GREEK NAMES: Female ABDERA: “from Abdera” ACACIA: “Resurrection; thorny; naive.” Some variants include Cacia, Cacie, Casey, Casia, Cassie, Cassy, Kacey, Kacia, Kacie, Kasey, Kasi, Kassie, Kassja, and Kassy. ACANTHA: “thorn.” Variant Akantha exists. ADARA: “Beauty.” Also an Arabic name meaning “virgin,” and a Hebrew name meaning “fire.” Variant, Adar, exists. ADELPHA: “Dear sister.” Variants include Adelphe and Adelphie. ADMETA: myth name ADONIA: Feminine form of Greek Adonis, the beautiful youth who was loved by Aphrodite. AEAEA: island of Circe AEDON: name of the daughter of Pandareos AEGINA: meaning unknown AELLO: name of a Harpy AETHRA: name of the mother of Theseus AETNA: “from Aetna” AGAFIA: “good.” Variants include Agaue, and Agave. AGALAIA: “splendor” AGALIA: “happy” AGAPI: “Love; affection.” Variants include Agape, Agappe. AGATHA: “good.” Variants include Ag, Agace, Agacia, Agafia, Agafon, Agapet, Agapit, Agata, Agathe, Agathi, Agatta, Aggi, Aggie, Aggy, Aggye, Agi, Agie, Agota, Agotha, Agoti, Agueda, Agy, and Agye. AGAVE: “illustrious.” AGLAIA: Greek name of one of the three Graces, meaning “brilliant.” The other two are Thalia, meaning “blossoming,” and Euphrosyne, meaning “joy.” AGLAUROS: name of a mythological character who was turned into stone by Hermes. AGNES: “pure; chaste; virginal.” Variants include Ag, Agafi, Agafia, Agafon, Aggi, Aggie, Aggye, Aghna, Agi, Agie, Agna, Agnah, Agnella, Agnellah, Agnelle, Agnese, Agnesse, Agneta, Agnetta, Agnettah, Agnola, Agnolah, Agot, Agota, Agote, Agoti, Agy, Agye, Aigneis, Aina, Ainah, Anais, Anezka, Annais, Anneyce, Annisa, Annisah, Annise, Ina, Inah, Ines, Inessa, Inez, Nessa, Nessah, Nesi, Nessie, Nessy, Nesta, Nestah, Nevsa, Nevesah, Neysa, Oona, Oonagh, Oonah, Una, Unah, Ynes, and Ynez. AGUEDA: “kind” AIDOIOS: “honored” AIRLEA: “Ethereal.” Variants include Airla, Airlia. AIRLEA: Greek name meaning “ethereal.” Variants include Airla, and Airlia. AKILINA: Greek and Russian name meaning “eagle.” Variants include Acquilina, Aquilina, and Aquiline. ALALA: Greek name of a sister of Ares, the god of war. ALCESTIS: Greek name of she who was rescued by Hercules when she descended into Hades in place of her husband. ALCINA: Green myth name of a sorceress who when tired of her lovers turned them into stones, trees, or animals. Also feminine form of Alcinous, the king who entertained Odysseus. Variants include Alcine, Alcinia, Allcine, Allcinia, Alseena, Alsina, Alsinia, Alsyna, and Alzina. ALCIPPE: daughter of Ares ALCMENE: mother of Hercules ALCYONE: feminine form of Alcyoneus, who fought Athene. ALDORA: “winged gift.” Variant Aldara exists. ALERIS: meaning unknown. Variant Alerissa exists. AMARIS: Hebrew name meaning “pledged by God” or “given by God.” Variants include Amarisa, Amariah, Amarise, and Amarissa. AMARYLLIS: “fresh.” Also a flower name. AMBROSIA: feminine form of Greek Ambrose, meaning “food of the gods” and “immortal.” Variants include Ambrosina, Ambrosine, Ambrosinetta, Ambrosinette, Ambrosiya, Ambrotosa, Ambrozetta, Ambrozia, and Ambrozine. AMETHYST: “precious jewel.” ALESIA: “help; aid.” AMPHITRITE: name of a sea goddess ALETA: “footloose.” Also a variant of Alethea, meaning “truth.” Variants include Aletta, Alette, Alletta, Allette, Lettee, Lettie, and Letty. AMYMONE: mythological character who murdered her husband ALETHEA: “honesty; truth.” Variants include Alathia, Alecta, Aleethia, Aleta, Aletea, Aletha, Aletheia, Alethia, Aletta, Alette, Alithea, Alithia, and Althaia. ALEXANDRA: Feminine form of Greek Alexander, meaning “man’s defender.” Variants include Alastrina, Alastriona, Alejanda, Alejandra, Alejandrina, Aleka, Aleki, Alesandare, Alesandere, Alessanda, Alessandra, Alessandre, Alessandrina, Alessandrine, Alessia, Alex, Alexa, Alexandere, Alexanderia, Alexanderina, Alexanderine, Alexandre, Alexandrea, Alexandreana, Alexandrena, Alexandrene, Alexandretta, Alexandria, Alexandrina, Alexandrine, Alexea, Alexena, Alexene, Alexia, Alexina, Alexine, Alexis, Ali, Aliki, Alissandre, Alissandrine, Alista, Alix, Alla, Allejandra, Allejandrina, Alle, Allessa, Allessandra, Allexa, Allexandra, Allexandrina, Allexina, Allexine, Alli, Allie, Allix, Ally, Anda, Cesya, Elena, Ellena, Lesy, Lesya, Lexi, Lexie, Lexine, Lexy, Lissandre, Lissandrine, Olesia, Sanda, Sande, Sandi, Sandie, Sandra, Sandrina, Sandrine, Sandy, Sandye, Sanndra, Sasha, Sashenka, Shura, Shurochka, Sohndra, Sondra, Xandra, Zahndra, Zanda, Zanndra, Zohndra, and Zondra. ALEXIS: “helper.” Also used as a short form of Alexandra, meaning “man’s defender.” Variants include Alessa, Alessi, Alexa, Alexi, Alexia, Lexi, Lexie, and Lexy. ALICIA: “honest” ALPHA: “Firstborn.” The first letter of the Greek alphabet, sometimes used for first-born daughters. Also a Guinean name meaning “leader.” ALTHEA: “healer; having healing power.” Variants include Altha, Althaea, Althaia, Althia, Eltha, Elthea, and Thea. ALTHEDA: “like a blossom.” ALYSIA: “entrancing.” ALYSSA: Greek name meaning “rational”; a variant of German Alice, meaning “noble”; a variant of Hebrew Alisa, meaning “great happiness”; can also be a flower name, taken from the alyssum. Variants include Alissa, Allissa, Alysa, Ilyssa, and Lyssa. AMALTHEA: she who nursed Zeus. Variant Amalthia exists. AMARA: Greek name meaning “unfading beauty; forever lovely.” Also an African name for paradise. Variants include Amargo, Amargoe, Amargot, Amarinda, Amarra, Amarrinda, Mara, and Marra. AMARANTHA: Greek name meaning “immortal.” Also a flower name. Variants include Amaranda, Amarande, Amaranta (Sp.), and Amarante (Fr.). ANASSA: “queen.” ANASTASIA: Greek name meaning “resurrection; rebirth; she shall rise again.” Variants include Ana, Anastaise, Anastase, Anastasie, Anastasija, Anastasiya, Anastassia, Anastay, Anastazja (Pol.), Anasztaizia (Hung.), Anasztasia, Anestassia, Anstace, Anstass, Anstice, Asia, Asya, Nastassia, Nastassiya, Nastassja (Rus.), Nastassya, Nastenka, Nastya, Stace, Stacey, Stacia, Stacie, Stacy, Stasiya, Stasja, Stasya, Tasenka, Tasia, Tasiya, Tasja, and Tasya. ANATOLA: “from the east.” Variant Anatolia exists. ANAXARETE: cruel woman in myth who was punished by the gods ANDREA: Feminine form of Greek Andrew, meaning “masculine; courageous; a man’s woman.” Variants include Aindrea, Andee, Andera, Andere (Basque), Anderea, Andi, Andie, Andra, Andre, Andreana (It.), Andreas (Gr.), Andrée, Andrei, Andresa, Andrewena, Andrewina, Andri, Andria, Andriana, Andy, Aundrea, Ohndrea, Ohndreea, Ohndria, Ondrea, Ondreea, Ondria, Onndrea, Onndreea, and Onndria. ANDROMACHE: wife of Hector ANDROMEDA: Greek myth name of the beautiful daughter of Cassiopeia who was rescued by Perseus from the sea monster Medusa. Andromeda was said to be an Ethiopian princess. Ancient Ethiopians considered Perseus and Andromeda the progenitors of the black race. ANEMONE: Greek name meaning “breath.” Myth name of a nymph who was turned into a wind-flower, thus a flower name, too. Variants include Ann-Aymone, and AnneAymone. ANEZKA: “gentle” ANGELA: Greek name meaning “messenger from God; angel.” Originally a boy’s name. Variants include Aingeal, Ange, Angel, Angele, Angeleta, Angelia (It.), Angelica, Angelika, Angeliki (Gr.), Angelina (Sp.), Angeline, Angelique (Fr.), Angelita, Angelle, Angellina, Angie, Angil, Angilia, Angiola, Angy, Angyola, Anjel, Anjela, Anjelica, Anjelika, Anngela, Anngil, Anngilla, Anngiola, Annjela, Annjilla, and Gelya. ANNIS: “finished; completed.” Also a variant of English Ann, meaning “grace; favor.” Variants include Anissa, Annes, Annice, and Annys. ANTEA: feminine form of Antaeus, son of Poseidon ANTHEA: “flower; flowery.” Variants include Annthea, Anthe, Anthia, Antia, and Thia. ANTHEMIA: “in bloom; blooming.” Variants include Antheemia, Anthemya, and Anthymia. ANTICLEA: mother of Odysseus ANTIGONE: Greek myth name of the sister of Priam, daughter of Oedipus. ANTIOPE: daughter of Asopus ANYSIA: “complete” APHRODITE: goddess of love APOLLINA: feminine form of Greek Apollo, the god of the sun. Variants include Abbelina, Abbeline, Abellona (Dan.), Apollinaris (Lat.), Apolline (Fr.), Apollinia, Apollonia, Apollyne, Appoline, Appolinia, and Appolonia. ARA: myth name ARACHNE: Greek myth name of a young girl who was turned into a spider by Athena. ARCADIA: Greek name taken from the place, meaning “pastoral happiness.” Variants include Arcadie, and Arkadina (Rus.). ARETE: “virtuous; woman of virtue.” Variants include Areta, Aretha, Arethusa, Aretina, Aretta, Arette, Oreta, Oretha, Oretta, Orette, and Retha. ARETHUSA: name of the daughter of Poseidon, meaning “excellence.” Also a variant of Arete, meaning “woman of virtue.” ARGIA: “all-seeing.” Variant Argie exists. ARIADNE: “Very pure; most holy.” Greek myth name of the daughter of King Minos who helped Theseus escape from the Labyrinth. Variants include Ariadna (Sp./Pol.), Ariana, Ariane, Arianie, Arianna (It.), Arianne (Fr.), Arienne (Fr.), Aryana, Aryane, Aryanie, Aryanna, and Aryanne. ARISTA: “the best.” ARTEMISIA: Greek and Spanish name meaning “perfection”; also a feminine version of the male biblical name Artemas, meaning “gift from Artemis.” Variant Artemesia exists. ARTEMIS: name of the goddess of the hunt. ASIA: Greek name of the wife of Iapetus and mother of Atlas. Also an English name taken from the continent whose name probably derived from a word meaning “east.” ASPASIA: “welcomed one.” Variant, Aspatia, exists. ASPHODEL: Greek flower name meaning “lily.” ASTA: Greek name meaning “starlike; like a star; of the stars.” Variants include Astera, Asteria (Lat.), Astra (Lat.), Astrea, Astria, Estella (Sp.), Estelle (Fr.), Ester, Esther (Heb.), Estrela, Estrella, Eszter, Etoile (Fr.), Hester, Stanislava, and Stella (Lat.). ASTRAEA: “Justice.” Greek name of the goddess of justice. She became the constellation of Virgo. ATALANTA: feminine form of mythological Greek Titan, Atlas, meaning “immovable.” The huntress Atalanta refused to marry any man who could not outrun her. Variants include Atalante, Atlanta, and Atlante. ATE: goddess of irrationality ATHANASIA: “immortal” ATHENA: Greek name meaning “wise.” Name of the goddess of wisdom. Variants include Athenais, Athene, Athie, Attie, Minerva (Lat.), and Zinerva (Rus.). ATROPES: name of a Fate. Variant Antropas exists. GREEK NAMES: Female AURA: Greek name meaning “soft breeze,” and Latin name meaning “gold.” Variants include Aure, Aurea, and Auria. AUTONOE: mother of Actaeon. BAB: A short form of Greek Barbara, meaning “foreign; strange.” Also an Arabian name meaning “from the gateway.” BABE: Short form of Greek Barbara, meaning “foreign; strange.” Variants include Bab, and Babs. BARBARA: Greek name meaning “strange; foreign.” Comes from the same root as “barbarian.” Variants include Bab, Baba, Babara, Babb, Babbett, Babbette, Babbie, Babe, Babett, Babette (Fr.) Babita, Babs, Baibin, Bairbre (Ir.), Bar, Barb, Barbar, Barbary, Barbe, Barbee, Barbette, Barbey, Barbi, Barbie, Barbra, Barbro (Swed.), Barby, Basha (Pol.), Basia, Baubie, Bauby, Berbera, Berberia, Berberya, Berbya, Bobbe, Bobbee, Bobbi, Bobbie, Bobby, Bonni, Bonnie, Bonny, Borbala (Hung.), Varvara (Rus.), Varina (Rus.), Varinka (Rus.), Varushka (Rus.), and Varya (Rus.). BASILIA: feminine form of Greek Basil, meaning “royal; regal.” Variants include Baseele, Baseelia, Baseelle, Basile, Basilie, Basille, Bazeele, Bazeelia, Bazeelle, Bazile, Bazille, and Bazilia. BAUCIS: wife of Philemon BERNICE: Greek name meaning “bringing victory.” Variants include Barri, Barrie, Barry, Beranice, Beraniece, Beranyce, Berenice, Bereniece, Berenyce, Bernee, Berneece, Bernelle, Bernetta, Bernette, Berni, Bernie, Berniece, Berny, Bernyce, Berri, Berrie, Berry, Binnie, Bunni, Bunnie, Bunny, Nixie, Veronica, Veronika, Veronike, and Veronique. BEROE: myth name BERYL: Greek name taken from the light green jewel. Variants include Berri, Berrie, Berry, Beryle, and Berylia. BETA: second letter of the Greek alphabet, and a Slavic form of Beth, a short form of Hebrew Elizabeth, meaning “pledged to God.” BRISEIS: slave of Achilles. BRYCE: myth name of one of the Danaids and wife of Chthonius. CAENEUS: name of a woman who asked to become a man CAITLIN: “pure.” Variants include Caitilin, Caitlyn, Caitrin, Caitriona, Caitryn, Catalin, Catalyn, and Catia. CALANDRA: “lark” CALANTHA: “lovely blossom” CASSIOPEIA: mother of Andromeda CASTA: meaning unknown CASTALIA: name of the sacred fountain of the Muses CYRENE: mother of Aristaeus. Variant Cyrena exists. CYRILLA: “noble” CYTHERA: “from Cythera” CATHLEEN: “pure.” Variants include Cathlin, and Cathlyn. CYTHEREA: another name for Aphrodite. Variant Cytheria exists. CELAENO: name of a Harpy DAFFODIL: “flower” CELANDINE: “swallow (the bird).” Variant Celandina exists. DAMARIS: “gentle.” Variant Damara exists. CELENA: goddess of the moon. Variant Celina exists. CELOSIA: “burning” CENOBIA: “stranger” CERES: another name for Demeter CESTUS: name of Aphrodite’s girdle CETO: a goddess of the sea CHARIS: “grace and beauty” CHARISSA: “loving” CHLOE: “blooming” CHLORIS: a goddess of spring. Variants include Cloria, and Cloris. CHRISTA: “anointed” CHRISTINE: “Christian.” Variants include Christen, Christiana, and Christiane. CHRYSEIS: name of a prisoner of Agamemnon CINYRAS: name of she who founded the cult of Aphrodite CIPRIANA: myth name CIRCE: name of a witch CLEMATIS: name of a flower CLEO: “famed” CLEOPATRA: “her father’s fame” CLIANTHA: “glory.” Variant Clianthe exists. CLIO: “celebrate” CLOTHO: name of a Fate DAMIA: myth name DANAE: mother of Perseus DAPHNE: “bay tree” DEIANIRA: wife of Hercules DELBINE: “flower.” Variants include Delbin and Delbina. DELIA: myth name. Variant Della exists. DELPHINE: “from Delphi.” Variants include Delfina, Delfine, Delphia, and Delphina. CALLIA: “beautiful voice” CORINNA: “maiden.” Variants include Corin and Corinne. CALLIGENIA: “born of beauty” CORONIS: mother of Aesculapius CALLIOPE: muse of epic poetry ELMA: “ friendly” ELPIDE: “hope.” Variant Elpida exists. ENDORA: “light.” ENNEA: “born ninth” ENYO: a goddess of war EOS: Greek equivalent of Latin Aurora, the goddess of dawn. ERATO: muse of erotic poetry ERIANTHE: “sweet.” Variants include Eriantha, and Erianthia. ERIGONE: daughter of Icarius ERIPHYLE: wife of Amphiaraus DEMOS: “ popular.” Variant Demas exists. DESMA: “oath” DESDEMONA: “unlucky.” DIA: daughter of Eineus DIANTHA: “flower.” Variant Dianthe exists. DICE: “justice.” Variant Dike exists. DIDO: name of a queen of Carthage who killed herself DINO: sister of the Gorgons DIONE: mother of Aphrodite. Variant Diona exists. DIONYSIA: named for Dionysus, god of wine. Variant Dionysie exists. DIRCE: mythological character who was killed for abusing children DORCAS: “gazelle.” Variant Dorkas exists. CORAL: “from the coral of the sea.” Variants include Coralie, Coralin, Coralina, and Coraline. ELISSA: “devoted to God.” Variants include Elisabet, Elisabeth, Elisia, and Ellice. ERINYES: name of a Fury CLYTEMNESTRA: name of she who murdered Agamemnon CORA: “maiden.” Variant Corella exists. ELEPHETERIA: Feminine form of Eleftherios, meaning “free.” Variants include Elefteria , Eleftheria, and Elephteria. DEMETER: goddess of the harvest. Variant Demetria exists. CLYMENE: mother of Atalanta. Variant Clymena exists. COLETTE: “people’s victory” ELECTRA: “sparkling” DELTA: “born fourth” DORA: “gift.” Variants include Doralia, Doralie, Doralice, Doralis, Doretta, Dorette, and Dorelia. CLYTIE: name of a water nymph. Variant Clyte exists. ELDORIS: “of the sea” DORDEI: “divine gift.” Variant Dordie exists. ERIS: goddess of discord ERRITA: “pearl” ERYTHEIA: one of the Hesperides ESMERALDA: “emerald.” Variant Esmerelda exists. EUDOXIA: “highly regarded.” Variants include Eudicia, Eudocia, Eudokia, Eudosia, and Eudosis. EUGENIA: “well-born.” Variant Evgenia exists. EULALLIA: “well-spoken” EUNICE: “joyous victory” EUNOMIA: “order” EUPHEMIA: “well-spoken.” Variants include Ephie, and Euphemie. EUPHROSYNE: “good cheer” EUROPA: mother of Minos EURAYLE: “wanders far” EURYCLEIA: nurse of Odysseus EURYDICE: wife of Orpheus EURYNOME: goddess of all DOREEN: “beautiful” EUSTELLA: “fair star” DORINDA: “beautiful gift” EUTERPE: muse of the flute DORIS: “of the sea.” Variants include Dorea, Doria, Dorian, Doriana, Dorice, and Dorien. EVADNE: wife of Capaneus DOROTHY: “a vision.” Variants include Doll, Dollie, Dolly, Dorita, Dorlisa, Doroteya, Dorothea, and Drew. EVANGELINE: “bringer of good news.” Variant Evangelia exists. EVANIA: “peaceful” DRYOPE: name of a nymph EVANTHA: “flower.” Variants include Evanth and Evanthe. CORETTA: “maiden.” Variant Corette exists. FATE: “destiny” CALLISTA: “ the most beautiful.” Variants include Calida, Calla, Calli, and Callie. ECATERINA: “innocent.” Variants include Ecterine and Ekaterina. COSIMIA: “of the universe.” Variant Cosma exists. ECHIDNA: name of a child of the Titans CALLISTE: another name for Artemis CREUSA: daughter of Erechteus CALLISTO: another name for Arcas CROCALE: myth name CALYPSO: daughter of Atlas CRYSTAL: “sparkling” CANACE: myth name CYBELE: myth name CANDACE: “sparkling.” Variants include Candice and Cadis. CYMA: “flourish” CASSANDRA: a prophetess no one believed. Variant Cassondra exists. CASSIE: “purity” CYNARA: myth name CYNTHIA: “moon.” Variant Cinthia exists. CYPRIS: “from Cyprus” CYRA: myth name ECHO: she who attended Hera EDE: “generation.” Variant Eda exists. EFFIE: “fair flame” FEDORA: “God’s gift” FERN: “feather” FILIA: “amity” FILIPINA: “lover of horses” EGERIA: name of a water nymph FILOMENA: “lover of man.” Variant Filomenia exists. EIDOTHEA: name of a sea nymph GAIA: mother earth. Variant Gaea exists. EILEITHYIA: a goddess of childbirth GALATEA: “white as milk” EIRENE: “peace” GELASIA: “inclined to laughter” ELAINE: “light.” Variants include Elena, Eleni, Eleanor, Eleanora, Eleanore, Ellen, Elnora, and Elora. GEORGIANA: “farmer.” Variants include Georgette, Georgia, Georgie, and Georgine. GREEK NAMES: Female GERANIUM: “crane” GIANCINTA: “hyacinth.” Variant Giancinte exists. GINA: “well-born” GLAUCE: she who was murdered by Medea GREGORIA: “observant.” Variant Gregoriana exists. GRETE: “pearl.” Variants include Gredel, Greta, Gretal, Gretel, Gretchen, and Gryta. HAIDEE: “modest” HALCYONE, ALCYONE: daughter of Aeolus HALIMEDA: “thinking of the sea” HARMONIA: daughter of Ares HEBE: a goddess of youthful beauty HECATE: name of a Titan HECUBA: mother of Paris and Hector. Variant Hekuba exists. HEDIA: “pleasant.” Variants include Hedy, and Hedyla. HELEN: “light.” Variants include Halina, Helena, Helene, Helenka, and Helli. HELIA: “of the sun” HELICE: “from Helicon.” Variant Helike exists. HELLE: daughter of Athamas HEMERA: “day” HENRIKA: “mistress of the hearth” HERA: wife of Zeus. HERMIA: “well-born.” Variants include Hermandina, Hermandine, and Hermione. HERO: priestess of Aphrodite HESIONE: daughter of Laomedon HESPER: “evening star.” Variant Hester exists. HESPERIA: one of the Hesperides HESTIA: goddess of hearth and home HILAEIRA: name of girl carried off by Pollux and Castor HIPPODAMIA: wife of Piirithous HIPPOLYTA: a queen of the Amazons. Variant Hippolyte exists. HORAE: a goddess of the seasons ILON: “light.” Variants include Ilona, and Ilonka. INESA: “king, innocent.” Variants include Ines, Inese, and Inez. INO: daughter of Cadmus IOLA: sister of Iphitus. Variant Iole exists. IOLANTHA: “violet.” Variant Iolanthe exists. IONESSA: “amethyst.” Variants include Iona, Ione, and Ionia. IPHEGENIA: name of daughter sacrificed by Agamemnon IRENE: “peace.” Variants include Irena, Irina, Iryna, and Irynia. IRIS: “rainbow.” Variant Irisa exists. IRTA: “pearl” ISADORA: “gift of Isis.” Variants include Isadore, Isidore, and Isidora. ISAURA: “gentle breeze.” Variant Isaure exists. ISMENE: daughter of Oedipus. IVANNA: “gift of the gods” IVY: “ivy” JACINTA: “beautiful.” Variants include Jacintha, and Jacinthe. JARINA: “farmer.” Variant Jarine exists. JOCASTA: a queen of Thebes KAIA: “from the earth” KAIROS: myth name KALI: “ rosebud.” Variants include Kalie, Kalika, Kaly, and Kalyca. KALLIOPE: “beautiful voice” KALONICE: “victory of beauty” KANDAKE: “glittering” KANAKE: myth name KAREN: “ pure.” Variants include Kara, Karena, Karin, Kora, Kore, and Koren. KASIA: “ pure.” Variants include Kaisa, Kasienka, Kaska, and Kassia. KATHERINE: “pure.” Variants include Kaethe, Kat, Katakin, Katarin, Katarina, Katarzyna, Kate, Katheryn, Kathrine, Katica, Katie, Katinka, Katja, Katoka, Katri, Katrina, Katrinka, Katy, Katya, Kit, and Kitty. HYACINTHE: “purple.” Variant Hyacinth exists. KAY: “glory” HYADES: a type of nymphs KEPE: “stone.” Variant Kepa exists. HYDRA: dragon killed by Hercules KERES: “evil spirits” HYGEIA: goddess of health. Variant Hygieia exists. KINETIKOS: “active.” Variant Kineta exists. KELEOS: “flaming” HYPATIA: “exceptional.” Variant Hypate exists. KIRSTEN: “Christian.” Variants include Kirstie, Kirsty, Krista, Kristel, Kristell, Kristina, Kriszta, Krisztina, Krysia, and Krysta. HYPERMNESTRA: she who refused to kill her husband on their wedding night KLEOPATRA: “glory of the father” HYPSIPYLE: daughter of Thoas KOLETTE: “people’s victory.” Variant Kolete exists. INATHA: “flower.” Variants include Ianthe, and Ianthina. KOLINA: “ pure.” Variant Koline exists. LALIA: “verbose.” Meleda, Meleta, and Melleta. LAMIA: name of an evil spirit who abducts and murders children MELPOMENE: muse of tragedy LAMPETIA: myth name LANA: “light.” Variants include Lena, Lenore, Leonora, Leonore, Leonarda, Leora, and Lina. MEROPE: foster mother of Oedipus METANIRA: myth name METEA: “gentle” METIS: “resourcefulness” LAODAMIA: wife of Protesilaus MINTHA: plant name. Variant Minta exists. LARISSA: “cheerful.” Variant Larisse exists. MNEMOSYNE: goddess of memory LEA: “ bringer of good news.” Variant Lia exists. MOIRAI: The Three Fates. Variant Moerae exists. LEDA: mother of Helen MOIRA: “merit.” LELIA: “well-spoken” MOLY: an herb Hermes gives to Odysseus to protect him LETHE: river of oblivion LETHIA: “forgetful.” Variants include Leitha, and Letha. LEUCIPPE: mother of Teuthras LEUCOTHEA: name of a sea nymph. Variant Leucothia exists. LEXINE: “defender of man.” Variant Lexina exists. LIGIA: “beautiful voice” LILIA: “lily.” Variants include Lila, Lili, Lilis, Lilla, Lillis, and Lily. LORELEI: “temptress.” LOTUS: “flower” LUIGINA: “well-born” LYCORIS: “twilight” LYDIA: “from Lydia.” Variant Lydea exists. LYRIS: “lyrical.” Variant Lyra exists. LYSANDRA: “defends man” MADGE: “approval” MEGARA: name of a Fury. Variant Magaere exists. MAIA: mother of Hermes MONA: “solitary” MONICA: “advisor.” Variants include Monika, Moniqua, and Monique. MUSIDORA: “gift of the Muses.” Variant Musadora exists. MYRA: “abundance.” Variants include Mira and Mirias. MYRTLE: “myrtle.” Variants include Merta, Myrta, Myrtia, Myrtice, Myrtis, Myrtisa, and Mytra. NARCISSA: “daffodil.” Variants include Narcisa, and Narkissa. NATASHA: “born at Christmas.” Variants include Natacha, and Natassia. NAUSICAA: princess who finds Odysseus NELL: “light.” Variants include Nella, Nellie, Nellis, Nelly, and Nelma. NEMESIS: goddess of vengeance NEOLA: “youthful” NEOMIA: “new moon.” Variants include Neoma, Neomea, and Neomenia. NEPHELE: cloud nymph MALINDA: “gentle.” Variant Melinda exists. NEREID: sea nymph. Variants include Nerina, and Nerine. MALVA: “soft.” Variants include Malvina, and Malvine. NERISSA: “from the sea.” Variants include Nerice, Nerita, and Nireta. MARGARET: “pearl.” Variants include Maggie, Margalo, Margareta, Margaretta, Margarita, Margeret, Margery, Margolo, Marjorie, Marjory, and Marketa. NESSA: “pure.” Variants include Nessia, and Neysa. MARMARA: “shining.” Variant Marmee exists. MARPESSA: daughter of Evenus MATILDA: “brave in war.” Variant Mathilde exists. MEDEA: wife of Jason who murders her children NICOLE: “people’s victory.” Variants include Nicea, Nicia, Nicola, Nicoletta, Nicolette, Niki, and Nikolia. NIKE: goddess of victory NIOBE: “fern” NITSA: “peace” NORAH: “light.” Variant Nora exists. NOX: “night” MEDORA: “ ruler.” Variant Madora exists. NYMPHA: sea goddess MEDUSA: “cunning” NYSSA: “goal.” Variants include Nysa, and Nyse. MEGAN: “ pearl.” Variants include Meagan, and Meghan. NYX: “night” MELANIE: “dark.” Variants include Mel, and Melania. OBELIE: “pointed pillar.” Variant Ebelia exists. KORE: another name for Persephone MELANTHA: “dark flower.” Variant Melanthe exists. OCYPETE: name of a Harpy KOSMO: “universal.” Variants include Kasmo, and Kosma. MELANTHO: name of a mythological serving girl IDOLA: “a vision” KRISTIN: “the anointed.” Variant Kristen exists. MELINA: “yellow as canary.” Variant Melena exists. ILIONA: “from Troy.” Variant Ileana exists. KYNTHIA: “moon” ILITHIA: myth name. Variant Ilithya exists. LACHESIS: name of a Fate MELISSA: “honey bee.” Variants include Melisse, and Mellisa. IASIUS: mother of Atalanta IDA: name of a mountain IDALIA: myth name MELITA: “sweet as honey.” Variants include ODELE: “harmonious.” Variant Odelle exists. ODELETTE: “little singer.” ODYSSEIA: “wrathful.” Variant Odessa exists. OENONE: lover of Paris OIGHRIG: “well-spoken” GREEK NAMES: Female OLEISIA: “protector of man” Philis, Phillis, and Phylis. OLENA: “ light.” Variants include Olina and Onella. PIERETTE: “ rock.” Variant Perrine exists. OLYMPIA: “from Olympus.” Variant Olympe exists. OMPHALE: a queen of Lydia OPHELIA: “serpentine” OPHELIE: “wisdom” OREA: “from the mountain.” Variant Oria exists. ORITHYIA: myth name ORTYGIA: Calypso’s island PAGE: “child” PAMELA: “made from honey” PANAGIOTA: “holy” PANDORA: she who released misery and hope into the world PANPHILA: “all-loving” PANSY: “flower” PANTHEA: “all the gods” PARTHENIA: “chaste.” Variant Parthenie exists. PASHA: “born at Easter.” Variant Pesha exists. PASIPHAE: wife of Minos PEGEEN: “pearl.” Variants include Peg and Peggy. PELAGIA: “dweller by the sea” PELICIA: “weaver” PELOPIA: mother of Aegisthus PEMPHREDO: sister of the Gorgons PENELOPE: faithful wife of Odysseus PENTHEA: “born fifth.” Variant Penthia exists. PENTHESILEA: a queen of the Amazons PEONY: “flower.” PEPHREDO: “dread” PERSEPHONE: wife of Hades. Variant Persephonie exists. PLEASURE: myth name PODARGE: name of a Harpy POLYHYMNIA: muse of sacred song POLYXENA: daughter of Priam PROCNE: wife of Pandion PSYCHE: lover of Cupid PYRENA: “ardent.” Variants include Pyrene, Pyrenia, and Pyrenie. PYRRHA: daughter of Epimetheus TERPSICHORE: muse of dance and lyric poetry ZENAIDE: myth name. Variant Zenaida exists. TESSA: “born fourth” ZENDA: “ born of Zeus.” Variants include Zenaida, Zenina, Zenna, Zenobe, and Zenobia. TETHYS: wife of Oceanus THADDEA: “brave.” Variant Thaddia exists. THAIS: “beloved” THALASSA: “from the sea” THALIA: muse of comedy. Variants include Talia and Thaleia. THEA: “divine.” Variants include Theola and Thia. PYTHIA: “prophetess” THECLA: “renowned fame.” Variants include Tecla, Tekla, and Thekla. RENA: “peaceful.” Variant Rina exists. THELMA: “nursing” RESI: “gatherer.” Variant Rezi exists. THEMIS: “righteousness” RHEA: wife of Cronus RHETA: “speaker.” Variants include Reit, Reta, Rhete, and Rita. THEODOSIA: “supreme gift” or “gift from God.” Variants include Tedra, Tedre, Theda, Thedya, and Theodora. RHODA: “rose.” Variants include Rhodantha, Rhodanthe, and Rhodia. THEONA: “God’s name.” Variants include Thenoma, Thenomia, and Theone. RITSA: “protector of man.” Variant Ritza exists. THEOPHANIA: “God appears.” Variant Theophaneia exists. SABA: “from Sheba.” Taken from the place name, Sheba. THEOPHILIA: “loved by God.” Variant Tesia exists. SANDRA: “protector of man.” Variants include Sandrine, and Sondra. THEORA: “watcher.” Variants include Theore, and Thora. SAPPHIRA: “jewel.” Variant Sapphire exists. THERA: “untamed.” Variants include Thira, Thyra, and Tyra. SCYLLA: a sea monster SEBASTENE: “adored.” Variants include Sebastiana, and Sebastienne. THETIS: mother of Achilles THISBE: lover of Pyramus SELENE: “moon.” Variants include Selena, Selia, and Selina. TIENETTE: “crowned in victory.” Variant Tynet exists. SEMELE: mother of Dionysus TIFFANY: “ gods incarnate.” Variants include Theophane, Theophanie, Tifany, Tiffeny, and Tiphanie. SIBYL: “oracle.” Variants include Sibylla, Sybilla, and Sybyl. SINOBIA: “stranger.” Variant Sinovia exists. TIMOTHEA: “honoring God.” Variant Timothia exists. SIRENA: named for the Sirens. Variant Sirina exists. TISIPHONE: name of a Fury SOLONA: “wise.” Variants include Solon, Solone, and Solonie. TOSIA: “inestimable.” PERSIS: “from Persia” SOPHIA: “wise.” Variants include Sofi, Sofia, Sofronia, and Sophie. PETRONELLA: “rock.” Variants include Petra, Petrina, Petrine, and Petronelle. SOPHRONIA: “of judicious mind” TITANIA: “giant” TRESSAM: “harvester.” TRINA: “pure; innocent.” Variants include Trine, Tryn, Tryna, and Tryne. STACIE: “shall be reborn.” Variants include Stacey, Stacy, and Stasia. TYRO: name of a nymph PHEDORA: “ supreme gift.” Variant Pheodora exists. STEPHANIE: “crowned in victory.” Variants include Stephana, Stephania, Stephene, Stefina, Stefinia, and Stevie. URSULA: myth name, meaning “she-bear.” Variants include Ursa, and Ursel. PHEMIE: “well-spoken” STHENO: “mighty” VANESSA: “ butterfly.” Variants include Vanna, Vania, Vanny, and Venessa. PHOEBE: “sparkling.” Variant Phebe exists. STREPHON: “one who turns.” Variants include Strep and Strephonn. VERONICA: “honest image.” Variants include Veronicha, and Veronika. STYX: name of a river of the underworld XANTHIA: “blond.” Variants include Xantha, and Xanthe. PHAEDRA: daughter of Minos PHAETHUSA: myth name PHILA: “loving” PHILANA: “lover of man” PHILLIDA: “loving.” Variants include Philida, Philina, and Phillina. SUADELA: goddess of persuasion SYMAETHIS: myth name URANIA: “heavenly” XENIA: “welcoming; hospitable.” Variants include Zena, Zene, and Zenia. PHILLIPA: “lover of horses.” Variant Philippa exists. SYNA: “together” PHILOMELA: “nightingale.” Variant Philomel exists. TABITHA: “gazelle” XYLIA: “from the woods.” Variants include Xyliana, Xylina, Xylinia, and Xylona. TAREN: “of earth.” Variants include Taren, Taryn, Terrian, and Terriana. YALENA: “light.” Variant Yalene exists. PHILOMENA: “greatly loved.” Variant Philomina exists. PHILOTHEA: lover of God PHOEBE: mother of Leto PHOENIX: “heron” PHYLLIS: “green bough.” Variants include SYRINX: name of a nymph TASSOS: “harvester” XYLA: “wood.” YOLANDA: “violet.” Variant Yolande exists. TERENTIA: “guardian” ZANDRA: “defender of man.” Variant Zondra exists. THERESA: “reaper.” Variants include Teresa, Terese, Teresina, Terisita, Tess, Tessie, Therese, Terry and Tracy. ZELINA: “zealous.” Variants include Zelia, and Zelinia. ZENIA: “friendly.” Variants include Zena, Zene, and Xenia. ZEPHYR: “of the west wind.” Variants include Zefiryn, Zephira, Zephyra, and Zyphire. ZETA: “born last” ZEVA: “sword” ZITA: “ reaper.” Variant Zyta exists. ZOIA: “alive.” Variants include Zoe, Zoel, Zoelie, Zoelle, and Zoya. ZOFIA: “wisdom.” Variants include Zofie, Zsofia, and Zsofie. GREEK NAMES: Male ABDERUS: myth name of a friend of Hercules ABSYRTUS: myth name of a brother of Medea ABYDOS: “from Abydos” ACASTUS: myth name of an Argonaut ACESTES: myth name. Variant Agestes exists. ACHATES: myth name of a companion of Aeneas ACHELOUS: myth name of a river god Athanasius. Phrixus and Helle Chris, Christiano, and Cretien. AMPHIARAUS: myth name of one of the attackers of Thebes ATHANASIOS: “noble” CHRISTOPHER: “Christ-bearer.” Variants include Christobel, Christoffel, Christoph, Christophe, Christophoros, and Cristoforo. AMPHION: myth name of a son of Zeus AMPHITRYON: myth name of the husband of Alcmene AMPYX: myth name of the father of Mopsus AMYCUS: myth name of a son of Poseidon ANASTASIUS: “reborn.” Variants include Anastagio, Anastasio, and Anasztaz. ACHERON: myth name of the river of woe ANATLOE: “easterner.” Variants include Anatol, Anatoli, Anatolijus, and Anatolio. ACHILLES: “lipless” ANCAEUS: myth name of an Argonaut ACIS: myth name of a lover of Galatea ANCHISES: myth name of the father of Aeneas ACONTEUS: myth name ACRISIUS: myth name of the grandfather of Perseus ACTEON: myth name of a hunter torn apart by his own dogs. Variant Actaeon exists. ANDERSON: “son of Ander.” Variants include Anders, and Papandrou. ANDRAEMON: myth name ATLAS: myth name of a Titan ATREIDES: “descended from Atreus” ATREUS: myth name of the father of Agamemnon ATTIS: myth name of a son of Manes AUSTER: myth name AUTOLYCUS: myth name of a son of Hermes AVERNUS: myth name of the portal to Hades BALASI: “flat-footed” BALTSAROS: Greek form of Balthazar, meaning “Bel protect the king.” BAPTISTE: “baptizer” BARUCH: “goodly” BASIL: “royal.” Variants include Basile, Basilio, and Bazyli. CHRISTOS: “Christ” CHRYSES: myth name of a priest of Apollo CHRYSOSTOM: “golden-mouthed” CLAUS: “people’s victory.” Variants include Claas, Cole, and Colum. CLEOBIS: myth name of the son of a priestess CLETUS: “summoned” COCYTUS: myth name of the river of lamentation COEUS: myth name of the father of Leto CORINEUS: myth name CORYBANTES: myth name of a priest of Rhea ADONIS: myth name of a lover of Aphrodite ANDREW: “manly.” Variants include Adras, Aindreas, Aindriu, Ander, Andor, Andrea, Andres, Andries, Androu, Aniol, Anker, Anndra, and Antti. ADRASTUS: myth name of one of the attackers in “The Seven Against Thebes” ANDROGEUS: myth name of a son of Minos BAUCIS: another name for Dionysus, the god of wine. Variants include Baccaus, and Baccus. AEACUS: myth name of the grandfather of Achilles ANGELL: “messenger.” Variants include Angel, and Angelo. BELLEROPHON: myth name of he who slew Chimera AEETES: myth name of Medea’s father ANIBAL: “graced by God” BITON: myth name of the son of a priestess AEGEUS: myth name of the second husband of Medea ANSTICE: “resurrected.” Variants include Anastasios, and Anstiss. BOETHIUS: myth name AEGIS: myth name of a shield of Zeus BOREAS: myth name for the north wind ANTAEUS: myth name of he who was killed by Hercules CTESIPPUS: myth name of one of Penelope’s suitors BRIAREUS: myth name of a Titan CYCNUS: “swan” ANTEROS: myth name, meaning “mutual love.” CADMON: myth name CYPRIAN: “from Cyprus” CADMUS: “from the east” ADMETUS: myth name of a king of Pherae AEGISTHUS: myth name of a cousin of Agamemnon BASTIEN: “revered.” Variants include Baste, and Bastiaan. CORYDON: “ready to fight.” Variant Coridan exists. COSMAS: “order.” Variants include Cos, Cosima, and Cosmo. COTTUS: myth name of a Titan CREON: myth name of Jocasta’s brother CRONUS: myth name of a Titan, meaning “lion dragon of God.” Variants include Karounos (surname), Kronos, and Kronus. CALAIS: myth name of the son of Boreas CYR: “lordly.” Variants include Cirilo, Cirio, Ciro, Coireall, Cyrek, Cyril, and Cyryl. AENEAS: “praiseworthy” ANTHONY: “priceless.” Variants include Anton, and Antony. CALCHAS: myth name of a seer CYRANO: “from Cyrene” AEOLUS: myth name of a god of the winds ANTHOR: myth name AESCULAPIUS: myth name of a god of medicine. Variant Asklepios exists. ANTILOCHUS: myth name of a son of Nestor CAPANEUS: myth name of one of the attackers against Thebes CYRUS: “sun.” Variants include Ciro, and Cy. CASTOR: myth name of a brother of Helen AESON: myth name of the father of Jason ANTINOUS: myth name of one of Penelope’s suitors DAEDALUS: myth name of he who killed his nephew AEGYPTUS: myth name of the father of Danaides CEBRIONES: myth name ANTIPHATES: myth name of a Cyclops CECROPS: myth name of the founder of Athens AGAMEMNON: myth name of the leader of the Greek forces against Troy AONGHAS: “unique choice.” Variant Angus exists. CELEUS: myth name of the father of Triptolemus AGENOR: myth name of a son of Poseidon APOLLO: “manly beauty.” Variant Apoloniusz exists. CENON: “friendly” AGAMEDES: myth name of he who was murdered by his brother for theft DAEMON: myth name of a guardian spirit DAMASKENOS: “from Damascus.” Variant Damaskinos exists. DAMIAN: “tame.” Variants include Damae, and Damen. DAMOCLES: myth name of a tyrant of Syracuse ARCAS: myth name of a son of Zeus CEPHALUS: myth name of the husband who killed Procris ALASTOR: “avenger.” ARCHEMORUS: myth name of a son of Lycurgus ALCIDES: “descended from Alcaeus” CEPHEUS: myth name of the father of Andromeda ARES: myth name of a god of war ALCINOUS: myth name of he who helps Odysseus return home. Variant Alcinoos exists. ARGO: myth name of Jason’s ship CERBERUS: myth name of the canine guardian of the gate of Hades ARGUS: “all-seeing.” Variant Argos exists. CERCYON: myth name of a king DARDANUS: myth name of the founder of Troy ALCMAEON: myth name of one of the Thebes attackers ARION: myth name of the horse of Adrastus CESARE: “long-haired.” Variants include Caesare, and Caseareo. DEIPHOBUS: myth name of a son of Priam ALCYONEUS: myth name of he who fought against Athena ARISTID: “son of a great man” AJAX: “eagle” AKIL: “from the river Akil” ARISTAEUS: myth name of a son of Apollo ARISTOTLE: “best of thinkers” CETUS: myth name of a sea monster of Poseidon ARSENE: “strong.” Variant Arsenio exists. CEYX: myth name of the husband of Alcyone ARTEMAS: “gift from Artemis.” Variants include Artemesio, and Artemus. CHARON: myth name of the ferryman of the river Styx ALOEUS: myth name of the father of giants ASCALAPHUS: myth name of he who was turned into an owl by Persephone CHARYBDIS: myth name of a deadly whirlpool ALPHENOR: myth name ASOPUS: myth name of a river god. ALPHEUS: myth name of a river god ASTYANAX: son of Hector and Andromache, killed by Neoptolemus. CHIMERA: myth name of the monster killed by Bellerophon ALEXANDER: “defender of man.” Variants include Alec, Aleksandr, Aleksandur, Aleksy, Alessandro, Alex, Alexandras, Alexandros, Alexandrukas, Alexei, Alexio, Alexis, Alix, Alyosha, and Alyoshenka. AMBROSE: “immortal.” Variants include Ambrocio, Ambrus, Anstice, Athan, and ATHAMAS: myth name of the father of CHIRON: myth name of a centaur CHRISTIAN: “Christian.” Variants include DANAUS: myth name of the father of the Danaides DAPHNIS: myth name of he who was blinded for his infidelity DELPHINUS: myth name of a scout of Poseidon DEMETRIUS: “gift from Demeter.” Variants include Demetre, Demetri, and Demetrios. DEMODOCUS: myth name of a blind bard DEMOGORGON: myth name thought to be the name for Satan DEMOPHON: myth name of a son of Theseus DEUCALION: myth name of a son of Prometheus DHIMITRIOS: myth name DIOMEDES: myth name of an evil king GREEK NAMES: Male DIONYSIUS: myth name of a god of wine. Variants include Denes, Denys, Dion, Dionysios, Dionysus, and Dunixi. DOLIUS: myth name of a shepherd DORAN: “a gift” DORIAN: “a Dorian” ECHION: myth name EGIDIO: “shield-bearer” ELEFTHERIOS: “free.” Variant Eleutherius exists. ELEK: “defender of man.” Variant Eli exists. ELEUTHERIOS: “free.” Variant Eleftherios exists. ELPENOR: myth name of one of Odysseus’s men ENCELADUS: myth name of a giant ENDRE: “manly” ENDYMION: myth name of a shepherd ENEA: “born ninth” ENEAS: “praised” EVZEN: “noble” IAPETUS: myth name of a Titan LADON: myth name of a dragon of Hera FARRIS: “rock” IASION: myth name of the father of Plutus FEDOR: “divine gift.” Variant Feodor exists. IASIUS: myth name LAERTES: myth name of the father of Odysseus FEODRAS: “stone” IASON: “healer” FILIPPO: “lover of horses.” Variants include Filips, Flip, and Fulop. IBYCUS: myth name of a bard GALEN: “healer; tranquil.” GALINTHIAS: myth name of a servant of Alcmene GANYMEDE: myth name of a cup-bearer to the gods GELASIUS: “laughter” GEORGE: “farmer.” Variants include Geordie, Georg, Georges, Georget, Gheorghr, Goran, Gorka, Gyoergy, Gyorgy, Gyuri, and Gyurka. ICARUS: myth name of a son of Daedalus ICELOS: myth name of a son of Hypnos IDAS: myth name of an Argonaut IDOMENEUS: myth name of a king of Crete IGNATIUS: “fiery” INACHUS: myth name of a river god GERYON: myth name of a monster killed by Hercules IOBATES: myth name GILES: “shield-bearer.” Variant Gilles exists. IORGAS: “farmer.” Variant Igorr exists. GLAUCUS: myth name of a son of Minos IPHICLES: myth name of Hercules’ twin brother EPOPEUS: myth name GREGORY: “vigilant.” Variants include Gergely, Gergor, Gregoire, Gregor, Gregorie, Gregorior, Gregos, Grigor, Grigorov, and Gruev. ERASMUS: “worthy of love” GUILIO: “young” ERCOLE: “gift from God” GYES: myth name of a Titan EREBUS: myth name of the father of Charon HAEMON: myth name of ason of Creon) EPEIUS: myth name of the maker of the Trojan horse ICARIUS: myth name of he who gave wine to the citizens of Athens who mistook it for poison and killed him HALI: “sea” ION: myth name of a son of Apollo IPHIS: myth name of he who hanged himself over unrequited love IPHITUS: myth name of a brother of Iole IRUS: myth name of he who challenged Odysseus on his return to Ithaca ISIDORE: “strong gift.” Variants include Isadorer, Isidoror, Isidrro, and Ixidorr. LAIUS: myth name of the father of Oedipus LAOCOON: myth name of the son of Priam LAOMEDON: myth name of the father of Priam LASSE: “people’s victory” LEANDER: “lion.” Variants include Lander, and Leandro. LEKSI: “defender of man” LETHE: myth name of the river of oblivion LICHAS: myth name of a friend of Hercules LIDIO: meaning unknown LINUS: “flaxen-haired” LIPPI: “lover of horses.” Variants include Lip, Lipp, Lippio, Lippo, and Pippo. LOXIAS: “crooked” LYCAON: myth name of a king of Arcadia LYCOMEDES: myth name of a king of Scyros LYCURGUS: myth name of a king of the Edones LYNCEUS: myth name of an Argonaut LYSANDER: “liberator” ERECHTHEUS: myth name of a king of Athens HALIRRHOTHIUS: myth name of a son of Poseidon ERICHTHONIUS: myth name of a king of Athens HALITHERSIS: myth name of a seer who warns Penelope’s suitors ERYMANTHUS: myth name of a son of Apollo HARALAMBOS: meaning unknown IXION: myth name of the father of the centaurs HASIONE: myth name JACINTO: “hyacinth” MAUR: “dark.” Variant Maurice exists. HECTOR: “steadfast” JASON: “healer.” Variants include Jasunr, and Jayr. MEDUS: myth name of a son of Medea by Aegeus JENO: “well-born.” Variant Jencir exists. MELAMPUS: myth name of a seer JEROME: “holy name.” Variant Jeroenr exists. MELANIPPUS: myth name of he who helps defend Thebes against the attackers JIRI: “farmer.” Variants include Jerzyr, Jirkar, Jorenr, Jorgenr, Jorgr, Jorisr, Jornr, and Jurgist. MELANTHIUS: myth name of he who sides with Penelope’s suitors against his master Odysseus ERYSICHTHON: myth name of he who was cursed with an insatiable hunger that caused his death HELENUS: myth name of a son of Priam ESTEBE: “victorious.” Variant Estevao exists. HELIOS: myth name of a god of the sun ETEOCLES: myth name of a son of Oedipus HEPHAESTUS: myth name of a god of the crafts ETOR: “steadfast.” Variants include Eachann, and Ettore. EUBULEUS: myth name of he who told Demeter about her daughter EUGENE: “wellborn.” Variants include Eoghan, Eugen, Eugenio, Eugenios, and Evasn. EUMAEUS: myth name of a swineherd who fought with Odysseus EUPEITHES: myth name of the father of a suitor for Penelope EURUS: myth name of a god of the east wind EURYALUS: myth name of he who taunted Odysseus EURYLOCHUS: myth name of he who was turned into a pig by Circe EURYMACHUS: myth name of a suitor of Penelope EURYPYLUS: myth name of a soldier against Greece in the Trojan War EURYSTHEUS: myth name of a cousin of Hercules EURYTON: myth name of a giant EUSEBIUS: “pious” EUSTACE: “fruitful.” Variants include Eustachy, and Eustis. HERCULES: myth name of a son of Zeus. Variant Heraklesr exists. HERMES: myth name of a messenger of the gods ISTVAN: “victorious” LAESTRYGONES: myth name of a tribe of giants IVAN: “glorious gift.” Variants include Ivanetsr, and Ivankor. JULIAN: “youthful.” Variant Juliusr exists. KADMUS: “from the east” HESPEROS: “evening star” KAJ: “earth” HIERONIM: meaning unknown KARSTEN: “anointed.” Variant Kristr exists. HIPOLIT: “freer of horses.” Variant Hippolytusr exists. KEDALION: myth name HIPPOCAMPUS: myth name of a horse of Poseidon HIPPOGRIFF: myth name of a creature part horse, part griffen HIPPOLYTUS: myth name of a son of Theseus HIPPOMENES: myth name of the winner of Atalanta KERIL: “lordly.” Variants include Kirilr, Kirylr, Kuirilr, and Kyrillosr. KESTER: “Christ-bearer.” Variants include Kestorr, Kipr, Kitr, Krisr, Kristofr, Kristor, and Krystupasr. MACAIRE: “blessed.” Variants include Makarioa, and Marcario. MACHAON: myth name of a son of Aesculapius MARSYAS: myth name of a satyr MELEAGER: myth name of an Argonaut MELECERTES: myth name of a son of Ino MELETIOS: meaning unknown MENELAUS: myth name of a brother of Agamemnon MENOECEUS: myth name of the father of Jocasta MENTOR: “wise counselor” METTE: “pearl” KHRISTOS: “Christ” MEZENTIUS: myth name KLAUS: “people’s victory.” Variant Klassr exists. MIDAS: myth name of he who turned everything he touched to gold KOLYA: “victorious army” MIKOLAS: “people’s victory” HOMER: “security.” Variants include Homeros, and Homerus. KORUDON: “helmeted” MIMIS: myth name HYANCINTHE: “hyacinth.” Variant Hyacinthusr exists. KOSMY: “order.” Variant Kosmosr exists. MINOS: myth name of a son of Zeus KRATOS: “strength” MOMUS: myth name of the god of ridicule HYLAS: myth name of a son of Theiodamas KIRKOR: “vigilant” MOPSUS: myth name of a seer HYMEN: myth name of a god of marriage KRISTIAN: “Christian.” Variants include Khrystiyanr, Krischanr, and Krzysztofr. MORPHEUS: myth name of the bringer of dreams KYRILLOS: “lordly” MYLES: “destroyer.” Variants include Miles, and Milo. HYPERION: myth name of a Titan HYPNOS: myth name of a god of sleep HYRIEUS: myth name KYROS: “master” GREEK NAMES: Male MYRON: “myrrh” PELIAS: myth name of a son of Poseidon PORFIRIO: “purple stone” NAPE: myth name PELOPS: myth name of the father of Atreus NAPOLEAN: “of the new city.” Variant Napoleon exists. PENEUS: myth name POSEIDON: myth name of a god of the sea and ocean NARCISSUS: “daffodil.” Variants include Narcisse, and Narkis. NAUPLIUS: myth name of an Argonaut NECTARIOS: name of a saint NELEUS: myth name of a son of Poseidon NEMO: “from the glen.” Variant Nemos exists. NEOTOLEMUS: myth name of a son of Achilles NEREUS: myth name of the father of the Nereids NESTOR: “wisdom” NICHOLAS: “people’s victory.” Variants include Nick, Nicodemus, Nicol, Nicolaus, Nicole, Nik, Nikita, Niklaus, Nikodem, Nikolai, Nikolajis, Nikolos, Niles, Nilo, Nilos, Nils, Niocol, Niocole, Nocholaus, and Nocolas. NISUS: myth name of the father of Scylla NOTUS: myth name of the south wind OBIAREUS: myth name of a Titan OCEANUS: myth name of the father of the Oceanids OCNUS: “incompetent” PENTHEUS: myth name of a king of Thebes PERDIX: myth name of he who was killed by his uncle PETER: “rock.” Variants include Panos, Peadair, Pedar, Peder, Pedro, Pekka, Pello, Per, Pero, Perrin, Pertras, Peru, Peterke, Petr, Petrelis, Petros, Petrukas, Petter, Piaras, Piarres, Piero, Pierre, Pierro, Piet, Pieter, Pietr, Pietro, Piotr, Preben, and Prophyrios. PROTESILAUS: myth name of he who offered himself as a sacrifice for the Greeks when they arrived at Troy PHEOBUS: “shining” RHADAMANTHUS: myth name of a judge in the underworld PHILANDER: “lover of man” PHILEMON: “loves thought” PHILIP: “lover of horses.” Variants include Pilib, Pippo, Philipp, Philippe, and Phillip. PHILO: “friend.” Variant Phylo exists. PHLEGETHON: myth name of the river of fire PHOENIX: myth name of a bird that built its own pyre and then was reborn from the ashes PHRIXUS: myth name of a son of Nephele ORION: “son of fire” PHORBAS: myth name.” Variant Phorbus exists. ORPHEUS: myth name of a son of Apollo PHORCYS: myth name of a sea god ORTHROS: myth name of the guardian of Geryon PIRITHOUS: myth name of a friend of Theseus OTIS: “keen of hearing.” Variants include Otos, and Otus. PIRRO: “red-haired” OWEN: “well-born” PITYOCAMPTES: “pine-bender” PALAEMON: myth name of a sea god PLATO: “broad” PALAMEDES: myth name of a son of Nauplius PLEXIPPUS: myth name of an Argonaut PAN: myth name of the god of flocks PANAGIOTIS: “all-holy” PANCRATIUS: “supreme ruler” PANDAREOS: myth name of a thief PANDARUS: myth name of he who was killed for breaking a truce PANTELEIMON: “merciful” PARTHENIOS: “virgin” PARIS: myth name of a son of Priam PATROCLUS: myth name of Achilles’ best friend PEGASUS: myth name of a winged horse PYRAMUS: myth name of a lover of Thisbe RASMUS: “amiable” PHINEAS: “mouth of brass.” Variants include Phinees, and Phineus. ORESTES: “from the mountain.” Variants include Oreias, and Oreste. PYLADES: myth name of a friend of Orestes PHEMIUS: myth name of a bard PHILOETIUS: myth name of a cowherd OPHION: myth name of a serpent PYGMALION: myth name of a king of Cyprus PYRRHUS: myth name of a king of Epirus OENEUS: myth name of a king of Calydon OPHELOS: “profit; help” PROTEUS: myth name of a sea god PHAON: myth name of a ferryman OEDIPUS: “swollen foot” OLES: “defender of man” THAMYRIS: myth name of a musician punished for hubris PROMETHEUS: myth name of the god who gave fire to man ODYSSEUS: “wrathful” OIGHRIG: “well-spoken” TEUTHRAS: myth name of a king of Mysia PROCRUSTES: “stretcher” PERSIUS, PERSEUS: myth name of a son of Danae PHILOCTETES: myth name of he who killed Paris OENOMAUS: myth name of a son of Ares TEUCER: myth name of an archer PRIAPUS: myth name of a god of fertility PROKOPIOS: “declared leader” PHANTASOS: myth name of a son of Hypnos PITTHEUS: myth name of a king of Trozen PLUTUS: myth name for wealth POLITES: myth name POLLUX: myth name of a brother of Helen POLYCARP: “much fruit” POLYDAMAS: myth name of a Trojan warrior POLYDEUCES: myth name for Pollux POLYDORUS: myth name of a son of Priam POLYEIDUS: myth name of a seer POLYMESTOR: myth name of Priam’s son-in-law POLYNICES: myth name of the uncle of Oedipus PEISISTRATUS: myth name of a son of Nestor POLYPHEMUS: myth name of a son of Poseidon PELEUS: myth name of the father of Achilles PONTUS: “sea” TEREUS: myth name of a king of Thrace PRIAM: myth name of a king of Troy PERICLES: myth name PHAETHON: myth name of a son of Helios TELEPHUS: myth name of a son of Hercules RHESUS: myth name of a king of Thrace RHOECUS: myth name of he who saved Hamadryad RISTO: “”Christ-bearer RODAS: “rose garden” THANATOS: “death” THANOS: “noble.” Variant Thanasis exists. THAUMAS: myth name of the father of the Harpies THEOCLYMENUS: myth name of he who is befriended by Telemachus THEODORE: “gracious gift.” Variants include Teadoir, Teodors, Theodosios, Theodrekr, Tivadar, Todor, Tuder, and Tudor. THEON: “godly” THEOPHILE: “divinely loved.” Variant Teofile exists. THERON: “hunter” THERSITES: myth name of a soldier in the Trojan War THESEUS: myth name of a son of Aegeus THYESTES: myth name of a brother of Atreus TIGRIS: myth name SALMONEUS: myth name of he who pretended to be Zeus during the Trojan War TIMOTHY: “God-fearing.” Variants include Timon, Timothea, Timun, Tiomoid, Tomotheos, Tymek, Tymon, and Tymoteusz. SANDERS: “defender of man.” Variants include Sander, Sandor, and Saunders. TIRESIAS: myth name of a blind seer SARPEDON: myth name of he who was killed by Patroclus during the Trojan War SEBASTIAN: “revered.” Variants include Sebasten, Sebastioano, and Sebestyen. SEOIRSE: “farmer.” Variant Seorsa exists. SIDNEY: “from Sidon.” Variant Sydney exists. SIMON: “sign.” Variants include Simeon, and Symeon. SINON: myth name of he who convinced the Trojans to pull the horse inside the city walls SISYPHUS: myth name of a son of Aelous SOCRATES: name of a philosopher SOTERIOS: “savior” SPYRIDON: “round basket” STAMITOS: “enduring” STEPHEN: “victorious.” Variants include Staffen, Stavros, Steafan, Stefan, Stefano, Stefanos, Stephano, Steven, and Steverino. STOFFEL: “Christ-bearer” TADHG: “honor.” Variants include Taidgh, Teague, and Tiege. TAKIS: “all-holy” TALUS: myth name of a mechanical man made by Hephaestus TITOS: “of the giants.” Variants include Tito, and Titus. TITYUS: myth name of a giant TOXEUS: myth name of a brother of Althaea TRACY: “harvester.” Variant Tracey exists. TRIPTOLEMUS: myth name of he who is taught agriculture by Demeter TRITON: myth name of a son of Poseidon TROPHONIUS: myth name of a brother of Agamedes TYDEUS: myth name of the father of Diomedes TYNDAREUS: myth name of the father of Castor TYPHON: myth name of a child of the Titans. Variant Typhoeus exists. TYRONE: “lord.” Variant Turannos exists. ULYSSES: “wrathful” URANUS: Latin form of Greek Ouranos, god of the sky or heavens. URIAN: “from heaven” VANKO: “gracious gift” VASILIS: “regal.” Variants include Vasileios, Vasos, Vasyl, Vasylko, and Vasyltso. XANTHUS: myth name of a river god XUTHUS: myth name of a son of Helen TANTALUS: myth name of he who was condemned to eternal torment XENOPHON: “strange voice.” Variant Xeno exists. TAXIARCHAI: “archangel” XENOS: “stranger.” Variant Ksenos exists. TELAMON: myth name of the father of Ajax XERXES: “leaving” TELEGONUS: myth name of a son of Odysseus XYLON: “from the forest” TELEMACHUS: myth name of a son of Odysseus YRJO: “farmer.” Variants include Yehor, Yura, Yure, Yuri, Yurii, and Yurochka. GREEK NAMES: Male ZALE: “power of the sea” ZAREK: “God protect the king” ZELOTES: “zealous” ZELUS: myth name ZENAS: “living” ZENO: myth name. Variant Zeus exists. ZENON: “friendly” ZEPHYRUS: myth name ZETES: myth name of a son of Boreas ZOLTAN: “life.” Variant Zoltar exists. ZOTIKOS: meaning unknown
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