VOLVO OCEAN RACE 2014-15 General Leg Sailing Instructions including amendment 2 07.10.2014 ORGANISING AUTHORITY: VOLVO OCEAN RACE, S.L.U. In conjunction with: Real Club de Regatas de Alicante & The International Sailing Federation (ISAF) GENERAL LEG SAILING INSTRUCTIONS Including Ammendment 2 Race Headquarters Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. o Muelle n 10 Puerto de Alicante 03001 Alicante Spain Telephone: +34 966 011 100 Facsimile: +34 966 080 389 E-mail: [email protected] Copyright Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 1 VOLVO OCEAN RACE 2014-15 General Leg Sailing Instructions including amendment 2 07.10.2014 RESPONSIBILITY All those taking part in the Volvo Ocean Race do so at their own risk and responsibility. The OA, affiliated club or clubs, Race partners, Race sponsors and associated yacht clubs or sailing organisations and their respective officers, employees, volunteers and members, accept no liability for any injury, loss or damage that may be suffered by any competitor, and any liability for harm to persons that results from breach of an express or implied warranty that the Volvo Ocean Race and all services relating thereto will be conducted or rendered with reasonable care and skill is excluded. Specific attention is drawn to RRS Fundamental Rule 4, which states: "The responsibility for a boat's decision to participate in a race or to continue racing is hers alone." 1. RULES 1.1 The Race will be governed by the Rules as stated or amended in NOR 2 1.2 Words or acronyms in Italics in these SI’s and addendums have the same meaning as the definitions in the NOR. 2. 2.1 3. 3.1 NOTICES TO COMPETITORS Notices to competitors will be posted on the Noticeboard. and while racingtransmitted to the Boats by race control. SCHEDULE OF RACES The schedule of races is contained in NOR APPENDIX C 4. Spare (class flag removed) 5. LEG STARTING AREAS 5.1 6. Shall when practicable be in the vicinity of the stopovers race villages and will be stated in that Legs addendum. THE COURSE 6.1 The course for a Leg will be stated in that Legs addendum. 6.2 Some TSS zones that interact with the route will either be identified as an exclusion zone or an obstruction. The RC shall use C-MAP charts to identify a Boats compliance with RRS 48.2 at IMO adopted TSS zones. 6.3 Breaches of RRS 48.2 will not be grounds for protest by a Boat. This changes RRS 60.1 (a). 7. MARKS 7.1 Marks will be a combination of inflatable buoys, GPS positions, navigational marks or buoys and landmarks. These will be identified in the Leg addendums. 7.2 In addition to RRS 34 when the RC has failed to lay a mark, remove a mark, or failed to replace or substitute a mark. Boats shall use the approximate position of the mark as given in that Legs addendum as the position of the missing mark. VOLVO OCEAN RACE 2014-15 General Leg Sailing Instructions including amendment 2 07.10.2014 8. THE START 8.1 The position of the starting line will be detailed in that Legs addendum 8.2 The starting line will be between a staff displaying an orange flag (with the word “START”) on the race committee vessel at the starboard end and the port end starting mark. 8.3 In addition to RRS 29.1 individual recall notification may be broadcast by VHF the channel will be detailed in that Legs addendum. Failure to receive this additional information will not be grounds for redress, this changes RRS 62.1 (a). 8.4 With the prior written approval of the OA: Boats may start after the RC boat, limit marks, any turning marks are removed, provided they start in the immediate vicinity of the starting line as detailed in that Legs addendum, in the event that variable mark(s) have been used the RC shall supply the position of the mark(s). 8.5 When the Boat When starting in accordance with 8.4 a Boat that has completed the port section of the Leg and has rounded or passed the leaving mark as described in that Legs addendum the Boat shall transmit to the race control their GPS position, the time they estimated starting and a screen grab showing their course around any mark positions that formed the beginning of the Leg. 8.6 Changes of course after Boats have rounded or passed the leaving mark will be in accordance with NOR 2.6. 9. THE FINISH 9.1 The finishing line will be described in that Legs addendum. 9.2 After finishing Boats shall proceed directly to the arrivals pontoon, unless directed to a customs holding area or another location. 9.3 Stores and personnel shall not be transferred to or from the Boat before the Boat berths at the arrivals pontoon unless the RC has given prior permission and if required, by customs or immigration. 9.4 The RC may permit or require media or medical personnel to board the Boat prior to berthing at the arrivals pontoon. 9.5 A member of the RC or the BY may board the Boat after she finishes to check seals and other items. 10. 10.1 11. 11.1 12. PENALTY SYSTEM Refer: NOR 2.18, 11 and RRS Addendum Q contained in the SI’s. TIME LIMITS A Leg has no time limits. PROTESTS AND REQUESTS FOR REDRESS 12.1 Breaches of Leg SI, 6.2, 7, 8, 18,19, 2021, 22, 23 and 24, shall not be grounds for a protest by a Boat or a Participant. This changes RRS 60.1 (a). 12.2 Further to RRS 60.1 (a) a Boat that wishes to lodge a protest shall promptly inform the RC giving the details of the incident and the protestee to: [email protected] 12.3 A protest by a Boat for an incident in the racing area shall be emailed to VOLVO OCEAN RACE 2014-15 General Leg Sailing Instructions including amendment 2 07.10.2014 [email protected] or delivered to the local race office within 24 hours of: 12.4 12.5 13. 13.1 14. 14.1 15. 15.1 16. 16.1 17. 17.1 . 18. (a) The protesting Boat finishing; or (b) The protesting Boat retiring from the Leg; or (c) The protesting Boat suspending Racing and does not intend to continue Racing in that Leg. A protest by the RC or the IJ for an incident in the racing area shall be emailed to [email protected] or delivered to the local race office within 24 hours of: (a) The last Boat finishing; or (b) The last Boat retiring from the Leg; or (c) The last Boat that has suspended Racing and does not intend to continue Racing in that Leg. Other RC or IJ protests shall be emailed to [email protected] or delivered to the local race office within 30 hours after receiving the relevant information. This changes RRS 61.3. SCORING Refer NOR 20 CREW MEMBER LEAVING DURING A LEG A Crew Member may leave the Boat during a Leg, having left they shall not return or be replaced during that Leg. The departure of the Crew Member shall be immediately reported to race control. This changes RRS 47.2 SUSPENSION WHILE RACING Refer NOR 30.1.7 RETIREMENTS A Boat that retires during a Leg shall report her retirement as soon as possible to race control. Race control shall inform all other Boats as soon as possible MEASUREMENT, INSPECTIONS AND SEALS Spare DAILY STATUS REPORT 18.1 While Racing between 2200 and 0000 (UTC) daily each Boat shall send a report to race control and the BY describing any damage, the status of the Boat, health/fitness of the crew and any other issue that may affect the Boats class rule compliance. 18.2 Failure of a Boat to lodge a complete report regarding the status of the Boat may impact on the ability of the BY to service that Boat. 18.3 Reports regarding the health/fitness of the Crew Members may be passed onto the relevant medical specialist. VOLVO OCEAN RACE 2014-15 General Leg Sailing Instructions including amendment 2 07.10.2014 19. 19.1 COMMUNICATIONS WHILE RACING Refer NOR 15. 20. POSITION REPORTS 20.1 Race control will attempt to send a fleet position report in .TXT format to all Boats at approximately 0115, 0715, 1315, and 1915 UTC. Failure to receive such information is not grounds for redress. This changes RRS 62.1 (a). 20.2 Should the Boats automated position reporting fail, the Boat shall report its position to race control, giving, course, boat speed, wind speed and direction at 0045, 0345, 0645, 0945, 1245, 1545, 1845 and 2145 UTC until the equipment is repaired or until the Boat finishes. 20.3 For media reasons, more frequent reports giving only the distance to the finish or a point of interest may be issued at times determined by the RC. Failure to receive such information is not grounds for redress. This changes RRS 62.1 (a). 21. 21.1 INMARSAT COMMUNICATIONS Inmarsat C (a) The Inmarsat C position-reporting terminal (PRT) will be used for automated position reporting and is defined as the terminal connected to the Data Computer. (b) The Inmarsat C messaging terminal (MT) will be used for textbased communication between boats and Race Headquarters. (c) The position-reporting terminal (PRT) shall be configured with DNID 2654 and back up DNID 10411. ENID 50794 and 812 Only. (d) The messaging terminal (MT) shall be configured for DNID 2654 and back up DNID10411. ENID 50794 and 812 Only. (e) Both terminals shall be enabled for all Inmarsat Ocean Regions and shall switched and correctly logged in 48 hours before each leg start. (f) Both Inmarsat C terminals (PRT and MT) shall be logged into the following Inmarsat Ocean Regions as appropriate Leg1 Leg 2 Leg 3 Leg 4 Leg 5 Leg 6 Leg 7 Legs 8 & 9 (g) 21.2 Atlantic Ocean Region East (AORE) followed by Indian ocean Region (IOR) Indian Ocean Region (IOR) Indian Ocean Region (IOR) Indian Ocean Region (IOR) followed by Pacific Ocean Region (POR) Pacific Ocean Region (POR) followed by Atlantic Ocean West (AORW) Atlantic Ocean west Region (AORW) Atlantic Ocean West Region (AORW) followed by Atlantic Ocean Region East (AORE) Atlantic Ocean Region East (AORE) Boats shall change to an alternate Inmarsat Ocean Region on request from race control. Race Headquarters will transmit messages in three categories with the following meanings: ROUTINE MESSAGES PRIORITY MESSAGES Boats need not reply Boats shall reply within 6 hours or as directed in the text. VOLVO OCEAN RACE 2014-15 General Leg Sailing Instructions including amendment 2 07.10.2014 IMMEDIATE MESSAGES Boats shall acknowledge receipt as soon as possible. If later than 1 hour after the receipt or later than directed in the text, the boat shall record the reasons for the delay in the log and report this to the race committee at the end of the leg. 21.3 Electronic copies of all incoming and outgoing communication for both Inmarsat C systems, except for EGC messages and position reports, shall be supplied to the Race Committee within 24 hours of finishing each leg. 21.4 The maximum total weather data downloaded via the Inmarsat network quota per day during the Leg shall not exceed 25MB per day. The Boat shall only use the Inmarsat network for downloading weather data from the Leg start day until midnight the day the Boat finishes unless the RC extends this time. per Boat is 0.5 GB. 22. MEDIA REQUIREMENTS WHILE RACING OBR’s will as a minimum comply with the requirements in the “Leg Media Requirement Attachment” attached to the Leg addendums. 23. EQUIPMENT SUPPLIED BY THE OA 23.1 Further to NOR APPENDIX B SECTION B, 28.1: With the exception of Alicante and Gothenburg: from the time their Boat goes back in the water until either finishing or retiring from the next Leg the 2 Inmarsat mini-C units, WTP3, GPS sensors, media desk and back up tracking units shall be activated and remain switched on unless instructed to turn them off by the RC . Testing of the FB 500 and the FB250 may also be requested prior to the start of the Leg. If the activation is not possible or any of the units cease functioning, the Boat shall immediately inform race control of the reason and the Boat shall use its best endeavours to re-activate the affected units. The RC will use its best endeavours to assist in the re activation failure of the RC to rectify the problem will not be grounds for redress this changes RRS 62.1 (a). 23.2 For Alicante and Gothenburg this equipment shall be activated 48 hours prior to the start of the In-Port race and shall remain active until instructed to turn them off by the RC. The Stopover Pro-Am, In-Port or Leg SI addendums may change these requirements. END Jack Lloyd Race Director.
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