Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 NOTICE OF RACE ORGANISING AUTHORITY: VOLVO OCEAN RACE, S.L.U. In conjunction with: Real Club de Regatas de Alicante & The International Sailing Federation (ISAF) Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 for Volvo Ocean 65 Class Boats Amendment 11 Race Headquarters Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. o Muelle n 10 Puerto de Alicante 03001 Alicante Spain Telephone: Facsimile: +34 966 011 100 +34 966 080 389 E-mail: [email protected] Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 1 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 SPECIFIC ATTENTION IS DRAWN TO RRS and VO65 CLASS RULE: BASIC PRINCIPLES SPORTSMANSHIP AND THE RULES COMPETITORS IN THE SPORT OF SAILING ARE GOVERNED BY A BODY OF RULES THAT THEY ARE EXPECTED TO FOLLOW AND ENFORCE. A FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE OF SPORTSMANSHIP IS THAT WHEN COMPETITORS BREAK A RULE THEY WILL PROMPTLY TAKE A PENALTY, WHICH MAY BE TO RETIRE. FUNDAMENTAL RULE 4: THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR A BOAT’S DECISION TO PARTICIPATE IN A RACE OR TO CONTINUE RACING IS HERS ALONE and NOR 26 CODE OF CONDUCT: PARTICIPANTS, PERSONS IN CHARGE, RESERVE PERSONS IN CHARGE, OBRS AND CREW MEMBERS SHALL COMPLY WITH ANY REASONABLE REQUEST FROM THE OA OR ANY OFFICIAL ASSOCIATED WITH THE RACE THIS INCLUDES INCLUDING ATTENDANCE AT OFFICIAL FUNCTIONS, CO-OPERATION WITH EVENT SPONSORS AND SHALL NOT BEHAVE SO AS TO BRING THE EVENT INTO DISREPUTE. VO65 CLASS RULE INTRODUCTION THESE RULES ARE CLOSED CLASS RULES WHERE IF IT DOES NOT SPECIFICALLY SAY THAT YOU MAY – THEN YOU SHALL NOT. Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 2 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION A – DEFINITIONS and RULES ............................................................................................. 5 1. Race Definitions ........................................................................................................................ 5 2. The Rules ................................................................................................................................... 7 3. Race equipment and services fee ........................................................................................... 9 4. ENTRY AND Qualification ...................................................................................................... 10 SECTION B – LIMITATIONS and RESTRICTIONS ............................................................................ 12 5. boats, Sails, running Riggging, appendages, TRAINING and testing ............................... 12 6. Crew ......................................................................................................................................... 14 7. Guests on Board ..................................................................................................................... 18 8. documents and Declarations needed to Race ..................................................................... 20 9. Measurement and Inspections .............................................................................................. 21 10. Equipment Supplied By The OA ......................................................................................... 27 SECTION D – PENALTIES .................................................................................................................. 28 11. RRS: part 4 and NOR ............................................................................................................ 28 12. International Jury ................................................................................................................. 28 13. Language, Times, AMENDMENTS, INTERPRETATIONS, Notices AND INFORMATION 28 14. Sailing Instructions .............................................................................................................. 29 15. Communications While Racing ........................................................................................... 29 16. Media Requirements ............................................................................................................ 30 SECTION E – ASSEMBLY, QUALIFICATION, COURSES and STOPS ............................................ 31 17. Course ................................................................................................................................... 31 18. ASSEMBLY ............................................................................................................................ 31 19. non-haulout and Pit stops ................................................................................................... 31 SECTION F – SCORING AND PRIZES ............................................................................................... 33 20. SCORING ............................................................................................................................... 33 21. PRIZES AND TROPHIES ...................................................................................................... 33 22. PRIZE GIVINGS, dinners and official functions ................................................................. 34 SECTION G – LIABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY ............................................................................. 35 23. Liability and responsibility .................................................................................................. 35 24. Code of Conduct ................................................................................................................... 36 25. Appendix A: ADVERTISING & BRANDING ......................................................................... 37 APPENDIX B – SECTION a ................................................................................................................. 44 26. OA SUPPLIED EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................. 44 APPENDIX B: SECTION B. ............................................................................................................. 46 27. OA SUPPLIED EQUIPMENT and services. ......................................................................... 46 28. SAFETY REGULATIONS OA SUPPLIED AND NON-SUPPLIED EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................ 47 29. SUPPLIED BY THE PARTICIPANT ...................................................................................... 50 APPENDIX c ........................................................................................................................................ 53 30. COURSE DETAILS ................................................................................................................ 53 APPENDIX d ........................................................................................................................................ 59 31. DISPUTE RESOLUTION and RESPONSIBILITIES .............................................................. 59 32. Anti-Doping Agreement ....................................................................................................... 60 APPENDIX F ........................................................................................................................................ 64 34. TEAM TENDERS ................................................................................................................... 64 APPENDIX G ........................................................................................................................................ 65 35. Safety layout ......................................................................................................................... 65 Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 3 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 AMMENDMENT 1: 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 1.13, 1.14, 1.23 (removed-subsequent re-numbering), 1.25, 1.26, 1.27, 1.28, 1.34, 1.35, 1.36, 2.1(i) (removed-subsequent re-numbering), 2.1(j), 2.1(k) 2.7, 2.9, 2.10, 2.12, 2.13, 2.13 (b), (d), (e), 2.15, 2.20, 2.25, 2.26, 3.1.2, 3.1.3 (a), (b), (c), 3.2.1, 3.3.1, 4.1.1, 4.1.3, 4.1.4, 4.1.6, 5, 5.1, 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.1.3, 5.2.3, 5.2.4, 5.2.5, 5.2.6, 5.6, 6.1.1, 6.1.6, 6.1.7 (removedsubsequent re-numbering), 6.2.3 (b), 6.2.4, 6.2.8, 6.3.1, 6.3.2 (a), (b), 6.3.3, 6.3.4, 6.3.5, 6.3.6, 6.3.7, 6.3.8, 7.1, 7.1.1, 7.1.2, 7.1.3, 7.1.4, 7.1.5, 7.1.6, 7.1.7, 7.1.8, 7.1.9, 7.1.10, 7.1.12, 7.1.14, 8.1, 8.4, 8.5, 9. (new numbering), 9.1, 9.3.3 (now 9.6.1), 9.3.4, 9.4.3, 9.6, 9.6.1, 9.6.2 & (i) & (j), 9.6.3, 9.6.4, 10.1, 11.2, 12.1 (a), 13.3, 13.4, 13.3 (b), 13.4, 13.5, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.9, 15.10 15.11, 15.12, 15.13 (c), 15.14, 16.2, 16.4, 17.1, 17.3, 18.1, 18.2, 18.4, 18.6 (removed-subsequent re-numbering), (19-23 deleted), 19, 20 (renumber all from here) APPENDIX A, APPENDIX B, APPENDIX C, APPENDIX E, APPENDIX F, APPENDIX G. END. AMMENDMENT 2: 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 1.13, 1.14, 1.23 (removed-subsequent re-numbering), 1.25, 1.26, 1.27, 1.28, 1.34, 1.35, 1.36, 2.1(i) (removed-subsequent re-numbering), 2.1(j), 2.1(k) 2.7, 2.9, 2.10, 2.12, 2.13, 2.13 (b), (d), (e), 2.15, 2.20, 2.23, 2.24 (subsequent re-numbering) 2.25, 2.26(subsequent re-numbering), 3.1.2, 3.1.3 (a), (b), (c), 3.2.1, 3.3.1, 4.1.1, 4.1.3, 4.1.4, 4.1.6, 5, 5.1, 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.1.3, 5.2.3, 5.2.4, 5.2.5, 5.2.6, 5.6, 6.1.1, 6.1.6, 6.1.7 (removed-subsequent renumbering), 6.2.3 (b), 6.2.4, 6.2.8, 6.3.1, 6.3.2 (a), (b), 6.3.3, 6.3.4, 6.3.5, 6.3.6, 6.3.7, 6.3.8, 7.1, 7.1.1, 7.1.2, 7.1.3, 7.1.4, 7.1.5, 7.1.6, 7.1.7, 7.1.8, 7.1.9, 7.1.10, 7.1.12, 7.1.14, 8.1, 8.4, 8.5, 9. (new numbering), 9.1, 9.3.3 (now 9.6.1), 9.6.2 (d), 9.3.4, 9.4.3, 9.6, 9.6.1, 9.6.2 & (i) & (j), 9.6.3, 9.6.4, 10.1, 11.2, 12.1 (a), 13.3, 13.4, 13.3 (b), 13.4, 13.5, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.9, 15.10 15.11, 15.12, 15.13 (c), 15.14, 16.2, 16.4, 17.1, 17.3, 18.1, 18.2, 18.4, 18.6 (removed-subsequent re-numbering), (1923 deleted), 19, 20, 21 (renumber all from here) APPENDIX A, APPENDIX B, APPENDIX C, APPENDIX E, APPENDIX F, APPENDIX G. END. AMMENDMENT 3: 1.23, 1.24, 1.37 (renumber after), 2.17, 2.21, 5.1.2, 5.1.3, 5.2.6, 6.3.1, 8.6, 19.1, 19.3, 19.4, 19.5, 20.2, 25.10 (d), (e), (f), (g), 26.8, 30.1 and 30.2 END. AMMENDMENT 4: 1.18, 5.2.6, 7.1.6, 9.6.8, 9.6.9, 29.7 END. AMMENDMENT 5: 4.1.4, 5.1.1 (a), (i), (ii), 5.1.2 (a), 5.2.2, 5.2.3, 5.2.4, 5.2.7 (a), (b), 5.2.6 (a), (b), 5.2.7, 5.3.1, 6.3.2 (b), 6.3.8, 6.3.9 (renumbered), 9.6.1 (b), (viii), (ix), (c), (d), 9.6.2 (e), 9.6.3, 15.6, 22.1 (c), (e), 25.10 (a), (d), (e), (f), (g), 28.3, 30.2. Appendix E, END. AMMENDMENT 6: 2.13 (a), 5.1.1 (a), (b), (d), 6.1.10 (b), 7.1.11, 7.1.12, 8.3 (d), 9.6.1 (b), (i), (viii) (c), (i), (iv), (vi), (vii), (d), 9.6.2 (c), (h), 9.6.3 (d), 9.6.4, 9.6.10, 27.2 (SilentWind), (Yellowbrick) 30.1.7 (b), (c), 30.2 (Lorient start), END AMMENDMENT 7: 2.12, 2.17, 5.1.2 (b), (c), (d), 6.3.5, 6.3.6, 6.3.7 (deleted), 8.3, 9.6.2 (i), 9.6.10, 18.3, 20.2, 20.3, 21.2, 27.2, 30.1.4 (Leg 9), 30.2, 34, Diagram 2. Added subsequent to amendment 7 being posted: 2.12, 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 6.2.4 (g), 8.3 (a), 9.6.1 (b) (d) (e), 10.4, 27.2, 28.3, Appendix G END. AMMENDMENT 8: 2.13 (d), 2.18, 8.2.1, 8.3 (b) (d), 9.6.1 (a iii), (b viii xii xiii xiv xv), (d i ii iii viii), 9.6.2 (h) (i) (j), 9.6.3 (a) (d), 15.13 (b) (c) (d), 27.2, 28.3, 28.4 END. AMMENDMENT 9: 22.3 END. AMMENDMENT 10: 6.1.2, 7.1.15, 9.6.1 (c), (vii) END. AMMENDMENT 11: 1.16, 7.1.5, 19.6 and 30.2 END. Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 4 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 SECTION A – DEFINITIONS AND RULES 1. RACE DEFINITIONS 1.1 Appendages: Appendages as described in the VO65 Class Rule. 1.2 Assembly Area: The area within a Port where a Boat berths after finishing and prior to starting a Pro-Am, In-Port race or a Leg. A Boat shall remain in the Assembly Area except to go sailing, or to haul out. In Ports where the haul out area is in the immediate vicinity to the on water Assembly Area the haul out area may be counted as the Assembly Area. 1.3 Assembly Date: 0900 Monday 8 September 2014 the date by which a Boat is required to be in the Alicante Assembly Area. 1.4 Boat: A Volvo Ocean 65 Class boat used by the Participant to train for or take part in the Race. It comprises all the components, fittings, systems and other requirements needed to make her comply with the VO65 Class Rule and the NOR, including consumables and personal equipment. 1.5 BY: The boatyard: a department set up by the OA consisting of representatives from all of the Boat components and equipment suppliers whose primary function is to maintain a spare parts pool and other supplies for the VO65 and who will be responsible for overseeing all repairs and maintenance of the VO65 during the Race in conjunction with Participant representatives. The obligations and liabilities of Volvo Ocean Race are contained in Schedule 3 of the CPP Annex A to Schedule 3 contains the specifications. 1.6 Class Rule: The rule governing the Volvo Ocean 65 Class of boat. 1.7 Commercial Participation Protocol (CPP): An agreement entered into between the Participant and the OA, the Commercial Participation Protocol. 1.8 Crew Member: Any person, who has signed the Person in Charge, Reserve Person in Charge or Crew Member Agreement and who may be on board the Boat for the purposes of Racing. 1.9 Crew Member Agreement: The agreement between OA and a Crew Member. 1.10 IJ: The International Jury appointed by ISAF. 1.11 ISAF: the International Sailing Federation. 1.12 Leg: A race between two Ports. 1.13 Noticeboard: www. 1.14 OBR: Any person, who has signed the On-Board Reporter Agreement and who will be on board the Boat while Racing, whose output is controlled by the OA and who shall not contribute to the sailing or Racing of the Boat and must comply with the restrictions in NOR 6.2. An OBR’s gender will not be considered when applying NOR 6.1.4. 1.15 On-Board Reporter Agreement: The agreement between OA and an On-Board Reporter. 1.16 Non-Haul-out and Restricted Haul-out Stop: A Stopover between Legs where special rules apply. 1.17 NOR: The Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15. 1.18 OA: As per RRS 89.1 (h): The Organizing Authority for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15. The OA is Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. and Real Club de Regattas de Alicante. 1.19 Owner: See Participant. th Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 5 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 1.20 Participant: The syndicate company, the owners of a Boat entered in the Race, the entity that runs sponsors or funds a Boat and the entity/entities that enters or intends to enter into the Commercial Participation Protocol relating to a Boat. For the purposes of the RRS, the Participant signatory shall be considered a competitor. From the Assembly Date a Participant will be a Participant that has entered the Race. 1.21 Person in Charge or Reserve Person in Charge: A Crew Member or that Crew member’s reserve who is the sole representative of the Participant, duly authorised by the Participant in writing, and who has signed the Person in Charge Agreement (RRS 46, 78.1 & 78.2). 1.22 Person in Charge Agreement or Reserve Person in Charge Agreement: The agreement between the OA and the Person in Charge or the Reserve Person in Charge. 1.23 Pit Stop: a stop during a Leg where special rules apply. 1.24 Port: Any port that has a Leg start and or finish or is designated as a Pit Stop. 1.25 Pre-Race: The period between the 9 July 2012 and the first In-Port race. 1.26 Pre-Race Sail: Any of the first 7 VO65 sails delivered to the Participant from North Sails with the exception of any storm sails. 1.27 Pro-Am race, or In-Port race: Races held in the vicinity of a Stopover. 1.28 Race: The Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 including Leg 0 all Pro-Am, In-Port races, Legs and, supplementary or incidental activities. 1.29 Race Sail: Any sail included within the maximum total of 11 as stated in NOR 5.1.2 (a) and declared in accordance with NOR 8.3 (b) and which may be on-board a Boat while Racing. 1.30 Racing: Has the same meaning as the RRS definition. 1.31 RC: The Race Committee as appointed by the OA in accordance with RRS 89.2 (b). 1.32 RRS: The Racing Rules of Sailing 2013-2016. 1.33 Rules: One or more of the rules mentioned in NOR 2. 1.34 Serial Number: Has the same meaning as that in the Class Rule 1.35 SI: The Sailing Instructions for a Pro-Am race, In-Port, or a Leg. 1.36 Stopover: The start or finish port and any other port between Legs where special rules may apply. 1.37 VCA: The management group for the VO65 Class. Whose members are the VO65 class manager, Boat Yard Manager (BY) and the Volvo Ocean Race’s Race Director. The address for questions is [email protected] 1.38 VO65: The Volvo Ocean 65, the class of Boat used in the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 that must comply with the Class Rules while Racing. th Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 6 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 2. THE RULES 2.1 Applicable documents: (a) The Commercial Participation Protocol (CPP) (b) The Notice of Race (NOR) (c) The Leg or In-Port and Pro Am Sailing Instructions and their addendums (d) The Racing Rules of Sailing 2013-2016 (RRS) (e) The Volvo Ocean 65 Class Rule (f) The Equipment Rules of Sailing 2013-2016 (ERS) (g) The Deed of Undertaking (h) The Sales and Purchase Agreement (i) The VO65 Class Specification 2.2 Unless expressly provided otherwise: when there is a conflict between Rules, uncertainty over precedence or which Rule applies the IJ will decide the applicable Rule. Titles in the NOR or SI’s shall not form part of the Rule. 2.3 Between sunset and sunrise, when a Boat cannot determine with certainty: which tack another Boat is on, she shall keep clear of that Boat. 2.4 RRS 26 is changed so that the warning signal is the VO65 Class Flag and the warning signal shall be made 10 minutes before the starting signal and the preparatory signal shall be made 5 minutes before the start signal. 2.5 The text of RRS 28.2 is deleted and replaced with: A string representing a boat’s track from the time she begins to approach the starting line from its pre-start side to start until she finishes shall, when drawn taut, (a) pass each mark or position on the required side and in the correct order, (b) touch each rounding mark, (c) pass between the marks of a gate from the direction of the previous mark, and (d) pass or touch each mark or position on the required side and in the correct order she may correct any errors to comply with this rule, provided she has not finished. 2.6 For a Leg RRS 32 and 33 are amended in that: The RC may amend the course for a Leg while Boats are racing by communicating to Boats by whatever means available the remaining course in full from a position, rounding mark, position, scoring waypoint, gate, line of latitude or longitude from where the change is effective. This may only be done for reasons of safety or a likelihood of all Boats not finishing with enough time to be properly prepared for another stage in the Race. 2.7 After the preparatory signal for a Leg: a Boat may suspend Racing at any time under the procedures and restrictions contained in the general Leg SI’s or their addendums. 2.8 RRS 41 add: (e) the RC, race control or another Boat or the BY when given permission by race control. 2.9 RRS 42.2 (a), (b) and (d) may be deleted or amended by the SI’s. Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 7 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 2.10 RRS 47.2 is changed by NOR 7. 2.11 RRS 50.2 does not apply. 2.12 RRS 50.3 is deleted and replaced with: An outrigger shall only be used to assist in the sheeting of a sail on the leeward side of the Boat using a designated outrigger attachment point. Outriggers shall not be deployed in ProAm or In-Port races. On a Leg they shall not be deployed until a Boat has rounded or passed the leaving mark stated in the Leg Addendum. 2.13 RRS 51 is changed in that: (a) Non-sealed equipment, internal stackable equipment, when not being used for its intended purpose shall be stored below decks, sails when not in use may be stored below decks, these items may be moved to any position inside the hull between bulkheads B and H. (b) Sails and non-sealed deck equipment when above deck; may be stowed anywhere within an area formed by the Lifelines, Stanchions & Pulpits, except on the aerial frame, life rafts or in the area between the life rafts and the aft pedestal. (c) No items of equipment other than those contained in NOR Appendix B Section C marked with* may be stored aft of bulkhead H, Crew Members and the OBR shall not enter these areas except: briefly to perform a necessary task. Garbage may be stored in the forward watertight compartment. (d) No action shall be taken to alter stability by retaining or moving water or other fluids either above or below decks other than in the forward and aft ballast tanks or as permitted in NOR 9.6 (d) (viii) (e) For heavy items or when a member of the OA, an equipment inspector or other official decides that items are on-board for the purpose of ballast the items will be sealed in a position between bulkheads B and H as close to the longitudinal centre of gravity and the centreline of the boat as possible. 2.14 RRS 52 does not apply to the operation of the canting keel. 2.15 RRS 55 add a second sentence: However discarding small amounts of what are generally accepted as biodegradable items such as food scraps and elastic or wool bands when setting a sail is permitted. 2.16 The title of RRS 60.2 is deleted and replaced with: The RC or the VCA may 2.17 RRS 61.1(a) delete the last sentence and replace with: During a Leg, after Addendum Q has ceased to apply she shall immediately inform the other Boat and race control giving a brief explanation of the incident and her intention to protest. However, 2.18 The text of RRS 64.1 first paragraph is deleted and replaced with: When the IJ decides that a boat that is a party to a protest hearing has broken a rule the IJ may impose penalties other than disqualification A penalty shall be imposed whether or not the applicable rule was mentioned in the protest. If a boat has broken a rule when not racing, her penalty shall apply to the race sailed nearest in time to that of the incident. However, Note: RRS 64.1 (a), (b) and (c) remain unchanged. 2.19 RRS 76.1 is deleted and replaced with: The OA reserves the right to reject or cancel the entry of any Boat for reasons of safety or non-compliance with the Deed of Undertaking. 2.20 RRS 78.1 is deleted and replaced with: The Participant and any other person in charge shall ensure that the boat is maintained to comply with her class rules and that her measurement or rating certificate, if any, remains valid. Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 8 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 2.21 RRS 78.3 is deleted and replaced with: When an equipment inspector or a member of the VCA decides that a Boat does not comply with the Class Rules, he shall report the matter in writing to the RC who shall report the matter the IJ and may result in a hearing. 2.22 RRS 86.2: ISAF have granted permission to the OA to delete; RRS 88.1 and 88.2 and replaced with; the prescriptions of national authorities will not apply. Also amendments to the ISAF Regulations, in accordance with RRS 86.2 the letter will be posted on the Noticeboard. 2.23 RRS Appendix A 2 is deleted. 2.24 RRS Appendix A 7 is deleted and replaced with: If boats are tied at the finishing line, the points for the place for which the boats have tied and for the place(s) immediately below shall be added together and divided equally. 2.25 RRS Appendix A 8.1 add a sentence at the end of the rule: However, if there is a tie on total Leg points at the end of the Race the tie shall be broken in favour of the Boat with the highest place in the overall In-Port race series. 2.26 RRS Appendix A 9 is deleted. 2.27 RRS Addendum Q of the RRS as may be amended by the Pro-Am and In-Port SI’s shall apply for all Pro-Am and In-Port races. If stated in the Leg addendum RRS Addendum Q shall apply at the beginning of a Leg. 2.28 There shall be no signals ashore. Race Signals, Other Signals-Flag L Ashore shall not apply. This changes Race Signals, Flag L. 2.29 Anti-Doping Rules; the applicable rules and procedures will be contained in NOR Appendix E Crew Members and OBRs are reminded of their obligation to know the Anti-Doping Rules. The Person in Charge or the Reserve Person in Charge is also responsible for informing their Crew Members and OBRs of the Anti-Doping Rules and ensuring that all Crew Members and OBRs sign and submit Appendix 3 of the Anti Doping Rules in accordance with NOR 8.1 (k). 2.30 Boats shall comply with MARPOL 73/78 Annex V, which prohibits the dumping plastic or synthetic materials at sea. Boats shall not dump fuel or oil overboard at any time. 2.31 Further to Class Rule F. 4.1, for the Pre-Race and the Race the list of approved suppliers can be obtained from [email protected] 3. RACE EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES FEE 3.1 FEE PAYMENT SCHEDULE 3.1.1 The Race equipment fee shall be € 375,000.00 plus any Tax at the appropriate rate. 3.1.2 In addition; each Participant shall also lodge a Race deposit of € 50,000.00 On ordering the st Boat or by 31 March 2013 whichever is the later: along with the completed application to enter form available from the OA, receipt of the non refundable Race deposit and the completed application to enter form will make the Participant an official entry (Deed of Undertaking 2 (a)). Once the Participant’s Boat has started in an In-Port race or a Leg of the Race this non refundable deposit will become the Race deposit in accordance with NOR 3.1.3. Any remaining portion of the deposit not in dispute shall be repaid to the Participant by th 30 November 2015.Only upon receipt of this Race deposit together with the application to enter form and acceptance by the OA will the Participant be registered as an official entry. Once the first official entry is registered by the OA to the last day of the Race, only Participants registered as official entries will be invited to relevant discussions and decisionmaking meetings. 3.1.3 To guarantee the delivery of NOR Appendix B Equipment with the Boat to the specifications, payments must be made no later than those in NOR 3.1.3: any late payment may result in a Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 9 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 delay to delivery and an interest charge may be applied. However the full equipment fee and th the Race deposit must be received by the OA before 30 June 2014 for the Participant to start th in the Race. The OA reserves the right to accept an official entrant after the 30 June 2014 if it has received less than 8 official entries by that date. (a) € 200,000.00 On ordering, the Boat and signing the Deed of Undertaking or by 30 September 2013 whichever is the later: the first instalment. th st (b) € 100,000.00 On ordering, the Boat and signing the Deed of Undertaking or by 31 March 2014 whichever is the later: the second instalment. th (c) € 75,000.00 On ordering the Boat and signing the Deed of Undertaking or by 30 June 2014 whichever is the later: Or the full balance of the equipment and services fee and th Race deposit must be received by the OA If the OA approves an order for a Boat after 30 June 2014 the order must be accompanied by the refundable deposit, the application to enter and the full balance of the equipment and fee. 3.2 REFUND OF FEES 3.2.1 When a Participant can demonstrate that an amendment of the Rules prior to the start of the Race would consequently cause that Participant a loss, or to incur costs, exceeding the total value of their payments towards the Race equipment and services fee to that date, that Participant may within 28 days of publication of such an amendment, by written notice to the OA, withdraw its entry. In this case the OA shall refund payments made by the Participant to that date less the cost of equipment and services provided to that Participant should the Participant decide to keep the equipment or have used the service. This paragraph sets out the exclusive remedy of any Participant for any amendment to the Race rules and the OA shall have no other liability for any consequences for the Participant, or any third party, of such amendment to the Race rules. Should there be a disagreement between the OA and the Participant on the amount of the refund then the matter shall be decided by the IJ. 3.2.2 When an entry is withdrawn other than in accordance with NOR 3.2.1, the OA shall be entitled to retain any fees paid. 3.3 BOATYARD FEES 3.3.1 The BY fee and payment schedule is contained in the CPP Schedule 3, the fees shall be paid according to the schedule prior to a Boat competing in or continuing in the Race. 4. ENTRY AND QUALIFICATION 4.1.1 Only VO65 Boats can enter the Race. 4.1.2 All Boats shall have a valid VO65 Class Certificate while Racing. 4.1.3 Prior to the Assembly Date, each Boat entered in the Race must complete a non-stop open ocean qualification race or passage of approximately 2000 nautical miles, with at least 60% (rounded up) of the Crew Members for Leg 1, the proposed route and the crew must be approved in advance by the OA. 4.1.4 On Friday 12 September 2014, each Boat entered in the Race shall compete with the following minimum number of Crew Members for Leg 1 (NOR 6.1.4 (a) = 7, (b) 8 and (c) 10) plus the OBR in an OA organised Leg 0 of approximately 400 nautical miles to test various items of supplied equipment. Following the dock-out ceremony and before the start of Leg 0 the crew shall demonstrate: fitting and sailing with the emergency steering the rescue kite, complete a man overboard recovery, and other task specified by the RC, these shall be recorded on video and other forms of media and transmitted back to race control. 4.1.5 Should a Boat entered in the Race be unable to complete either of the qualification races or passages in NOR 4.1.3, 4.1.4 or any of their requirements she shall complete a race or th Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 10 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 passage or fulfil the requirements as directed by the OA before she starts in the Race. 4.1.6 The Participant shall supply a crew list to the OA for the qualification race(s) or passage(s) in NOR 4.1.3 and 4.1.4 at least 48 hours before they start each event. Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 11 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 SECTION B – LIMITATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS 5. BOATS, SAILS, RUNNING RIGGGING, APPENDAGES, TRAINING AND TESTING Boats, Sails, Rigs, Appendages and equipment shall be used as supplied and in accordance with the VO65 Class Rules, NOR the SI’s and any other documentation supplied with the Boat. Any repairs or alterations carried out to the Boats, Sails, Rigs, Appendages and equipment shall be undertaken by or under the guidance of the BY. Under certain circumstances repairs and alterations may be undertaken by the Participant with the prior written permission of the VCA and the BY, any permission granted will contain the requirement that the repair or alteration is inspected by a member of the VCA for Class Rule compliance prior to the Boat commencing Racing, the request and the answer shall be posted on the Noticeboard. 5.1 SAILS Only the sails and sail bags manufactured for or allocated to the Participant and supplied by North Sails under the Sail Purchase Agreement between the Participant and North Sails for either the Pre-Race or the Race Sails shall be hoisted or used on the Boat at any time. The storm jib is designed to be used as a part of the safety equipment and will be sealed in place while Racing as such the sail bag have been designed for storing/sealing in place and may prove difficult to use should the sail be used pre race on a regular basis. 5.1.1 (a) For the Alicante Stopover: Pre-Race Sails may be used for practice, Leg 0, the practice races and Pro-Am Races. These sails may be unbranded, except that the mainsail shall have as a minimum the Volvo Ocean 65 logo as per NOR 25.10 (i) (b) Any Pre-Race Sails used after the start of Leg 1 shall comply with NOR 25.10 and: (c) During the Abu Dhabi, Auckland, Newport, Lisbon, Lorient and Gothenburg Stopovers the Pre-Race J1 may be used for and any practice and Pro-Am Races no other Pre Race Sails shall be used. 5.1.2 (a) For the Race a Participant may purchase one of each of the sails contained in NOR 5.1.3 (a, b, c, d, e, f and g). In addition the Participant may purchase another four sails from those contained in NOR 5.1.3 (b, c, d, e, f, and g) making a total of 11 Race Sails. The th date by which the Participants Race Sails shall be ordered will be 14 April 2014. The st Race Sails shall be hoisted for the first time on or after 1 September 2014. The hoisting of any Race Sail shall be in either the Alicante Stopover or at any Stopover from Abu Dhabi onwards and shall be supervised by a representative of North Sails. For the Alicante In-Port Race a Boat shall use her Race Sails which may be chosen from any of her 11 Race Sails. (b) Prior to the Abu Dhabi Stopover the Boat shall only use the sails that were on-board for the first Leg. (c) If prior to the Abu Dhabi Stopover a Boat has damaged beyond repair or lost one or more of her Race Sails she may apply in writing to the VCA and the IJ for permission to use one of her spare Race Sails of the same code as the Race Sail that was damaged beyond repair or lost, the request and the answer shall be posted on the Noticeboard. (d) If a Boat damages beyond repair or loses one or more of her Race Sails and does not have a spare Race Sail of the same code she may apply in writing to the VCA and the IJ for permission to use her Pre-Race Sail of the same code, the request and the answer shall be posted on the Noticeboard. Any decision on an application under NOR 5.1.2 (c & d) shall be given as a result of a hearing conducted by the IJ. Should the IJ decide that the damage or loss was due to exceptional circumstances they may make another arrangement. However, when as the result of a Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 12 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 hearing the IJ finds that the damage or loss was deliberate or as the result of negligence or similar the request shall be denied. 5.1.3 While Racing the Boat may only carry on-board the following Race Sails, which shall only be used in accordance with the relevant VO65 Class Rule C10.2, 3, 4, 6 & 7. (a) 1 x Mainsail (b) 1 x J1 (c) 1 x J2 (d) 1 x J3 (e) 1 x A3 (Gennaker) (f) 1 x Fractional Code 0 (FRO) (g) 1 x Masthead Code 0 (MH0) In addition the Boat shall carry on-board her Pre-Race storm jib, and only use in accordance with VOR Class Rule C10. The storm jib shall only be used when there are no other sails hoisted forward of the mast, at all other times it shall remain sealed in place. 5.1.4 For a Leg the rescue kite shall be on-board and sealed in accordance with NOR 9.62 and 9.63 The rescue kite shall only be used when the Boat has been dismasted, is unable to control the canting of the keel or the keel bulb has been lost. The circumstances shall be reported to the IJ and may result in a hearing. 5.2 TESTING, TRAINING 5.2.1 Participants shall not engage in two-boat testing involving 2 or more Boats before the Assembly Date. Boats shall be considered to be testing if at any time they: (a) Exchange or compare performance information or data. (b) Are sailing in a similar direction within a range of 2 nautical miles of another Boat. 5.2.2 All Participants including through the assistance of third parties, shall not share or exchange performance information or data gathered by the Participant about their Boat unless this information is shared to all Participants without cost to the other Participants. This restriction shall not apply to performance information or data which may be gleaned either visually, using equipment supplied with the Boat or equipment that is permitted to be on-board without assistance from other persons or entities in formal or informal competition as permitted in NOR 5.2.6 (a) and (c) or otherwise as permitted in the NOR. 5.2.3 Performance data is any information or data given verbally or in hard or soft copy that may assist another Participant in changing or improving the performance of their Boat. Following is a non exhaustive list of what may be considered performance information or data: (a) Rig loads (b) Sail combinations and crossovers (c) Polars (d) Ballasting (e) Stacking Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 13 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 (f) Daggerboard settings 5.2.4 NOR 5.2.2 does not prevent a supplier disclosing improved methods or technology developed by the supplier provided the information is disclosed to all Participants at the same time. 5.2.5 Position monitoring equipment will be installed by the OA and shall be remain on board the Boat. Once installed it shall remain powered on and shall not be modified or removed except by or with the prior written approval of the OA. The OA may use the information received from the position monitoring equipment to verify compliance with the Rules or for developing and testing tracking or other OA software. A Participant wanting to turn their position monitoring equipment off must apply in writing to the OA; the answer will be posted on the Noticeboard. 5.2.6 The following will not be considered infringing NOR 5.2.1 (b) when; (a) Participating in races, which have been approved by the OA, the OA may impose special conditions on those Participants that compete, these are: th (i) Fastnet Race 11 August 2013 (ii) Harwich Race Holland-GBR 27 May 2014 th th (iii) North Sea Race GBR-Holland 30 May 2014 th (iv) Sjelland Runt Denmark 26 June 2014 th (v) Tour Ile de Groix 13 July 2014 th (vi) Marina Rubicon Round Canary Islands 19 July 2014 (vii) Cowes Week 2014 2 nd th – 8 August 2014 th (viii) Sevenstar Round Great Britain & Ireland Race 10 August 2014 (b) A Participant has received written permission at least 14 days in advance of any race, sponsor/publicity or other event in which more than one Boat or Boats may take part; any permission may contain special conditions and will be posted on the Noticeboard. (c) Taking part in organised training sessions where multiple Participants can and will participate any such training sessions must be approved in advance by the OA, the approval will be posted on the Noticeboard. 5.2.7 5.3 When Boats are reported to be in breach of NOR 5.2.2 the report will be sent to the IJ and may result in a hearing. RIGGING th th 5.3.1 From the 28 September 2014 until the 30 June 2015 only running rigging manufactured by the official VO65 running rigging manufacturer shall be used on a Boat, unless certain items are permitted to be a team detail by VO65 Class Rule or its Appendix F. 6. CREW 6.1 CREW MEMBERS AND ON-BOARD REPORTERS ABOARD WHILE RACING 6.1.1 The OBR and either the Person in Charge or the Reserve Person in Charge shall be on-board for all Pro-Am, In-Port races and Legs. 6.1.2 For all In-Port races and Legs the minimum number of Crew Members on-board while Racing shall be 6. 6.1.3 For all In-Port races and Legs a Boat shall have on board at least 2 Crew Members, not Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 14 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 st including the OBR, who shall be born on or after 1 October 1984. 6.1.4 During an In-Port race or a Leg the total number of Crew Members on-board excluding the OBR shall be: (a) Open crew; when the total has less than 4 female the maximum shall be a total of 8. (b) Mixed crew: when the total has a least 4 female and no more than 5 are male the maximum shall be a total of 9 (c) Female crew; when all the Crew Members are female; the maximum shall be 11. 6.1.5 During an In-Port race: All of the Crew Members shall have sailed the previous Leg or will sail the next Leg of the Race. Any request for replacement or substitution shall be in writing to the RC, the request and the decision will be posted on the Noticeboard. 6.1.6 During a Pro-Am race the number of Crew Members on-board shall be a minimum 5 and a maximum of 6. 6.1.7 During a Leg: at least 50% (rounded up) of the Crew Members who start each Leg of the Race shall have participated in the approved qualification race or passage or a Leg of a Volvo Ocean Race since 2008 or at the discretion of the OA other events in similar boats. 6.1.8 All Crew Members and the OBR shall have undergone a medical and dental examination no more than 6 months before the start of the Race. Medical and Dental certificates, available from the OA, shall be completed and signed by the examining doctor or dentist. 6.1.9 All Crew Members and the OBR shall have a nationally recognised first aid certificate, st acceptable to the OA, which shall be valid until the 31 July 2015. The certification shall include cardio-pulmonary resuscitation. As a guide to a minimum level of qualification; 6.1.10 In addition a minimum of 2 Crew Members shall: (a) Medical: Act as the medics for the Boat and undertake a medical course which fulfils the following criteria: (i) Be run by an organisation approved in advance by the OA. (ii) Be covered in no less than 3 days and the content should prepare the Crew Members for their role as medics. (iii) Following the successful completion of the course, each medic shall be issued with a certificate by the training organisation that ran the course, confirming that the Crew Member has completed the course to the necessary standard. Following the medical course the medics shall be able to demonstrate the following skills: They are able to competently manage an air-way, apply simple strapping and plaster casts, undertake skin suturing, insert intravenous cannula and give intravenous fluids, give both intra-muscular and intravenous injections, and apply a temporary dental filling. They shall also st provide the documentation showing that they have been assessed since 1 November 2013 in these skills by a recognised medical practitioner and have proven to be of an acceptable standard. In addition to the above: medics will be required to attend a medical refresher course during the Assembly Period during which demonstration of these skills may also be requested by the OA. Questions relating to the medical requirements should be directed to: [email protected] (b) Communications: Hold a valid General Operator’s Certificate GOC/GMDSS for the duration of the race. Similar to: or have attended a training session with a representative of Cobham the Race Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 15 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 communications supplier during the Assembly Period. 6.2 ON-BOARD REPORTER 6.2.1 The OBR shall be fully trained by the OA in the use of all the on board media equipment prior to and during the Assembly Period and shall carry out media and other duties nominated by the OA. The OA shall further define these duties in the SI’s or their addendums. The OBR shall not participate in the sailing of the Boat, in navigation nor in the maintenance or repair of the Boat. 6.2.2 6.2.3 In the event an OBR does not reach the required standard the OA will offer the Participant a list of trainees that are suitably qualified, the Participant will select one of the trainees as their OBR. A Boat may not start without an approved OBR. The OBRs will be selected and trained as follows: (a) The OA will manage the recruitment process for all the OBRs. (b) Participants will be circulated a list of potential OBRs by the OA before the final selection for training. (c) Participants may propose OBRs for training. (d) The OA will train and approve all OBRs. (e) Only OA approved OBRs can take part in the Race. (f) Once an OBR is approved they will be released to work with the Participant under the direction of the OA. (g) All OBRs shall supply multi-media content as directed by the OA. (h) Any reasonable request not complied with by the OBR may be referred to the IJ and may result in a hearing. 6.2.4 The permitted duties are contained in NOR 6.2.4 and shall only be carried out after all OA media requests have been completed. The permitted duties of the OBR are; (a) Normal personal activities of living on board a Boat (b) Being included in the roster for cooking, washing, sponging/bailing (c) Moving their own equipment (d) Handling communications with external medical advice and with follow up reports to the caregivers (e) Actions that would be considered good manners e.g. passing sunglasses, wet weather gear, drinks etc. (f) Water-making and charging of batteries (g) Handling or moving a food bag to decant contents into a day food bag or to get food or similar (gas etc.) to prepare a meal or drinks. 6.2.5 As a non-exhaustive list of prohibited actions; (a) On deck: Helming, trimming, grinding, foredeck work, stacking sails or other equipment, retrieving, folding or handling sails (b) Below decks: stacking sails or other non media equipment, helping with or repairing sails, Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 16 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 engine and electrical repairs, medical duties (except in extreme emergency) (c) General: substituting or assisting in the event that a Crew Member is incapacitated, navigation, weather and performance analysis and position reporting 6.2.6 On a Leg the OBR shall, as a minimum, supply media output as directed by the OA media manager, these duties will be contained in the SI’s. 6.2.7 During an In-Port race the OBR shall, as a minimum, supply media output as directed by the OA media manager, these duties will be contained in the SI’s. 6.2.8 While Racing: in the event the OBR is unable to perform their duties a Crew Member shall take over the duties under the guidance of the OBR manager until either the OBR is able to resume their duties or the Boat finishes. The substitute OBR is not required to carry out the environmental duties and is not restricted by NOR 6.2.5, however all circumstances surrounding the substitution shall be immediately communicated to race control and recorded in the relevant Crew Member’s post Race declaration. 6.3 BRIEFINGS AND CREW TRAINING 6.3.1 All Crew Members and OBRs shall: (a) Attend the 2 day safety course organised by OA at an advanced training facility which shall include basic life support training, a maximum 2 teams of 13 can attend each session, positions will be allocated to official entrants on a first come first-first served basis, the session dates are: th th 18 – 19 August 2014 (Dongfeng & Spanish) th st 20 – 21 August 2014 (SCA & ADOR) nd rd 22 – 23 August 2014(Alvimedica &) th th 25 – 26 August 2014 (Team Brunel & Team Vestas Wind) In the event that there are only 7 Boats entered a Participant may apply to the OA for extra positions in the session where only one team is participating. (b) Be able to demonstrate at any time from the Assembly Date until the finish of the Race, emergency drills including MOB recovery in different weather conditions, the operation of safety equipment and the operation of all communications equipment on board, including the making of distress calls, if possible these requirements will be tested prior to or during the sailing of Leg 0 during the Assembly Period. 6.3.2 All Crew Members, OBRs and the Participants senior management shall: (a) Together with senior team management, attend a 2-hour session of media strategy th explanation to be held in Alicante 26 September 2014 at 1700hrs. (b) Together with 2 members of senior team management, attend a 2-hour briefing on anti th piracy following the skippers and navigators briefing 7 October 2014. 6.3.3 As a minimum 2 Crew Members referred to in NOR 6.1.10 (a) shall attend a 2 day medical th th briefing to be held on the 25 & 26 September 2014. They or their replacements may further be required to attend a refresher course to be conducted at a Port during the Race. 6.3.4 The Person in Charge, Reserve Person in Charge and navigators shall attend a half day briefing covering emergency procedures with members of the Maritime Rescue Coordination th Centre 30 September 2014 immediately following the Alicante In-Port race briefing. 6.3.5 2 Crew Members from each Boat shall attend a 1 – day Volvo Penta training day to be held in th Alicante between 0900 and 1500hrs on the 26 September 2014. 6.3.6 As a minimum of 1 Crew Members shall attend a Mastervolt/SilentWind course to be held in th Alicante between 1400 and 1800hrs on the 25 September 2014. Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 17 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 6.3.7 Spare 6.3.8 The Person In Charge, the Reserve Person In Charge, navigator, technical shore manager, team manager and the teams communications manager, shall attend a briefing on the VOR th crisis management plan in the VOR offices at 0900 6 October 2014. 6.3.9 Crew Members and OBRs who fail to attend scheduled briefings or training days or who join a Boat after these briefings or training days shall prior to racing be required to attend similar briefings at a time and to a standard to be determined by the OA. The costs associated with attending the briefing or training shall be borne by the Participant. As the OA will not approve any crew who have not met the training or certification requirements it is strongly recommended that planned substitute Crew Members or OBRs attend the original briefings or training sessions. 7. GUESTS ON BOARD 7.1.1 The Participant shall provide all guests on the Boat at any time, and shall ensure such guests use, life jackets and wet weather clothing, which conforms with that worn by the Participants Crew Members (with the exception of names on the shoulders) and shall provide all other necessary safety equipment to all guests and ensure guests use the same. Practice races 7.1.2 Unless otherwise instructed by the OA four (4) media guests shall be on board during a practice race. The OA shall nominate two of the guests and the Participant shall nominate two of the guests. 7.1.3 During practice races guests shall comply with RRS 49. 7.1.4 During a practice race guests shall remain aft of the helm. The Person in Charge may allow a guest to helm. Pro-Am races 7.1.5 During Pro-Am races, guests may take part in the sailing of the Boat. 7.1.6 During Pro-Am races guests shall comply with RRS 49. 7.1.7 Unless otherwise instructed by the OA, a maximum of 10 guests shall be on board during the Pro-Am races, the maximum number of people on-board shall be 16. The OA shall nominate 3 of the guests. In-Port races 7.1.8 Unless otherwise instructed by the OA three (3) guests shall be on board during an In-Port race. The OA shall nominate one of the guests the Participant shall nominate one of the guests. The third guest will be a VIP or someone anticipated to bring significant extra media rd coverage. The guest shall be agreed with the OA, the allocation of the 3 guest place shall be at a ratio of 60% Participant to 40% OA. The Stopovers where a Participant and the OA have their extra allocation shall be agreed between them prior to the Assembly Date. 7.1.9 During In-Port races, guests shall not take part in the sailing of the Boat, nor act to improve its performance in any way except as allowed in NOR 7.1.10. 7.1.10 During In-Port races guests shall comply with RRS49. 7.1.11 During an In-Port race guests shall remain aft of the helm. The Person in Charge may allow a guest to helm while on the last leg of the race. Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 18 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 Legs 7.1.12 During a Leg, up to 3 guests nominated by the Person in Charge may be on board, the Person in Charge shall submit the request to the RC in writing by 1800hrs on the day before the Leg start or the Boat resuming racing in the Hague, giving the guest’s name(s) and the anticipated location on the course where the guest(s) will be collected and the method of collection, during the collection process RRS 49 does not apply to the guest/s. Should the request be approved the RC will give its approval in writing giving the timeframe of their stay on-board and any other requirements which will include the guest(s) wearing auto inflating PFD’s at all times while afloat. 7.1.13 One guest nominated by the OA may be on-board for a predetermined period of no more than 3 hours after the start of a Leg or the Boat resuming racing in The Hague. 7.1.14 During a Leg, when guests are not below decks they shall remain aft of the mast and comply with RRS 49. 7.1.15 When the RC is concerned that weather, sea or other conditions may impact the safety of the guests on-board for a Pro-Am or In-Port race the RC shall meet with all PIC’s the morning of the day concerned to discuss the situation, following that meeting the RC shall decide which “stage” is applicable for that days racing, when the stage is agreed the decision will be official, this changes NOR 13.6. On a Pro-Am race day the RC may change the stage should the conditions change by alerting all Boats by VHF or verbally by a RC representative or an umpire. (a) Guidance on guest restrictions for In-Port Race day due to weather and sea conditions Stage 1 No change. Stage 2 Guests may be behind the helm or in the companion-way area. Stage 3 The Boat shall have a chaperone to look after the guests, the chaperone shall comply with NOR 7.1.9, as if they were a guest. Stage 4 There shall be no guests on-board. (b) Guidance on race sea conditions Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 format and boat configuration for Pro-Am races due to weather and No Change. Restrict sail codes. Sailing but no Pro-Am race. Guests boat tour. Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 19 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 SECTION C – DOCUMENTS, DECLARATIONS and MEASUREMENT CONTROLS 8. DOCUMENTS AND DECLARATIONS NEEDED TO RACE Within 30 days of becoming an official entry or within 30 days after the Commercial Participation Protocol is issued or at a later date as may be agreed with the OA; each Participant or its representative shall sign the CPP. 8.1 th By 1800hrs 09 September 2014 each Participant shall have arranged with the OA and had signed the following documents. All documents must be supplied and signed before a Boat competes in any part of the Race: (a) A Person in Charge Agreement signed in front of a member of the OA or their representative by the Person in Charge, (b) A Reserve Person in Charge Agreement signed in front of a member of the OA or their representative by the Reserve Person in Charge, (c) A completed Boat Information Form. (d) A declaration signed by the Participant stating compliance with clause 9 (Insurance) of the Commercial Participation Protocol (e) The Crew Member Agreements to be signed by each Crew Member including the OBR, in the presence of a member of the RC or their representative (f) The OBR approval letter from the OA. (g) The completed Crew Medical Certificates, (NOR 6.1.10) (h) The completed Crew Personal Details forms for each Crew Member and OBR (i) A copy of first aid and medical competency certificates (NOR 6.1.12) and for at least 2 Crew Members, (NOR 6.3.3) (j) The satellite antenna safety instruction documents signed by each Crew Member and OBR. (k) A signed copy of the NOR Appendix E. Anti Doping Rules Appendix 2 by each Crew Member and OBR (l) Any amendments or additions to the forms, declarations or certificates already held by the OA. 8.2 No later than 48 hours before the intended start time of a Pro-Am race, In-Port race or Leg each Participant shall supply the OA with: (a) The list of names and positions of the Crew Members, the OBR and the guests who are to sail in that Pro-Am, In-Port, race or Leg shall be entered on the OA supplied “stopover” crew and guest Smartsheet lists, subsequent changes may be made by updating the Smartsheet. (b) Any amendments or additions to the forms, declarations or certificates already held by the OA 8.2.1 No later than 48 hours before the intended start time of a Leg each Participant shall submit a declaration listing the weight of each item of internal stackable equipment to be carried onboard their Boat for the next Leg, subsequent changes may be made to the Smartsheet form up until 1800hrs on the day before the Leg start. The internal stackable equipment shall be available for inspection from the time the declaration is lodged. 8.3 No later than 1800hrs on the day before a Leg start the Person in Charge or the Reserve Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 20 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 Person in Charge shall supply the OA with: (a) An original signed declaration that the Boat has had a thorough inspection, necessary repairs have been carried out and that the Boat is adequately prepared to compete or to continue in the Race without any additional modifications. Documents with electronic copies of signatures are not acceptable. (b) Any amendments or additions to the forms, declarations or certificates already held by the OA 8.4 When while Racing a Boat that acknowledges having infringed a Rule shall promptly inform race control of the nature of the infringement and the details. 8.5 Within 24 hours of the Boat finishing a Leg each Person in Charge, Crew Member and OBR that sailed on the Leg shall complete a medical questionnaire and then sign a declaration form stating that they and their Boat competed in compliance with the Rules or giving the circumstances where the Boat may have breached a rule. The declaration shall be signed in the presence of a member of the RC or the IJ. 8.6 Non-compliance with NOR 8 other than NOR 8.5 may result in a report to the IJ. Noncompliance with NOR 8.5 will be reported to the IJ. Either non-compliance may result in a hearing. 9. MEASUREMENT AND INSPECTIONS 9.1 All Boats shall: (a) Be available for measurement and inspection by the VCA at any time. (b) Be available for inspection or scrutineering by the VCA or the RC at any time from the Assembly Date until the final prize giving (c) Be available for a pre-race scrutineering no later than 0800 hours on the day of any ProAm, In-Port race or Leg start with items required to be sealed while Racing in place and sealed (d) Boats shall have a valid VO65 Class Certificate at the start of a Pro-Am, In-Port race or a Leg 9.2 COST OF MEASUREMENT When the Participant requests measurement: The Participant shall be liable for any measurement costs incurred before the Assembly Date. The Participant shall also be liable for any measurement costs as a result of replacements, additions, modifications, and repairs during the Race not undertaken in the Port or as the result of a protest. 9.3 REPAIRS, REPLACEMENTS AND MODIFICATIONS 9.3.1 The supplied equipment may be replaced replenished or repaired at any time with the approval of or under instruction of the BY, OA or the RC. This changes RRS 41 and 47.1. 9.3.2 Following the first measurement of an item, component or part carried out by any member(s) of the VCA: any subsequent replacement, alteration of the item, component or part, including like-for-like replacement whether or not it may affect the compliance of the item, component or part or her VO65 Class Rule shall be reported to the VCA in writing by the Participant or their authorised representative. The VCA shall then determine whether such replacement, alteration or repair requires further measurement by the VCA to ensure compliance with the VO65 Class Rule. When a Participant repairs, alters or replaces an item, component or part the Participant shall notify the VCA and the BY and be bound by any decision of the VCA. 9.3.3 Copies of all change, modification and repair requests shall be posted on the Noticeboard. Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 21 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 9.4 PROCEDURES FOR A BOAT WITHOUT A VALID CLASS CERTIFICATE TO RACE 9.4.1 When a Boat does not have a valid VO65 Class Certificate as required by NOR 4.1.2 the OA may apply to the IJ for permission to allow her to Race. The application shall include a report from the VCA that describes; (a) Details of the Boat’s non-compliance (b) Details of the Boat’s compliance (c) Details of the endeavours employed by the Boat to become compliant. When requested, a proposal for a compensating arrangement to ensure there is no advantage by the noncompliance. 9.4.2 The IJ may adjust the compensating arrangement or impose any other conditions it considers appropriate. If satisfied that the Boat has used all reasonable endeavours to become compliant and that no advantage can be gained, taking into account the compensating measures, it shall permit her to sail for one or more Legs or In-Port races. 9.5 REPLACEMENT BOATS When a Boat has sustained damage that would preclude it from further participation in the Race, the RC may authorise the use of another VO65 if available with a valid VO65 Class Certificate as a replacement. 9.6 SEALING ARRANGEMENTS AND EQUIPMENT ONBOARD 9.6.1 From the time of a Boat being issued its VO65 Class Certificate for the Race until the expiry of the protest time limit for the final Leg, Pro-Am race, In-Port race which ever is later: (a) All equipment that will be on-board for the Leg shall remain on-board from 0800 on the day of the In-Port race and if required sealed in accordance with NOR 9.6.2 and 9.6.3 and shall remain sealed for the next Leg with the exception of items permitted by the NOR or the SI’s to be removed for the Pro-Am and In-Port races or permission to remove the item is given by the BY manager or a member of the OA. Except: (i) In the start port: NOR 9.6.2 and 9.6.3 will not apply to a Boat between her finishing the In-Port race and until the equipment is sealed for Leg 1. (ii) In the finish port: NOR 9.6.2 and 9.6.3 will not apply to a Boat from the time the Boat finishes or retires from the Leg until the equipment is sealed for the In-Port race. (iii) On an In-Port or Leg start day, only fresh food and personal items may be loaded on-board after 0800. (b) Items and equipment that may be removed for and re-loaded, changed or substituted between the Pro-Am race and 0800 on the Leg start day: (i) Sails and battens (ii) Portable electronics (iii) Personal items and equipment (iv) Food and drink (v) Fuel, oil, and lubricants (vi) Running rigging (vii) Constant wear survival suits Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 22 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 (viii) Internal stackable equipment and their bags or containers (ix) Radar, radar bracket and mast cable (x) Active radar transponder and mast cable (xi) Outriggers (xii) The stacking posts (xiii) Foul weather gear (xiv) Food bags (xv) Volvo Ocean 65 supplied equipment not required for the Pro-Am or In-Port races NOR 28.4 (c) For a Leg: Daily consumables e.g. food, sunscreen, cleaning wipes, tissues, cleaning products, gas etc. for the Leg shall be carried on-board under the following conditions: (i) All food shall be stored in the supplied food bags (2 days = 1 bag) and for Legs longer than 20 days additional food bags of the same or similar design shall be used the maximum weight for any food bag shall be 25kg, on shorter Legs when the 20 supplied bags are not necessary they shall be packed into one or more of the excess bags and carried on-board. (ii) Sunscreen, cleaning wipes, tissues, cleaning products etc. may also be stored in the food bags (iii) All gas cannisters or bottles when not in use may be stored in a separate bag(s) and be included in the internal stackable spares (iv) A Boat may take food for the expected number of racing days stated in the table contained in NOR 9.6.1 (c), (vii) plus 2 extra days = (I bag) (v) These bags may be moved inside the Boat in accordance with NOR 2.13 (a) (vi) Should a Boat wish to take food bags in excess of those permitted in NOR 9.6.1 (c) (iv) the extra bags shall be sealed in accordance with the second sentence of NOR 9.6.2 and 9.6.3 (vii) Average days Leg 1 24 Leg 2 28 Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 23 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 Leg 3 23 Leg 4 22 Leg 5 21 Leg 6 19 Leg 7 9 Leg 8 3 Leg 9 5 (d) Internal stackable equipment may be on-board and moved inside the Boat in accordance with NOR 2.13 (a) under the following conditions: (i) The declaration smart sheet is completed 48 hours prior to the scheduled start time for the Leg (ii) The declared internal stackable equipment shall be available for inspection from 48 hours prior to the scheduled start time for the Leg (iii) Any subsequent changes to the declared weight shall not increase or decrease the declared weight by more than 50kg (iv) This total weight shall not include any of the items listed in NOR 9.6.2 (a - h) and 9.6.3 (a - e) (v) The total maximum weight shall not exceed 550kg (vi) All bags or containers are clearly identified and match the list supplied in accordance with NOR 8.3 (vii) Each bag or item shall have a maximum weight of 25kg (viii) Non exhaustive list of Internal stackable spares: Rigging Spares (sheets) Rigging Spares 2 Sail Repair Spares bag Navigation/Electronics Extra spares (gas) Nav Station Bag and cushions/beanbags Boat Building kit Tool Bag Spare runner / checkstay Spare Battens Spare VMHU Spare furlers Gas cannister bag Sleeping Bags and Pillow Mattreses Helmets Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 24 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 Pelican case of valuables Cooking equipment Lifejackets Foul Weather Gear Spare clothing (hood jackets) Sea boots Survival Suits Emergency Pumps and hoses Day Medical Pelicase Buckets and Bailers Media (OBR equipment) Volvo Penta supplied spares Volvo Ocean 65 supplied equipment required for the Leg NOR 28.4 25 litres of bottled drinking water (ix) Should a Boat wish to take internal stackable equipment in excess of the maximum weight permitted in NOR 9.6.1 (d) (ii) or in excess of the maximum weight permitted in NOR 9.6 1 (d) (iv) they shall be sealed in accordance with the second sentence of NOR 9.6.2 and 9.6.3 (e) Non sealed deck equipment, shall not included in the internal stackable spares 4 x jib sheets 4 x spinnaker sheets 1 x short sheet 6 x stacking posts 6 x stack ratchets 20kg assorted deck gear in 1 or more bags The Leg SI’s may allow the carrying of extra fuel tanks, their placement and other instructions will be contained in the Leg SI’s. 9.6.2 Prior to the In-Port race of a Stopover, items and equipment not to be moved while Racing will be sealed and shall remain sealed in the position indicated in the diagram contained in Appendix G. Items not included in the diagram that the OA or VCA decide should be sealed shall be sealed as close to the centreline and the LCG of the Boat as possible and shall remain in that position until the Boat finishes and is inspected by the OA or retires from the next Leg, such as; (a) Life rafts, anchors, chain and warp (b) Emergency rudder and its associated equipment (c) Emergency water, spare hydraulic oil (all containers filled to capacity) (d) Storm jib (e) The 2 large medical cases (f) Propeller shaft (Leg only) (g) Sewing machine (h) SilentWind backup power supply and mast (i) Rescue kite, bar and pump Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 25 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 (j) Emergency stretcher Other items: as may be decided by the RC. 9.6.3 Prior to the In-Port race of a Stopover or a Leg start, items and equipment not to be opened and if identified in NOR Appendix G shall not be moved while Racing will be sealed and shall remain sealed until the Boat finishes and is inspected by the OA or retires from the Leg, such as; (a) Aft emergency Equipment Locker (b) Battery boxes (c) Grab bags (d) Emergency fuel and emergency water tanks (water containers filled to capacity, fuel to the line marked on the tank by the OA) (e) Container for any mobile phone carried on-board Other items: as may be decided by the RC. 9.6.4 The bunks are only for Crew Members and the OBR to sleep and rest on with the exception of bedding and personal gear bags no other items, equipment, gear, food or spares shall be stored or stacked on any of the bunks at any time while Racing. The maximum weight of personal gear and clothing (that is not required to be on-board by another rule) shall be 12kg for each person on-board. A non-exhaustive list of personal gear is: (a) gear bag (b) underwear (c) inner-layer clothing (d) clothing (e) personal electronics (f) toiletries (g) hats, boots, shoes 9.6.5 When cable-tie like sealing straps are used to fix items not to be moved or opened to permanent fixtures in the Boat. The minimum diameter of holes through which the sealing straps can be passed shall be 6 mm. The maximum distance to a fixing point shall be 500 mm. 9.6.6 When a Crew Member or the OBR needs to cut or remove a seal they shall contact race control and notify race control of their intention and then send a continuous video showing the cutting or removal of the seal, the same shall be done with the replacement seal. The number shall be visible before moving to the GPS or other time and position reporting device, the circumstances shall also be recorded in the Boat’s log. 9.6.7 When a seal is broken it shall be replaced immediately with one of the spare seals carried onboard; the circumstances shall be reported to race control immediately along with a continuous video showing the replacement seal with the number visible to the GPS or other time and position reporting device, the circumstances shall also be recorded in the Boat’s log. 9.6.8 If transmission of any photographs or video relating to seals is not possible, video of the seal with an uninterrupted shot moving to a GPS screen showing position, date and time will be required. Video memory cards shall be collected by or delivered to the RC within 24 hours of Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 26 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 finishing. 9.6.9 Seals shall not be broken or removed after finishing a Leg except by or with the permission of a representative of the VCA, BY or the RC. 9.6.10 Breaches of NOR 9.6 will not be grounds for a protest by a Boat. This changes RRS 60.1 (a). 10. EQUIPMENT SUPPLIED BY THE OA 10.1 The list of OA supplied equipment is detailed in NOR Appendix B. 10.2 The OA reserves the right to alter, substitute or withdraw any equipment, products, materials, services or facilities, and undertakes to use its reasonable endeavours in this event to supply an equivalent replacement within a reasonable period. Where this is not possible a placebo unit may be fitted that has been weight equalised with the item it replaces. 10.3 The failure of any equipment supplied by the OA shall not be grounds for redress. This changes RRS 62.1(a). 10.4 With the exception of the OBR computer and the back-up computer the OBR supplied equipment may be substituted by similar or better equipment that is pre-approved by the OA. The OA supplied equipment may be returned immediately or in accordance with NOR 26.5. The minimum total weight including cases shall be 30kg and the maximum shall be 40kg. No single case shall weigh more than 25kg. Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 27 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 SECTION D – PENALTIES 11. RRS: PART 4 AND NOR 11.1 RRS 44.1 (b) is amended in that the penalty for causing injury, serious damage or gaining significant advantage by a breach shall be determined by the IJ. 11.2 RRS 44.2 is amended by adding: When on a Leg and Addendum Q no longer applies; a Boat may take a penalty in accordance with RRS 44.1 by taking a One-Turns Penalty or a Two Turns Penalty. She shall notify race control who shall communicate the penalty being taken to the fleet. A continuous video of the taking of the penalty; starting with a shot of the time and position of the boat when commencing the Turn(s), the Turn(s) and finishing with a shot of the time and position of the Boat the entire video clip shall then be transmitted to race control. 11.3 Infringements of the NOR not covered elsewhere will be reported to the IJ and may result in a hearing. 12. INTERNATIONAL JURY 12.1 Prior to the Race an IJ will be appointed in accordance with RRS Appendix N. RRS Appendix N 2.2 is amended in that (a) and (b) are deleted and replaced with (a) measurement protests 13. LANGUAGE, TIMES, AMENDMENTS, INTERPRETATIONS, NOTICES AND INFORMATION 13.1 The official language for all Race matters shall be English. In the event of conflict with any translation, the English version shall prevail. The meaning of any word not defined in any of the Rules shall be by referenced to the Oxford English Dictionary (2009) – CD Rom Version 4.0 (Oxford University Press 2009). 13.2 Unless otherwise stated, all times in the NOR and SI’s are local. 13.3 Any changes to the sailing instructions will be posted on the Noticeboard before 0800 and while on a Leg-transmitted to the Boats by race control before 0800 (UTC) hours on the day it will take effect. 13.4 Any change to the schedule of races will be posted by 2000 hours on the day before it will take effect. 13.5 Within their various authorities the; (a) OA and the RC may answer questions, make amendments and issue interpretations to the NOR & SI’s (b) VCA may make amendments and issue interpretations and answer questions related to the VO65 Class Rule. An answer or an interpretation may not change a Rule. These questions and answers amendments and interpretations shall be posted on the Noticeboard. 13.6 Any amendments to the NOR, SI’s or other notices to competitors shall be posted on the Noticeboard. Changes made to the events in NOR 32.2 marked with ** after the Assembly Date these changes shall be advised by the OA on an events based website and not the noticeboard. 13.7 The words “shall” and “must” are mandatory. The words “may” and “can” are permissive. The word “should” is advisory. Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 28 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 14. SAILING INSTRUCTIONS Sailing Instructions shall be published in several parts. The ‘In-Port race Sailing Instructions’ shall be published at least 6 months before the start of the first In-Port race. The ‘Leg Sailing Instructions’ shall be available at least 6 months before the start of Leg 1. The Leg Addendums shall be published at least 2 months before the start of each Leg. 15. COMMUNICATIONS WHILE RACING 15.1 Each Participant will be allocated 3 “white list” email addresses for the Participant to send emails directly to the Boat. All white list emails shall be cc’d to [email protected] 15.2 Any communication whether Boat to Boat or Boat to another station is only permitted via the satellite communications terminals or other devices provided by the OA. Data Communication through the Large and Small Voice and Data Antennae or mini-C is only permitted via race control. NOR 15 ammends RRS 41. 15.3 The FB250 shall remain powered on at all times while Racing and at other times when requested to be powered on by a representative of the OA. 15.4 Internet access is not permitted. 15.5 Encryption is not permitted. This does not include normal signal encryption used by communication equipment provided or required by the OA. 15.6 Meteorological information may only be obtained from the OA and publicly broadcast AM or FM radio transmissions. Meteorological information from the OA will be provided mainly in GRIB txt and image format and updated according to the nature of the product these are available through race control. Additional information may be supplied such as surface analysis charts, satellite images. Failure of the OA to have available, or of Boats to receive, meteorological information shall not be grounds for redress. This amends RRS 62.1(a). 15.7 Any lidar, sodar or other devices capable of measuring wind speed or direction outside a o vertical cone in body axes with a semi angle of 30 or any device capable of measuring wind speed and/or direction outside a cylinder formed by the yacht’s sheer-line extending to a point 3 meters above the masthead of a yacht is not permitted. 15.8 Unless specifically permitted in NOR 14 the receiving of e-mails from FTP-to email, Internetto-email, WWW-to-email or email subscription services (paid or unpaid) is not allowed. 15.9 With the exception of Alicante and Gothenburg: from the time their Boat goes back in the water until either finishing or retiring from the next Leg the 2 Inmarsat mini-C units, WTP3, GPS sensors, media desk and back up tracking units shall be activated and remain switched on unless instructed to turn them off by the RC. 15.10 Testing of the FB 500 and the FB250 may also be requested prior to the start of the Leg. If the activation is not possible or any of the units cease functioning, the Boat shall immediately inform race control and the RC of the reason and the Boat shall use its best endeavours to reactivate the affected units. The RC will use its best endeavours to assist in the re-activation failure of the RC to rectify the problem will not be grounds for redress this changes RRS 62.1(a). 15.11 For Alicante and Gothenburg this equipment shall be activated 48 hours prior to the start of the In-Port race and shall remain active until instructed to turn them off by the RC. The Stopover specific addendum may change these requirements. 15.12 All Inmarsat Services (a) Any liability incurred by a boat for use of the Inmarsat system not using Stratos/Xantic beyond that required by the rules and in excess of the allowance made by the OA will be charged to the boat. Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 29 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 15.13 While Racing on a Leg: (a) Sat-phone communications are not permitted to or from the Boat, unless: the OA, RC or race control has pre-approved the call. (b) Only one mobile phone with a SIM card inserted may be on-board after the Boat departs the dock on Leg start day, the mobile phone number shall be provided to the race control. Prior to Racing the mobile phone shall be sealed in the plastic container provided by the OA and shall remain sealed while Racing. The seal shall be photographed applied over at least 2 of the cases latches and the photograph transmitted to race control within 4 hours of the Leg start. (c) iPad’s, tablet PC’s, mobile phones or similar devices capable of using SIM cards or similar shall have the SIM cards removed and the aperture will be sealed prior to 1800 the day before the Leg start by a member of the RC or when the communication is through an internal modem or similar the modem shall be permanently disabled. 15.14 The AIS shall remain powered on and transmitting at all times while Racing. 16. MEDIA REQUIREMENTS 16.1 While Racing: Boats will be required to transmit media content ashore. The content requirements will be managed on behalf of the OA by the OBR manager and the minimum content for each Leg will be specified in the Leg SI’s or their addendums. 16.2 During Pro-Am races, In-Port races and Legs the OA may require Crew Members to wear and use microphones to record what is happening on-board get comments and conduct interviews. These microphones shall be switched on when instructed and shall remain powered on and transmitting until instructed to turn them off. The relevant SI’s will contain further requirements and procedures. 16.3 Any effect of fulfilling these requirements shall not be grounds for redress. This changes RRS 62.1(a). 16.4 The OA may require media representatives to go on board after the finish of a Pro-Am In-Port race or a Leg. Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 30 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 SECTION E – ASSEMBLY, QUALIFICATION, COURSES AND STOPS 17. COURSE 17.1 The course will start in Alicante and be eastbound with a number of Legs and will leave Cape of Good Hope and Cape Horn to port. 17.2 A written description of the route is contained in NOR Appendix C. 18. ASSEMBLY 18.1 In Alicante: Boats shall be in the Assembly Area by 0900hrs Monday 8 September 2014. Berthing and base positions will be determined by the OA. Any permission for a Boat to leave the Assembly Area will be at the discretion of the RC. 18.2 In all other Ports, Boats shall be in the Assembly Area unless the RC has given written permission to leave. 18.3 Following the maintenance period permission will not be granted for a Boat to leave the Assembly Area until 3 hours after the last Boat has been re-launched. At a Non-Haulout stop or in exceptional circumstances the RC shall issue a date and time when a Boat may leave the Assembly Area. At other times Boats may be absent from an Assembly Area during assembly periods with the prior written approval of the RC. Approval will be given on the basis that at least 50% of Boats remain in the Assembly Area. 18.4 On the day of a Pro-Am or In Port race Boats must return directly to the Assembly Area after finishing or retiring from that race unless prior permission to do otherwise is granted by the RC. 18.5 After finishing or retiring from a Leg, Boats shall proceed directly to the Assembly Area unless prior permission to do otherwise is granted by the RC. 18.6 The SI’s may contain further requirements for Boats when departing on race days or docking after finishing. 18.7 Infringements of NOR 18 will be reported to the IJ and may result in a hearing. 19. NON-HAUL-OUT AND RESTRICTED HAUL-OUT STOPS 19.1 When a Leg finishes at a Non-Haul-out Stop or a Boat has finished and is waiting to re-start in a Pit Stop, a Participant shall not use any machinery, systems, devices or other methods of removing the Boat from the water or the water from around the Boat and shall not use a crane or other method to remove or step the rig or any other item. 19.2 The mast shall not be removed from the Boat. 19.3 A diver may be used for underwater maintenance and repairs and a Crew Member may use a hose to wash down the boat and other equipment. 19.4 Should a Boat require work that would contravene either NOR 19.1 or 19.2, 19.5 (a) or (b) the Participant shall, prior to commencing the work. Apply to the RC for permission to carry out the work, the application shall contain information from the VCA, BY or supplier of the item that needs the work outlining the problem and the suggested method of repair or replacement. The RC may refer the matter to the IJ, which may result in a hearing. 19.5 In addition during a Pit Stop the following permissions and restrictions apply: th (a) Repairs, replacements or modifications to the Boat shall only be carried out by a Crew Member who is on the Boats crew list for the Leg from Lorient to Gothenburg and only using equipment and spares carried on-board for that Leg. (b) All work carried out under NOR 19.5 (a) shall be carried out on-board the Boat. Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 31 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 (c) Extra fuel, water, food, provisions or shore power shall not be taken on-board during the Pit Stop. (d) Crew Members may leave and return to the Boat during the Pit Stop. (e) Other than the clothing and personal items (watches, sunglasses, passport, sunglasses etc.) all other items including computers, gear bags etc. shall remain on-board during the Pit Stop. (f) Garbage may be removed from the Boat. 19.6 When a Boat finishes at a Restricted Haul-out Stop, she shall be hauled out according to the instructions given by the BY manager. The number of Boats hauled out at any one time, the amount of time and times they may be hauled out shall be contained in a Q and A on the “Teams VOR Q and A” smartsheet: 19.7 The Leg SI’s or their addendums may contain further restrictions or permitted activities. 19.8 An infringement of NOR 19 will be reported to the IJ and may result in a protest. Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 32 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 SECTION F – SCORING AND PRIZES 20. 20.1 SCORING RRS Appendix A applies as ammended by NOR 2.23, 2.24, 2.25 and 2.26. 20.2 Nine (9) Legs are scheduled; each Boats score shall be her total for all Legs no score will be excluded. Refer NOR 30.1.6. The boat with the lowest series score wins and others shall be ranked accordingly. 20.3 Ten (10) In-Port races are scheduled; each Boats score shall be her total for all In-Port races no score will be excluded. The boat with the lowest series score wins and others shall be ranked accordingly. 20.4 A Boat shall make a reasonable attempt to start, sail the course and finish all practice, Pro-Am and In-Port races. Failure to do so may result in a protest by the RC. Any penalty given will be a point’s penalty applied to the nearest Leg. 21. PRIZES AND TROPHIES 21.1 (a) The Volvo Ocean Race trophy shall be awarded to the Boat with the lowest total number of points scored after all Legs, second place is the next least and so on. (b) Trophies and or prizes shall be awarded for each Leg to the Boat’s placed first, second and third (c) The In-Port race trophy shall be awarded to the Boat with the lowest total number of points scored after all In-Port races, second place is the next least and so on. (d) Trophies and or prizes shall be awarded for each In-Port race to the Boat’s placed first, second and third. 21.2 For Pro-Am race days a prize or trophy shall be awarded to the Boat placed first, second and third in each race. 21.3 All Boats awarded first place in an In-Port race, Leg, is leading overall or that had the longest great circle distance achieved in 24 hours for that Leg, shall be presented with a flag. These flags shall be flown in a prominent position in the rig of the Boat while the mast is stepped. 21.4 Perpetual prizes or trophies shall also be given for: (a) For a Boat that sets (ratified by WSSRC) a new, crewed mono-hull 24-hour distance record. (b) The Boat having the shortest elapsed time measured, by crossing for the first time the Longitude of the Cape of Good Hope (18 28 20E) on Leg 2 completing all intervening Legs to crossing for the first time the longitude of Cape Horn (67 16 20W) on Leg 5 shall be awarded the Roaring Forties Trophy (c) The Hans Horrevoets Rookie Trophy shall be awarded to the most outstanding Crew Member in the Race who complies with NOR 6.1.3 and has never participated in any Legs in any previous Races. An explanation of the rules can be found on the Noticeboard. Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 33 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 21.5 Prizes may be given for: (a) For the most outstanding act of Seamanship and or Sportsmanship during the Race: the Tourism and Culture Authority of Abu Dhabi prize (b) Communication and media (OBR) for each Leg and overall: the Inmarsat prize (c) The Boat that at the end of the Race has the lowest number of In-Port race points the InPort race series prize (d) The Boat that at the finish of each Leg has the longest great circle distance sailed in 24hours for that Leg: the IWC Schaffhausen prize (e) The Boat that at the end of the Race had the longest Great Circle distance sailed in 24hours during the Race: the IWC Schaffhausen prize 21.6 Other trophies may be awarded at the discretion of the OA. 22. PRIZE GIVINGS, DINNERS AND OFFICIAL FUNCTIONS 22.1 Unless otherwise notified prize giving’s awards nights and dinners will be held as follows. (a) Pro-Am race day: venue to be advised; immediately after the last Pro-Am race of each day 45 minutes after the first Boat docks after racing is completed for the day. The skipper and crew from the day are to attend the prize giving. (b) In-Port race: main stage; immediately after the In-Port race all Crew Members and the OBR to attend. (c) Life at the Extreme Awards Night: following the Leg public prize giving (Thursday-Friday) (d) Final Race public prize giving: main stage immediately after the In-Port race in Gothenburg (e) Final Life at the Extreme Awards Night: following the final public Race prize giving in Gothenburg 22.2 22.3 All Persons in Charge, Reserve Persons in Charge, Crew Members and OBR s shall attend all prize giving’s, awards nights, dinners and other official functions unless prior written approval for not attending is given by the OA. When specific team members are required for functions they are denoted by ** in the Dates and Race Days spread-sheet contained in NOR APPENDIX C. After the Assembly Date these dates and times when amended will be notified by the OA through a system and will not be posted on the noticeboard see NOR 13.6. Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 34 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 SECTION G – LIABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY 23. LIABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY 23.1 The OA’s responsibilities in relation to Participants, Crew Members, OBRs, Participant representatives and Persons in Charge Reserve Persons in Charge are set out in the Rules as may be amended from time to time. The OA shall have no liability to any other individual involved in the Race or to any other individual involved in any manner in the Race for negligence and shall not be responsible for any loss, damage, or injury of whatsoever kind, howsoever arising, (other than for death or personal injury caused by the negligence of the OA, misrepresentation, breach of duty or otherwise to the maximum extent permitted by Law. 23.2 The OA shall not be liable to any other party for any loss of profits, loss of revenue, or any incidental, indirect, consequential or special damages of any kind or nature arising under or relating to the NOR, whether such liability is asserted on the basis of contract, tort (including negligence or strict liability) or otherwise, save where the same is caused by the other party’s wilful misconduct, or that of its employees, sub-contractors or agents. 23.3 Insofar as any of the other exclusions of liability set out in this NOR fail to exclude any liability the OA may have for injury, loss or damage suffered by any third party in respect of any activities undertaken by, or for the benefit of, any one Participant, such Participant shall indemnify the OA in respect of such liability and all costs and expenses attributable to such claim. Participants shall generally indemnify the OA for any loss or damage sustained by the OA as a result of Participants’ breach of the Race Rules including without limitation those required by this NOR. 23.4 Participants and any others involved with the Race shall be deemed to have notice of these exclusions and indemnities and shall not make any claims or bring any proceedings of any nature in relation to or arising out of the Race against anyone involved in the organisation or management of the Race other than the OA and against the OA only in accordance with the Race Rules. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing the benefit of all exclusions and indemnities in the Race Rules shall apply not only to the OA but also to the individual members of the OA and RC and anyone else involved in the organisation or management of the Race from time to time and the term OA or Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. in the Race Rules shall be construed accordingly. 23.5 Acceptance of these exclusions of liability and provision of these indemnities shall be a condition of entering or participating in the Race and shall be effective as against Participants and any others involved with the Race. It is the responsibility of Participants entering the Race to ensure that the above provisions are brought to the attention of anyone involved with the Participant in connection with the Race including but not limited to team members and any others involved with the Race. 23.6 Force Majeure. The OA shall not be liable to any Participant and any others involved with the Race who have notice of the provisions of this NOR for any actual or construed, loss or damage, costs, expenses or other claims for compensation arising as a direct or indirect result of any cause beyond the reasonable control of the OA including (without limitation) any act of God, war, military operations, terrorism, riot, accident, breakdown of plant or machinery, failure or shortage of power supplies, abnormally inclement weather, fire, flood, hurricane, drought, explosion, lightning, strike, lock out, trade dispute or labour disturbance, the act or omission of, or refusal of any licence or permit by any Government, national or international sailing authority, highway authority, public telecommunications operator or administrative or other competent national or international authority, or difficulty, delay or failure in provision, manufacture, production or supply by third parties of any information, goods or services. Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 35 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 24. CODE OF CONDUCT 24.1 Participants, Persons in Charge, Reserve Persons in Charge, OBRs and Crew Members shall comply with any reasonable request from any official, including attendance at official functions, co-operation with event sponsors and shall not behave so as to bring the event into disrepute. A breach of this NOR 24 may be referred to the IJ by the OA the penalty may include exclusion from further participation in the event. Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 36 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 25. APPENDIX A: ADVERTISING & BRANDING 25.1 25.2 APPENDIX A; Applies at all times from the 23 September 2013. rd GENERAL Unless expressly authorised in advance, or unless required or prescribed by the OA, Participants shall ensure that no trademark, name, logo or other symbol or device is displayed on any external or visible surface or part of any equipment specified in NOR 27.2 and 28.3 and shall further ensure that no right to display such words or symbols has or shall be granted by the Participant to any third party, in each case effective from the date of delivery of the th equipment to the Participant until the end of the 14 Edition of the Volvo Ocean Race. Participants shall ensure that all such trademarks, names, logos or other symbols or devices so authorised, required or prescribed by the OA shall be displayed prominently and visibly at all times on such equipment and shall not be obscured other than as may be required by the Race Rules. Assessment of compliance or non-compliance with NOR APPENDIX A 26 shall be at the sole discretion of the OA. 25.3 HULL The OA shall require Boats to display logos on the topsides, on both sides of the hull, aft of the bow. No other logo shall be used for this purpose than those produced using the OA supplied .eps files. The logo shall be painted on the bow prior to the Boat being clear coated in the position indicated below and the logo on the port side shall be the same orientation for port and starboard as the class logo in the diagram (bow logo) below, ensuring the original shape, size, colours, dimensions and form are maintained. The negative version of the logo (white letters as shown in the mainsail diagram) is to be used on all backgrounds other than white or very light colours when the positive version of the logo is to be used (blue letters), for confirmation of the correct version contact: [email protected] The dimensions of the logo shall be; height 1.330 m x width 1.190 m and shall be centred on the vertical centreline between the waterline and the deck level, using the outer measurement of the logo. The front edge of the logo shall be 0.50 m from the bow-deck intersection. The first 2.0 m of the topsides of both sides of the hull shall be a single uninterrupted colour or, alternately, may feature a continuous graphic background, which shall, at the sole judgement of the OA, permit the clear legibility of the bow logo when it is applied. Under no circumstances shall the bow logo be permitted to appear within a box or other shape intended to create separation from topside background colour or graphic. Bow Logo (starboard) Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 37 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 25.4 INTERIOR An area 300mm x 200mm as indicated in the diagram below (Navigator’s desk) shall for the sole use of the OA. be Navigator’s desk 25.5 TRANSOM (a) The escape hatch in the transom shall not be painted or covered in vinyl. The entire surface of the escape hatch shall be for the sole use of the OA, which will include the Volvo Ocean 65 word mark and the ISAF logo both of which shall be supplied by the OA and applied according to the diagram shown under (c) with the exact location as specified in material supplied with the logos. (b) The Boat shall display its chosen country flag in the starboard upper section of the transom as indicated in the transom diagram below to the following specifications: i. for standard flags 360mm x 220mm ii. for non standard or square flags a minimum area of 770mm 2 iii. the flag will be placed centrally on the panel 110mm below deck level and parallel to the line of the deck iv. The logo shall be either applied as an adhesive logo or painted (c) On the remainder of the transom the Participant shall incorporate into its design the name of the Boat and the yacht club(s) it represents, the Yacht Clubs depiction may be the burgee, name or abbreviation or a combination of these. Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 38 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 Transom diagram 25.6 COACH ROOF The OA shall require Boats to display Volvo Ocean 65 word mark on both sides of the coach roof at the aft end close to the deck. No other logo shall be used for this purpose the logo shall be produced using the OA supplied .eps files. The logo shall be painted on the coach roof prior to the Boat being clear coated in the position 50mm forward of the intersection of the aft edge of the coach roof and the deck and 35mm above the deck the diagram (coach roof logo) below, ensuring the original shape, size, colours, dimensions and form are maintained. The negative version of the logo (white letters as shown in the mainsail diagram) is to be used on all backgrounds other than white or very light colours when the positive version of the logo is to be used (blue letters), for confirmation of the correct version contact: [email protected] Coach roof logo 25.7 SPARS The entire main boom shall be for the sole use of the OA. There will be branding applied by the OA prior to the Boat being commissioned. 25.8 AERIAL FRAME All surfaces of the aerial frame and its installed equipment shall be for the sole use of the OA. There will be branding applied by the OA prior to the Boat being commissioned. 25.9 CLOTHING The Team shall submit to the OA samples of Crew Kit bearing the VOR Trade Marks upon request by the OA. 25.9.1 The Volvo Ocean Race Round the World Logo shall appear on both of the upper outer sleeves of all Crew Members clothing at a size of no less than 100mm height x 89mm wide using the OA supplied .eps files. The negative version of the logo is to be used on all Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 39 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 backgrounds other than white or very light colours when the positive version of the logo is to be used (blue letters), for confirmation of the correct version contact: [email protected] Additionally an area surrounding the trademark of no less than 185 mm high x 150 mm wide shall be left clear of any other graphics or commercial marks. For female Crew Members only their inner and mid layer garments and their shore clothing only, the Volvo Ocean Race Round the World Logo may be at a size of no less than 80mm high x 73mm wide using the OA supplied .eps files with the area surrounding the logo to be left clear of 150mm x 120mm. Volvo Ocean Race Round the World Logo 25.9.2 The Team shall ensure that all of the OBR clothing displays the logo of Inmarsat Global Limited on all upper body garments within the area indicated in grey in the diagram (the grey colour is for defining the location only) i.e. anywhere on the top 150mm of the front of the garment measuring from the shoulder line down at a size of no less than 80mm wide using the OA supplied .eps files. The negative version of the logo (logo in white) is to be used on all backgrounds other than white or very light colours when the positive version of the logo is to be used (blue letters), for confirmation of the correct version contact: [email protected] Inmarsat Logo on OBR clothing 25.9.3 Additionally, all upper body garments (inner layer clothing, tee shirts, polo’s, jackets, fleeces and foul weather gear) worn by Crew Members during the Race, both on-board and, whilst on Participant business onshore (including public & media appearances, appearances at prizegiving’s, etc.), shall display the following information on the back shoulder panel, positioned across the shoulder blades: Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 40 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 (a) The legal surname of the Crew Member, applied with transfer or similar method: capital lettering with a height of 60mm. Centred; and, (b) The lettering used to denote the legal surname of the Crew Member or OBR shall be realised using a BOLD font in capital letters approved by the OA and shall be reproduced in a colour which is sufficiently contrasted with the background colour of the garments as to be clearly visible. Use of reflective materials is not permitted. When Crew Member’s shares the same legal surname, the first initial of the Crew Member’s first name shall precede the surname. When any Crew Member has a surname: which cannot be easily accommodated on any garment at a height of 60mm, then the surname shall be abbreviated in a manner to be agreed with the OA. Formal and ceremonial clothing worn by Crew Members is exempted from this requirement. When the garment has a hood and the hood may obscure the name: the name may be positioned sufficiently lower on the back so as to not be obscured by the hood. Participants are encouraged to: in addition to the Crew Members surname add the Crew Members nationality either with the Olympic 3 letter code e.g. Spain (ESP) or with the Crew Members national flag: stylized flag devices can be obtained from [email protected] Example Crew Member’s surname on clothing 25.10 SAILS (a) With the exception of the A3 the coverage of coating on the main body of the sail on both sides is mandatory on any Race Sail. The minimum coverage shall be according to the following specification and should be reapplied in the case of wear and tear, or repair. When paint, varnish or ink is used the Participant shall consult with North Sails France on the suitability of the paint, varnish or ink and get approval prior to its application. (b) The mainsail, J1, J2 & J3 shall have branding that has been approved by the OA and shall in addition to any surface painting applied by the sail maker have 100% of each side of the sail surface covered with at least one coat of paint, varnish, ink or adhesive vinyl ensuring that the entire surface of each side of the sail is covered so as to not show any of the sails’ base colour through the paint, varnish, ink or adhesive vinyl. This coat may make up the approved branding. (c) The storm jib shall have 100% of the exposed area of the spectra panels covered in a high visibility orange paint, varnish or ink. 2 (d) The FR0 shall have a minimum; 120m of the surface area of each side of the sail covered in OA approved branding, country flag or identifying colours. This can be applied using paint, varnish, ink or adhesive vinyl. 2 (e) The MH0 shall have a minimum; 150m of the surface area of each side of the sail covered in OA approved branding, country flag or identifying colours. This can be applied using paint, varnish, ink or adhesive vinyl. Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 41 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 (f) 2 The A3 shall have a minimum; 200m of the surface of the sail covered in OA approved branding, country flag or identifying colours. This can be applied using paint, varnish, ink or adhesive vinyl. (g) Transparent or translucent paint, varnish or ink may be approved by the OA to help 2 achieve the required m on the FR0, MH0 and A3 only; when a transparent or translucent varnish or ink is used it shall be the Participants responsibility to prove to the OA that the minimum required area is covered. Such proof shall be verified by visual inspection. (h) The proposed design shall be sent to the OA for approval, when submitting the proposed design for compliance with NOR 25.10 the design shall also be submitted in an .eps or a CAD format for the OA and the VCA to confirm the minimum coverage, the approved design will be used to confirm the dimensions when the sails are measured. The address for OA approval is [email protected] (i) The class logo shall be placed on the top of the mainsail according to the diagram below (Volvo Ocean 65 mainsail logo). The class logo shall be placed at the same height on both sides of the mainsail. As a minimum both sides of the head of the mainsail including the background area of the logo measured from 400mm below the lowest point of the logo at an approximate angle of 90 degrees to the back of the mast shall be painted using paint, varnish, ink or adhesive vinyl in a single solid colour which may be a continuation of the colour for the adjoining portion of the sail. In the event the mainsail colour is carried to the head of the sail no part of any branding shall be above the line shown in the diagram 400mm below the lowest part of the logo. The background area shall be such that the reverse logo cannot be seen through the sail. The negative version of the logo (as shown in the diagram) is to be used on all backgrounds other than white or very light colours when the positive version of the logo is to be used (blue letters), for confirmation of the correct version contact: [email protected] Volvo Ocean 65 mainsail logo Starboard 25.11 Port CLASS FLAG The VO65 Class flag will be supplied by the OA and each Boat shall display the flag on an aft support leg for the aerial frame at all times while afloat or Racing. Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 42 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 43 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 APPENDIX B – SECTION A 26. OA SUPPLIED EQUIPMENT 26.1 Items listed in NOR APPENDIX B; SECTION B; will be supplied to Participants when their Boat is delivered at Green Marine Ltd providing the appropriate part of the Race equipment fee has been paid, once delivered the equipment shall become the responsibility of the Participant, and: (a) Shall be fitted by Green Marine Ltd or the OA to the requirements set out in SECTION B and/or the associated equipment installation instructions. Commissioning shall be arranged in conjunction with Green Marine Ltd or the OA, (b) Shall be maintained according to any associated instructions and only used for its intended purpose. Equipment shall not be modified in any way, when repair or replacement is needed the Participant shall contact the OA or the BY, 26.2 All equipment in NOR APPENDIX B-SECTIONS B and C with the exception of items the NOR or SI’s allowed to be removed for the Pro-Am and In-Port races shall be on board while Racing and if required by NOR 9.6.1 or 9.6.2 sealed prior to the In-Port race of the Stopover. 26.3 All equipment shall be fully accessible for inspection by the OA, VCA or the BY at any time. Any failure of the equipment, which is covered under a manufacturers warranty or a preagreed maintenance contract, shall be repaired at the OA or the supplier’s expense. 26.4 Any repairs arising from damage not covered by the manufacturers warranty or an agreed maintenance contract shall be undertaken, at the Participants expense by OA appointed or other authorised personnel. 26.5 All items in NOR Appendix B Section B where the item is underlined will be removed from the Boat by the OA following the completion of the Race or the Boat retiring from the Race. 26.6 Medical supplies consumed prior to the Assembly Date shall be replenished by the OA at the Participants expense during the Assembly Period. 26.7 Immediately upon a Boat returning to the Assembly Area after sailing or at the end of a ProAm, In-Port race day or in the 2300 UTC daily situation report (general Leg SI 17) she shall send a list of the following items to race control copying in the RC and the BY manager 26.8 (a) Medical supplies used. (b) Safety equipment that has been used, damaged or lost and needs to be replaced repaired or serviced. (c) Electronic equipment including media and other communications equipment that needs to be replaced, repaired or serviced. (d) Any other damage to the Boat. Items and services supplied and not covered elsewhere in the NOR or the SI’s: (a) Volvo Ocean 65 Class management and inspection. Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 44 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 (b) Anti-Piracy research and advice. (c) Safety training (d) Weather pre and during the Race period and Ice information during the Race period. (e) ISAF, special events fee, Jury and Umpires (fees, travel and accommodation) and boat fees. (f) Medical services. (g) Sufficient airtime to download weather information, upload the media required in the SI’s and email communications while Racing. Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 45 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 APPENDIX B: SECTION B. 27. OA SUPPLIED EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES. 27.1 Equipment supplied in Section B will be serviced and maintained by the OA at their expense, items or parts replaced as a result of damage, loss or negligence on the part of the Participant shall be paid by the Participant. 27.2 OA SUPPLIED ELECTRONIC AND MEDIA EQUIPMENT Item Large Satellite Voice and Data Antenna FB500 Small Satellite Voice and Data Antenna FB250 Sailor 3771 Alarm Panel Units Location Installed/sealed 1 Aerial frame Installed 1 Aerial frame Installed 1 Nav station Installed Inmarsat mini-C transceivers with antenna 1 Aerial frame Installed Inmarsat mini-C transceivers with antenna 1 Aft pushpit Installed Spreader Camera (PTZ) 1 Port spreader Installed Spreader Camera (PTZ) 1 Starboard spreader Installed Fisheye camera 1 Installed Foredeck camera 1 Coaming camera (PTZ) 1 Aerial frame Forward side of the mast Doghouse coaming Microphone 1 1 Radar bracket Installed Microphone 2 1 Doghouse coaming Installed Microphone 3 1 Port binnacle Installed Microphone 4 1 Starboard binnacle Installed Uplink point-microphone connection 1 Doghouse coaming Installed Uplink point-microphone connection 1 Nav station/media desk Installed OBR kit 2-3 Pelicases or similar Media desk contents TBC Installed Installed Installed Virtual eye tracker 1 4G/3G antennae 2 In the aft watertight compartment Arial frame UHF antennae 1 Aerial frame Installed Boat VHF 1 Nav station Installed Handheld VHF 1 Thru-hull locator beacon 1 Yellowbrick emergency tracker 1 AIS 1 Attached near the thruhull fitting Aft pushpit or aerial frame Below decks Wireless access points 1 & 2 2 On deck Installed Wireless access point 3 1 Below decks Installed SilentWind (backup power source) 1 Below decks Sealed SilentWind mast 1 Below decks Sealed Yellowbrick emergency tracker 1 Grab bag Sealed Satellite phone 1 Grab bag Sealed Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 46 Installed Installed Installed Installed Installed Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 APPENDIX B: SECTION C 28. SAFETY REGULATIONS OA SUPPLIED AND NON-SUPPLIED EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS Headings underlined in this section indicate an item that may be removed for the Pro Am and In-Port races only. 28.1 RESPONSIBILITY OF PERSON IN CHARGE OR RESERVE PERSON IN CHARGE (a) The safety of the Boat and the persons on board is the sole and inescapable responsibility of the Person in Charge or the Reserve Person in Charge who must take suitable measures to ensure that the Boat is fully found, thoroughly seaworthy and manned by an experienced crew who are physically fit to face the extremely bad weather and severe conditions likely to be encountered in the Race. The Person in Charge or Reserve Person in Charge must be satisfied as to the soundness of hull, spars, rigging, sails and all gear. The Person in Charge or Reserve Person in Charge must ensure that all safety equipment is properly maintained and stowed and that the persons on board know where it is kept and how it is to be used. (b) The Person in Charge or Reserve Person in Charge is to ensure that current written emergency instructions are clearly displayed on-board and comprehensively understood by all persons on board to cover the following: man overboard, fire, recovery from capsize, collision/flooding response, chain of command, response to piracy attack, helicopter transfer, boat transfer, abandonment of the vessel. 28.2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (a) All equipment shall function properly, be regularly checked, cleaned and serviced and when not in use, be stowed on board in conditions in which deterioration is minimised. It shall also be readily accessible and ready for immediate use and be of a type size and capacity suitable and adequate for the intended use and size of the Boat. (b) All heavy items including but not limited to internal ballast and fittings (such as batteries, stoves, gas bottles, tanks, engines, outboard motors, sewing machines, etc.) and anchors, chain and rode shall be securely fastened so as to remain in position should the Boat be fully inverted 180 degrees. NOTE: THE OA RECOMMENDS THAT AS A MINIMUM LIFEJACKETS ARE WORN WHILE ON DECK BETWEEN SUNSET AND SUNRISE, WHILE SAILING WITH A REEF IN THE MAINSAIL AND WHEN THE TRUE WIND STRENGTH IS ABOVE 15 KNOTS. COMBINED LIFEJACKET AND HARNESSES THAT COMPLY WITH ALL OF THE ABOVE STANDARDS ARE PERMITTED. THE DILIGENT USE OF A PROPERLY ADJUSTED HARNESS IS REGARDED AS BY FAR THE MOST EFFECTIVE WAY OF PREVENTING MAN OVERBOARD INCIDENTS. 28.3 OA SUPPLIED SAFETY EQUIPMENT (Numbers marked with an * are stored in the aft watertight compartment.) Item Qty Stored Life rafts Xtrem 12 Persons SOLAS A Pack Liferaft 2 Under the aerial frame Sailor Waterproof VHF Radio 2 1x pre-packed in each liferaft Pur 06 Watermaker 2 1x pre-packed in each liferaft Raft Pack Additions Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 47 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 Kannad SafeLink, Cat 2 406 EPIRB 2 1x pre-packed in each liferaft Kannad R10 AIS SRS 2 1x pre-packed in each liferaft Jonbuoy Jonbuoy MkV Bulkhead Mounted Recovery Module Kannad R10 AIS SRS 2 1x each side of the aerial frame 2 1x pre-packed in the each Jonbuoy Horseshoe 1 Aerial frame Horseshoes 2* In the aft watertight compartment Horseshoe Drouge 3 One tied to each horseshoe Dbl. Inflatable Horseshoe 1 Aerial frame Bouyant Smoke 15 min 1 Aerial frame Lifebuoy Light – Apollo 3 One tied to each horseshoe Heaving line (throwing sock) 1 Aerial frame 25 metres of floating line 1 Aerial frame A piece of rope fastened between the port and starboard runner chainplates. 1 Transom Deck Equipment Pyrotechnics Red Para Rocket 12 Red Hand flare 4 Bouyant Smoke 2 White Hand Flare 4 Para Illum. White 6 Poly Bottle 2 50% of the pyrotechnics may be stored in one of the poly bottles. 2 white hand flares may be stored (taped) on the top of the central halyard tunnel The remaining pyrotechnics may be stored in either the remaining poly bottle sealed in the emergency locker or divided as equally as possible between the 2 grab bags. Electronics Kannad Safelink, Cat 1 406Mhz EPIRB 1 Kannad AIS SART 1 Ecomax Active X Band Radar Enhancer (incl. Cable) Crew Safety Equipment Lifejacket – Kru Sport Pro Auto & Harness, complete with Spray Hood & Manual Adaptor Kit Lifejacket Storage Bag 1 Aerial frame Emergency Locker On the mast under the radar bracket 9 or 12 2 Lifejacket Lights (fitted at time of despatch) Lifejacket Rearming Kits (Cylinder, Auto Head, Clips etc.) 12 4 Emergency Locker Waterproof Torch & Strobe Combined 18 Strobes to be worn by Crew Members while on deck at night Knife – Folding Blade, Blunt Nose 12 2 Hook Lifeline with Strain Indicator 10 3 Hook Lifeline with Strain Indicator 3 Kannad R10 AIS SRS 14 Swimmer of the Watch Bag Grab Bag Lifejacket – Kru Sport Pro Manual & Harness (for Swimmer of the Watch) 8mm Polypropylene Braided Rope Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 1 1 50m 48 Within easy reach of either companionway hatch Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 Swimmer of the Watch Fins 1 Goggles 1 Note: The Participant to supply enough suitable clothing to affect a man overboard recovery in cold water. General Equipment Anchor – Fortress FX85 21kg (app) 2* Anchor Storage Bag Short Link 12mm Galvanised Chain @ 3.5kg/m (app) 12mm Glavansied Bow Shackle 2* 18mm Nylon Octoplait Anchor line 10m* 2* 100 m* 1 x Anchor, length of chain and shackle stored in the bag and both anchors and bags sealed in the aft watertight compartment In a supplied bag sealed in the aft watertight compartment PUR Survivor 35 Watermaker +bag 1 Sealed in the emergency locker Pur 06 Watermaker +bag 1 2kg Dry Powder Extinguisher 2 2kg Dry Powder Extinguisher 1* 2kg Co2 Fire Extinguisher 1* 2kg Co2 Fire Extinguisher 1 In the aft watertight compartment In the aft watertight compartment aft of B/H H On top of the central line tunnel Dreager Parat C Smoke Hood 4 2 with each Co2 fire extinguisher Fire Blanket 1 1 Galley Fire Blanket 2 1 Waterproof Ships Power Lamp (24V) 1 Main hatch area or on central line tunnel Permanently wired in adjacent to the main companionway hatches SOLAS No: 1 Poster 1 Bulkhead Code of Practice Training Manual 1 TBA Ecomax Radar Reflector (inflatable) 1 Sealed in the aft emergency locker Sextant – Davis Mk3 1 50 litres Emergency drinking water 2* 5 Litre portable fuel container 1 20 Litres Emergency hydraulic oil 2* Stowage chart 1 Sealed in the aft emergency locker Sealed in 2 x 25 litre containers in the aft watertight compartment Sealed Sealed in a 2 x 10 litre containers in the aft watertight compartment Bulkhead In Grab bag 1 In Navigation area Boat righting instructions 1 Bulkhead 2 x Grab Bags – Items supplied pre-packed and marked-the totals specified are minimum numbers teams may add more if desired. 1 Grab bag 1 Flashight + spare batteries 1 Handheld VHF/DSC inc. GPS (includes Handheld GPS position fixing 1 Kannad R10 AIS SRS 1 Satellite phone + spare battery 1 Cyalume sticks 5 Recommended that personal EPIRB be added Bucket with a lanyard 1 Pur 06 Watermaker + bag 1 Grab bag 2 1 Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 49 Contents to be packed into the grab bag and the grab back is to be fastened securely to the Aerial frame in a position that the grab bag can be accessed from the transom or in the aft watertight compartment accessible from the deck or transom hatch. Contents to be packed into the grab bag Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 Flashlight+spare batteries Handheld VHF/DSC inc GPS (includes Handheld GPS postion fixing) Kannad R10 AIS SRS 1 Satellite phone plus spare battery 1 5 Cyalume sticks Recommended that a personal EPIRB be added as well Bucket with a lanyard 5 Foghorn (oral) 1 1 and the grab bag is to be sealed in the companionway emergency locker 1 1 Medical Kit Day box 1 Below decks Spare supply box 1 1 Sealed in the aft emergency locker Spare supply box 2 1 Sealed in the aft emergency locker Emergency stretcher 1 Sealed on the starboard head bulkhead 1 Below decks Other Rescue kite, bar and pump 28.4 VO65 supplied equipment shall be on-board as per the table below. Quantity Pro-Am & IPR 5T Harken snatch-block on dogbone 5T Harken TTR Wide block on dogbone 2.3T Harken snatch block on dogbone 8T Harken snatch block on dogbone Spinlock floating clutch plus strop Stacking posts Foot bar KZ Marine 10T furling unit Navtec hydraulic pump handle Winch handle (any type) Emergency bilge pump and pipework Endoscope – 8mm KS Marine Special Volvo Penta onboard kit 5 4 1 1 1 6 2 4 1 6 2 1 1 5 4 1 1 1 0 2 2 1 6 2 1 1 Food bags Stacking bags Outriggers Life jacket bags (life jacket shall be stored in bags not necessarily the supplied bags) 20 6 2 0 0 0 2 team detail VO65 Supplied equipment 29. 2 Leg 5 4 1 1 1 6 2 4 1 6 2 1 1 NOR 9.6.1 c 6 NOR 2.12 2 team detail SUPPLIED BY THE PARTICIPANT 29.1 Full foul weather clothing with hood, at least one set for each person on board. For all foul weather gear carried on board, the hood, shoulders and arms shall have retro reflective patches and at least 50% of the combined area shall be a bright colour: Orange, yellow, pink Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 50 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 or red are recommended; Note: blue, green and white are not permitted as bright colours. 29.2 Life jackets In the event a Participant does not want to use the supplied lifejackets the Participant shall ensure that there are sufficient life jackets provided for each person on board plus one spare. All shall be inflatable and provide not less than 150 N of buoyancy and be fitted with a crutch strap, arranged so that an unconscious person will be securely suspended face upward at approximately 45 degrees to the water surface. The spare jacket shall be fitted for semi-automatic inflation and may be included in the contents of the swimmer of the watch bag. The remaining life jackets shall be fitted for fully automatic inflation. Spare inflation cylinders and actuating devices shall be carried for 30%, rounded up, of the total amount of life jackets carried on board. All life jackets shall be fitted with a splashguard, a whistle, light, name of boat and reflective tape. Inflatable life jackets shall be checked annually for air retention. The lifejacket light shall meet SOLAS International Life-Saving Appliance (LSA) Code 2.2.3. Life jackets that meet EN 396 Standard or equivalent, fitted with a crutch strap, reflective tape and automatic inflation will be accepted as meeting the above requirement. Persons on board may be of a size and choose to wear clothing that makes a 150 N life jacket less than ideal, in which case it is strongly recommended that they use 275 N life jackets with splashguard that comply with EN 399. When the Participant supplies their own life jackets they shall at their cost have the lifejackets serviced within 14 days of the start of Leg 1 and again during the Stopover in Auckland, following the servicing and prior to Racing the Participant shall provide a certificate of servicing or similar from the servicing agent or company. 29.3 Safety harnesses: In the event a Participant does not want to use the supplied safety harnesses the Participant shall ensure that there are sufficient safety harnesses provided for each person on board plus one spare. Attention is drawn to ISO 12401. Each Boat will be required to demonstrate that two-thirds of the persons on board can be adequately attached to strong points on the Boat. Safety tether lines shall have an attachment system at each end that can be readily opened whilst under load. A different attachment system may be used at each end of the tether line. It is possible for a plain snap hook to disengage from a U-bolt if the hook is rotated under load at right angles to the axis of the U-bolt. For this reason snap hooks shall have a positive locking device. A safety harness meeting British Standard 4224 / EN 1095 or equivalent fitted with a crutch strap meets the above requirement. Additionally, extra safety tether lines shall be carried for not less than 30% of the persons on board. 29.4 Paper Charts: Appropriate for the course to be sailed, as well as a light list (paper or electronic) and plotting equipment. 29.5 Reserve navigation lights: Reserve navigation lights having the same minimum specifications as the navigation lights installed on the VO65 with a separate power source and wiring from that used for the normal navigation lights. Spare bulbs or equivalent for all navigation lights shall also be carried. 29.6 Constant wear survival suit: One for each person who intends to be on board for more than the first or last 12 hours of a Leg, designed to be routinely worn in anticipation of accidental immersion in cold water, but permitting physical activity by the wearer to such an extent that normal duties may be undertaken without undue encumbrance. The suit shall generally comply with the following specifications. Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 51 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 (a) The constant wear survival suit shall be sufficiently durable to withstand regular and continuous wearing by persons on board over the duration of the Race and designed in such a way as to minimize the risk of snagging. (b) If any part of the suit relies upon air or gas inflation in order to achieve the performance levels set out within this standard then each part of the assembly namely: oral inflation tubes, inflation operating head, the gas cylinder, and the inflatable buoyancy chamber shall all meet the requirements of EN 399. (c) The coloured portions of the suit exposed above the water surface, when the wearer is in the water, should predominantly be a bright colour such as yellow, orange or bright red (not green, white or blue), excluding such components as webbing zips and other fittings. (d) A total area of not less than 400cm2 of retro-reflective material shall be provided. At least 100cm2 of which shall be affixed to the hood and at least 250cm2 shall be clear of the water and visible in the suit’s normal in-water position. At least one piece of 50cm2 shall be affixed to the back of the suit so as to be visible when the wearer is floating in the face down position. (e) A person wearing the suit shall be able to walk easily, climb freely and jump vertically into water from a height of not less than 4.5m without any damage to the suit or injury to the person. It shall not prevent the wearer from having a good field of vision. (f) The wearer shall be able to secure any secondary suit closures** (if fitted) within 2 minutes of entering the water. (g) A person wearing the suit system correctly donned, shall be able to swim and to board a platform 250mm above the sea level. (h) A person wearing the suit system correctly donned, both the primary* and secondary closure** systems closed (if fitted), and wearing an inflated 150 N Lifejacket, shall naturally adopt a face up position in the water. (i) The suit shall incorporate a cover that can be placed in front of the face of the wearer in order to reduce or eliminate surface spray from entering the airways. (j) The suit may incorporate additional items, such as safety harnesses or safety tether lines, whistles, light and buddy lines, none of which shall impair its performance with respect to the requirements, either by their presence or their use, and, then they shall comply with EN 394. Primary suit closure: Any closure used in the donning of the suit for normal purposes. ** Secondary suit closure: Any additional closure that may be operated by the wearer in the water. 29.7 Waterproof Torch & Strobe: In the event a Participant does not want to use the supplied safety waterproof torch and strobe the Participant shall ensure that there are the equivalent number to those that were supplied and of the same or higher lux as those supplied. Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 52 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 APPENDIX C 30. COURSE DETAILS 30.1 THE COURSE 30.1.1 The Volvo Ocean Race 2014 – 2015 will consist of 9 ocean Legs, a maximum of 10 In-Port races and approximately 31 Pro-Am races. 30.1.2 There will be Pro-Am races in each Stopover. th 30.1.3 There is an In-Port race scheduled in each stopover, the first in Alicante 4 October 2014 and th the last in Gothenburg on Saturday 27 June 2014 30.1.4 The 9 ocean Legs scheduled will be: Leg 1: Alicante to Cape Town, an approximate distance of 6,487 nm, leaving the Archipelago of th Fernando de Noronha to port. The Leg will start Saturday 11 October 2014 Leg 2: Cape Town to Abu Dhabi, an approximate distance of 6125 nm, leaving the Island of Mauritius to port, Maldives Islands to port the Indian Ocean waypoint to port. The Leg will start on the th Wednesday 19 November 2014. Leg 3: Abu Dhabi to Sanya, an approximate distance of 4670 nm leaving the Indian Ocean waypoint rd to starboard, the island of Pulau We Indonesia to starboard. The Leg will start Saturday 3 January 2015. Leg 4: Sanya to Auckland, leaving the Philippine mainland to starboard an approximate distance of th 5264 nm. The Leg will start Sunday 8 February 2015. th Leg 5: Auckland to Itajai, an approximate distance of 6776 nm, The Leg will start Sunday 15 March 2015. The course may include provision to reduce the risk of sailing through areas of significant ice. th Leg 6: Itajai to Newport RI, an approximate distance of 5010 nm. The Leg will start Sunday 19 April 2015. th Leg 7: Newport to Lisbon an approximate distance of 2800 nm. The Leg will start Sunday 17 May 2015. The course may include provision to reduce the risk of sailing through areas of significant ice. th Leg 8: Lisbon to Lorient an approximate distance of 647 nm. The Leg will start Sunday 7 June 2015. th Leg 9: Lorient to Gothenburg an approximate distance of 960 nm. The Leg will start Tuesday 16 June 2015. This Leg will include a Pit-Stop in the Hague. The length of time a Boat shall be in the Hague will be communicated to the Boat after it crosses the line in the Hague. The length of time between a Boat crossing the line and resuming the Leg will be the same for all Boats and will be based on the time between the first Boat crossing the line and 1200hrs on th Saturday 20 June 2015. Final details will be contained in the Leg SI’s. 30.1.5 The total distance for the Legs is approximately 38739 nm. 30.1.6 In the event the OA decides after consulting with independent experts that the safety of the Boats sailing part of Legs 2 and 3 is in doubt and they need to arrange for shipping of the Boats for part of those Legs the RC will add additional Legs for any portion of Legs 2 or 3 to be sailed after unloading from the ship and the original Leg will be scored at a finish prior to the Boats loading onto the ship. Subsequent Legs will be renumbered. Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 53 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 30.1.7 On a Leg a Boat may suspend Racing under the following conditions: (a) 30.2 A Boat that suspends Racing after starting a Leg: (i) Shall report to race control as soon as possible the circumstances and her position where she suspended Racing (ii) May use a propulsion engine, haul out or make fast until she resumes Racing. This alters RRS 45 (iii) May, before resuming Racing remove garbage, use any equipment or receive help to effect repairs but shall not take on food or other provisions without the prior permission of the RC. This alters RRS 41 and 47.1 (iv) Shall, before resuming Racing, return to the position where she suspended Racing and inform race control that she has resumed Racing. (v) Shall, when suspending Racing after the preparatory signal and for the first 12 hours of a Leg she shall suspend for a minimum of 2 hours. (vi) Shall for any other suspension a minimum of 12 hours (b) A Boat may not suspend Racing on Leg 9. (c) On any other Leg a Boat may not suspend Racing within a 100 nautical mile radius of a Leg finish line DATES: RACE DAYS AND OFFICIAL FUNCTIONS Date Day Start time Event 8 Sep Mon 09:00 Assembly Date th Wed 09:30 (VOR offices) Qualification race Leg 0 briefing (Skippers & Navigators) th Fri Following the dock out ceremony Fit and use items of safety equipment, Rescue kite, emergency steering, MOB th Fri 14:00 Leg 0 Qualification Race th Tue 08.00 to 09.00 Boat captains fleet walk-through th Tue 09:30 Skippers & navigators briefing th Tue Following briefing MRCC briefing (Skippers & Navigators) ALICANTE th 10 Sep 12 Sep 12 Sep 30 Sep 30 Sep 30 Sep 2 nd Thu 20:00 Race Village opening (all Crew Members + OBR) rd Oct Fri 09:30 Press conference (Skippers)** rd Fri 12:00 (Sailors Terrace) Guest’s on-board briefing (Team rep.)** rd Fri 14:00 Practice race rd Fri 16:00 Pro-Am race 1 th Sat 09:30 (boatyard) Hospitality breakfast (3 Crew Members)** th Sat 09:30 (Sailors Terrace) Guest’s on-board briefing (Team rep.)** 3 Oct 3 Oct 3 Oct 3 Oct 4 Oct 4 Oct Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 54 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 th Sat 14:00 In-Port race th Sat 60 mins after the first Boat docks In-Port race prize giving (all Crew Members main stage)** th Sat 09:30 (Sailors Terrace) Guests on-board briefing (Team rep)** th Sun 13:00 Pro-Am races 2 & 3 th Mon 09:00 Crisis Management briefing (PIC, Reserve PIC, navigator, technical shore manager, team manager and the teams communications manager th Tue 09:30 Skippers & navigators briefing th Tue 11:00 Ant-Piracy briefing (All Crew Members and OBR) th Fri 09:30 Press conference (Skippers)** th Fri 09:30 (Sailors Terrace) Guests on-board briefing (Team rep)** th Fri 13:00 Pro-Am races 4 & 5 th Sat 14:00 Leg start 4 Oct 4 Oct 5 Oct 5 Oct 6 Oct 7 Oct 7 Oct 10 Oct 10 Oct 10 Oct 11 Oct CAPE TOWN th Tue 08:00 to 09:00 Boat captains fleet walk-through th Wed 09:30 Skippers & navigators briefing th Fri 09:30 Press conference (Skippers)** th Fri 11:00 (Sailors Terrace) Guests on-board briefing (Team rep.)** th Fri 13:00 Practice race th Fri 15:00 Pro-Am race 1 th Fri 19:00 Life at the Extreme Awards Night (PIC, OBR, all Crew Members)** th Sat 09:30 (Boatyard) Hospitality breakfast (3 Crew Members)** th Sat 09:30 (Sailors Terrace) Guests on-board briefing (Team rep.)** th Sat 14:00 In-Port race th Sat 60 mins after the first Boat docks In-Port race prize giving (all Crew Members main stage)** th Sun 09:30 (Sailors Terrace) Guests on-board briefing (Team rep)** th Sun 13:00 Pro-Am race 2 & 3 th Tue 15:00 Press conference (Skipper)** th Wed 18:00 Leg start 11 Nov 12 Nov 14 Nov 14 Nov 14 Nov 14 Nov 14 Nov 15 Nov 15 Nov 15 Nov 15 Nov 16 Nov 16 Nov 18 Nov 19 Nov Extra Legs added if Boats need to be shipped ABU DHABI th Mon 08:00 to 09:00 Boat captains fleet walk-through th Mon 09:30 Skippers & navigators briefing th Tue 15:00 Press conference (Skippers)** st Wed 11:00 (Sailors Terrace) Guests on-board briefing (Team rep.)** st Wed 13:00 Practice race st Wed 15:00 Pro-Am race 1 st 1 Jan Thu 09:30 (Sailors Terrace) Guests on-board briefing (Team rep)** st Thu 13:00 Pro-Am race 2 & 3 st Thu 19:00 Life at the Extreme Awards Night (PIC, OBR, all Crew Members)** Fri 09:30 (Boatyard) Hospitality breakfast (3 Crew Members)** 29 Dec 29 Dec 30 Dec 31 Dec 31 Dec 31 Dec 1 Jan 1 Jan 2 nd Jan Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 55 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 2 nd Jan Fri 09:30 (Sailors Terrace) Guests on-board briefing (Team rep.)** 2 nd Jan Fri 14:00 In-Port race 2 nd Jan Fri 60 mins after the first Boat docks In-Port race prize giving (all Crew Members main stage)** Sat 14:00 Leg start rd Tue 08:00 to 09:00 Boat captains fleet walk-through rd Tue 09:30 Skippers & navigators briefing th Thu 11:00 (Sailors Terrace) Guests on-board briefing (Team rep.)** th Thu 13:00 Practice race th Thu 15:00 Pro-Am race 1 th Fri 09:30 Press conference (Skippers)** th Fri 09:30 (Sailors Terrace) Guests on-board briefing (Team rep)** th Fri 13:00 Pro-Am race 2 & 3 th Fri 19:00 Life at the Extreme Awards Night (PIC, OBR, all Crew Members)** th Sat 09:30 (boatyard) Hospitality breakfast (3 Crew Members)** th Sat 09:30 (Sailors Terrace) Guests on-board briefing (Team rep.)** th Sat 14:00 In-Port race th Sat 60 mins after the first Boat docks In-Port race prize giving (all Crew Members main stage)** th Sun 14:00 Leg start rd 3 Jan SANYA *** 3 Feb 3 Feb 5 Feb 5 Feb 5 Feb 6 Feb 6 Feb 6 Feb 6 Feb 7 Feb 7 Feb 7 Feb 7 Feb 8 Feb AUCKLAND th Tue 08:00 to 09:00 Boat captains fleet walk-through th Tue 09:30 Skippers & navigators briefing th Thu 11:00 (Sailors Terrace) Guests on-board briefing (Team rep.)** th Thu 13:00 Practice race th Thu 15:00 Pro-Am race 1 th Fri 09:30 Press conference (Skippers)** th Fri 09:30 (Sailors Terrace) Guests on-board briefing (Team rep)** th Fri 13:00 Pro-Am race 2 & 3 th Fri 19:00 Life at the Extreme Awards Night (PIC, OBR, all Crew Members)** th Sat 09:30 (boatyard) Hospitality breakfast (3 Crew Members)** th Sat 09:30 (Sailors Terrace) Guests on-board briefing (Team rep.)** th Sat 14:00 In-Port race th Sat 60 mins after the first Boat docks In-Port race prize giving (all Crew Members main stage)** th Sun 14:00 Leg start th Tue 08:00 to 09:00 Boat captains fleet walk-through th Tue 09:30 Skippers & navigators briefing th Thu 11:00 (Sailors Terrace) Guests on-board briefing (Team rep.)** th Thu 13:00 Practice race th Thu 15:00 Pro-Am race 1 10 Mar 10 Mar 12 Mar 12 Mar 12 Mar 13 Mar 13 Mar 13 Mar 13 Mar 14 Mar 14 Mar 14 Mar 14 Mar 15 Mar ITAJAI 14 Apr 14 Apr 16 Apr 16 Apr 16 Apr Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 56 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 th Fri 09:30 Press conference (Skippers)** th Fri 09:30 (Sailors Terrace) Guests on-board briefing (Team rep)** th Fri 13:00 Pro-Am race 2 & 3 th Fri 19:00 Life at the Extreme Awards Night (PIC, OBR, all Crew Members)** th Sat 09:30 (boatyard) Hospitality breakfast (3 Crew Members)** th Sat 09:30 (Sailors Terrace) Guests on-board briefing (Team rep.)** th Sat 14:00 In-Port race th Sat 60 mins after the first Boat docks In-Port race prize giving (all Crew Members main stage)** th Sun 14:00 Leg start 17 Apr 17 Apr 17 Apr 17 Apr 18 Apr 18 Apr 18 Apr 18 Apr 19 Apr NEWPORT* th Tue 08:00 to 09:00 Boat captains fleet walk-through th Tue 09:30 Skippers & navigators briefing th Thu 11:00 (Sailors Terrace) Guests on-board briefing (Team rep.)** th Thu 13:00 Practice race th Thu 15:00 Pro-Am race 1 th Fri 09:30 Press conference (Skippers)** th Fri 09:30 (Sailors Terrace) Guests on-board briefing (Team rep)** th Fri 13:00 Pro-Am race 2 & 3 th Fri 19:00 Life at the Extreme Awards Night (PIC, OBR, all Crew Members)** th Sat 09:30 (boatyard) Hospitality breakfast (3 Crew Members)** th Sat 09:30 (Sailors Terrace) Guests on-board briefing (Team rep.)** th Sat 14:00 In-Port race th Sat 60 mins after the first Boat docks In-Port race prize giving (all Crew Members main stage)** th Sun 14:00 Leg start 12 May 12 May 14 May 14 May 14 May 15 May 15 May 15 May 15 May 16 May 16 May 16 May 16 May 17 May LISBON 2 nd Jun Tue 08:00 to 09:00 Boat captains fleet walk-through 2 nd Jun Tue 09:30 Skippers & navigators briefing th 4 Jun Thu 11:00 (Sailors Terrace) Guests on-board briefing (Team rep.)** th Thu 13:00 Practice race th Thu 15:00 Pro-Am race 1 th Fri 09:30 Press conference (Skippers)** th Fri 09:30 (Sailors Terrace) Guests on-board briefing (Team rep)** th Fri 13:00 Pro-Am race 2 & 3 th Fri 19:00 Life at the Extreme Awards Night (PIC, OBR, all Crew Members)** th Sat 09:30 (boatyard) Hospitality breakfast (3 Crew Members)** th Sat 09:30 (Sailors Terrace) Guests on-board briefing (Team rep.)** th Sat 14:00 In-Port race th Sat 60 mins after the first Boat docks In-Port race prize giving (all Crew Members main stage)** th Sun 14:00 Leg start 4 Jun 4 Jun 5 Jun 5 Jun 5 Jun 5 Jun 6 Jun 6 Jun 6 Jun 6 Jun 7 Jun LORIENT* Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 57 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 th Thu 08:00 to 09:00 Boat captains fleet walk-through th Thu 09:30 Skippers & navigators briefing th Sat 09:30 Press conference (Skippers)** th Sat 11:00 (TBC) Guests on-board briefing (Team rep.)** th Sat 13:00 Practice race th Sat 15:00 Pro-Am race 1 & 2 th Fri 19:00 Life at the Extreme Awards Night (PIC, OBR, all Crew Members)** th Sun 09:30 (TBC) Guests on-board briefing (Team rep.)** th Sun 14:00 In-Port race th Sun 60 mins after the first Boat docks In-Port race prize giving (all Crew Members main stage)** th Mon 09:30 (TBC) Guests on-board briefing (Team rep)** th Mon 13:00 Pro-Am race 3 th Tue 17:00 Leg start 11 Jun 11 Jun 13 Jun 13 Jun 13 Jun 13 Jun 13 Jun 14 Jun 14 Jun 14 Jun 15 Jun 15 Jun 16 Jun THE HAGUE* th Fri 09:30 Press conference (Skippers)** th Sat Continuation procedure in Leg SI’s Leg continuation 20 Jun 20 Jun GOTHENBURG* th Wed 08:00 to 09:00 Boat captains fleet walk-through th Wed 09:30 Skippers & navigators briefing th Thu 11:00 (Sailors Terrace) Guests on-board briefing (Team rep.)** th Thu 13:00 Practice race th Thu 15:00 Pro-Am race 1 th Fri 09:30 Press conference (Skippers)** th Fri 09:30 (Sailors Terrace) Guests on-board briefing (Team rep.)** th Fri 13:00 Pro-Am race 2 & 3 th Sat 09:30 (boatyard) Hospitality breakfast (3 Crew Members)** th Sat 09:30 (Sailors Terrace) Guests on-board briefing (Team rep.)** th Sat 13:00 In-Port race th Sat 60 mins after the first Boat docks In-Port race prize giving (all Crew Members main stage)** th Sat 19:00 Final Life at the Extreme Awards Night (PIC, OBR, all Crew Members)** th Sun 10:00 Boats open to invited guests CPP 10.2 th Mon 12:00 Boats may depart Gothenburg CPP 10.2 24 Jun 24 Jun 25 Jun 25 Jun 25 Jun 26 Jun 26 Jun 26 Jun 27 Jun 27 Jun 27 Jun 27 Jun 27 Jun 28 Jun 29 Jun * Denotes a Non-Haul-out Stop ** Denotes Official functions and the people required NOR 13.4 & 24.3 ***Denotes a Restricted-Haul-out Stop Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 58 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 APPENDIX D 31. DISPUTE RESOLUTION AND RESPONSIBILITIES 31.1 The OA’s CEO or a person appointed by the CEO (a) Initial disputes relating to the CPP 31.2 International Jury (IJ) (a) All Racing Rules of Sailing RRS protests and requests for redress (b) All measurement protests (c) Applying penalties for Anti Doping Violations (d) Any matter referred to them by the RC or the OA When a matter or dispute is not allocated to a body by NOR Appendix D or when there is doubt as to which body has authority it shall be decided by the IJ. 31.3 Umpires (a) All matters under Addendum Q (b) Issuing of event calls 31.4 Court of Arbitration in Sport (CAS) (a) Any appeal under the Anti Doping Rules: NOR Appendix E Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 59 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 APPENDIX E 32. ANTI-DOPING AGREEMENT 1. The International Sailing Federation (“ISAF”) and 2. Volvo Ocean Race S.L.U. (“VOR”) Background This Agreement records the party’s agreement as to doping control testing during the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-2015 from 4 October 2014 until one day after the conclusion of the last Volvo Ocean Race th 2014-2015, (28 June 2015). 32.1 Specifications and Requirements (a) The Anti-Doping programme shall be planned and carried out in accordance with the requirements of ISAF Regulation 21 which is consistent with the World Anti-Doping Code.[12008].pdf (b) In respect of ISAF Regulation 21, it is agreed the MNA of the Participant Crew Member or OBR is applicable rather than the MNA of the yacht concerned where it may differ. (c) ADAMS shall be used for doping control purposes. 32.2 Doping Control Testing (a) Clearidium will conduct all Doping Control Testing, with the exception of any of the athletes are in an International or National Registered Testing Pool who may be subject to testing under other applicable regimes. All samples to be collected will be urine samples. The InCompetition period will start from the first scheduled day of racing of the Race until the end of Protest Time for the last In-Port race in Gothenburg scheduled at the date of this Agreement for 27 June 2015. 32.3 Letter of authority (a) ISAF shall provide Clearidium with a ‘Letter of authority’ authorizing Clearidium to carry out doping controls on behalf of ISAF during the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-2015 as required. 32.4 Arrangements prior to races (a) VOR shall arrange the following for the purpose of Doping Control in each regatta venue: i. facilities as per Appendix 1 of the Agreement; ii. full accreditation access to all areas for all persons in the Doping Control Team; iii. dedicated interpreters to the Doping Control Team, if required; and iv. an adequate number of chaperones during the sampling as per qualifications defined in Appendix 2. Number of chaperones available on reasonable notice shall be 6 in each race venue, unless otherwise agreed. 32.5 Participant Crew Member or OBR information and whereabouts (b) VOR shall require competitors to provide ISAF with names, addresses, telephone numbers and positions of their Participant Crew Members or OBR to be selected for testing. This information shall be updated, as required. To assist with testing, whereabouts need only be provided by athletes as per the attached schedule (Appendix 1). Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 60 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 32.6 Therapeutic Use Exemptions (a) Participant Crew Members or OBR shall seek TUE’s from ISAF. 32.7 Planning – testing (a) Selection of Participant Crew Members or OBR shall be carried out by Clearidium in accordance with ISAF Regulation 21, in consultation with ISAF and VOR (b) Testing during the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-2015 may take place at the following venues: i. Alicante ii. Cape Town iii. Abu Dhabi iv. Sanya v. Auckland vi. Itajai vii. Newport viii. Lisbon ix. Lorient x. Gothenburg (c) The number of tests shall be agreed from time to time between ISAF and VOR but shall depend on the number of Participant Crew Members or OBR participating and generally be consistent with the proportionate number of tests applied during ISAF’s own World Championship events. 32.8 Test Organisations and Doping Control Personnel (a) Only approved Doping Control Personnel shall be used for sampling under this Agreement and shall be adequately experienced and have valid accreditation from Clearidium and shall be English speakers. One Doping Control Officer shall be appointed to be in charge of each sample collection. 32.9 Laboratories (a) Doping Control Samples shall be analysed only in WADA-accredited laboratories. The choice of the WADA-accredited laboratory used for the Sample analysis shall be determined by the Clearidium in consultation with ISAF (b) All results and reports will be forwarded to ISAF and WADA. (c) A copy of the analysis report shall be sent to ISAF and the World Anti-Doping Agency. 32.10 Transport and Equipment (a) All equipment will be standard tamper evident doping control equipment (Berlinger) (b) Clearidium’s English and French language doping control forms shall be used during the doping controls. Documentation from the doping control sampling shall be sent to ISAF. Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 61 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 (c) All collected samples shall be stored and handled in accordance with WADA IST guidelines (d) All transport of samples will be transferred to the laboratory using DHL or Fedex or delivered in person by Clearidium personnel. 32.11 Results Management (a) Results management and the conduct of hearings from a test shall be managed by ISAF in accordance with ISAF Regulation 21. 32.12 Confidentiality (a) Except for the disclosure of necessary information to the parties planning and/or carrying out the doping controls, ISAF and Clearidium undertake to keep confidential all information, including contact details concerning athletes, provided under this agreement. This confidentiality obligation shall be maintained both during the term of this agreement and after its termination. APPENDIX 1: Whereabouts LOCATION START WHEREABOUTS FINISH WHEREABOUTS Alicante, Spain 4 October 2014 11 October 2014 Cape Town, South Africa 12 November 2014 19 November 2014 Abu Dhabi, UAE 30 December 2014 3 January 2015 Sanya, China 4 February 2015 8 February 2015 Auckland, New Zealand 11 March 2015 15 March 2015 Itajai, Brazil 14 April 2015 29 April 2015 Newport, USA 13 May 2015 17 May 2015 Lisbon, Portugal 3 June 2015 7 June 2015 Lorient, France 11 June 2015 17 June 2015 Gothenburg, Sweden 24 June 2015 27 June 2015 Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 62 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 APPENDIX 2 PARTICIPANT’S CREW MEMBER and OBR DECLARATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT and AGREEMENT I, as a Participating Crew Member or OBR in the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-2015 (the Race) hereby acknowledge and agree as follows: 1. I have received and had an opportunity to review the International Sailing Federation AntiDoping Rules. 2. I consent and agree to comply with and be bound by all of the provisions of the International Sailing Federation Anti-Doping Rules, including but not limited to, all amendments to the Anti-Doping Rules and all International Standards incorporated in the Anti-Doping Rules. 3. I undertake to duly provide my whereabouts information in accordance with the International Sailing Federation Anti-Doping Rules and as required by ISAF from time to time. 4. I understand that if I need to use a Prohibited Substance or Prohibited Method for therapeutic reasons, this is subject to obtaining a TUE in accordance with the provisions of the Anti-Doping Rules. 5. I acknowledge and agree that ISAF Member National Authorities and the International Sailing Federation have jurisdiction to impose sanctions as provided in the International Sailing Federation Anti-Doping Rules. 6. I also acknowledge and agree that any dispute arising out of a decision made pursuant to the International Sailing Federation Anti-Doping Rules, after exhaustion of the process expressly provided for in the International Sailing Federation Anti-Doping Rules, may be appealed exclusively as provided in ISAF Regulation 21.13 (Appeals) of the International Sailing Federation Anti-Doping Rules to the Court of Arbitration for Sport for final and binding arbitration 7. I acknowledge and agree that I agree to be bound by any such decision of the Court of Arbitration for Sport and that I will not bring any claim, arbitration, lawsuit or litigation in any other court or tribunal in connection with such decision. 8. I have read and understood this Acknowledgement and Agreement. Date Print Name (Last Name, First Name) Date of Birth (Day/Month/Year) Signature (or, if a minor, signature of legal guardian) Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 63 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 APPENDIX F 34. TEAM TENDERS (a) Team tenders shall be clearly identified with their teams name and or branding on each side of the hull or pontoons and any console or cabin. There shall be a staff or pole at least 2.4m high to prominently display the Volvo Ocean Race allocated purple flag with the teams abbreviated name, which shall be displayed whenever the tender is away from its mooring. (b) Each Boat may only have one tender in the racing area. (c) Tenders must not interfere with official boats or a VO65 from other teams. (d) Tenders in breach of this Rule may have their privileges removed. When there is an exclusion zone in place for a Leg start: from the preparatory signal until the start signal team tenders will remain close to the exclusion zone line as described in the relevant Leg SI addendum (diagram 1). During this period team tenders shall not interfere with restrict or interfere with any RC or media boats while performing their duties. Team tenders are permitted to move along the exclusion zone line. Diagram 1. For In-Port and Leg starts In-Port Race Course 1P Teams 1S Teams Teams Teams 2P 2S RC !2 Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 64 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 APPENDIX G 35. SAFETY LAYOUT Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 65 Notice of Race for the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Including Amendment 11 – December 2014 Diagram 2. Official Flags Copyright: Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 66
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