OBJECTIVES: To stimulate interest in our natural environment and to preserve and protect Australian flora and fauna. The Field Naturalists Club of Victoria Inc. (FNCV) is Victoria’s oldest natural history group, established in 1880. Today we have many special interest groups which focus on: Botany, Fauna Survey, Fungi, Geology, Marine Research, Microscopy and Terrestrial Invertebrates. We even have a group especially for the Juniors. Members are welcome to attend activities of all of the various special interest groups. Visitors are welcome, but please note a $5 fee will apply to non-members on excursions and $2 for meetings (this is to cover costs and includes insurance). Membership is open to any person interested in natural history and includes beginners as well as experienced naturalists. Membership Benefits: significant discounts off a wide selection of natural history books through our bookshop. an opportunity to meet and exchange information and ideas with others who have a passion for our natural environment. weekly meetings with leading speakers in all areas of natural history regular excursions and field surveys training and workshops six issues each year of our prestigious natural history journal The Victorian Naturalist which has been published since 1884 our monthly newsletter the Field Nats News access to our extensive natural history library (individual membership only) discounts on our FNCV publications The Calendar Contacts Botany Group Heather Eadon ………....……....…..9894 1236 ……………….…[email protected] Sue Bendel ………..…..…………0427 055 071 Field Naturalists Day Group Gary Presland………..…….………..9890 9288 Fauna Survey Group Robin Drury………..……...…......0417 195 148 …………….....…[email protected] Ray Gibson………..………….….0417 861 651 John Harris………………...……. 0409 090 955 Su Dempsey….……...…….….…0437 172 333 Russell Thompson…...…....…...AH 9434 7046 Ian Kitchen…………………………...9795 7423 Fungi Group Virgil Hubregtse.. ……………………9560 7775 Geology Group Ruth Hoskin ………….......…………9878 5911 ………...…...…..…..…[email protected] Kaye Oddie ………....……………….9329 0635 …………...…….………[email protected] Juniors’ Group Claire Ferguson………….…….. ….8060 2474 ……………………..……[email protected] Marine Research Group Leon Altoff………….…….….….AH 9530 4180 ……………………..……………..0428 669 773 Microscopy Group Philippa Burgess………..….…...0409 866 389 Terrestrial Invertebrates Group Max Campbell………...………….0409 143 538 ……………………..…...…..……AH 9544 0181 ………...…...……[email protected] Bookshop Kathy Himbeck………[email protected] Please be considerate when contacting members by not calling too early or too late in the day. Club of Est. 1880 Victoria Inc. Understanding our natural world FNCV OFFICE & LIBRARY HOURS O f f i c e : Monday and Tuesday 9.30am - 4pm L i b r a r y : Tuesday 11am - 2pm FNCV Office, Library & Meeting Rooms 1 Gardenia Street (PO Box 13) Blackburn 3130 Telephone (03) 9877 9860 email: [email protected] Website: www.fncv.org.au A.B.N 55 791 612 829 Reg No. A0033611X Visitors welcome at all activities! October Sunday 5th – Juniors’ Group Excursion: Macro-invertebrate session with Priya Crawford-Wilson from Melbourne Waterwatch team Contact: Claire Ferguson Monday 6th – Fungi Group Meeting: Planning for 2015 Contact: Virgil Hubregtse Tuesday 7th – Fauna Survey Group Meeting: Ecology of the endangered Southern Brown Bandicoot in peri-urban Melbourne Speaker: Sarah Maclagan, PhD Candidate, School of Life and Environmental Science, Deakin University Contact: Robin Drury Sunday 12th – Botany Group & Juniors’ Group Field Trip: Toolangi including Wirra Willa Rainforest Walk Come with Bernie Mace and see Leadbeater's Possum habitat and enter a giant Mountain Ash that thirty people can stand in! Meet at 11am Myers Creek Rd and Sylvia Creek Rd, Toolangi Contact: Sue Bendel Monday 13th -– Marine Research Group Meeting: Refer Field Nats News for details Speaker: To be advised Contact: Leon Altoff November Continued Friday 7th to Sunday 9th – Juniors’ Group Excursion: Baw Baw lodge weekend $25 per person. Bookings essential Contact: Claire Ferguson Sunday 9th – Botany Group Field Trip: Trust for Nature property Meet at 10.30am, 800 Blacksands Rd, Three Bridges. Turn left approx 1km after Gladysdale (Mel X912 S4) Contact: Sue Bendel Monday 10th – Australian Natural History Medallion Dinner & Presentation The 2014 Medallionist is Dr Tom May. Following the presentation he will speak on ‘A journey among fungi’. For dinner bookings contact the FNCV Office Monday 10th – Marine Research Group No Meeting Tuesday 11th – Fauna Survey Group Meeting: Cameras surveys in Papua New Guinea Speaker: Dr Euan Ritchie, School of Life and Environmental Science, Deakin University Contact: John Harris Wed 19th – Terrestrial Invertebrates Group Meeting: Bees of the Bogong High Plains: native bees, pollination success, weeds and Apis mellifera (introduced honey bee) Speaker: Lucy Johanson, Masters student at Melbourne University Contact: Max Campbell th Wednesday 15 – Microscopy Group Meeting: Microalgae, with high algal specimens for us to view Speaker: Kumar Eliezer, Principal Biologist, ALS Global, Enviromental Division, Aquatic Department Contact: Philippa Burgess Thursday 20th – Botany Group Meeting: Entwisleia bella: A rare, newlydiscovered marine and freshwater alga aka “Hobart's Wollemi Pine” Speaker: Professor Tim Entwisle, Director and Chief Executive of Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne Contact: Sue Bendel December Monday 1st – Fungi Group No monthly meeting Tuesday 2nd – Fauna Survey Group Meeting: Christmas Break up at Blackburn Lake Visitors’ Centre from 6.00pm. Bring a plate Contact: Su Dempsey Sunday 7th – Juniors’ Group Excursion: Visit Kinglake with ranger Tony Fitzgerald Contact: Claire Ferguson Monday 8th – Marine Research Group Meeting: Annual Members’ Night This is the final meeting for the year when our members bring along items of interest and questions looking for answers. I encourage you all to come along to what has always been an interesting evening and to bring along your own item or question to share with the group. Contact: Leon Altoff Saturday 13th – Christmas party Join us for a round-up of the year, a prizefilled raffle and Christmas cheer. For details see Field Nats News. Thursday 18th – Botany Group Meeting: Members’ Night Bring plants or photos of interest and have an update on the grassland at Clyde Contact: Sue Bendel Tuesday 23rd – Day Group No Monthly Meeting Wednesday 24th – Geology Group No Monthly Meeting - Christmas Eve Friday 26th – Juniors’ Group No Monthly Meeting - Boxing Day October Continued th Thursday 16 – Botany Group Meeting: The Virtual Herbarium Speaker: Niels Klazenga Contact: Sue Bendel Saturday 18th – Fauna Survey Group Stagwatch: An evening survey to look for Leadbeater’s Possum, gliders, owls and other nocturnal wildlife Contact: Ray Gibson Wednesday 22nd – Geology Group Meeting: Snowball Earth Speaker: Dr. Peter Jackson, Geologist Contact: Kaye Oddie th Saturday 25 – Fauna Survey Group Survey: Reptile survey, eastern metropolitan parks Contact: Robin Drury Tuesday 28th – Day Group Meeting: Bees of the Bogong High Plains Speaker: Lucy Johanson, Masters student at Melbourne University Contact: Gary Presland Friday 31st – Juniors’ Group Meeting: People and Parks Kinglake Community Project Speaker: Tony Fitzgerald, Kinglake ranger, speaking to us about a community project he was involved in following the devastating fires in the Kinglake region. Contact: Claire Ferguson November Sat 1st to Tues 4th -– Fauna Survey Group Survey: Port Campbell National Park/ Bay of Islands Contact: John Harris Monday 3rd – Fungi Group No monthly meeting November Continued nd Saturday 22 – Biodiversity Symposium “Farming & Conservation” Presentations by speakers with specialized knowledge on topics such as regenerating damaged land & conservation management networks. Sunday 23rd – Possible field trip – to be finalised by end September. For more details see Field Nats News or our website. Prior registration & payment required Contact: FNCV office Tuesday 25th – Day Group Excursion: Tierra Madre Wildlife Shelter, Wonga Park Director Adriana Simmons will show us around. Meet at 10.15am at the car park of the Village Shopping Centre, Yarra Rd, Wonga Park (Mel 24 G11). $5 per person. Prior registrations by 18th November Contact: Gary Presland Wednesday 26th – Geology Group Meeting: Bioluminescence in the Gippsland Lakes Speaker: Phil Hart, Astrophotographer Contact: Kaye Oddie January th Monday 5 – Fungi Group No monthly meeting Tuesday 6th – Fauna Survey Group No monthly meeting Saturday 10th – Fauna Survey Group Stagwatch: An evening survey to look for Leadbeater’s Possum, gliders, owls and other nocturnal wildlife Contact: Ray Gibson Monday 12th – Marine Research Group No Monthly Meeting Thursday 15th – Botany Group No Monthly Meeting Saturday 24th – Juniors’ Group Excursion: Beach day Meet at Blairgowrie Pier at 11am. Bring swimming and snorkelling gear Contact: Claire Ferguson Saturday 24th to Monday 26th October– Fauna Survey Group Survey - Checking nest boxes in Rushworth State Forest Contact: Ray Gibson Friday 28th – Juniors’ Group Meeting: Sean Dooley is obsessed with birds! Speaker: Sean Dooley is a comedy script writer, author of The Big Twitch, editor of Australian Birdlife magazine, and holder of the Big Year Twitching Record 2002-12 Contact: Claire Ferguson Tuesday 27th – Day Group Meeting: See Field Nats News for details Speaker: To be advised Contact: Gary Presland Saturday 29th – Fauna Survey Group Stagwatch: An evening survey to look for Leadbeater’s Possum, gliders, owls and other nocturnal wildlife Contact: Ray Gibson Friday 30th – Juniors’ Group Meeting: Council member talks Contact: Claire Ferguson Wednesday 28th – Geology Group No Monthly Meeting Special Interest Groups (SIGS) SIGS cater for everyone, from beginners to experienced naturalists. It is a great opportunity for beginners to learn more about specific areas of our natural world. Botany Group: All groups of the plant world are examined: vascular plants, algae, mosses, lichens and fungi; there are also excursions. Fauna Survey Group: Carries out a program of wildlife surveys, live trapping under permit, checking nest boxes, stag watching and spotlighting. Microscopy Group: Microscopes are The Field Naturalists Club of Victoria Inc. available and practical nights are held to demonstrate their use and improve your technique. 2014 Yearly Subscription Rates Terrestrial Invertebrate Group: Studies all terrestrial invertebrates (including freshwater) with an emphasis on insects. A meeting is held every two months with regular field trips. Day Group: For those who prefer day time activities; it offers a range of speakers and excursions on all aspects of natural history. Meetings start at 10.30am. Aims to widen knowledge of fungi in the field. The group runs forays, meetings and workshops. Signed …………...…………………… Name: Mr/Ms/Miss/Mrs__________________________ Phone: (M)__________________(H)________________ Email: ________________________________________ **Additional Members (please specify adult/child): our planet, the geological history of the Earth, rocks, fossils, minerals, the landforms we see around us - all aspects of geology are presented by expert speakers - plus excursions. Formed in 1957, this group amalgamated with the FNCV in 1997, broadening the scope of our special interest groups. This group has an active program of field research into marine life and a full program of speakers. *Note:Junior members receive the Junior Naturalist only I apply for membership of the Club and agree to be bound by its rules Suburb __________________ ____Post Code:________ Geology Group: The forces shaping Marine Research Group: $100 $79 $89 $58 $21 $32 $32 $16 Address:_______________________________________ Fungi Group: Juniors’ Group: Encourages an interest in our natural world in young people and their parents. Monthly meetings involve short talks and discussion of exhibits brought in by the members. Excursions are held most months, as well as summer and Easter camps. (All prices inclusive of GST) Joint/Family (2 adults/4 children at same address) Single Schools/Clubs Pensioner/Country Concession ID # **Additional Concession ID # Student - Student ID # Junior * (First Member) **Additional Junior (Parents, children) Special Interest Groups — I am interested in: Botany Geology Microscopy Fauna Survey Fungi Juniors Marine Research Terrestrial Invertebrates (please tick) Please send newsletter by: e-mail Aust. Post Please send cheque payable to The Field Naturalists Club of Victoria Inc. or provide credit card details: Mastercard Visa Meetings are at 8pm (Day Group 10.30am & Juniors 7.30 pm) at FNCV Hall, 1 Gardenia Street, Blackburn (unless stated otherwise). FNCV policy: non-members pay $5 per excursion and $2 per meeting to cover our costs. Junior non-members, $2 per excursion only. **Registration 7 days prior to camps is essential** Cardholder’s name: Exp date Signature: Membership Fee $ Donation - Aust. Natural History Medallion $ - FNCV Environment Fund (tax deductible) $ - General running of club $ TOTAL ENCLOSED: $ Mail to: FNCV, PO Box 13, Blackburn 3130
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