SELWYN COLLEGE CHAPEL Events that Changed the World Sunday Evenings 6:00pm MICHAELMAS TERM 2014 selwyn chapel THE CHAPEL The Chapel provides a sacred space at the heart of the College for all members of Selwyn College and Newnham College to use as a place of prayer and reflection. The Chapel is open to all from early in the morning until late at night, and unless a service is taking place, silence is kept between 12:00noon and 1:00pm each day during Full Term. In addition to Sunday services, daily prayers are offered morning and evening on weekdays. Requests for prayer can be written on the intercessions board in the ante-chapel. The Dean of Chapel and Chaplain, Hugh Shilson-Thomas, is a priest in the Church of England. He is available to all members of College in confidence to lend a listening ear, provide support and engage with those exploring their spiritual lives. He can also put members of faiths other than Christianity in touch with their own faith communities. The Assistant Chaplain, Brett Gray, also a priest, is Chaplain at Newnham College as well. The Gosden and Frost Scholars and Ordinands on attachment are graduate students at Selwyn training for ordained ministry in the Church of England who undertake various duties in the Chapel. Others, detailed below, are among those who support the ministry of the Chapel in a variety of ways. PEOPLE IN CHAPEL Dean of Chapel & Chaplain Canon Hugh Shilson-Thomas D7, Tel. (3)35875 [email protected] Director of Music in Chapel Sarah MacDonald FRCO D17, Tel. (3)35877 [email protected] Assistant Chaplain The Revd Brett Gray Kennedy G02, Newnham [email protected] Tel. (3)35775 Choir Administrator Emma Gait D17. Tel (3)35877 [email protected] Chapel Administrator Monica Cameron D7, Tel. (7)46950 chapel-administrator Chapel Clerk Mark Bostock (mjb218) Chapel Flowers Chloe Valenti (cv244) Senior Organ Scholar John Bachelor (jb927) Junior Organ Scholar Shanna Hart (sh816) Frost Scholar Sam Hole (srh40) Gosden Scholar Stephen Edmonds (spe25) Ordinands on attachment Rachel Beck (rgb40) Lizzy Graham (eg455) Cécile Schnyder (cs774) Sacristans Louisa Denby (lrd23) Francesca Firth (fcnf2) Elaine Freer (ef269) Helen Griffith (hg340) Chapel Wardens Chloe Allison (ca415) Eliud Biegon (benl2) Ellis Clarke(efc29) Matt Draper (md605) Magali Krasny (mmgk3) Pawel Krasny (pkk29) Bron Lee (bal32) Hannah Warwicker (hlw45) FAITH SOCIETIES’ REPRESENTATIVES Information about other faith societies in the university, including information about the world faiths, can be obtained from the Dean of Chapel & Chaplain Christian Union Mike Hood (mjh248), Clayton Gillespie (cg535) – Selwyn Sarah Wiseman (sw628), Elspeth Thomas (ert36) – Newnham Methodist Society (MethSoc) Lucy Salter (ls473) – Selwyn and Newnham Catholic Chaplaincy (Fisher House) Francesca Firth (fcnf2) – Selwyn Rinna Keefe (ck440) and Rachel Decruz (rd449) – Newnham SCM (Student Christian Movement) Contact the Dean of Chapel for further information (hds21) _________________________________________________________________________________ Cover image: War Graves in Northern France (Photo: Hugh Shilson-Thomas) CHAPEL SERVICES DURING FULL TERM Sunday 9:30am 6:00pm College Communion with hymns and sermon – followed by breakfast (D7) Choral Evensong and Sermon – followed by drinks (Master’s Lodge) and supper Monday 8:30am 5.30pm Morning Prayer Evening Prayer Tuesday 8:30am 6:30pm Wednesday 8:30am 10:00pm Morning Prayer Choral Evensong & Microsermon (Choral Eucharist: 28 Oct) – followed by refreshments, before Hall Morning Prayer Compline (Choral Compline: 15 Oct, 19 Nov) Thursday 8:30am 6:30pm Holy Communion Choral Evensong (Choral Catholic Mass: 27 Nov) – before Hall Friday 8:30am 10:00pm Morning Prayer Informal Worship (see below) Holy Communion is said on the Sunday immediately after Full Term. Worship at 8.30am on weekdays is in the Upper Chapel, which at other times is reserved for quiet prayer (open to all, entry through the vestry and follow signs). All other services take place in the main Chapel. HOLY DAYS Holy Communion is celebrated on Feast Days, Festivals and other Holy Days: 28 Oct 2 Nov 23 Nov 30 Nov St Simon and St Jude All Saints’ Day Christ the King Advent Sunday 6:30pm 9:30am 9:30am 9.30am Choral Eucharist Holy Communion, hymns and sermon Holy Communion, hymns and sermon Holy Communion, hymns and sermon INFORMAL WORSHIP ON FRIDAY EVENINGS AT 10.00pm Week 3 (24 Oct), Week 6 (14 Nov) - Taizé Worship SPECIAL SERVICES THIS TERM The FRESHERS’ SERVICE takes place at 5:30pm on Sunday 5 October (preacher: the Dean of Chapel). Followed by a (free) Freshers’ Supper for new undergraduates at 6:30pm (New SCR). CHORAL COMPLINE by candlelight will be sung by the Choir on 15 Oct and 19 Nov at 10:00pm. A CATHOLIC MASS in Chapel will be organised by Fisher House on Thursday 27 Nov at 6:30pm, at which the Chapel Choir will sing (contact Francesca – fcnf2). On ALL SOULS DAY (2 Nov) the Chapel commences a week of remembrance of the First World War in its centenary year. After Evensong at 8:30pm there will be a reading of Wilfred Owen’s poetry in the Chapel by Roger Williams (SE 1958) accompanied by the Chapel Choir. There will be an exhibition on Selwyn and the Great War during the following week, and then on REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY, 9 November, at 6:00pm, the Chapel Choir will sing DURUFLÉ’S REQUIEM, during which those whose names are inscribed on the Chapel War Memorials will be remembered by name. Two minutes silence will be kept in Chapel on Tuesday 11 November at 11:00am. There will be a special service for ADVENT SUNDAY on Sunday 30 November at 6:00pm. CHRISTMAS CAROL SERVICES will take place on Thursday 4 December at 6:45pm, and on Sunday 7 December at 6:00pm. Details of how to apply for tickets will be made known to all resident members of Selwyn and Newnham. MICHAELMAS TERM SERMON SERIES - SUNDAYS AT 6:00pm “EVENTS THAT CHANGED THE WORLD” 12 Oct Trinity 17 The day we went online The Revd Brett Gray, Assistant Chaplain & Chaplain at Newnham 19 Oct Trinity 18 The Twin Towers: 9/11 and the ‘War on Terror’ Canon Hugh Shilson-Thomas, Dean of Chapel & Chaplain 26 Oct Last after Trinity (Bible Sunday) The Bible: words about the Word The Rev’d Kenneth Howcroft (SE 1969), President of the Methodist Conference 2 Nov All Saints/All Souls The Great War and the sacrifice of Christ Stephen Edmonds, Gosden Scholar & PhD student 9 Nov Remembrance CHORAL REQUIEM MASS: DURUFLÉ’S REQUIEM The World Wars: Remembrance and memorialisation The Revd Dr (Wg Cdr) Giles Legood, Staff Chaplain, RAF 16 Nov 2 before Advent The Reformation: Transformation in reformation Andrew Norman (SE 2009), Ordinand and recent JCR President 23 Nov Christ the King The Omagh bomb: Breaking dividing walls The Rev’d Ruth Adams, Vicar of St George’s, Chesterton -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CHAPEL MAILING LIST Details of all Chapel events are sent in a weekly Friday email to all from Selwyn and Newnham who join the Chapel email list. To sign up, contact Monica, the Chapel Administrator: [email protected]. The Chapel is also on Facebook (selwyn chapel). CHAPEL SUPPERS Sunday night services are generally the best-attended services of the week, followed by drinks in the Master’s Lodge. All Chapel-goers who have signed up are then welcome to come to the New SCR for Chapel Supper. Simply sign up on the list at the back of the Chapel by Wednesday or email [email protected]. Ends in time for SCMS (music society) concerts. Cost just £5 with drinks. A PLACE TO MAKE YOUR MARK An unusual Bible study group! Create space to explore the important issues in life, reflecting on particular bible passages using a variety of simple exercises using art materials, words and silence. All materials provided, and students , fellows and staff of all faiths and none are welcome. Wednesdays 8:00-10:00pm in D7 from 22 Oct-26 Nov, led by Cécile Schnyder (contact cs774 for more information). FILM NIGHTS, CHAPEL SOCIALS AND TIME OUT All who come to Chapel are welcome whenever people gather in D7 or elsewhere after Chapel services. Other Chapel socials will be advertised during the term, including opportunities for relaxation and occasional Film Nights on Fridays – look out for further details. THE SELWYN COLLEGE GRACES Benedic, Domine, nobis et donis Tuis, quae de Tua largitate sumus sumpturi; et concede ut iis muneribus Tuis ad laudem Tuam utamur, gratisque animis fruamur, per Jesum Christum Dominum nostrum. (Bless us, O Lord, and all your gifts, which of your goodness we are about to enjoy; grant that we may use these generosities to your glory, and enjoy them with thankful hearts, through Jesus Christ our Lord.) Amen. Benedicamus Domino. (Let us bless the Lord.) All: Laus Deo. (Praise be to God.) MUSIC FOR CHORAL SERVICES For a comprehensive list, including Responses, Hymns, Psalms, and Voluntaries, please see separate music list. Saturday 27 September INTROIT CANTICLES ANTHEM Choral Evensong – Alumni Association Weekend Abendlied – Rheinberger Darke in F Cantique de Jean Racine – Fauré Sunday 5 October INTROIT CANTICLES ANTHEM Choral Evensong – Freshers’ Welcome Service O joyful light – Paul Edwards Brewer in D A new song – James MacMillan Thursday 9 October CANTICLES ANTHEM Choral Evensong Blow in the Dorian mode Factum est silentium – Dering Sunday 12 October INTROIT CANTICLES ANTHEM Choral Evensong – TRINITY 17 A prayer of King Henry VI – Ley Howells in B minor Save us, O Lord, waking – Bairstow Tuesday 14 October CANTICLES ANTHEM Choral Evensong Stanford in B flat Seek him that maketh the seven stars – Jonathan Dove Wednesday 15 October INTROIT ANTHEM Choral Compline (10pm) Miserere nostri, Domine – Tallis Usquequo, Domine – Guerrero Thursday 16 October CANTICLES ANTHEM Choral Evensong Howard Helvey in B flat The law of the Lord – David Bednall Sunday 19 October INTROIT CANTICLES ANTHEM Choral Evensong – DEDICATION FESTIVAL Locus iste – Bruckner Darke in F Blessed city, heavenly Salem – Bairstow Tuesday 21 October CANTICLES ANTHEM Choral Evensong Mag Quinti Toni – Praetorius | Nunc – Plainsong Stay with us – Egil Hovland Thursday 23 October CANTICLES ANTHEM Choral Evensong Fifth Service – Tomkins Ne irascaris/Civitas sancti tui – Byrd Sunday 26 October INTROIT CANTICLES ANTHEM Choral Evensong – TRINITY 19 God be in my head – Benjamin Ponniah Runnymede Service – Andrew Downes O Lord, the maker of all thing – Ponniah Tuesday 28 October MASS SETTING ANTHEM Choral Eucharist – Ss Philip and James, Apostles Collegium Regale – Howells Os justi – Bruckner Thursday 30 October CANTICLES ANTHEM Choral Evensong Cyril Rootham in E minor Evening Hymn – Balfour Gardiner Sunday 2 November INTROIT CANTICLES ANTHEM Choral Evensong – ALL SOULS’ DAY Justorum animae – Byrd Magnificat – Arvo Pärt | Nunc dimittis – Tye Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen – Brahms Tuesday 4 November CANTICLES ANTHEM Choral Evensong Purcell in A minor Jehovah quam multi sunt hostes mei – Purcell Thursday 6 November CANTICLES ANTHEM Choral Evensong Wood in E flat No. 2 Cantique de Jean Racine – Fauré Sunday 9 November REQUIEM ANTHEM Choral Requiem Mass – REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY Requiem Opus 9 – Duruflé For the fallen – Douglas Guest Tuesday 11 November CANTICLES ANTHEM Choral Evensong – Armistice Day Phillip Cooke in C# minor Dulce et decorum est – Alex Patterson Thursday 13 November CANTICLES ANTHEM Choral Evensong (Men’s voices) Fauxbourdons on Tone VII – Tallis (arr. SEAM) In manus tuas I – Shepherd (arr. SEAM) Sunday 16 November INTROIT CANTICLES ANTHEM Choral Evensong – SECOND BEFORE ADVENT Super flumina Babylonis – Palestrina Second Service – Byrd Care for thy soul – Pilkington Tuesday 18 November CANTICLES ANTHEM Choral Evensong Truro Service – Philip Stopford Like as the hart – Howells Wednesday 19 November INTROIT ANTHEM Choral Compline (10pm) In pace, in idipsum – Tye Christe, qui lux es et dies IV – Whyte Thursday 20 November CANTICLES ANTHEM Choral Evensong (Women’s Voices) Mag Quarti Toni – Perlatio | Nunc – Plainsong I waited for the Lord – Mendelssohn Saturday 22 November Recital (7pm) – ST CECILIA (music by Britten, Howells, and Purcell) Sunday 23 November INTROIT CANTICLES ANTHEM Choral Evensong – FEAST OF CHRIST THE KING Hosanna to the Son of David – Weelkes Collegium Regale in F – Wood Christus vincit – James MacMillan Tuesday 25 November CANTICLES ANTHEM Choral Evensong Third Service – Philip Moore Abendlied – Rheinberger Thursday 27 November MASS SETTING ANTHEM Choral Eucharist Stanford in G (arr. SEAM) Let all mortal flesh keep silence – Bairstow Sunday 30 November Advent Procession – ADVENT SUNDAY Tuesday 2 December CANTICLES ANTHEM Choral Evensong Short Service – Byrd Rorate coeli desuper – Byrd Thursday 4 December & Sunday 7 December College Carol Services
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