Refu’ah Sheleimah Please contact the office if someone on this list has Baruch Hashem recovered. Only those with a serious health condition should remain on the list. Meir Pesach ben Nechama Father of Noam Bunder Rivkah bas Nissel Mother of Renee Haas Yehuda Manis ben Shayna Shula Uncle of Sheila Cranman Sara Elysse bas Estelle Aunt of Sheila Cranman Rachel Chaya bas Alexandra Freyda Daughter of Alyson & Gabe Lembeck Baruch ben Morvarid Mr. Barokh Khalili Rifka bas Gittel Mother of Elaine Brasch Rochel bas Baska Mother of Allan Regenbaum Shlomo Baruch HaKohen ben Tziporah Mushka Rivka bas Gittel Shulamit bas Peril Mother of Dara Grant Chana Tikva bas Miriam Friend of Esther Taratoot Zussel Moshe HaLevi ben Rella Brother of Saul Sloman Aviyah Chaya bas Gila Niece of Amanda Bunder Yosef Wolf ben Toba Ella Friend of Kim Urbach Eliyahu ben Hoda Chaim Daniel Leib ben Yehudit Avigal Miriam Ita bas Shayna Esther Esther bas Yelena Avraham ben Sheindel Alan Taussig Sara bas Ita Leah Mother of Leah Pollock Aharon Yehuda ben Natan Father of Michael Chen Baruch Leib ben Dabba Chaya Brother in law of Leah Pollock Chaim ben Devorah Ettel Friend of Jason and Leanne Kaplan Avraham Mordechai ben Aryeh Leib Melvin Lebowitz Eliyahu ben Hoda Friend of Allan & Robyn Regenbaum Chaim Daniel ben Yehudit Avigayil Friend of Allan & Robyn Regenbaum Margalit bas Sarah Margalit Abramson Leib Zelick Ben Leah Friend of Kim Urbach Mehri Gittle bas Sarah Chaina Sister of Diane Barron Hani bas Sima Friend of Ephraim and Shira Johnson Yahrtzeits October 11—17 Tishrei Mr. Burton Alpern Boruch ben Yosef Father of Howard Alpern October 12—18 Tishrei Mrs. Rachael Cooper Rachel bas Pinchus Chaim Mother of Neal Cooper October 13—19 Tishrei Mrs. Linda Urbach Leah bas Chaim Mother of Marc Urbach October 14—20 Tishrei Mr. Milton Fried Moshe ben Mordechai Father of Linda Czuper Chag HaSukkos—Shabbos Chol HaMo’ed 15 –17 Tishrei 5775 Sukkos I Torah Reading Page 620 Maftir Page 894 Haftorah Page 1241 October 8-11 2014 Sukkos II Torah Reading Page 620 Maftir Page 894 Haftorah Page 1242 Shabbos Torah Reading Page 504 Maftir Page 894 Haftorah Page 1243 October 17—23 Tishrei Mr. Raymond Miller Reuven ben Yeheskel Father of Jon Miller Please Note: The Shul office kindly requests that any information for the Shabbos flyer should be submitted no later than Wednesday of that week. This includes events, sponsorships, and names for the Refu’ah Sheleimah list. Thank you! Hard @ Work: Ariel Youth building Sukkahs in the community! Thank you to all our teens and also to all those who helped build the Shul Sukkah and to Laura Druckman for decorating it! CONGREGATION ARIEL Rabbi Binyomin Friedman, Rabbi Harve Linder, President - Debbie Kalwerisky, Executive Director Rabbi Mordy Birnbaum, Youth Director 5237 Tilly Mill Rd ▪ Dunwoody, GA 30338 770-390-9071 ▪ ▪ [email protected] October 8—Erev Sukkos (Eiruv Tavshilin) Mincha 6:55pm | Candle Lighting 6:54pm (If lighting after 7:12, one must light from a pre-existing flame) Sukkos I Thurs, October 9 - Shacharis 9:00am Sukkah Hop 4:00pm Mincha 6:55pm Candle Lighting After 7:50pm (from pre-existing flame) Sukkos II Shabbos Chol HaMo’ed - October 11 Fri, October 10 Shacharis 9:00am Candle Lighting 6:51pm Mincha 6:55pm - Sephardic Minyan 8:00am Main Services 9:00am Learners’ Minyan10:30am Youth Services 10:30am Rabbi’s Class 5:30pm Mincha 6:30pm Havdalah/Shabbos Ends 7:46pm WITH MUCH APPRECIATION TO OUR GENEROUS DONORS! GENERAL FUND CLASS SCHEDULE: SHABBOS & WEEKDAYS Shabbos Daf Yomi (RAH) Parsha Study (RMF) Ladies’ Inspiration (RMF) Weekly Parsha (RYZ) Book of Kings (RBF) Sunday 7:00am 8:15am 11:30am 12:10pm 5:30pm Sukkah Hop! The Sukkah hop will take place on the first day of Sukkos, Thursday, October 9th starting at 4:30pm at the Frank’s home, 2295 Delverton Drive. 7:00am 7:15am 8:00am 9:00am 9:30am 6:40pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Ladies’ Class (RYZ) 8:15pm *** Hebrew School Kollel Freestyle Torah Study Book of Shmuel (RYZ) 4:45pm 7:15pm 7:30pm Talmud (RYZ) 6:45pm Kiddush this Shabbos is sponsored by Neal, Sydne and Sol Cooper in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Neal’s mother, Rachel Radetsky Cooper – Rachel bas Pinchas Chaim – whose yahrtzeit is on Sunday. Tuesday Wednesday Thursday In-Depth Halacha (RBF) 13 Beliefs of Judaism (RBF) 8:00pm 9:00pm Daf Yomi (RAH) After Maariv Sun-Thurs Mon-Fri Mishnah (RBF) Talmud (RBF) 6:15am 7:30am ARIEL YOUTH FUND Dan and Kim Cohen in honor of Chaya Menucha Feldman's upcoming wedding Neal, Sydne and Sol Cooper in honor of the birth of a grandson to Terry and Jan Tenenbaum Neal, Sydne and Sol Cooper in honor of the birth of a daughter to Avi and Rachel Binstock Dan and Kim Cohen in appreciation of the Ariel youth putting up our Sukkah Daf Yomi (RAH) Mishnayos w/T. Tenenbaum Learners Minyan (RAH) Kollel Freestyle Torah Study Hebrew School Hebrew (RYZ) Book of Mishlei (RYZ) Hebrew Crash Course (RDF) Monday Jeffrey Pin in honor of his aliyah Bunnie and Louis Taratoot in honor of a Refuah Shlema for Margalit Abramson Orit Sklar in honor of Congregation Ariel Kevin and Sheila Cranman in honor of all the Gabbaim and those who led the High Holiday davening DUNWOODY MIKVAH FUND Eliyahu and Veronica Bari in honor of Morah Dena's wonderful dedication to this community Charlotte and Elliot Rich in honor of the Cooper's hospitality Charlotte and Elliot Rich in appreciation of Adrienne Litt Bishko's friendship *** HACHNOSAS ORCHIM FUND Neal, Sydne and Sol Cooper in memory of Allison Thomas's father, Robert Thomas Neal, Sydne and Sol Cooper in honor of the engagement of Robyn Kalwerisky and Joey Frankel ARIEL CHESSED FUND Neal, Sydne and Sol Cooper in honor of a Refuah Shleimah for Margalit Abramson Neal, Sydne and Sol Cooper in honor of a Refuah Shleimah for Diane Barron's sister Neal, Sydne and Sol Cooper in honor of a Refuah Shleimah for Mike Chen's father Neal, Sydne and Sol Cooper in honor of a Refuah Shleimah for Saul Sloman's brother Thank you to our Sponsor! Rabbi Michoel Friedman’s Women’s Burst of Inspiration is sponsored this week by Dr. Bruce Barron in honor of his wife Diane’s birthday. SIMCHAS IN OUR SHUL Happy Birthday! Hona Vapne, Sam Appel, Adina Horvath, Rita Lor, Talia Bolnick, Oryah Bunder, Joseph Italiaander, Sharon Solomon, Felix Vayner, Jacob Doloboff Happy Anniversary! Joel and Natalie Sokol Ephraim and Shira Johnson Randy and Cory Shaw Calev and Michla Irby Stephen and Miriam Cole Mordechai and Ilana Danneman Simchas Torah Lunch at Ariel Ariel’s annual Simchas Torah luncheon will take place Friday, October 17th. Food and Fun for Everyone! Adults $18 Kids 3-12 $8 RSVP to the shul office Tween Sukkos Meal @ The Birnbaums Tween meal at the Birnbaums Sukkah Oct 9 1st day Sukkos. For boys and girls, 5th -8th grades. Join us for a fun day of food, games and some Torah. Cost $10. Please RSVP to Rabbi Birnbaum. Teen Sukkah Meal @ The Birnbaums Teen meal at the Birnbaums Sukkah, Oct 10, 2nd day Sukkos. For high school teens. Never a dull moment with Rabbi Mordy and family! Cost $10. Please RSVP. to Rabbi Birnbaum Chol HaMoed Fun for the Entire Family! On Sunday, October 12, Ariel Youth is heading to the Georgia Air Show in Peachtree City. Families should arrange their own tickets. Speak to Rabbi Birnbaum for more information. Sukkah Sleepover—Teen Boys Sunday night, October 12th from 8:00pm – 8:00am: Teen boys sleepover at the Birnbaum’s sukkah. Live Music and Refreshments! Simchas Bais Hasho’eva for everyone featuring the Shiff/Czuper band. Monday, October 13 from 8–10pm at Rabbi Friedman’s house. Save these Dates! Sunday, December 7th, 2014: Steak Night! More info to follow. Sunday, January 11th, 2015: Ariel Casino Night. We are excited to announce that Louis & Bunnie Taratoot will be our honorees for this special event! The Gift of Re-Gifting! Ariel’s fundraising team is collecting items for Ariel Casino Night. We are asking for donations of UNUSED “re-gifts” (gifts you do not wish to keep) for our Casino Night Balloon Pop. Please drop off your items at Amanda Bunder’s home.
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