Steam Traps BK 45, BK 45-U, BK 45-LT, BK 46 PN 40

Danish State-of-Art on
Micro and Macro Algae
Lars Nikolaisen, B.Sc. (Mech.Eng.) Danish Technological Institute.
Lone Thybo Mouritsen M.Sc. Ocean Centre Denmark
Annette Bruhn, PhD. Aarhus University
15th of May 2012.
1st Workshop in Nordic Algae Network
Blue Lagoon, Iceland
e-mail: [email protected]
Overview over Danish activities
• Key-actors: Danish Technological Institute, Aarhus University, Ocean Centre
Denmark, AlgeCenter Danmark, Algae Innovation Centre (Poul Madsen), Marifood
(Rasmus Bjerregård), DTU-Environment, University of Southern Denmark. More
actors are active.
• Projects: Ulva lactuca for Energy, Algae for Biogas, Macro Algae Biorefinery, New
Ingrediense and Green Energy, Waste Water Treatment with Macro and Micro
algae and others.
• Networks: The Danish Seaweed Network (Dr. Susan L. Holdt), Nordic Algae
Network (DTI), Business Network (Ocean Centre)
AlgaeCenter Denmark
Four partners: Danish Technological Institute, Aarhus University,
Ocean Centre Denmark, The Kattegatcentre
Havets Hus/Ocean Centre Denmark
• Ocean Centre Denmark is a coming research, business development
and knowledge dissemination centre
• The partners behind Ocean Centre Denmark is Aarhus University,
Norddjurs Municipality and the Kattegatcentre (a large public
• Ocean Centre Denmark will consist of:
• Research facilities
• Facilities for businesses
• An aquarium where marine biology, ecology and the latest
research and innovation will be communicated to the public and
to school children
Business network
• Ocean Centre Denmark has started a network for businesses and
researchers who are all interested in integrating algae in a very wide
array of products (food, feed, energy, ingredients, agriculture)
• 14 businesses are part of the network and 9 researchers and
• The businesses are quite different and not competing but still have a
common interest in:
• Sourcing Danish algae biomass for their production
• Possibly starting a Danish production of algae
• Exchange knowledge about challenges using/sourcing/storing
etc. algae biomass
Macro Algae Biorefinery
A new Danish funded project . Budget 24 million DKK
• The Hypothesis in the project are:
• 1) Two brown macroalgae (Saccarina latissima and Laminaria digitata)
can be upgraded to energy carriers (either bioethanol, buthanol or
biogas) by conversion of 80% of the fermentable sugars, leaving
behind a concentrated solid fraction rich in protein and lipids, which
can be used for fish feed.
• 2) A substantial amount (90%) of the remaining, undigested sugars
i.e. the C5 sugars can be converted to additional value-added amino
acids (isoleucine and arginine) for fish feed supplement.
Macro Algae Biorefinery- Structure
WP1: Cultivation and
WP2: Pretreatment and
WP3: Liquid biofuels.
Ethanol and butanol
WP4: Gaseous biofuel
and amino acids
WP5: Fish feed
WP6: Sustainability and
WP7: Dissemination
Danish Seaweed Network
• Aim:
The Seaweed Network in Denmark aims to promote the production, application, communication and knowledge of seaweed, and also strengthen the national collaboration
Tang som food og non-food
The network group started in winter 2008 (see ”tangnettet”) in Danish
Invitation til tangnetværksmøde
mandag d. 23. marts kl. 16
DTU Aqua
Søltoft plads bygning 221,
lokale 237 (2. sal)
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
16.00 Velkomst
Præsentationsrunde af fremmødte
Tang i køkkenet
Ole G. Mouritsen
Forfatter og professor SDU
Dansk tang i helsekost
Now 226 members from industry, universities,
restaurants, organizations, local and national authorities,
and persons that work with or have interest in seaweed
Torben Sønnichsen
Den gode kemi i tang
Susan L. Holdt
DTU Aqua
6 meetings and 6 newsletters
Plantestoffer og Sundhed
Hvad arbejder de med på
Institut for Kemi-, Bio- og
Miljøteknologi, SDU
Xavier Fretté/Bent Lyager
ca. 18.00 En lille anretning og snak
Hypoglossum sp.
foto: Susan L.Holdt
Tilmelding til Susan senest ons. d. 18. marts
på email: [email protected] eller 2627 2707
Fundings from LMC:
Centre for Advanced
Food Studies
US$ 20,000
No member fee
No administrative costs
Danish Seaweed Network
• Meetings and recommendations
Future cultivation of seaweed in DK
Seaweed as food and non-food
Seaweed in food
Seaweed now and in the future
Recommendations for seaweed for bioenergy and food
Next…. Recommendations for seaweed production (incl. biofilter), feed and cosmetic applications
Recommendations aimed at guiding:
• General public
• Tenders:
Research grants
• Local authorities
• National politicians in Denmark
The Seaweed Netork in Denmarks´members distributed by affiliation, Holdt 2011
Natural Ingredients and Green Energy
• Innovation consortium: UpFront Chromatography • Aquaporin • DSS Silkeborg •
Agro Korn • CEBI • Launis Fiskekonserves • Jens Møller Products • Aller Aqua •
University of Southern Denmark •Technical University of Denmark• Aarhus University •
Danish Technological Institute
• 1) High value products (proteins, antioxidants, pigments) can be
extracted from waste products and algae using sustainable
extraction processes
Red algae pigments – effects of light and nutrients
• 2) Residues can be used for anaerobic digestion to biogas or
EU FP7: Italy • Jordan • India • Sweden • Holland • Latvia • Spain • Denmark
(Aarhus University • Danish Technological Institute)
• 1) Bio waste products with high nitrogen content will be used for
cultivation of algae
• 2) Algae and bio waste will be used for production of biogas
• 3) Residues from biogas production will be used for soil
• 4) Biogas will be upgraded to Liquid Biogas (LBG)
The Ulva lactuca project in brief
• Danish funding from government owned
• Total budget: DKK 10.437.000, (Euro 1.400.000)
• support: DKK 8.500.000 , (Euro 1.133.000)
• Duration: April 2008 until October 2011
• Contract holder: Danish Technological Institute (DTI)
Key actors:
Anne-Belinda Bjerre, Lars Nikolaisen, Jonas Dahl, DTI
Henrik Bangsøe Nielsen, Zsofia Kadar, Stefan Heiske, DTU Risø
Per Ambus, Kristian Albert Rost, DTU Risø
Michael Bo Rasmussen, Annette Bruhn, Dept. of Biosciense, Aarhus
• Bo Sander, Erik Ravn Schmidt, DONG Energy
• Karin Svane Bech, Torben Brødsgaard, Peter Daugbjerg Jensen, DTI
Purpose of the Ulva project
• Production potential of Ulva
• Growth of Ulva in basins
• Effect of CO2 / flue gas from Power Plants to boost the growth
• Energy potential of Ulva
• Physical and chemical characterisation of Ulva
• Pretreatement for fermentation, combustion and gasification
• Bioethanol /Butanol production
• Biogas production
• Biofuel for Power Plants
– corrosion, emissions, waste water, flue gas cleaning, ash products
• Recommandations for Ulva production in basins at Power Plants
• Financial evaluation of Ulva for energy purpose
Yield in Tons DM/ha/year
First Ulva lactuca growth test.
Summer 2008
Growth test in basins with 1, 4, 6, and 8 kg Ulva pr m²
Measurements of N, P, pH, oxygen content in water, temperature
Fresh salt water replacement 8 times pr 24 hours
Fertilizer: N,P and K
Linksys Wireless-G PTZ Internet Camera with Audio.url
Production potential Ulva
Dept. of Biosciense test
• Annual yield in tanks: 45 tons DM/ ha/year
• Increased yield by 21% when bubbled with flue gas
• No negative effect from flue gas on biochemistry measured
• C:N ratio increased by nitrogen starvation
• Optimum biomass density (shadow effect): 4 kg FW/m² basin
Ash analysis of dry Ulva
DTI test
Elements in ash (without Oxygen in the oxides )
Overall conclusions
of the Ulva project
1. Annual yield is 4-5 times land based energy crops.
2. Potential for increased yield when bubbling with flue gas.
3. Ethanol / butanol can be produced from pretreated Ulva of C6 and - for
butanol - also C5 sugars. Fermentation inhibitors are easily removed by
screw pressing.
4. Methane yields of Ulva is at a level between cow manure and energy crops.
5. Thermal conversion of Ulva is possible with special equipment
6. Co-firing of Ulva with coal in power plants is limited due to high ash
7. Production of Ulva only for energy purpose at power plants is too costly
8. N2O emission has been observed in lab scale, but not in pilot scale
Future perspective for
macro algae
• 1. Production of macro algae only for energy purpose is too costly
• 2. Large scale production of macro algae must be off-shore.
• 3. A biorefinery concept is needed to extract high value products as
proteins, food & feed ingredients, materials etc. before end use for
• 4. Macro algae is the new biomass ressource for the next decades.
Thank you for your attention