Uif!Usbotmbujpo!pg!Tu!Fexbse-!Ljoh!'!Dpogfttps! Weekly Newsletter No.2002 th Sunday, 12 October, 2014 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Rev Dr Rhys Jenkins. Hymns: Hark the sound of holy voices, 399, 519, Anthem: O How Amiable (Faning), 621. Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 4.00 pm St Edward’s Committee. Vestry. 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: Locus Iste (Bruckner). Officiant: Canon Stewart Lisk. Psalm 139 vv 1-18. Hymns: 344, Anthem: Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace (Williams), 182. Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Hylton Stewart. Readings: Proverbs 3, 1-18. 1 John 3, 1-15. In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Province of West Africa and Archbishop Daniel Sarfo, who became Primate following the death of Archbishop Tilewa Johnson, and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal. We pray for peace in the world, remembering the people of Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Israel and Gaza. We pray for the victims of Ebola in West Africa, and for everyone who is working to get the epidemic under control. In this diocese we pray for the Parish of Llansantffraid, Bettws & Aberkenfig, Rev Stephen Pare and Rev Olwen Parry. We pray for the sick and those who care for them, especially Marilyn Roberts, Glyn Osman, Julie Romanelli, Beryl Powell, David Blyth, Bill Berry, Myra Mansell, Bob Hyett, Margaret Connor, Anne Burfoot and Sandra Williams. We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Mark Payne, Lydia Beatrice (Queenie) Walsh, Mildred Edna Mary Hudd, Betty Eleanor Cohen, David Stanley Griffiths and Alexander Benjamin John Munday, whose anniversaries occur at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Monday and Tuesday at 6pm and on Thursday at 7pm this week. Morning Prayer on Saturday at 9am. Npoebz The Translation of St Edward, King & Confessor PARISH OFFICE is open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week. 24ui 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. 7.30 pm It’ll all be over by Christmas. St Edward’s Choir. NO PARISH SURGERY on Monday. UIJT!XFFL! Uvftebz 25ui 6.00 pm 7.00 pm 7.15 pm 7.30 pm Xfeoftebz 10.15 am Evening Prayer. ST EDWARD’S COMMITTEE will meet Holy Eucharist. St Anne’s. in the vestry today at 4pm. Ladies Circle. Roath Church House. Cwmbach & Cenestra Male Choirs. St Andrew’s URC. LADIES CIRCLE meets on Tuesday at 7.15pm in room 2, Roath Church House when our speaker will be Margaret Salisbury who will be talking about Magistrates in the Community. There will be a books/CD/DVD sales table. Visitors & new members very welcome, further Police Community Access Point. Schoolroom. information from Gill Day 20-495496. 26ui 12.15 pm 7.00 pm 7.25 pm HOLY EUCHARIST. Followed by coffee. Lunch Club. Roath Church House. South Wales Clarinet Choir rehearsal. Cardiff Recorded Music Society. Schoolroom. Uivstebz 11.00 am 7.00 pm 7.30 pm Evening Prayer. Choir Practice. 27ui Tbuvsebz 29ui 9.00 am 11.00 am 11.00 am 4.00 pm 7.00 pm 7.30 pm LUNCH CLUB every Wednesday at 12.15pm in Roath Church House. Contact Gill & Joe Armitage 20-752630. St Luke the Evangelist Morning Prayer. Coffee Concert: Opus8 Chamber Ensemble. Art Exhibition by Mary Traynor. 72a Kimberley Road. Roath Church House Centenary Concert. Roath Church House. Concert for Lesotho: Tredegar Orpheus Male Voice Choir. St Brigid’s, Crystal Glen. Roath Church House Quiz. Roath Church House. Ofyu!Tvoebz is the Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward’s at 11am and Choral Evensong will be sung at 7pm. Eucharist readings: Isaiah 45: 1-7; 1 Thessalonians 1: 1-10; Matthew 22: 15-22. HARRIET EVANS WEBB completed her half marathon run in Cardiff last week in 2 hours 5 minutes and has raised £300 for Barnardo's. Many thanks to everyone who helped her exceed her fundraising goal. POLICE COMMUNITY ACCESS POINT at St Edward’s Schoolroom every Thursday, 11am-1pm. The Penylan Neighbourhood Policing Team welcomes visitors from the local area to talk about shared issues. http://StEdward.roath.org.uk Facebook: StEdwardRoath Twitter: @StEdwardsRoath [email protected] ST EDWARD’S MUSIC & ARTS FESTIVAL 2014. Our thanks to Jeff Childs for his fascinating talk on the History of Roath last Tuesday, and to Cardiff and Vale Symphonic Brass for their excellent concert on Wednesday. Our Festival continues this week with the Choir’s concert entitled It’ll all be over by Christmas on Monday (St Edward’s Day) – Songs, readings and a slice of everyday life from the early days of World War I. This year’s Festival Exhibition (at the back of the nave) is of work by Philip Oswald Jennings ARE, ARCA (19211983). We are also hosting a “Made in Roath” exhibition in the schoolroom from Thursday, and of course we have our Coffee Concert on Saturday. NEW FLOWER ROTA is posted in the porch. If you would like to provide (or pay for) flowers to decorate the church for a particular week, please put your name and phone number on the rota. ANTHEMS. The anthem at the Eucharist is “O How Amiable” by Joseph Eaton Faning (1850-1927). The Introit at Evensong is the gradual “Locus Iste” by Anton Joseph Bruckner (1824-96), and the anthem is “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace” by Charles Lee Williams (1853-1935, organist of Gloucester Cathedral and one of the conductors of the Three Choirs Festival). DISCUSSION GROUP meets today at 7.45pm in Roath Church House, when the topic will be Christian Art. Discussion over tea/coffee finishing around 9pm. Details from Gill Day 20-495496. CWMBACH & CENESTRA MALE CHOIRS will give a concert at St Andrew’s URC, Penylan Rd, on Tuesday at 7.30pm. Tickets £8 07891-663333 or on the door. The choirs are giving the concert free of charge, and all the money raised is going to Music as Therapy, in particular the Beit Sahour Project, set up in Palestine by Cardiff Music Therapist Liz Coombes. CARDIFF RECORDED MUSIC SOCIETY will meet in the Schoolroom on Wednesday 7.25-9.30pm for “Music Magazine, Vol.66 No.1”, a miscellany of recorded music and comment on items of topical or special interest presented by editor Brian Gardiner. Non-members welcome (entrance £2). COFFEE CONCERT on Saturday at 11am: a programme of Mozart and Beethoven by “Opus8” Chamber Ensemble. £2 inc refreshments. 10% of proceeds will be donated to Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Support. MARY TRAYNOR will exhibit her work as part of Made in Roath in her home, 72a Kimberley Rd, on Saturday 11am-5pm and next Sunday 2pm-5pm. The show will include paintings and sketches of Cardiff past and present. This year she has been expanding her study of historic buildings in Palma, Majorca, including some colourful examples of Art Nouveau. ART IN THE ALLEY is a Made in Roath event exploring all things that can come from the back lane. It will be situated between Mafeking Road and Ladysmith Road, opening on Saturday and developing throughout the rest of the Made in Roath period. Visitors are encouraged to contribute creatively when they visit. Details from Esyllt George [email protected] ROATH CHURCH HOUSE CENTENARY CONCERT by some of the groups that use Roath Church House as their base, on Saturday, 4pm-6pm. THE PENARTH GROUP have a Made in Roath exhibition in St Edward’s Schoolroom starting on Thursday and ending next Tuesday, 10.30am-4.30pm daily (10.30-5.30 on the weekend). They are professional artists who live and work in and around Penarth. The three members exhibiting here are animator turned artist Steve John, exotic wildlife painter Guy Wooles, and contemporary botanical illustrator Chris Taylor. There will be affordable originals, prints cards and unique gifts on sale. CONCERT FOR LESOTHO. Tredegar Orpheus Male Voice Choir in St Brigid’s Church, Crystal Glen on Saturday at 7pm in support of local charity Seeds for the Future (Lesotho). Tickets £8 (children £4) 20-751401 or on the door. ROATH CHURCH HOUSE QUIZ on Saturday at Roath Church House at 7.30pm. Teams of six persons (or come on your own and join a team). Cost £5 per person. Bring your own drinks and nibbles. Contact Anna Mason 07720-641653 or pay on the door. ROATH CHURCH HOUSE CENTENARY Songs of Praise next Sunday at 6pm in St Margaret’s, followed by a reception in Roath Church House. Please bring a plate of food and share with others. PARISH KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP meets on Mon 20 Oct, 7.30-9.30pm in Room 2, Roath Church House. New members very welcome – assistance given to learners. Contact Ann James [email protected] or Gill Day 20-495496 or for details. CYTÛN AGM in the vestry on Wed 22 Oct at 7.30pm. FOR YOUR DIARY. 12 Oct. 4pm. St Edward’s Committee. 18 Oct. 11am. Coffee Concert: Opus 8. 18 Nov. St Edward’s Orchestra Soloists Concert. 22 Nov. St Anne’s Orchestra Concert (St Anne’s). 3 Dec. St Anne’s Choir & Orchestra Concert. (St Anne’s) 8 Dec. St Edward’s Orchestra Concert. MUSIC DIARY. 20 Oct. 12pm. Cathedral School Recital. Llandaff Cathedral. 31 Oct. 7.30pm. Tenovus Concert. Llandaff Cathedral. BOOKINGS THIS WEEK: 12 Oct. 1-4pm. Pavane. Schoolroom. 16-22 Oct. Made in Roath Exhibition. Schoolroom. ROATH LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY in partnership with the Cardiff Story Museum present an exhibition on the theme “A History of the Mackintosh Estate”. Alfred Donald Mackintosh was born at Moy Hall near Inverness in 1851 and became the 28th Chief of the Clan Mackintosh in 1876. In 1880 he married Harriet Diana Arabella Richards, heiress to the Richards estate at Plasnewydd and other estates in Glamorgan. Many of these names are familiar to us as street names. The exhibition is at the City Lab on the lower ground floor of the Old Library on the Hayes, and continues until the end of October. WELCOME. We extend a warm welcome to all visitors and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of the sidesmen if you are new with us. CONTACT NUMBERS. Revd Canon Stewart Lisk: 20-487854 / 07794-157604. Parish Office 20-484808, [email protected] Please let the clergy know of any sick person or any person who is in hospital. To receive the Parish Group e-newsletter send an email to [email protected]
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