Port of Esbjerg September 2013 RULES OF NAVIGATION AND ORDER Port of Esbjerg 1 Rules of order are maintained in accordance with the Statutory Order on standard regulations for the maintenance of good order in Danish commercial harbours together with its Appendix 1 (Standard regulations for maintenance of good order in Danish commercial harbours), latest amended by Act. No. 457 of 23/05/2012. This amended Statutory Order, which has been issued in pursuance of Section 15 of the Act on Ports no. 457 of 23 of may 2012 was approved by the Danish Coastal Authority in letter dated August 13 2013 in accordance with section 2/2 §7 in act no. 580 of 29/05/2013 concerning the Danish Coastal Authority’s tasks and powers etc. The Statutory Order shall come into force 14 days after Danish Maritime Authority’s publication in Notices to Mariners. With regard to the port area and the marked channels leading to the port, the following additional provisions shall apply. The approach to the Port of Esbjerg from the North Sea is by way of a dredged channel over Graadyb Bar and through Graadyb, navigation of which is subject to the provisions of Departmental Order no. 779 of 18 August 2000 issued by the Danish Maritime Authority. Port area The land areas bordering Esbjerg town. The associated sea area bounded by the following positions (WGS84): a) 55°29,17' N 8°24,74' E b) 55°28,79' N 8°23,52 'E c) 55°28,63' N 8°24,14' E d) 55°28,29' N 8°24,59' E e) 55°27,86' N 8°24,92' E f) 55°27,16' N 8°25,62' E g) 55°26,51' N 8°28,13' E h) 55°27,04' N 8°29,37' E 2 i) 55°27,29' N 8°29,67' E The port’s sea area is defined by a line drawn through the above positions a) - i). See Danish chart 95. INT 1451 The port consists of a number of basins and tidal quays, known by the following names (from north-west to south-east), cf. attached port plan: 6. Bassin (Basin no. 6) 5. Bassin (Basin no. 5) 2. Bassin (Basin no. 2) 1. Bassin (Basin no. 1) Trafikhavn (Traffic harbour) Færgehavn (Ferry harbour) Dokhavn (Dock harbour) Sønderhavn (South harbour) Østerhavn (East harbour) Australienkaj (Australia quay) Atlantkaj (Atlant quay) Arieskaj (Aries quay) Tauruskaj (Taurus quay) Geminikaj (Gemini quay) Leokaj (Leo quay) Virgokaj (Virgo quay) Librakaj (Libra quay) Rules of Navigation Navigation within the port’s sea area and over Graadyb Bar is at all times subject to the rules of navigation etc. in certain Danish territorial waters laid down by the Danish Maritime Authority, currently Order no. 779 of 18 August 2000, but with the following supplements: 3 Graadyb Bar: If two approaching vessels cannot pass each other without danger, then according to §§ 11 and 14 the inbound vessel must wait. Port of Esbjerg: If two vessels cannot pass each other without danger, the vessel that will depart from pier shall wait with departure, until a ship sailing in the channel has passed, regardless of it is inbound or outbound, according to §2, section 2 and §13, section 2. Compulsory pilotage The Danish Pilotage ACT no. 567 of 09/06/2006 Section 4. In internal and external territorial waters there is an obligation for ships to use a pilot if they: 1) Are carrying oil or have uncleaned cargo tanks that have not been rendered safe with inert air, 2) Are carrying chemicals, 3) Are carrying gases, 4) Have more than 5,000 t bunker oil onboard or 5) Are carrying highly radioactive material. According to Act no. 449 of 10 may 2012 The Danisch Pilote Act § 4 is not in force for: Offshore support vessels, there in accordance with international definitions are transporting following products in bulk: a) Acetic acid b) Hydrochloric acid c) Hydrofluoric acid d) Liquid carbon dioxide or e) Liquid nitrogen. 4 Subsection 2. The Danish Maritime Authority specifies, in accordance with international definitions, what is understood by the cargos mentioned in subsection 1. Subsection 3. The Danish Maritime Authority specifies more detailed rules on the exemption of certain ships from the obligation to use a pilot. Subsection 4. The Danish Maritime Authority specifies more detailed rules on exemption from the obligation to use a pilot in certain waters. Present Notification no. 449 of 10/05/2012: §1 Pilotage is compulsory for certain towing and towed vessels navigating in dredged channels or marked navigation channels, into or when passing harbours or pilot stations. Subsection 2. If the towed vessel is unmanned, or if the vessel is not under its own power, the towing vessel must take on a pilot. Subsection 3. A vessel which pursuant to Subsections 1 and 2 must take a pilot can be exempt herefrom if: 1) The gross tonnage of the towed vessel is less than 150, 2) The length (l.o.a.) of the towed vessel is less than 28 m, Subsection 4. Vessels being towed or is towing from berth to berth within area of the same harbour, do not have to use pilot. Cargo and Passenger Vessels All vessels shall announce their arrival to Port Control well in advance either by phone +45 76 12 40 00, fax +45 75 13 31 67, E-mail [email protected] or by calling Port Control on VHF channel 12. The following information must be given: ship’s name, call sign, home port, draught, last port of call, purpose of the call and name of master. 5 Vessels preparing to depart or shift to another berth shall at least 15 minutes ahead of time obtain permission to do so by calling Port Control on VHF channel 12. If departure or shift of berth is delayed by more than 10 minutes, a corrected message shall be sent to Port Control without delay. All vessels equipped with VHF shall keep watch on channel 12 when under way in the approach channel and the port basins and report their position according to the rules of the Position Reporting System. Fishing vessels Fishing vessels may only use the Fishing Harbour (Basins 1-2-5 and 6) unless otherwise agreed with Port Control and shall keep watch on VHF channel 12. Fishing vessels are also covered by the Port’s Position Reporting System. Pleasure Crafts Pleasure crafts may only use the marina facilities in Basin no. 2. Vessels unfamiliar with the area may seek information on hydrographic and navigational matters on VHF channel 12 or by telephone. All pleasure craft with VHF must keep watch on channel 12 when navigating the port area. Pleasure craft of 100 GT and above, equipped with VHF, are also covered by the Port’s Position Reporting System. ISPS information Beyond the information required under the “Statutory order on standard regulations for maintenance of good order in Danish commercial harbours”, (Act. No. 1146 of 25/11/2004), vessels calling at secure port facilities must supply the following information prior to arrival: 1. whether the vessel possesses a valid certificate (International Ship Security Certificate). 6 2. which security level the vessel is currently operating at. 3. whether the ship has called at a non-secure port facility within the last ten calls. (cf. “SOLAS Convention, Chapter XI-2”) Position Reporting System For safety reasons a position reporting system has been established between Graadyb Bar and the Port of Esbjerg. This is to ensure that vessels navigating the said reach are informed about other vessels’ movements. The reporting system operates with the following checkpoints: 1. Passing lightbuoy nos. 1 and 2. 2. L/B nos. 13 and 14. 3. Port of Esbjerg. The following rules apply: 1. The reporting system applies to all vessels of 100 GT and above and equipped with VHF. Position reports must be transmitted over VHF channel 12. 2. From 15 minutes prior to departure, vessels lying in the Port shall keep watch on VHF channel 12, and information on departure shall be reported to Port Control on the same channel. All vessels shall keep watch on VHF channel 12 when navigating between Graadyb Bar and the Port of Esbjerg. 3. When passing lightbuoys nos. 1 and 2 inbound, a vessel shall report the following information: ship’s name, sailing direction (inbound or outbound), position, draught and name of master. On departure from the Port of Esbjerg the number of the berth must also be reported. 7 4. When a vessel sailing in the opposite direction hears a transmission falling under point 3, it must respond by identifying itself by name, sailing direction (inbound or outbound), position and draught, in order to allow the two approaching vessels to negotiate a safe passage. 5. For the sake of foreign vessels navigating this reach, the language of communication shall as far as possible be English. Mooring Mooring lines reaching across quay access ways, thoroughfares etc. must not be established without permission from Port Control. Markings on such mooring lines shall comply with Road Traffic Act rules. Bunkering Prior to the start of bunkering within the port area, the bunker barge and the receiving vessel shall take all necessary precautions to avoid an oil spill. For each bunkering operation, the time of commencement and completion, the names of the bunker barge and the receiving vessel, the quantity and site of the bunkering operation shall be notified to Port Control on VHF channel 12 or by phone +45 76 12 40 00. In the event of an oil spill or discharge the vessel shall stop the spill or discharge instantly and shall be responsible for an effective clean up. According to act. no. 573 dated 18/06/2008 Admiral Danish Fleet immidiatly must be informed. Port Control shall be informed immediately and its instructions complied with. In the event of major spills or discharges, a call must also be made to Emergency Services on 112, cf. “Statutory Order on standard regulations for maintenance of good order in Danish commercial harbours”. 8 Every vessel used for supplying bunkers shall have a manual describing the bunkering procedure, including operation of the emergency stop, action to be taken in the event of oil spills and the procedures for reporting to the authorities. This manual must be produced on demand. Noise limits in certain parts of Port of Esbjerg. According to the local district plan for the Dokken-area it is a demand that noise all the hours must not exceed 60 dB(A) at the quayside. This is in force for berth numbers 307,308,309, 310 and 401. Vessels alongside these berths must comply with this demand. Secure port areas Pedestrians, vehicular traffic and all sea-borne traffic must follow the Port’s instructions regarding access to ISPS facilities. Disregard of Port rules may lead to police action for trespass to private property. Contact information Esbjerg Port Control, Hulvejen 1, 6700 Esbjerg, Denmark Phone +45 76 12 40 00, Fax. +45 75 13 31 67 E-mail [email protected] Fines Pursuant to the Statutory Order on standard regulations for maintenance of good order in Danish commercial harbours, § 3 (2), it is hereby determined that breach of rules regarding mooring, bunkering and the secure port areas may be penalised by levying a fine. The present regulations were amended on 12th of September 2013. 9 J VE MO LE IEVE J OL G EJ EV MOL No. 15B AD RG E EK LD SI IPPE SK AJ TO SP KA NG BI KI VI IER J No. 17 G TO BI AJ SK LING ER J VE KA GER G DO SP J J HA VE VD GA DE MES UH VE J RO SK FI GAD E EB ESBJERG 1 AJ GK ISIN PIER EJ EV IG VS E.BL H. AJ YK DE NE GA NS ORK AV IH ER HA ER NG ILLI HV ST AJ NK VE MPE FISK TA R PIE 1 No. 19 AD G NG GA EN EJ SV TR KA NS AV KH AFI J Trafikhavn MG STOR ADE ERKAJ CONTAIN No. 20 EJ AU SV ZEN RIT D.L DOKVEJ TO LD BO NO RD RE DVE J AJ R KK SKAJ STIKVEJE E ENGL ANDS KAJ E 20 N TAURUSVEJ HUMBERKAJ R Sonderhavn J EJ EJ VE J ENVEJ AUSTRALI CANADAVE J DA IENV AMERIKAV NA AS AFRIKAVEJ EUROPAKA SAHARA CA ATLA VENT US VEJ NTKA J AM ER IKAV EJ AU ST RA LIEN KA J No. 27 Under construction GRUSVEJ AR IESK AJ G J OKA AJ AK TA BR RG VI No. 29 LI UR US KA J ,5 10 NIKA AJ GE MI J 10 ,5 LEOK No. 25 G VE J G US G UR No. 23 ESTRUPVEJ VESTKRAF TGAD DO VESTKRAF TKAJ FRANKRIG EN BACONKAJ No. 22 TA No. 21 DO KK VESTRE DOKKA J G AJ SK IU 9,3 ORP SC G CA PR ICOR NK No. 31 AJ 7,3 No. 33 Esbjerg Havn Luftfoto juni 2012 September 2013 Approaches LA NG LI SKALLINGEN No. 18 No. 16 R YB G No. 15A Jerg G G No. 15B No. 14 No. 17 R G No. 13 G ESBJERG No. 19 G Trafikhavn No. 12 R No. 11 G FANO No. 20 G No. 21 R No. 22 R Sonderhavn Y No. 10 No. 23 R G No. 9 No. 8 G G No. 25 G Under construction No. 27 G No. 29 R BY No. 7 G No. 31 No. 6 No. 33 R G No. 5 No. 4 R G No. 3 No. 2 R No. 1 BY i rw Fa RW m ,3 10 ay 0 2000 m Esbjerg Havn Oversigt Indsejlingen September 2013 T:\03_BRUGERE\Havnevagten\Shipping Guide\2013\Shipping Guides Juli 2013.dwg 1000 MO LE VE J NN N GE IN SI 0 6, AJ EK 4,4 L D 4,4 5 7, 5. 4 ,4 5 5, 7 6, VI IER SP J KA NG KI 4 4, BI TO IN SS BA AJ SK EJ BI GV TO LI N ER P S DO J KA ER GG IH H LU SS EJ SV ME LÆ N EJE EV DE GA AJ NS EK AV TT PÆ DS RØ E.B H. DE GA VS HA EJ EV IG ER VD ST R KE 9 J KA EY 3, 4, 5 IN SS BA 2. KN IS 9 AJ GK IN 3, E PI 5, R 1 5 N 1. SSI BA J KA SØ RD NO 5 7, G AD N JE VE GS AN 0 6, 7, 5 5,5 TR 5,0 AJ SK VN HA IK AF Esbjerg Havn Nordhavn 9, 0 FI R EB SK E AD OG J VE ØJ KR OR R1 P IE HA VE FIS 3 9, IN SS BA 6. 6,7 ,5 10 EJ GV IN I LL HV J KA EN MP TA ADE B R OG BÅDE DE GA ER I PP K S september 2013 T:\03_BRUGERE\Havnevagten\Shipping Guide\2013\Shipping Guides Juli 2013.dwg LØ J VE LE MO EJ IEV OL ESBJERG G AD N JE VE GS AN 0 6, 5,5 7, 5 TR 5,0 AJ SK VN HA IK AF 9, 0 10 ,3 ,5 10 VN HA IK AF TR ,3 10 STO RM GA DE KAJ AINER RK Æ TV AJ D. EJ SV EN TZ I UR LA DOKVEJ NO R DO KH VESTRE DO KKAJ Ø AV N R ST E AJ KK DO Ø ST RE FORH AVNSK AJ 6,7 L AN DSK AJ 9,3 8,4 HUMBERKAJ 7,6 SØNDE RHAVN SAHARA 10,5 Esbjerg Havn EUROPA KAJ T:\03_BRUGERE\Havnevagten\Shipping Guide\2013\Shipping Guides Juli 2013.dwg 9,3 ESTRUPVEJ September 2013 AMER IKAVEJ STIKVE JEN ENG 4,4 VESTK RAFTGA DE VEST KR AFTKAJ K N KE IGSKAJ DO FRANKR Fl( 2) R.5s SMØRKAJ BACONKAJ FÆRGEH AVN 9,3 6, 7 TO LD BO DV EJ DO KK AJ DR E 10,5 9,3 CONT ,5 11 RK Æ TV AJ D. J VE NS ZE T I UR LA DOKVEJ NO R DO KH VESTRE DO KKAJ 6, 7 Ø S AV N E TR AJ KK DO Ø ST RE FORH AVNSK AJ 6,7 L AN DSK AJ STIKVE JEN ENG 4,4 ESTRUPVEJ VESTK RAFTGA DE VEST KR AFTKAJ K N KE IGSKAJ DO FRANKR SMØRKAJ BACONKAJ 9,3 8,4 HUMBERKAJ 7,6 SØNDE RHAVN TAURUSVEJ FÆRGEH AVN TO LD BO DV EJ DR E DO KK AJ 10,5 ,5 11 SAHARA AMER 9,3 AV EJ ANT K ENVEJ ATL IKAVEJ AUSTRA LI NA D CANAD AVEJ CA AS I EN VE J AFRIKA VEJ 10,5 EUROPA KAJ VE NT AJ AM ER I KA VE J 9 ,3 AU ST RA L IE NK AJ GRUSV EJ AR IE S KA J TA UR US VE J 10 ,5 TA UR US KA J T:\03_BRUGERE\Havnevagten\Shipping Guide\2013\Shipping Guides Juli 2013.dwg Esbjerg Havn Sydhavn September 2013 US VE J TAURUSVEJ AS I EN VE J VE NT AM ER US VE J I KA VE J Under construction AR IE S KA J TA UR US VE J GRUSV EJ AJ OK RG BR LI AJ AK VI TA UR US KA J GE MI NIK AJ 10 ,5 LE O KA J ,5 10 U PI OR SC 9 ,3 CA PR I CO AJ SK RN KA J 7 ,3 Esbjerg Havn Østhavn September 2013 T:\03_BRUGERE\Havnevagten\Shipping Guide\2013\Shipping Guides Juli 2013.dwg ESBJERG Under construction Ikke til navigeringsbrug. Not for navigation. Esbjerg Havn Oversigt Havnen September 2013 T:\03_BRUGERE\Havnevagten\Shipping Guide\2013\Shipping Guides Juli 2013.dwg
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