Content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Copyright © 2010, Numerica Credit Union. All rights reserved. Content is provided as information only and is not intended to serve as advice or representation whatsoever. Investigate these topics further by contacting appropriate advisors. Numerica is a positive community Please read our blog comment and video contribution policy to see what we feel is acceptable. We want this to be a community where you don't have to deal with personal attacks, hate speech, sexually explicit content, defamatory speech or threats. If you find that kind of offensive content on, please let us know. Comment form and Video guidelines: The comment form must be filled in with a proper and legitimate name and URL. Comments using keywords, spam or splog-like URLs, or suspicious information in the comment form will be edited or deleted. E-mail privacy: E-mail addresses are required for commenting and submitting videos, and they are not published on the blog, nor shared. They may be used by the blog/community owner to privately contact the commenter. Commenter privacy and protection: All e-mail, snail mail, phone numbers and any private and personal information posted in any comment or video will be edited out of the comment and/or video as soon as possible to protect the privacy of the commenter. To prevent such editing, never share this private information within the blog comment or in the video submission. Language and manners: This blog and video community is "family friendly" and comments or videos which include offensive or inappropriate language, or considered by the blog/community owner and administrator to be rude and offensive, will be edited or deleted. Play nice. A comment is conversation – Our conversation is about money: A comment or video which does not add to the conversation runs off on an inappropriate tangent, or kills the conversation may be edited, moved or deleted. The conversation on youth page is about money-related topics. Administrators of the blog and of the Vimeo community reserve the right to not include videos and comments that are not money-related or are considered inappropriate. Limit links: The blog is setup to automatically hold any blog comment with more than two links in moderation, which may delay your comment from appearing on this blog. Any blog comment with more than four links could be marked as comment spam. What to do if your comment or video does not appear: If you leave a comment on the blog or submit a video and it does not appear in a reasonable time period, and you know that it does not violate these policies, contact us at [email protected] No personal attack comments or videos permitted: In the interest of fair play, no personal attacks are permitted in this blog’s comments or on video submissions. You may question or argue the content, but not attack the blogger, nor any other commenters. Failure to respect fellow participants on this blog/community could result in removal and blocked access. Commenters blocked: Anyone who violates this comments policy may be blocked from future access and/or commenting on this blog and/or submitting videos. offensive, hate speech, spam, ect will result in a ban. All rights reserved: The blog owner, administrator, contributor, editor and/or author reserve the right to edit, delete, move or mark as spam any and all comments or video submissions. We also have the right to block access to any one or group from commenting or from the entire blog. We can also block access to any one or group from submitting videos or from the entire video community on Vimeo. Hold harmless: All comments within this blog and videos submitted are the responsibility of the commenter/submitter, not the blog owner, administrator, contributor, editor or author. By submitting a comment on our blog or a video on the youth community, you agree that the content is your own, and to hold this site, Numerica Credit Union, and all subsidiaries and representatives harmless from any and all repercussions, damages or liability.
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