growth but, except for scattered areas, most of it was still on paper. In 1965 a tract of land was purchased on Smoky Row Road with the intention that a church would be started when the time was right. Twelve years later a minister by the name of Phil Ferguson was persuaded to be the organizing pastor for this new start. Our first service was held in March of 1978, although we were not officially organized until October. When Phil retired in 2000 we were a congregation of some 200 members with optimism for the future. There were no lack of dreams and, while some of them were realized, there were also significant new realities to face. Our growth now turned into decline and our family was reduced to less than half over the next years. Three pastors were called, but all served for less than two years. Some of our most faithful became discouraged and left to join other congregations. One church consultant suggested that it might be time to consider disbanding the congregation. Well, we’re still here and witnessing! This only goes to say that predicting future outcomes is always difficult. I’m reminded of Tchaikovsky’s thoughts on a couple of his compositions from 1880. In writing to a friend he confided: “I have written two works very rapidly—the 1812 Overture and a serenade in four movements for string orchestra. The overture will be very noisy. I wrote it without much warmth of enthusiasm; therefore it has no great artistic value.” Boy, was he ever wrong! What of our future then? Well, of course, we can’t be aware of what the next months and years will bring. However, I do know this: we have work to do now to advance the Kingdom of God in our little corner of the world. If we are dedicated, if we work faithfully with our opportunities, then I believe that twenty years hence another pastor will also reflect favorably about Highlands. That would make all of us happy! Blessings! Pastor Ron 3 Clerk’s Report The Session met on September 10, 2014. The following are some of the highlights: Pastor Ron Botts planned and led seven Sabbath Day services and worked with laying out two services which were led by other ministers while he was on vacation. He also chairs the Presbytery’s Older Adult Ministry Team. In addition, he is involved with other ecumenical groups in the community. The average attendance for July was 50; for August, it was 44. Communion was served to 42 people on August 3 and 43 on September 7. On October 2, ther e will be a Called Session Meeting for the pur pose of meeting with the Rev. Dr . Jeannie Harsh, Transitional Executive Presbyter, to discuss the process and options that Highlands Church needs to explore in determining the leadership situation for Highlands in 2015 and beyond. A church-wide potluck will be held on October 26. More details will follow. This date will also serve as the kick-off for the Stewardship campaign. Stewardship Sunday is on November 16. Jim Vaas and Jason Scragg are the co-chairs for this year’s campaign. The traditional “Hanging of the Greens,” in preparation for the Advent Season and Christmas, will be on November 23. Please plan on staying after chur ch to help decor ate the chur ch. The 2014 Vacation Bible School review was submitted and the attendance was as follows: July 13 (4); July 20 (6); July 27 (5); August 3 (3). There were at least 9 adults who volunteered on various Sundays to help with the lessons, the music and the activities. Many other members and friends also helped provide the materials for the Bible School. The Session thanked Brenda Wilson for all her work with this year’s successful and fun program. The Adult Sunday School program will feature some short, stand-alone topics from “The Thoughtful Christian.” The classes meet at 9:15 am. The Alternative Gift Fair which is sponsored by the Mission Commission will be on November 2. More details will follow. The Mission Commission, with the help of the congregation, prepared 58 “Welcome Back to School” gift bags for the Highlands Learning Center. The items in the gift bags were mainly personal hygiene items and a couple of chocolate bars. A pizza and salad meal was provided on the first day of school for the school’s staff members. There will be two Sunday 2PM concerts for October. On October 5, the EOS Duo (classical guitar and flute) will be featured. Then on October 12, Hector Garcia will play three Beethoven piano sonatas (Pathetique, Moonlight and Waldstein). Viy McGaughy, Clerk of Session THE DEACONS’ REPORT The deacons met on September 7th after a two month recess. We have decided to host a potluck after church on October 26th, so stay tuned for more details to follow. We will be hanging the greens in the sanctuary on November 23rd. The college students within our congregation recently returned to school and the deacons sent them each a gift card, and we will send another gift card for Halloween. If you know of anyone that may need assistance, a meal, or a visit, please let the church office or any deacon know! Lynne McMahon, Deacon Moderator 4 FOOD PANTRY DONATIONS FOR THIS MONTHPlease continue to support the Smoky Row Food Pantry by bringing in canned fruits and vegetables, cereal, and large cans of soup. We also continue to support the pet food distribution project through Sedona Grace. Please bring in 3-5 pound bags of either dog or cat food. Our contributions are much needed and appreciated by the persons served through the Smoky Row Food Pantry. THE BOOK CLUB Please begin reading The Giver, by Lois Lowerly. The group will meet at the Hunan Lion, on Bethel Road on Wednesday, October 15 at 6:30 p.m. to discuss this book. EQUAL EXCHANGE – FAIR TRADE We will continue to sell coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa, and snacks through the Presbyterian Church sponsored Equal Exchange Program. Stop by the kiosk near the family room door and browse through the selections. If you decide to purchase, please use the envelopes provided and leave your envelope inside the tea pot. Thank you for supporting independent farmers all over the world. WINTER COATS, HATS, AND GLOVES NEEDED FOR OUR HCLC STUDENTS. PLEASE LEAVE YOUR DONATIONS IN THE BLUE BIN IN THE NARTHEX. MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!! THE ALTERNATIVE GIFT FAIR IS SUNDAY, November 2. OKTOBERFEST Bundle up and join family and friends at Oktoberfest on Saturday, October 25 at 6:00 p.m.. Lori and Dave Searfoss will open their home for a fall gathering at 2609 Jewett Road, Powell 43065. Call Marianne Rennie at 6147-889-1773 or email her at [email protected] for further details. Ladies’ Night Out The women of the church and their guests will meet on Tuesday, October 21 at 6:30 p.m. at Cap City Diner on Olentangy River Road. Please call or email Marianne Rennie and ask for further details. The Men’s Business Group The men of the church and their invited guests will meet on Wednesday, October 29 at 6:30 p.m. at Brazenhead in Dublin. Please contact Jim Vaas for more information. 5 Prayer is one of the topics the Children's Sunday School class will focus on this year. The goal is to help the children become more comfortable communicating with God both privately and publicly. They'll learn about the Lord's Prayer, different forms of prayer, and some new table graces to share at home. Questions like “What's important about prayer?”, “Why should we pray?”, and “When and how do we pray?” will be explored and reinforced by games, crafts, and stories. The children also are eagerly preparing for the Alternative Gift Fair on November 2. They are hard at work making Christmas decorations, gift items, and yummy snacks to sell at the Kids' Korner table. Brenda Wilson, Director of Children's Ministry OCTOBER Birthdays: Anniversaries: 3 6 13 10 26 14 22 26 31 Bonnie Buesching Miriam Matteson Bill Buesching Jim McGaughy Sheryl Lewis Matthew Scragg Wayne Miller Jessica Buesching Allison Carr Chris Enright Diane Sharpe Gene Bostwick Ron and Linda Carr Don Dunphy and Sharon Flory Financial Report through August 31, 2014 General Fund Pledges & Loose Offering Other Receipts Total Receipts Total Disbursements Receipts over Disbursements Actual 56,993 37,014 94,007 Budget 54,320 37,210 91,530 86,757 7,250 91,530 0 ________________________________________ Windows to the Future Total Income to Date Total Expenditures to Date 58,673 55,733 Balance in Fund 2,940 ______ 6 The Sunday Concerts at Highlands Presbyterian Church EOS Duo Karl Wohlwend (guitar) and Kimberlee Goodman (flute) joined forces in 2009 to form the EOS duo. Their concert program features masterworks for the classic combination of their two instruments. Sunday, October 5, 2:00 p.m. 6909 Smoky Row Road, Columbus “presented as a gift to the community” 6 5 World Communion 9:15 Adult Ed 10:30 Worship/ Communion 11:30 Fellowship 11:45 Deacons 2:00 Concert 9:15 Adult Ed 10:30 Worship 11:30 Potluck 11:45 Worship/Music 6:30 MBG 28 27 26 Stewardship Kick Off 21 6:30 LNO 20 14 7 Tue 9:15 Adult Ed 10:30 Worship 11:30 Fellowship 11:45 Mission 19 Church Anniversary 9:15 Adult Ed 10:30 Worship 11:30 Fellowship 11:45 Publicity 2:00 Concert *CROP WALK* 12 Children’s Sabbath 13 7F&A Mon Sun OCTOBER 2014 29 22 6:30 Book Club 15 7 Session 8 1 Wed 30 7:30 Choir 23 7:30 Choir 16 7:30 Choir 9 31 24 17 10 3 2 6:30 Called Session Mtg. 7:30 Choir Fri Thu OCTOBER 2014 FAMILY EVENT 6:30 Oktoberfest at Searfoss Home 25 18 6:30 am Smoky Row Food Pantry 11 CMC 1-4 4 Sat 7 8 Highlands Presbyterian Church 6909 Smoky Row Road Columbus, OH 43235 OCTOBER 2014 Highlands Presbyterian Church
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