Water PrepLC4000 94-1 PreparativeChromatography System Product Bulletin Routine isolation of natural, organic synthetic, or Waters P_epLC4000 Preparative Chromatography Systemcombines I.D. to 50 mm I.D. and larger. biochemical products, milligram to muhigram high-resolution isolation capability with tke best price/ performance ratio of any preparative HPIC system_Tile PrepLC 4000 System ls ideal for routinely isolat;ng natural, organc synthetic, cr biochemical oroducts. Yo,_carl automate your pu"ification protocol by programming the 4000 psi backpressure capability across the entire flow rate range allows you to _,secolumn packings in a wide range of partde diameters: from 3tJmon up. In addition, tubing can be easily in_erchanged to ta;Ior the fluid path for any separation scale. system to repetitively perform all isolation tasks from sample loading to purification to cdumn clean-up, Flexibility. • Flow rates from 0.5 ml/ rain up to 150 ml/min. Wi,h Waters exclusive timing chacges as flow rate char,ges assuring you of reproducible mobile phase compositions across lhe entire flow rate range for all your separations, small or large. Waters D,ws,on ol MiLl IPORF ,t , • Change column s;ze from 3.9 mm • Change solvent conditions. Perform isocra_icor multi-solvent(up to four so:vents)gradient separations and pick from among 11 preprogramrned gradient curves. ................... _ ¢ , " : Automated system control. • Setup operating paramelers,edit and crea_egradientand timed eventmethodsfroma singlekeyboard. • Totalsystemintegrationthrough Powerline'"controlof lhe pumping system,exlernaleventsand UV detector. • Completemethoddocumentation usingWaters 746 DataModule High-ResolutionSyntheticPeptidePurification 04 0 3 Somplo_ :.,0,--_:._ _,.n' ......."_r,:_d._ Column: Spher,cc:! ": ._ 5: 3(','0,_, 30 X 300ram FI....... ._C' ,-_l,"r-_n Backpressure: Detection: 3,600 psi .;v @ 214 rm Gradient: ._ _()% ....... .r,.:,.q:(_,.z(.}::_ Tr/,. 90 m 02 Wok t0 Versatile fluid handling. • Fourautomatedsolventinlets, or Maxima 825 Chromatography one manualsolventinlet. • Convenient,automatedsample injectionfor large samplevolumes. • Flow rate rangeaccommodates 0 "' 0 t jl I ....... _0 20 I 30 40 Vj__, so 60 ?0 M_outes OD,c:,;nthe h/clhes_ resolutionposs:bleby us,ng5i;m pc_tt_c,es pac'.<eain preparat:vecolumns a wide range of columnsizes. • Automatedsealwash maximizes seal life. Specifications Dimensions: Power: 29': Lx 14" W x 22" H 110 or 220V AC Manual Loop Injector. • Convenientmanual injectorfor makingsingleinjectionswhen developing methodsor checking the purityof preparativefractions. Temperatures: Ooeraling: 4 ° - 40°C Storage:0° - 50°C 4000psi (0.5 - 150 ml/rnin) 316 stainlesssteel, -[eflon, sapphire,ruby Filled PI-I-L Variety of Columns. In addition to stainlesssteeland glass columns,pre-packedPrepPak _:''cartridgesare available in a variety of sizesand chemistries.A PrepPak 1O00 Module isrequired to use PrepPakcartridges. Waters D_ws_on of MllLIPORE Waters ChromalographyDivision Millipore Corporation 34 Maple Milford, MAStreet 01757 (508) 478-2000 Maximumpressure: Wetted surfaces: Sealmaterial: Externalevents: Outputs: Inputs: 4 eventout (+ 12V or ground) 1 hold 1 chartout (%A,%B,%C, %D,flow) 1 pressureout 1 injector 1 stop flow 1 hold Ordering Information. Cat. No. PrepLC4000 PreparativeChromatographySystem 37155 includescabinet, systemcontroller,fluid handling unit, manual loop injector, and start-upkit. Options: Waters 486/IEEE TunableAbsorbance PrepUV Deteclor, Variable 190 mm-600 mm 80642 PrepCell for usewith Waters 440/441 89599 UV Detectors 401 PreparativeRefractiveIndex Detector SE_ 120 2-PenRecorder 48503 40307 ,,.,,_: ......,,,,,_f_..: ......:_,,._.:,,,_:_,,,_. ............. _,..,:_._ Waters 746 DataModule _?,v,,.:_.,_c ...... -_:,o,_ f:..-'_:.:_':,oor?_'o,,_,,:,Jo,,,,,_ _ Waters FractionCollectorWith InterfaceCables M'll'lx)f_: Coffx_:a:,or S_- _ a r_(r s'e_l _(:.':e_r_: _ ¢: !:,'cw; 54100 37040 !:_,,,,.-:.,o co.,,::.o,.., ,'._T:_,',v,.,',"J..'-_._.X:U_ ::...... ..... s a _!_ s'.".":: "':::_u'_.':_k d F: <fi '_onl dr: Diverter..Valve 37041 ",. ......: sco ©_,oo.,..,,,,',,_:o._, co,p.--,,_,, ...... .,,::_ ........ u s.:. N ( _ 9.'_(',, O,,'O' (4/90) 4.:. Preparative-Raclf, (120 fractionsmax.) PreparativeFunnelAdaptor (30 fractionseach)Max. of four adap_orsper rack PreparativeStand 37060 37046 A._s" <.1 ldloq 37050
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