18th Sunday After Pentecost - THANKSGIVING SUNDAY - October 12, 2014 ST. JOHN’S UNITED CHURCH 75 Alma Street, Moncton, NB E1C 4Y3 Phone: 858-8289; Church office email: [email protected]; Check our website, www.StJohnsMoncton.ca for times of meetings, events, etc. WELCOME! A warm welcome is extended to all. Your presence enriches both us and this time of celebration together. ST. JOHN’S UNITED CHURCH CARES... To notify the Minister of personal concerns, anxieties, illnesses, hospitalizations or deaths, to pass along a prayer request, or to arrange homebound communion, contact Rev. Aaron Billard at 858-8289 or [email protected] This bulletin has been donated by the Fellowship Club In memory of: Past Members of the Fellowship Club (and former 50/50 Club) Saturday, Oct. 25th ~ 8:30 am - 1:00 pm Here, in St. John’s Church Basement You’ll find Clothing, Books, Toys, Linens, Household goods, Electronics, and many more items for sale. You Don't Want To Miss It! We welcome your donations of ‘slightly used’ Clothing, Books, Household items, etc., in good, saleable condition, for this U.C.W. fundraiser. Please bring your donations to the Church during the few days before the sale, but no later than noon on Friday, Oct. 24th. If you can help setup for the sale, please come to the Social Hall on Friday, Oct. 24rd at 2 pm. GROCERIES FOR THE KARING KITCHEN - The Outreach Committee would like to bring your attention to the Karing Kitchen’s need for these groceries: Macaroni Noodles 5 Minute Rice Canned Milk Onion Powder Salad Dressings: Catalina, Ranch White Baskets will be at our 2 main entrances on October 26th for your donations. 2 NOTICES, UPCOMING MEETINGS & EVENTS Calendar of St. John’s Meetings & Events Check our website at www.stjohnsmoncton.ca for dates & times of events & meetings - found under link to Sunday Bulletin & Announcements on left-hand side of Home page. Oct. 12 13 14 16 Oct. 19 20 21 22 23 25 Oct. 26 Sun Cancelled MEN’S CHOIR Practice - Cancelled until Nov. 9 11:00 am WORSHIP SERVICE - THANKSGIVING SUNDAY SUNDAY SCHOOL (4-12 yrs) & NURSERY CARE (0-3 yrs) 12:00 noon CHERUB CHOIR practice Mon Thanksgiving Church Offices Closed evening 6:30 pm: Gr. Mctn. Chorale practice Tue 6:30 pm WORSHIP & MUSIC Committee meeting 7:30 pm U.C.W. meeting Thu 12:30 pm FINANCE Committee meeting 7:00 pm CHOIR Practice Sun Cancelled MEN’S CHOIR Practice - Cancelled until Nov. 9 11:00 am WORSHIP SERVICE SUNDAY SCHOOL (4-12 yrs) & NURSERY CARE (0-3 yrs) 12:00 noon CHERUB CHOIR practice 12:30 pm PASTORAL CARE & MEMBERSHIP Committee meeting Mon evening 6:30 pm – Gr. Mctn. Chorale practice; 7:15 pm - Girl Guide Pathfinders Tue 7:30 pm FELLOWSHIP Group meets Wed 6-8:00 pm WINGS Thu 7:00 pm CHOIR Practice Sat 8:30 am - 1 pm Fall RUMMAGE SALE 9:00 am MEN’S GROUP meets Sun Cancelled MEN’S CHOIR Practice - Cancelled until Nov. 9 9:45-10:30am CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST in the Great Hall. Cost: your free-will donation 11:00 am WORSHIP SERVICE SUNDAY SCHOOL (4-12 yrs) & NURSERY CARE (0-3 yrs) 12:00 noon CHERUB CHOIR practice LOOKING AHEAD... Nov. Dec. 8 15 16 7 Sat. Sat. Sun Sun 11 am – 2 pm 6:00 pm 11:00 am 3:00 pm Mark your calendar! Fall BAZAAR & LUNCHEON (11:30 am – 1:30 pm) ROAST BEEF DINNER – Tickets are $15 and available now ANNIVERSARY Worship Service COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS CAROL SING 3 SOBEYS, SUPERSTORE & CO-OP GIFT CARDS - We have Sobeys and Superstore gift cards in denominations of $100, $50, & $25; and Coop gift cards in $50s and $25s available for sale each Sunday at the sales table in the Great Hall, after the service during fellowship & coffee time. We make 4% on every card sold. Your support is needed & appreciated. Our goal this year is to make $3,000 profit from this fundraiser. Sales to-date for 2014: $42,800; Profit $ 1,814.50 CANADIAN CHURCH CALENDAR! The perfect calendar to both give – and keep! The theme of the 2015 Canadian Church Calendar is, “Celebrate our heritage!” with the months showcasing inspired photographs of Anglican and United Churches from across Canada. The Church Office is taking orders for this calendar. Cost is $6.00 (tax included). If you are interested in ordering one or more, please sign-up on the order sheet on the tables below the bulletin boards, or contact the Church Office. These are also ideal for gift-giving. Payment is due before the order is placed on Oct. 13th, and can be included in your offering envelope - on the bottom line titled, “Other” - please note “2015 Calendar” beside your amount. CHURCH COMMUNITY EVENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS See the Bulletin Board for other Events not listed here. RUMMAGE SALE at Mount Royal United Church (106 Mount Royal Blvd.) on Friday Oct.17th from 6-8 pm, and on Saturday Oct. 18th from 8 am - noon. Something for everyone! 75th ANNIVERSARY EVENTS for Steeves Memorial United Church (280 Salisbury Rd. Moncton 233 years since inception). Pot Luck Supper: Fri. Oct. 17th at 5:30 pm. All are welcome. Service of Worship & Celebration: Sun. Oct. 19th at 11 am. Music by Men in Black. Guest preacher, Rev. Dr. Beverly Daley. Refreshments to follow. ROAST BEEF SUPPER - Oct. 18th with 5:00 and 6:30 pm sittings at Visions Stilesville Campus & Community Centre (1270 Gorge Rd., Stilesville). Enjoy potato, gravy, peas, carrots, turnip, rolls, dessert, tea & coffee. Cost is $12 per adult, and $6 per child under age 12. To order tickets, call Visions Church Office at 384-0843. Tickets will be limited so get yours early! YARD SALE – 8 am-12 noon, Sat. Oct. 25th at Mountain View United Church (85 MacBeath Ave.). ANNUAL FALL FAIR: Sat. Oct. 25th from 9 am - 1 pm at St. Paul’s United Church (404 Cleveland Ave. R’view). Silent Auction, Crafts, Bake Sale, Jelly Cupboard, Candy Store, Book Room, Christmas Shop, Nana's China Cabinet, Children's Activities, and more! Musical entertainment (10 - 11 am, Choir & Friends). Join us for coffee or a light lunch at the Kitchen Cafe. 4 SCENT-FREE ENVIRONMENT - We encourage a Scent-Free environment We ask you to not wear perfumes and other scented products when attending services and meetings here at the church. Many people are extra sensitive to these scents and suffer allergic reactions as a result of being near these. Thank you for making this a healthy place for others to meet and worship. WORSHIP SERVICE We welcome Mike Day as our organist for the next few weeks while Owen is away touring South Africa. (The congregation is invited to join in responses printed in bold) WE GATHER IN THE SPIRIT OF COMMUNITY ORGAN PRELUDE Let All Things Now Living (Hobby); Now, Thank We All Our God (Manz); Prelude on “Netherlands” (Fisk) DOXOLOGY # 541 PRAISE GOD Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures high and low; Give thanks to God in love made known: Creator, Word and Spirit, one. WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS PIANO INTROIT by Allie Billard Joyful, Joyful Beethoven CALL TO WORSHIP This place of worship has been prepared for us to come with songs of thanksgiving before our God. Bring your gifts to the altar, and share your stories of blessings! God has provided so much - even this beautiful day; so let’s raise our voices and celebrate! INVOCATION O God of steadfast love, we entered this space today to worship you in gladness. We come into your presence singing your praises. You are our creator; we are your people. Be with us, O God, as we celebrate all of creation. We give thanks for the sun, water, air and winds that nourish your earth, which provides the bounty we enjoy. Bless us as we bless your name, as we continue to pray, saying, "Our Father..." (VU. 921) 5 PRAYER OF CONFESSION Thanksgiving Day provides an opportunity for us to take stock of God’s blessings, and to reflect on our response to those blessings. Our Creator, you have made an intricate and diverse world, and set us to cultivate it reverently and responsibly. Forgive us when we forget our connection with all of creation. Our Creator, you have made a world of abundance, and intend for us to share so that all may have their “daily bread.” Forgive us when we lose the sense of hospitality and community. Our Creator, you have sent us Jesus, the “Bread of Life,” to satisfy our spiritual hunger and thirst. Forgive us when we do not respond to his justice and mercy. Every day and all day, let us celebrate your goodness. Forgive us when we fail to turn to you in prayer. Every day and all day, let us shape our very lives by focusing our minds on what is beautiful and worthy of praise. Forgive us when we forget that you make all things possible. ASSURANCE OF PARDON We have offered to God the concerns of our hearts and minds. We trust that God not only hears our prayers, but in God’s almighty wisdom and awareness of our needs, does answer our prayers. We are a forgiven people. Thanks be to God! Amen. HYMN # 516 COME, YOU THANKFUL PEOPLE, COME CHERUB CHOIR accompanied by Yvonne Hutchings Thank-You for the Music ABBA CHILDREN’S TIME Children up to age 12 yrs. are now invited to go to our Sunday School program time. If you are a child here for the first time, please feel welcome to join the children’s group upstairs, or remain here for the rest of the service. If you are a parent or caregiver, there are a kitchen and washrooms on the main and upstairs levels, as well as a diaper changing area upstairs. Please feel free to return to the service at any time. WE REFLECT UPON OUR COMMON STORY SCRIPTURE LESSONS Psalm 65 (VU p. 782–783, read responsively; with sung refrain) 2 Corinthians 9:6–15 Luke 17:11–19 God's story is for all people. It is ours to receive and share. 6 God provides; the valleys shout and sing. God loves a cheerful giver. Ten healed; one returns to offer thanks. SERMON HYMN # 227 FOR THE FRUIT OF ALL CREATION WE RESPOND TO GOD’S LOVE A PRAYER FOR THANKSGIVING DAY OFFERING & CHOIR ANTHEM Reasons to Thank You Choplin OFFERTORY # 543 WE GIVE THEE BUT THINE OWN We give thee but thine own, what e’er the gift may be; All that we have is thine alone, a trust, O God, from thee. HYMN # 520 WE PLOUGH THE FIELDS BENEDICTION Today, in our prayers around tables, may we discover what is beautiful and call it a blessing. May we recognize the way in which our lives are intertwined with the lives of others and with all of God’s creation. May we be bold to praise God with our thanksgiving. Go in peace. CHORAL BENEDICTION Go Now In Peace Go now in Peace; never be afraid, God will go with you, each hour of every day. Go now in Faith, steadfast, strong and true; know he will guide you in all you do. Go now in Love and show you believe; reach out to others so all the world can see. God will be there, watching from above. Go now in peace, in faith, and in love. ORGAN POSTLUDE Come, Ye Thankful People, Come Woods The prayers in today’s service are taken from the liturgy, “Worship Ways.” You are invited to join us in the Great Hall after this service for a time of fellowship and refreshments. PENNIES - We are still accepting pennies to help cover postage costs. If you’ve found some still laying around you home, please consider donating them to us. A receipt will be issued for your donation. 7 Memorial Memorial donations have been given In Memory of Helen Cumming BULLETINS are available on our WEBSITE and by EMAIL - For times of meetings, events, etc., check the bulletin online at: www.StJohnsMoncton.ca If you would like to receive a copy of the bulletin by email prior to the Sunday service (usually Fridays at approx. 11 am), please email your request to Wanda at the Church Office at [email protected] TODAY’S GREETERS & USHERS: South Door - Alma St.: Greeters: Art & Lyn Young Offering: Richard Blakney, George Mundle, Art & Lyn Young North Door - Victoria St.: Greeters: Cheryl & Graham McCrea Offering: Cheryl & Graham McCrea, Darrell & Mona Miller ELEVATOR OPERATOR: SCRIPTURE READER: GROCERY CARD SALES: TELLERS: Brenda McFarlane Sterling Smith Dianne Logan Gordon Hicks, Joan Hudson, Dianne Logan CHURCH MINISTRY PERSONNEL AND STAFF Rev. Aaron Billard, Minister email: sjucrev @ gmail.com Owen Fraser, Organist email: owen.fraser @ xplornet.ca Wanda Colwell, Office Administrator email: sjuc @ nb.aibn.com Patti Arsenault, Custodian Rev. Dr. Doug MacEachern, Email Mike Day, Supply Organist Minister Emeritus email: dougjune @ nb.sympatico.ca 8
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