BURNT STORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SMOKE SIGNALS A Monthly Newsletter October 2014 s t a e r T ’ o Trunk October 24 5:00PM - 7:00PM Muscle Car City Museum S E S S I O N M I N I S T R I E S Session - Ruling Elders Class of 2014 Joan Cox Rebecca Nicholson Warren Mezger Dave Prins Chuck Will Class of 2015 Bill Aiken Kathy Bertani Lois Gorman Mike Huston Joni Sandles Class of 2016 Gary Brewster Luceal Curry Pete Gaylord Barb Lohff Mark Mills Deacons Class of 2014 Karen Bishop Karen Corcoran Jan DeWitt Shirlou Fisher Bonney Howard Peg Love Teri Prins JoAnne Skolnik Mary Will Class of 2015 Donna Brast Emma May Goddard Joanie Huston Shelley Jahns Bev Long Darlene Lull Joy Merkel Teresa Todino Carol Weitz Class of 2016 Ron Bloom Nancy Brewster Pat Hansen Annemarie Klein Barbara Klein Ann Longenbarger Dar Nuckols Carolyn Peavey Kathy Potts Clerk of Session Mike Huston Ministries and Chairs *chair Christian Education Congregational Care Evangelism Facilities and Property Finance and Stewardship Mission Personnel Worship and the Arts Bertani* and Nicholson Mezger* and Gorman Will* and Gaylord Prins* and Mills Sandles* and Brewster Cox* and Curry Huston* Aiken* and Hopkins Moderator of Deacons Mary Will October • 2014 P A S T O R T I M S T E W A R T The Eucharistic Prayer Let me elaborate on something that is is now a part of our order of worship (occasionally) and (in its present form) has been since Sunday, July 4, 2010. What I have in mind is included in the fourth major action of worship: “the sealing of the Word” and it is called variously the “Great Prayer of Thanksgiving,” “Great Thanksgiving,” or the “Eucharistic Prayer.” The prayer dates from the third century to the work of a man named Hippolytus from his “The Apostolic Tradition.” The prayer has very distinctive parts and you can easily recognize them when you hear the prayer this coming Sunday as we celebrate World Communion Sunday. The prayer begins with the “Invitation.” This is when the presider offers any words of explanation before inviting worshippers to the table. Explanations in our worship services remind people who can take communion, how we might receive the Sacrament on a given day (served in place, come to stations, etc.) and that we use grape juice and not wine. The next movement is the “Sursum Corda,” an expression which is translated “hearts on high.” This part is a short litany in which the congregation responds to the leader saying, “The Lord be with you,” “Lift up your hearts,” and “Let us give thanks to the Lord.” Next is the “Preface” in which, in very biblical fashion, God is extolled as holy, mighty, and eternal. This part of the prayer reflects the very essence of why we worship in the first place. If we listen, we will be reminded of the very awesome presence of God and how, when you and I enter that presence, we are encountering the Holy as nothing else is holy. The Preface leads directly to the next movement, the “Sanctus” meaning “holy.” In our current use of the Eucharistic prayer the Sanctus is spoken by the entire congregation. The words of the Sanctus are: “Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.” In many churches (and, I hope, in ours some day) the congregation regularly sings the Sanctus. The “Post-Sanctus” is next and is a part of the prayer spoken by the presider. The content of this movement briefly emphasizes what has just been said about the holiness of God and it synopsizes the work of Jesus Christ on the cross. The Post-Sanctus is followed by the “Anamnesis.” The Anamnesis is about remembering. Over and over again in the Old Testament the people are reminded of the foremost miracle in the Old Testament, the Exodus. God often reminds the people of this event by saying something like, “I am One who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of Slavery…” The miracle of miracles in the New Testament … in the Bible … is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and this we are to remember. continues on next page October • 2014 P A S T O R T I M S T E W A R T Next comes the climax of the Anamnesis, the “Memorial Acclamation.” This short phrase is another response offered in unison by the congregation. The acclamation we use is one of several available for use. Ours is, “Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.” The “Epiclesis” is next and this is a word which means “to call along side.” The one who is being called is identified in the first sentence of the movement as the presider prays, “Gracious God, pour out your Holy Spirit…” The congregation’s praying of the Lord’s Prayer (spoken or sung) concludes the Epiclesis. Often in churches (in ours until Sunday, July 4, 2010) all of the above is either omitted or compacted into a few short sentences. I suspect that this is all in the interest of time–striving to make sure the service is contained within 60 minutes. But following whatever is spoken early in the Sacrament, we enter pretty familiar territory–the “Words of Institution.” You will recall them as they usually begin with something like, “On the night Jesus was betrayed and arrested he took bread…”. The words of institution include the actions of breaking the bread and pouring the cup. Following the serving of the meal by whatever means a session decides to be appropriate at a given service the celebration of the sacrament concludes with a prayer. The Great Thanksgiving will be a part of our service this coming Sunday as celebrate the Eucharist. Remember, it is not exclusively a prayer prayed by either Pastor Cassie or me as there are congregational responses. Those responses are both in the worship bulletin (in bold type) and on the projection screens. During the prayer I encourage you to follow along with the prayer (yes, eyes wide open), and be ready to respond. The Lord be with you … P A S T O R C A S S I E T O D D Halloween: Is it a Trick or is it a Treat? There was never any talk about Halloween coming in tension with my faith until my senior year of college. It was a late September morning, and I began to adorn the campus ministry house with some of my family’s old fall decorations. Later that day, one of my roommates approached me as gently as she could and asked me to take the Halloween items down. She was sweet as could be, but in her tradition, she was taught that celebrating Halloween was inviting evil spirits in. Is Halloween just a trick to invite evil into our lives, or is it a treat for our imaginations and taste buds? Halloween originated from the Celtic festival of Samhain which fell on October 31st. It was a festival to commemorate that just as summer ends in winter, human life ends in death. Samhain was considered a night when there was a thin line between the living and the dead. Bonfires were held to ward off vengeful spirits, and at the bonfire young people would bob for apples to predict who would be next to marry. When Christianity was brought to western Europe, as an act of evangelism, Christians would take existing holidays and put a Christian twist on them. In keeping with the theme of death from Samhain, Christians began celebrating All Saints’ Day on November 1st, to recognize their fellow brothers & sisters in the faith who had passed away. The night before, October 31st, was renamed to recognize this being the day before of All Saints’ Day: All Hallows’ Eve...or as we call it now, Halloween. On Halloween, some Christians would go house to house to collect prayers for All Saints’ Day. They would travel with a candle in a carved out turnip as a lantern, and would receive breads or cakes in exchange for the promise of prayers on the following day. Halloween has transformed overtime, but with it there has always been a theme of death. In our faith we know that death isn’t the winner in God’s story. We who believe, shouldn’t place our fear in death, but have a healthy respect for our Lord who is sovereign over all and has victory over death. It is never wise, though, to place yourself where you are tempted to sin. If there are Halloween activities that tempt you to do evil, think evil thoughts, or upset you, don’t participate in them. However, if this isn’t the case, I invite you to follow how Christians originally approached the Celts and meet our neighbors where they are, using this as a time follow Jesus’ command to love your God and neighbor and make disciples. Different churches have had different spins on how Christians can respond to the Halloween of today. Our church has two ways for us to respond: we have a Trunk o’ Treats event on October 24th, and we hold a church-wide Memorial Service in the garden on the Sunday following Halloween. Trunk o’ Treats provides us an opportunity to show love to our neighbors providing a safe Halloween experience for the families in our community. Our Memorial Service on November 2nd is a time to remember all our own brothers & sisters in the faith who died this past year and give witness to the resurrection of Christ Jesus our Lord. I invite you to participate in either or both. May you have a safe Halloween as you strive to follow Christ each and every day, W O R S H I P A N D T H Joy Toll- Chandler Notes From Joy … Happy fall! What a gorgeous and wonderful time of year! I love the cooler mornings and evenings. Even more, I love welcoming back our snowbirds and getting ready to do God’s work of music and worship and outreach together!!! I have a few things to share with you this month; thanks for taking a moment to read... ORGANIST - As you know, once again, we are at a time when our organist has resigned. Many of you have asked questions regarding this, and I will do my best to answer some of those. Kathleen decided that the drive was quite a bit more than she expected it to be. She and her husband like to be a part of the faith community and it was too far to be able to really be involved here, and they weren’t quite ready to pull up their roots and move closer by. The personnel committee did do an exit interview with Kathleen, to be sure we didn’t have any issues lurking somewhere, and there was nothing that “chased her away” from her work here. As we go on now, the search committee made a recommendation to Personnel Ministry, which has been accepted. Our plan is that we will NOT hire ONE organist, but we will have SEVERAL! Thanks be to God for all of our local musicians whose talents have continued to be offered in God’s service. The very talented team of organists will rotate and share this ministry, leading our congregation in song. We continue to praise God with strong voices no matter whose hands are on the keyboards! PRAISE CHORALE has begun and we can squeeze in a couple more singers! If you love to smile and sing and enjoy God’s music, join us any Thursday evening at 7PM. PRAISE RINGERS have also begun. Watch for more and more bell music in worship this year. Although we are close to full, we welcome any one who wants to learn how to ring - talk to me anytime! This group will be doing monthly outreach to area assisted living facilities. Please be in touch with me if you have a particular place in which you would like us to play. Please see separate announcements regarding our BIG Christmas adventure, as well as Sing for the Cure. Soli Deo Gloria - to God be all the Glory! E A R T S C H R I S T I A N E D U C A T I O N Kathy Bertani and Rebecca Nicholson, Elders JOIN THE FUN: WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY TUESDAYS: 10 – 12 Come join us for fun, learning, and prayer! WBS is a time to gather, chat, learn about God’s word, laugh, cry, eat, and pray. We are presently studying Jeremiah by Melissa Spoelstra. Jeremiah offers women hope for living in an uncertain world by learning to navigate the challenges and circumstances of their lives. Nothing is required of you except your spiritual thirst! FAITHWORKS ON SUNDAYS: SEPTEMBER 21 – OCTOBER 26 Bible 101: 9:40 Room 4 The God Anthology: 9:40 11:00 Room 3/5 Room 3/5 Holy Moly: Room 2 10:00 Bob Lynch Pete Gaylord Bob and Rosie Gable Nancy Miller (after children gathering 9:40 service) My Place: 11:00 – 2:00 Youth Room Andy Lacza ……. reaching up, making disciples, changing lives E V A N G E L I S M Chuck Will and Pete Gaylord, Elders This is the start of a very active Evangelism season for the church. First … Trunk o’ Treats. We are in the final preparation stages for the 6th annual ToTs. This has been a wonderful event for the children of the City of Punta Gorda, last year we had over 700 children, 60 car trunks were decorated. Many of the local business donated candy to the event. Wall Greens had a photo booth and offered free photos, and they will offer that again this year. If you are interested in decorating your trunk, sign-up forms are available at the Carousel. There are also baskets at the carousel to donate candy or provide cash contributions which will be used to purchase more candy. Second … TGIV. We will have an early TGIV performance, The GoldTones, November 14th. This is a very popular Punta Gorda group, so get in line early. Third … other TGIV events: January 16 Soul’d Out (gospel quartet) February 13 Church talent/variety show - See Don DeWitt or Joy Toll-Chandler for more information March 6 Sarasota Bell Group, as a fundraiser for Jesus Loves You Ministry (market to area churches) Fourth … 2015 Concert Series … see their flyer in this issue of Smoke Signals. January 12 February 16 March 16 Let’s Hang On (Frankie Valli era) Barbary Coast Dixieland Show Band Purdue University Glee Club M Y P L A C E Y O U T H G R O U P Andy Lacza, Youth Group Coordinator We will have lots of fun! The youth group is starting October with a Busch Garden trip. Our congregation’s generosity allowed us, at the beginning of this year, to buy fun cards for this entertainment park. We can return without limits this year. We will do rides, see wild and domestic animals and of course GET WET! Water rides are amongst the favorites. Christmas is coming soon. Our youth group would like to help you decorate your beautiful home this season. We will offer Christmas wreaths and decorations during this month and November. The wreaths are from Michigan and top of the line. Our youth will offer the wreaths in the Narthex and Fellowship Hall. As the month of Halloween, our youth will participate in our annual Trunk o’ Treats. We will provide fun CANDY at the same location, at the Muscle Car Museum. Fun will begin at 5PM on October 24. On the fourth Sunday of the month, we will serve the homeless and the needy, as usual; providing the good old and always desired meatloaf with mashed potatoes. We will cook and deliver dinner to the Charlotte Homeless Coalition. We would like to thank our blessed congregation for all the donations and support that to continue the Lighthouse mission. F I N A N C E A N D S T E W A R D Joni Sandles and Gary Brewster, Elders /0+1&% (2,, ! * "# "#! ##! 3' # !$% 311'-,+4&%5& & %$ &% ##! '(( !%"& ! S H I P P R O P E R T Y Dave Prins and Mark Mills, Elders WHO SAYS LIGHTNING DOESN'T STRIKE TWICE! About three weeks ago I! came into church and was greeted by "you missed all the excitement." Apparently lightning had struck one of the Cabbage Palms out by the pump house and the old dried fronds on the bottom were burning. A passerby notified the fire department and the brush truck from Engine 2, just down the street, came down and put the tree out. Funny thing is, I have looked for this burning bush (tree) and it is not readily visible from either the church or Burnt Store Road. Just over a week ago Ernie and I were in my truck and slowly surveyed all asphalt covered parking areas and driveways. As we approached the north east side of our maintained property, we came up on a clump of 3 trees, which had been seriously burned. What we found interesting was that the ground cover, in approximately a!five foot circle, was also charred. But the fire did not extend beyond this small area of ground. I checked with the fire department and they have no record of this fire. Some of you will remember, approximately a year ago, the church worked with the State of Florida Forestry Department on a fire mitigation project. We had originally asked that a controlled burn be done in the 16 acres east of the maintained campus. It was their opinion that a controlled burn was too dangerous based on housing and traffic considerations. They did, however, suggest that heavy equipment could be used to open (knock down dead trees) and mulch anything lying on the ground. This project was funded with State money. The church agreed to maintain a low level of combustible material!by brush hogging 3 to 4 times a year. The theory here is that low mulch retains!moisture and is not as combustible as tall dry brush. I love it when a plan comes together. It would appear that the tree fire, out back, was the result of lightning.! Looks like the fire put itself out. The only logical explanation is that the fire could not find enough suitable, dry, combustible material. I think we have been tested and so far, the system worked as planned. My hat's off to the State Forestry Division for their intervention on our behalf. CHANGE IS IN THE WIND! Last month I gave you a heads up to our planned (ongoing) parking lot lift. This is where we put down a heavy sealant and cover existing asphalt with an inch to 1 1/2 inches of new. All bumper curbs need to be removed and then put back down. All stripping must be redone. We (Property) have had numerous discussions regarding traffic flow and are their any changes that could possibly result in an improvement. Our plan is as follows: as you enter at the first driveway on Cuneo, you may either turn right, into the Choir south lot, or proceed straight ahead towards the lake on a one way. Parking spots located at the two center islands will become angle in parking (think of Publix.) All other parking spots will remain as they are today. This new approach is aimed at improving traffic flow during change of service. If this does not work, the only thing we are out is a can of paint, and we revert back to as is. Yet another long standing challenge has been moving pedestrian traffic and vehicles in the same space. We plan to add a sidewalk at the end of the!boulevard (main entrance). To the south of the walk way is a retention pond and the sidewalk will lead to the three east side parking lots. A crosswalk will be stripped beginning at the south edge of the main portico and continue across both the in and out lanes of the main drive. Crosswalk signs will be placed in either direction. What we hope to accomplish is a safe spot in which to direct pedestrian traffic. Florida law requires vehicles to stop when a pedestrian is in a crosswalk. While we have never had an incident, hopefully this will provide comfort to those who are intimidated by the current set up.!!!! M I S S I O N Joan Cox and Luceal Curry, Elders Let me share a little about Charlotte Harbor Young Life. Although you may not have heard of them, they are very active in our area and work with the youth in our community. They are Christian based and teach the love of God to all. Following is a short synopsis from their mission statement. “We believe in the power of presence. Kids’ lives are dramatically impacted when caring adults come alongside them, sharing God’s love with them. Because their leader believes in them, they begin to see that their lives have great worth, meaning and purpose. This is the first step of a lifelong journey; the choices they make today, based upon God’s love for them, will impact future decisions … careers chosen, marriages formed and families raised. All ripples from the time when a Young Life leader reached out and entered their world. Everyone is welcome in Young Life! Our programs are custom made for kids throughout their adolescent years. Young Life is the name of our organization and is also the term we use for our program with high school students. We call our middle school program WyldLife. The initiative for college and university students is called Young Life College.! Young Life’s multicultural ministry, focused on kids in diverse cultural communities and those in economically-depressed areas, is arguably the largest of its kind in the United States. We refer to our ministry to kids with disabilities as Capernaum and to our work with teen moms as YoungLives.” Our mission ministry has been able to assist many organizations in the Charlotte County area as well as throughout the world. We have volunteers that help us with feeding the homeless, sorting and preparing clothing for distribution, back-packs for children with little or no food over the weekends and assistance with those recovering from addiction. It keeps us busy keeping up. We do appreciate all of you who lend a helping hand. Unfortunately several of our members have had to leave the ministry due to illness or retirement. We would like to invite you to join us in our efforts and come to our ministry meeting on the last Tuesday of the month. We need people to take an active part in this ministry. It may be just one particular project in the year or it may involve a more active role. But, let me assure you that the rewards are great. The smiles and thank you’s from our recipients are very sincere. Looking forward to meeting you at our meeting on September 29 at 1:00PM. If you have any questions, please call either Joan Cox 941.575.9114 or Luceal Curry at 941.833.5552. M I S S I O N Joan Cox and Luceal Curry, Elders Red Kettle Bell Ringing Volunteers Needed This will be the third year that our church is an active part of the Salvation Army Red Kettle Bell Ringing Campaign. Our role is to staff the Red Kettle location at the South entrance of the Publix store on Highway 41 & Burnt Store Road. All of the money collected by this Red Kettle Campaign will be used by the Salvation Army to help needy people in Charlotte County. The 2014 Campaign will start on Friday November 7 and continue through Wednesday December 24 (excluding Sundays and Thanksgiving Day). The Bell Ringing day is divided into four periods of two hours: 9am-11am, 11am-1pm, 1pm-3pm and 3pm-5pm. Last year we had 90 volunteers sign up to be a bell ringer. Several people did more than one time period. An email will be going out in early October to all those that have volunteered in past years, asking them to sign up again as a Salvation Army Bell Ringer. Any first-timers for the BSPC Bell Ringing project can find a Volunteer Form online at the following Internet address: (if you are reading the paper version please find the form enclosed) www.bspconline.org/redkettle/volunteerform.pdf We need your help. Would you please consider signing up to be a volunteer Bell Ringer for the Salvation Army at our assigned location? If you have any questions about this activity, please feel free to contact Joe Potts, our chairman for this project. He can be reached at 941-505-5758 or email [email protected]. October • 2014 W O R S H I P Bill Aiken and Barb Lohff The story is told about a widow living on a meager income whose one and only splurge was her annual baking of fruitcakes for her friends at Christmas. She scrimped and saved all year to be able to buy only the finest ingredients for her cakes. Her pride and joy was a wonderful oven that provided her baked goods the perfect finale to all her hard work. She could not afford a fancy Mix Master type machine to combine the ingredients, but rather lovingly accomplished it with a time-worn treasured old wooden spoon. As the time drew near to the culminating process of preparing, baking, and distributing her cakes, a terrible tragedy happened to her. She had a fall and broke both of her arms. How would she ever be able to use her carefully hoarded ingredients and mix her batter? This story has a wonderful ending in that her neighbors and yes, some of the cake recipients, learned of her fate and quickly organized a baking day. With their muscle power (some brought their Mix Masters) by evening all the fruit cakes were lined up on the kitchen counter: wrapped, ribboned, and ready to be awarded to those lucky friends. This story has a parallel between the widow’s tradition and our own BSPC Worship and the Arts ministry. We have a wonderful oven that is our pride and joy … most people call it our beautiful sanctuary. We have only the finest ingredients for our worship … our competent and gifted pastors, our wonderful music department, and all the necessary physical items for serving communion and collecting and dedicating our tithes and offerings, etc. But we too are sometimes lacking the muscle power to combine all these pieces into a memorable and meaningful worship experience. We are blessed with a vibrant and dedicated team on our Worship and the Arts Committee, but we are always looking for a few more to join us. We also need help with ushers; with communion preparers and servers; with pew patrol helpers; and seasonal decoration participants. These are all part of the muscle power of BSPC. You could choose to volunteer to pinpoint your time with a specific area on a rotating basis, or as a one-time helper. Maybe you’d like to join our committee and help shape the worship experience for the years to come. Please give it prayerful consideration. Please call Bill Aiken (941.875.3552) or Barb Lohff (941.637.0690) with questions or to volunteer! October • 2014 S E S S I O N H I G H L I G H T S Mike Huston, Clerk of Session At its called meeting by email on August 18-20, 2014, Session called a meeting of the congregation at 8:15AM on September 7, 2014 for the purpose of electing a new elder, Barb Lohff, to fill the unexpired term of Chari Hopkins, who resigned from her office as a ruling elder in the Class of 2016. At its called meeting on August 24, 2014, Session received 7 new active members into the church. At its meeting on September 7, 2014, the congregation elected Barb Lohff to fill the unexpired term of Chari Hopkins, who resigned from her office as a ruling elder in the Class of 2016. At its stated meeting on September 16, 2014, Session: • Welcomed Kent Smith as a guest with voice but no vote • Approved the following minutes: (a) amended minutes of the August 12, 2014 stated Session meeting, (b) minutes of the August 18-20, 2014 called Session meeting by email, (c) minutes of the August 24, 2014 called Session meeting, and (d) minutes of the September 7, 2014 called meeting of the congregation • Accepted the August Treasurer’s Report, subject to year-end inspection • Appointed Robin Milona as reader for the Session minutes in anticipation of the review of the church’s books by the Peace River Presbytery on September 25, 2014 • Upon motion of the Facilities and Property ministry, approved the project to resurface the front and side parking lots, at a cost not to exceed $45,000 • Upon motion of the Facilities and Property ministry, approved the project to purchase and construct a prefabricated carport for the church’s van and trailer at a cost not to exceed $4,000 • Upon motion of the Facilities and Property ministry, approved the project to renovate the glass connector area at a cost not to exceed $12,500 • Upon motion of the Mission ministry, authorized the Mission ministry to have a special offering in late January of early February to raise funds for the Haiti Mission Team to support the Team in construction projects at the new high school for Haiti Outreach Ministries, school projects, and other efforts that may arise as “much needed” while the Team is in Haiti in 2015 • Upon motion of the Finance and Stewardship ministry, approved the expenditure of an additional $15,000 from the Capital Improvement Account (#3270) to resurface the front and side parking lots (an expenditure of $30,000 for this project was previously approved by Session) • Upon motion of the Finance and Stewardship ministry, approved the expenditure of $3,000 from the Capital Improvement Account (#3270) for a carport for the church’s van and trailer (an additional $1,000 for this project was previously allocated from the Power of One Funds) • Upon motion of the Finance and Stewardship ministry, approved the transfer of $6,500 from the Activity Center Account (#3261) to the Connector Renovation Account (#3414) • Continued its discussion of the recent actions of the PCUSA General Assembly and the options available to Session to respond to such actions Anyone wanting to learn more about the specifics of any of the foregoing actions is encouraged to contact the ministry responsible for the action. If you have any questions about this report, feel free to contact Mike Huston, Clerk of Session. October • 2014 P R E S B Y T E R I A N W O M E N Ellen Mogensen, 941.575.0258 Presbyterian Women activities offer an opportunity to connect with and get to know others in our congregation. We are a very welcoming, friendly group! ________________________________________ Protect Yourself from Identity Theft! October 20 at 11:30AM All men and women are invited to this timely program—have you been “hacked” lately? It seems that we hear about identity theft almost every day. At our Salad Luncheon/Fall Gathering , US Postal Inspector Mark Cavic will explain how to keep your information safe and protect your identity. Please think of someone who would like to be invited! Everyone is welcome—friends, neighbors, visitors. Bring a salad to feed 6, or a larger salad if bringing guests. Please help us in planning—sign up at the carousel. Our annual Pecan Sale begins Sunday, October 19—the 1st day to place your orders. These delicious and freshly picked Georgia pecans are wonderful for holiday baking, and they make lovely gifts. This is our major fundraiser. All proceeds support our PW missions programs. Creator’s Crafters—An opportunity for fellowship and friendship. October 14 and 28, Noon to 3PM. Bring a brown bag lunch and your own drink—stay as long as you wish. Bring any craft you like or need help with. Or just come to socialize and see what others are doing. Do you have a project that you would like to finish? We all have UFOs (unfinished objects). Sit and chat, and turn those into completed projects! We’ll meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays. PW Coordinating Team will meet Monday, October 6, at 1PM in the Boardroom. Peace River Presbytery PW Workshop on Saturday, November 1, will be hosted by Northminster Presbyterian Church in Bradenton. Workshop Sessions are open to everyone—not just PW leaders. Two classes may entice you: “God is Wild About You” (learn and be inspired) and “Mision Peniel” (now under management of our Presbytery—Pastor Miguel Estrada will speak). Workshop sessions will be followed by lunch. Cost is $10. Register at the carousel, or call the church office during business hours. Registration due no later than Monday, October 20. You can sign up at the Gathering—we will carpool. We always have a good attendance. Come join us! Annual PW “Thank Offering” Sunday, November 2 will be collected at all church services. This special offering gives us a tangible way to express gratitude to our Lord for special blessings in our lives. At least 40% of this offering supports health ministries throughout the world. The 2014 offering will fund 30 grants to programs that provide clean water, alleviate homelessness, provide education opportunities, promote health, and improve the lives of women and children worldwide. The 2014 goal is $900,000. No guidelines are suggested other than “give as you are blessed.” Dates to remember October 6 – Coordinating Team meets at 1PM in the Boardroom October 14 and 28 – Creator’s Crafters from Noon to 3PM in Room 1 October 19 - annual Pecan Sale begins—1st day to order October 20 – Fall Gathering/Salad Luncheon, 11:30AM in Fellowship Hall November 1 – Leadership Challenge Workshop, 9AM at Northminster Presbyterian, Bradenton November 2 – PW Thank Offering collected at each church service January 18 at 3PM – annual Social Event: “President and Mrs. Lincoln,” a live performance Blessings to you all, Ellen Mogensen, PW Moderator C O N G R E G A T I O N A L C A R E Warren Mezger and Lois Gorman, Elders We will be starting up our Wednesday Night Sharing (potlucks) on October 15 and continue weekly for 6 weeks until November 19. Joy will be leading the FaithWorks program that follow these potluck dinners. Dinner will be at 5PM and Joy’s presentation will follow from 6PM - 7PM. Please plan to come and join us. We are looking for volunteers to help on Wednesday evenings, on Sunday mornings for Holy Grounds Café and for Memorial Services. There will be a sign up sheet on the carousel for those interested in helping in any of these areas. We need updated lists … so if you are already a volunteer and would like to continue to volunteer please be sure to re-sign up! It is a nice way to get to know people in out church family. I will be happy to work with anyone that is interested in getting involved in any of these areas. Looking forward to all the activities starting up for the fall. We will be having our Annual Trunk o’ Treats on Friday, October 24. Hope to see everyone there! Blessings, Lois Gorman S T E P H E N M I N I S T R Y Have you wondered about the Stephen Ministry logo that you see on our literature? This logo tells a story—the story of a care receiver's journey from brokenness toward wholeness through the cross of Jesus. It is a journey made possible by “Christ caring for people through people”--the Stephen Ministry motto. Please hold our new Stephen Ministry class in prayer as they are trained to allow Christ to help them care for others. ! F I T N E S S ‘ N ’ F U N Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9:00AM 10 Session punch card: $35.00 Drop-in fee $5.00 According to Genesis 1:29, after God created humans God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food." And then Genesis 2:9 says in part: "And the Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground - trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food." One of those trees is called Theobroma Cacao, the seeds from which various chocolate products are produced. Certainly most if not all of you have heard that consuming chocolate, especially dark chocolate, often combined with certain fruits, has some pretty positive health benefits. And if chocolate is good for you, it's probably because of a group of phytochemicals ("phyto" means plant) called flavanols. Specifically, scientists have found that cocoa flavanols positively affect the circulatory system and help maintain the flexibility of arteries. However, flavonol content depends on how the cocoa is processed, so one needs to be careful in product selection (stay away from "Dutch-process"); also, one needs to consider the calorie content of a given product. An approved health claim in Europe is in order to support normal blood flow and heart health, 200 milligrams of cocoa flavanols should be consumed daily. This amount could be provided by 2 oz. of dark chocolate at the expense of 320 calories or 1 " Tbs. of cocoa powder at the expense of 20 calories, plus the cost difference is significant. The suggestion is to try mixing the cocoa powder into your coffee, warm milk, oatmeal or yogurt. Also, for those into antioxidants, according the USDA, cocoa powder has a very high antioxidant value (54653 umol TE/100g), and for those into probiotics, according to an American Chemical Society news release reflecting LSU research, March 18, 2014, the good microbes in the gut feast on chocolate, producing compounds that are anti-inflammatory. So why not give the seed of one of God's trees a try, after all, I'm sure you've heard the expression "chocolate's a vegetable (or fruit)!" Art Anderssen, Stretch ‘n’ Tone Instructor and certified Health Coach E X P L O R E R S The Explorers group is planning on taking the Peace River Nature Cruise on October 22 at 2PM. It is a three and a half hour trip that leaves from Fishermen’s Village on the King Fisher Fleet. This half-day true eco-tour on the Peace River is a must for those who want to experience natural Florida at it’s best! Common wildlife sightings include alligators, egrets, herons, ospreys, and many others. This cruise is narrated by naturalists from the Charlotte Harbor Environmental Center and part of the proceeds from the trip help support their preservation efforts around Charlotte Harbor. The cost of the trip is $24.95 +tax. We will have supper at a local restaurant at Fishermen’s Village. For more information please contact Bill Thomson 941.639.5723 A D D R E S S U P D A T E S Bill Ancona 17258 Acapulco Road Punta Gorda, FL 33955 Nancy Kustron 3600 Tripoli Blvd. Punta Gorda, FL 33950 Bob and Connie Swert 23033 Westchester Blvd., Apt. C407 Port Charlotte, FL 33980 Please contact the office if you have a change of address or email change. Thank you! October • 2014 B O A R ’ S H E A D F E H E L P W A N T E D S T I V A L The Burnt Store Worship Arts folk are undertaking a new venture this year. Joann Kidd brought us an idea from one of the churches she used to attend, an Epiphany festival called “Boar’s Head” festival. Originating in the 15th century, this musical and processional celebration depicts all the people of the village bringing their gifts to the Christ Child. The Praise Chorale will provide grand and glorious music, beautiful costumes are being made (YES, we need seamstresses - just basic sewing help needed!), and now we need people to be a part of the procession! If you like to dress up and celebrate Christ’s birth, this is your opportunity! On the door of Joy’s office (across from Tim’s) is a sign-up sheet of the many different people we need - basically to walk down the aisle of the church and be part of the tableau in the front. What part would YOU like to play?? Sign your name next to your favorite - but please know, that there is a slight possibility you may need to be reassigned depending on costume availability. Two other needs - a “Procession organizer” - if you are a good organizing type person, and can help with getting people in line and sending them in at the right time, please speak to Joy as soon as you can. Training provided! AND also needed is someone to organize/help prepare/supervise the children as they are getting ready and waiting their turn in line. Following the Festival, there will be reception for the congregation, with the “villagers”, featuring pies including mince pie! - and a (non-alcoholic) wassail bowl. The Festival will be held the day after Epiphany, Wednesday, January 7. Mark your calendars! October • 2014 BURNT STORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH October is Pastor Appreciation month and we at Burnt Store Presbyterian Church joyfully join in that recognition. Paul's admonition to "serve one another in love" (Gal. 5:13) should encourage us to remember our shepherds. A night out on the town: Join in the fellowship and celebration on Sunday, October 26 at 5:00PM as the church family takes Pastor Tim and Karin and Pastor Cassie and Matt out for dinner at Phil’s 41 on Tamiami Trail in Punta Gorda. A sign-up sheet is at the Information Carousel or you can call Robin for reservations. We must provide a final count so be sure to sign up by October 16 if you plan to attend. Dinner will be dutch treat and Phil’s 41 will be offering a limited menu. We hope you can join us in celebration of Pastor Tim’s and Pastor Cassie’s service to our Lord and Savior. Good wishes from the congregation: You are invited to express your appreciation in writing by dropping a card in the mail or in the basket at Phil’s 41 or at the Information Carousel on Sunday October 19. A spoken compliment is always welcome, but a written one can be read over and over again for years to come. Pastoring a congregation is a gift that takes a special combination of administrative, spiritual and leadership skills. Take a moment to let our Pastors know you appreciate their gifts. Mike Huston, Clerk of Session ...reaching up, making disciples, changing lives n a Pe c e l a S Just in time for Holiday Gift giving! If you are a pecan nut lover, or chocolate fan, come support the Presbyterian Women’s Annual Georgia Pecan Nut Sale! Prices: same or less than store-bought, premium quality pecans Quality: guaranteed fresh and superior quality Decorator Bags: delicious, ready-wrapped gifts 2014 ORDER FORM Package Size No. of Packages Price Per Package • Pecan Pieces - Medium 12 oz. bag ________ $ 11.00 $ _______ • Giant Pecan Halves 16 oz. bag ________ $ 12.00 $ _______ • Dark Chocolate Covered Pecans 12 oz. bag ________ $ 11.50 $ _______ • Chocolate Covered Pecans 12 oz. bag ________ $ 11.50 $ _______ • Chocolate Caramel Clusters 10 oz. bag ________ $ 11.50 $ _______ • Cinnamon Glazed Pecans 10 oz. bag ________ $ 11.50 $ _______ • Pecan Recipe Cookbook NEW! 1 Book ________ $ 10.00 $ _______ Product Total Cost Name _______________________________________ Phone Number ________________________________ Total Cost of Order $ _______ E-Mail Address ________________________________ ORDER DATES - MUST PRE-PAY Bring order form to Information Carousel on: Oct. 19 Nov. 9 Oct. 26 Nov. 16 Nov. 2 Nov. 23 Orders are to be picked up beginning November 9 - After Church Date paid __________________ ! Cash ! Check #__________ (make checks payable to: Presbyterian Women) I will pick up my order on: Sunday, October • 2014 S H O U T O U T A Shout Out to Judy Galpin for driving the homeless to facilities that will provide them with the opportunity to freshen up with clean clothes. You are making a difference Judy. Thank you! A Shout Out to Andy Lacza for becoming a United States citizen. Congratulations Andy—we are proud of you! A Shout Out to Joe Potts for his generous and kind support of the Winter Concert Series. Thank you Joe! A Shout Out to Sharyl Weinberg and Pat Haas for stepping up and taking charge of the prayer beads project until Margy Will can return. Your efforts are special and appreciated. Thank you Sharyl and Pat! A Shout Out to Bob and Kathy Mayes for both ushering and hosting Holy Grounds Cafe on September 21st. Your willingness to help is a model for all of us. Thank you Bob and Kathy! A Shout Out to Aileen Brandt from Bob and Rosie Gable with many thanks for facilitating Faithworks Making Sense of the Bible while we were on vacation. Thank you Aileen! W A L L O F C R O S S E S C R O S S S T O R I E S This cross, donated by C.H. Walrath, was made in Italy before WWI and was used in school to pray for peace. This is a small cross and you will need to look carefully to find it on the Wall of Crosses! N O T E O F T H A N K S To all my sisters and brothers in the family of God, I want to thank you for the all the prayers, cards, flowers, food and presents. I have decided I am no longer sick, just weak! Please continue to pray for wellness and strength. Thanks again for all your support. May you enjoy God's peace and blessings, Margy Will Sing for the Cure Cancer Benefit Concert ! Sunday, November 9 4:00pm ! Burnt Store Presbyterian Church ! A free will offering will be received, with monies raised going to local cancer programs. Sing for the Cure, a Proclamation of Hope, is a musical and dramatic production describing the journey of a person who has been diagnosed with cancer. It is based on the true stories of cancer survivors as they cry, struggle, and even laugh along the way. Interested singers/readers should contact Joy Toll-Chandler at (941)639-0001 or [email protected] as soon as possible. Practices will be Sunday Oct 19, 26, and Nov 2 from 2-4 pm at Burnt Store Presbyterian Church. This work will be presented by a group of volunteer community singers. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to take a part in performing the work! Also needed are folks who would be willing to do short readings between musical numbers. Director Joy Toll-Chandler Director of Worship Arts Burnt Store Presbyterian Church If your life has had an encounter with cancer you are perfect for being a part of this group! Music & Drama Tish Panozzo Choral Director Faith Lutheran Church Accompanist Shawn Marren, Sr. Director of Music Ministries 1st United Methodist Church October • 2014 B U R N T S T OCRHURCH E P R E S B Y T E RIA N BURNT STORE PRESBYTERIAN Red Kettle Bell Ringer Volunteer Form !"#$#%&'()&*+'*,'-"#'.*$'!"'#$%&"'(")%*'+%*,-."*%/!&'01$%21' Please complete this form and send as an email attachment to [email protected] or place in the Red Kettle at BSPC Information Counter in the Church Narthex 2015 Concert Series … Three evenings of wonderful entertainment Name(s): ________________________________________ January 12: Let’s Hang On A tribute to Frankie Valli and other classics from the era know for fun Address: ________________________________________ uplifting music ________________________________________ Cell Phone #: February 16: Barbary Coast ________________________________________ Dixieland Show Band Home Phone #: Toe-tapping entertainment ________________________________________ Email Address: ___________________________________________________________ March 16: Purdue Varsity Glee Club Place a Check Mark in the Boxes below to indicate your preferences Dynamic musical troupe with 1. Preferred Volunteer Day(s): unparalleled showmanship Monday CHURCH □ □ Tuesday □ Wednesday □ Thursday □ Friday □ Saturday Ticket Information: Season tickets for the 3 concerts are $50. Single performance tickets are 20, and will Time go on sale December 26, □ 2014, if available. Preferred of Day: Morning □ Mid-Day □ Afternoon Season tickets will be available between worship services at the Information Carousel from 2. September Number ofthru Days Volunteer: □ Oneoffice□onTwoMondays, □ Three □ Fourand Fridays □ Fivefrom Maytoand from the church Wednesdays 9:00 a.m. to noon. 3. Are you willing to be On Call for Last Minute Cancellations: □ Yes □ No You can also order your season tickets by mailing the form below, with a check and a selfaddressed and stamped envelope to the church, attention: Concert Committee. Details confirming exact 2 There hour time Performances will start at 7:30 p.m. Doors openyour at 6:30 p.m. is no slot(s) reserved seating. will be provided for your review and acceptance as the overall schedule is finalized. Name_______________________________________________ Phone Number________________ ThisAddress__________________________________________________________________________ BSPC project is in support of the Charlotte County Salvation Army. The location of our Red Kettle is at the South entrance of the Publix store on Highway 41 & Burnt Store Road, i.e. the entrance on the ________________________________________________________________________________ same side as Burnt Store Grill. Another church will be handling the Red Kettle at the other Publix Number All of Season x $50will = ______ entrance. of the Tickets money_____ collected go to providing support to Charlotte County people in need. Special entry for guests with wheelchairs or walkers… justwill inform theon parking attendant uponcontinue arrival. through December 24 th from 9am to The Red Kettle collection begin November 7th and BURNT STOREwill be no collections on the Sundays or on Thanksgiving day during that period. 5pm. There PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 11330 Burnt Store Road If you have any questions, please contact Joe Potts at 941-505-5758 or [email protected] Punta Gorda, FL 33955-1402 phone: 941.639.0001 fax: 941.639.1069 e-mail: [email protected] world wide web: www.bspconline.org BURNT STORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH !"#$#%&'()&*+'*,'-"#'.*$'!"'#$%&"'(")%*'+%*,-."*%/!&'01$%21' 2015 Concert Series … Three evenings of wonderful entertainment January 12: Let’s Hang On A tribute to Frankie Valli and other classics from the era know for fun uplifting music February 16: Barbary Coast Dixieland Show Band Toe-tapping entertainment March 16: Purdue Varsity Glee Club Dynamic musical troupe with unparalleled showmanship Ticket Information: Season tickets for the 3 concerts are $50. Single performance tickets are 20, and will go on sale December 26, 2014, if available. Season tickets will be available between worship services at the Information Carousel from September thru May and from the church office on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to noon. You can also order your season tickets by mailing the form below, with a check and a selfaddressed and stamped envelope to the church, attention: Concert Committee. Performances will start at 7:30 p.m. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. There is no reserved seating. Name_______________________________________________ Phone Number________________ Address__________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Number of Season Tickets _____ x $50 = ______ Special entry for guests with wheelchairs or walkers… just inform the parking attendant upon arrival. BURNT STORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 11330 Burnt Store Road Punta Gorda, FL 33955-1402 phone: 941.639.0001 fax: 941.639.1069 e-mail: [email protected] world wide web: www.bspconline.org October • 2014 Birthdays and Anniversaries 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sandy Brandt Bill Monge Ellen Myers Al and Judy Messner Don and Beth Muhlnickel Zach Cain Jack Hill William and Janet Betz Bill and Mary Lou Carroll Kathy Potts Jugal Gogia Norm Harper Jack and Jane Moore 18 19 20 21 22 23 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 Tom Weekes Pat Barnes Jerry Cornell Eileene Fordham Shawn Kipfer Dick Webb Dana Whittemore Aubrey Stadtler Oscar and Dottie Schauss Laura Abraham Lorie Butcosk Don DeWitt Heidi Kaletta Paul Vornheder Bernie and Marilyn Poelman Oscar Schauss Chuck Atwood Bonnie Haff Wendall Mason Dave Thomas Ruth MacNider 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Paul Devon Bruce Gensmer Shirlou Fisher Joe Molhoek Karen and Warren Renninger Tim and Karin Stewart Ellen Molhoek Dave Allen Mary Alice Davis Anne Newing Tom Wiegand Chuck and Barb McFarland Jim and Nan Qurollo Jim Madison David Reynolds Janet Betz Orrin and Celia Eames Bill and Karen Fuchs Helen Rygmyr Donn Davis Sam Thomas William Griffiths Carl McBride Margaret Sieck Robert and Lindy Moore Dave and Phyllis Thomas Evelyn Gibson Ruth Nederveld Nadine Ping Frank and Karen Bishop Jeff Cain Dori Wine Darryl King Ron Siegrist Ed and Lucille Welchman Kid’s Birthdays 4! 23! ! 24! Emily Leopard Nannette Anderson Emilee Nazworth Endri Bejte Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday ! Thursday " Friday Saturday % & !# !! $:## Evangelism NO PROPERTY MTG ":## Stephen Ministry ' !" Youth Wreath Sale kick o, ( ) !:## PW Coordinating Team !:## Cong* Care Mtg* (:!' Deacons Mtg* (:%# Finance Mtg* !% !& $:## Seminole Lakes HOA mtg* (:%# Mac Users !$ "# Pecan Sale Kick o, + !!:%# Immokalee Mission Trip !' !":## Creative Crafters (:## Stephen Ministry (:%# Session "! !) "" Stephen Ministry "% "& !#:## CE Ministry "+ !+ $:%# Burnt Store Meadows HOA mtg* !!:%# PW Fall Gathering-Luncheon ") !( ":## Stephen Ministry Class "' ':## . ):## ":## Stephen Ministry Class (:%# Personnel "( $ "$ %# %! !":## Creative Crafters !:## Mission Ministry &:## Worship Ministry Mtg* (:%# Stewardship Regular Weekly Events Sunday 8:15 & 11:00 Traditional Worship 8:15 Holy Grounds Café 9:40 Come As You Are Worship 9:40 Faithworks 11:00 MY PLACE Youth Group 11:00 FaithWorks Monday 9:00 Fitness ‘n Fun 5:00 Dance and Devotion ":## Stephen Ministry Class Tuesday 9:00 Prayer Bead Workshop 10:00 Women’s Bible Study 7:00 SunCoast Statesmen Wednesday 8:00 Men’s Bible Study 9:00 Fitness ‘n Fun 10:00 Card Embroidery 10:00 Griefshare 6:00 Praise Team Rehearsal Thursday 9:30 Adult Daycare Noon AA 3:45 Praise Bells 7:00 Praise Chorale Thursday con’t 12:30 Adult Daycare Exercise Friday Fitness ‘n Fun October • 2014 BURNT STORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 11330 Burnt Store Road Punta Gorda, FL 33955-1402 www.bspconline.org • [email protected] phone: 941.639.0001 • fax: 941.639.1069 Blessings are sent to the home of... Burnt Store Presbyterian Church’s members and friends! ....reaching up, making disciples, changing lives October is pastor appreciation month October 26, 2014 Dutch Treat Dinner at Phil’s 41 5:00PM PLEASE SIGN UP AT THE CAROUSEL OR CONTACT THE OFFICE
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