WORSHIP TIMETABLE Sunday Vigil Mass: Reconciliation: Mass: Mass: Castlemaine Maldon Maldon Castlemaine 6.00pm 8.15am 8.30am 10.30am Mass: Newstead Second Sunday of the Month 6.00pm Mass: Sandon: Fourth Sunday of the Month 6.00pm PARISH PRIEST Rev Wahid Riad PP Phone: (03) 5472 1900 Mobile: 0419 511 064 SISTERS OF MERCY Sr Kath Grant RSM Phone: (03) 5470 6025 ST MARY’S PRIMARY SCHOOL Principal: Mr Ben Donnelly Phone: (03) 5472 2270 Tuesday Mass: Convent 6.00pm Wednesday Mass Castlemaine 9.15am Thursday Mass: Maldon 6.00pm Friday Mass: Castlemaine 9.15am Followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Prayer During the Day with Benediction: 10.45am Saturday Reconciliation: Castlemaine CONTACT DETAILS 5.15pm IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT FOR ALL PARISHIONERS PLEASE PUT IN YOUR DIARIES! Archbishop Hart will be installing Fr. Wahid as our Parish Priest on Saturday 15th November @ 6p.m. Mass. ALL WELCOME Privacy Policy • The Catholic Parish of Castlemaine is committed to upholding and implementing the Privacy Principles set out in the 2001 Commonwealth and Victorian Government Privacy Legislation. To obtain a copy of the Parish Privacy Policy please contact the Parish Office. Parish Managers Lee & Marie McCallum Mon, Wed, Fr.i 1-5pm Phone: (03) 5472-1900 CATHOLIC PARISH OF CASTLEMAINE 1854 – 2014: CELEBRATING 160 YEARS ________________________________ 12th October, 2014 The 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Presbytery: 76 Hargraves Street, CASTLEMAINE, 3450 Postal Address: PO Box 151, CASTLEMAINE, VIC, 3450 Phone: (03) 5472 1900 Fax: (03) 5470 5809 Email: [email protected] Web: http://stmaryscastlemaine.com BAPTISMS, MARRIAGES, PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK For details regarding the celebration of these sacraments, please contact the Parish Priest. PARISH MASSES IT’S THE START OF OUR YOUTH MASSES Once a month on the first weekend at the 6p.m. Mass on a Saturday night! HOLY TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH MALDON- DINNER Everyone is invited to attend Holy Trinity in Maldon to support Missions and Aid Giving Friday 17th October, Holy Trinity Anglican Church Hall 6p.m. for 6:30p.m. Speaker is John Tresidder. Cost is $16.00 (under 12 free) Julia Nutting 0418 570 585 Rosalie 0427 006 824/5470.45159 Parish Priest: Rev Wahid Riad Entrance Antiphon If you O Lord, should mark iniquities, Lord, who could stand? But with you is found forgiveness, O God of Israel. Responsorial Psalm R. I shall live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. Gospel Acclamation Alleluia, alleluia! May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ enlighten the eyes of our heart that we might see how great is the hope to which we are called. Alleluia! Communion Antiphon The rich suffer want and go hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no blessing. FEAST DAYS’ THIS WEEK Tuesday: St. Callistus 1 Wednesday: St. Teresa of Jesus Thursday: St Hedwig, St. Margaret Mary, Alacoque Friday St Ignatius of Antioch Saturday: St. Luke, Evangelist THE CHURCH IS OPEN EVERY DAY FOR A VISIT AND PRAYER. 8.00AM TILL 5.00PM FEEL WELCOME TO COME ALONG AND PRAY IN SILENCE FOR YOUR INTENTIONS. MAY THEY REST IN PEACE Recently Deceased Brian O’Brien, Billy Owen, Kate Masterman Anniversaries Jacqueline Wallin Please pray also for all those who are sick and suffering serious illness and their families and loved ones who care for them. If you would like prayers for the sick included in masses please give the names to the office or Fr Wahid. STEWARDSHIP Thank you and every blessing for your contributions last weekend 1st Collection – Presbytery $557.45 2nd Collection – Parish (approx.) $2909.00 Pledged Amount: $1740.65 Forthcoming Collections: 19th October Catholic Mission Next Week-end STEWARDSHIP CORNER “And my God will supply every need of yours..” – Phillipians 4:19 God really does provide for those that are grateful and generous. This is very difficult for people that don’t live a stewardship lifestyle to believe. People are skeptical and say it’s just coincidence. If you are skeptical, try living a stewardship lifestyle for just one month – be generous with your gifts of time, talent and treasure and see how God provides for your needs. PARISH EVENTS CONFIRMATION Congratulations to all the children Confirmed Friday night at St. Mary’s. We wish you every Blessing for your life in the spirit. Also, Mila Grant on her receiving 1st Holy Communion on the night. WELCOME to Mrs. Karen White being received into the Catholic Church TODAY on being Confirmed and receiving her 1st Holy Communion. FIRST COMMUNION Sunday 23rd November 10:30a.m. St. Mary’s Any children who would like to receive their First Communion this year are more than welcome. Please contact the Parish Office as soon as possible to begin preparation. Oaks’ Day Luncheon and Fashion Parade Thursday 6th November St Brigid’s Hall. Tickets are available for $25 per person from Geoff McLennan phone 5475.2092. Last year’s event was booked out three weeks before Oaks’ Day. The Maldon and District Community Bank will be supporting this event again with a sponsorship of $400. ONCE a Booking has been made by phoning Geoff McLennan, the TICKET MONEY can be paid to St. Mary’s School Office OR Betty Morris. Your tickets will be delivered to you. ALL TICKETS MUST BE PAID FOR BEFORE OAKS’ DAY. WEEK OF PRAYER FOR SCHOOLS IN OUR SHIRE Fr. Wahid & Sr. Kath visited the Castlemaine South Primary School for “Morning Tea” last Thursday and were made very welcome by the Principal and Staff. This was a FIRST and everyone who attended appreciated the intention and special prayers. We are also including these intentions at this week-end’s Masses. CHILDRENS’ LITURGY OF THE WORD On every Sunday at the 10:30a.m. Mass at St. Mary’s. Back-To Sacred Heart College Saturday 18th October –Gala Dinner 3-course Meal, Live Band 7pm-arrival & Finger Food. TICKETS $50 Book online www.shckyneton.catholic.edu.au or Phone the College 54 211 273 All past students, Parents, Staff etc. are warmly invited to attend Back to Sacred Heart College Sunday 19th October Family Day/ College Tours 10.30am -3pm Please bring along old photos and memorabilia. We will copy/scan them while you are here. These events are part of our 125th Anniversary Celebrations. LITURGICAL MINISTERS 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday 19th October, 2014 6.00pm Reader: David Brennand Ext Min Com: Chris Turley Jean Walsh Trish Bowles 8.30am Reader: Phillip McDonald Ext Min Com: Lorraine Brewer 10.30am Reader: Keith McShanag Ext Min Com: Christine Adams Volunteers Childrens’ Liturgy: 10:30a.m. Mandy & Lisa PARISH MEETING Fr Wahid and the Parish Pastoral Council wish to thank everyone who attended the Annual General Meeting last Wednesday night. Thank you to Ben Donnelly, Norm Madigan and Trish Barrett for their comprehensive reports. “Together we can work wonders”. MEETINGS THIS WEEK PARISH EDUCATION BOARD WEDNESDAY 15TH OCTOBER @ 7:30P.M. IN THE LIBRARY
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