Oct. 12, 2014-‐-‐St. Anthony the Great Orthodox Church, Rock Hill, SC 18th Sunday a,er Pentecost -‐ Commemora6on of the Holy Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical Council; Martyrs Probus, Tarachus, and Andronicus Today -‐ We honor the Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical Council, 8th century. This was the final council to be considered “universal” by the Orthodox Church. The defining issue was the correct teaching on icons as essenIal to the Orthodox faith, and affirming the “making representaIonal painIngs (icons), which is in accord with the history of the preaching of the Gospel, as confirming the real and not merely imaginary incarnaIon of God the Word . . .” Today also -‐ we will take a special offering for Jesse Brandow and his mission work in Guatemala. He will speak aTer Vespers on Wednesday evening. This week Wednesday, Oct. 15, 6:00 p.m., Vespers Service and presenta6on by OCMC missionary candidate (to Guatemala) Jesse Brandow (see flyer on back) Friday, Oct. 17, 7:00 p.m. Vespers at St. Luke Orthodox Church in Mooresville (134-‐A Talbert Pointe Blvd., Mooresville, NC, 28115), on the occasion of their parish feast day (St. Luke). We are invited! See the informaIon on the table. Talk to Fr. Adam if you are intending to go, to share rides. Sat., Oct. 18, 1:00 p.m., Inquirers’/Catechism Class, Chandler Place, 745 Dilworth Lane Looking ahead Next Sunday, Oct. 19 -‐ Parish Council meeIng aTer coffee hour Saturday, October 25, 7:00 -‐ 10:00 p.m., Wine tasIng and hors d’oeuvres to benefit IOCC: St. Sarkis Armenian Church, 7000 Park Road, Charlofe, NC, 28210; guest speaker Lou Zagami, IOCC Development Officer; $30 per person (go to iocc.org/charlofe); quesIons, call Laura Nixon, 704-‐366-‐5883. Nov. 2nd (Sunday evening) -‐ OCM prayer service at Winthrop, 6:00 p.m. Looking behind! Our picnic last week was a blessed and fun event, with great food, great turn-‐out of families, and great games. Thank you to all who worked hard to make it so enjoyable. Volunteer at Project Hope Talk to Fr. Adam or Ginger about this construcIve and meaningful service opportunity. Visitors and the Sacrament of Holy Communion: If you are visiIng today and are not a member of the Orthodox Church, your presence and prayers with us are most welcome! Yet due to the nature of the sacrament, only Orthodox ChrisIans who are acIve in the Church may receive holy communion. (But don’t be surprised if someone hands you a piece of the blessed bread that is taken aTer communion, of which all may partake, even if not a member of the Orthodox Church.) Please introduce yourself to one of the priests and tell him a lifle about your own faith background, if any, sign our guest book, and stay for the coffee hour to follow. Loca6on: 3075 Long Meadow Road, Rock Hill, SC; Mail: c/o Fr. Paul Coats, 4695 Hannah Dr., Rock Hill, SC 29732; Contact: Fr. Paul Coats (Gerianne), Priest-‐in-‐charge, 803-‐980-‐4695, [email protected]; Fr. Adam Horstman (Trish) Assistant Priest, 740-‐464-‐0438, [email protected]; Website: www.rockhilloca.org
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