Truckee River Flood Management Authority Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Book October 10, 2014 Call to Order Proclamation Truckee River Flood Management Authority TAC Policies and Procedures Financial Items Board of Directors Meeting Working Group Comments, Requests and Future Agenda Items October 10, 2014 Public Comment Adjournment TRUCKEE RIVER FLOOD PROJECT COMMONLY USED ACRONYMS AASHTO AF or AC-FT AFB AIA ASA ATR BCC BCERE BFE CERCLA CFS COE CORPS CRA CY EIS ERDC ETR FCSA FEMA FHWA FMA FPCC FRM GIS GRR IWRWC HEC-RAS HEC-1 HQUSACE HTRW ICA IDIQ ILA JPA LERRD LID LID LIP LPP LRP American Association of State Highway Officials Acre Feet Alternative Formulation Briefing American Institute of Architects Assistant Secretary of the Army Agency Technical Review Board of County Commissioners Baseline Cost Estimate for Real Estate Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act Cubic Feet Per Second Corps of Engineers U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Continuing Resolution Authority Cubic Yards Environmental Impact Statement Army Corps Environmental Research and Development Center External Technical Review Feasibility Cost Sharing Agreement Federal Emergency Management Agency Federal Highway Administration Flood Management Authority Flood Project Coordinating Committee Flood Risk Management Geographical Information System General Reevaluation Report Interim Western Regional Water Commission Hydrologic Engineering Center - River Analysis System (the River Hydraulic Model) Hydrologic Engineering Center - 1 (the Hydrologic Model) Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Washington DC) Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Wastes Interlocal Cooperative Agreement Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity Interlocal Agreement Joint Powers Authority Lands, Easements, and Rights-of-Way, Relocations and Disposal Areas Low Impact Development Local Improvement District Local Interest Plan Locally Preferred Plan Local Rate Plan 1 of 2 TRUCKEE RIVER FLOOD PROJECT COMMONLY USED ACRONYMS MCACES MOA MOU NDEP NDOT NED NEPA NFIP NRS NWRA PDT PED PMP PMT PPA R and U REDM REP RFP RFQ ROD RSIC RTAA RTC SHPO SNPLMA SOW TAC TRFMA TMWA TMSA TMWRF TNC TRAction TRFP TROA URA URA Reg WCDWR WG WRDA WSEL Micro-Computer Aided Cost Estimating System Memorandum of Agreement Memorandum of Understanding Nevada Division of Environmental Protection Nevada Department of Transportation National Economic Development Plan National Environmental Policy Act National Flood Insurance Program Nevada Revised Statutes Nevada Water Resources Association Project Delivery Team Planning, Engineering and Design Project Management Plan Project Management Team Project Partnership Agreement with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for the financing and construction of the project. Risk and Uncertainty Real Estate Design Memorandum Real Estate Plan Request for Proposals Request for Qualifications Record of Decision Reno Sparks Indian Colony Reno Tahoe Airport Authority Regional Transportation Commission State Historic Preservation Office Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act Scope of Work Technical Advisory Committee Truckee River Flood Management Authority Truckee Meadows Water Authority Truckee Meadows Service Area Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility The Nature Conservancy Truckee River Action (Project) Truckee River Flood Project Truckee River Operating Agreement Federal Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act Federal regulations implementing the URA Washoe County Department of Water Resources Working Group Water Resources Development Act Water Surface Elevations 2 of 2 Truckee River Flood Management Authority ROLL CALL FOR: October 10, 2014 Board of Directors (Quorum = four): ___ Ron Smith, Chair (City of Sparks) ___ Vaughn Hartung, Vice Chair (Washoe County) ___ Robert Cashell (City of Reno) ___ Oscar Delgado (City of Reno) ___ Kitty Jung (Washoe County) ___ Geno Martini (City of Sparks) End of Roll Call Staff ___ Jay Aldean (Executive Director) ___ Laura Bayer (Administrative Assistant II) ___ Ed Evans (Sr. Hydrogeologist) ___ Mimi Fujii-Strickler (Admin Services/Government Affairs Manager) ___ Danielle Henderson (Natural Resource Manager) ___ Eric Scheetz (Licensed Engineer) ___ Lori Williams (Sr. Financial Analyst) ___ Michael Wolz (General Counsel) Truckee River Flood Management Authority ● 9635 Gateway Dr. Suite A ● Reno, NV 89521 ● 775-850-7460 ● Fax 775-851-8568 Truckee River Flood Management Authority NOTICE OF BOARD MEETING AND AGENDA Friday, October 10, 2014 – 8:30 a.m. Washoe County Commission Chambers 1st Floor of Building A 1001 East Ninth Street, Reno, Nevada Board Members Ron Smith, Chair Oscar Delgado Vaughn Hartung, Vice Chair Kitty Jung Robert Cashell Geno Martini Pursuant to NRS 241.020, this notice has been posted at the following locations: Washoe County Administration, 1001 East Ninth Street, Reno, Nevada Sparks City Hall, City Clerk, 431 Prater Way, Sparks, Nevada Reno City Hall, City Clerk, One East First Street, Reno, Nevada Truckee River Flood Management Authority Office, 9635 Gateway Drive, Ste A, Reno, Nevada Truckee River Flood Project Website: Nevada Public Notice Website: Possible Changes to Agenda Order and Timing: Discussion may be delayed on any item on this agenda and items on this agenda may be taken out of order, combined with other items and discussed or voted on as a block, removed from the agenda, moved to the agenda of another later meeting, or moved to or from the consent section. Items designated for a specified time will not be heard before that time, but may be delayed beyond the specified time. Supporting Documents: Persons wanting a copy of any supporting materials may contact Laura Bayer at 775-850-7477 or obtain at TRFMA’s offices at 9635 Gateway Drive, Suite A, Reno, NV or on the website at: Special Accommodations: The meeting facility is accessible to the disabled; if special accommodations are required for the meeting, call Laura Bayer at 775-850-7477, at least 48 hours before the meeting. Public Comment; Disruption of Meeting: During the “Public Comment” periods listed below, anyone may speak pertaining to any matter that is not on the agenda or that is not listed as an action item on the agenda. Additionally, during action items, public comment will be heard on that particular item before action is taken. In either event, each speaker must fill out a “Request to Speak” form and/or submit comments for the record to the recording secretary. Public comment is limited to three minutes per person unless extended by questions or action of the Board. Comments are to be directed to the Board as a whole and not to one individual. The presiding officer may (with or without advance warning) order the removal of a person whose conduct willfully disrupts the meeting to the extent that its orderly conduct is made impractical. 1. Call to Order A. Roll Call, Establishment of Quorum and Pledge of Allegiance B. Public Comment During this comment period, any person is invited to speak on any topic that is not listed as an action item on this agenda. Each speaker must fill out a Request to Speak card and must limit comments to three minutes. Action may not be taken on any matter raised during this public comment period until the matter is specifically listed on a future agenda. Those who wish to comment on an item that has been listed as an action item on this agenda may comment when that item has been opened for consideration by the Board and before action is taken. C. Approval of Agenda (For Possible Action) D. Approval of Draft Minutes of August 8, 2014 (For Possible Action) E. Announcements / Clippings 2. Proclamation – Flood Awareness Week 3. Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) report and discussion. Possible action to provide direction to staff. (For Possible Action) by Kimble Corbridge, TAC Chair 4. Review, discussion, and possible adoption of Grant Management, Financial Reporting, and Public Records Policies and acceptance of new and amended procedures. (For Possible Action) by Kathy Garcia, Acting CFO A. Discussion and possible action to adopt the following policies (For Possible Action): • P-13 Grant Management • P-14 Financial Reporting • P-16 Public Records B. Review of new procedures as approved by Executive Director Aldean (no action required): • Proc-1E Interest Allocation • Proc-13 Grant Management • Proc-14 Financial Reporting Review of amendments to the following existing procedures as approved by Executive Director Aldean (no action required): • Proc-1 General – Internal Controls • Proc-1B Inventory • Proc-2 Purchasing • Proc-3 Procurement Card • Proc-4 Emergency Situations • Proc-6 Budget 5. Financial Items A. Presentation, discussion, and possible action to accept the Audited Financial Report and Auditor’s Opinions for FYE 2014. (For Possible Action) by Kathy Garcia, Acting CFO, Kafoury, Armstrong & Co. Page 2 of 3 B. Presentation, discussion and possible action to accept the Auditor’s Financial and Compliance reports and Management Comments for FYE 2014 (For Possible Action) by Michael Davis, Engagement Director, Barnard Vogler & Co. C. Monthly reports on the Authority’s financial status and related financial activities. Possible action to provide direction to staff. (For Possible Action) by Lori Williams, Sr. Financial Analyst D. Discussion and possible action to authorize staff to renew the general liability insurance policy with Lexington Insurance for 2014-2015 (For Possible Action) by Mimi Fujii-Strickler, Administrative Services Manager 6. Working Group monthly report and possible action to provide direction to staff. (For Possible Action) by Danielle Henderson, Natural Resource Manager 7. Board Member Comments, Requests and Future Agenda Items 8. Public Comment During this comment period, any person is invited to speak on any topic that is not listed as an action item on this agenda. Each speaker must fill out a Request to Speak card and must limit comments to three minutes. Action may not be taken on any matter raised during this public comment period until the matter is specifically listed on a future agenda. 9. Adjournment (For Possible Action) Page 3 of 3 Truckee River Flood Management Authority DRAFT MEETING MINUTES Friday, August 8, 2014 – 8:30 a.m. PLEASE NOTE NEW LOCATION FOR THIS MEETING ONLY TRFMA Office Conference Room 9635 Gateway Drive, Suite A Reno, Nevada 89521 1. Call to Order A. Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum Chair Smith called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. A quorum was established with Directors Cashell and Smith attending in person and Directors Hartung, and Martini attending via conference call. Director Delgado participated via conference call until arriving at the meeting at 8:35 a.m. TRFMA staff present included: Jay Aldean, Laura Bayer, Mimi Fujii-Strickler, Lori Williams, and Michael Wolz. B. Public Comment Mary Conelly, representing Senator Harry Reid, presented TRFMA with a framed copy of the WRRDA Bill signed by President Obama. Executive Director Aldean thanked Senator Reid and Ms. Conelly for the help and support. Chair Smith agreed, noting we would not be here without Senator Reid and staff. C. Approval of Agenda (For Possible Action) Motion 2014.08.1C to approve the agenda of August 8, 2014. Moved: Director Hartung Seconded: Director Cashell Passed Unanimously D. Approval of Draft Minutes of June 13, 2014 Meeting (For Possible Action) Motion 2014.08.1D to approve the minutes of June 13, 2014. Moved: Director Cashell Seconded: Director Hartung Passed Unanimously E. Announcements / Clippings – Executive Director Aldean announced: • Corps’ Sacramento District Commander Col. Farrell visited with Aldean to learn more about the Southeast Connector project. Aldean indicated an independent model showed no impacts from SE Connector. Col. Farrell asked TRFMA to sponsor restoration projects in the river; Aldean agreed noting it would help with TRFMA’s EIS. • Aldean and Marcus Faust met with Ryan Mulvenon from Senator Reid’s office. Mr. Mulvenon has replaced Alex McDonough as our project contact in the Senator’s Washington office. • TRFMA signed a $25,000 contract with KPS3 to do community outreach and publications. Director Delgado disclosed his business relationship with KPS3: he is employed by them (copy of written disclosure is attached). He was not involved in the search for a public relations firm, and did not know a search was being conducted. General Counsel Wolz clarified that there is no vote required on this item due to the size of contract. In response to a question from Director Hartung, Aldean stated that restoration projects would have to be determined in the future. Mary Conelly commented that Senator Reid’s office was a party to taking the restoration out of the project, in part due to Desert Terminus funding wherein part of the $150 million appropriation is available for restoration projects including fish passage. 2. Consent Items Chair Smith pulled Item 2E for discussion. Motion 2014.08.2 to approve consent items 2A through 2D. Moved: Director Cashell Seconded: Director Delgado Passed Unanimously A. Discussion and possible approval of an amendment to the Agreement for Professional Engineering Services–Combined Preliminary Engineering Contract with HDR Engineering, Inc. revising the Scope of Services and extending the term of the Agreement to December 31, 2015. (For Possible Action) by Michael Wolz, General Counsel B. Discussion and possible action to approve an amendment to the Agreement for Professional Services with FCS Group to provide a one-year extension of the term of the Agreement to June 30, 2015.(For Possible Action) by Michael Wolz, General Counsel C. Discussion and possible approval of an Agreement with the law firm of Kaempfer Crowell for Professional Lobbying Services. (For Possible Action) by Michael Wolz, General Counsel D. Discussion and possible action to approve an amendment to the Agreement for Professional Consulting Services with Ruth Villalobos and Associates to provide a oneyear extension of the term of the Agreement to August 10, 2015.(For Possible Action) by Michael Wolz, General Counsel 2E. Discussion and possible action to approve amendments to the Employment Agreements with the Executive Director and General Counsel that increase their compensation and change the calculation of personal leave consistent with recently approved and possible future adjustments granted to Washoe County Unclassified Management Employees. (For Possible Action) General Counsel Wolz and Human Resources Representative Laura Bayer addressed concerns Chair Smith had about the Personal Leave situations noted in the amendments. Motion 2014.08.2E to approve amendments to the Employment Agreements with the Executive Director and General Counsel that increase their compensation and change the calculation of personal leave consistent with recently approved and possible future adjustments granted to Washoe County Unclassified Management Employees. Moved: Director Smith Seconded: Director Cashell Passed Unanimously Truckee River Flood Management Authority Board of Directors Meeting Minutes from August 8, 2014 Page 2 of 3 3. Financial Report - Monthly report on the Authority’s financial status and related financial activities. Possible action to provide direction to staff. (For Possible Action) Lori Williams, Sr. Financial Analyst reviewed the revenues noting since this is May’s report; there is one more month of tax revenue to include for FY13/14. She also addressed questions from Chair Smith regarding the professional services and the definition of different fund balances (non-spendable vs assigned). Aldean stated that staff had been working with City of Reno and RTC staff regarding installing a sleeve under McCarran Blvd. noting that $150,000 had been budgeted for this project but that Reno and TRFMA staff have determined it is not a wise thing to do at this time. Motion 2014.08.3 to accept the financial report. Moved: Director Cashell Seconded: Director Delgado Passed Unanimously 4. Board Member Comments, Requests and Future Agenda Items - Chair Smith called for comments and hearing none, he closed this item. 5. Public Comment - Chair Smith called for Public Comment and hearing none, he closed this item. 6. Adjournment (For Possible Action) – Chair Smith announced the meeting adjourned at 8:55 a.m. Respectfully Submitted, Laura J. Bayer, Recording Secretary Truckee River Flood Management Authority Board of Directors Meeting Minutes from August 8, 2014 Page 3 of 3 Hot Off The Press Flo ver i R ckee Tru tho t Au n e agem n a od M rity News clippings on the Truckee River Flood Project and related topics August 1, 2014 to September 30, 2014 PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, TRFMA recognizes the significant threat flooding poses to our residents, our businesses, the region and our local economy; and WHEREAS, our community has endured repeated flood events from the watersheds of several streams, creeks and the Truckee River, including several historic floods; and WHEREAS, we can reduce risk and help make our community more damage resistant by providing information to residents and businesses regarding actions they can take to prepare for floods; and WHEREAS, during Northern Nevada Flood Awareness Week, local, state and federal agencies across the state are working together to inform the public about the dangers of flooding, how to protect their homes and families from a flood, and plan for recovery; and WHEREAS, Northern Nevada Flood Awareness Week 2014 will be held in Northern Nevada the week of November 10–15, 2014; and WHEREAS, the theme for Northern Nevada Flood Awareness Week 2014 is: “Nevada Floods. Are You Prepared?” with the corresponding website NOW THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED, by the Truckee River Flood Management Authority Board of Directors that the week of November 10-15, 2014 as FLOOD AWARENESS WEEK Dated this ______day of October, 2014 TRUCKEE RIVER FLOOD MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY ___________________________________ Ron Smith, Chairman Truckee River Flood Management Authority BOARD OF DIRECTORS STAFF REPORT MEETING DATE: October 10, 2014 DATE: October 1, 2014 TO: Truckee River Flood Management Authority Board Members FROM: Danielle Henderson, Natural Resource Manager, TRFMA, 8507461, [email protected] THROUGH: Jay Aldean, Executive Director, TRFMA, 850-7470, [email protected] SUBJECT: TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MONTHLY REPORT SUMMARY The Truckee River Flood Management Authority (TRFMA) Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) most recently met on August 29, 2014 and discussed the topics identified in the meeting Agenda (Attachment 1). Approved minutes from the May 30, 2014 meeting are also provided (Attachment 2). The TAC brings financial, engineering, planning, and resource management personnel together to discuss flood project activities and provide technical assistance and guidance to TRFMA. The TAC reviews items such as schedules, construction sequencing, proposed TRAction projects, flood project funding and governance. The TAC Chair provides a verbal report to the TRFMA Board of Directors at each monthly meeting. PREVIOUS ACTION The TAC monthly report was originally established as a standing agenda item by the Truckee River Flood Project Coordinating Committee and maintained as such by the TRFMA. FISCAL IMPACT None. RECOMMENDATION No recommendation is proposed. POSSIBLE MOTION No motion has been provided. Attachments: 1. TRFMA TAC August 29, 2014 Meeting Agenda 2. TRFMA TAC May 30, 2014 Meeting Minutes JA:dmh AGENDA ITEM #3 Truckee River Flood Management Authority TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE NOTICE OF MEETING AND AGENDA FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 2014 – 10:00A.M. LOCATION: Truckee River Flood Management Authority Office 9635 Gateway Drive, Suite A Reno, Nevada Technical Advisory Committee Members Member(s) Alternate Reno John Flansberg, Kerri Lanza Joe Coudriet Sparks John Martini, Tim Thompson Neil Krutz Washoe County Trevor Lloyd, Kimble Corbridge TBD Storey County Austin Osborne Lance Gilman Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe Autumn Bryson Kameron Morgan NDEP Jean Stone Randy Pahl Entity Pursuant to NRS 241.020, this notice has been posted at the following locations: Washoe County Administration, 1001 East Ninth Street, Reno, Nevada Sparks City Hall, City Clerk, 431 Prater Way, Sparks, Nevada Reno City Hall, City Clerk, One East First Street, Reno, Nevada Truckee River Flood Management Authority Office, 9635 Gateway Drive, Ste A, Reno, Nevada Truckee River Flood Project Website: Possible Changes to Agenda Order and Timing: Discussion may be delayed on any item on this agenda and items on this agenda may be taken out of order, combined with other items and discussed or voted on as a block, removed from the agenda, moved to the agenda of another later meeting, or moved to or from the consent section. Items designated for a specified time will not be heard before that time, but may be delayed beyond the specified time. Supporting Documents: Persons wanting a copy of any supporting materials may contact Danielle Henderson at (775) 850-7461 or obtain at TRFMA’s offices at 9635 Gateway Drive, Suite A, Reno, NV or on the website at: Special Accommodations: The meeting facility is accessible to the disabled; if special accommodations are required for the meeting, call Danielle Henderson at (775) 850-7461 at least 48 hours before the meeting. Public Comment; Disruption of Meeting: During the “Public Comment” periods listed below, anyone may speak pertaining to any matter that is not on the agenda or that is not listed as an action item on the agenda. Additionally, during action items, public comment will be heard on that particular item before action is taken. In either event, each speaker must fill out a “Request to Speak” form and/or submit comments for the record to the recording secretary. Public comment is limited to three minutes per person unless extended by questions or action of the Board. Comments are to be directed to the Board as a whole and not to one individual. The presiding officer may (with or without advance warning) order the removal of a person whose conduct willfully disrupts the meeting to the extent that its orderly conduct is made impractical. 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL - Determination of a Quorum 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA (for possible action) 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (for possible action) – Possible action to approve the draft minutes of May 30, 2014. 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS 5. PUBLIC COMMENT – During this comment period, any person is invited to speak on any topic that is not listed as an action item on this agenda. Each speaker must fill out a Request to Speak card and must limit comments to three minutes. Action may not be taken on any matter raised during this public comment period until the matter is specifically listed on a future agenda. Those who wish to comment on an item that has been listed as an action item on this agenda may comment when that item has been opened for consideration by the Board and before action is taken. 6. U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS’ ACTIVITIES Jay Aldean, Executive Director, TRFMA Update/discussion on continuing project-related activities by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps). 7. DISCUSSION ON PROPOSED TRUCKEE RIVER LIDAR SURVEY (for possible action) Jay Aldean, Executive Director, TRFMA Discussion on proposed work to perform aerial surveys of the Truckee River to capture LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) imagery of the river channel and banks per the existing September 2012 agreement with HDR Engineering Inc., which would be used to update the Flood Project hydraulic model and designs. Further discussion and possible action to recommend to the TRFMA Board of Directors that the agency negotiate and enter into a cooperative agreement with the Carson Truckee Water Conservancy District (CTWCD) to potentially share survey costs and LIDAR data. 8. REVIEW FLOOD MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY DRAFT MEETING AGENDA Jay Aldean, Executive Director, TRFMA Review and discussion of the TRFMA Board of Directors Meeting draft Agenda. 9. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS, REQUESTS AND FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS (for possible action) – Review and discussion of the TAC meeting date(s). Possible action to approve items for future agendas and/or change meeting dates. 10. PUBLIC COMMENT – During this comment period, any person is invited to speak on any topic that is not listed as an action item on this agenda. Each speaker must fill out a Request to Speak card and must limit comments to three minutes. Action may not be taken on any matter raised during this public comment period until the matter is specifically listed on a future agenda. 11. ADJOURNMENT (for possible action) Page 2 of 2 Truckee River Flood Management Authority TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES FRIDAY, MAY 30, 2014 – 10:00 A.M. Truckee River Flood Management Authority Office 9635 Gateway Drive, Suite A, Reno, Nevada 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL - Determination of a Quorum Members present were: John Martini, Tim Thompson, Kerri Lanza, Joe Coudriet, Trevor Lloyd, Kimble Corbridge, Austin Osborne and Jean Stone. (Kameron Morgan was present though not yet officially as a member.) TRFMA staff present: Jay Aldean, Eric Scheetz, Michael Wolz, Mimi Fujii-Strickler, Lori Williams, and Danielle Henderson. 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA - Member Thompson moved to approve the agenda; Member Coudriet seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Member Corbridge motioned that the Feb 12th meeting minutes be approved. Member Thompson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS – Mr. Aldean noted that the Developers from the Tahoe Reno Industrial Park (TRIC) had been looking to develop land near McCarran Ranch. The developer has agreed to build a foot above the flood elevation (using the downstream flood model as a base) as well as allow a 6”-1’ pony flood wall to be incorporated. 5. PUBLIC COMMENT – Chair Martini called for Public Comment and hearing none, he closed this item. 6. ELECTION OF TAC CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR - Mr. Wolz announced that the TAC needed to hold its annual election. Chair Martini nominated Member Corbridge as Chair. Trevor Lloyd seconded and the motion passed. The newly placed Chair Corbridge then called for nominations for Vice Chair. Member Stone nominated Member Lanza for Vice Chair which was seconded by Member Coudriet and the motion passed. 7. U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS’ ACTIVITIES - Mr. Aldean handed out a work in progress timeline that noted the possible Corps activity toward the Flood Project over the next few years. He then explained that the Corps 50 year Plan (via inclusion into WRDA for authorization), just passed by the House and the US Senate and it is expected to be signed into law as early as next week. It was noted by members of the TAC that this is very good news. Mr. Aldean noted that this does not yet mean we are guaranteed funding as there are other projects that were approved in WRDA 2007 that are still awaiting funding. However, once funded the Federal share could be about $180 Million minus about $16-20 Million for past Corps planning efforts. He also noted that in relation to other Corps projects our Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) is still quite low at 1.9 - 2.2 vs some other projects that are above 7. This means our project will have an even tougher time getting funding (when compared to other projects and considering the limited availability of money). The good news is that in this WRDA Bill we also included an amendment that allows us to submit our 100 year plan in place of the 50 year plan since it will be a greater benefit to our community. Federal cost share will remain the same and before anything happens, the Corps will do a complete analysis on the WRDA Bill and its amendments. This could take 6 months. Mr. Aldean noted that the Flood Project lobbyist are assisting the Corps as needed in this process with hopes to help speed things along. Once the Corps analyzes the WRDA bill, the Corps will need funding to review the 100 Year project for inclusion in a supplemental EIS. It is likely the Flood Project may have to pay for this review and work. If that is the case, then the Flood Project will need to negotiate a MOU with the Corps so that incurred costs could be later credited toward the local share in the Project Partnership Agreement (PPA). Ultimately, the PPA could be three years out. There was then discussion on the likelihood of getting Federal cost share actually funded and what could occur if we don’t. Mr. Aldean noted that for this reason the Flood Project is planning to cover the entire cost of the project and if the Federal share comes in it will either shorten the collection time of rates or some other fair/ reasonable calculation. There was discussion on a public education component needed by the Flood Project and Mr. Aldean noted that the Flood Project will contract with a PR firm to help with that starting possibly this Fall. 8. FLOOD WARNING UPDATE – Mr. Evans gave a powerpoint presentation which included: the Flood Warning Plan, In-house Forecasting (Steamboat), Contrail information, and the 2104 USGS Funding Agreement acknowledgement ($95,491). In the presentation Mr. Evans noted that this information was partially available on the website and as the Flood Project updates their website additional information and links will be provided. 9. AMENDMENT TO HDR ENGINEERING CONTRACT – After a quick recess (11:23-11:28 AM), Mr. Aldean noted that HEC Ras 2d had just been released and the Flood project is considering having HDR utilize the model update to refine our floodplain analysis required for further rate study documentation. However, before HDR could work on this Mr Aldean noted that he first needed to finish up the economic analysis which required a 200 year and a 500 year flood plain for the downtown reach to be created first. Member Coudriet asked how much was left on the HDR contracts. Mr Aldean noted about 650K on the 4.5 Million contract and about 200K on the rate study task order contract. It was then noted that a goal of the updated model would be to have the entire valley in one model (vs using multiple HEC Ras models and Flow 2d models). It was also noted that as with any further modeling and analysis, the refining process could possibly enumerate additional concerns which have not been brought to light yet. 10. REVIEW FLOOD MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY (FMA) DRAFT MEETING AGENDA- Mr. Aldean noted the items for the June meeting. Otherwise there were no comments on the agenda. 11. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS, REQUESTS AND FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS – • Member Coudriet asked for a wrap up memo on the SE Connector and it was determined by the group that this was not so much of a TAC issue as an issue for the Flood Managers to discuss independently. • Chair Corbridge thanked Immediate Past Chair Martini and Vice Chair Lloyd for their past year plus of service in their positions. 12. PUBLIC COMMENT - Chair Corbridge called for Public Comment and hearing none, he closed this item. 13. ADJOURNMENT - The meeting adjourned at 11:47 a.m. Page 2 of 2 TRUCKEE RIVER FLOOD MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Policy Directive #P-13 GRANT MANAGEMENT POLICY August 2014 The Truckee River Flood Management Authority (Authority) is a local government governed under the Interlocal Cooperative Agreement (Truckee River Flood Management Authority) adopted by Washoe County, the City of Reno, the City of Sparks, and the Authority (Members). PURPOSE The intent of this policy is to establish a grant management policy that will secure the Authority’s position in attaining maximum grant funding, and will assist Authority staff to maximize cost recovery through compliance with statutory, regulatory and policy requirements of grant management from federal, state or other sources. POLICY The Authority is authorized, per NRS 277- Cooperative Agreements: State, Counties, Cities, Districts and Other Public Agencies and the Interlocal Cooperative Agreement between the Cities of Reno, Sparks, Washoe County and the Authority, to apply for and receive grants for acquisition, improvement, construction, equipping, operating and maintaining the Truckee River Flood Management Project (Project) and related flood management facilities. Grants offer an important source of funding that may enhance the Authority’s ability to construct, acquire and operate the Project for public benefit. As grant funding sources are external to the Authority, strict adherence to the statutory, regulatory and contractual provisions is critical to enhance the Authority’s competitive position for securing grant funding and to protect the Authority’s integrity in the administration of those funds. The Executive Director will approve grant management internal controls consistent with statutes, regulations and policies of the Authority Board of Directors and that address the following: A. B. C. D. E. F. Grant assessment/application; Grant authorization; Grant administration; Grant reporting; Grant closing; and Grant auditing. The Executive Director will review grant management procedures and their application and revise as necessary, informing the Authority’s Board of Directors, on a timely basis of any required changes. Accepted by TRFMA Board of Directors (Meeting date) TRUCKEE RIVER FLOOD MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Policy Directive #P-14 FINANCIAL REPORTING POLICY August 2014 The Truckee River Flood Management Authority (Authority) is a local government governed under the Interlocal Cooperative Agreement (Truckee River Flood Management Authority) adopted by Washoe County, the City of Reno, the City of Sparks, and the Authority (Members). PURPOSE The intent of this policy is to establish a financial reporting policy that will communicate the Authority’s financial position and the results of its operations in a manner that is consistent with statutory, regulatory and policy requirements, and user needs. POLICY The Authority, as a local government subject to Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 354 - Local Financial Administration, must maintain financial records in a manner that supports reporting in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and demonstrates compliance with applicable statutes and regulations. Statutes require undergoing an annual audit of all Authority funds and accounts and Board approval of the related financial reports. The Authority Board, through its policies, also requires, for approval, interim financial reports and status updates regarding the Authority’s financial transactions. Financial reporting is the process of taking properly assembled, analyzed, classified and recorded data relevant to the Authority’s finances and providing it in a manner that demonstrates compliance with applicable statutes and regulations and enables the Authority Board and management to make informed financial decisions based on accurate current information and to project future financial results based on accurate past information and currently known facts. Timely and accurate financial reporting enhances the Authority’s financial integrity and demonstrates accountability and stewardship over the Authority’s resources. The Executive Director will approve internal controls for internal and external financial reporting consistent with statutes, regulations and Authority policies. Such controls will address form and content of financial reports, intended purpose, and timeliness. Accepted by TRFMA Board of Directors (Meeting date) TRUCKEE RIVER FLOOD MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Policy Directive #P-16 PUBLIC RECORDS POLICY August 2014 The Truckee River Flood Management Authority (Authority) is a local government governed under the Interlocal Cooperative Agreement (Truckee River Flood Management Authority) adopted by Washoe County, the City of Reno, the City of Sparks, and the Authority (Members). PURPOSE The intent of this policy is to establish a public records policy that will enable the Authority to provide access to its public records in accordance with Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) Chapter 239 – Public Records and regulatory, contractual and policy requirements regarding public records. This policy should foster full and open disclosure of public information while protecting confidentiality and legally protected information, and allowing for lawful disposition of public records. POLICY It is the policy of the Authority to ensure transparent communication of the Authority’s strategic goals and objectives, its resources for attaining those goals and objectives and the use of those resources through access to its public records, in accordance with statutes, regulations, contractual obligations and Authority policies. Due care will be taken to protect confidential and legally protected information, and records will be retained in accordance with statute, regulations and Authority policies. The Authority will maintain and communicate sufficient controls over public records to achieve this policy. The Executive Director will approve public record internal controls consistent with statutes, regulations, contractual obligations and Authority policies and that address the following: A. B. C. D. E. Identification and definition of public records; Procedures for compliance with public records requirements; Adequate protection of confidential information; Lawful disposition of public records and documents; Communication of statutes, regulations, contractual obligations and Authority policies regarding public records to Authority staff; and F. Timely review and revision of public record internal controls and their application, with notification to the Authority Board of Directors of any required changes. Accepted by TRFMA Board of Directors ______________________________. (Meeting Date) Truckee River Flood Management Authority Combining Balance Sheet ‐ General Fund and Capital Projects Fund As of August 31, 2014 General Fund Capital Projects Fund Total Assets Cash Investment Pool Assets Held by Washoe County ICA Reserve Cash Held for Encumbrances Pending Interest and Other Receivables Due from Other Governments Prepaids and Security Deposits Total Assets $ 207,010 10,437,300 $ ‐ 1,973,460 $ 207,010 12,410,760 115,349 12,232 21,208 36,337 389,633 34,236 $ 11,253,305 ‐ ‐ ‐ 6,027 ‐ 2,200 $ 1,981,687 115,349 12,232 21,208 42,364 389,633 36,436 $ 13,234,992 Liabilities and Fund Balance Liabilities Accounts Payable Salaries Payable Deposits and Advance Payments Total Liabilities $ 42,089 20,931 18,996 82,016 $ 803,975 ‐ 5,000 808,975 $ 846,064 20,931 23,996 890,991 Fund Balance Nonspendable Restricted Committed Assigned Unassigned Total Fund Balance 161,817 ‐ 1,079,682 7,248,740 2,681,050 11,171,289 2,200 1,170,512 ‐ ‐ ‐ 1,172,712 164,017 1,170,512 1,079,682 7,248,740 2,681,050 12,344,001 Total Liabilities and Fund Balance $ 11,253,305 $ 1,981,687 $ 13,234,992 Truckee River Flood Management Authority General Fund ‐ Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Change in Fund Balance As of August 31, 2014 Revenues Intergovernmental Net Sales Tax ‐ Washoe County Miscellaneous Revenues Investment Income Rental Income Reimbursements Total Revenues Expenditures Current Public Safety Salaries and Wages Employee Benefits Services and Supplies Professional Services Overhead Paid to Washoe County Other Total Expenditures Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures Current Month Budget Y‐T‐D Actual Variance $ 493,827 $ 5,485,000 $ 950,431 $ (4,534,569) 33,817 317 ‐ 527,961 100,000 30,100 4,500 5,619,600 13,689 634 10,405 975,159 (86,311) (29,466) 5,905 (4,644,441) 72,283 26,281 834,800 312,600 139,484 52,475 695,316 260,125 32,587 10,316 45,458 186,926 3,151,000 123,800 1,099,100 5,521,300 32,587 20,632 80,912 326,090 3,118,413 103,168 1,018,188 5,195,210 341,035 98,300 649,069 550,769 Other Financing Sources (Uses) Transfers Transfers (to) from Capital Projects Fund ‐ ‐ (6,200,000) ‐ 6,200,000 Net Change in Fund Balance Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance 341,035 10,830,254 $ 11,171,289 (6,101,700) 12,203,388 $ 6,101,688 649,069 10,522,220 $ 11,171,289 6,750,769 (1,681,168) $ 5,069,601 Truckee River Flood Management Authority Capital Projects Fund ‐ Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Change in Fund Balance As of August 31, 2014 Current Month Budget Y‐T‐D Actual Variance Revenues Miscellaneous Revenue Federal Grants Investment Income Reimbursements Total Revenues $ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ $ ‐ ‐ 8,500 8,500 $ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ $ ‐ ‐ (8,500) (8,500) Expenditures Current Public Safety Services and Supplies Professional Services Payments to Other Agencies Other Capital Outlay Total Expenditures 220 ‐ 388 ‐ 608 ‐ 5,375,000 508,500 450,000 6,333,500 220 ‐ 541 ‐ 761 (220) 5,375,000 507,959 450,000 6,332,739 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures (608) (6,325,000) (761) 6,324,239 Other Financing Sources (Uses) Transfers In from General Fund ‐ 6,200,000 ‐ (6,200,000) Net Change in Fund Balance Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance (608) 1,173,320 $ 1,172,712 (125,000) 153,769 $ 28,769 (761) 1,173,473 $ 1,172,712 124,239 1,019,704 $ 1,143,943 Truckee River Flood Management Authority Combining Balance Sheet ‐ General Fund and Capital Projects Fund As of July 31, 2014 General Fund Capital Projects Fund Total $ 300,638 10,360,970 $ ‐ 2,015,322 $ 300,638 12,376,292 115,349 17,599 54,068 38,279 ‐ 42,378 $ 10,929,281 ‐ ‐ ‐ 6,027 ‐ 2,200 $ 2,023,549 115,349 17,599 54,068 44,306 ‐ 44,578 $ 12,952,830 $ 25,450 53,764 19,813 99,027 $ 845,229 ‐ 5,000 850,229 $ 870,679 53,764 24,813 949,256 Fund Balance Nonspendable Restricted Committed Assigned Unassigned Total Fund Balance 175,327 ‐ 1,079,582 7,248,840 2,326,505 10,830,254 2,200 1,171,120 ‐ ‐ ‐ 1,173,320 177,527 1,171,120 1,079,582 7,248,840 2,326,505 12,003,574 Total Liabilities and Fund Balance $ 10,929,281 $ 2,023,549 $ 12,952,830 Assets Cash Investment Pool Assets Held by Washoe County ICA Reserve Cash Held for Encumbrances Pending Interest and Other Receivables Due from Other Governments Prepaids and Security Deposits Total Assets Liabilities and Fund Balance Liabilities Accounts Payable Salaries Payable Deposits and Advance Payments Total Liabilities Truckee River Flood Management Authority General Fund ‐ Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Change in Fund Balance As of July 31, 2014 Revenues Intergovernmental Net Sales Tax ‐ Washoe County Miscellaneous Revenues Investment Income Rental Income Reimbursements Total Revenues Expenditures Current Public Safety Salaries and Wages Employee Benefits Services and Supplies Professional Services Overhead Paid to Washoe County Other Total Expenditures Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures Current Month Budget Y‐T‐D Actual Variance $ 456,604 $ 5,485,000 $ 456,604 $ (5,028,396) (20,128) 317 10,405 447,198 100,000 30,100 4,500 5,619,600 (20,128) 317 10,405 447,198 (120,128) (29,783) 5,905 (5,172,402) 67,201 26,194 834,800 312,600 67,201 26,194 767,599 286,406 ‐ 10,316 35,454 139,164 3,151,000 123,800 1,099,100 5,521,300 ‐ 10,316 35,454 139,164 3,151,000 113,484 1,063,646 5,382,136 308,034 98,300 308,034 209,734 Other Financing Sources (Uses) Transfers Transfers (to) from Capital Projects Fund ‐ ‐ (6,200,000) ‐ 6,200,000 Net Change in Fund Balance Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance 308,034 10,522,220 $ 10,830,254 (6,101,700) 12,203,388 $ 6,101,688 308,034 10,522,220 $ 10,830,254 6,409,734 (1,681,168) $ 4,728,566 Truckee River Flood Management Authority Capital Projects Fund ‐ Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Change in Fund Balance As of July 31, 2014 Current Month Budget Y‐T‐D Actual Variance Revenues Miscellaneous Revenue Federal Grants Investment Income Reimbursements Total Revenues $ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ $ ‐ ‐ 8,500 8,500 $ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ $ ‐ ‐ (8,500) (8,500) Expenditures Current Public Safety Services and Supplies Professional Services Payments to Other Agencies Other Capital Outlay Total Expenditures ‐ ‐ 153 ‐ 153 ‐ 5,375,000 508,500 450,000 6,333,500 ‐ ‐ 153 ‐ 153 ‐ 5,375,000 508,347 450,000 6,333,347 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures (153) (6,325,000) (153) 6,324,847 Other Financing Sources (Uses) Transfers In from General Fund ‐ 6,200,000 ‐ (6,200,000) Net Change in Fund Balance Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance (153) 1,173,473 $ 1,173,320 (125,000) 153,769 $ 28,769 (153) 1,173,473 $ 1,173,320 124,847 1,019,704 $ 1,144,551 Truckee River Flood Management Authority BOARD OF DIRECTORS STAFF REPORT MEETING DATE: October 10, 2014 DATE: September 30, 2014 TO: Truckee River Flood Management Authority Board Members THROUGH: Jay Aldean, Executive Director, TRFMA, 850-7470, [email protected] FROM: Mimi Fujii-Strickler, Government Affairs & Administrative Manager, TRFMA, 850-7474, [email protected] SUBJECT: TRUCKEE RIVER FLOOD MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY RENEWAL FOR FY 2014-2015. SUMMARY Discussion and possible action regarding the renewal or purchase of a General Insurance Liability policy through Lexington Insurance Company (Willis of Seattle, Broker) for The Truckee River Flood Management Authority for the period of November 2014 through November 2015. PREVIOUS ACTION October 14, 2011 Flood Project Coordinating Committee approved a General Liability Insurance Policy for the Truckee River Flood Management Authority with Lexington Insurance Company. November 9, 2012 Flood Management Authority approved a General Liability Insurance Policy for the Truckee River Flood Management Authority with Lexington Insurance Company. November 8, 2013 Flood Management Authority approved a General Liability Insurance Policy for the Truckee River Flood Management Authority with Lexington Insurance Company. AGENDA ITEM #5D Truckee River Flood Management Authority Meeting – October 10, 2014 Page 2 of 2 BACKGROUND The Flood Management Authority has retained their General Liability Insurance policy coverage through Lexington Insurance Company (Lexington) for the past three years. The policy coverage includes general liability, auto liability, public official’s liability, employment practices liability and public response crisis management. To date, and over the past three years of the general liability policy, no claims have been filed. In August of 2013, the Flood Management Authority selected Willis of Seattle, Inc. (Willis) as the agency brokerage firm to represent, manage and provide account services for all insurance policies for the Flood Management Authority. Last year, Willis solicited quotes from 13 other insurance carriers for renewal of the general liability insurance policy and no other quotes were submitted. Based on the lack of interest by other insurance carriers last year, it was decided to only solicit Lexington for a renewal quote for the upcoming 2014-2015 insurance policy period. At this time, all quotes from Lexington have been finalized as staff is working with Willis of Seattle, Inc. to secure the best insurance coverage policy for the Authority. Willis submitted a renewal quote for review by the Authority by the Lexington. The first quote is a renewal of the existing policy, and the additional quotes reflect the same policy coverages, but have different options for the self-insured retention and annual premium amounts. (See attached Comparison Chart) After reviewing all quotes and discussions with the account executives from Willis of Seattle, Inc. Insurance Company, staff recommends that the Flood Management Authority renew the Lexington Insurance Company general liability insurance policy with the self-insured retainer amount of $500,000 and an annual premium of $83,379.75 including taxes and fees for the insurance policy period of November 15, 2014 – November 15, 2015. FISCAL IMPACT The fiscal impact of the agenda item will be an insurance policy renewal premium in an amount recommended of $83,379.75 and approved by the Board of Directors. Funds for this agenda item have been budgeted and approved in the FY 14/15 services and supplies budget. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Flood Management Authority Board of Directors renew the Lexington Insurance Company general liability insurance policy with the self-insured retainer amount of $500,000 and an annual premium of $83,379.75 for the insurance policy period of November 15, 2014 – November 15, 2015. POSSIBLE MOTION A possible motion would be to approve the renewal of the Lexington Insurance Company general liability insurance policy with the self-insured retainer amount of $500,000 and an annual premium of $83,379.75 for the insurance policy period of November 15, 2014 – November 15, 2015. JA:mfs Attachment – Insurance Comparison Chart Truckee River Flood Management Authority BOARD OF DIRECTORS STAFF REPORT MEETING DATE: October 10, 2014 DATE: October 1, 2014 TO: Truckee River Flood Management Authority Board Members FROM: Danielle Henderson, Natural Resource Manager, TRFMA, 8507461, [email protected] THROUGH: Jay Aldean, Executive Director, TRFMA, 850-7470, [email protected] SUBJECT: WORKING GROUP MONTHLY REPORT SUMMARY The Truckee River Flood Management Authority (TRFMA) Working Group met on August 27, 2014 and discussed the topics identified in the meeting Agenda (Attachment 1). Approved minutes from the May 28, 2014 meeting are provided in Attachment 2. The Working Group is a dedicated group of citizens representing a wide variety of stakeholder interests; the group meets monthly to discuss various issues affecting the Flood Project. These meetings provide a forum that allows the public to share ideas and evaluate Flood Project alternatives and priorities. There is no official membership of the Working Group; all interested citizens are invited to attend and participate. PREVIOUS ACTION The Working Group monthly report was originally established as a standing agenda item by the Truckee River Flood Project Coordinating Committee and maintained as such by the TRFMA. FISCAL IMPACT None. RECOMMENDATION No recommendation is proposed. POSSIBLE MOTION No motion has been provided. Attachments: 1. TRFMA Working Group August 27, 2014 Meeting Agenda 2. TRFMA Working Group May 28, 2014 Meeting Minutes JA:dmh AGENDA ITEM #6 Truckee River Flood Management Authority WORKING GROUP MEETING Wednesday, August 27, 2014 — 3:00 to 5:00 pm LOCATION Truckee River Flood Management Authority (TRFMA) Office Main Conference Room 9635 Gateway Drive, Suite A, Reno, NV 89521 AGENDA 1. INTRODUCTIONS 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve Provisional Minutes of the Working Group (WG) Meeting of May 28, 2014. 3. ANNOUNCEMENTS 4. U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS’ ACTIVITIES Jay Aldean, TRFMA Executive Director Update/discussion on continuing project-related activities by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 5. DISCUSSION ON PROPOSED TRUCKEE RIVER LIDAR SURVEY Jay Aldean, TRFMA Executive Director Discussion on proposed work to perform aerial surveys of the Truckee River to capture LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) imagery of the river channel and banks per the existing September 2012 agreement with HDR Engineering Inc., which would be used to update the Flood Project hydraulic model and designs. 6. WORKING GROUP MEMBER REPORT Discussion on the WG Member Report to develop report content and seek member volunteer(s) to write and present the report at the next TRFMA Board of Directors meeting (Sept. 12, 2014). 7. WORKING GROUP MEMBER COMMENTS AND REQUESTS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Truckee River Flood Management Authority WORKING GROUP MEETING Wednesday, May 28, 2014 — 3:00 to 5:00 pm MEETING MINUTES Members Present: Name Representing Name Representing Dave Hollecker Trails West Cynthia Albright Stantec Consulting Jean Stone NDEP Paul Urban Self Scott Smith Kleinfelder Pat Martinez UNR Marge Frandsen Hidden Valley HOA Autumn Bryson PLPT Dan Stucky Atkins Kelly Rigby Flick Ranch Project Burnham Moffat Community Coalition TRFMA Staff Present: Jay Aldean, Ed Evans, Mimi Fujii-Strickler, Danielle Henderson 1. Introductions. A meeting of the Truckee River Flood Management Authority (TRFMA) Working Group (WG) was held at the TRFMA office located at 9635 Gateway Drive, Suite A, Reno, NV 89521. Attending members and staff introduced themselves. 2. Approval of Minutes. The minutes of the February 26, 2014 WG meeting were submitted for approval and the motion passed unanimously. 3. Announcements. No announcements were made. 4. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Activities. Jay Aldean (TRFMA) presented an updated project timeline (on file), focusing on the portion related to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) process leading up to project construction. The Water Reform and Resources Development Act (WRRDA) was recently approved; the Corps is now tasked with determining how to implement WRRDA (including Section 1036). It will take some time for the Corps to perform a legal review and develop specific procedures for implementation. The TRFMA plans to negotiate a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Corps to facilitate Corps review of our 100-yr flood protection plan. Mr. Aldean expects that TRFMA will have to pay for this review. As part of this process, the Corps would revise the 100-yr plan as needed so that it complies with Corps policies. A supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) would be prepared, which would include TRFMA’s 100-yr plan alternative. The supplemental EIS would be released; comments would be addressed following the standard National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process. The Corps would issue a new Record of Decision (ROD) for the supplemental EIS and would begin negotiating the Project Partnership Agreement (PPA) with TRFMA for final design and construction. Mr. Aldean estimated the timetable at 3 ½ years (aggressive) to 4-5 years to accomplish these tasks and begin major project construction. Discussion continued and members asked about the status of other ongoing projects (e.g., Virginia Street Bridge replacement, North Truckee Drain realignment, and the Southeast Connector [SEC] project being implemented by the Regional Transportation Commission [RTC]). Mr. Aldean responded that TRFMA is responsible for a variety of ongoing activities and tasks; however these were not shown on the timeline, which was focused on major processes and milestones that must be completed in order to begin Flood Project construction. Members asked if it would be possible to start construction earlier if TRFMA simply went ahead with the Corps 50-yr plan. Mr. Aldean responded by saying in that case, the local rate-making process would still be a limiting factor. The rate-making process is lengthy—in part because it involves making changes to the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) in order to facilitate fee collection—therefore it will be some time before sufficient funds are available for construction. The discussion ended and the group moved on to the next agenda item. 5. Flood Warning System Update. Ed Evans (TRFMA) narrated a slide presentation (on file) and provided a brief history of the Flood Warning System currently managed by TRFMA. Data collected from a network of stream gages maintained in part by TRFMA are used with weather forecast data to model storms and issue flood warnings to the Regional Emergency Operations Center (REOC) and general public. Mr. Evans identified the main parts of a standard stream gage and explained how it works. He also reviewed data from several existing gage stations as well as results from flood forecasting models. TRFMA depends on data from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the National Weather Service (NWS), and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to forecast potential flooding and issue flood warnings per the local Flood Warning Plan. Mr. Evans led a live demonstration of the real-time network data available on the web. He and the WG also discussed potential improvements and upgrades to the Flood Warning System, including new stream gage stations (e.g., Steamboat Creek at the Narrows, Galena Creek, and Whites Creek) and a TRFMA website redesign that would link the flood warning data to the website for convenient public viewing. After some time, the discussion ended and the group moved on to the next agenda item. 6. Amendment to HDR Engineering Contract. Mr. Aldean began by stating that a surplus of approximately $700,000 remained in the budget of the existing contract with HDR Engineering. The RTC SEC project shed new light on what may be needed to analyze such projects in the future and evaluate their potential impacts to the Flood Project. Additionally, the beta version of a new 2-dimensional module of the Hydrologic Engineering Center’s River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) was recently released for public use. Mr. Aldean proposed an idea to replace the existing Corps model with a new model using the 2D HEC-RAS module; which would be easier to set up, run faster, and allow experienced engineering firms to produce consistent results. Modeling results could be used to determine the economic benefits of the proposed local 100-yr flood plan (this information is needed to set local rates) as well as streamline the process for reviewing future developments and assessing potential impacts to the Flood Project. He also noted that utilizing government software (such as HEC-RAS, developed by the Corps Hydrologic Engineering Center) was preferable to proprietary software because there is no charge for its use and the software is maintained/updated by the government. Member Jean Stone (Nevada Division of Environmental Protection) noted that such modeling is currently being done for the Carson Valley. Mr. Aldean mentioned that HEC had been approached to do the work, but unfortunately the agency does not have time. Given the existing contract and budget surplus, HDR might be the next best choice. The Scope of Work (SOW) could be amended in order to allow HDR to perform the modeling work; sufficient funds remain in the budget to complete the necessary tasks. In response to members’ questions, Mr. Aldean stated that TRFMA would be ultimately responsible for retaining and running the new model. The agency would either hire staff or use a consultant for development reviews; the Board of Directors would make that decision in the future when funds are available to complete the work (via the flood fee collection program). TRFMA would require a significant backlog of work in order to justify an in-house staff position. At least in the short term, the agency would likely hire a consultant. A motion was made to recommend the TRFMA Board of Directors use the new 2D HEC-RAS software to set up a model to analyze Flood Project benefits (100-yr plan) and eventually review potential impacts from future development projects such as new subdivision developments. The motion passed unanimously. 7. Working Group Member Report. After some discussion, the group declined to prepare a formal report for the upcoming June 13, 2014 Board meeting. 8. WG Member Comments and Requests for Future Agenda Items. Danielle Henderson (TRFMA) called for additional comments and member requests; hearing none and there being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 5:00 PM. Respectfully submitted by, Danielle Henderson
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