BOUNDER BEACON OCTOBER/NOVEEMBER 2012 Volume Twenty • Issue Five THE OFFICIAL BOUNDERS OF AMERICA NEWSLETTER BOUNDERS OF AMERICA WHO ARE WE? A bunch of Bounder owners WHAT ARE WE? A non-profit social group with members throughout the U.S. and Canada WHERE ARE WE? Anywhere we can get together International rallies (U.S. and Canada) Local chapter’s rallies WHY ARE WE? To have a good time! To meet more nutty kangaroo aficionados To share our experiences, good and bad To learn new things about our Bounders To help each other with problems both with our Bounders and in our travels WHEN ARE WE? At yearly international rallies (usually 3 – 4 days) At local chapter rallies, monthly during season (mostly weekends) WON’T YOU? Give us a chance to get to know you? EXECUTIVE BOARD President Tom Robinson (618) 558-4197 [email protected] Executive Vice President Ed Sims (740) 627-6555 [email protected] Secretary Jolly Ann Whitener Home (636) 240-5068 Cell (636) 485-9537 [email protected] P.O. Box 193 Cottleville, MO 63338 Treasurer Frank Ruckman (615) 406-5552 [email protected] 2224 Fincher Drive Westmoreland, TN 37186 Canada Region VP Chris Telegadas (519) 979-8941 [email protected] Northeast Region VP Franz Singer (717) 507-3189 [email protected] North Central Region VP Sue Feltner (317) 679-7466 [email protected] Southeast Region VP Ed Williams (843) 442-3777 [email protected] South Central Region VP Jerry Groves (432) 816-9682 [email protected] NEXT BEACON DEADLINES! Commercial & Classified Ads: November 1st Articles, Chapter News, Schedules: November 10th BOUNDER BEACON STAFF Editor - Bounder Beacon Herb Feltner [email protected] Advertising Manager Frank Ruckman Through the Windshield Secretary’ Scribblins Jolly Ann Whitener Tom Robinson See, Stay & Support Rudy Roggenkamp 198 Elm Hill Road Vernon, CT, 06066-5214 [email protected] Road Worthy Recipes Sue Sims 17959 Murray Rd Mount Vernon OH 43050 [email protected] [email protected] Fleetwood RV Bud Weisbrod [email protected] Tech Tips Rob Lowe [email protected] Workhorse Open-Need Volunteer Ford Open-Need Volunteer Freightliner Open-Need Volunteer BOA Web Site Bob Heiges, Webmaster [email protected] BOA COMMITTEES NOMINATING Rudy Roggenkamp ( Chair) CONST. & BYLAWS [email protected] Betty Roggenkamp (Chair) [email protected] Carol Anderson Bruce Ware [email protected] Stan Zielinski [email protected] [email protected] Don Smith [email protected] Flo Decker [email protected] MEMBERSHIP Western Region VP Phyllis Towle (602) 918-1306 [email protected] How many members have YOU recruited for BOA this year? How many members have YOU added to your chapter this year? What have YOU done to keep members in BOA & your chapter? 2 BOUNDER BEACON October/November 2012 Through the Windshield Tom Robinson, President While Judy and I were at the RV/MH Hall of Fame & Museum last June, I remembered a story. A male statue on a museum pedestal watched with great interest as a female statue was placed beside him. “Hello, I’m made of exotic marble,” he introduced himself. “What is your background?” “Oh, my background is impeccable,” she answered. “I’m made of the finest ivory to be found anywhere on earth.” He said, “You sure are beautiful! I know this is sudden, but I already care for you. Will you marry me?” She said, “How do I know that you will always give me the respect that fine ivory deserves?” He responded, “Oh, my dear, I love you so much already; I could never take you for granite!” During our last international rally, Bette Zaletel gave me a page from USA Today that contained a letter to the editor which said “I wanted to offer my suggestion regarding the naming of the next generation. Considering not only the current state of the USA, not to mention the world, I think it is important to provide a name that might possibly urge the next generation to do something we are having a hard time doing now: rebound. So we could call them the ‘Rebounders’.” You know, I think that writer had a good idea. Maybe we need to think of ourselves for a while as re-Bounders! While the chapters have stepped up and are volunteering as chapters, I don’t see that happening near as strongly on an individual basis. When you get back to the Calendar pages, notice how the chapters have stepped up to host our international rallies! It wasn’t that many years ago (2009) that when we closed an international rally we would have absolutely no idea where or when the next year’s rally would convene. We actually had to create a chapter, the Roo Rally Volunteers, to have a host in 2010! But that was the end of the drought. The Mid-America Bounders and the Smoky Mountain Bounders quickly volunteered. Now we are looking forward to the rallies hosted by the Buckeye Bounders in 2013 and the Lone Star Bounders in 2014. Please, as you meet any of the members of a hosting chapter, thank them for what they have committed their chapter to do on your behalf. Our Executive Vice President is actively seeking a chapter to host the 2015 shared rally with Bounders United. Make us all proud of your chapter and volunteer now! What I see as our most glaring weakness is our unwillingness as individuals to be a volunteer! Why not volunteer to be considered for a position in your chapter or in BOA? I’m sure that our Editor would be thrilled for you to write articles for our Bounder Beacon. Surely you could volunteer to be a chapter officer or to serve on a chapter committee. If you would enjoy doing a little work at our international rallies, become a member of the Roo Rally Volunteers. This crew has a lot of fun 3 BOUNDER BEACON October/November 2012 helping the host chapter. As you read in the last issue of this publication, the Nominating Committee is seeking volunteers to serve in some capacity on the Executive Board. When you read the notice in your chapter newsletter or in the Bounder Beacon that it is time to step up and volunteer for a leadership role in your chapter or in BOA, I hope you will be willing to share your expertise. Of course, this also reminds me of a story. The pastor was preoccupied with thoughts of how to ask the congregation to come up with more money than they were expecting for repairs to the church building. Annoyed that the regular organist was sick and a substitute was asking what to play, the pastor said, “Here’s a copy of the service, but you’ll have to come up with something to play after I make the announcement about the finances.” During the service, the pastor paused and said, “Brothers and sisters, we are in great difficulty; the roof repairs cost twice as much as we expected and we need $4,000 more. Any of you who can pledge $100 or more, please stand up.” At that moment, the substitute organist played ‘The StarSpangled Banner’. I hope you are hearing the music. It is time to stand up and volunteer. UPCOMING HOLIDAYS Bounders of America S 7 14 21 28 Oct 8 Oct 31 Nov 4 Nov 6 Nov 11 Nov 20 Nov 22 M 1 8 15 22 29 T 2 9 16 23 30 W 3 10 17 24 31 T 4 11 18 25 F 5 12 19 26 S 6 13 20 27 Columbus Day Thanksgiving Day (Canada) Halloween Daylight Savings Time Ends Election Day Veteran’s Day Remembrance Day (Canada) National Child Day (Canada) Thanksgiving Day 1. The fattest knight at King Arthur's round table was Sir Circumference. He acquired his size from too much pi. 2. I thought I saw an eye doctor on an Alaskan island, but it turned out to be an optical Aleutian. 3. She was only a whiskey maker, but he loved her still. 4. A rubber band pistol was confiscated from algebra class, because it was a weapon of math disruption. 5. No matter how much you push the envelope, it'll still be stationery. 6. A dog gave birth to puppies near the road and was cited for littering. 4 BOUNDER BEACON October/November 2012 Secretary’s Scribblins Jolly Ann Whitener Since my last article we have driven to California to visit my son and his wife. We stopped in Vegas for a couple of days on the way there and saw two shows as well as taking in the sights. We stayed at the KOA Circus Circus, so we were right on the strip, very convenient. Once we reached California we had a wonderful time, staying at a nice campground on the beach just north of Manhattan Beach and by LAX. It is run by LA County. Some of you may have stayed there before. You can make your reservations on line but you cannot make them more than 90 days in advance. It was so convenient for us; we could use surface streets most of the time and rarely got on those infamous highways of LA. In August we went to Frankenmuth MI for a rally. What a neat town, so many shops and restaurants, the food was great. While there we visited the huge Christmas Store called Bronners. If they don’t have what you need for your Christmas decorations nobody does. I told myself I did not need any additional decorations but I ended up shopping there twice! After that rally we drove to Indy to attend the FMCA Family Reunion. It was our first FMCA rally and we really enjoyed the experience. We had a great parking place, right by the track so we could watch the trotters work out each morning. What beautiful horses. There were several things we had been wanting to change or repair on our motor home and we were able to get them all taken care of while there. That was a real convenience, no running from here to there to get it done. I have a favor to ask of those of you who use PayPal to pay your dues. When you fill out the form it would be very helpful to me if you would include the name of the copilot (if there is one) as well as the pilot and your complete address. When it comes time for me to prepare the mailing to send you your new membership card this really helps. I also want to remind everyone, if you send a check please put your BOA number on the check. Again, a minor thing but it helps me a lot. I hope you all are enjoying your Bounders this summer despite the economy. The campgrounds we stayed at on our trip to California and to Michigan were busy so evidently people are still getting out and enjoying their motor homes. None of us know how much time we have left so the time to travel is now. Til later, Jolly Ann The results of the balloting in the June July 2012 issue of the Beacon are as follows: Ballot #1 – Article V – Finances - Regarding changes to Article V.3.c and Article V.3.d. The membership voted Yes – 128 No – 2. Ballot #2 – Article VI – Elections – The membership voted Yes – 124 No – 3 You can refer back to the June July Beacon to see the full wording of these two issues. Bounders of America (BOA) Balance Sheet Standard As of September 11, 2012 Sept 11, ‘12 ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings Citizens National CD 258… 5,005.85 Citizens National CD 258… 5,005.85 Citizens National CD 258… Checking 5,005.85 15,045.55 Total Checking/Savings Total Current Assets 30,063.10 30,063.10 TOTAL ASSETS 30,063.10 LIABILITIES & EQUITY Equity Temp. Restricted Net Assets Opening Balance Equity Net Income 10,000.00 19,804.74 258.36 Total Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 5 BOUNDER BEACON October/November 2012 30,063.10 30,063.10 July 27th 2012 From Stan Zielinski The Final Trip Yesterday afternoon I accompanied Tom Savich, a longtime member of MOB, on his final trip to Paw Paw Mi were he was laid to rest next to his Mother & Father in a picturesque no fence cemetery and that’s the way he liked things picture perfect and simple. On my way back home I had a chance to look back on the things that transpired on his final trip and for some reason I can’t help wondering if he had this route all planned. First Tom being a GM retiree I recalled that all 6 vehicles that accompanied Tom were GM products. Next as we drove by Lansing we passed a GM assembly plant. Then off I94 we passed a Military air base. Tom was in the air force so it was only fitting that they also had an air force military gun salute at the gravesite and presented Joanne Savich with the American flag that was draped over the casket. You couldn’t have planned it any better. Tom really gave us a ride to remember. Tina and I are thankful we had shared the last 10 years of great friendship and travels with Tom and Joanne Savich. We have many great memories. I say farewell to Tom and God bless Joanne. We will visit with her from time to time and keep her in our prayers. 6 BOUNDER BEACON October/November 2012 CHAPTER NEWS Chapter News is intended to aid BOA members who are not chapter members in locating a chapter that might interest them; and, to help our chapters attract new members. Every chapter should have an article in every issue for maximum exposure. Chapter News can also serve as a forum to get a new chapter started by providing a way to gauge the interest in your idea. BUCKEYE BOUNDERS (of Ohio) by Mary Truett The summer is moving right along and much too quickly. Time always does fly when you are having a good time, and Bounder owners definitely do have lots of good times no matter where they go. Our members just spent a week at the Indiana State Fairgrounds in Indianapolis attending both the Bounder Roos Rally and immediately thereafter, the FMCA Rally. We all had a great time as rallies are always great times for all. Lots of interesting & informative seminars, lots of great food, fantastic entertainment, lots of vendors with their wares, and of course, lots, and LOTS of motor homes--both new display models and attendees ones, too. It was a most interesting & enjoyable week. The Buckeye Bounders' camping season is also quickly coming to its close. We have our September outing, the second to last for the year, planned for the Lazy River Campground in Granville, Ohio on Sept 28-30th. Then, our last outing is planned for our founding location at Buckeye Lake KOA at Buckeye Lake, Ohio. This will be held October 2528th & will be co-hosted by owner/members Mike and Shirley Groseclose, along with Bob & Marty Moran, and Jim & Mary Truett. Last year at this outing, we had several visitors, and we would love to have more of you to visit again this year. Please check the info on the Bounder Rally Calendar! This last campout closes our official 2012 camping season, although we will have a Christmas/Holiday Luncheon in December. But THEN, ------we BUCKEYE BOUNDERS will then start our work in earnest on the plans for hosting the shared BOA/BU Rally next September 2013. It will be held at the MOHICAN ADVENTURES RV RESORT in Loudonville, Ohio!!! Please keep this date on your 2013 calendar as more details will be forthcoming in the months ahead. So please stay tuned!!!! Our very best wishes go out to all of you, and we wish you good health, safe travels, and HAPPY BOUNDERING TO ALL! TEXAS BLUEBONNET BOUNDERS Submitted by Mary Ann Snider The Texas Bluebonnet Bounders celebrated their 10th anniversary at the Coushatte Recreation Ranch in Bellville, Texas in April. We invited the Lone Star Bounders, BOA and the Roughnecks, FMCA to help us 7 BOUNDER BEACON October/November 2012 celebrate. The theme of the camp out was Home on the Range. The hosts planned a full week of activities including sight-seeing tours, seminars, crafts and some great entertainment. We even had our own bunk house with a kitchen. Every morning we were served a cowboy breakfast to get us ready for the day's activities. Everyone was surprised when they found out we were going to visit a castle in the middle of ranch country. It seems that the owner of the local Bellville bakery bought some property only to find out there were restrictions on the type of home he could build. Apparently, no one thought to include castles on the list of restrictions so that is what he built. The castle is located in the middle of a woods near a pond with a real moat and drawbridge. It took one of our heavier members to get up on the treadmill to open the drawbridge. Throughout the castle everything is medieval. There was a dungeon complete with an iron maiden and a set of stocks, whips and elements of torture. We were able to climb to the top of one of the towers and look over the spectacular countryside. A delicious lunch was served in the grand hall on a long medieval table. No mastiffs guarded the castle, only a pair of border collies who were more interested in retrieving items than protecting the castle and its occupants. Another fun trip was when we visited the Bluebonnet Farm. They raise and train American Saddle bred Horses for show and competition. We spent the entire morning with the trainer and owners as they showed us everything up close. We watched the farriers make special corrective shoes for some of the horses. We were even allowed to get on a special vibrating platform that helps the horses’ distress. The horses let us know it was time for us to get off so they could get back on the platform and work on their stress issues. Our chapter likes to learn new things to help make our travels more enjoyable. One evening we shared helpful money saving tips with each other. Another evening we played Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down. We bring our favorite and not so favorite gadgets/products to show the group. We also did some canning. Attendees were asked to bring an item for the Trifle bar. Most admitted they had to look up what trifle is. Despite a suggestion to pick compatible items, some members were observed adding every item to their dessert. No names will be mentioned. There is much to see and do in the Bellville area. Naturally, we had to check out the newly remodeled Blue Bell Creamery for our favorite kind of ice cream. In town we visited the town blacksmith, historic courthouse, German meat market and a farmer's market. Saturday night was Bluegrass night back at the Ranch. Several groups entertained us with some mighty nice pickin' and pluckin. Sunday was the annual German festival with great German food, beer and music. Everyone agreed this camp out was the perfect way for our chapter and guests to celebrate ten years of memories and the special friendships we have made. 8 BOUNDER BEACON October/November 2012 DAM YANKEES Third weekend of the month is Dam Yankee week. In July we attempted something new – a non hosted get together in Wales MA. There were three rigs and the five of us questioned the future of such rallies. None the less, we had our happy hours, heavy appetizers, pot luck and all the rest of the traditional events. We each did our own things during the daytime. Pippins went home (they only live about 20 miles from the site), Roggenkamps went to the Brimfield flea market (thank goodness we did not catch any fleas to bring home to Kitty), and Jim Carroll did some paper and computer work in his rig. Sound exciting, doesn’t it! I’m not sure we will try that one again. August found us back at Lake George, at Adirondack Adventure Resort, and hosted by the Archers. That is surely a beautiful area full of daytime activities. Most of us came a day early to take in more of the offerings. For the benefit of those of you who missed the event, here is who was there: Archers, Dowlings, Hawrons, Hoyts with Gary, Zavorotnys, Pippins, Piehls, and Roggenkamps . Along with sight-seeing there was lots of food, including a fabulous spaghetti dinner on Saturday night, and game playing – bocce and ladder golf. I don’t think there were even any rig repairs (?) needed this time! So now we look forward to our last event of the season with sadness because we will miss our Dam Yankee buddies! KEYSTONE KANGAROOS Floyd & Maria, Jim & Lucy Wagon Masters The July KK Rally had 16 units in attendance along with many grandchildren. Weather was hot but bearable. Many took advantage of the Knoebel's Amusement Park and others were just happy to sit around and chat with old friends. Our Saturday night covered dish was a first time event of having "Tacos in a Bag". All were good sports and gave the new "cuisine" a try! Campfires were well attended and brought old and new friends together. The J & D campground has been booked again for July12, 13, 14, 2013, so mark your calendars ahead of time. AUGUST RALLY REPORT Scott, Sara, John, Sue Wagon Masters By Supper time, Thursday, August 16, 5 coaches of the Keystone Kangaroos had arrived and connected at Mountain Creek Campground in Cumberland County about 10 miles south of Carlisle, PA. We enjoyed an ice cream social and caught up on “happenings” at the camp fire that evening. Friday morning dawned and after breakfast, each did “our own thing” making necessary repairs and getting a 9 BOUNDER BEACON October/November 2012 demonstrated seminar on the latest and greatest way to keep a high shine on your coach without using a power buffer or a ladder. Bill Gallagher was the center of attention as he demonstrated with BOTH feet on the ground. By Friday evening the remaining Kangaroos and Bounder Buddies had arrived in the midst of a rain storm. Our camp fire festivities were canceled for that night. Everyone just settled in and we “listened to the rhythm of the falling rain”. Saturday Morning dawned bright and beautiful. The cooks in this club outdid themselves and we enjoyed a great Pot-Luck Breakfast. We then took about a half hour recess and visited the produce man that visits the campground with fresh home-grown produce and baked goods. Judging by the bulging grocery sacks, he profited well by our group. Our business meeting convened and the nominations for officers were presented. Nominations from the floor were opened and when none were received, a motion too close the nominations were made. The Slate of officers for 2013 was President – Scott Shank; Vice-President – John Hughes (Berwick); Secretary – Shari Gallagher; Treasurer – Sara Shank; Chaplain – Doris Singer. The Secretary was directed to cast a single ballot for the slate of officers as listed. Other business was discussed and it was decided to table the issue of responding to BOA Executive Vice President Ed Sims regarding our hosting a BOA International Rally in 2015. Meanwhile we continue to look at potential venues for such an event. After the meeting, people were free to do as they desired. The CG offers a beautiful swimming pool, a great miniature golf course and a treasure hunt for the kids and kids-at-heart. The day finished off with another ice cream social and it got totally eaten. A special “Thanks” to Sue Hughes for her home-made toppings. The Wet Walnut was exceptional!! The Treasurer’s books were audited this time by Brian McKittrick and Bill Gallagher. The only comment they made was “Well, Sara’s safe for another year.” Thanks guys for helping out with that bit of housekeeping. Somehow, somewhere, in spite of the average age of our group being somewhat on the upper side of things, we still managed to have a “food fight”. Next time you see her, ask Shari Gallagher how she likes her whipped cream. Sunday Morning, after breakfast which again featured the baking talents of Sue Hughes, we said our Fare Well’s and headed out onto the highways and by-ways for home. See you in September at Hickory Run. 10 BOUNDER BEACON October/November 2012 Bounder Rally Calendar BOA wants all members to join a chapter and enjoy the fun and fellowship that occurs in these chapters. The rallies listed below are open to all Bounder motor home owners, and you are welcome to attend and learn more about a chapter. Please note that some of the rallies may have a limited amount of sites reserved. Please make the appropriate contact at your earliest convenience. Happy Camping! Sept 28-30, ‘12 Oct. 12-14, ‘12 Oct. 17-23, '12 Oct. 18-21, '12 Oct. 19-21, '12 Oct. 22-25, '12 Buckeye Bounders Michigan ‘O’ Bounders Bluebonnet Bounders Mid-America Bounders Keystone Kangaroos Bay Area Bounders Oct. 25-28, ‘12 Buckeye Bounders Oct. 25-28, ‘12 SMB Nov. 11, ‘12 Keystone Kangaroos Lone Star Bounders Nov. 28-Dec. 1, ‘12 Dec. 1, ‘12 Lazy River Campground, Granville OH (740) 366-4385. Hosts – Chet & Linda Cox (740) 549-4118 or [email protected]. CLEARWATER CAMPGROUND *CAMPGROUND PIG ROAST* 1140 Ortonville Rd. (Hwy15), Ortonvillle, MI 48462 248-627-3820 Contact Campground by Sept 6. One night deposit due. ($35.00 full hookup). MEETING HELD THIS OUTING. Building is reserved for Saturday morning Full campground potluck/pig roast Saturday night. Lake End Park & Campground, Morgan City, LA. Reservations needed by Oct. 1. Contact info: Dave and Mary Ann Snider, 915-637-6004 or [email protected] Sundermeier RV Park, St. Charles, MO. 800-9290832 or 636-940-0111. Make your reservation directly with Sundermeier and let the host know you are attending. Jolly Ann and Larry Whitener, [email protected] or Bob and Paula Young [email protected] or [email protected]. Jonestown KOA 145 Old Route 22 Jonestown Pa. 17038 Bill & Shari Gallagher Wagon Masters See Website for contact information. Old Mill Stream Campground 2249 Lincoln Hwy East Lancaster, Pa. 17602. (717-299-2314). Please make reservations directly with the Campground and let the wagonmasters Jim & Bette Zaletel know you are coming. (703-780-9355 or 571-643-8130 or [email protected]. Buckeye Lake KOA RV Resort, Buckeye Lake, OH (800) 562-0792 or [email protected]. Co-Hosts – Mike & Shirley Groseclose (800) 5620792, Bob & Marty Moran (740) 815-2611, Jim & Mary Truett (513) 856-7190 SMB Fall Meeting at Stonebridge RV Resort, 1786 Soco Rd, Maggie Valley, NC. Call (828) 926-4008 to make your reservation. Mention SMB Rally. Dinner C J Hummels Restaurant 28 Willow St (Pa Route 143) Lenhartsville, Pa. 19534 Larry & Linda Kohl Hosts. See Website for contact information. Buckhorn Lake RV Resort, Kerrville, Texas 78028 Hosts: Ray and Ginnie Kincaid [email protected] and Bennie and Linda Cornelius [email protected]. Christmas/Holiday Luncheon. (site & hosts to be determined). Buckeye Bounders Sept. 24-27, 2013. BOA/BU Shared Rally at Mohican Adventures, 3058 State Route 3, in Loudonville Ohio, 44842. Hosted by BU (Buckeye Bounders). Rally Master will be Tom Thieme. Oct. 7-10, 2014 BOA RALLY at Lake Conroe/Houston North KOA, 19785 Highway 105 West Conroe, TX Hosted by the Lone Star Bounders, Co-Hosts Buddy Warren & Roy Shoemaker. 11 BOUNDER BEACON October/November 2012 Bay Area Bounders Rally Arrive MONDAY OCTOBER 22 - Leave THURSDAY OCTOBER 25, 2012 Old Millstream Campground 2249 Lincoln Hwy East Lancaster, Pa. 17602 Tel: 717-299-2314 Wagonmasters Jim and Bette Zaletel Monday 6 pm: BAB Octoberfest - bring your own drinks. Sausages and all the fixings provided by the wagonmasters. Tuesday 9am: Potluck Breakfast with business meeting to follow. Dinner on your own Tuesday night. Wednesday 9am: Continental Breakfast get together to start the day. 6pm: HOLIDAY DINNER with HOLIDAY Gift Exchange. Dinner hosted by Wagonmasters. Gifts marked male or female, value limited to $15-20. Thursday : Good Byes, Safe travels, and Happy Wintering till we meet again in The spring of 2013. RESERVATIONS MUST BE MADE DIRECTILY WITH CAMPGROUND and mention that you are with the BAB or Jim Zaletel’s group. Reservations deadline is October 15, 2011 The rate is $47.00 per night for full hookup including cable. Also, Please RSVP to Jim and Bette Zaletel at [email protected] or 703-780-9355. Looking forward to seeing you all there! 12 BOUNDER BEACON October/November 2012 Technical Tips #68© By Rob Lowe CO, Smoke & LP Detector Replacements – could save your life! A number of issues have focused me on safety recently. Obviously, the death of three people referred to in the last TechTip (#67) article was one factor. Another is a recent injury I suffered while standing on a RV step ladder and falling off resulting in a broken collar bone, and necessitating surgery to install a plate to put the bones back together. It was a simple accident with long term consequences. The third is the fact that for some time now I have been sharing some knowledge at Rally Seminars that I want to share with a wider audience. Did you know that the Smoke, LP/Propane and CO Detectors require routine replacement? The recommended time line is five (5) years. You might question why is this replacement necessary? According to the Detector makers, the sensor component ages and can become unstable, reducing its ability to accurately warn of impending danger. My first exposure to this need was while I had my coach stored in an enclosed building. Our RV was stored in a farmer’s equipment storage building and one day the farmer was moving a lot of his equipment using his diesel tractor inside this building. Upon entering my RV to take it out on a trip the next day, I discovered that the CO detector was continually warning of excess CO. By that time there was no danger, however the sensor had been contaminated. The only solution was replacing it. When I installed a CO detector in my residence I noticed a yellow warning sticker stating that the detector must be replaced by a date in 2014. The instructions accompanying it were very clear that the sensor would deteriorate and that a complete replacement was required in 7 years from the date of manufacture and that this date would be noted on a label on the edge of the detector clearly visible without removing the detector from its mounting surface. That got me thinking about the smoke and LP/Propane detectors. Sure enough, they also had a “Best Before” date! It is generally recommended that these detectors be replaced in the five (5) to seven (7) year from the date of manufacture, which date must now be stamped on the detector. Since these detectors are built in batches and the RV makers buy in quantity, the generally accepted time frame for replacement is five (5) years. These components can be purchased at RV dealers nationwide. It is critical to ensure that the replacement is designed and be designated for use in an RV. These versions are more vibration resistant and their sensors are suitable for the wide variety of gases prevalent in a RV that would not be present in our residences. Lastly while some may be battery operated, most have the ability to operate on the RV 12volt system. On Fleetwood RV’s the CO and LP detectors often operate on the coach 12 volt battery system. The LP/Propane detector is often powered by both the 12 volt coach and 12 volt chassis system. This provides the optimum safety protection, since the system is activated as soon as the battery disconnects are activated to use the RV. On some older RV’s the Original Equipment Maker may no longer be in business. Suitable replacements will be available, however they may not be “plug and play” replacements. They may need to be wired to the existing RV wiring. I recommend that if the LP detector was powered by both 12 volt systems and the new detector is designed to be powered by only one (typically the Coach) 12 volt system. Simply install a 6 watt diode in each power source with the band on the diodes toward the detector. (See diagram) This will maintain the integrity and safety of the original design. Check your detectors, replace them if required and enjoy you RV with the protection that was designed into it. +12 Volt Chassis Diode LP – PROPANE DETECTOR +12 Volt Coach Diode For past issues of Technical Tips go to the RV-Parts Plus Website at and click on Tech Tips. 13 BOUNDER BEACON October/November 2012 ROAD WORTHY RECIPES By Sue Sims October/November, 2012 Mountain Mama Mud Slide – Linda Cox Crust: 1 stick margarine, ½ cup flour, and ½ cup sugar Mix with pastry blender. Press in bottom of 9x12 pan. Bake at 350* for 15 min. Cool completely. Filling: 1 pkg. chocolate instant pudding 3 cups milk 9 oz. cool whip 1 pkg. vanilla instant pudding 1 cup pecans Mix puddings each with 1 ½ cups of the milk and ½ cup of the pecans. Layer pudding mixtures one at a time on top of crust and layer the cool whip on top. Chill & enjoy. Peach Cobbler – Linda Cox 2 ½ cups sliced peaches ½ stick butter ¼ tsp salt ¾ cup milk 1 ½ cup sugar ¾ cup flour 2 Tbs baking powder To the peaches, add 1 cup of the sugar & set aside. Melt butter in bottom of 1 ½ qrt baking dish. Make a batter with remaining ½ cup of sugar, flour, baking powder, salt & milk. Pour on top of melted butter. DO NOT STIR! Add peaches. DO NOT STIR! Bake at 350* for 60 minutes. You may substitute raspberries for the peaches. Zucchini Pineapple Bread – Linda Cox 5 eggs 1 ¼ c vegetable oil 1 tsp nutmeg 3 ½ cups flour 1 Tbs baking soda 1 tsp cinnamon 1 Tbs vanilla 1 cup wheat germ ½ tsp baking powder 2 ½ cups sugar 1 cup drained, crushed pineapple 3 cups shredded zucchini Preheat oven to 350*. Spray 3 loaf pans with cooking spray. Beat eggs until they are lemon yellow in color. Add oil slowly; beat until combined. Add sugar and vanilla; beat until combined. Combine flour, wheat germ, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon and nutmeg. Stir to mix. Add to batter, mixing well. Fold in zucchini and drained pineapple. Pour into loaf pans and bake 1 hour or until testing pick comes out clean. Let cool or serve warm. These loaves freeze well. Wouldn’t you like to share some of your favorite recipes? Also, if you use a recipe that we’ve published and made some changes to it, please share your ideas. Please send them to Sue Sims, 17959 Murray Rd., Mount Vernon OH 43050 or [email protected] 14 BOUNDER BEACON October/November 2012 NEW MEMBERS 6007 Theodore Leftowich Dorothea Leftowich 12358 Talllpa St Spring Hill FL 34608 (352) 684-0991 6008 Tom Fichter 8790 King Lear Ct Fort Myers FL 33908 (239) 253-4272 6009 John Mann 1419 Robinson Orange Park Plant City FL 33563 (813) 833-8802 6010 Wayne Altom Margret Altom 2581 Mount Sterling Rd Winchester KY 40391 (859) 744-3552 6011 James Legros Kay Legros 261 Morningside Cir West Jefferson NC 28694 (561) 662-4070 6012 Sofirios Markonios Dionesia Markonios 1234 N Florida Ave Tarpon Springs FL 34689 (727) 938-3740 6013 Marrin Schlegel Perry Ryburn 900 S. Sunset Dr Anadarko OK 73005 (405) 247-9349 6014 Ralph Maus JoAnn Maus 1355 Arcadia Ave Sarasota FL 34232 (941) 356-3922 6015 Sairis Martino 14876 Stirrup Ln West Palm Beach FL 33414 (561) 239-1844 6016 Ron Corzine 4622 Fort Boggy San Antonio TX 78253 (210) 218-4173 6017 Shelly Glazer 1420 Nanatucket Rd Venice FL 34293 (941) 716-2027 6018 Charles Rees Jeanne Rees 275 Burnett Ave Morgan Hill CA 95037 (831) 801-3673 6019 Salvatore Holt Susan Holt 246 Mount Pisgah Dr Comfort TX 78013 (210) 573-3830 6020 Martin Cutter Sue Cutter 548 County Road 2000 E Sidney IL 61877 9714 (217) 688-3038 6021 Morris Deewall Linda Deewall 6528 Timber Ridge Lane Godfrey IL 62035 (618) 466-4061 6022 Tom Nash Nadine Nash 3467 S. Forman Rd Baldwin MI 49304 (231) 945-3309 6023 Jerry Robinson Gudrun Robinson 1415 Oak Leaf Drive Columbia TN 38401 (931) 486-0676 6024 Robert Garcia Cathy Garcia 6777 Woodbrook Dr SE Grand Rapids MI 49546 (616) 915-8262 6025 Steven Lyons Trudy Lyons 38 Kansas Road Landisburg PA 17040 (717) 589-4520 ADDRESS CHANGES 5885 Dave Browne Jane Browne PMB 870 5715 Highway 85 N Crestview FL 32536 9003 (336) 767-8433 5927 Barrie Stoler Anna Stoler PO Box 2496 Eagle Lake FL 33839 2496 (863) 662-4200 ADVERTISING INFORMATION 1 Issue 6 Issues Bus. Card $10.00 $50.00 1/4 Page $20.00 $100.00 1/2 Page $35.00 $175.00 Full Page $50.00 $250.00 THESE RATES ARE BASED ON COPY THAT IS SUPPLIED BY THE ADVERTISER Send Ads, Classified Ads, and checks made payable to Bounders of America to Frank Ruckman (address on page 2) Classified Free to Members & 3 per Year SEE, STAY, EAT, SUPPORT AND ??? By Rudy Roggenkamp BOA #1333 NO INPUT, NO ARTICLE! To continue this column I need input. PLEASE help me out. Rudy R. 15 BOUNDER BEACON October/November 2012 16 BOUNDER BEACON October/November 2012 BOA USE ON BOUNDERS OF AMERICA Membership Application Pilot __________________ ________________________ First Name Membership Number Birthday Last Name ________________ Month & Day Co-Pilot ________________ ________________________ First Name Application Date Birthday Last Name ________________ Month & Day Address ________________________________________________________________________ Number & Street, PO Box, PMB, etc. ___________________ ________ City __________-_______ State ___________ Zip Code Country Email __________________________________ Email___________________________________ Preferred Telephone (_____)__________________ Other Phone (______)_____________________ Interest/Hobbies: __________________________________________________________________ Bounder Info: _______ _____________ Year Model 35E, etc. ____________ _____________________ State Registered License Plate Number Who was instrumental in signing you up for membership in Bounders of America? ________________ __________ __________ _______________________ _____________ Dealer (List name) Fleetwood Packet Internet Friend or BOA Member (list name) List Their BOA # I / We presently own a BOUNDER motorhome and hereby apply for membership in the BOA Inc. I / We accept and shall abide by the Constitution and the Bylaws of BOUNDERS OF AMERICA . (The Constitution and Bylaws are available by going to Signed: __________________________ Pilot ____________________________ Date: ____/____/____ Co-Pilot Dues /Fees: PAYABLE IN U.S.CURRENCY New Members: $20.00 US 1 Year; $35.00 US Two Years; $50.00 US Three Years. You will receive membership card and BOA License Plate BOA newsletter, Bounder Beacon will be sent via email. If you do not have email access (you can use friend or relative’s email address – Please list above), you can receive a hard copy of the Bounder Beacon by submitting $10.00 per year to cover costs, to the address below. Renewal: $20.00 US One Year; $35.00 US Two Years; $50.00 US Three Years Add $10.00 x number of years of renewal for hard copy of Beacon (only for those not having access to email) Make checks payable to BOA and mail to: Bounders of America P.O. Box 193 Cottleville, MO 63338 May 2012 17 BOUNDER BEACON October/November 2012 Bounders of America (BOA) Being a Bounder owner is a great experience! And if you are not a member of our club you are missing out on one of the greatest experiences of owning a Bounder motor home. Why does BOA exist? Very simply put, we exist to have fun. But, you might ask; “Why the club?” Can’t I have fun by camping or traveling by myself or with friends of other brands of motor home? Yes, of course you can. But why settle for just half the fun you deserve as a Bounder motor home owner? There is something wonderful about spending weekends at Bounder Chapter rallies or at Bounder International rallies. There is no better experience than spending time with other Bounder motor home owners. What are some other benefits of belonging to BOA and to one or more of our local Chapters? When Bounder owners get together, there is a lot of talk about --- well you guessed it, Bounder motor homes. Questions like, “How does this work? Why isn’t my water heater working as it should? Why does my refrigerator shut off while I am traveling down the highway?” Or, “My keyless entry no longer works. How do I reset it?” Many questions deal specifically with the Bounder Coach and the particular chassis it is built on. When one of our members has the engine access door open, it is only a matter of minutes (maybe seconds) until another Bounder owner comes over to see what’s going on. Fuse out? Maybe steps don’t go back up…It matters little what the problem is, the Bounder Family is like your own family in many respects. You can ask for help… or only look helpless, and you will have someone come over to see what is going on. It has not been unusual to have five or six fellow Bounder owners come over to offer assistance and sometimes lots of advice. It is a great feeling to experience this “second” family. OK, so you aren’t into all that real close stuff. We understand, and can sense when someone wants to have his/her space. What other benefits do we offer? We have a bi-monthly magazine called Bounder Beacon. You get a special license plate with your own BOA number. Want to try before you buy? Fine, you are welcome to attend a Chapter rally or any International rally before joining the BOA Family. Go to and see what our organization is all about. You can access past issues of a Bounder Beacon and even find out where various chapters are meeting, and who the contact person is. You can call any officer or Chapter rally-master listed and get answers to your questions or register for a rally (even if you are not yet a member). We are looking forward to having you join us at a rally or even better yet, complete the application now! Thanks for your consideration. Happy Boundering! Rev 5/2010 18 BOUNDER BEACON October/November 2012 BOA CLASSIFIED ADS IMPORTANT CLASSIFIED POLICY THE 3 “FREE” ADS PER YEAR FOR BOA MEMBER’S IS LIMITED TO 60 WORDS. LONGER ADS MAY STILL BE SUBMITTED BUT WILL BE CHARGED AT .20¢ PER WORD AFTER THE FIRST 60 WORDS. ADS/CLASSIFIED ADS SHOULD BE SENT TO: Frank Ruckman (See page 2) Bounder for sale: It is a 2006, gas with Banks system, 35E, 25,000 miles. Contact Jim Bartley at (cell) 417-847-7663, or [email protected]. BOA # 5698. I purchased a Sun screen for the front windshield from for my 2010 Bounder 35H. I am selling the windshield sun screen, plus passenger and driver side window screens. This includes a storage bag when not in use. Not only do the screens keep the sun and heat out but they also provide privacy during the day. It should fit all current Bounders and maybe more. I am asking $250. I live in the Orlando area and can send pictures if you would like. Contact Don at [email protected]” Donald Parrish, BOA # 5811 2003 39Z Cummins diesel, 73,000 Miles, convection/microwave oven. Washer/dryer, 4dr fridge, icemaker, window awnings, w/s cover and motorized internal shades, custom hardwood floor and computer center/dinette with chairs, sleep number queen bed. Many extras. $62,500. Erle George 519-752-0411 or 208-631-7360. BOA # 4015 2007 NASCAR SPECIAL EDITION, BOUNDER 38 L, 300 CAT, 4 slides w/checkered awnings, 16 K miles, outside pull-out grill, kitchen & entertainment center, roof-mounted solar panel, Motosat w/ autoseek, 3 LCD tv's, 14 cu ft. Dometic fridge ice/water in door, engine fire suppression system, 4-pt auto levelers, GPS w / rear vision camera, 6 brand-new batteries, central vacuum system transferable extended warranty exp. 12/ 2014, all maint. records. $ 150 k CA 209-969-3835 19 BOUNDER BEACON October/November 2012 BOUNDERS OF AMERICA PO BOX 193 Cottleville, MO 63338 NEXT NEWSLETTER DEADLINE: NOVEMBER 10TH, 2012 BOA DUES REMITTANCE Your dues expiration date is included in your email notification that the next issue of your Bounder Beacon is ready for your enjoyment. A check or money order payable to BOA should be mailed prior to that date to: BOUNDERS OF AMERICA (BOA), PO BOX 193, Cottleville, MO 63338 Please put your BOA Number on the check. Thanks. Dues $20 US for 1 year, $35 US for 2 years or $50 US for 3 years. Bounder Beacon is by electronic delivery. However, an exception will be made if you do not have access to email providing you submit $10.00 per year of renewal with your dues to receive a hard copy. My email address is: ______________________ Total being remitted is ___________________________ . Please advise if there are any changes, new Bounder, email, telephone, etc. 20 BOUNDER BEACON October/November 2012
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