Document 329407

A monthly publication for
Members and Friends of
St. Luke’s Lutheran Church
Be Living Stones—through Discipleship
The main goal of the Discipleship Ministry is to make disciples of Jesus Christ, who will then
make more disciples of Jesus.
The first believers in Christ called themselves disciples. Disciples are people who are called
by Jesus Himself to be disciples. This starts the discipling process in an individual. The call to
discipleship is a sovereign act of God’s grace and love for which no disciple can claim any
credit or distinction.
Disciples of Jesus respect and believe the teachings of Jesus, but they go beyond these to the
Person of Jesus. After the resurrection and ascension of Jesus the disciples did not quote the
teachings of Jesus nearly as much as they witnessed to Him as a person, to His life and work
for the world’s salvation.
A disciple is transformed to dedicate his life to Christ. A disciple’s goal is to “grow in the grace
and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”
Martin Luther said, “The Christian is always in the process of becoming.” Luther said, “This life
is not a being holy but a becoming is not a being but a becoming+The end has not
been reached, but we are on the way that leads to it.”
Paul writes in 2 Timothy 1:8b-9 “But join with me in suffering for the gospel by the power of
God, who has saved us and called us to a holy life not because of anything we have done but
because of his own purpose and grace.”
One way to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ is to discover, then develop, and then deploy
your spiritual gifts. Discovery is finding out what our spiritual gifts are. Development is bringing those gifts to their full potential through learning and growth. Deployment refers to using
your spiritual gifts.
October 30 at 7:30PM is the beginning of the next class on Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts.
God is calling each of us to be more like Jesus in character and service. Please take this calling seriously.
A brother in Christ,
Jim Johnston
St. Luke’s Lutheran Church
715-423-5990 FAX 715-423-5936
2011 Tenth Street South
Page 1
Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494-6305
Email: [email protected]
Greetings in Christ,
October 2014
Orange is a great color for Fall as we watch the leaves change colors and see pumpkins in fields and on porches. Orange is also a way to describe the relationship between the church and families. I attended a conference in September called ORANGE.
The theory is that families and churches need to work together to impart faith to the
next generation. They have designed the image above that I wish you could see in color. The church circle is yellow and the family circle is red, where they overlap working together is “orange”. Our
culture has changed greatly over the last two decades. How do we meet the needs of families and encourage each
other to take time to build relationships that make disciples. We all received orange rubber bands as we entered
and learned about the tension between truths that seem to contradict each other. Ministry questions aren’t easy to
answer but tension can be a good thing. It’s the tension in a rubber band that propels (energizes) a rock from a
sling shot. Its important to create momentum to move people forward in faith as well. At confirmation orientation this fall, parents were introduced to “Sticky Faith” with the same idea. How can the church and families
work together to help children, preteens and teens develop a faith that sticks throughout their lives. A faith that
moves them forward in deepening their relationship with Jesus. I hope we can explore this further in discipleship
this year.
God’s blessings as you build on the cornerstone of Christ Martha Strong, Director of Christian Ed and Family Ministry
St. Luke’s Kingdom Quest Sunday School
We are excited to see many new faces in Sunday School this fall. The Preschool 3’s/4’s and
5K classes are overflowing. We are still looking for story tellers and song leaders to help in the
Music and Story Room and we may need a few more helps in the Preschool/Kindergarten room.
We thank all the wonderful teachers and helpers who have stepped forward to share their love for
Jesus and love for children this fall in Sunday School.
Our October offering will go to- LIVING QUARTERS - a project to help Helping Hands Gospel Mission
with their work to help the homeless and to prevent homelessness in our area. Children are encouraged to bring
quarters Sunday school to help provide living quarters for those who don’t have a space of their own. On Oct
24/25 Helping Hands Gospel Mission will hold the 3rd Annual Box City event to raise awareness of the difficulties of homelessness. Look for more information an sponsor a participant in Box City.
Our classes are enjoying the Heaven is For Real studies in all grades. Heaven is God’s home and the
place He has prepared for all who believe. We should know all we can about our forever home and share God’s
love with everyone so that they can join us there. We are having a great time learning about Heaven!
On Sunday, October 19 we will sing about those Pearly Gates at the 10:30 a.m. service. Please join us.
9:00 am — Noon
Saturday, October 25 or November 1
Do you need help with fall yardwork to ready your home for winter?
St. Luke’s Youth would like to lend a helping hand. If you could use some help, fill out the
information below or call the church office (423-5990) and we will line up workers to serve you.
We accept free will donations and the money received will fund a Christmas Mission Project.
Name ______________________________
____ October 25 ____ Nov 1
Address ______________________________________________________________
I need help with ________________________________________________________
How to Celebrate National Clergy Appreciation Month
In 1 Timothy, Paul wrote, "The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching" (1 Tim. 5:17). And, in 1 Thessalonians, he said, "Respect
those who work hard among you, who are over you in the Lord and who admonish you. Hold them in the highest
regard in love because of their work" (1 Thess. 5:12-13).
National Clergy Appreciation month is celebrated in October. Church workers do much to encourage us and instill faith and hope when it is lacking or waining. During this month do something to acknowledge the time and
commitment that Pastor Paul, Deacon Jim, Pastor Tim, DCE Martha, Jodi Lubeck and Richard Casper have
made to building up God's church here at St. Luke’s. Our appreciation of our church workers should not be limited to one month out of the year, but designating that month for that purpose gives us an opportunity to ponder
the special ways they bring a blessed friendship into our lives. Here are some ways that we can show our gratitude to the church workers of St. Luke’s who have committed their lives to serving God.
Pray. There is nothing stronger you can do for your pastor/DCE/deacon than pray for them. Ask God to bless
them, protect them, and multiply their wisdom, love, and faith ten fold.
Give verbal appreciation. Don't rush out of service this month without seeing Pastors Paul & Tim, Deacon Jim
or DCE Martha and saying hello, how are you, thank you for your wonderful sermon or terrific children’s sermon.
After church services the church worker can sometimes be mobbed by people trying to get a word with them.
Take the extra few minutes to wait and see them. Shake their hand, look them in the eye and tell them just how
much you appreciate the work they do!
Send them a written note with some words of encouragement. When your church worker does or says
something that touches you personally don't hesitate to send them a note and tell them. They spend a lot of time
each week preparing sermons. If they don't hear from the church members how will they know if they're making a
difference in the lives of others?
Offer your services or talents. The lives of church workers are filled with tasks and chores just like the rest of
us. They need to get their oil changed, update their office computer, learn how to use the latest computer program, rake leaves, learn how to skype, etc... If you have a skill or expertise that you think might make their life a
little easier, offer your time. Not only will you show your appreciation but you might also forge a closer relationship with him/her.
Volunteer at your church. Whether it be once a week, once a month, or once a year, do something to contribute to your church community. Contributing at your church is not just about giving money. Contribution of time is
just as important. There are so many different ministries available in churches today that there are no excuses for
thinking you have nothing to add or no time to give.
Bring them some homemade goods or produce from your garden. It will warm their hearts to receive a basket of goodies. Don't forget to include at least a small note-card saying thank you.
Invite the pastoral family to your home. Have a lunch, dinner, or brunch and invite your church worker and
their family. Make sure to tell them how much their work has meant to you and your family. And don't forget to
thank their whole family. Church workers often spend a lot of time helping others which means a lot of time away
from their own family. They too should be thanked for their sacrifices.
Send them a gift card or gift basket. If you don't have much time but still want to show them you care, send
them a gift card or basket from a local restaurant or business. Tell the business that you're purchasing it as a gift
of appreciation to your church leader. While you're at it, invite the business owners to a service. Not only will you
support a small business but you'll also be spreading the word about how much you value your church and its
Finally, invite someone to attend a service with you. Show your church leaders that you appreciate them so
much, you want to share them and more importantly, God, with the world.
Card Boxes will be available at both entrances of the church. If you’d like to write a note or give them a card –
you can use these boxes to “mail” them. The office will distribute the cards after each weekend services in October. The most impactful thing you can do for our church workers is pray for them. 40 Day Prayer Guides are
available in the narthex to help you begin making that a daily process. Pick one up.
The term “living stones” in 1 Peter 2:5 is used as a metaphor to illustrate the secure and intimate relationship
believers have with Jesus who, in turn, is described in the previous verse as the “living Stone” (1 Peter 2:4).
Together, these two verses vividly picture how Christ and His followers are a building being built by God
Himself: “As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to Him—
you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual
sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 2:4–5).
The foundation of God’s building is His Son, Jesus Christ, the “living Stone.” The “living stones,” in turn,
are believers who come to Jesus and place their lives upon this foundation.
At other places in Scripture, Jesus is described as the chief cornerstone upon which is
built the universal church, a unified body of believers, both Jew and Gentile
(Ephesians 2:19–22). Peter referenced Jesus as the cornerstone in Acts 4:11–12, stating that “salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven
given to men by which we must be saved.” God does not accept anyone who refuses
to become a part of His building. And God is just like all builders—He has a foundation upon which all workers must lay the stones of their lives (Matthew 7:24–27).
Believers, then, are the “living stones” of the church. As such, we must remember that God is eternal, which
means His building is eternal. The foundation Stone laid by God shall never decay nor waste away. Christ
lives forever and ever. In placing our lives upon the living Stone of God, we find that He supports and holds
us up eternally. We, in turn, become living stones, stones that will live on forever and ever. A physical house
is not permanent; it ages, deteriorates, and wastes away. But being the spiritual house of God, we do not age,
deteriorate, or decay. We live on in God’s eternal spiritual house.
The function of the living stones is to “declare the praises” of Him who called us out of the darkness of sin
into the light of life and glory. This is the “job description” of a living stone: a declarer of truth and love and
light, both by our words and the life we live before others in the world.
Our Sympathy to the Following Members & Friends of St. Luke’s:
Russ & Donna Zunker & family at the death of their daughter
Kristle Snyder
Dawn Hurr, Emily Winters & families at the death of father &
brother Robert Schmidt.
Carrie Dillingham & family at the death of grandmother Catherine
Deloris Bodo, David Haney & family at the death of son and father Dan Haney.
Bonnie Saeger & family at the death of her father Donald
Kim Kronstedt & family at the death of her mother Sharon
Family & friends of Brenda Mannel
Suzanne Onesti & family at the death of her
mother Patsy Siebert
Jan Walker, Della Walker, Renee Peden at the
death of husband, son and father Michael Walker. Michael is also the grandfather of Bensen & Bergen Peden,
brother of Gail McIntyre & Tim Walker and son-in-law of Marilyn
Giebel and brother-in-law of Doug Brock.
Robert Ceplina and Bo Ceplina & familes at the death of mother
and grandmother Grace Ceplina.
“Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His
saints.” Psalm 116:15
October’s Lineup From The Library
Are you ready for Fall? I know I love the coolness and the changing of colors. Not ready for the snowfall
yet, though. This month’s list is made up from sections one and eleven.
From section one is an old one: Old – The Un-Nimble Thimble by Roberta Updegraff. This is a Church
Choir Mystery from Guidepost. Gracie, the main character, is the church’s Jessica from “Murder She Wrote”.
Between starting a sewing circle and helping her pastor, she is trying to figure out who is getting into houses
and hurting her pastor. With help from her fellow church members the truth does come out. This book has
never been checked out, but part of this might be that it sits on the bottom shelf of section one. Please give it
a chance – you might like it.
From section eleven are two new ones: Glimpses Of Heaven by Trudy Harris, RN. This book has fortyfour different stories in it. They are true stories of hope and peace at the end of life’s journey. The stories are only two pages or so but have so much feeling and reassurance of
what is to come. Trudy was a hospice nurse and has sat with these people and shared their
journey home. Make sure you have a box of tissues next to you.
Another tear jerker and moving book is To Henry in Heaven (Reflections on the loss of a
child) by Herbert Brokering. It is a book of poems and conversations to comfort family members who have lost a child to stillbirth or miscarriage. I have never had the misfortune of
losing a child, but then I have never had the greatness of giving birth either. By reading this book it has
helped me to understand, a little, of what it could be like. I think it could help anyone who has lost a child. All
I ask is give it a chance.
One last thing I want to add this month, we have two new sections - 18 and 19. Eighteen is about health
issues, such as diabetes, autism, and has a couple of diet books. It is located to the left of the book return
door. Nineteen has the books from Stephen Ministry. It is located on the top shelf straight up from the book
Hope you give the books a chance to make you smile and cry some tears. We always like to hear suggestions as to what you want to read. Also, thanks for the donations that have been given.
October Anniversaries
Edward & Sandra Barse
Glenn & Donna Hansen
Jacob & Shannon Klingforth
J.P. & Brittany LaChapelle
Roger & Karen Schiller
Eric & Genevieve Kosmatka
Don & Beverly Sleeter
Dale & Jennifer Damrau
Neil & Renee Peden
Charles & Jan Miller
Jerry & Janet Meddaugh
Herb & Jonna Kronholm
Pastor Paul & Melissa Tonn
Tom & Janet Gaber
Lucas & Tia Machon
Steve & Linda Reinolt
Jake & Katie Johnson
Eric & Cheryl Millman
Doug & Suzanne Berg
Krzystof & Susan Janicki
Don & Sheryl Joosten
Mark & Jodi Lubeck
Oct. 1
Oct. 1
Oct. 1
Oct. 2
Oct. 2
Oct. 3
Oct. 3
Oct. 4
Oct. 4
Oct. 6
Oct. 7
Oct. 8
Oct. 8
Oct. 11
Oct. 11
Oct. 12
Oct. 13
Oct. 14
Oct. 15
Oct. 15
Oct. 15
Oct. 15
31 yrs.
54 yrs.
3 yrs.
4 yrs.
27 yrs.
5 yrs.
50 yrs.
28 yrs.
11 yrs.
24 yrs.
14 yrs.
26 yrs.
3 yrs.
34 yrs.
6 yrs.
18 yrs.
7 yrs.
25 yrs.
31 yrs.
14 yrs.
17 yrs.
20 yrs.
Clark & Jean Orlowski
Vernon & Barbara Ahles
Ronald & Rhonda Arneson
Dale & Tina Dahl
Kelly & Laura Pixler
Tim & Kathleen Brill
David & Vicky Henke
James & Terry Wunrow
Richard & Caroline Casper
Lyle & Rebecca Ott
Randy & Dixie Plowman
Michael & Barbara Arndt
Steve & Wendy Dudley
William & Sherri Becker
Keith & Carole Liebenstein
Steve & Susy Irwin
Chuck & Carol Korn
Rob & Robin Mateer
Jacob & Jessica Slusser
Tim & Ann Stainbrook
Eric & Sherri Robinson
Bill & Judy Haas
Oct. 16
Oct. 17
Oct. 17
Oct. 17
Oct. 17
Oct. 19
Oct. 19
Oct. 20
Oct. 21
Oct. 21
Oct. 21
Oct. 23
Oct. 23
Oct. 24
Oct. 24
Oct. 25
Oct. 26
Oct. 26
Oct. 27
Oct. 27
Oct. 28
Oct. 29
43 yrs.
44 yrs.
27 yrs.
22 yrs.
5 yrs.
18 yrs.
57 yrs.
7 yrs.
47 yrs.
8 yrs.
8 yrs.
32 yrs.
21 yrs.
33 yrs.
44 yrs.
11 yrs.
51 yrs.
1 yr.
2 yrs.
41 yrs.
8 yrs.
54 yrs.
October Birthdays
Emil Ehlert
Jeff Hillstead
Autumn Olson
Susan Wolden
Noah Calverley
Marjorie Erdman
Eldon Grimm
Alice Knuteson
Jerry Oertel
Nora Ewan
Paige Kubisiak
Shelli Peters
Yvonne Vanderhei
Derick Cherney
Shirley Collins
Tiara Flater
Donna Hansen
Faith Jepson
Shelby Krommenacker
Brooklyn Machon
Dawn Reber
Vera Keller
Cheryl Millman
Reinhold Wunrow
Lucy Zimmerman
Courtney Anunson
Michael Hammitt
Lauren Johnson
Ryan Lorden
Beverly Schoenike
Matthew Arneson
Andrea Barse
Robert Klingforth
Theodore Narel
Kevin Henke
Samantha Schmutzer
Ashley Seidel
Thelma Sigourney
Paige Bohn
Steve Hoelzlhammer
Jordan Joosten
Sharon Redmann
William Alger
Edward Barse
Bryan Beamish
Teri Doherty
Carol Gilbert
Kristina Glinski
Jodi Lubeck
Patricia Sleeter
Bonnie Anderson
Richard Casper
Maisie Langholff
October 1
October 1
October 1
October 1
October 2
October 2
October 2
October 2
October 2
October 3
October 3
October 3
October 3
October 4
October 4
October 4
October 4
October 4
October 4
October 4
October 4
October 5
October 5
October 5
October 5
October 6
October 6
October 6
October 6
October 6
October 7
October 7
October 7
October 7
October 8
October 8
October 8
October 8
October 9
October 9
October 9
October 9
October 10
October 10
October 10
October 10
October 10
October 10
October 10
October 10
October 11
October 11
October 11
Daniel Romanski
Aryn Schneider
Tyler Lewis
Gordon Pavlik
Charlie Pixler
Patricia Volz
Matthew Bauknecht
David Hellmich
Cassandra Kilponen
David Gibbons
Cheryl Grosbier
Fiona Martens
Brayden Robison
William Sherd
Abigail Sherd
Colleen Zurfluh
Jayne Deering
Joshua Doherty
Chase Geyer
Linda Keller
Tiffany Nooyen
Bensen Peden
Casey Wheeler
Hannah Curtin
Michelle Hofstad
Heather Stainbrook
Fran Bailey-Gokey
Bernard Enkro
Joyce Federwitz
Dawn Higgins
Sheryl Romanski
LaVerne Wunrow
Barbara Ahles
Christopher Berg
Andrew Andres
Mary Jo Brandl
Molly Fritz
Alyssa Johnson
Asher Lehmann
Tina Monson
Calleigh Ott
Kiarra Skelton
Colette Geiger
Cynthia Weigel
Gerald Wendt
Grant Bernette
Rebecca Clasen
Janet Fisher
Anna Killian
Robin Mateer
James Nooyen
Nash Schoff
Kelli Walker
October 11
October 11
October 12
October 12
October 12
October 12
October 13
October 13
October 13
October 14
October 14
October 14
October 14
October 14
October 14
October 14
October 15
October 15
October 15
October 15
October 15
October 15
October 15
October 16
October 16
October 16
October 17
October 17
October 17
October 17
October 17
October 17
October 18
October 18
October 19
October 19
October 19
October 19
October 19
October 19
October 19
October 19
October 20
October 20
October 20
October 21
October 21
October 21
October 21
October 21
October 21
October 21
October 21
Marshall Waters
Aaron Dunn
Barbara Lieber
Lucas Mahoney
Amanda Bohn
Adam Damrau
Christina Ferguson
Amy Goodenough
Becky Krause
Shay Randrup
Lawrence Dunn
Kathy Hoelzlhammer
Kelsey Kronholm
Wendy Schlaefer
Kevin Abel
Vicki Anderson
Dakota Brock
Claudette Koch
Stephanie McCarty
Margaret Ross
Emily Winters
Emily Hansen
Jeannette Mandelin
Doug Brock
Kathi Jensen
Sherry Keating
Gerald Roth
Benjamin Smith
McKenzie Kubisiak
Robert Schedel
Randy Weigand
Mary Bowden
Tammy Rippier
Lisa Bechard
Meghan Deitz
Sandra Green
Derek Krzykowski
Katrina MacPherson
Amy Wagner
October 21
October 22
October 22
October 22
October 23
October 23
October 23
October 23
October 23
October 23
October 24
October 24
October 24
October 24
October 25
October 25
October 25
October 25
October 25
October 25
October 25
October 26
October 26
October 27
October 27
October 27
October 27
October 27
October 29
October 29
October 29
October 30
October 30
October 31
October 31
October 31
October 31
October 31
October 31
Others will follow your footsteps
more easily than they will follow
your advice.
Elders: 6:00 Harvey Zwicke
7:45 Dan Siekert
10:30 Jeff Martens
(see below for ushers Oct. 4/5)
Ushers: 6:00 Bea Jaye Herman, Kelli Trzinski, Mike Trzinski, Connie Zwicke; Subs: Brenda Henke, 715-325-3432,
Lyle Ott, 715-421-3661
7:45 Dean Krommenacker, Pauline Krommenacker, Myron Lubeck, Gerald Wendt; Sub: Phil Johnson, 715-423-9596
10:30 Mike Hoier, Deb Hoier; Subs: Ray Jacob, 715-423-8447, Dave Urban, 715-323-1954
Videographers: 7:45 October 12 & 26 Dean Krommenacker
10:30 October 5 & 19 Mike Hoier
Reception Committee: Donna Rasmussen, Emily Hansen
Pew Rack Maintenance: Russell & Donna Zunker
Wednesday, October 1, 6:15 p.m.
Elder: Chuck Korn
Acolyte: Logan Randrup Welcome Center Attnd:
Praise Team 2
Saturday & Sunday, October 4 & 5
Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
Ushers: 6:00 Connie Zwicke, Jean Elmer, Pam Denne’e, Jan Wehland
Ushers: 7:45 Pam Berndt, Sharon Koschak, Janis Ristow, Dolores Connell
Ushers 10:30: Carla Brizzee, Deb Hoier, Pam Hilke, Fran Bailey-Gokey
Acolyte: 6:00 Matthew Reinolt
7:45 Kelly Schlaefer
10:30 Alex Spang
Comm. Asst.: 6:00
7:45 Jon Hillstead
Music: 6:00
7:45 St. Luke’s Choir
10:30 Immanuel Students, St. Luke’s Choir
Readers: 6:00 Connie Sherd
7:45 Amanda Cook
10:30 Michelle Anunson
Welcome Center Attnd: 6:00 Brenda Henke
7:45 Bea Jaye Herman
10:30 Julie Spice-N/Shannon Hardy-OL
Greeters: 6:00 Connie Zwicke
7:45 Peg Drollinger, Bert/Jinalle Hansmann
10:30 Mike/Deb Hoier, Arlene/Dawn Van Duser
Nursery Care: 10:15 Jessica Stainbrook, JeT’aime Wenzel
Wednesday, October 8, 6:15 p.m.
Elder: Dan Siekert
Acolyte: Kenzie Wagner Welcome Center Attnd: Jerri Haferman Praise Team 1
Sound Technician: Wyler Lubeck
Saturday & Sunday, October 11 & 12
Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Acolyte: 6:00 JeT’aime Wenzel
7:45 Ben Balko
10:30 Julia Brehm
Comm. Asst. 6:00 Jim Nooyen
10:30 Tom Back
Music: 6:00
Readers: 6:00 Mike Trzinski
7:45 Amanda Cook
Welcome Center Attnd:6:00 Katie Brandt
7:45 Marie Austin
10:30 Holly Johnson-N/Birdie Stainbrook-OL
Greeters: 6:00 Connie Zwicke
7:45 Gordon/Emily Hansen
10:30 Mike & Deb Hoier
Nursery Care: 10:15 Jessica Stainbrook, Kaylie Marzofka
Wednesday, October 15, 6:15 p.m.
Elder: Jeff Martens
Acolyte: Abi Hammitt
Sound Technician: John Hoelzlhammer
Saturday & Sunday, October 18 & 19
Acolyte: 6:00 Lindsay Hansen
Comm. Asst. 6:00
Music: 6:00 Glory Ringers
Welcome Center Attnd: Pam Hilke
Praise Team 1
7:45 Lauren Johnson
7:45 Jon Hillstead
7:45 Glory Ringers
Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
10:30 Rayna Robison
10:30 Sunday School, Glory Ringers
Praise Team 2/Sound Technician John Botcher
Readers: 6:00 Mike Trzinski
7:45 Amanda Cook
Welcome Center Attnd: 6:00 Jean Elmer
7:45 Karen Bencke
Greeters: 6:00 Connie Zwicke
7:45 Betty Anderson
Nursery Care: 10:15 Shanna Kreutzer/ Kayden Kreutzer
10:30 Holly Johnson-N/Carla Brizzee-OL
10:30 Mike & Deb Hoier
Wednesday, October 22, 6:15 p.m.
Elder: Dan Siekert
Acolyte: Kaitlyn Schoff
Sound Technician: Mike Hoier
Welcome Center Attnd: Randy/Dixie Plowman Praise Team 2
Saturday & Sunday, October 25 & 26
Reformation Day
Acolyte: 6:00 Abbi Spaulding
7:45 Adam Urban
10:30 Jadyn Wagner
Comm. Asst. 6:00 Jim Nooyen
7:45 Jon Hillstead
10:30 Steve Pickett
Readers: 6:00 Mike Trzinski
7:45 Jody Cook
10:30 Beverly Dahn
Music: 6:00
7:45 St. Luke’s Choir
10:30 St. Luke’s Choir
Welcome Center Attnd: 6:00 Brenda Henke
7:45 Mary Burmeister
10:30 Beverly Dahn-N
Greeters: 6:00 Connie Zwicke
7:45 Bonnie Rendmeister/Becky Diver 10:30 Mike & Deb Hoier
Nursery Care: 10:15 Jessica Stainbrook, Lindsay Hansen
Wednesday, October 29, 6:15 p.m.
Elder: Jeff Martens
Acolyte: Abbi Wenzel
Sound Technician: Travis Plowman
Welcome Center Attnd: Julie Spice
Praise Team 1
Spiritual Gifts sign up.
Bethesda Thrift Shop:
What does God want me to do with my
life? Who am I? What makes me unique?
Those are the first 3 discussion topics in the
GIFTS class. The 7 week class starts on October 30, 7:00pm – 8:30pm Please indicate
on the WE CARE card ithat you are led to
sign up for the class. The leaders are Jon
Hillstead and Jim Johnston.
The fall season is in full swing and the Bethesda
Thrift Shop in the Rapids Mall has a large variety of
fall and winter clothing and shoes ready for you at
very low prices and more coming into the store every
day. Come in now for best selection.
October is Stewardship Month
Thanks for supporting the folks
serviced by Bethesda!
The month of October is Stewardship month this
year, kicking off on the 11th and 12th of October,
and concluding on October 25 and 26 with Consecration Sunday.
The theme for the month will be “How to use your
time, talents, and treasures to develop a more
meaningful relationship with God and others.”
If you are not available to attend services on Consecration Sunday, commitment cards will be available in the narthex and the church office.
Stamping Group
The Stamping Group will meet
on Monday, October 20 at 9:00
a.m. Any one wishing to help is
welcome to come.
In October we will have some clearance sales on fall
and Halloween décor with a 50% off sale almost everything in the store on October 24-25. New furniture,
mattresses, socks, hats, and gloves are also available.
Centershot Archery
Centershot archery is back again for the fall session.
Classes began on Sept. 4 and will run until Oct. 23.
Classes are on Thursday nights at 6:00 PM. There
are still openings. There is no cost to the students
except the cost of a T-Shirt if the student is new and doesn't have one.
That cost is $15.00.
Anyone still interested in joining can
contact Andrew Henke at [email protected] or Virgel Berndt at
[email protected] or [email protected].
Senior Women
Senior Women will meet on Monday October 6 at
9:30 a.m. at Four Star Restaurant. All senior women
of St. Luke’s are invited.
Who is planning on attending the Zone 17 fall rally at St. John in
Kellner on Thursday October 9, 2014? Please register at 8:30 a.m.
with coffee and snacks. There is always fun and fellowship, seeing
old friends and meeting new. The ladies of St. John have prepared
something wonderful for lunch at noon. Anyone need a ride? Please
call the office so we can arrange for pick up.
The Harvest Luncheon and Bazaar is October 14th. How are your
projects coming? I know the cookbooks are open to our best recipes
for the bake sale. Please fill out and send in your sheet ASAP so
there are not so many calls for Julie to make. This is a HUGE project
that raises funds to meet our goals and budget needs.
The quilting bee is also in October on the 27 & 28, beginning at 9:00 a.m. I wonder how many quilts we can
finish in those two days? The fellowship hall will be busy with the hum of the sewing machines, the fellowship
and laughter of those busy ladies as they sew and tie our quilts. I hope you can join them.
Upcoming Event Dates
October Meeting, Tuesday October 7, 2014 at 6.00 PM
Fall Rally, October 9, 2014 at St John, Kellner, Registration 8:30 am
Harvest Luncheon & Bazaar, October 14, 2014
Quilting Bee October 27-28, 2014
November Meeting, Tuesday November 4, 2014 6:00 pm
Anna Circle
Dorcas Circle
Elizabeth Circle
Eunice Circle
Eve Circle
Lois Circle
Lydia Circle
Miriam Circle
Priscilla Circle
Rebekah Circle
Sarah Circle
Wednesday, October 15 at 1:00 p.m. at the Bookstore
Monday, October 13 at 9:00 a.m. for devotions—room 103
Monday & Tuesday, October 20 & 21
Monday & Tuesday, October 27 & 28—Quilting Bee
Wednesday, October 8 at 1:00 p.m. at Pam Berndt’s
Tuesday, October 21 at 9:00 a.m. at the Renaissance
Thursday, October 9 at 6:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall
Monday, October 13 at 6:00 p.m.
Thursday, October 9 at 12:30 in Room 105
Monday, October 20 at 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, October 16 at 3:00 p.m. in Office Lobby
Thursday, October 23 at 8:00 a.m.
Wednesday, October 8—Bingo at Strawberry Lane, 2:00 p.m.
Meeting on Thursday, October 9 at 1:00 p.m. at Marion Tuxhorn’s
Advent Socials
Each year Women’s Ministry plans two Advent Socials for the women of St.
Luke’s. These are special events with beautifully decorated tables, a delicious
dessert, an inspirational speaker, familiar hymns and great fellowship. It’s a time
to prepare ourselves for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, our Savior.
The daytime social ‘Spirit of Advent’ will be on Tuesday, December 9 at 1:30 p.m.
Sign up for guests will be in November.
Dale & Karen Smith
1011 7th Street S.E.
Bemidji, MN 56601
Worldwide Ministries
Laporte, MN 56461
October 2014
Dear Friends and Fellow Workers,
Our warm greetings in Christ. We trust that this letter finds you well and enjoying the fall weather.
It has been a rapid summer - and a somewhat cool one, for us here in Bemidji. It is with some disbelief that we hear the
geese flying overhead on their practice flights, or actually heading south. We saw a large group in a field near us last
week - and Karen counted 100. It looked like they were getting filled up for the trip.
It seems to me that special places of blessing in God's Word are the prayers of the New Testament. They give us insight into such areas as who God is, how He wants us to relate with Him, and how He would like to work in us and
through us in life. In 2 verses of Colossians chapter 1 we read:
" ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you may
walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the
knowledge of God.'
What Paul prayed for the Colossians in this prayer is what God desires for each one of us. As we read the prayer, don't
we find our deepest desires are to be lifted up to the lofty heights He has for us?
These words have a special meaning for Karen and I now. It appears to us that the time has come when the Lord
would have us make some major changes. We are both basically healthy, we enjoy living where we are, and we are
very grateful to be able to be involved in outreach here in sharing about the Lord Jesus. It was 1991 when we moved
here, and so roots have gone down.
However, we see in Psalm 90 that the Lord says: "As for the days of our life, they contain seventy years, or if due to
strength, eighty years.' As I read these words a few months ago, the thought came that I am living like I will be here on
earth forever - and Karen and I are both at peace that making a major change is what the Lord would have us do.
Our plan is to put our house on the market next Feb., and continue living here until it sells. Then, we would like to move
to northern Kentucky, in the area where Beth, Kurt and their family live. The goal then is to look to the Lord for His direction for where to live, how to become involved in life there, etc.
It is so interesting that as the different stages of life come and then pass, there can be real joy, optimism, confidence as
we look to the future. And it is all because of our Triune God. The last part of the prayer in Col. 1 is:
"strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience; joyously giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. For He delivered us
from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the
forgiveness of sins." How uplifting and encouraging for us all!
Our sincere thanks to each of you for your love, prayer and also financial support, and interest in the ministry here (and
before that in Ecuador) for so many years. Please keep praying for and with us for the outreach here to the Native
American people in northern Minnesota. May the Lord bless you.
Your friends, Dale and Karen
Wow! A month of school almost over already! It’s been an exciting
month for students, parents, and staff. It is great getting to know all the
wonderful families we will be working with this year.
Jesus time this month talks about creation. What a wonderful time
of the year to witness this creation “in action”. The trees are changing color, the flowers are preparing for
“sleep”, and the air is cooler. What a wonderful God we have who would give us this beautiful place to live!
Learning to take care of this world, as well as all the blessings we have, is woven into this topic.
Students are also talking about friendships and cooperation. Meeting new friends and learning to play and
work together are important skills to know as they grow and mature.
In September, we recognized Amy Jansen as she enters her 15th year of teaching in our 4K classroom. Amy
shares God’s love and Gospel with excitement and enthusiasm each and every day! Thank you Amy, and to
all our staff for their dedication and hard work!
Early childhood education is a foundation for continued learning. Quality Christian early childhood education
also brings Jesus into the lives of the children and their families. We thank St. Luke’s for continuing this ministry for the congregation and community, and for helping us maintain our National Lutheran School Accreditation! Thank you also to those who continue to keep the Preschool and its staff in your prayers. Your kind
hearts and generosity is much appreciated!
Delaney Anne Romanski, daughter of
Daniel and Amanda Romanski on August
Amber Lynn Schmelzer, daughter of Jeffrey and Kristine Schmelzer on September
Dan Haney
Brenda Mannel
Please Note—
The end of the third
quarter is almost here.
If you would like a statement of your year to
date giving, please contact the church office at
715-423-5990 and that
information will be sent to you.
Stanley Martin Schleusener & Marilyn
Louise Kirkpatrick on August 9.
Allan Ray Richtmyre & Tracy Ann Skinner
on September 6.
Membership Action
Marilyn Schleusener has transferred her
membership to St. Paul Lutheran, Tomah,
Peaceful Release granted to Jim, Julie,
Matthew & Sam Hanneman , to
Bob & Vicky Dresser , and to
Ryan Piotrowski.
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
St. Luke’s Lutheran Church
2011 Tenth St. S.
Wis. Rapids, WI
Fast line for workers on their lunch hour
Harvest Sale: 10:30-1:00 p.m.
• Bake Sale
• Candy Store
• Country Store
• Quilts
11:00 a.m.—1:00
Ticket prices
Adults: $7:00
12 & under: Free
Red Cross Babysitting Certification Available
Girls and boys ages 11+ are needed in St. Luke’s Nursery (10:30 services) after taking and being certified by the
Red Cross for babysitting. Classes are available Friday,
October 24 or Friday, November 7 (no school days)
You may register online at or get a
registration form in the church office. Pay the fee requested and after you are certified St. Luke’s Ministry of
Social Concerns will reimburse you. Thank you for considering this so you can serve the Lord at St. Luke’s by
volunteering in the Nursery and also for your own information for responsible child care.
Quilting Bee
Monday & Tuesday, October 27 & 28
9:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m.
You do not need to know how to sew—many different tasks are needed to be done. Someone
will show you what to do.
Lunch will be served each
day by Women’s Ministry.
Any questions, contact Vera Keller, 715-424-2315.
Spaghetti Dinner
Sunday, October 6—4:00-7:00
St. Luke’s Lutheran Church
St. Luke’s has always promoted Christian Day School for our members and
helped to support families financially with a portion of the tuition cost. Our chief
fundraiser to supplement the church budget in providing for the church’s portion
of tuition is the fall Spaghetti Dinner. There is an opportunity for all members to
help Sunday, October 5—you can make a donation and come eat, work during
the meal, bring a dessert or bake sale item.
If you are interested in helping, please contact Wendy Schlaefer,