The Gateway to Europe DANISH KEY SUPPLIERS AT DANFISH 2011 MEET ALL 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 ADVODAN Ringkøbing The Danish Fishing Equipment Group represents leading Danish companies of all sizes within this industry and works as a link between Danish subcontractors and foreign buyers. YOUR EXHIBITION FREIGHT FORWARDER Blue Water’s Exhibition Department specialises in the transport of exhibition material. We handle more than 350 exhibitions worldwide every year. We work in close cooperation with the Danish Exporters’ Association, and as exhibition freight forwarder offer the following exhibition solutions: • Collection of exhibition material directly from clients and transport to exhibition • Preparation of all necessary customs documentation incl. ATA carnets • Delivery directly to stand • Fork-lift truck booking/storage during show • Unpacking and stand placement assistance • Return transport We are stronger together 69 70 71 72 Korsør Propeller A/S A/S Hvide Sande Skibs- & Baadebyggeri Kynde & Toft’s & Smede- og Maskinværksted AS:SCAN Marine El A/S Atlantic Shipping A/S MarineService Hirtshals A/S BDO ScanRevision Marineservicen Blue Water Shipping A/S MarineShaft Hirtshals A/S Brdr. Markussens Metalvarefabrik A/S Mekanord A/S C.C.JENSEN A/S Nordsøtrawl COMET TRAWL Trawl- og Vodbinderi Peter Harbo A/S Cosmos Trawl A/S Randers Reb International A/S DAN FENDER (dan hill plast A/S) Ray's Vod- og Trawlbinderi Dansk Puljefiskeri Scanbelt A/S Danske Fiskeauktioner A/S Scanel International A/S Duusgaard Coating ApS Scanfi ApS ELKA Rainwear A/S SeaMech A/S Fiskernes Fremtid Selstad Nordtrawl Frydendahl Fiskenet Serviceteam Skagen Havn Fiskernes Fiskesortering Skagen Fiskeauktion Hirtshals EL-Motorservice ApS Skagen Havn Hirtshals Fiskeauktion ApS Skagen Skipperskole Hirtshals Fiskeriforening Spar Nord Bank Hirtshals Havn Sparekassen Vendsyssel Hirtshals Sejlmageri Sydvestjysk Fiskeriforening Hirtshals Service Group Thorsminde Havn Hirtshals Skibs-og Industriservice Thyborøn Havn Hjørring Erhvervscenter Thyborøn Havns Fiskeriforening Hundested Propeller A/S Thyborøn Skibs & Motor A/S Hvide Sande Havn Thyborøn Skibssmedie Hvide Sande Skibssmedie A/S TripleNine Fish Protein a.m.b.a IRAS A/S Vendelbo Spedition Jyske Bank Vestkajens Maskinværksted Karstens Skibsværft A/S Vestværftet Kemilux Victorinox Konsumfisk Wärtsila Danmark WWW.DK-FISHING-EQUIPMENT.COM Blue Water Shipping A/S | Tel: +45 99 30 31 90 | | [email protected] IN HALL D A/S Dybvad Stål Industri Danish Fishing Equipment Group Cell +45 2634 0610 s s Business Sector Manager Michael Hansen [email protected] 22. fiskerimesse i Danmark 22 fishing Exhibition in Denmark ND Aalborg · Denmark 12, 13 and 14 October 2011 Udstillerkatalog · Official catalogue Europa Plads 4 · DK-9000 Aalborg · Tel. +45 9935 5555 · Indhold / Contents Organisation / Organisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Forord Ole Christensen, Medlem af Europa-Parlementet Foreword Ole Christensen, Member of the European Parliament . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Forord direktør Ernst Trillingsgaard, Aalborg Kongres & Kultur Center / Foreword Managing Director Ernst Trillingsgaard, Aalborg Kongres & Kultur Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Generel information / General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Udstillerfortegnelse - halopdelt / List of exhibitors by floorplan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Udstillerfortegnelse - efter nationalitet / Geographical index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Udstillernes virksomhedsprofiler / Exhibitor listings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Produktindeks / Product index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Alphabetical list of products and services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Standoversigt / Floorplan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 3 Protektor: Hans Kongelige Højhed Prins Joachim Præsidium: Dansk Eksportforening Danmarks Fiskeriforening Danske Fiskeres Producent Organisation Aalborg Kongres & Kultur Center Officielt flyselskab: SAS Scandinavian Airlines Messespeditør: Blue Water Shipping Messeavis: Fiskeri Tidende Arrangør: Aalborg Kongres & Kultur Center Europa Plads 4 Postboks 149 9100 Aalborg Tlf.: +45 99 35 55 55 Fax: +45 99 35 55 33 [email protected] / 4 Patron: His Royal Highness Prince Joachim of Denmark Presidium: Danish Export Association Danish Fishermen’s Association Danish Fishermen’s Producers’ Organisation Aalborg Kongres & Kultur Center Official airline: SAS Scandinavian Airlines Official carrier: Blue Water Shipping Trade fair publication: Fiskeri Tidende Organiser: Aalborg Kongres & Kultur Center Europa Plads 4 P.O. Box 149 DK-9100 Aalborg Tel: +45 99 35 55 55 Fax: +45 99 35 55 33 [email protected] / 5 Velkommen til DanFish International og DanAqua Det glæder mig at kunne byde besøgende velkommen til Aalborg og Nordjylland, der er vært for DanFish International og DanAqua. At begge messer melder om fulde huse viser, at der trods store udfordringer, fortsat er en solid interesse for at bibeholde en stærk fiskerisektor i Danmark og Europa. Tiltagende globalisering, den igangværende finansielle krise og fortsat nedgang for fiskerierhvervet er blot et udsnit af de prøvelser, som den danske og udenlandske fiskeindustri skal takle de kommende år. I Europa-Parlamentets fiskeriudvalg er vi godt i gang med at ruste EU til fremtidens udfordringer, idet en gennemgribende reform af den fælles fiskeripolitik er ved at tage form. Den nye fiskeripolitik vil skabe en mere moderne tilgang til fiskeri, der indebærer en økonomisk stærk fiskerisektor samt en bæredygtig og ansvarlig udnyttelse af havets ressourcer. Danmark kan i denne forbindelse spille en helt afgørende rolle for, hvordan den endelige politik kommer til at se ud. Ikke blot er Danmark et forgangsland, hvad angår nye metoder at forvalte fiskeriet på, men vi har også formandskabet for EU i første halvår af 2012. Med opbakning fra fiskerisektoren, vil Danmark således have et særdeles gunstigt udgangspunkt for at sætte et synligt aftryk på den kommende fælles fiskeripolitik, og dermed sikre, at fremtidigt fiskeri i EU fortsat er rentabelt og bæredygtigt. Med over 350 udstillere fra 24 lande bekræfter DanFish International, at den er en af verdens førende internationale fiskerimesser. Som tidligere år vil messen give de besøgende mulighed for at tilegne sig ny viden om produkter og forskning på fiskeriområdet. Ligesom messen fungerer som en enestående platform for udstillere til at markedsføre deres varer over for et internationalt publikum. DanAqua er den første opdrætsmesse på dansk jord. I en verden med faldene fiskebestande og stigende efterspørgsel efter fisk, er det yderst vigtigt, at vi finder nye muligheder for ernæring. I den forbindelse ser jeg akvakultur som en stadig mere central kilde af fødevarer. At akvakultur får sin egen messe er derfor kun glædeligt, idet det viser en anerkendelse af den afgørende rolle, som akvakultur kan spille i den fremtidige fødevareproduktion. Det er derfor med optimisme for fiskerisektoren, at jeg byder alle udstillere og besøgende velkommen til DanFish International og DanAqua, som jeg er sikker på vil være en god og givende oplevelse for alle med interesse for fiskeri. Ole Christensen Medlem af Europa-Parlamentet 6 Welcome to DanFish International and DanAqua It is a pleasure for me to welcome visitors to Aalborg and the North of Denmark which will be hosting DanFish International and DanAqua this year. The fact that both fairs have sold out, shows that, despite great challenges, there is a still a healthy interest for maintaining a strong and viable fisheries sector in Denmark. Increasing globalisation, the ongoing financial crisis and the decreasing size of the fisheries sector are just some of the challenges that the fishing industries in Denmark and abroad are forced to deal with the coming years. In the fisheries committee of the European Parliament we are currently harnessing the EU to future challenges, as a comprehensive reform of the Common Fisheries Policy is under way. The new fisheries policy will create a modern approach to fishing entailing an economically strong fisheries sector as well as sustainable and responsible fishing practices. Denmark will have the opportunity to play a major part in the making of the new Common Fisheries Policy. Not only has Denmark been a pioneer concerning new methods of managing fisheries, but will also hold the Presidency of the EU during the first half of 2012. With the support of the fisheries sector, Denmark will thus have a tremendous opportunity to leave its mark on the next fisheries policy and thereby secure that fishing in the EU continues to be profitable and sustainable. With over 350 presentations from 24 countries DanFish International reaffirms its position as one of the leading international fisheries fairs. As with earlier years, the fair will allow visitors to acquire knowledge of products and research in the area of fisheries. In addition to this, the fair will act as a unique platform for sellers of fisheries products to market their goods in front of an international crowd. DanAqua is the first Danish aquaculture fair. In a context of decreasing fish stocks and increasing demand for fish, it is of outmost importance that we explore new forms of nutrition. In this regard, I view aquaculture as an increasingly important source of food. It is therefore splendid that there is now a fair especially dedicated to aquaculture, since this shows recognition of the important role that aquaculture can play in providing food for the future. It is thus with an optimistic outlook towards the fisheries sector, that I welcome sellers and visitors to DanFish International and DanAqua which I am sure will prove to be a wonderful and giving experience for everyone with an interest for fisheries. Ole Christensen Member of the European Parliament 7 Velkommen til DanFish International og DanAqua i Aalborg Den 12. oktober kl. 10.00 slår Aalborg Kongres & Kultur Center dørene op for den 22. DanFish fiskerimesse og den første DanAqua opdrætsmesse i Danmark. DanFish har udviklet sig til et internationalt mødested for fiskeribranchen med udstillere og besøgende fra nær og fjern. Vi er meget stolte over også denne gang, på trods af vanskelige tider for branchen, at kunne byde velkommen til ca. 350 udstillere fra 24 lande. Messen har gennem de mange år været meget velbesøgt, og også denne gang har vi udsendt besøgsinvitationer til mulige besøgende fra det meste af kloden i tillæg til de omkring 100 toneangivende indkøbere fra 25 lande, som har fået særlige VIP invitationer. I år gennemfører vi samtidig med DanFish for første gang DanAqua messen rettet mod hele opdrætssektoren. Akvakulturerhvervet er blandt verdens hurtigst voksende fødevareerhverv, og vi giver nu indkøbere og leverandører af opdrætningsudstyr mulighed for at mødes på dansk grund. Denne første gang i Aalborg er det lykkedes os at samle omkring 20 virksomheder fra fire lande, hvilket vi er meget tilfredse med. På de to messer vil der desuden være mulighed for at erhverve ny viden og holde sig ajour med den seneste forskning på området. Messen byder på en række gratis seminarer med bl.a. præsentationer af nye tiltag, produkter og tendenser. En stor tak skal lyde til vore samarbejdspartnere i DanFish styregruppen, Dansk Eksportforening, Danske Fiskeres Producent Organisation og Danmarks Fiskeriforening, for deres store indsats i forberedelserne af messen. Deres bidrag og indsats har været en uvurderlig hjælp, som vi sætter stor pris på. For mange udstillere og besøgende vil dette være første besøg i Aalborg og Nordjylland. Udover at være Danmarks vigtigste fiskeriregion, står Nordjylland også for innovation og ny teknologi, ligesom området er kendt for sit rige kulturliv og en enestående natur. Hjerteligt velkommen til alle udstillere og besøgende på DanFish International og DanAqua i Aalborg og på arrangørernes og alle vore partneres vegne ønsker jeg en rigtig god messe. Ernst Trillingsgaard Direktør Aalborg Kongres & Kultur Center 8 Welcome to DanFish International and DanAqua in Aalborg, Denmark At 10.00 on 12 October, Aalborg Congress & Culture Centre will be opening its doors for the 22nd DanFish Fishery trade fair and the first DanAqua Fish Farming trade fair in Denmark. DanFish has developed into an international forum for the fishing industry, attracting exhibitors and visitors from far and wide. We are very proud that despite the difficult conditions affecting the sector, we are once again able to welcome approximately 350 exhibitors from 24 countries. Throughout its history, the trade fair has always attracted a lot of visitors, and this year we have sent invitations to potential visitors from most countries of the world – in addition to the special VIP invitations we have issued to around 100 influential purchasers from 25 different countries. This year, for the first time, the DanFish event will be held in parallel with the DanAqua trade fair that is targeted at the fish farming sector. Aquaculture is one of the fastest-growing food sectors in the world, and we are now giving purchasers and suppliers of fish farming equipment the opportunity to meet on Danish soil. With this first event in Aalborg, we have succeeded in attracting around 20 companies from four countries, and we are very satisfied with this result. The two trade fairs will also provide an excellent opportunity to acquire new knowledge and stay up-to-date with the latest research in the area. The event will feature a programme of free seminars involving presentations of new initiatives, products and trends, for example. We would like to extend our thanks to our partners in the DanFish management group – the Danish Export Association, the Danish Fishermen’s Producers’ Organization and the Danish Fishermen’s Association – for their great help and assistance in preparing the trade fair. We deeply appreciate the invaluable contribution they have made. For many exhibitors and visitors, this will be the first time that they have visited Aalborg and North Jutland. In addition to being the most important fishery region in Denmark, North Jutland is a seat of innovation and new technology, and the region is also rightly famous for its rich cultural life and magnificent countryside. Finally, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all exhibitors at and visitors to DanFish International and DanAqua in Aalborg, and, on behalf of the organisers and all our partners, to wish everyone a rewarding experience at the trade fair. Ernst Trillingsgaard Director Aalborg Congress & Culture Centre 9 Generel information General information Arrangør Aalborg Kongres & Kultur Center Europa Plads 4, Postboks 149, 9100 Aalborg, Danmark Tlf.: +45 9935 5555 · Fax: +45 9935 5533 [email protected] / Organiser Aalborg Kongres & Kultur Center Europa Plads 4, P. O. Box 149, DK-9100 Aalborg, Denmark Tel: +45 9935 5555 · Fax +45 9935 5533 [email protected] / Arrangørkontor og information Arrangørkontor og information findes i forhallen ved hovedindgangen. Organisers’ office and information The organisers’ office and information is located in the front hall near the main entrance. Åbningstider Onsdag og torsdag kl. 10.00 - 17.00. Fredag kl. 10.00 - 16.00. Bankservice Terminal i forhallen. Dankort, VISA, EUROCARD, MasterCard, PLUS, Cirrus, ec samt Maestro card kan benyttes. Garderobe Der er garderobe i underetagen. Restaurant Restaurant Papegøjehaven har åbent. Desuden er der café i Europahallen på 1. sal. Kolportering forbudt Det er strengt forbudt og medfører øjeblikkelig bortvisning, hvis man driver ikke-godkendt kolportering på messen. Uddeling af brochurer, ophængning af plakater m.v. er ligeledes forbudt og kun tilladt for udstillere på deres stande. Erstatningsansvar Arrangøren påtager sig intet ansvar for de i kataloget meddelte oplysninger eller for eventuelle trykfejl. 10 Exhibition opening hours Wednesday and Thursday 10.00 - 17.00. Friday 10.00 - 16.00. Banking facilities A cash card terminal for VISA/Dankort, VISA, EUROCARD, MasterCard, PLUS, Cirrus, ec and Maestro card is available. Cloakroom The cloakroom is situated downstairs. Restaurant The ”Restaurant Papegøjehaven” is open and there is a café in Europahallen - 1st floor. Canvassing Canvassing for orders by unauthorised persons is strictly prohibited and in such cases the right of expulsion will at once be exercised. The distribution or display of printed or other placards, handbills or circulars, or other articles, except by echibitors on their own stands is prohibited. Fiskeri- og erhvervsmesse Sisimiut · Grønland/Greenland Polar Fish · 5. - 7. oktober 2012 11 Udstillerfortegnelse - halopdelt List of exhibitors by floorplan Front Area G Hall A Fish Farming International Fishing News International Fishing News Weekly Fiskeribladat Fiskaren Intrafish Media AS Seafood International Fiskeriflåden Illustreret Egersund Sea Service A/S Lions Club Vejgaard West-Marine A/S Transmotor ApS Luminell AS UltiSat Europe A/S Nordsabb Kaj Klyn A/S GeoEye FURUNO DANMARK AS West Diesel Engineering A/S Hvalpsund Net A/S VETUS ApS Acrux Soft Simrad/Kongsberg Subsea Volvo Penta - office Sweden Gjøl Marinecenter A/S Pioner Boats Yamaha Danmark 12 A96 A96 A96 A96 A96 A96 A97 A98 A99 A100 A101 A101a A102 A104 A105 A107 A108 F430, A110 A110a A111 A111 A114 A115 A115 A115 Centa Transmissioner A/S MS Engineering A/S Navteam A/S RG Rom Gummi Østbornholms Kutterservice HOLM TECHNOSCAN as Fred. Rasmussen Bagenkop Smede & Maskinværksted ApS Polaris Electronics A/S Arne Jørgensen og Søn Fiskernes Samlecentral Hans Østergaard A/S Knud Thomsens Fiskeexport Malerfirmaet Frede Møller Nielsen Rasmus Clausen & Sønner ApS SkagenFood Strandby Fiskeauktion Strandby Fiskeeksport ApS Strandby Fiskeriforening Strandby Fiskerihavn Strandby Havneforum Strandby Net Strandby Værft og Bedding ApS Tell Fisk SeaTech A116 A117 A118 A119 A119 A121 A122 A124 A125 A127 A127 A127 A127 A127 A127 A127 A127 A127 A127 A127 A127 A127 A127 A127 A128 Granly Diesel A/S Seasat A/S Carnitech A/S Marel Leif Jensen Grenaa ApS NOTUS Electronics Ltd. Lidan Marine AB Síminn Satellite Dacon Europe A/S Gertsen & Olufsen A/S DK Transportbånd Aps Bredgaard Bådeværft ApS If VIKING LIFE-SAVING EQUIPMENT Skibsforsikringen Frederikshavn ZF Danmark SeaMaster Scanmar AS NORDHAVN A/S DESMI Danmark A/S West Diesel Engineering A/S A130 A131 A134 A136 A137 A137 A138 A139 A140 A141 A142 G6, A143 A145 G5, A146 A147 A149 A150 A151 A153 A154 A156 Hall B ES-Trawl ApS Hanstholm Elektronik A/S Hanstholm Fiskemelsfabrik Hanstholm Havn Hanstholm HavneForum Hanstholm Havns Indkøbsforening Hanstholm Havns Olieforsyning ApS Hanstholm Ny Flydedok A/S Hanstholm Puljeselskab ApS Hanstholm Samlecentral A/S Hanstholm Skibssmedie Nordkøl Aps Thisted Kommune Thorkil Grøn’s Samlecentral West-Ship B301 B301 B301 B301 B301 B301 B301 B301 B301 B301 B301 B301 B301 B301 B301 Hall C Care & Relax Wellness Centre C201 Danske Fiskeres PO Danmarks Fiskeriforening C203 RG Detectline C204 Fishing Glasses UK / Outdoor Eyewear C205 C207 Mustad Longline A/S C208 Polar Fish 2012 C209 SPC Marine ApS C211 Lyngsoe Systems A/S C212 Pack and Sea A/S C212 Royal Arctic Logostics A/S C213 Aalborg Havn A/S C213 KNAPK C213a Qeqqata Erhvervsråd C214 Qeqqata Kommunia C214 enterprise europe network C215 Beitir ehf C216 Elthermo a/s C218 Fiskeridirektoratet C220 FødevareErhverv C220 Ministeriet for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri C220 NaturErhvervStyrelsen C220 DTU Aqua C221 Danish Maritime Magazine C222 FiskerBladet C222 Havne & Skibsfart / Maritim Industri C222 Fiskeriets Arbejdsmiljøråd C224 Danske Fiskeres PO - C203, C228, Danmarks Fiskeriforening C229, C231 Ulykkesforsikringsforbundet for dansk Fiskeri G/F C232 Center for det Maritime Sundhedsvæsen C233 Fiskeriteknologuddannelsen C234 Dansk Metal C234a 3F C235 SIF/Fishtracer c/o Danske Fiskeres PO C236 Pesch Marinescheinwerfer C237 E. Vejvad Hansen ApS C238 Hall D Irish Skipper, The D701 Hellers Yachtværft Aps D702 Raymarine D702 PPG Coatings Danmark A/S D703 RAITEX D704 KYSTMAGASINET - Findexa Forlag AS, avd Bergen D705 Kingfisher Information / Seafish D706 Rolls-Royce D707 Belitronic AB D708 Carapax AB D709 NorthLift AB D709 Cordoaria Oliveira SA D709a 13 Anglo Belgian Corporation TechnoFlex ApS Aquatherm GmbH WS Rørhandel Riga Shipyard Eos Shipbroker AB Heimdal Propulsion Norway AS Guy Cotten SA Øster Hurup Båd- og Garnhandel Intech International a/s Garmin Danmark A/S Injector Door ltd Gedhus Consult v/Jens Gjesing Mahle Industriefiltration Gmbh. Atlas Copco Kompressorteknik A/S Marigold Industries FiskerForum Columbus Marine A/S DOFITA Shiprepair Johnson Controls Marine BMInternational Co., Ltd. AAG CIV Lauwerszee UA E-Catch BV Efice BV EHL BV Haven Lauwersoog International Shrimp Auction BV i.o. Merema Transport BV Van Voorden Repair Visafslag Lauwersoog BV Visveiling Urk BV We-Tech Aps Siang May Pte Ltd Strapex Tor-Net ehf. Zephyr Marine ApS Egersund Trål AS Baltic Marine Contractors Pon Power HYDROSCAND A/S Idromeccanica di FORANI & PECORARI Snc Vestergaard Marine Service A/S Van Beelen KSL Industries Limited Ptech ApS Fishering Service 14 D710 D711 D712 D712 D713 D714 D716 D717 D718 D719 D720 D721 D722 D722 D723 D724 D725 D726 D727 D728 D729 D731 D732 D732 D732 D732 D732 D732 D732 D732 D732 D732 D738 D739 D740 D741 D742 D743 D744 D744 D746 D747 D749 D750 D751 D752 D753 BRIDON Ropes D755 Euronete Scandinavia A/S D756 Lyngaa-Marine D757 Polar Fishing Gear D759 Trade Council of Iceland D759, D760 SAFIR Shipbrokers D760 Nordsøen Forskerpark D762 World Fishing D763 Montes A/S D764 Cralog A/S D765 Palby Marine A/S D767 Refa Frøystad Group D769 Vónin Ltd. D769 MEST P/f D770 Björkö Telnfabrik AB D771 Fischernet D771 Garware-Wall Ropes Ltd. D771 Anderson Marine D772 Fresh Catch D772 A/S Oilpower Hydraulics D773 Korsør Propeller A/S D800 Johs. Hejlesen - SkibsbevaringsprojektD808 MAN Diesel & Turbo D809 Danish Export Association / Dansk Eksport Forening D810 BDO Scanrevision D811 Duusgaard Coating ApS D811 Fiskernes Fiskesortering D811 Havnens Skibsbyggeri D811 Hirtshals El-Motorservice D811 Hirtshals Fiskeauktion D811 Hirtshals Fiskeriforening D811 Hirtshals Havn D811 Hirtshals Sejlmageri D811 Hirtshals Service Group D811 Hirtshals Skibs- og Industriservice D811 Hjørring Erhvervscenter D811 Jyske Bank D811 Kemilux D811 Marine-El A/S D811 MarineService Hirtshals D811 MarineShaft D811 Nordrep D811 Ray’s Vod- og Trawlbinderi D811 SeaMech A/S, Hirtshals D811 Spar Nord - Hirtshals D811 Spar Nord Bank A/S D811 Sparekassen Vendsyssel D811 Vendelbo Spedition A/S D811 Vestkajens Maskinværksted A/S D811 Wärtsilä Danmark A/S D811 Carl Backs A/S D819 Nordsøtrawl D820 Thyborøn Havn D821 Thyborøn Skibssmedie A/S G4, D822 Comet Trawl D824 Kynde & Toft Maskinværksted D825 Blue Water Shipping D829 Thyborøn Skibs & Motor A/S G8, D830 Marine Servicen I/S D832 TripleNine Fish Protein AmbA D833 Skaarup og Salskov ApS / Smed Marine Service D834 Dansk Puljefiskeri D839 Danske Fiskeauktioner A/S D839 Konsumfisk D839 Sydvestjysk Fiskeriforening D839 Thorsminde Havn D839 Thyborøn Havns Fiskeriforening D839 AS Scan D840 Besrad D841 Hvide Sande Havn D841 Vestjysk Bank D841 Vestværftet ApS D842 Daconet D844 Frydendahl Fiskenet D844 Hau Nylon D844 Iron Strand D844 Ørbech en gros D844 Hvide Sande Skibssmedie A/S D845 A/S Hvide Sande Skibsog Baadebyggeri D847 Advodan Midt / Vest A/S D847 Hvide Sande Fiskernes Fremtid D847 DAN-FENDER, Dan hill plast a/s D849 ScanBelt A/S D850 Mekanord A/S D851 Peter Harbo A/S D852 Skagen Havn D854 Karstensens Skibsværft A/S D855 Selstad Nordtrawl A/S D857 Serviceteam Skagen Havn D858 Skagen Fiskeauktion A/S D858 SeaMech A/S, Skagen D859 Skagen Skipperskole D859 Brdr. Markussens Metalvarefabrik A/S D861 C.C.JENSEN A/S C.C.JENSEN Skibsvinduer A/S Dybvad Stål Industri Atlantic Shipping A/S Columbus Trading DICK, FR. Victorinox TM Marine Aps Hundested Propeller A/S Cosmos Trawl A/S HAMPIDJAN GROUP Randers Reb International A/S ELKA Rainwear A/S IRAS A/S Scanel International A/S D864 D864 D865 D866 D867 D867 D867 D869 D870 D871 D871 D872 D874 F403, D875 D879 Hall F IRAS A/S D875, F403 Kjaergaard Maskinfabrik AS F406 Sperre AS F417 MacArtney A/S F418 Dansk Akvakultur F421 UltraAqua F426 Impex Agency Hoerning ApS F430 Aquatic Eco-Systems Inc. F434 Flexabar-Aquatech F436 ProFlex ApS Innovative Coatings F436 Cowex A/S F438 JT Electric Ltd., PF. F439 OxyGuard International A/S F441 RK Plast F442 Hvide Sande Vodbinderi ApS F444 Smart Farm AS F445 Wing Consult A/S F446 Oxymat A/S F448 Troutex ApS F450 Midtjysk Aqua F451 Front area G Kølemadsen A/S G1 LSM Pumper ApS G1 Timars Svets & Smide AB G1 Scanfi ApS D860, G3 Thyborøn Skibssmedie A/S G4 VIKING LIFE-SAVING EQUIPMENT A146, G5 Bredgaard Bådeværft ApS A143, G6 Thyborøn Skibs & Motor A/S G8 Limbo Både I/S G9 15 Udstillerfortegnelse – efter nationalitet Geographical index Canada NOTUS Electronics Ltd. Denmark A137 3F C235 A/S Dybvad Stål Industri D865 A/S Hvide Sande Skibsog Baadebyggeri D847 A/S Oilpower Hydraulics D773 Advodan Midt / Vest A/S D847 AAG D731 Aalborg Havn A/S C213 Anglo Belgian Corporation D710 Arne Jørgensen og Søn A127 AS Scan D840 Atlantic Shipping A/S D866 Bagenkop Smede & Maskinværksted ApS A124 BDO Scanrevision D811 Besrad D841 Blue Water Shipping D829 Brdr. Markussens Metalvarefabrik A/S D861 Bredgaard Bådeværft ApS A143, G6 C.C.JENSEN A/S D864 C.C.JENSEN Skibsvinduer D864 Care & Relax Wellness Centre C201 Carl Backs A/S D819 Carnitech A/S A134 Centa Transmissioner A/S A116 Center for det Maritime Sundhedsvæsen C233 Columbus Marine A/S D726 Columbus Trading D867 Comet Trawl D824 Cosmos Trawl A/S D871 Cowex A/S F438 Cralog A/S D765 Dacon Europe A/S A140 Daconet D844 DAN-FENDER, Dan hill plast a/s D849 Danish Export Association / Dansk Eksport Forening D810 16 Danish Maritime Magazine C222 Dansk Akvakultur F421 Dansk Metal C234a Dansk Puljefiskeri D839 Danske Fiskeauktioner A/S D839 Danske Fiskeres PO Danmarks C203, C228, Fiskeriforening C229, C231 DESMI Danmark A/S A154 DICK, FR. D867 DK Transportbånd Aps A142 DTU Aqua C221 Duusgaard Coating ApS D811 E. Vejvad Hansen ApS C238 ELKA Rainwear A/S D874 Elthermo a/s C218 enterprise europe network C215 ES-Trawl ApS B301 Euronete Scandinavia A/S D756 Fischernet D771 FiskerBladet C222 FiskerForum D725 Fiskeridirektoratet C220 Fiskeriets Arbejdsmiljøråd C224 Fiskeriflåden Illustreret A97 Fiskeriteknologuddannelsen C234 Fiskernes Fiskesortering D811 Fiskernes Samlecentral A127 Flexabar-Aquatech F436 Fred. Rasmussen A122 Frydendahl Fiskenet D844 FURUNO DANMARK AS A107 FødevareErhverv C220 Garmin Danmark A/S D720 Gedhus Consult v/Jens Gjesing D722 Gertsen & Olufsen A/S A141 Gjøl Marinecenter A/S A115 Granly Diesel A/S A130 Hans Østergaard A/S A127 Hanstholm Elektronik A/S B301 Hanstholm Fiskemelsfabrik B301 Hanstholm Havn B301 Hanstholm HavneForum B301 Hanstholm Havns Indkøbsforening B301 Hanstholm Havns Olieforsyning ApS B301 Hanstholm Ny Flydedok A/S B301 Hanstholm Puljeselskab ApS B301 Hanstholm Samlecentral A/S B301 Hanstholm Skibssmedie B301 Hau Nylon D844 Havne & Skibsfart / Maritim Industri C222 Havnens Skibsbyggeri D811 Hellers Yachtværft Aps D702 Hirtshals El-Motorservice D811 Hirtshals Fiskeauktion D811 Hirtshals Fiskeriforening D811 Hirtshals Havn D811 Hirtshals Sejlmageri D811 Hirtshals Service Group D811 Hirtshals Skibs- og Industriservice D811 Hjørring Erhvervscenter D811 HOLM TECHNOSCAN as A121 Hundested Propeller A/S D870 Hvalpsund Net A/S A110, F430 Hvide Sande Fiskernes Fremtid D847 Hvide Sande Havn D841 Hvide Sande Skibssmedie A/S D845 Hvide Sande Vodbinderi ApS F444 HYDROSCAND A/S D746 If A145 Impex Agency Hoerning ApS F430 Intech International a/s D719 IRAS A/S D875, F403 Iron Strand D844 Johnson Controls Marine D728 Johs. Hejlesen - SkibsbevaringsprojektD808 Jyske Bank D811 Karstensens Skibsværft A/S D855 Kemilux D811 Kjaergaard Maskinfabrik AS F406 Knud Thomsens Fiskeexport A127 Konsumfisk D839 Korsør Propeller A/S D800 Kynde & Toft Maskinværksted D825 Kølemadsen A/S G1 Leif Jensen Grenaa ApS A137 Limbo Både I/S G9 Lions Club Vejgaard A99 LSM Pumper ApS G1 Lyngsoe Systems A/S C212 Lyngaa-Marine D757 MacArtney A/S F418 Mahle Industriefiltration Gmbh. D722 Malerfirmaet Frede Møller Nielsen A127 MAN Diesel & Turbo D809 Marel A136 Marine Servicen I/S D832 Marine-El A/S D811 MarineService Hirtshals D811 MarineShaft D811 C207 Mekanord A/S D851 Midtjysk Aqua F451 Ministeriet for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri C220 Montes A/S D764 MS Engineering A/S A117 NaturErhvervStyrelsen C220 Navteam A/S A118 NORDHAVN A/S A153 Nordkøl Aps B301 Nordrep D811 Nordsabb Kaj Klyn A/S A104 Nordsøen Forskerpark D762 Nordsøtrawl D820 OxyGuard International A/S F441 Oxymat A/S F448 Pack and Sea A/S C212 Palby Marine A/S D767 Peter Harbo A/S D852 Polar Fish 2012 C209 Polaris Electronics A/S A125 Pon Power D744 PPG Coatings Danmark A/S D703 ProFlex ApS Innovative Coatings F436 Ptech ApS D752 Randers Reb International A/S D872 Rasmus Clausen & Sønner ApS A127 Raymarine D702 Ray’s Vod- og Trawlbinderi D811 RG Detectline C204 RG Rom Gummi A119 RK Plast F442 ScanBelt A/S D850 Scanel International A/S D879 Scanfi ApS G3, D860 Seafood International A96 SeaMaster A150 SeaMech A/S, Hirtshals D811 17 SeaMech A/S, Skagen D859 Seasat A/S A131 SeaTech A128 Selstad Nordtrawl A/S D857 Serviceteam Skagen Havn D858 SIF/Fishtracer c/o Danske Fiskeres PO C236 Síminn Satellite A139 Simrad/Kongsberg Subsea A111 Skagen Fiskeauktion A/S D858 Skagen Havn D854 Skagen Skipperskole D859 SkagenFood A127 Skibsforsikringen Frederikshavn A147 Skaarup og Salskov ApS / Smed Marine Service D834 Spar Nord - Hirtshals D811 Spar Nord Bank A/S D811 Sparekassen Vendsyssel D811 SPC Marine ApS C211 Strandby Fiskeauktion A127 Strandby Fiskeeksport ApS A127 Strandby Fiskeriforening A127 Strandby Fiskerihavn A127 Strandby Havneforum A127 Strandby Net A127 Strandby Værft og Bedding ApS A127 Strapex D740 Sydvestjysk Fiskeriforening D839 TechnoFlex ApS D711 Tell Fisk A127 Thisted Kommune B301 Thorkil Grøn’s Samlecentral B301 Thorsminde Havn D839 Thyborøn Havn D821 Thyborøn Havns Fiskeriforening D839 Thyborøn Skibs & Motor A/S D830, G8 Thyborøn Skibssmedie A/S D822, G4 TM Marine Aps D869 Transmotor ApS A101 TripleNine Fish Protein AmbA D833 Troutex ApS F450 UltiSat Europe A/S A102 UltraAqua F426 Ulykkesforsikringsforbundet for dansk Fiskeri G/F C232 Vendelbo Spedition A/S D811 Vestergaard Marine Service A/S D749 Vestjysk Bank D841 18 Vestkajens Maskinværksted A/S D811 Vestværftet ApS D842 VETUS ApS A110a Victorinox D867 VIKING LIFE-SAVING EQUIPMENT A146, G5 West Diesel Engineering A/S A108, A156 West-Marine A/S A100 West-Ship B301 We-Tech Aps D738 Wing Consult A/S F446 WS Rørhandel D712 Wärtsilä Danmark A/S D811 Yamaha Danmark A115 Zephyr Marine ApS D742 ZF Danmark A149 Ørbech en gros D844 Østbornholms Kutterservice A119 Øster Hurup Båd- og Garnhandel D718 Estonia Baltic Marine Contractors Faroe Islands Injector Door ltd JT Electric Ltd., PF. MEST P/f Vónin Ltd. Finland Björkö Telnfabrik AB France Guy Cotten SA Germany Aquatherm GmbH Pesch Marinescheinwerfer Greenland KNAPK Qeqqata Kommunia Qeqqata Erhvervsråd Royal Arctic Logostics A/S Iceland Beitir ehf HAMPIDJAN GROUP Polar Fishing Gear D744 D721 F439 D770 D769 D771 D717 D712 C237 C213a C214 C214 C213 C216 D871 D759 SAFIR Shipbrokers Tor-Net ehf. Trade Council of Iceland D760 D741 D759, D760 India Garware-Wall Ropes Ltd. KSL Industries Limited Ireland Irish Skipper, The D771 D751 Latvia Riga Shipyard Lithuania DOFITA Shiprepair Netherlands CIV Lauwerszee UA E-Catch BV Efice BV EHL BV Haven Lauwersoog International Shrimp Auction BV i.o. Merema Transport BV Van Beelen Van Voorden Repair Visafslag Lauwersoog BV Visveiling Urk BV Norway Egersund Sea Service A/S Egersund Trål AS Fish Farming International Fishing News International Fishing News Weekly Fiskeribladat Fiskaren Heimdal Propulsion Norway AS Intrafish Media AS KYSTMAGASINET Findexa Forlag AS, avd Bergen Luminell AS Mustad Longline A/S Portugal Cordoaria Oliveira SA D701 Republic of Korea BMInternational Co., Ltd. Italy Idromeccanica di FORANI & PECORARI Snc RAITEX Pioner Boats Refa Frøystad Group Scanmar AS Smart Farm AS Sperre AS D747 D704 Republic of Singapore Siang May Pte Ltd Russia Fishering Service D713 D727 D732 D732 D732 D732 D732 D732 D732 D750 D732 D732 D732 A98 D743 A96 A96 A96 A96 D716 A96 Sweden Atlas Copco Kompressorteknik A/S Belitronic AB Carapax AB Eos Shipbroker AB Lidan Marine AB NorthLift AB Timars Svets & Smide AB Volvo Penta - office Sweden A115 D769 A151 F445 F417 D709a D729 D739 D753 D723 D708 D709 D714 A138 D709 G1 A114 United Kingdom Anderson Marine D772 BRIDON Ropes D755 Fishing Glasses UK / Outdoor Eyewear C205 Fresh Catch D772 Kingfisher Information / Seafish D706 Marigold Industries D724 Rolls-Royce D707 World Fishing D763 Uruguay Acrux Soft USA Aquatic Eco-Systems Inc. GeoEye A111 F434 A105 D705 A101a C208 19 Udstillernes virksomhedsprofiler / Exhibitor listings 3F C235 Kampmannsgade 4, 1790 København V, Denmark Tel: +45 70 30 03 00 [email protected] · Fagligt Fælles Forbund. Trade Union. A/S Dybvad Stål Industri D865 Parkvej 5,9352 Dybvad, Denmark Tel: +45 98 86 42 99 [email protected] · DSI - A/S Dybvad Stål Industri er markedsledende inden for produktion og design af pladefrysere. Programmet indeholder både vertikale og horisontale pladefrysere både for manual og automatisk blok håndtering. Ligeledes kan der tilbydes en ”self-contained” løsning, bestående af horisontal pladefryser komplet med køleanlæg. DSI samarbejder med flere proces leverandører omkring udvikling af tømme/fylde systemer og kan derfor tilbyde et bredt udvalg af tømme/fylde systemer tilpasset DSI frysere. DSI - A/S Dybvad Stål Industri is a world leading manufacturer of both vertical and horizontal plate freezers, with a strong focus on design and quality. The product range includes vertical & horizontal plate freezers and also a self-contained horizontal plate freezer complete with refrigeration plant. Besides DSI has a wide cooperation with process equipment suppliers within the design of automatic unloading and loading system for the DSI vertical and horizontal plate freezers. A/S Hvide Sande Skibs- og Baadebyggeri D847 Beddingsvej 2, 6960 Hvide Sande, Denmark Tel: +45 97 31 25 11 [email protected] · Centralt placeret på Hvide Sande Havn ligger A/S Hvide Sande Skibs- & Baadebyggeri. Siden 1950 har vi serviceret fiskeriflåden med reparationer og nybygninger. Reparations- & Vedligeholdelsesafdelingen tager sig af kølhalinger, ombygninger og reparationer, i alle former for materialer. Malerafdeling overfladebehandler, sandblæser og metalliserer alle former for skibe og emner. Gennem tiden har Nybygningsafdelingen leveret mange nybygninger til alle former for fiskeri - Centrally located on the harbour in Hvide Sande is A/S Hvide Sande Skibs- & Baadebyggeri located. Since 1950, we have worked with Danish and foreign fishing vessels with Repairs and New Builds. The Repairs- & Servicedepartment handles rebuilds and repairs, in every kind of 20 materials. The Painting department handles surface treatment, sandblasting and metallizing of every kind of ships and other subjects. Through the time the New Builds department has delivered many fishing vessels - A/S Oilpower Hydraulics D773 Boven 2, 6700 Esbjerg, Denmark Tel: +45 75 12 55 55 [email protected] · AAG D731 Ølgodvej 13, 9220 Aalborg Øst, Denmark Tel: +45 98 15 80 22 [email protected] · AAG er én af Danmarks førende leverandører af gummiprodukter til skibsindustrien og marinen. Med 80 års erfaring og et sortiment indeholdende mere end 12.000 varenumre, dækker vi desuden behovet for kvalitetsprodukter inden for brancherne transport, landbrug, byggeri, industri og detail. Til marinen er AAG kendt for vores kundespecifikke pakninger til fx luger, bovporte, FCD døre, agterramper, dokporte og styrehusdøre. Samt vores mange fendere, elhammerslagsmåtter, lim, profiler og gummiduge. AAG manufactures, imports and processes rubber products and is one of Denmark´s leading suppliers. With more than 80 years of experience and a product range consisting of more than 12,000 items, AAG also delivers high quality products to the transport, construction, agricultural, industrial and retail trades. In our product range for the marina you’ll find eg. gaskets used for hatches, FCD doors, bow ports etc., fenders, profiles, insulation mats, glue and rubber sheeting. Aalborg Havn A/S C213 Langerak 19, 9220 Aalborg Øst, Denmark Tel: + 45 99 30 15 00 [email protected] Aalborg Havn A/S har status som basishavn for transport af gods til og fra Grønland. Samtidig har Aalborg Havn A/S en central placering i forhold til godstransport fra Norge og Sverige til europæiske og oversøiske destinationer. Fra Aalborg er der desuden direkte adgang til det internationale containerrutenet gennem en ugentlig feeder rute der besejler blandt andet Rotterdam og Gøteborg. Port of Aalborg Ltd. is the Danish base port for the transportation of all goods to and from Greenland. At the same time Port of Aalborg Ltd. plays a central role in transport from Norway and Sweden to European and overseas destinations. From Aalborg there is a direct connection to the international container network through a weekly feeder service to Rotterdam, Gothenburg etc. 21 Acrux Soft A111 Av. Italia 6201, CP 11500 Montevideo, Uruguay Tel: +598 99 127 613 [email protected] Advodan Midt / Vest A/S D847 Havnepladsen 11, 6950 Ringkøbing, Denmark Tel: +45 46 14 65 00 [email protected] · Anderson Marine D772 Kirk Square, AB42 1RQ Peterhead Scotland, United Kingdom Tel: +44 177 94 77 888 [email protected] Anderson Marine is one of the most innovative GRP fishing boat manufacturers in Europe. The company has a reputation for design excellence, good delivery and value for money vessels. The production facility in Peterhead, Scotland provides Cygnus, Kingfisher and Gemini Catamaran hulls in kit form or fully fitted if required. Vessels range in size from 20ft to 50ft and are ideal for potting & netting and line fishing. Anderson Marine are also sales agents for Medley Pots in Scotland and Scandinavia. Anglo Belgian Corporation D710 Aagade 20, Kiplev, 6200 Aabenraa, Denmark Tel: +45 74 68 88 07 [email protected] · Aquatherm GmbH D712 Biggen 5, 57439 Attendorn, Germany Tel: +49 27 22 95 00 [email protected] · Aquatic Eco-Systems Inc. Ricardo Arias, 2395 Apopka Boulevard, Suite 100 32703 Apopka, Florida, USA Tel: +1 407 886 3939 [email protected] 22 F434 Arne Jørgensen og Søn A127 Hyttefadsvej 9, 9970 Strandby, Denmark Tel: +45 98 48 22 62 Fiskeeksportør. Fish exporter. AS Scan D840 Fabriksvej 14, 6960 Hvide Sande, Denmark Tel: +45 97 31 10 45 [email protected] · AS SCAN sætter kunden i fokus inden for fiskeri, den kommercielle marine samt industrien. Kvalitet og sikkerhed er en naturlig del af vores ISO9001, som dækker alle virksomhedens forretningsområder. Vi producerer, leverer, installerer og servicerer alle former for hydraulisk dæksudstyr til fiskeribranchen. Som Autoriseret Volvo forhandler, installerer og servicerer vi selvfølgelig også dine motorer. Vi har døgnservice 24/7 og rejsemontørerne har altid værktøjskufferten pakket og klar til at yde assistance verden rundt. Vores montør har alle de nødvendige kvalifikationer marinebranchen forespørger. The customers are in focus at AS SCAN on fisheries, commercial marine and industry. Quality and safety are a natural part of our ISO9001, which covers all our business areas. We produce, deliver, install and service all types of hydraulic deck equipment for the fishing industry. As Authorized Volvo dealer, we install and service all your engines. We have 24/7 service and our technicians have their travel tool suitcase packed and ready to provide assistance around the world. Our technicians have all the necessary qualifications required by the marine industry. Atlantic Shipping A/S D866 Rysensteensgade 14, 1564 København V, Denmark Tel: +45 33 32 39 97 [email protected] Atlantic Shipping er et internationalt skibsmæglerfirma, der har specialiseret sig køb og salg af fiskeskibe over 25 meter samt forskellige typer af fragtskibe. Vores ekspertise dækker såvel brugte fartøjer som nybygninger. Vores hold på 9 ansatte arbejder professionelt for at sikre et tilfredsstillende køb eller salg, både for vores mange langvarige kontakter og for nye kunder verden over. Dette efterår fejrer vi firmaets 25 års jubilæum. Atlantic Shipping is a firm of international shipbrokers, specialized in the sale and purchase of fishing vessels above 25 meters and different types of cargo vessels. Our expertise covers both second hand vessels and new building projects. Our staff of 9 experienced men and women is dedicated to ensure a satisfied sale or purchase for our many well known business contacts as well as for new customers world wide. We celebrate our 25th anniversary this year. 23 Atlas Copco Kompressorteknik A/S D723 Naverland 22, 2600 Glostrup, Denmark Tel: +45 20 67 59 64 [email protected] · Atlas Copco Marine Air Systems. Atlas Copco har et bredt udvalg i el- og dieseldrevne marinekompressorer for startluft, arbejdsluft, instrumentluft samt for LNG anlæg. Designet til de skrappeste skibskonditioner giver Atlas Copcos marineluftsystemer en pålidelighed og effektivitet, der værdsættes verden over. Atlas Copco leverer såvel el- som dieseldrevne løsninger for startluft, instrument- og arbejdsluft, som minimerer installations-, drifts- og vedligeholdelsesomkostninger for alle typer skibe og off-shore installationer. Vore produkter er godkendt af de førende klassifikationsselskaber som DNV, LOYDS, GL, BV, RINA, ABS, NK m.fl. Atlas Copco provides reliable equipment for many challenging applications along the entire marine value chain. Our compressor systems are designed to offer the best performance in the industry with the smallest footprint and minimal energy consumption, in accordance with all relevant marine standards. Bagenkop Smede & Maskinværksted ApS A124 Havnegade 2, 5935 Bagenkop, Denmark Tel: +45 62 56 13 21 / +45 40 16 21 42 [email protected] · Virksomheden blev grundlagt 1906. Har alle årene arbejdet i fiskerisektoren. Fremstiller alt i alu-udstyr samt trawlskovle, motor og hydraulik installationer. Fremstilling af Munkebo garnspil og garnklarer. Forhandler diverse motorfabrikater. Baltic Marine Contractors D744 Peterburitee 90F, 114 15 Tallinn, Estonia Tel: +372 606 93 81 [email protected] · BMC tilbyder service og reparationer af al navigations- og kommunikationsudstyr i Baltikum. Vi er repræsenteret i alle større havne i området, hvorfra vi tilbyder service af høj kvalitet til fornuftige priser. Vi har hovedkontor i Talinn, Estland men har servicepunkter i Odense og i St Petersborg i Rusland. Vi er en del af Pon Power Scandinavia - forhandler af Cat- og MaK motorer og generatorer. På alle vores lokationer lagerfører vi al relevant materiel og tilbyder europæisk 24-timers service BMC is a market leader for service of navigation and communication equipment in the Baltic Sea area. We are represented in all major ports in the area offering quality service for affordable prices. Our headoffice is located in Tallinn, Estonia and we have own service stations in Odense, Denmark & St Petersburg, Russia. We are part of Pon Power Scandinavia - dealer of Cat and MaK engines and generators. On our locations we carry full stock of spares and equipment. European 24-hour service. 24 BDO Scanrevision D811 Havnegade 18, 9850 Hirtshals, Denmark Tel: +45 96 56 17 00 [email protected] · I BDO har du lokale revisorer, der er tæt på i dagligdagen. Revisorer, der bruger indsigt og indlevelse til at rådgive din forretning – og dig. Når du som fisker søger svar på spørgsmål om regnskaber, økonomi finder du svaret hos vores fiskerispecialister på kontorerne i Hirtshals, Skagen eller Frederikshavn. Beitir ehf C216 Jónsvör 3, 190 Vogar, Iceland Tel: + 354 424 6650 [email protected] · Beitir ehf is best known for its production made of stainless steel f.ex. Long line haulers, Baiting machines, Baite cutters, Rising fish bins, Long line chute, Fillet chilling tub, Fish washers, Roe separators, Buoy line haulers, Salter, Gillnet haulers. Belitronic AB D708 Rättarvägen 7, 872 63 Lunde, Sweden Tel: +46 612 320 00 [email protected] Belitronic har produsert flere titals tusen juksamaskiner siden starten 1973. Maskiner er solgt til over 75 land. BJ5000 er markedsledende med program för vanlig juksafiske, bunnfiske, hiling, makrell og akkarfiske. Belitronic has since 1973 sold tenth of thousands jig fishing machines into more than 75 countries. BJ5000 is the very most sold machine with programs for regular fishing, bottom-, macherel-, squid and all kind offish that bait hooks. Besrad D841 Troldbjergvej 14, 6960 Hvide Sande, Denmark Tel: +45 97 31 20 28 [email protected] · Besrad er et elektronik firma, beliggende i Hvide Sande, Danmark Firmaet beskæftiger tre medarbejdere i produktion og en i administrationen. Det daglige arbejde består af reparation og servicering af alle former for trawlsensorer til fiskeskibe. Medarbejderne er alle uddannet elektronikmekanikere og elektronikfagteknikere, hvilket giver dem de kvalifikationer der skal til for at kunne reparere sensorerne. Besrad er et af de eneste firmaer der har reparation af sensorer, som speciale. (fortsættes næste side/continued on next page) 25 Besrad is a company repairing ships electronic for many years; our location is Hvide Sande, Denmark. The company has three employees in the production, and one in administration. The daily work includes repair and service on all types of trawl- sensors used on fishing vessels. All employees are educated elektronictechnicians and electronicengineers giving us the qualifications needed for repairing the sensorers. Besrad is a one and only company, specialized in reparation the Sensors. Björkö Telnfabrik AB D771 Björkövägen 771, 65870 Björköby, Finland Tel: +358 6 3524500 [email protected] · Björkö Telnfabrik has been a leading supplier of quality float lines and lead lines since 1956. Today our product portfolio includes braided float lines for most types of gill net fishing. This year we introduce a new line for deep water fishing. In addition to our standard products we also offer solutions made on customers’ requests, Our flexible production capacity allows us to meet specific requirements regarding buoyancy, breaking strength or color with short notice. Blue Water Shipping D829 Trafikhavnskaj 11, 6701 Esbjerg, Denmark Tel: +45 79 13 41 44 [email protected] · Udstillingsservice, biltransport, oversøisk shipping, luftfragt, spedition, fortoldning, reefer transport, logistik løsninger, lagerhotel, frysehus, containerleje/salg og skibsklarering. Exhibition service, road transport, deep-sea transport, airfreight, freight forwarding, reefer transport, logistical service, warehousing, cold storage, tubs/containers and ships chartering. BMInternational Co., Ltd. D729 1662-7, Songjeong-Dong, Gangseo-Gu, 618-819 Busan, Republic of Korea Tel: +82 51 266 8035 [email protected] · The newly launched BMI (Bada Trawl, Mobydick Trawldoors, International) is Northeast Asia’s leading maker and have manufactured and supplied the Fishing gear, Trawl net, Trawl doors, Codend, Ground rope, Experimental nets and spare parts for the fishing vessels. We promise to supply competitive products with the best quality and price by the state of art technology. BMI will do with your success. Brdr. Markussens Metalvarefabrik A/S Sverigesvej 5-11, 7480 Vildbjerg, Denmark Tel: +45 97 13 12 66 [email protected] · 26 D861 ”The Blue Line” er i dag den skandinaviske producent, som har det største udvalg af metalvarer til erhvervsfiskeriet. Af ”The Blue Line”´s produktion exporteres i øjeblikket ca. 90 % til de fleste betydende fiskerinationer globalt. ”The Blue Line” råder over 13.000 m2 produktionsareal under tag. Vi har moderne, fleksibel maskinpark, som lever op til internationale krav vedrørende kvalitet og tolerance. ”The Blue Line”´s produktion kontrolleres løbende på egen testbænk. ”The Blue Line” of today is the Scandinavian manufacturer with the most comprehensive selection of hardware for commercial fishing. About 90% of ”The Blue Line”´s total production is now being exported to the most important fishing nations throughout the world. ”The Blue Line” has at it’s disposal more than 13.000 m2 of production and storage facilities. We are equipped with modern, flexible machinery which enables us to comply with international standards of quality and precision. Bredgaard Bådeværft ApS A143, G6 Emil Aarestrupsgade 5, 4990 Sakskøbing, Denmark Tel: +45 54 70 60 88 [email protected] · Bredgaard Bådeværft ApS er et af Danmarks førende bådeværfter med mere end 45 års erfaring indenfor fremstilling og vedligeholdelse af glasfiberfartøjer. Vort sortiment spænder vidt - lige fra joller til passagerbåde - dog er vi mest kendte for vores erhvervsfiskefartøjer. Alle vores produkter fremstilles af højeste kvalitet og med en ekstra stærk skrogtykkelse. Besøg også vores udendørsstand G6, hvor vi udstiller vores seneste model: En 7,99 meter båd med ekstra stor bredde på 3,50 meter. Bredgaard Baadevaerft ApS is one of the leading boat builder’s yards in Denmark with more than 45 years of experience in production and maintenance of fiber glass boats. Our range is very wide - from dinghies to passenger boats - but our fishing vessels are our most wellknown products. All products are made of high quality with an extra fiber glass thickness in our hulls. Visit our outdoor stand G6, where you can see our latest model: A 7,99 meters boat with an extra large width of 3.50 meters. BRIDON Ropes D755 Carr Hill, ON4 8DG Doncaster, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom Tel: +44 1 302 322 300 [email protected] · BRIDON – verdens førende specialist i fremstilling af tov- og wireløsninger til de mest krævende formål. På baggrund af enestående erfaring og teknologi er BRIDON anerkendt verdensledende i design, fremstilling, udvikling og levering af stålwire, som imødekommer fiskeindustriens behov. Vore primære produkter er Dyfom Starfish®, Dyform® og Marblue® som alle er præsenteret og illustreret på vores stand D755. BRIDON – the world’s leading specialist in the manufacture of wire and rope solutions for the most demanding applications, delivering reassurance through unrivalled experience. Dra(fortsættes næste side/continued on next page) 27 wing from a background of long standing experience and technology, BRIDON is an acknowledged world leader in the design, manufacture, development and supply of steel wire ropes to meet the needs of the fishing industry. Our premium products Dyform Starfish®, Dyform® og Marblue® will be featured on our stand D755. C.C.JENSEN A/S D864 Løvholmen 13, 5700 Svendborg, Denmark Tel: +45 63 21 20 14 [email protected] · Vær klar når kvoten kalder! 80% af alle nedbrud i hydraulik og brændstof systemer skyldes snavset olie. Hold systemerne rene og reducer omkostninger til vedligehold. Hydraulik: En hydraulisk motor har en langt højere værdi end omkostningerne ved at holde din olie ren. Dieselmotor smøreolie & gear: Fjern sodpartikler og oxidation fra motorens smøreolie med CJC™ Finfiltre og undgå gearproblemer. Diesel: CJC™ Filterseparatorer holder pumper, indsprøjtningsdyser og tanke fri for partikler og vand. Kontakt: Thomas Herdahl-Thorsing, [email protected], +45 41 21 73 06 Hvordan har fx. din GEAR Olie det? - Se vor annonce side 125. When the Quota is calling – be ready! Most breakdowns in hydraulic and fuel systems are caused by contaminated oil. Keep it clean and reduce maintenance costs! Hydraulics: A hydraulic motor has a higher value, than the cost of keeping Your oil clean. Diesel Engine Lube Oil & Gears: Remove soot particles and oxidation from engine lube oil with a CJC™ Fine Filter and avoid gear trouble. Diesel: With a CJC™ Filter Separator pumps, injection nozzles and tanks can be kept free of particles and water. Contact: Kim Kjaer, [email protected], +45 22 22 29 67 How is the condition of Your oil? - See our advert at page 125. C.C.JENSEN Skibsvinduer D864 Løvholmen 13, 5700 Svendborg, Denmark Tel: +45 63 21 20 23 / +45 41 21 73 23 [email protected] C.C.JENSEN SKIBSVINDUER arbejder med udvikling og produktion og vi har mere end 50 års erfaring i unikke kundetilpassede vinduesløsninger. CJC™ Vinduer kan leveres med forskellige typer specialglas som f.eks. energi og CO2 besparende glas eller lyddæmpningsglas og vi leverer til alle typer fartøjer og off-shore. Vinduerne er fremstillet i henhold til gældende ISO standarder og opfylder klassifikationskrav. A0 og A60 brandvinduer opfylder kravene i IMO resolutionen. The C.C.JENSEN WINDOW DEPARTMENT is dealing with development and production, having more than 50 years experience. CJC™ Ship Windows can be supplied with special glass as for example energy saving or sound reducing glass and we are supplying for all types of vessels and off-shore. The windows are manufactured according to ISO standards and fulfilling classification requirements. A0 and A60 fire retarding windows fulfilling the requirements to the IMO resolution. 28 Carapax AB D709 Kontorsvägen 6, 453 41 Lysekil, Sweden Tel: +46 523 64 22 00 [email protected] · Totalleverantör för burfiske. NorthLift Lindragare, NorthLift Garndragare. Total supplier for creel and cage fishing. NorthLift Line Haulers, NorthLift Net haulers. Care & Relax Wellness Centre C201 Bordinglund 1, 7441 Bording, Denmark Tel: +45 60 84 89 00 [email protected] · Danmarks største sortiment af massagestole. Carl Backs A/S D819 Malervej 10, 6710 Esbjerg V, Denmark Tel: +45 75 15 11 77 [email protected] · Carnitech A/S A134 Juelstrupparken 14, 9530 Støvring, Denmark Tel: +45 99 86 40 00 [email protected] · Konkurrencedygtig forarbejdning af fisk og skaldyr kræver erfaring og ekspertise. Carnitech kan bidrage med begge dele! Vi udgør en af verdens førende leverandører af procesudstyr til fødevareindustrien, har i 30 år leveret avancerede nøglefærdige anlæg og kan tilbyde den globale fiskeindustri gennemtestede løsninger og dybdegående kendskab til forarbejdningsprocesser ombord og på land. Vi leverer både standalone enheder samt skræddersyede løsninger – alt fra en enkelt pålidelig leverandør. Competitive processing of fish and shellfish calls for experience and expertise. Carnitech can contribute with both! We are one of the world’s largest suppliers of processing equipment for the food industry & 30 years of experience with advanced turnkey processing plants. Carnitech can offer the global fish industry thoroughly tested solutions and a profound knowledge to processing onboard and ashore. We deliver stand-alone units and tailored solutions – all equipment from one single supplier. Centa Transmissioner A/S A116 A.C. Illums Vej 5, 8600 Silkeborg, Denmark Tel: +45 86 80 40 33 · [email protected] · (fortsættes næste side/continued on next page) 29 Velkommen til CENTA Transmissioner A/S - stand A116. CENTA koblinger for marine fremdrivningsanlæg og hjælpeaggregater. Afbalancering, laseropretning og vibrationsmåling. NYT! Kom og se vores nye CENTAFLEX kobling! Welcome to CENTA Transmissioner A/S - stand A116. CENTA couplings for marine propulsion systems and auxiliary drives. Balancing, laser alignment and vibration analysis. News! Come and see our new CENTAFLEX coupling! Center for det Maritime Sundhedsvæsen C233 Vestervejen 1, 6720 Fanø, Denmark Tel: +45 76 66 04 24 [email protected] · CIV Lauwerszee UA D732 Haven 16, 9976 VN Lauwersoog, Netherlands Tel: +31 51 93 49291 [email protected] Columbus Marine A/S D726 Svejsegangen 3, 2690 Karlslunde, Denmark Tel: +45 46 19 11 66 [email protected] Hos Columbus Marine A/S finder du følgende produkter: Komplet pumpeprogram og reservedele fra Johnson Pump AB (Sverige). Redningsveste og redningsdragter fra Regatta A/S (Norge). Stort program i selvoppustelige redningsveste fra Spinlock (England). Vi glæder os til at byde dig velkommen på vores stand nr. D726. Columbus Trading A/S D867 Industrivej 22E, 3550 Slangerup, Denmark Tel: +45 47 33 98 98 [email protected] · Victorinox knive til professionelt brug. Slibemaskiner, knive m.m. fra FR. DICK. Proffessional knives. Comet Trawl Fiskerihavnsgade 21, 6700 Esbjerg, Denmark Tel: +45 75 12 45 50 [email protected] · 30 D824 Comet Trawl producere alle former for fiskeredskaber, såsom Pelagisk trawl, Semipalagisk trawl, Bund trawl samt alle former for redskaber til konsum fiskeriet. Derud over har vi et stort udvalg i tilbehør. Ring for yderligere spørgsmål eller besøg vores hjemmeside på www. Comet Trawl produce all kinds of fishing gears such as Pelagic trawl, Semipelagic trawl, Bottom trawl and all kinds of fishing gear for consumption fisheries. We also have a large selection of accessories. Call us for further questions or visit our website at Cordoaria Oliveira SA D709a Rua do Outeiro, 906, 4475 - 150 Gemunde, Maia, Portugal Tel: +351 22 943 49 00 [email protected] · Ropes and wires. Cosmos Trawl A/S D871 Notkajen 2, 9850 Hirtshals, Denmark Tel: +45 98 94 19 77 [email protected] · COSMOS TRAWL medlem af den internationale Hampidjan gruppe er specialvirksomhed for trawl, not og udstyr til fiskefarme. Leverandør af net, twine, trawldøre, reb, liner flod og jernvarer. Totalleverandør af fangstredskaber til fartøjer i alle størrelser -op til de største fabriks- og supertrawlere. Intensiv produktudvikling og anvendelsen af moderne teknologi kombineret med 1. klasses håndværk, erfaring og service gør Cosmos til en af Europas førende producenter på markedet. COSMOS TRAWL A/S member of the international Hampidjan group is specialist in trawl, purse line, and fish farm equipment. Supplier of netting, twine, doors, ropes, lines, floats and ironware. General contractor of fishing gear for all kinds of vessels, right up to the biggest super trawlers. Intensive product development using modern technology combined with first-class craftmanship, great experience and service makes Cosmos Trawl A/S the leader on the field. Cowex A/S F438 Poppelhøj 5, 2900 Hellerup, Denmark Tel: +45 39 40 04 65 [email protected] · Cralog A/S D765 Virkelyst 6, 9870 Sindal, Denmark Tel: +45 70 27 09 20 [email protected] · (fortsættes næste side/continued on next page) 31 Uddannelse som Kompetent person for Løfteanordninger samt udsætningsmildler samt redningsbåde ILO 152 og SOLAS godkendt. Education for competent person for Lifting Appliances and Launching Appliances and Lifeboats ILO 152 and SOLAS Approved. Dacon Europe A/S A140 Enghøjvej 19, 3660 Stenløse, Denmark Tel: +45 48 18 41 83 [email protected] · Daconet D844 Numitvej 27, 6960 Hvide Sande, Denmark Tel: +45 97 52 06 33 [email protected] · Daconet er ét af Danmarks største firmaer indenfor udstyr til garn- og rusefiskere. Firmaet har med sine mange års brancheerfaring fundet de helt rigtige produkter til konkurrencedygtige priser. Daconet, som leverer til kunder rundt i hele verden, har stor succes med sine egne mærker indenfor garn - nemlig: FITEX, BLUE STAR og TOREX. Med eget fletteri kan Daconet levere et bredt udvalg indenfor flyde- og synkeliner samt fletvarer i PP, Nylon, Polyester og Dyneema. Ligeledes indenfor yacht liner. Udover ovennævnte har Daconet et stort udvalg indenfor ruser, tejne, kroge (Mustad), reb og tovværk, flåd, beklædning (bl.a. Ocean regntøj og Mascot arbejdstøj), skibsmaling (Hempel), rengøringsartikler (bl.a. Vikan og Besma) samt et bredt sortiment af div. tilbehør. Altid et stort lager til omgående levering! Daconet is one of the leading companies in Denmark within equipment for gill netters and fishermen using fykes. The company has operated for many years in the fishing sector and uses this vast experience to find the correct qualities at competitive prices. Daconet, who is a world-wide supplier, is successful with its own brands within gill nets – called FITEX, BLUE STAR, and TOREX. With its own braiding factory Daconet is able to supply a wide assortment within float- and leadlines as well as braided lines in PP, Nylon, Polyester, and Dyneema. Furthermore also yacht lines. Besides the above Daconet carries a wide assortment within fykes, creels/pots, hooks (Mustad), ropes and twines, floats, clothing (incl. Viking rainwear and Mascot workwear), paints (Hempel), cleaning aids (incl. Vikan and Besma), as well as a wide range of various accessories. Always a big stock for quick delivery! DAN-FENDER, Dan hill plast a/s D849 Hornsyld Industrivej 37, 8783 Hornsyld, Denmark Tel: +45 75 68 72 00 [email protected] · DAN-FENDER...the quality that makes a difference! DAN-FENDER har i snart 30 år produceret den højeste kvalitet af oppustelige fendere, bøjer, stang-bøjer, fortøjningsbøjer og andet maritimt udstyr til Fiskeri, Aqua-culture, Sejlads, Off-shore...etc. DAN-FENDER er i dag blandt 32 verdens største producenter og eksportere produkterne til det meste af Verden. Vores mål er at producere de mest pålidelige produkter til konkurrencedygtige priser. Kontakt Thomas Lund, [email protected] for nærmere information. DAN-FENDER...the quality that makes a difference! For almost 30 years DAN-FENDER has produced the highest available quality of inflatable Fenders, Buoys, Bar-Buoys, Mooring-Buoys and other related products for Fishing, Aqua-culture, Yachting & Off-shore industry. DANFENDER is among the largest producer of these products in the world and we export worldwide. We exist from producing the highest and most reliable quality on the market. Contact Thomas Lund, [email protected] for further details. Dan Fishing Equipment D844 Numitvej 27, 6960 Hvide Sande, Denmark Tel: +45 97 31 25 55 [email protected] · DAN FISHING EQUIPMENT Ltd fait partie de la maison FRYDENDAHL et son département d’exportation IRON STRAND. Son but est de prendre soins de leurs clientèles francophones et hispano-hablanters. Depuis 1933 Iron Strand a fourni à la flotte de pêche danoise de filets et du matériel de pêche. Hors le marché doméstique, elle sert une grande clientèle dans la C.E. , dans les pays Scandinaves et Groenlande et dans beaucoup de pays d’Outre-Mer. Danish Export Association / Dansk Eksport Forening D810 Glarmestervej 20 A, 8600 Silkeborg, Denmark Tel: +45 86 81 38 88 [email protected] Gennem de seneste tre årtier har dygtige danske leverandører af fiskeriudstyr og -teknologi til det internationale marked opbygget et omdømme som kvalitetsbevidste og pålidelige aktører, der formår at skabe holdbare og omkostningsbesparende produkter til deres kunder. For at profilere disse virksomheder på det internationale marked blev Danish Fishing Equipment Group dannet i 1976 med det formål at optimere og forstærke medlemsvirksomhedernes eksportmuligheder. The Danish Fishing Equipment Group represents leading Danish companies of all sizes within this industry and function as a link between Danish subcontractors and foreign buyers. The group is a member of the Danish Export Association, giving it access to a considerable network of knowledge. Danish Maritime Magazine C222 Free E-magazine: Free Daily News: (fortsættes næste side/continued on next page) 33 Danish Maritime Magazine - the face of the maritime Denmark - appears 6 times yearly in English. With a fresh breeze from astern – including great interest and sup port from the advertisers – and not least a good and close coopera tion with the Danish Shipowners’ Association, Danish Maritime, Maritime Development Center of Europe, and Danish Ports; Danish Maritime Magazine has now really got water under the keel. We therefore deliver a steady flow of articles and advertisements of current interest, which are especially interesting to the maritime sector in the home country as well as abroad. The print run is for the moment of 10,000 copies. It is distributed by post in Denmark to all subscribers of the Danish magazine Havne & Skibsfart. To relevant embassies as well as to VIP persons worldwide. The Danish Ship owners’ Association, Danish Maritime, Maritime Development Center of Europe as well as Danish Ports participate by the selection of relevant recipients. Is distributed at maritime trade fairs, where Danish Export Group participates. In addition to this, Danish Maritime Magazine is read in a sharply increasing number as e-magazine – directly on www., where the readers also have the popular new “bookshelf”. Dansk Akvakultur F421 Vejlsøvej 51, Byg. J, 8600 Silkeborg, Denmark Tel: +45 89 21 22 60 [email protected] Dansk Akvakultur er brancheforening for det danske opdrætserhverv. Vore medlemmer er foderfirmaer, opdrættere - dambrug, havbrug, ål og muslinger - samt fiskeeksportører og forædlingsfabrikker. Dermed dækker vi værdikæden fra ”bord til vand”. Vor fornemste opgave er at sikre medlemmerne optimale rammevilkår.Vi løser opgaven ved bl.a. at repræsentere erhvervet overfor væsentlige interessenter, rådgive medlemmerne om fx faglige forhold og relevant lovgivning og tilvejebringelse af faglig og kommerciel viden. The Organisation Danish Aquaculture represents the Danish aquaculture industry. Our members are farmers – freshwater, marine water, eels and mussels - as well as processing factories and exporters. Thus we cover the value chain from ”water to table”. Our main task is to ensure optimum business conditions for our members. In order to do that we communicate with key stakeholders, we advise members on professional issues and legislation and we provide technical and commercial knowledge. Dansk Metal Nyropsgade 38, 1780 København V, Denmark Tel: +45 33 63 20 00 [email protected] · 34 C234a Dansk Puljefiskeri D839 Havnegade 7, 6960 Hvide Sande, Denmark Tel: +45 97 31 31 04 [email protected] · Dansk Puljefiskeri er Danmarks største og uafhængige fiskepulje. Foreningen, der pt. består af ca. 330 fartøjer, varetager ved hjælp at et professionelt websystem udleje, leje og bytte af fangstrettigheder på samtlige fiskearter samt diverse administrative opgaver i forbindelse med bl.a. kvotehandler. Er du interesseret i at høre mere, står vi gerne til rådighed. Dansk Puljefiskeri - puljen, der vil det bedste for fiskeren. Besøg os på stand D839. Dansk Puljefiskeri is Denmark’s largest and independent fishing pool. The organization currently consists of about 330 vessels that – by using a professional web system - rent, lease and exchange fishing rights on all fish species in all waters. If you are interested we are pleased to provide further information. Dansk Puljefiskeri – we work for the fisherman. Meet us at stand D839. Danske Fiskeauktioner A/S D839 Havnegade 15, 2. sal, 7680 Thyborøn, Denmark Tel: +45 96 90 88 00 [email protected] Danske Fiskeauktioner A/S er med afdelinger i alle tre vestkysthavne Thyborøn, Thorsminde og Hvidesande en af Europas mest moderne fiskeauktioner. Salget af fisken kører over et internetbaseret system (PEFA systemet) og tiltrækker derved et meget stort antal opkøbere hver eneste dag. Mød os på stand D839. With roots in all three harbours, Danske Fiskeauktioner A/S is one of Europe’s most modern fish auctions. The fish are sold via an internet-based system (the PEFA system) thereby attracting a very large number of buyers every single day. Danske Fiskeres PO – Danmarks Fiskeriforening C203, C228, C229, C231 Nordensvej 3, Taulov, 7000 Fredericia, Denmark Tel: +45 70 10 40 40 mail@dkfisk · · Danmarks Fiskeriforening og Danske Fiskeres Producent organisation er medlems-organisationer for danske fiskere. Danmarks Fiskeriforening udgiver en ugentlig avis, Fiskeri Tidende. Danish Fishermen’s Association and Danish Fishermen’s Producers Organization are both member organisations for Danish fishers. Danish Fishermen’s Association publishes a weekly newspaper, Fiskeri Tidende. 35 DESMI Danmark A/S A154 Tagholm 1, 9400 Nørresundby, Denmark Tel: +45 72 44 02 50 [email protected] · DESMI Gruppen er en dynamisk virksomhed med mange års erfaring inden for pumpebranchen. Vi tilbyder et produktprogram, der anvendes i en lang række sammenhænge verden over, og vi er blandt de markedsledende inden for pumper til marine segmentet i Skandinavien. Virksomheden udvikler, producerer og sælger centrifugalpumper, tandhjulspumper samt miljøudstyr til bekæmpelse af olieforurening, suppleret med et bredt agenturprogram - herunder Twin Disc marinegear. The DESMI Group is a dynamic company with many years of experience within the pumping industry. our product range covers many applications and we are among the market leaders in Scandinavia. We develop, manufacture and sell centrifugal pumps, internal gear pumps and equipment for recovering oil spills - as a supplement we hold a wide range of agencies e.g. for Twin Disc Marine Transmissions. Our customers are found within industry, marine, district heating and waste water treatment. DICK, FR. D867 Industrivej 22E, 3550 Slangerup, Denmark Tel: +45 47 33 98 98 [email protected] · Victorinox knive til professionelt brug. Slibemaskiner, knive m.m. fra FR. DICK. Proffessional knives. DK Transportbånd Aps A142 Langelandsvej 25, 5800 Nyborg, Denmark Tel: +45 62 21 78 52 [email protected] · DK Transportbånd ApS er producent af modulopbyggede transportbånd i både plast og rustfrit stål. DK Transportbånd ApS har et program, der giver mulighed for at løse næsten ethvert behov. DK Transportbånd ApS har stor erfaring i løsning af mangeartede transportopgaver. DK Conveyorbelt ApS is a Danish manufacturer of modular belts in both plastic and stainless steel. DK Conveyorbelt ApS has a program that allows you to solve almost any need. DK Conveyorbelt ApS has extensive experience in solving diverse transport tasks. DOFITA Shiprepair Box 213, Tilzes str. 60, 91108 Klaipéda, Lithuania Tel: + 370 46 469862 [email protected] · 36 D727 DTU Aqua C221 Charlottenlund Slot, 2920 Charlottenlund, Denmark Tel: + 45 33 88 33 84 [email protected] · DTU Aqua - Institut for Akvatiske Ressourcer DTU Aqua er et institut på Danmarks Tekniske Universitet. DTU Aqua arbejder med forskning, rådgivning, uddannelse, innovation og formidling inden for bæredygtig udnyttelse af havets og de ferske vandes levende ressourcer og økosystemer. Instituttet rådgiver Fødevareministeriet og andre offentlige myndigheder, fiskeri- og akvakulturerhvervene og internationale kommissioner. DTU Aqua - National Institute of Aquatic Resources DTU Aqua is an institute at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). DTU Aqua provides research, advice, education, innovation, and communication in the field of sustainable exploitation of living marine and freshwater resources and ecosystems. The Institute undertakes advisory tasks for the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries and other public authorities, the commercial fisheries, the aquaculture industry and international commissions. Duusgaard Coating ApS D811 Skibsbyggerkaj 4, 9850 Hirtshals, Denmark Tel: +45 98 94 58 11 [email protected] Duusgaard Coating er specialist i overfladebehandling af skibe: Højtryksrensning, vandblæsning med 1000 bars tryk, sandblæsning og metallisering samt opmaling med konventionelle og avancerede malingssystemer. Vi har desuden sandblæsningsværksted, hvor vi blæserenser små, såvel som større emner af enhver type. Et andet hovedområde er glasfiberarbejde og skumisolering, herunder garnering og isolering af fiskelaster og arbejdsdæk i glasfiber og polyurethanskum. Duusgaard Coating specializes in the coating of ships: High pressure cleaning, water blasting with 1000 bar pressure, sand blasting and metallization, as well as painting with conventional and advanced coating systems. In our sandblasting facilities, we are able to blast small, as well as larger items of any kind. Another one of our competencies is fiberglass and foam insulation work, including linings and insulation of cargo holds and working deck in fiberglass and polyurethane foam. E. Vejvad Hansen ApS C238 Darumvej 145B, 6700 Esbjerg, Denmark Tel: +45 75 13 19 44 [email protected] (fortsættes næste side/continued on next page) 37 Styrhusstole, operatørstole, køreskinner, dørkbelægning. Wheelhouse chairs, operator chairs, deck tracks, floor mats. E-Catch BV D732 Westwal 2, 8321 WG Urk, Netherlands Tel: +31 527 689 789 [email protected] E-Catch Logbook software. E-Catch has been developed by working shoulder to shoulder with professionals from the business. By manner of trials and testing in cooperation with the government, a product has been created that adheres to the standards set by the government. An excellent balance between user friendliness and functionality has been found. Modular. E-Catch has been designed and built in modules. This means that the basic form is up to the government-set standards. Aside from the basic form, one can find an additional module of, for example, a weighing system. In the future more modules will be developed which will help the user to design a personal system to his or her own demands and wishes. The E-Logbook designed by EFICE is prepared according to the upcoming legal standards and adheres to the full demands set by the government. The messages that the E-Logbook produces are tested by the government for content, correctness and level of completeness. This programme has been created in multiple languages to be of service to flagships in the future. Efice BV D732 Westwal 2, 8321 WG Urk, Netherlands Tel: +31 527 689 789 [email protected] Egersund Sea Service A/S A98 Sokndalsveien 26, 4370 Egersund, Norway Tel: +47 51 49 20 00 [email protected] · Egersund Trål AS D743 Svanavågen, 4370 Egersund, Norway Tel: +47 51 46 29 00 [email protected] · A total supplier of trawling equipment for nearly 60 years. First class products and an experienced and professional staff gives you assurance of top service and high level of co-operation. Our close contact with professional fishermen worldwide forms the basis for continuous product development. 38 EHL BV D732 Haven 2, 9976 VN Lauwersoog, Netherlands Tel: +31 519 349 023 [email protected] · Lauwersoog HAVN, en fiskerihavn. Lauweroog is a lively, attractive and multi functional harbor with an auction.Our goal is to facilitate your business. We offer break-even tariffs for necessary services. We facilitate landing and transferring possibilities. We stimulate sustainable fishery within the limits of company vision. Our intention is a balance between healthy operation and optimal service to users of the harbour (radical development plans in accordance with tourism). Because we collaborate with the auction we reinforce each other. ELKA Rainwear A/S D874 Navervej 22-24, 7451 Sunds, Denmark Tel: +45 97 14 24 22 [email protected] · Elthermo a/s C218 Højnæsvej 44, 2610 Rødovre, Denmark Tel: +45 36 72 22 00 [email protected] · enterprise europe network C215 Boulevarden 13, 9000 Aalborg, Denmark Tel: +45 99 31 15 30 [email protected] / [email protected] · Eos Shipbroker AB D714 Kungsgatan 91, 903 30 Umeå, Sweden Tel: +46 90 13 57 54 [email protected] · Eos Shipbroker is dedicated to purchase an sale of vessels and related equipment and specialises in fishing. Over the years we have supplied fishing boats of all sizes, from small gillnetter to large trawlers/purse seiners, both “our own” and via other ship brokers all over the world. We also deal with fishing licences in the form of BT, kW, effort, days at sea and other permits. We also supply work boats and other tonnage, former fishing boats that have been adapted to suit new purposes as well as equipment for fishing boats. Fishing today is to a large degree associated with licenses, authorisation and long-term economic planning. Our superior knowledge of this area enables us to deal with these issues and we have assisted a number of ship owners in such matters. Eos Shipbroker also has a large network of contacts including (fortsættes næste side/continued on next page) 39 other shipbrokers both in Sweden and abroad, which means that our market is very wide. We provide valuations of fishing boats as well as advice in the area of purchase and sale. Over the years we have developed and can therefore facilitate contacts with banks, various authorities and shipyards for building or reconstruction and preparation of the necessary contracts. ES-Trawl ApS B301 Kai Lindbergs Gade 67, 7730 Hanstholm, Denmark Tel: +45 97 96 11 26 [email protected] · Euronete Scandinavia A/S D756 Karetmagervej 9, 7000 Fredericia, Denmark Tel: +45 75 95 45 77 [email protected] · Euronete er den førende leverandør af moderne kvalitets fiskeriudstyr til trawlfiskeri. Produktsortimentet omfatter det internationalt kendte Euroline®; Euroline Premium® og Euroline Premium Plus® trawlnet samt twine, kugler, tovværk, trawlwire, bobbins m.v. Vi forbedrer til stadighed vore produkter, som sammen med et bredt produktsortiment er vort stærke grundlag for at servicere trawlfiskeriet med pålidelige produkter. Kom og få en snak med os om vore kvalitetsprodukter og professionelle service på stand D756. Euronete is the leading supplier of modern quality fishing gear. We supply the internationally well known Euroline®; Euroline Premium® og Euroline Premium Plus® trawl netting and twine, floats, rope, trawl wire, bobbins etc. We continuously improve our products and with our wide range of products, we serve the trawl fishery with reliable products. Our products will be featured on stand D756. Fischernet D771 Gammel Køge Landevej 117, 1, 2500 Valby, Denmak Tel: +45 36 45 02 00 [email protected] · Fiskenet, liner, reb, flåd, køleboxe FISCHERNET leverer et bredt udvalg af fiskenet. Hertil de anerkendte Bjørkø flyde- og synkeliner. Tovværk, fletliner, medløber, flåd og flydere. Garn fra nogle af verdens førende producenter: Ching Fa, Nagaura og Momoi. Trawlnet fra Garware. Tilbud gives på monterede garn. Fra Bjørkø stort sortiment af HI TEC FLEX-flydeliner, med høj opdrift og til fiskeri på dybt vand. Til transport af fisk de kendte Nilkamal kølekasser i mange størrelser. FISCHERNET supplies a wide selection of fishing nets, for gill nets and for trawl. Björkö floatand sinkerlines, including the advanced and dependable FLEX floating lines. This year new FLEX lines for fishing at deep water. Fishing nets of all types of world famous brands: Ching Fa, Nagaura and Momoi. Mono- and twisted long lines in a wide range. For transport of fish we offer Nilkamal (ISO-9001) insulated fish tubs of many dimensions. We offer high quality 40 clothing from OCEAN Rainwear. Fishering Service D753 Bagrationa, 119-1, 236039 Kaliningrad, Russia Tel: +7 4012 631040 [email protected] · Fishering Service is located in Kaliningrad region, Russia and specializing in manufacturing of pelagic fishing gear. Annually the company’s net loft consumes around 1000 tons of synthetic materials to produce over 200 trawl sets. Our trawls, working same effective at both surface and depth, are well admired by fishermen from Iceland to South Africa and from Russia to Chile. More than 90 fishing vessels use highly efficient Fishering Service gear catching various species all over the World. Fish Farming International A96 Bontelabo 2, 5003 Bergen, Norway Tel: +47 55 21 33 00 [email protected] · IntraFish Media is the global leader in delivering critical business news to seafood professionals worldwide through print and online mediums. IntraFish Media operates and, online daily news services providing readers with up-to-the-minute news impacting the international seafood industry. The IntraFish Media titles includes Seafood International, a monthly publication serving seafood buyers and suppliers; Fish Farming International, serving the international aquaculture industry; Fishing News International, Fishing News Weekly & Fiskeribladat Fiskaren, covering the international fishing industry. IntraFish Media is a subsidiary of NHST Media Group, an Oslo, Norway, based media company. Fishing Glasses UK / Outdoor Eyewear C205 44 Pingle Croft, Chorley, Lancashire PR6 7UP, United Kingdom Tel: +44 779 381 0640 [email protected] Fishing News International A96 Bontelabo 2, 5003 Bergen, Norway Tel: +47 55 21 33 00 [email protected] · IntraFish Media is the global leader in delivering critical business news to seafood professionals worldwide through print and online mediums. IntraFish Media operates and, online daily news services providing readers with up-to-the-minute news impacting the international seafood industry. The IntraFish Media titles includes Seafood International, a monthly publication serving seafood buyers and suppliers; Fish Farming International, serving the international aquaculture industry; Fishing News International, Fishing (fortsættes næste side/continued on next page) 41 News Weekly & Fiskeribladat Fiskaren, covering the international fishing industry. IntraFish Media is a subsidiary of NHST Media Group, an Oslo, Norway, based media company. Fishing News Weekly A96 Bontelabo 2, 5003 Bergen, Norway Tel: +47 55 21 33 00 [email protected] · IntraFish Media is the global leader in delivering critical business news to seafood professionals worldwide through print and online mediums. IntraFish Media operates and, online daily news services providing readers with up-to-the-minute news impacting the international seafood industry. The IntraFish Media titles includes Seafood International, a monthly publication serving seafood buyers and suppliers; Fish Farming International, serving the international aquaculture industry; Fishing News International, Fishing News Weekly & Fiskeribladat Fiskaren, covering the international fishing industry. IntraFish Media is a subsidiary of NHST Media Group, an Oslo, Norway, based media company. FiskerBladet C222 Jægergårdsgade 152, Bygn. 03 I, 8000 Århus C, Denmark Tel: +45 70 20 41 55 [email protected], FiskerBladet - 55. årgang - er et upolitisk tidsskrift for hele fiskesektoren. Det redaktionelle indhold er varieret med en blanding af artikler om aktuelle emner af særlig interesse for fiskesektoren og oplysende artikler om nyheder vedrørende de værktøjer og produkter, virksomhederne anvender i dagligdagen. FiskerBladet er således et sikkert annoncemedie for annoncører, der ønsker en direkte kontakt til hele fiskesektoren ’Fra Vand Til Tand’ Magasinet, med et oplag på 6.800, heraf 2.100 som E-magasin, modtages af alle registrerede både over 5 tons, og foruden erhvervsfiskere når bladet frem til fiskeopdrættere, fiskeforarbejdende virksomheder, grossister og eksportører, fiskehandlere, sektorens skoler og forskningsinstitutioner, service og udstyrsproducenter der betjener sektoren, offentlige myndigheder, organisationer og politikere. Udkommer hver måned undtagen januar og juli. FiskerForum D725 Apollovej 103, 6960 Hvide Sande, Denmark Tel: +45 97 31 19 46 [email protected] · FiskerForum er en af Skandinaviens største nyhedssider om, og til Erhvervsfiskeriet, med mange spændende sider, som et stort fartøjsregister data og billeder, og AIS med LiveView fra hele Skandinavien, daglige auktionspriser fra danske og udenlandske fiskeauktioner, hyrebørs, storkøb og salgssektion, links indeks, kalender, kursus tilbud og meget mere. FiskerForum har 100- 130.000 besøgende om måneden, og er et stærkt brand, som forbindes med kvalitet og seriøsitet. Vi tilbyder annoncering med dokumenteret effekt – og en eksponeringspris helt i bund - kom og hør nærmere. 42 FiskerForum is one of Scandinavians largest newsportals about commercial fishing, with lots of subsides like ship database with data, pictures and live AIS, fish auction prices from more auction in Europe, crew base, classifieds, link database, calendar and much more. FiskerForum has 100-130.000 visitors a month, and is a strong brand which is associated with quality and professionalism. We offer advertising with a proven effect, and a very low exposure price – come by and hear more. Fiskeribladat Fiskaren A96 Bontelabo 2, 5003 Bergen, Norway Tel: +47 55 21 33 00 [email protected] · IntraFish Media is the global leader in delivering critical business news to seafood professionals worldwide through print and online mediums. IntraFish Media operates and, online daily news services providing readers with up-to-the-minute news impacting the international seafood industry. The IntraFish Media titles includes Seafood International, a monthly publication serving seafood buyers and suppliers; Fish Farming International, serving the international aquaculture industry; Fishing News International, Fishing News Weekly & Fiskeribladat Fiskaren, covering the international fishing industry. IntraFish Media is a subsidiary of NHST Media Group, an Oslo, Norway, based media company. Fiskeridirektoratet C220 Se Ministeriet for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri. 1/10-2011 fusionerede FødevareErhverv, Fiskeridirektoratet og Plantedirektoratet til en ny styrelse, NaturErhvervStyrelsen, som har ansvar for erhvervs- og miljøpolitikken vedrørende landbrug, fiskeri og forarbejdning mv., hvilket giver mulighed for i endnu højere grad at efterstræbe og skabe stærke faglige synergier på tværs af ministeriet. Fiskeriets Arbejdsmiljøråd C224 Auktionsgade 1B, 6700 Esbjerg, Denmark Tel: +45 75 18 05 66 [email protected] · Fiskeriflåden Illustreret A97 Bygmarken 66, 7730 Hanstholm, Denmark Tel: +45 97 96 13 38 [email protected] Fiskeriteknologuddannelsen C234 Niels Bohrs Vej 8, 6700 Esbjerg, Denmark Tel: +45 99 40 76 68 [email protected] · (fortsættes næste side/continued on next page) 43 Fiskeriteknologuddannelsen er fiskerisektorens videregående tværfaglige uddannelse for folk med baggrund i fiskebranchen. Varighed 1-2 år med grundig viden om fiskens kvalitet, hygiejne og produktionsprocesser. Undervisningen er en blanding af klasseundervisning, projektarbejde og ekskursioner. Jobs indenfor forarbejdningsindustri, fødevaresikkerhed, akvakultur, hav- og ferskvandsundersøgelser, miljøovervågning, undervisning, rådgivning og innovation. The Fishery Technologist education is an advanced education for people within the fish sector. The education lasts 1-2 years and gives the fishery technologist a thorough knowledge about fish quality, hygiene and production processes. Employment as manager and mid level manager in the processing industry, in aquaculture, in fishery biology and environmental monitoring, as teachers and consultants in the private sector. The teaching is a mixture of theoretical classes, project work and excursions. Fiskernes Fiskesortering D811 Norgeskajen 12, 9850 Hirtshals, Denmark Tel: +45 98 94 14 37 [email protected] Fiskernes Fiskesortering er fiskerejet. Fiskernes Samlecentral A127 Auktionkajen 7, 9970 Strandby, Denmark Tel: +45 98 48 20 22 Flexabar-Aquatech F436 1969 Rutgers University Blvd., 08701 Lakewood, NJ, USA Tel: +1 732 901 6500 [email protected] · Flexabar-Aquatech Corporation er en del af The Flexabar Group. The Flexabar Group, som ligger i New Jersey, USA, har eksisteret i cirka 50 år og har ekspertise indenfor vandbaserede lavt flygtige organiske forbindelser, produktteknologi som sikrer lav udvaskning. Disse selskaber er fuldt bemandede med professionelle ledere, kemikere, teknisk personale og et fuldt udstyret laboratorium. The Flexabar Group har udviklet bæredygtige innovative kommercielle produkter og koncepter. Flexabar-Aquatech Corporation is part of The Flexabar Group. The Flexabar Group, located in New Jersey, USA and entering our Sixth decade, has expertise in water-based low VOC, low leach out product technology. These companies are fully staffed with professional managers, chemists, technical personnel and a full working laboratory. They have developed innovative commercial products and concepts. Main products are FLEXGARD antifouling and net coatings. 44 Fred. Rasmussen A122 Ove Gjeddes Vej 23, 5220 Odense SØ, Denmark Tel: +45 65 56 05 60 [email protected] · Fred. Rasmussen er eneforhandler af Perkins Sabre, Lombardini Marine, FPT/Iveco marinemotorer, Selva Marine Påhængsmotorer og kan således tilfredsstille de fleste krav til lyst- og kommercielle fartøjer. Vi er derudover specialister i marinegear, klemflanger, dæmperplader, oliekølere og varmevekslere m.m. Fred. Rasmussen is the exclusive distributor of Perkins Sabre, Lombardini Marine, FPT / Iveco marine engines, Selva Marine Outboards and can satisfy most requirements for pleasure and commercial craft. We are also Specialists in marine gear, flange, damper plates, oil coolers and heat exchangers etc. Fresh Catch D772 Kirk Square, AB42 1RQ Peterhead, United Kingdom Phone: +44 1 779 474 860 [email protected] · Fresh Catch is one of Europe’s leading pelagic seafood processors. The company based in Peterhead, Scotland provides mackerel, herring, blue whiting, horse mackerel, sprats, silver smelt and capelin to over 60 countries worldwide. The modern processing facility is one of the most efficient in Europe and takes fish from Scottish, Norwegian, Irish, Danish and Polish vessels for a fast turn round time in port. Representatives are on stand D772 to discuss working partnerships with vessel operators. Frydendahl Fiskenet D844 Numitvej 27, 6960 Hvide Sande, Denmark Tel: +45 97 31 25 55 [email protected] · Frydendahl har leveret fiskenet til det danske fiskeri siden 1933. Frydendahl har således på nærmeste hold fulgt den store udvikling der er sket indenfor garnfiskeriet i alle disse år. Mere end 75 års erfaring gør at vi er i stand til at indgå i vejledning omkring valg af både fiskenet og montering af disse. I 1994 begyndte vi montering af fiskenet i Estland. Her har vi en stab på ca. 100 dygtige medarbejdere, som udover selve maskinmonteringen på symaskinerne også udfører specialjobs såsom: Opredning, fraskæring af brugte fiskenet og håndmontering af toggegarn. Herudover kan du, hvis du lander i Hvide Sande, benytte dig af Frydendahl´s kaj til kaj service: Vi leverer trækasser ved skibssiden sammen med ”Hugo” - vor netophaler - som haler garnene direkte op i trækasser fra kutterens pounder og vi afhenter og leverer efterfølgende garnene på kajen. Formålsparagraffen hos Frydendahl har altid været service og kvalitet. For yderligere at forbedre kvaliteten på monterede garn har vi udviklet et gennemgående kontrolsystem, som (fortsættes næste side/continued on next page) 45 sikrer en god og ensartet kvalitet. Vore mangeårige kunder ved, at Frydendahl altid står bag produkterne - dvs. er der trods alle sikkerhedsforanstaltninger alligevel sket en fejl - så reparerer, bytter eller kompenserer vi. FURUNO DANMARK AS A107 Hammerholmen 44-48, 2650 Hvidovre, Denmark Tel: +45 36 77 45 00 [email protected] · FURUNO DANMARK A/S er leverandør af elektronisk udstyr til navigation, kommunikation og fiskesøgning. Produkter: Radar, Ekkolod, Sonar, ECDIS, Elektroniske søkort, Radio- og Satellitkommunikation, Integrerede navigationssystemer, Mobil kommunikation. Af særlige interessante produkter der præsenteres på DanFish er bl.a. den nye 3D sonar WASSP, infrarøde kameraer, et bredt sortiment af LiteCom Mobil kommunikation samt de seneste versioner af MaxSea elektroniske søkort. FURUNO er rundt omkring i verdenen mest kendt for sine karakteristiske blå radarer, men i Danmark har også ekkolod og fiskesøgningsudstyr været meget populært i mange år. Foruden andre klassiske produkter, såsom VHF radioer, elektroniske søkort osv., er også satellitkommunikation blevet et stort forretningsområde eftersom disse produkter er blevet prisattraktive, både hvad angår anskaffelse og drift. Intern kommunikation ombord har vist sig som et udtalt behov ombord på rigtig mange fartøjer og derfor har FURUNOs sortiment af mobile kommunikations enheder, som eksempelvis LiteCom, blevet meget interessant for de professionelle maritime erhverv. FURUNO har kontorer i København, Esbjerg og Skagen. Foruden at kunne give kompetent og personlig vejeledning, til både forbruger og forhandlere, sikrer det også at service og anden assistance aldrig er langt væk. FødevareErhverv C220 Se Ministeriet for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri. 1/10-2011 fusionerede FødevareErhverv, Fiskeridirektoratet og Plantedirektoratet til en ny styrelse, NaturErhvervStyrelsen, som har ansvar for erhvervs- og miljøpolitikken vedrørende landbrug, fiskeri og forarbejdning mv., hvilket giver mulighed for i endnu højere grad at efterstræbe og skabe stærke faglige synergier på tværs af ministeriet. Garmin Danmark A/S D720 Hejrevang 19, 3450 Allerød, Denmark Tel: +45 48 10 50 00 [email protected] · Garware-Wall Ropes Ltd. Plot No 11, Block D1, 411 019 Pune, India India head office: +91 2030 780 180 Mobile: +44 7799 531 020 / Office: +44 1908 528 380 [email protected] 46 D771 Garware-Wall Ropes is one of the leading manufacturers of fish nets, twines and ropes with exports to over 55 countries around the world. We provide complete solutions to the fishing industry by offering fully assembled trawls, purse seines, aquaculture cages. We also provide readymade nets to the sports industry and also our new range of PE Knotless netting for the horticulture and construction sector has been launched across the globe. Gedhus Consult v/Jens Gjesing D722 Gedhusvej 28, 7441 Bording, Denmark Tel: +45 24 64 55 91 [email protected] GeoEye A105 2325 Dulles Corner Boulevard, 20171 Herndon, VA, USA Tel: +1 703 480 4624 [email protected] GeoEye Marine Services provides fish-finding and oceanic data services and products. Gertsen & Olufsen A/S A141 Savsvinget 4, 2970 Hørsholm, Denmark Tel: +45 45 76 36 00 [email protected] · Førende leverandør for skibsredere og værfter i den globale marineindustri. Leading supplier to ship owners and shipyards in the global marine industry. Gjøl Marinecenter A/S A115 Limfjordsgade 44, Gjøl, 9440 Åbybro, Denmark Tel: +45 98 27 75 15 Gjøl Marinecenter A/S beskæftiger 5 personer. Vi sælger motorer, både og trailere til private kunder samt mindre erhvervsdrivende. Vi har eksport til kunder i Grønland, Norge, Færøerne samt Sverige. Vort værksted kan klare opgaver fra 2HK til 350HK på påhængsmotorer samt alle diesel og benzin-indenbordsmotorer. Vi har forretningsadresse i det naturskønne Gjøl og har en mindre udstyrsbutik. Granly Diesel A/S A130 Hovedvejen 233 B, Oste, 4320 Lejre, Denmark Tel: +45 46 42 35 50 [email protected] · (fortsættes næste side/continued on next page) 47 Importør af Cummins diesel motorer og Cummins generatoranlæg marine og offshore branchen. Importør og leverandør af Fleetgaard filtre. Guy Cotten SA D717 B.P. 538, F-29185 Concarneau Cedex, France Tel: +33 298 976 679 [email protected] · Guy Cotten is exhibiting a complete range of protective clothing of the highest quality for commercial fishermen. Including in the exhibits are lifejackets and survival suits, warm wear. HAMPIDJAN GROUP D871 Skarfagarðar 4, 104 Reykjavik, Iceland Tel +354 530 3300 [email protected] · Moderselskabet, Hampidjan på Island, blev grundlagt i 1934. Med stærke partnere i Irland og Danmark har Hampidjan Gruppen udviklet sig til at blive en af de største producenter i verden af fiskeriudstyr og tovværk, idet de har 14 afdelinger på 4 kontinenter med over 600 ansatte. Iblandt gruppens afdelinger er firmaer med stærke lokale og internationale rødder, som har serviceret fiskeriet gennem årtier, deriblandt Swan Net Gundry i Irland og Scotland og Cosmos Trawl i Danmark. Derudover er der afdelinger i New Zealand, Namibia, Newfoundland og på begge kyster af USA. Selv om den endelige fabrikation og service af trawle bliver udført lokalt foregår produktionen af net, tovværk og halvfabrikat af trawle og poser på vores 1900m2 store fabrik i Lithauen med over 300 ansatte. The Parent Company, Hampidjan in Iceland, was founded back in 1934. With strong partners in Ireland and Denmark, the Hampidjan Group has evolved to become one of the largest Fishing Gear and Super Ropes Manufacturer of the world, having 14 entities in 4 continents with over 600 employees. Among the Group’s entities are companies with strong local and international backgrounds, rooted in servicing dynamic fisheries for several decades, including Swan Net Gundry in Ireland and Scotland and Cosmos Trawl in Denmark. In addition, there are affiliates in New Zealand, Namibia, Newfoundland and on both coasts of the USA. Although the final assembly and on-site service of ready-made fishing gear takes place at each location, where the fishing fleets dock, the production of netting, ropes, and simpler assembling of codends and smaller trawls, takes place in our factory in Lithuania, employing over 300 employees in a factory of over 20 thousand square feet. Hans Østergaard A/S Rødspættevej 8, 9970 Strandby, Denmark Tel: +45 98 48 00 11 [email protected] Motorværksted. 48 A127 Hanstholm Elektronik A/S B301 Kai Lindbergsgade 47, 7730 Hanstholm, Denmark Tel: +45 97 96 18 88 [email protected] Hanstholm Fiskemelsfabrik B301 Nordre Strandvej 54, 7730 Hanstholm, Denmark Tel: +45 97 96 10 22 [email protected] · Hanstholm Havn B301 Auktionsgade 39, 7730 Hanstholm, Denmark Tel: +45 96 55 07 10 [email protected] · Velkommen til Danmarks største fiskemarked Hanstholm Havn er med anløb af fiskefartøjer fra mere end 12 forskellige nationer en international fiskerihavn. Positionen blandt Europas største fiskerihavne er opnået i kraft af placeringer til Nordatlanten, de høje auktionspriser, den store opkøber kreds og en bred vifte af servicevirksomheder med 365/24 service. På DanFish vil vi bl.a. fortælle om udviklingsplanerne, som i høj grad fokusere på fiskeriet, men også på trafik, gods, og energi. Welcome to the greatest fish market in Denmark With fish vessels calls from more than 12 different countries Port of Hanstholm is an international fishing port. The position among the largest fishing ports in Europe has been achieved by virtue of the position close to the North Atlantic Ocean, the high fish auction prices, the great number of buyers and a wide number of service companies working 365/24. At DanFish 2011 we will inform of the development plans, which are highly focused on fishing Hanstholm HavneForum B301 Kai Lindbergsgade 71, 7730 Hanstholm, Denmark Tel: +45 97 96 23 25 [email protected] · Hanstholm Havneforum er en forening med 100 medlemmer. Formålet med foreningen er at være forum til fælles markedsføring, inspiration og udvikling. Havneforum deltager i udvikling og markedsføring af Hanstholm Havn og står ligesom de øvrige servicevirksomheder i Hanstholm til rådighed på DanFish 2011. ”Hanstholm – Whatever You Want. It Is Here”... Besøg os på stand B301 og få en snak! Hanstholm Havneforum is an association with 100 members. The idea of the association is to market the harbor and the companies, in Denmark and abroad. As the other service companies Hanstholm Havneforum is at your disposal on DanFish 2011. “Hanstholm – Whatever You Want. It Is Here”... Come visit us at B301! 49 Hanstholm Havns Indkøbsforening B301 Kai Lindbergsgade 73, 7730 Hanstholm, Denmark Tel: +45 97 96 16 90 [email protected] Detail butik på havnen i Hanstholm med alt til fiskeri erhvervet.... tovværk, sjækler, wire, gummitøj, bødegarn, arbejdstøj, støvler, handsker, værktøj, isenkram, el-artikler, flåder, børster, pensler, rengøringsmidler osv..... besøg vores nye internetbutik - Hanstholm Havns Olieforsyning ApS A127, B301 Havremarken 11, 7730 Hanstholm, Denmark Tel: +45 20 11 49 06 [email protected] Levering af brændstof, smøreolie m.m. til skibe, worldwide! Delivery of fuel, luboil etc. for vessels, worldwide! Hanstholm Ny Flydedok A/S B301 Proff.Lundgrensgade 22, 7730 Hanstholm, Denmark Tel: +45 97 96 27 47 [email protected] Hanstholm Puljeselskab ApS B301 Fibigersgade 2, 7730 Hanstholm, Denmark Tel: +45 97 96 13 99 [email protected] · Hanstholm Samlecentral A/S B301 Auktionsgade 30, 7730 Hanstholm, Denmark Tel: +45 97 96 16 66 [email protected] · Hanstholm samlecentral A/S fremstår i dag som Danmarks mest moderne samlecentral. Virksomhedens grader-systemer tilkoblet state of the art software, vil også med de fornyede krav om sporbarhed kunne garantere vore kunder fair og reel afregning af deres landinger. Hanstholm samlecentral A/S appears today as Denmark’s most modern collection center for fish. Our grading systems, connected to state of the art software, are ready to meet the renewed demands for traceability, and we will also in the future guarantee our customers fair and true settlement of their landings. 50 Hanstholm Skibssmedie B301 Kuttergade 9-11, 7730 Hanstholm, Denmark Tel: +45 97 96 16 11 [email protected] · Hanstholm Skibssmedie er en af de ældste servicevirksomheder på Hanstholm Havn. Personlig service kombineret med erfarne og kompetente medarbejdere har gjort firmaet til et alsidigt og anerkendt firma både inden og uden for Danmarks grænser. I Hanstholm Skibssmedie udfører vi alle former for ombygning af fartøjer. Vi fremstiller styrehuse, hvalbakker, master, spil m.m. og tilbyder tillige levering og montering af bl.a. hoved- og hjælpemotorer, hydrauliske anlæg, propeller samt propelaksler. The ship´s forge Hanstholm Skibssmedie is one of Hanstholm Harbour´s oldest service businesses. Personal service combined with experienced and competent employees have made the company what it is today; a versatile and recognized company, both nationally and internationally. Hanstholm Skibssmedie carries out all types of vessel conversions. We manufacture wheelhouses, forecastles, masts, winches etc. We also supply and mount main and auxiliary engines, hydraulic installations and propellers. Hau Nylon D844 Numitvej 27, 6960 Hvide Sande, Denmark Tel: +45 97 31 25 55 [email protected] · Hau Nylon har produceret flettede liner siden 1967, hvor firmaet blev grundlagt i Løgstør af Sigfred Hau. I 1985 flyttede virksomheden til Hvide Sande i forbindelse med Frede Lindholm og Frydendahl´s overtagelse af fabrikken og for ca. 10 år siden flyttede hele maskinparken til fabrikken i Estland, hvor produktionen nu foregår. Maskinparken er blevet moderniseret og produktsortimentet blevet udviklet således Hau Nylon i dag fremstiller markedets bredeste sortiment af fletliner og blyliner. Fiskeriet er en vigtig del af Hau Nylons virksomhed, men Hau Nylon fremstiller herudover et væld af speciel produkter til bl.a. flag, presenning og teltindustrien og redningsudstyrsindustrien. Since 1967, Hau Nylon has produced braided lines, when the company was founded by Sigfred Hau in Løgstør. In 1985 the company moved to Hvide Sande when Frede Lindholm and Frydendahl bought the company and about 10 years ago, the entire production was moved to the factory in Estonia, where the production takes place today. The machines are modernised and developed, making Hau Nylon the manufacturer of the widest selection of leadlines and braided lines on the market today. Haven Lauwersoog D732 p/a Haven 1, 9976 VN Lauwersoog, Netherlands Tel: +31 51 93 49 023 [email protected] 51 Havne og Skibsfart / Maritim Industri C222 Gratis E-magasin: Gratis daglige nyheder: / Målrettet Maritimt Månedsmagasin. HAVNE & SKIBSFART og Maritim Industri er det månedlige maritime talerør for alle danske maritime virksomheder, havne, fragt- og shippingfirmaer, den maritime industri samt skibsfartens folk. Det redaktionelle indhold i HAVNE & SKIBSFART og Maritim Industri er en blanding af aktuelle artikler, personalia stof og temaer med relevans for den daglige drift af maritime virksomheder. Hver gang sætter vi fokus på en driftig dansk havn og har et rele vant tema. Magasinet udkommer 10 gange om året. Oplaget er på ca. 7.500 heraf ca. 3.500 trykt + ca. 4.000 E-magasin. Havnens Skibsbyggeri D811 Vodbindervej 4, 9850 Hirtshals, Denmark Tel: +45 98 94 17 25 Havnens Skibsbyggeri udfører alle former for apteringsopgaver af styrhuse, lukaf og messelokaler m.m. Komplet med indretning og udstyr. Restauration af ældre skibstyper. Alle former for opgaver i træ udføres efter ønske. Heimdal Propulsion Norway AS D716 P.O.Box 2091, 6402 Molde, Norway Tel: +47 71 25 21 55 · [email protected] Vridbare propellanlegg Heimdal Propulsion Norway AS har produsert gir og vridbare propellanlegg i nesten 100 år. Med tiden har vi lært oss hvordan man skal konstruere anlegg som tåler en støyt. Alle våre produkter har derfor et robust design som resulterer i lite støy og vibrasjoner med minst mulig vedlikehold. Vi leverer gir og propellanlegg for små og middels store fartøy med motoreffekt opp til 3000 kW og propelldiameter opp til 3,8 meter. Controllable Pitch Propulsion Heimdal Propulsion Norway AS has produced marine reduction gears and controllable pitch propellers for almost 100 years. Through the years, we have learned how to design longlasting heavyduty propulsion plants. All our products have a robust design ensuring low noise, lowest vibrations, and the lowest possible maintenance needs. We produce propulsion plants for small and medium sized vessels with engine power up to 3000 kW, and propeller diameter up to 3,8 meters. Hellers Yachtværft Aps Kastrup Strandpark 9, 2770 Kastrup, Denmark Tel: +45 32 50 30 17 [email protected] · 52 D702 Hellers har siden 1950 leveret redningsudstyr, skibselektronik samt generel udrustning til alle former for fartøjer. Fiskerflåder fra kr. 8765,- + m. Redningsdragter fra 1596,-+m, AIS klasse B fra 3999,-+m., AIS Klasse A fra 15996,-+m. Heller is a Danish supplier of Safety Equipment & Marine Electronics. Liferaft’s, PLB, Epirb, AIS and more. Your turnkey supplier. Located in Kastrup Copenhagen. Hirtshals El-Motorservice D811 Cort Adelersvej 2, 9850 Hirtshals, Denmark Tel: +45 98 94 15 95 [email protected] · Hirtshals El-Motor Service udfører alt inden for salg, reparation og service af el-motorer, generatoranlæg og øvrige elektromekaniske artikler. Speciale: Omvikling af alle typer el-motorer. Desuden udføres alle former for el-installationer i skibe. Forhandling og service af: Leroy Sommer generatoranlæg, navigationsudstyr, Mapex Jet centrifugalpumper. Hirtshals El-Motor Service, offers at total programme in sales, repair and services of motors, electric power plants, and other electric-mechanical articles. Speciality: Re-winding all types of el- motors. Furthermore we carry out electric installations onboard ships. Agency and service of: Leroy Sommer power plants, Mapex Jet centrifugal pumps. Hirtshals Fiskeauktion D811 Norgeskajen 7, 9850 Hirtshals, Denmark Tel: +45 98 94 12 33 [email protected] · God og reel service samt gode priser og hurtig afregning er blandt de fordele, der opnås, når fisken sælges på Hirtshals Fiskeauktion. Vi er en moderne fiskeauktion, der hele tiden har opmærksomheden rettet mod fremtiden, samtidig med at vi har over 80 års erfaring i afsætning af fisk. I Hirtshals kan du få losset og sorteret din fangst døgnet rundt, og vores nye fisketerminal er Danmarks mest moderne på alle punkter. Service of excellent quality, good prices, and a quick settling of accounts, are among the advantages achieved when the fish are sold at the Fish Auction in Hirtshals. We are a modern fish auction, constantly directing our attention to the future - at the same time having more than 80 years of experience in the sale of fish. In Hirtshals your catch can be unloaded and sorted at all hours of the day, and our auction hall is all the most modern in Denmark. Hirtshals Fiskeriforening D811 Norgekajen 14, 9850 Hirtshals, Denmark Tel: +45 98 94 25 88 [email protected] · Hirtshals Fiskeriforening er grundlagt i 1904 og er en aktiv Forening, der har medlemmer fra hele Danmark. Promilleafgiften for medlemskab er en af de mest attraktive i Danmark. (fortsættes næste side/continued on next page) 53 Fiskeriforeningen yder service til medlemmer i forbindelse med; kontakter til erhvervets myndigheder, rådgivning vedr. fiskeriet. Foreningen har en konsulent, der yder service til fiskeriet, ved kontakter til myndigheder, teknik, nybygninger, ombygninger, køb og salg af fartøjer, indflagning samt registrering af fartøjer. Hirtshals Havn D811 Norgeskajen 11, 9850 Hirtshals, Denmark Tel: +45 96 56 50 00 [email protected] · Hirtshals Havn er en af Danmarks største og førende fiskerihavne, og havnen har i de seneste år gennemført betydelige investeringer i de fiskerirelaterede aktiviteter. FiskeTerminal Hirtshals er med sin ubrudte kølekæde, hygiejne og optimale logistik i dag kernen i konsumfiskeriet i Hirtshals. Ligeledes udgør Center for Pelagi sk fisk kernen i det pelagiske fiskeri. Hirtshals Havn har desuden et stærkt felt af servicevirksomheder, der døgnet og året rundt er klar til at yde en god service. The Port of Hirtshals is one of Denmark’s largest fishing ports, and has in recent years made substantial investments in activities related to the fishery. FishTerminal Hirtshals is with its unbroken cold chain, hygiene and optimal logistics the core of the demersal fishery in Hirtshals. Likewise, the Centre for Pelagic Fish is the core of the pelagic fishery. The Port of Hirtshals has a strong field of service companies that are ready to provide quality service 24/7 all year round. Hirtshals Sejlmageri D811 Havnegade 22, 9850 Hirtshals, Denmark Tel: +45 98 94 12 27 [email protected] Wire, riggerarbejde, opmåling og ligning af wire. Isolering af udstødning og kølerør. Presenninger og overtræk. Hynder og tæpper. Flåder og redningsudstyr. Brandslukningsudstyr. Blokke, sjækler, kæder og løftegrej. Firmaet blev grundlagt i 1951. Hirtshals Service Group D811 Læssevej 14, 9850 Hirtshals, Denmark Tel: +45 98 94 35 91 [email protected] Hirtshals Service Group er en erhvervsmæssig interessegruppe, som består af 43 havne-, marine- og fiskerirelaterede virksomheder og institutioner. Gruppen er ansvarlig for fælles marketing både nationalt og internationalt – primært i forbindelse med fiskerimesser. Vores målsætning er, at styrke og udvikle mellem gruppens medlemmer, at udbrede kendskabet om vores virksomheder omfattende færdigheder både nationalt og internationalt, at repræsentere havnens lejere, og at repræsentere byen. 54 Hirtshals Service Group is a commercial interest group that consists of 43 ports, marine and fishing related companies and institutions. The group is responsible for joined marketing, nationally and internationally – primarily in connection with fishing exhibitions. Our goal is to strengthen and develop the relationship to our customers, to provide knowledge about our companies comprehensive capability, both nationally and internationally, and to represent the port`s leaseholders and Hirtshals. Hirtshals Skibs- og Industriservice D811 Nordvestkajen 31, 9850 Hirtshals, Denmark Tel: +45 98 99 43 98 [email protected] Almindeligt smedearbejde i stål, rustfrit og aluminium. Fremstilling og konstruktioner i profiler, plader og rør. Opretning og reparation af større emner, så som havari eller andre skader. Ombygning- og forlængelse af fiskefartøjer. Reparation af hydraulikanlæg, spil og pumper mm. Fremstilling og montering af industrianlæg. Installation af RSW-anlæg. We offer ordinary constructions in steel, stainless steel and aluminum. Manufacture of constructions in profiles, plates and pipes. Straightening and repair of larger items such as a damaged hull or other damages. Alteration and extension of fishing vessels. Repair of hydraulic systems, winches and pumps etc. Manufacture and installation of industrial systems and RSW systems. Hjørring Erhvervscenter D811 Åstrupvej 10, 9800 Hjørring, Denmark Tel: +45 96 23 26 00 [email protected] · Hjørring Erhvervscenter servicerer erhvervslivet i Hjørring Kommune, hvor vi: • informerer/ vejleder om start, drift og udvikling af virksomhed. • formidler/skaber kontakter ved overdragelse af virksomhed. • afholder netværksmøder, kurser og lign. fællesarrangementer. Hjørring ErhvervsCenter er altid opdateret på det sidste nye. Kig forbi og bliv opdateret på: • globaliseringstilbud • innovationstilbud • kompetenceudviklingstilbud • brobygning mellem virksomhed og vidensinstitutioner. HOLM TECHNOSCAN as A121 Sydvestvej 142 - 146, 2600 Glostrup, Denmark Tel: +45 43 29 31 00 [email protected] HOLM TECHNOSCAN as, sælger og servicerer MTU, Mercedes, Detroit Diesel og VM Motorer i Danmark, Færøerne og på Grønland. 55 Hundested Propeller A/S D870 Stadionvej 4, 3390 Hundested, Denmark Tel: +45 47 93 71 17 [email protected] · Vi leverer CPP fremdrivningssystemer samt thrustere til næsten alle skibstyper, herunder specielt fiskeskibe, fragtskibe, slæbebåde, færger og større lystfartøjer. Siden 1929 har vi leveret 8900 propelleranlæg, 500 thrustere samt 200 marine gear. We supply complete CPP propulsion systems and thrusters for nearly all types of vessels, especially fishing vessels, cargo ships, tugs, ferries and larger pleasure boats. Since 1929 we have delivered 8900 propeller units, 500 thrusters and 200 marine gears. Hvalpsund Net A/S A110, F430 Havnepladsen 16, 9640 Farsø, Denmark Tel: +45 98 63 81 88 [email protected] · Hvide Sande Fiskernes Fremtid D847 Metheasvej 1, 6960 Hvide Sande, Denmark Tel. +45 97 31 19 35 [email protected] · Hvide Sande Fiskernes Fremtid er et generationsskifteselskab, der hjælper med uddannelse af unge fiskere og fiskeskippere, samt med køb af den første kutter. Vi har en kreds af erfarne fiskere og andre med tilknytning til fiskerierhvervet, som står til rådighed med enhver form for hjælp og vejledning. Hvide Sande Havn D841 Fossanæsvej 22, 6960 Hvide Sande, Denmark Tel: +45 97 31 16 33 [email protected] · Hvide Sande Skibssmedie A/S D845 Nordhavnskaj 9-11, 6960 Hvide Sande, Denmark Tel: +45 97 31 18 22 [email protected] · Hvide Sande Skibssmedie A/S fremstiller hydrauliske spil, tromler og transportører til bl.a. fiskeindustrien. Ydermere sælges, installeres og repareres motorer i fiskeskibe, slæbebåde, fragtskibe samt specialfartøjer. Et andet kerneområde er rådgivning, dimensionering og fremstilling af isværker til fiskeri, fødevarer samt industri. Hvide Sande Skibssmedie har en bred vifte af medarbejdere med mange års erfaring inden for vore kærnekompetencer. 56 Hvide Sande Skibssmedie A/S manufactures hydraulic winches, net-winches and conveyors for the fishing industry. Furthermore we are selling, installing and repairing engines onboard fishing vessels, tugs, cargo ships and special vessels. Another core area is consultancy, design and manufacture of ice production facilities for fishing, food and industry. Hvide Sande Skibssmedie has many years experience in ice production equipment, engines and hydraulic solutions. Hvide Sande Vodbinderi ApS F444 Nordhavnskaj 21, 6960 Hvide Sande, Denmark Tel: +45 97 31 10 42 [email protected] · Hvide Sande Vodbinderi ApS blev grundlagt samtidig med etableringen af Hvide Sande Havn i 1932. I dag omfatter produktprogrammet alle typer af fiskeredskaber til det professionelle fiskerierhverv, et bredt spektrum af industrinet & legeredskaber, og ikke mindst net til akvakultur. Gennem vores 80 års erfaringer som vodbindere i Hvide Sande, har vi for længst sorteret de mærker fra, som ikke er stærke nok til at opfylde de store krav, der stilles til kvalitet og slidstyrke. Hvide Sande Vodbinderi was founded simultaneously with the establishment of the harbor in Hvide Sande in 1932. Today the product program covers all types of fishing gear for the professional fishing industry, a wide spectrum of net for industrial use & Playgrounds, and of course the net for aquaculture. Through our 80 years of experience as netting in Hvide Sande, we have long sorted the brands which are not strong enough to meet the great demands about quality and durability. HYDROSCAND A/S D746 Brunbjergvej 4, 8240 Risskov, Denmark Tel: +45 70 20 28 52 [email protected] · Hydroscand er et af Skandinaviens stærkeste firmaer inden for hydraulik og industri slanger. Vores repræsentation i Skandinavien samt vores produkter gør os til en attraktiv partner, hvor vi kan løse opgaver i alle ender af spekteret indenfor hydraulik og industri slanger. Hydroscand is one of Scandinavia’s most powerful companies in the hydraulic and industrial hoses. Our representation in Scandinavia and our products makes us an attractive partner; we can solve problems in all ends of the spectrum within the hydraulic and industrial hoses. Idromeccanica FORANI & PECORARI Snc D747 Via Quintino Sella N. 8, 62012 Civitanova Marche (MC), Italy Tel: +39 733 829547 [email protected] · Idromeccanica Forani & Pecorari Snc works since over 40 years in shipping yards sector, desig(fortsættes næste side/continued on next page) 57 ning and constructing bronze pumps and complementary components. All pumps are available in the following versions: bare shaft, with mechanical or magnetic clutch, d.c. or a.c. close coupled electric or hydraulic motors units, diesel or gasoline engine driven units. Seriousness experience and high specialization are the best characteristics of the company and for this reason it is known and respected. If A145 Sofiendalsvej 9, 9200 Aalborg SV, Denmark Tel: +45 70 12 12 22 [email protected] · If Forsikring, er nordens største forsikringsselskab, og tegner generelt forsikringer indenfor alle erhverv og privat. If har blandt andet valgt at have fokus på, og særlig ekspertise indenfor Marineforsikringer: - vi har i dag mere end 900 fartøjer forsikret i Danmark og Grønland, inden for især fiskeri, færgedrift og entreprenørarbejde – og vi tilbyder alle de forsikringsdækninger, der er behov for i disse brancher. På nordisk plan har vi mere end 4.500 fartøjer forsikret. Impex Agency Hoerning ApS F430 Kollens Møllevej 19-21, 8362 Hørning, Denmark Tel: +45 86 92 31 33 [email protected] · IMPEX AGENCY blev grundlagt i 1965 og 2 år senere introducerede vi verdens første fiskeægsorteringsmaskine. 20 år senere introducerede vi verdens første fisketæller til yngel og 10 år derefter så verdens første fladfisketæller dagens lys. I 1998 blev vort program udvidet med en fiskepumpe til levende fisk. Pumpen var den første i verden med trinløs regulerbar hastighed. IMPEX AGENCY eksporterer til hele verden og bestræber sig på altid at tilbyde de bedste produkter og yde den bedste service. IMPEX AGENCY was founded in 1965 and 2 years later we introduced the first egg picker in the world. 20 years later we introduced the first fry counter in the world and 10 years after that the first flatfish counter in the world. In 1998 we introduced the first live fish transfer pump in the world equipped with step less speed adjustment. IMPEX AGENCY exports world wide and has always been aiming at having the best products and the best service. Injector Door ltd D721 Office A1, 12 Floor, Ritz Plaza, 122 Austin Road, TST, Kowloon, Hong Kong Phone: +2 982 80 606 [email protected] TRAWLING HAS NEVER BEEN THE SAME since Helgi Larsen’s breakthrough invention brought us the optimized trawl doors – also known as the Injector doors. Injector doors are widely recognized as the world’s most highly developed trawl doors and have revolutionized a crucial element of trawling through innovation and the use of new technology. This has greatly enhanced the performance of trawlers both in terms of fishing efficiency, fuel economy, env58 ironmental care, and operational effectiveness. Intech International a/s D719 Erhvervsparken 16, 9700 Brønderslev, Denmark Tel: +45 96 46 76 00 [email protected] · Intech International a/s fremstiller rustfrit produktionsudstyr primært til fiskefabrikker på land og om bord på fisketrawlere, men også til kød- og fjerkræ-industrien samt til mange andre industrier. Vores produkter fremstilles i henhold til kundens egne ønsker og behov. Intech International a/s sætter fokus på kvalitet, nem rengøring og servicevenlighed samt levering til aftalt tid. Intech International a/s præsenterer en ny patenteret rejekoger på DanFish 2011. Intech International a/s manufactures stainless production machinery for application mainly in fishing plants ashore and on board fishing trawlers. However, our machinery finds widespread application also in the meat and poultry industries as well as in other kinds of industries. The Intech machinery is designed and manufactured according to our customers’ specifications and requirements. Our main focus areas are high quality, easy cleaning, maintenance and service, as well as ontime-delivery. New Intech International a/s product launch at DanFish 2011: a patented shrimp coocker. International Shrimp Auction BV i.o. D732 Haven 2, 9976 VN, Lauwersoog, Netherlands Tel: +31 51 934 9125 [email protected] International Shrimp Auction starting at 01-01-2012. The new auction is joining together the excisting experience from the auctions in Lauwersoog and Harlingen. It will be the leading marketplace for the north sea shrimps in northern Europe. Services will be provided on the highest level, including HACCP. Of course the auction is ready for the MSC. Intrafish Media AS A96 Bontelabo 2, 5003 Bergen, Norway Tel: +47 55 21 33 00 [email protected] · IntraFish Media is the global leader in delivering critical business news to seafood professionals worldwide through print and online mediums. IntraFish Media operates and, online daily news services providing readers with up-to-the-minute news impacting the international seafood industry. The IntraFish Media titles includes Seafood International, a monthly publication serving seafood buyers and suppliers; Fish Farming International, serving the international aquaculture industry; Fishing News International, Fishing News Weekly & Fiskeribladat Fiskaren, covering the international fishing industry. IntraFish Media is a subsidiary of NHST Media Group, an Oslo, Norway, based media company. 59 IRAS A/S D875, F403 Gammelby Møllevej 3, 6700 Esbjerg, Denmark Tel: +45 76 11 49 49 [email protected] · IRAS forsyner den moderne fiske- og aquakultur industri med innovative løsninger indenfor: Losning, Sortering, Vejning, Isning, Opbevaring og Interne Distributionssystemer i procesanlæg. IRAS tilbyder enkeltmaskiner eller komplette systemer for råvare-håndtering. Baseret på årtiers erfaring har IRAS KNOW HOW indenfor håndtering af fisk. IRAS is supplying the modern fishing and aquaculture industry with innovative solutions within: Discharging, Classification, Weighing, Ice handling, Storage and Internal Distribution Systems in processing plants. IRAS offers single products or complete systems for raw material handling. Based on decades of experience, IRAS KNOW HOW to handle fish. Irish Skipper, The D701 Unit 5, Teach na Rossan, Letterkenny Co. Donegal, Ireland Tel: +353 7495 48935 [email protected] Ireland’s leading fishing magazine. Iron Strand D844 Numitvej 27, 6960 Hvide Sande, Denmark Tel: +45 97 31 13 11 [email protected] · Iron Strand has through Frydendahl the parent company of Iron Strand supplied fishing nets and all kinds of fishing equipment to the industry since 1933, and we shall be glad to share our experience with our customers. During these years the industry has developed a lot. Fishermen have built new and top modern fishing vessels, and our company has invested a lot of resources in order to support the industry with up to date fishing nets and other equipment. In 1994 another daughter company was established in Estonia. This factory has a staff of app. 100 skilled net riggers and besides net rigging, we specialize in sub supplying of special sewing operations to the industry. With regard to net rigging, we are in a position to manufacture all kinds of fully rigged gill nets. One of our services is cleaning and stripping of used gill nets. More than 50% of the app. 40.000 nets, we are rigging in Estonia annually, are rigged on second hand lines. The keywords of Iron Strand are service and quality. In order to constantly keep the correct level of quality, Iron Strand has created a marking system in order to control the net production from the stripping process till the hand or machine mounting has taken place. This means that Iron Strand at all times guarantees for the products supplied. Should delivery of nets of insufficient quality take place, in spite of the established control system, Iron Strand is of course prepared to discuss a reasonable compensation. In this catalogue you will find specifications of the different types of nets we carry in stock. Besides sale of nets from stock, we also arrange special import of net exactly after the requirement of our customers. 60 The Time of delivery for such orders is app. 4 month. Johnson Controls Marine D728 Chrisitan X’s Vej 201, 8260 Viby J, Denmark Tel: +45 87 36 70 00 [email protected] · Johnson Controls Marine former York & Sabroe Marine is a leading supplier of complete refrigeration , control systems and service for all types of fishing vessels. Johs. Hejlesen - Skibsbevaringsprojekt D808 Pile Allé 29, 9850 Hirtshals, Denmark Tel: +45 98 94 15 79 [email protected] · Snurrevodskutter – museumsskib. Åbent skib i Aalborg Havn under DanFish. Anchor Seiner – museum vessel. Open ship in Aalborg harbour during DanFish. JT Electric Ltd., PF. F439 Kambsenni 3, FO-530 Kambsdalur, Faroe Islands Tel: +298 204444 [email protected] · JT electric udvikler og producerer energisparende undervandslys og undervandskameraer til fiskeopdræt ( Til trawlere af alle størrelser kan vi tilbyde vores nye TrawlCamera ( som er verdensførende dybvandskamera som optager i trawlet mens der fiskes. JT electric develops and manufactures energy efficient underwater lights and underwater cameras for fish farms ( For fishing trawler of any size we can offer the new World-leading TrawlCamera (, that records the fishing in the trawl while fishing. Jyske Bank D811 Nørregade 13, 9850 Hirtshals, Denmark Tel: +45 89 89 33 20 [email protected] · I Jyske Bank gemmer vi os ikke i egne lokaler og ser på regnskaber hele dagen. Vi interesserer os for hvad der rører sig i din hverdag og møder dig på din hjemmebane. I Hirtshals har vi et meget stort kendskab til fiskeriet og bruger meget tid på at følge med i udviklingen, så vi altid kan give dig god sparring. Vi har en tro på at fiskeriet i Danmark har en fremtid, og den tør vi godt investere i ved at yde finansiering på de rigtige projekter. 61 Karstensens Skibsværft A/S D855 Vestre Strandvej 15, 9990 Skagen, Denmark Tel: +45 98 44 13 11 [email protected] · Nybygning og reparation af skibe. Tørdok. New building and repair of ships, slipways, marine paints. Dry dock. Kemilux D811 Cort Adelersvej 6, 9850 Hirtshals, Denmark Tel: +45 98 94 27 66 [email protected] · Miljøvenlige rengøringsartikler specielt udviklet til fiskefartøjer, levnedsmiddelindustri samt industri i øvrigt med behov for effektiv rengøring. Environmentally friendly cleaning products for the fishing fleet, fish industry and carriage sector. Kingfisher Information / Seafish D706 HSI, Europarc, Origin Way, Postal code: DN37 9TZ Grimsby, United Kingdom Tel: +44 1 472 252307 [email protected] · For over 40 years ‘Kingfisher’ has supplied fishermen with seabed information. Kingfisher now produces charts and fishing plotter files, containing positions of manmade offshore obstructions. This includes locations of Oil & Gas Structures and Subsea Telecoms / Power Cables in waters surrounding the UK and Denmark – provided FREE OF CHARGE. Please visit us at stand D706, or go to Kjaergaard Maskinfabrik AS F406 Industrivej 11, Hoven, 6880 Tarm, Denmark Tel: +45 75 34 32 22 [email protected] KNAPK Postboks 386, 3900 Nuuk, Greenland Tel: +299 32 24 22 [email protected] · 62 C213a Kalaallit Nunaanni Aalisartut Piniartullu Kattuffiat KNAPK naalisagaavoq isumaqartoq Kalaallit Nunaanni Aalisartut Piniartullu Kattufiiat, KNAPK aalisartut piniartullu Kalaallit Nunaat tamakkerlugu kattuffigaat sinerissami 71-nik immikkoortortaqartoq. Kattuffik tassaavoq aalisartut piniartullu atugaannik pitsanngorsaanissamik suliaqartoq, aam-malu aalisakkat, ammillu akiinik isumaqatigiinniartartuulluni. Nunatsinni Nunarsuarmilu as-sigiinngitsutigut politikikkut aamma sunniuteqartarluni. KNAPK ukiut sisamakkarlugit ileqquusumik ataatsimeersuartarpoq. KNAPK-mi siulersuisuunerit aqqaneq marluupput (12) nuna tamakkerlugu siammar-simasut. KNAPK-mi ulluinnarni aqutsisut tallimaapput (5). Kattuffik politikikkut arlaannaanulluunniit attuumassuteqarani ingerlasuuvoq. KNAPK namminersortuuvoq ilaasortanit aningaasalersorneqartoq. Aalisartunut Piniartunullu Siunnersuisarfik Aalisartunut piniartunullu siunnersuisarfik KNAPK-p ataani inissisimavoq. Januarip aallaqqaataani ukioq 2004-mi aallartippoq. Siunnersorteqarfiup pilersinneqarneratigut siunertaavoq siunnersuisarneq aqqutigalugu aali-sarnermik piniarnermillu inuussutissarsiuteqartut piginnaasaasa inerisarneqarnissaat. Siunnersorteqarfimmi siunnersortitut atorfeqartut marluupput. Siunnersortit taakku marluusut nunarput tamakkerlugu aalisartunut piniartunullu siunnersorta-apput. Siunnersortit marluusut suliassaqarfii erseqqinnerusumik paasisaqarfigerusukkaanni Siunner-suisarfimmut toqqaannartumik saaffiginninnikkut ersarinnerusumik paasiniaasoqarsinnaavoq. KNAPK is an abbreviation, which means The Organization of Fishermen and Hunters in Greenland. KNAPK is an organization of fishermen and hunters from all over in Greenland, and there are 71 local branches. The Organization has the primary assignment to improve the conditions for fishermen and hunters and to negotiate the prizes of fish and sealskin. The organization has also political influence in Greenland and worldwide. KNAPK has general meeting every fourth year. KNAPK has a committee with twelve members, the members are settled different places in the coast. KNAPK has an executive with five members. The Organization is independent of political parties. KNAPK is financed by members only. The Consultancy to Fishermen and Hunters The Consultancy to Fishermen and Hunters is a subdivision in KNAPK. The Consultancy is established in 2004. By establishing the Consultancy it was the purpose, through the Consultancy, to develop competence and qualifications of fishermen and hunters. There are two employees in the Consultancy. Those advisers are advising fishermen and hunters all over in Greenland. If you want more information about the tasks of the advisers, you can contact the Consultancy directly. Knud Thomsens Fiskeexport A127 Hyttefadsvej 6, 9970 Strandby, Denmark Tel: +45 98 48 10 20 Fiske eksport. Fish export. 63 Konsumfisk D839 Havnegade 15, 2. sal, 7680 Thyborøn, Denmark Tel: +45 24 41 65 30 [email protected] · De tre vestkysthavne Thyborøn, Thorsminde og Hvidesande er gået sammen i et enestående samarbejde omkring profilering af frisk fisk og udvikling af hele konsumfisk området. Aktiviteterne i Konsumfisk består bl.a. af forretningsudvikling & afsætning, markedsføring & profilering samt kvalitet i alle led, så vi får den bedst mulige vare ind på auktionen og i sidste instans ud til forbrugeren. Mød os på stand D839. To gain the greatest benefit in all harbours and exploit the opportunities which joint initiatives make possible, the three westcoast harbours Thyborøn, Thorsminde and Hvide Sande have formed a unique partnership on the profiling of fresh fish and the development of all edible fish in the area. We call the partnership Konsumfisk. Meet us at stand D839. Korsør Propeller A/S D800 Norvangen 12, 4220 Korsør, Denmark Tel: +45 58 37 09 34 [email protected] · KSL Industries Limited D751 48, Indranarayan Road, Santacruz-West, 400054 Mumbai, India Tel: +91 22 2854 2019 [email protected] · KSL Industries ltd. is a public limited listed in Stock Exchange world over. Company is actively involved in Catching, Trading & exporting the Fresh Sea food animals like fish of many kinds, lobsters, crabs, etc. We are one of the top sea food company in Asia using most modern technology for exports of the same. Now the company is entering into european market with latest Technology of fishing, henced by participating in DanFish in Denmark we will be able to update our technology of sea food business. Kynde & Toft Maskinværksted D825 Sydhalevej 6, 7680 Thyborøn, Denmark Tel: +45 97 83 12 05 [email protected] · Skibsreparation, spil, hydraulik, motor, service af motor og hydraulik, stål-, alu- og rustfri konstruktioner. ISO 9001, CNC dreje- og fræse underleverandør, Rustfri hydraulik komponenter. Ship repair, winches, hydraulic, engines, engine service, hydraulics service, steel-, alum- and stainless steel construction. ISO 9001, CNC turning- and milling subcontractor, Stainless hydraulics fittings. 64 KYSTMAGASINET - Findexa Forlag AS, avd Bergen D705 Valkendorfsgaten 1A, 5012 Bergen, Norway Tel: + 47 48 06 78 50 [email protected] · Kystmagasinet har fiskeflåten som sin hovedmålgruppe. Vi fokuserer på tvers av nyheter relatert til teknologi og utstyr for både flåten og industrien. Vår tilnærming og valg av redaksjonelt innhold har gitt oss positive tilbakemeldinger fra både redere og leverandører. Kystmagasinet er det ledende magasinet for fiskeflåten. ”Dere har nyhetene - vi har leserne” Kystmagasinet has the fishing fleet as its main target group, and we focus towards news related to technology and equipment for fishing vessels, including other editorial material of interest for the fishing industry sector. Our approach and choice of magazine content has created a very positive feedback and response from both vessel owners and the suppliers. Kystmagasinet is the leading magazine for the fishing fleet. You provide the news – we provide the right readership. Kølemadsen A/S G1 Læssevej 18, 9850 Hirtshals, Denmark Tel: +45 98 94 19 16 [email protected] · Kølemadsen A/S tilbyder: salg, montering, reparation og servicering af: anlæg til aircondition, fryserum og fryselager, ismaskiner – alle størrelser og produktionskapaciteter, RSW-anlæg, pladefrysere, tunnelfrysere og køleanlæg, varmepumper. Desuden levering af kølemidler indland og udland. Vi arbejder både herhjemme og i udlandet. Vi er primært aktive i Danmark, Grønland og på Færøerne, Rusland og Baltikum og på så forskellige destinationer som Bahamas, Egypten, Kasakhstan, Bangladesh og Australien. Kølemadsen A/S offers: Sale, installation, repair and servicing of: plant for air conditioning, cold rooms and stores, ice machines – all sizes and production capacities, RSW plant, plate freezers, tunnel freezers and refrigeration plant, heating pumps. Delivery of refrigerants Denmark and abroad. We work both in Denmark and abroad. We are primarily active in Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands, Russia and the Baltic States. And in so different places as Greenland, the Bahamas, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Bangladesh and Australia. Leif Jensen Grenaa ApS A137 Åboulevarden 58, 8500 Grenaa, Denmark Tel: +45 86 32 53 92 [email protected] · Leif Jensen Grenaa ApS er importør og servicecenter for NOTUS Electronics Ltd. I Skandinavien. Vi forhandler Sailor tv antenner fra Thrane Thrane samt anden maritim elektronik. Vi er behjælpelige med indhentning af uforpligtende tilbud på sandblæsning, metallisering og maling. Assistance ved kontrahering af nybygning, ombygning og reparation. Assistance til (fortsættes næste side/continued on next page) 65 salg og køb af fartøjer. Vi samarbejder med flere danske og udenlandske virksomheder. Leif Jensen Grenaa ApS are importer and service center of Notus Electronics Ltd. in the Scandinavian area. We sell Sailor TV antennas from Thrane and Thrane and other marine electronics. We can also help with obtaining quotation on sand blasting, metallization and paint. Assistance with contracting of new vessels, renovation and repair. Assistance to the sale and purchase of vessels. We work with several Danish and foreign companies. Lidan Marine AB A138 Box 854, 531 18 Lidköping, Sweden Tel: +46 510 54 52 58 [email protected] · Limbo Både I/S G9 Havnevej 2, 7770 Vestervig, Denmark Tel: +45 97 94 15 43 [email protected] · Vi udstiller ved Indgangen og har 2 nyheder med: 1 Limbo 585 model Grønland/Erhverv og 1 Limbo 520 model Grønland/Erhverv. Vi udstiller garnhaler med Honda motor eller EL-motor. Lions Club Vejgaard A99 c/o Lars Elmegaard, Denmark Tel: +45 22 23 98 20 [email protected] Clubbens virkeområde er Aalborg Kommune, med fokus på Vejgaard og omegn, hvor der ydes humanitær hjælp af forskellig art. Der ydes hjælp til såvel nationale som internationale projekter. Pengene til denne humanitære hjælp, kommer fra mange forskellige aktiviteter. Clubben, der startede sin virksomhed i 1973, har lige nu 21 medlemmer, der alle har en eller anden tilknytning til lokalområdet. Since 1917, Lions Clubs have offered people the opportunity to give something back to their communities. From involving members in projects as cleaning up an area park or as far-reaching as bringing sight to the world’s blind, Lions clubs have always embraced those committed to building a brighter future for their community. Today more than 46.000 clubs in 194 countries and geographical areas, Lions have expanded their focus to help meet the everincreasing need for our global community. Our programs are continually changing to meet new needs and greater demands, but our mission has never wavered: “WE SERVE”. LSM Pumper ApS Sigenvej 7, 9760 Vrå, Denmark Tel: +45 98 98 19 00 [email protected] · 66 G1 Verdens største slangepumpe kan bruges mange steder. Oprindeligt er den designet til losning af fisk. Sild, rejer, tobis og affald fra laks og hestemakrel kan med stor succes pumpes med en pumpe fra LSM. The world’s biggest hose pump is useful in many areas, initially designed for off-loading fishing vessels, acting as a ”large scale vacuum cleaner”. Fish types as Herrings-Shrimps-Sprats-Krill and waste from Salmon and Horse mackerel can with success be pumped with a pump from LSM. Luminell AS A101a Myrabakken Næringssenter, Bygg 2, 6010 Aalesund, Norway Tel: +47 92 24 52 91 [email protected] · Luminell AS introducerer en ny generation af udendørs projektørbelysning til den maritime industri, baseret på LED teknologi. Vi har forpligtet os til at levere et belysningssystem som har en meget lang levetid, øger sikkerhed og effektivitet, reducerer strømforbrug og vedligehold, og minimerer spildlys til omgivelserne. Levetiden er op til 100.000 timer og strømforbruget kan reduceres op til 80%. RLX serien er designet og produceret i Skandinavien, et kvalitets produkt, som modstår det maritime miljø. Luminell AS is introducing a new generation of outdoor floodlights for marine vessels, based on advanced LED technology. Our commitment is to deliver light systems that have a very long lifetime, increase safety and efficiency, reduce power consumption and maintenance and minimize light pollution to the surroundings. The lifetime can be up to 100.000 hours and the power consumption can be reduced by up to 80%. The RLX series is designed and produced in Scandinavia - no compromises have been made. Lyngaa-Marine D757 Usserød Kongevej 82B, 2970 Hørsholm, Denmark +45 39 90 40 90 [email protected] · Lyngsoe Systems A/S C212 Lyngsø Allé 3, 9600 Aars, Denmark Tel: +45 96 98 09 80 [email protected] · Lyngsoe Systems er leverandør af logistikløsninger bl.a. lagerstyring, Asset Management, Fødevaresporbarhed og RFID. Lyngsoe Systems’ løsninger baserer sig på kendte og anvendte teknologier, der sætter vores kunder i stand til at forbedre deres kundeservice, produktivitet samt markant reducerer omkostningerne i deres forretning. Lyngsoe Systems har en omfattende viden og erfaring med projektedelse, rådgivning, installation, support og vedligeholdelse af it-baserede logistikløsninger. (fortsættes næste side/continued on next page) 67 Lyngsoe Systems is a provider of logistics solutions including Warehouse Management, Asset Management, Food Traceability and RFID. Lyngsoe Systems’ solutions are based on known and used technologies that enable our customers to improve their customer service, productivity and reduce costs in their business. Lyngsoe Systems an extensive knowledge and experience in project management, system design, consulting, installation, support and maintenance of IT-based logistics solutions. MacArtney A/S F418 Gl. Guldagervej 48, 6710 Esbjerg V., Denmark Tel: +45 76 13 20 00 [email protected] · MacArtney solutions The MacArtney Underwater Technology Group is a global supplier of underwater technology specialising in design, manufacture, sales and service of a wide range of systems to offshore operators, surveyors, the renewable energy sector, ocean sciences, security forces and navies across the world. We offer a range of advanced and reliable systems from proven components, cables and connectors, to state-of-the-art integrated packages, including fibre optic telemetry systems and remotely operated towed vehicle systems. Our proven systems and components are backed by an international network of our own subsidiaries for your quality assurance, providing local access to global service. Mahle Industriefiltration Gmbh. D722 Gedhusvej 28, 7441 Bording, Denmark Tel: +45 24 64 55 91 [email protected] Malerfirmaet Frede Møller Nielsen A127 Hegnsvej 17, 9970 Strandby, Denmark Tel: +45 98 48 10 99 MAN Diesel & Turbo D809 Niels Juels Vej 15, 9900 Frederikshavn, Denmark Tel: +45 96 20 40 30 [email protected] · MAN Diesel & Turbo er verdens førende leverandør af large-bore dieselmotorer og turbomaskineri. Vi designer 2- og 4-takt motorer, gas og damp turbiner og kompressorer. Vores produktprogram indeholder også turboladere, CP propellere og gasmotorer. Vores verdensomspændende PrimeServ service sørger for 24 timers service til vore kunder alle ugens dage. MAN Diesel & Turbo SE is the world’s leading provider of large-bore diesel engines and tur68 bomachinery. It designs two-stroke and four-stroke engines, gas and steam turbines and compressors. The product range is completed by turbochargers, CP propellers and gas engines. Customers receive worldwide after-sales services under the MAN PrimeServ brand. Marel A136 P.O. Pedersens Vej 18, 8200 Aarhus N, Denmark Tel: +45 89 30 44 44 [email protected] · Marel er leverandør af standardmaskiner og komplette skræddersyede løsninger til fødevareindustrien og fiskeriflåden. Produktporteføljen indeholder blandt andet checkvejere, pålægs - og lakseslicere, portioncuttere til fast vægt, gradere, vægte og vejesystemer, fabrikssoftware, sporbarhedsløsninger, frysere, integrerede løsninger og meget mere. Marel er en global virksomhed med hovedkontor i Island, og datterselskaber over hele verden. Marel is the leading global provider of advanced equipment, systems and services to the fish, meat and poultry industries. Our brands – Marel, Stork Poultry Processing and Townsend Further Processing – are among the most respected in the industry and together, we offer the convenience of a single source to meet our customers’ every need. Marigold Industrial D724 Vantage Park,BS16 1GW Bristol, United Kingdom Tel: +44 1 454 252 447 [email protected] · Marigold® Industrial og Comasec ® er varemærker tilhørende Comasec International Group (CMIG), som er rangeret blandt verdens førende inden for hånd- og armbeskyttelse (HAP), og med hovedkvarter i Gennevilliers, lige nord for Paris. Marigold® Industrial og Comasec® tilbyder en bred vifte af HAP-produkter i en række materialer, lige fra latexhandsker til specialiserede handsker, der beskytter mod kemiske og bakteriologiske risici, samt beskyttelse mod gennemskæringer. Marigold® Industrial and Comasec® are trademarks of Comasec International Group (CMIG) ranked among the world leaders in hand and arm protection (HAP) and with headquarters in Gennevilliers, just North of Paris. Marigold® Industrial and Comasec® provide a wide range of HAP products in an array of materials, ranging from latex gloves to specialised gloves protecting against chemical and bacteriological risks, including protection against cuts. Marine Servicen I/S D832 Kai Lindbergs Gade 55, 7730 Hanstholm, Denmark Tel: +45 96 64 20 12 [email protected] · Salg, service og installation af alle former for skibselektronik. Distributør af Olex 3D/2D navigationssystem, antenner fra AC Marine, sensorer fra Airmar og Comar AIS systemer. Import af (fortsættes næste side/continued on next page) 69 produkter fra det japanske elektronik firma JMC, som omfatter ekkolod, sonar, plotter, GPS, navtex og VHF. Forhandler af produkter fra: Polaris Electronics A/S (Sailor m.m.), Navteam A/S (JRC), Simrad A/S m.fl. Marine-El A/S D811 Læssevej 14, 9850 Hirtshals, Denmark Tel: +45 98 94 35 91 [email protected] · Firmaets hovedaktiv er el-installationer i skibe og industri. Specialer: Styresystemer til køleog fryseanlæg, styresystemer til generatoranlæg, tavleanlæg. Main activities: Marine- and industrial, electric installations. Specialities: Control systems for refrigeration plants, control systems for electrical power plants, electrical switch boards. MarineService Hirtshals D811 Pier 2, 9850 Hirtshals, Denmark Tel: +45 96 56 03 03 [email protected] · MarineService løser alle type opgaver indenfor skibsreparation, bl.a. stålarbejde, rør- og hydraulikarbejde, motorreparation mv. Vi har udviklet og fremstillet mobilt udborings- og maskineringsudstyr til diverse fræseopgaver, udboring af stævnsrør og maskinering af propeller boss on-site. Vi besidder desuden avanceret laserudstyr, som muliggør alle typer avanceret opmålingsopgaver. MarineService arbejder i vores værksted i Hirtshals eller ombord på skibe overalt i verden. MarineService carries out a number of tasks in the field of shiprepair, such as steel, welding, pipe, engine and hydraulic works. The work is carried out in our workshop in Hirtshals or on board ships all over the world. MarineService has developed and manufactured mobile drilling- and machining equipment, that among other things enables us to carry out pipe drilling of stern tube and planning of propeller boss on-site. MarineShaft D811 Pier 2, 9850 Hirtshals, Denmark Tel: +45 96 56 02 02 [email protected] MarineShaft udfører reparation af propellerudstyr og rorarrangementer. Vi er specialiseret i koldopretning af propelleraksler og rorstammer, og propelleraksler og rorstammer fra 20 mm til mere end 1000 mm i diameter oprettes i vores specielfremstillede 3000 tons presser. Arbejdet udføres til klasseselskabernes fulde godkendelse som permanent reparation uden pålæg. MarineShaft fremstiller desuden nye propelleraksler og rorstammer og udfører komplet renovering af propellerudstyr og rorarrangmenter 70 MarineShaft carries out repair and manufacturing of propeller equipment and rudder arrangements. We are specialized in cold straightening of propeller shafts and rudder stocks. All work is carried out to the Classification Societies full approval, and cold straightening is considered a permanent repair without recommendation. We manufacture new propeller shafts and rudder stocks and carries out complete renovation of propeller equipment and rudder arrangement. C207 9210 Aalborg SØ, Denmark Tel: +45 41 63 33 22 [email protected] · Velkommen til Portalen er det nye sted, hvor du/i kan købe og sælge brugt udstyr til den maritime branche. Stedet hvor du/I kan finde nye kunder worldwide hurtigt og effektivt. På DanFish vil vi lancere en nyhed, som kan gøre din forretning mere effektiv mht. salg på internettet. Vi glæder os til at se dig/jer på stand C207. Welcome to The portal is the new place where you can buy and sell used equipment for the maritime industry. The place where you can find new customers worldwide - quickly and efficiently. At DanFish we will launch a new innovation that can make your business more effective on the web. We are looking forward to see you at C207. Mekanord A/S D851 Sandholm 7, 9900 Frederikshavn, Denmark Tel: +45 96 20 14 00 [email protected] · Mekanord leverer markedets bedste Controllable Pitch fremdrivningsløsninger baseret på årtiers erfaring og udviklingsarbejde. Vi udvikler og producerer gear samt leverer propeller og kontrolsystemer til CP-fremdrivningsløsninger i højeste kvalitet og til konkurrencedygtige priser. Service er en integreret del af vores filosofi og vi sætter en ære i at servicere nye som gamle kunder hurtigst muligt. Vi er markedets førende på service og reparationsopgaver på alle mærker og typer af marinegear. Mekanord is a market leading supplier of Controllable Pitch Propulsion (CPP) systems. We design and manufacture marine gearboxes and deliver either the gearbox only or the complete propulsion package including controllable pitch propeller and remote control system. We offer a full service package on gearboxes, controllable pitch propellers and control systems to ensure maximum availability on vessels in operation. Merema Transport BV D732 Steenweg 5, 9936 BP Farmsun - Delfzijl, Netherlands Tel: + 31 596 61 26 26 · [email protected] · 71 MEST P/f D770 J. C. Svabosgøta 31, 110 Tórshavn, Faroe Islands Tel: +298 301100 [email protected] MEST P/f er Færøernes største skibsværft med to lokationer, en i Torshavn og en på Skála. Virksomheden har bygget og repareret skibe siden 1936, og er i dag en moderne og effektiv virksomhed med 170 ansatte. Virksomheden tilbyder nybygninger op til 60 meter, og råder over tre beddinger og en 120 meter lang tørdok, moderne værksteder samt egen ingeniør- og tegnestue. MEST P/f is the biggest shipyard in the Faroe Islands with two locations, one in Tórshavn and one at Skála. The company has built and repaired vessels since 1936 and is today a modern and efficient shipyard with approximately 170 employees. The company can offer new buildings up to 60 meters, has three slip´s and one dry dock. With slip capacity at 2500 tonnes, one 120 meter long dry dock, modern workshops and engineering- and drawing department. Midtjysk Aqua F451 Vestermarken 3, 8765 Klovborg, Denmark Tel: +45 70 23 12 18 [email protected] · Vi sælger alt i udstyr til dambrugserhvervet. Vi har også alt i plastrør og slanger. Ministeriet for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri C220 Slotsholmsgade 12, 1216 København K, Denmark Tel: +45 33 92 33 01 [email protected] · Ministeriet for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri deltager igen i år på DanFish. Vi glæder os til at se dig! 1/10-2011 fusionerede FødevareErhverv, Fiskeridirektoratet og Plantedirektoratet til en ny styrelse, NaturErhvervStyrelsen, som har ansvar for erhvervs- og miljøpolitikken vedrørende landbrug, fiskeri og forarbejdning mv., hvilket giver mulighed for i endnu højere grad at efterstræbe og skabe stærke faglige synergier på tværs af ministeriet. Der forventes i 2011 at blive givet tilsagn om tilskud for godt 260 mio. kr. til projekter inden for fiskeri- og akvakultursektoren. På standen vil du kunne høre nærmere om Den Europæiske Fiskerifond og mulighederne for og erfaring med tilskud til fremme af en bæredygtig fiskeri- og akvakultursektor og til udvikling af fiskeriområder. På standen vil der også blive præsenterer en ”live” demonstration af elektronisk logbog, som fartøjer mellem 12 og 15 meter skal have pr. 1.januar 2012. Desuden vil det være muligt at blive klogere på VMS. 72 Montes A/S D764 Hedevej 3, 9800 Hjørring, Denmark Tel: +45 96 23 50 50 [email protected] · MONTES leverer og supporterer It løsninger baseret på Microsoft Dynamics AX, C5 og NAV samt tilhørende kommunikations- og netværksløsninger herunder hosting. MONTES har udviklet dedikerede løsninger til virksomheder i fiskeindustrien. MONTES delivers and supports It solutions based upon Microsoft Dynamics AX, C5 and NAV together with communication and networking solutions including hosting. MONTES has developed solutions dedicated to companies in the fishing industry. MS Engineering A/S A117 Skovbakken 41, 9240 Nibe, Denmark Tel: +45 98 35 12 33 [email protected] MS Engineering A/S er et ingeniør og handelsfirma som repræsenterer følgende firmaer på det danske marked: 1. GEA-Bloksma, Bokskølere, oliekølere, heatere, kondensatorer. 2. Corrosion & Water-Control, anti-fouling systemer og katodisk besk. 3. DVZ Services, lænsevandssep., spildevandsanlæg. 4. IHC Lagersmit, stævnrørstætninger. 5. Rubberdesign, Vibrationsdæmpere, udstødsophæng. 6. MAHLE, filtre. 7. Aqua Metro, Brændstofforbrugsmåling. 8. Brassbell, Brandslukning. 9. Idromar, ferskvandsgen. Mustad Longline AS C208 Gangstøvikvegen 4, 6009 Ålesund, Norway Tel: +47 70 10 75 80 [email protected] Automatic fishing gear, fish hooks, fishing gear and autolining. Mustad Longline develops and supplies technology to the world`s line fishing fleet. Most of today`s bottom fishing longline fleet is using Mustad Autoline technology. With more than 700 installations and a global service network, we offer the best guarantee of a profitable and safe longline operation. 73 NaturErhvervStyrelsen C220 Se Ministeriet for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri. 1/10-2011 fusionerede FødevareErhverv, Fiskeridirektoratet og Plantedirektoratet til en ny styrelse, NaturErhvervStyrelsen, som har ansvar for erhvervs- og miljøpolitikken vedrørende landbrug, fiskeri og forarbejdning mv., hvilket giver mulighed for i endnu højere grad at efterstræbe og skabe stærke faglige synergier på tværs af ministeriet. Navteam A/S A118 Norgesvej 7, 5700 Svendborg, Denmark Tel: +45 63 21 80 80 [email protected] · Navteam A/S er fiskeri branchens førende leverandør af elektronik-løsninger med mange spændende nyheder til fiskeriet. Navigations-, Kommunikations-, GMDSS- og Fiskesøgningsudstyr til brug for enhver skibsstørrelse, for eksempel det nye JRC Black-box radar-, ekkolod- og plottersystem. Ny serie af attraktivt udstyr med sikker kvalitet og enkel betjening. Navteam står bag et omfattende program af markedets nyeste og mest moderne udstyr fra kendte producenter som; JRC, Yokogawa, ACR, Intellian, ICOM, ComNav, Seiwa, C-MAP m.fl. Radar, Arpa, Ekkolod, Sonar, Strømlog, GPS/DGPS, Søkortplotter, C-MAP, GMDSS VHF/DSC, MF/HF, Inmarsat-udstyr, EPIRB, SART, Navtex, Bærbar VHF, Kompas og Autopilot, Satellit TV antenne systemer m.m. Du finder det hele hos Navteam, som altid står til rådighed for salg, service, installation eller reparation af udstyr. Kontakt os for yderligere information eller for anvisning af nærmeste forhandler. Navteam is a leading supplier of Professional Marine Electronic Solutions for the fishing fleet, having many exciting product news for the fishery. Navigation-, Communication-, GMDSSand Fish finding equipment for use on board any size of vessels, for example JRC’s new Blackbox radar-, echo sounder- and plotter system. New series of attractive equipment with highest and excellent quality, simple operation and menu structure. Navteam represents the largest programme on the market with the newest and most modern equipment from well-known manufactures such as JRC, Yokogawa, ACR, Intellian, ICOM, ComNav, Seiwa, C-MAP ect. Radar, Arpa, Echo sounder, Sonar, Current indicator, GPS/DGPS, Chart plotter, C-MAP, GMDSS VHF/ DSC, MF/HF, Inmarsat-equipment, EPIRB, SART, Navtex, Portable VHF, Compass and Autopilot, Satellite TV antenna systems ect. You will find all you need at Navteam, and we are always available for sales, service, installation and repair of equipment. Please contact us for further information. NORDHAVN A/S A153 Nikkelvej 17, 8940 Randers, Denmark Tel: +45 70 21 34 00 [email protected] · NORDHAVN A/S er en 100% danskejet virksomhed med mere end 50 års erfaring i projektering, salg og service af dieselmotorer, generatorer, fremdrivningsanlæg og andre motorapplikationer til maritime og industrielle formål. I Danmark er NORDHAVNs produkter instal74 leret mange steder lige fra kongeskibet, Molslinien til mange færger herhjemme. NORDHAVN beskæftiger ca. 50 medarbejdere og har eneforhandling af SCANIA, SISU og JCB motorer i Danmark, Færøerne og Grønland. Mere info på NORDHAVN A/S is a 100% Danish owned company with more than 50 years of experience in projecting, sales and service of diesel engines, gensets, propulsion units and all kinds of engine applications for marine and industrial purposes. In Denmark you find NORDHAVN’s products everywhere - e.g. in inland ferries, the Royal Yacht and Molslinien. NORDHAVN has approx. 50 employees and sole agencies for SCANIA, SISU and JCB engines in Denmark, the Faroe Isl. and Greenland. More info on Nordkøl B301 Kai Lindbergs Gade 65, 7730 Hanstholm, Denmark Tel: +45 97 96 22 22 [email protected] · Nordrep D811 Skagen Landevej 703, 9800 Hjørring, Denmark Tel: +45 40 18 88 66 [email protected] · NORDREP is a Danish registered company based in the northern part of Jutland close to an airport with worldwide connections. We have a team of flying squad engineers with great experience within ship repairs during docking as well as on board repairs during vessels operation. All our engineers are Danish and English speaking and are used to work as a team as well as individual. We are used to assist maker’s service engineers and have good experience with following types of machinery: MAK – Wartsilä – MWM – Cummins – MAN B&W – Bergen Diesel – Caterpillar, however also maintenance / repair of thrusters / gearboxes / all kind of pumps / cargo handling equipment etc. are covered by our teams. During many years of service to supply vessels we have obtained a great deal of experience with heavy anchor handling winches – electrical driven as well as hydraulic driven - shark jaws , towing pins ect. Nordsabb Kaj Klyn A/S A104 Runetoften 8, 8210 Århus V, Denmark Tel: +45 86 24 36 00 [email protected] · Firmaet blev etableret i 1933 af Kaj Klyn, og har siden været familieejet. I 2008 overtog Nordsabb agenturet for Nanni-diesel i Danmark og Grønland. Vi har valgt et bredt udvalg af kvalitets produkter indenfor maritimt udstyr. På den måde opnår vi de bedste resultater i samarbejde med kunden. Vi tilbyder Kvalitet i hver detalje og vil forsat satse på at tilbyde komplette (fortsættes næste side/continued on next page) 75 løsninger, i håb om forsat godt samarbejde. Kvalitet er ikke en prioritet Kvalitet er vores fundament. Nordsøen Forskerpark D762 Willemoesvej 2, 9850 Hirtshals, Denmark Tel: +45 98 94 41 88 [email protected] · Nordsøtrawl D820 Nordsøkaj 1, 7680 Thyborøn, Denmark Tel: +45 97 83 20 90 [email protected] · The total solution in high quality fishing gear. NorthLift AB D709 Kontorsvägen 6, 45341 Lysekil, Sweden Tel: +46 523 642210 [email protected] · 12V elektriska lindragare och garndragare. 12V electric line and net haulers. NOTUS Electronics Ltd. A137 West Empire Plaza, Unit 11, 391-395 Empire Ave, A1E 1W6 St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada Tel: + 1 709 753 0652 · [email protected] · NOTUS Electronics Ltd. har siden 1992 produceret udstyr til trawl og garnfiskeriet. Notus udvikler og leverer trådløse sensorer til overvågning af trawl og not. Notus produceres i Canada hvor Notus har deres hovedkontor på St. Johns Newfoundland. Notus trawlmaster kan bruges til enkel, dobbelt, tre og fire trawl, bund og flydetrawl. Notus Seinemaster er specifik til not fiskeri. Notus develops and supplies wireless sensors for monitoring trawls and purse seines. The company incorporates a unique transponder based technology in all the products. For the Captain, this provides the ability to measure the trawl wires, find lost gear and make adjustments in cross currents. OxyGuard International A/S Blokken 59, 3460 Birkerød, Denmark Tel: +45 45 82 20 94 [email protected] · 76 F441 OxyGuard fremstiller måle- og kontrolsystemer til akvakulturindustrien. OxyGuard, som er en lille dansk virksomhed, er verdensførende inden for denne niche. Produkterne omfatter instrumenter til måling og overvågning af opløst ilt, temperatur, pH, redox, salinitet, opløst CO2 og totalgas samt systemer, der kan kontrollere alt udstyr på en fiskefarm. OxyGuard producerer også systemer, der sikrer vandkvaliteten under transport af levende fisk. OxyGuard manufactures measuring and control equipment for the Aquaculture Industry. A small 100% Danish company, OxyGuard is a world leader in this niche. Products include instruments for measuring and monitoring dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH, redox, salinity, dissolved CO2 and total gas as well as systems that can control all the equipment in an entire fish farm. OxyGuard also produces systems to protect living fish during transport. Oxymat A/S F 448 Fasanvej 18, 3200 Helsinge, Denmark Tel: +45 48 79 78 11 [email protected] Oxymat er et dansk firma med speciale i design og produktion af nitrogen og oxygen generatorer. Vores oxygen generatorer er særdeles velkendt i brugen af iltningssystemer til bl.a. fiskeopdræt, brøndbåde, ozon fremstilling. Oxymat is a Danish based company specialized in designing and manufacturing on-site nitrogen and oxygen generators. Pack and Sea A/S C212 Fibigersgade 2, 7730 Hanstholm, Denmark Tel: +45 96 18 60 70 [email protected] · Pack and Sea er stiftet af kasseudlejere i 10 danske fiskerihavne. De 10 havne er Skagen, Strandby, Hirtshals, Hanstholm, Thyborøn, Thorsminde, Hvide Sande, Bønnerup, Grenå og Gilleleje. Pack and Sea opererer med 2 typer kasser. Kasserne er grønne og de 2 typer er en stor konisk kasse, og en firkantet kasse. Pack and Sea A/S is a united company established by crate distributors in 10 Danish fishing ports. The 10 ports are: Skagen, Strandby, Hirtshals, Hanstholm, Thyborøn, Thorsminde, Hvide Sande, Bønnerup, Grenå, Gilleleje. Pack and Sea has made two different kinds of crates for the 10 fishing ports. The crates are both green and one is conic – the other rectangular. Palby Marine A/S D767 Korsvej 3, 6000 Kolding, Denmark Tel: +45 75 88 13 11 [email protected] · (fortsættes næste side/continued on next page) 77 Palby Marine er Danmarks største grossist i marinebranchen, der forhandler alle typer af bådudstyr. Vi importerer udstyr fra hele verden og leverer bådudstyr og reservedele til mere end 600 forhandlere i Danmark, på Grønland og på Færøerne. Vi eksportere også vores egne varer til 20 lande. Vi producerer THOR lyddæmpere, udstødningsbøjninger, antihævert ventil, quick-fit søvandsfiltre. Vi har også vores egen serie af vandsportskikkerter, produceret i Kina og godt solgt i hele verden. Og siden 2008 har vi produceret vores egen bådtekstil serie “Baltic Sea Collection”. Virksomheden beskæftiger i øjeblikket 27 medarbejdere. Vi stræber efter at have det mest komplette lager af alle typer bådudstyr, så vi vil kunne betjene alle danske sejlere fra dag til dag. Palby Marine is a danish wholesaler, distributor and producer of marine articles. Palby Marine is the largest marine wholesaler in Denmark.We employ 27 people in our company. We deliver high quality products to more than 600 dealers and professionals in Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands. Besides we exports our own products to 20 countries. We manufactor THOR exhaust systems, anti flow units, stainless exhaust transoms, elbows and quick-fit water strainers. We also carry a strong line of watersport binoculars produced in China, which are well sold all over the world. Since 2008 we have had our own brands: “Baltic Sea Collection” - home/ boat textiles. Pesch Marinescheinwerfer C237 Ortsring 2, 21423 Winsen / Luhe, Germany Tel: +49 41 71 56 84 [email protected] · For 40 years now we have been developing and producing searchlights and wipers with the name SEEMATZ. SEEMATZ is used everywhere where functionality is obligatorily necessary under all conditions. Our scope of delivery includes searchlights from 150 to 7000 Watt, wipers from 375 to 4025mm wiper length – from the yacht to the Russian icebreaker, from a snowmobile all the way to country border surveillance. Should you not find the matching product for your needs in our assortment, please contact us. We have produced all main components in our house since the every beginning. This enables us to build exactly what you need – gladly also outside of our standard product range. Peter Harbo A/S D852 Olievej 4, 6700 Esbjerg, Denmark Tel: +45 75 13 08 44 [email protected] · Pioner Boats Holtermon Industriområde, 1940 Björkelangen, Norway Tel: +47 63 85 30 00 78 A115 Alle Pioner både er godkendte af Norsk Veritas samt CE-certifeceret. Bådene er fremstillet i et plastprodukt som gør dem meget vedligeholdesfri samt utroligt stærke. En Pioner båd kan genbruges 100%. Pioner Boats har både i størrelserne 8” til 17”. I 2011 indgik Pioner Boats samarbejde med Yamaha Skandinavien om re-powring til deres både. Polar Fish 2012 C209 Postboks 149, 9100 Aalborg, Denmark Tel.: +45 99 35 55 09 [email protected] · · Polar Fish messen finder sted for ottende gang i Sisimiut fra 5. til 7. oktober 2012. Messen arrangeres af arrangørerne af DanFish fiskerimessen i Aalborg i samarbejde med Qeqqata Kommune og Qeqqata Erhvervsråd. The Polar Fish trade fair will be held in 2012 for the eighth time from 5th to 7th October 2012, and again the Danish organizers of DanFish International will be in charge of stand sales and general planning. The trade show is organized in cooperation with the Municipality of Qeqqata and Qeqqata Business Council. Polar Fishing Gear D759 Sudurlandsbraut 8, IS 108 Reykjavik, Iceland Tel: +354 5685060 [email protected] Polaris Electronics A/S A125 Kærholt 1, 9210 Aalborg SØ, Denmark Tel: +45 96 31 79 00 [email protected] Polaris Electronics A/S leverer kommunikations- og navigationssystemer til hele det maritime marked. Polaris Electronics er autoriseret distributør af markedets førende producenter, herunder også landets eneste Sailor Certified Service Center og On Board Service Center. Polaris Electronics tilbyder world wide rådgivning, salg, installation samt service. Vi har airtimepakker til VSAT, Inmarsat, Iridium, Thuraya o.s.v. Vi er endvidere godkendt af DnV, BV, LR, Rina og DMA til radiosyn. Polaris Electronics A/S delivers communication and navigation systems to the maritime market. Polaris Elecronics A/S is authorised distributor of the markets leading producers, incl. Sailor Certified Service Centre and On Board Service Centre in Denmark. Polaris Electronics offers world wide consultancy, sales, installation and service. We supply airtime to VSAT, Inmarsat, Iridium, Thuraya etc. Furthermore, we are approved by DnV, BV, LR, Rina and DMA for surveys. (fortsættes næste side/continued on next page) 79 Pon Power D744 Øresundsvej 9, 6715 Esbjerg N, Denmark Tel: +45 76 14 64 00 [email protected] Pon Power A/S er forhandler af Cat- og MaK-motorer og generatoranlæg i Skandinavien. Vi tilbyder anlæg i hele produktspektret fra 6,4 til 16.000 kW der hovedsagligt anvendes som fremdrivningsmotorer, hjælpemotorer, primærstrøm eller nødstrøm. Derudover tilbyder vi motorer til offshoreinstallationer. Vi er ISO9001 og 14001-certificeret og sætter dermed kvalitet, sikkerhed og miljøhensyn i højsædet. Samtidig lægger vi stor vægt på at tilbyde miljøvenlige motorløsninger. Worldwide 24timers service. Pon Power A/S is the distributor of Cat and MaK engines and generators in Scandinavia. We supply systems covering the entire product range from 6.4 to 16,000 kW, Primarily utilized for propulsion engines, auxiliary engines and for the supply of primary or emergency power. In addition we supply engines for offshore installations. Pon Power is ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified, illustrating our focus on quality, safety and environmental responsibility. Worldwide 24-hour service. PPG Coatings Danmark A/S D703 Tigervej 15, 4600 Køge, Denmark Tel: +45 56 64 28 00 [email protected] · ProFlex ApS Innovative Coatings F436 Andkaervej 19 D, 7100 Vejle, Denmark Tel: +45 76 88 19 91 [email protected] · ProFlex er et dansk handelsfirma med mere end 10 års erfaring inden for antifouling og imprægnering af fiskenet, tovværk og reb til kommercielt fiskeri. ProFlex er eneagent for det amerikanske firma Flexabar, som har været nr. 1 i verden inden for vandbaseret antifouling gennem de sidste 40 år. Hurtig og præcis levering er et ”must” inden for vores forretningsområde. ProFlex eksporterer i dag til Nord-, Øst- og Sydeuropa, Mellemøsten, Asien og Afrika. ProFlex is a Danish trade company with more than 10 years experience within Antifouling and coatings for fishing nets, ropes and twine for commercial fisheries. ProFlex is the sole representative (Europe-Middle East-Africa) to the US based company FLEXABAR, world leader within water based Antifouling for the past 35 years. Quick and just-in-time delivery is a “must” into our business. At present ProFlex is exporting to North, East and South Europe, Middle East, Asia and Africa. 80 Ptech ApS D752 Egeskovvej 6A, 3490 Kvistgård, Denmark Tel: +45 70 70 10 94 [email protected] · Ptech ApS er et handels- og ingeniørfirma med mange års erfaring indenfor den maritime sektor og industri generelt. Vores pålidelige niveau- og temperatur sensorer er fra det velkendte og fleksible BEDIA Motorentechnik i Tyskland. Vores alarm- og kontrolpaneler for dieselmotorer, generatorsæt, tilhørende tavler og nu endda også for el-motorer, er fra det anerkendte og innovative firma ComAp i Prag hvis produkter i stort omfang benyttes Worldwide.De fleste produkterne findes i klasset udgave. Ptech Aps is a trade- and engineering company with many years of experience within the maritime and industrial sector. Our reliable level- and temperature sensors are produces by the well-known and flexible company BEDIA Moterentechnik in Germany. Our alarm- and control panels for diesel engines, genset , belonging switchboards and now even for electrical motors comes from the recognized and innovative company ComAp in Pragh, products which are used Worldwide. Marine approved products available. Qeqqata Erhvervsråd C214 Umiarsualivimmut 2, Box 399, 3911 Sisimiut, Greenland Tel: +299 863500 [email protected] · Erhvervsudvikling, turisme og rådgivning af iværksættere. Business development, tourism and entrepreneur advisor. Qeqqata Kommunia C214 Postboks 1014, 3911 Sisimiut, Greenland Tel: +299 863569 [email protected] · RAITEX D704 Zona Industriale, Street F. Franco n. 8, 72023 MESAGNE (BR), Italy Tel: +39 0831 775015 [email protected] · Raitex is a company that produces waterproof clothes and boots for professional fishermen. Raitex was created in 1986 and its products are all of high quality and rigorously controlled with craft-made manifacture. Following this philosophy, Raitex has reached an excellent relation between the quality and the price of the products. The long experience in production has led to a high level of respect towards our customers, in the constant search for their satis(fortsættes næste side/continued on next page) 81 faction. Over the years, the range of its products has increased, selecting import clothes, to fulfill the emerging request in the accident prevention. Randers Reb International A/S D872 Engelsholmvej 28, 8900 Randers, Denmark Tel: +45 89 11 12 13 [email protected] · Randers Reb producerer: Trawl wire- compactet wire- stålwire generelt- taifuner-vodtov-tovværk generelt. The product range includes: Trawl wie-compactet steel wire rope- steel wire rope in generalcombinations ropes- seine net ropes- fibre ropes. Rasmus Clausen & Sønner ApS A127 Hyttefadsvej 14, 9970 Strandby, Denmark Tel: +45 98 48 27 77 Raymarine D702 Tigervej 12-14, 4600 Køge, Denmark Tel: +45 43 71 64 64 [email protected] · · Raymarine tilbyder et bredt navigations sortiment og har lige introduceret en maritim Termisk Kamera serie, som kan se klart i mørke, systemet anvendes med succes i fiskeflåden på Island. Raymarine levere også digitale radar, søkortplottere, digitale fiske-ekkolod, autopiloter, VHF radioer, maritime kamera, satellit TV antenner, instrumenter og AIS Klasse B transceiver med hændelsesregistrering på SD kort. Raymarine’s HybridTouch søkortplottere har både touchskærm og knapper for betjening – det bedste fra begge verdner! Ray’s Vod- og Trawlbinderi D811 Vodbindervej 2, 9850 Hirtshals, Denmark Tel: +45 98 94 21 11 [email protected] · Vodbinderi, alt i snurrevod. Trawltyper: hummertrawl, combitrawl, havtasketrawl, baccalaotrawl, støvsugertrawl, sildetrawl. Øvrige artikler: sikkerhedsnet, containernet. Netmaker. All types of Anchor seine net. Trawltypes: Lobster trawl, combi trawl, angler trawl, baccalao trawl, hoover trawl, heering trawl. Other articles: Safety net, container net. Refa Frøystad Group Stranveien 68, 9300 Finnsnes, Norway 82 D769 Tel: +47 70 08 00 00 [email protected] · Refa Frøystad Group blev etableret i 1950 og er i dag en ledende leverandør indenfor fiskeredskaber og akvakultur udstyr. RFG har 6 afdelinger op langs Norges kyst. Nogle af RFG’s produkter omfatter bundtrawl, rejetrawl, snurrevod, not, ruser, line, netkasser, fortøjningssystemer samt alle tilhørende produkter. Refa Frøystad Group was established in 1950 and is today a leading supplier of fishing gear and aquaculture equipment. RFG has 6 branches along the Norwegian coast. Some of RFG’s products include bottom trawls, shrimp trawls, danish seines, seines, fish traps, line, net cages, mooring systems and all related products. RG Detectline C204 Neptunvej 1, 7620 Lemvig, Denmark Tel: +45 97 82 20 33 [email protected] · RG Detectline er den del af RG Rom Gummi A/S. I divisionen sælger vi detectbare hygiejne produkter til fødevare-, fiskeforarbejdnings- og medicinalindustrien. Produktsortimentet er bl.a. handsker, hårnet, høreværnemidler, knive, skærebrætter, mapper, tacks, strips, transportbånd i alle længder og mange andre produkter. Produkterne kan spores i røntgen (x-ray) og/ eller i metaldetektor og lever dermed op til de krav, som bl.a. er i EU regulativer om sporbarhed. RG Detectline is a divsion in RG Rom Gummi A / S. In this division we sell detectable hygiene products for food-, fish-and pharmaceutical industries. The product range include gloves, hairnets, ear protection products, knives, cutting boards, folders, tack, strips, conveyor belts in all lengths and many other products. The products can be traced x-rays and / or metal detector and complies with the requirements in the EU regulations on traceability. RG Rom Gummi A119 Neptunvej 1, 7620 Lemvig, Denmark Tel: +45 97 82 20 33 [email protected] · RG Rom Gummi har i snart 30 år været den førende leverandør af gummiprodukter til fiskeri og offshore. Vores produktprogram indeholder eksempelvis fendere til supply både, bånd, kugler, overtræk til fiskeriet. Vi udvikler hele tiden nye produkter i samarbejde med fiskere, rederier, værfter og offshore industrien. Vores produkter fremstilles i en specialfremstillet gummikvalitet, som er tilpasset forholdene på havet. RG Rom Gummi has almost 30 years experience and are the leading supplier of rubber products to the Fishering- and Offshoreindustri. Our product range contains example, fenders to supply vessels, belts, hauler, cover for rubber and plastic baals to the fishing industry. We are constantly developing new products in close cooperation with fishermen, shipping compa(fortsættes næste side/continued on next page) 83 nies, shipyards and offshore industry. Our products are manufactured in a specially made rubber quality, suited to conditions at sea. Riga Shipyard D713 2 Gales Str., 1015 Riga, Latvia Tel: +371 670 808 25 [email protected] Ship yard - new building, conversions and repairs. RK Plast F442 Fabriksvej 10, 7800 Skive, Denmark Tel: +45 97 58 40 55 [email protected] · RK BioElements - for a cleaner world. RK Bioelements er et effrktivt bio-medie i absolut heigh-end kvalitet til biologisk vandrensning indenfor især Akvakultur og spildevand. RK BioElements - for a cleaner world. RK BioElements - an efficient bio-medie in absolute high-end quality for water purification e.g. Aquaculture and wastewater. Rolls-Royce D707 Service Box 1522, 6025 Aalesund, Norway Tel: +47 815 20 070 [email protected] The Rolls-Royce marine business is a global leader in marine propulsion, engineering and hydrodynamic expertise, with a broad product range and full systems integration capability. Rolls-Royce offers a product portfolio ranging from vessel design and gas turbine engines to propulsion systems and deck handling equipment. Our truly international customer support capability has sales and service operations in 34 countries. Royal Arctic Logistics A/S C213 Langerak 17, Grønlandshavnen, 9220 Aalborg Øst, Denmark Tel: +45 99 30 32 34 [email protected] · Royal Arctic Logistics er Royal Arctic Lines generalagent i Danmark, og varetager koncernens interesser. Det sker blandt andet ved at drive spedition og linjeagentur i Aalborg. Her bookes og koordineres mere end 85.000 forsendelser om året. Samtidig driver Royal Arctic Logistics 84 også stevedoring i den grønlandske basishavn i Aalborg, og står dermed for den praktiske håndtering af gods der skal til eller fra Grønland. Royal Arctic Logistics råder over en effektiv og moderne havneterminal, der med udgangspunkt i høj kvalitet tilbyder en sikker og fleksibel service til både internationale og nationale kunder. Royal Arctic Logistics tilbyder en sammenhængende vifte af serviceydelser indenfor stevedoring, containerhåndtering, lagerhotel og godshåndtering. Royal Arctic Logistics is Royal Arctic Line’s general agent in Denmark, handling the Group’s interests. This is done, among other things, by operating freight-forwarding and scheduled service agency in Aalborg. More than 85,000 shipments are booked and coordinated here every year. Royal Arctic Logistics also runs stevedoring in the Greenland base port in Aalborg, which means being in charge of the practical handling of goods being forwarded to or from Greenland. Royal Arctic Logistics has at its disposal an efficient and modern port terminal, which offers a secure and flexible service based on high quality to both international and Danish clients. Royal Arctic Logistics offers a cohesive array of services in stevedoring, container management, warehousing and goods handling. SAFIR Shipbrokers D760 Baejarhraun 12, IS 220 Hafnarfjordur, Iceland Tel: +354 5808700 · [email protected] ScanBelt A/S D850 Læsøvej 12, 9800 Hjørring, Denmark Tel: +45 98 90 90 88 [email protected] · ScanBelt er en af verdens førende producenter af plastmodul-transportbånd. I mere end 20 år har vi betjent den europæiske fiskeindustri, og har i dag markedets breddeste og mest fleksible produktudbud, som tilfredsstiller både de nuværende såvel som fremtidens krav til hygiene. I tæt samarbjde med verdens førende maskinbyggere udvikler vi bånd tilpasset de forskellige udfordringer som industrien stiller, hvad enten det er ombord eller i den landbaserede del af fiskeindustrien. Vore forhandlere i Europa, fra Hammerfest i nord til Madrid i syd, står parat til at yde den nødvendig service og leverancer. ScanBelt is one of the world´s leading manufacturers of modular plastic conveyor belts. For more than 20 years we have served the European fishing industry. We offer the largest and most flexible program of modular plastic conveyor belts on the market, that satisfies both present and coming demands for hygiene. In close co-operation with the leading global equipment manufacturers we develop modular belts suitable for the various demands from the industry, whether it is on board or in the land-based part of the fishing industry. Our European distributors, ranging from Hammerfest in the north to Madrid in the south, are always ready to give you the necessary support and supply. 85 Scanel International A/S D879 Havnepladsen 12, 9900 Frederikshavn, Denmark Tel: +45 96 22 32 42 [email protected] · Scanel er en professional leverandør af tekniske løsninger til den maritime industri. Vi tilbyder worldwide service, rep, salg, vedligehold, ombygninger og nybygninger indenfor: el-installation, elektromekanisk, elektronik, navigation, kommunikation og ventilation. Scanel er certificeret af LR, DNV, BV, GL, ABS og DMA til at udføre inspektion og årlige syn af GMDSS og VDR. Elektromekanisk udføres service, rep, lejeskift, rensning, omvikling af generator og motorer samt afbalancering af ventilator. Scanel is a professional supplier of technical solutions for the maritime industry. We offer assistance worldwide within sale, conversion, repair, new building and service of: electrical installation, generator, motor, electronics, navigation, communication and ventilation. Scanel is certified by LR, DNV, BV, GL, ABS and DMA to carry out GMDSS and VDR annual survey. Electromechanical we carry out service, repair, exchange of bearing, rewinding and cleaning of generator/el-motors and balancing of fans. Scanfi ApS G3, D860 Energivej 2, 9300 Sæby, Denmark Tel: +45 98 46 27 11 [email protected] · Alle former for fiskeriudstyr. Net, taifun, stålwire, kæde, gummiskiver, trawlkugler, fortøjningsudstyr m.v. All kinds of fishing equipment, netting, combination and wire rope, chain, rock hoppers, trawl floats, mooring equipment etc. Scanmar AS A151 Åsgårdstrandveien 359, P. O. Box 44, 3167 Åsgårdstrand, Norway Tel: +47 33 35 44 00 [email protected] · Scanmars fangstsystemer er utviklet gjennom 30 år for å gi fiskerne nøyaktig og pålitelig informasjon som kan bidra til mer effektivt fiske og gi økonomisk gevinst i form av mindre skader og slitasje på redskapen. 400 millioner norske kroner er brukt på utvikling av ny teknologi som ikke bare har medført at de nye sensorene er enda mer robuste enn før, men som også har mangedoblet sensorenes brukstid mellom hver lading. Scanmar’s Catch systems have been developed through 30 years to give the fishermen exact and reliable information that can contribute to more efficient fishing as well as economic profit as a result of reduction in damage and wear of the equipment. 400 million NOK has been spent 86 on development of new technology, which has not only resulted in the new sensors being even more robust than before, but also a considerable increase in the operating time of the sensors between each charging. Seafood International A96 Bontelabo 2, 5003 Bergen, Norway Tel: +47 55 21 33 00 [email protected] · IntraFish Media is the global leader in delivering critical business news to seafood professionals worldwide through print and online mediums. IntraFish Media operates and, online daily news services providing readers with up-to-the-minute news impacting the international seafood industry. The IntraFish Media titles includes Seafood International, a monthly publication serving seafood buyers and suppliers; Fish Farming International, serving the international aquaculture industry; Fishing News International, Fishing News Weekly & Fiskeribladat Fiskaren, covering the international fishing industry. IntraFish Media is a subsidiary of NHST Media Group, an Oslo, Norway, based media company. SeaMaster A150 Vesterhavsgade 133, 6700 Esbjerg, Denmark Tel: +45 75 12 04 44 [email protected] · Leverandør af avancerede sonarsystemer, fangst kontrolsystemer. Køb og salg af brugte sonarer. satellit tv og v-sat systemer. Sale of reconditioned sonar systems catch control systems, wireless sounders, trawl sonars etc. satellite tv and v-sat systems. General sitcom systems. SeaMech A/S D811 Læssevej 14, 9850 Hirtshals, Denmark Tel: +45 98 94 58 94 [email protected] · SeaMech A/S beskæftiger sig med det sidste nye på markedet indenfor elektronik samt kommunikationsudstyr. Totalombygning, reparation af el- generatorer og tavleanlæg - ja det er også os, ligesom vi selvfølgelig har eksperter ansat med hensyn til Sonar udstyr. Navigationsinstrumenter, Radioer og GMDSS anlæg. Et af vore egne produkter er Seacontroller, som er et komplet, elektronisk motor- styresystem, som er udviklet af firmaets egne teknikere. SeaMech A/S - electronic and communication systems. Rebuilds and repairs, generators and electrical installations, sonars, navigation and fish finding instruments. The Seamech Seacontroller is a complete electronic control system for main engines, developed by our own staff. 87 SeaMech A/S D859 Vestre Strandvej 5, 9990 Skagen, Denmark Tel: +45 98 44 15 67 [email protected] · SeaMech A/S beskæftiger sig med det sidste nye på markedet indenfor elektronik samt kommunikationsudstyr. Totalombygning, reparation af el-generatorer og tavleanlæg - ja, det er også os, ligesom vi selvfølgelig har eksperter ansat med hensyn til sonar-udstyr, navigationsinstrumenter, radioer og GMDSS-anlæg. Et af vore egne produkter er Seacontroller, som er et komplet, elektronisk motorstyresystem, som er udviklet af firmaets egne teknikere. SeaMech A/S - electronic and communication systems. Rebuilds and repairs, generators and electrical installations, sonars, navigation and fish finding instruments. The SeaMech Controller, is a complete electronic control system for main engines, developed by our own staff. Seasat A/S A131 Theilgaards Torv 4, 4600 Køge, Denmark Tel: +45 44 94 54 06 [email protected] · Seasat Satellit kommunikation til søs. Sea-Tel satellitantenner til TV-modtagelse og VSAT kommunikation. Bredbåndforbindelse til Søs, IP@Seaway & ABS@Seaway Helt fra starten opnåede firmaet status som service udbyder for Eutelsat (F) og Sea-Tel (US). Vi tilbyder levering af SeaTel maritime stabiliserede antenner fra 37cm til 4,4 m i diameter. Seasat er kendt som en en professionel og kompetent udbyder af effektive SAT TV- og data systemer. Bred erfaring og ekspertise hos Seasat A/S. Seasat, Communication at Sea. SeaTel SAELLITE TV and VSAT Systems. Broadband services, IP@Seaway and ABS@Seaway. VSAT services provided by Eutelsat. Seasat is established as a leading supplier of cost effective TV and data transmitting satellite system. The company is widely experienced and has accumulated key know-how in this field. Our antenna range from 45cm up to 4,4m are suitable for virtually any need. We give you the best solutions for VSAT and SAT TV on board any kind of vessel. SeaTech A128 Baadehavnsvej 1, 4220 Korsør, Denmark Tel: +45 58 37 47 11 [email protected] Selstad Nordtrawl A/S Notkaj 9, 9990 Skagen, Denmark Tel: +45 98 44 24 44 [email protected] 88 D857 Salg, reparation og fremstilling af fiskeredskaber til alle typer fiskeri. Flydetrawl til sild, makrel, sardiner, hestemakrel. Fisketrawl, rejetrawl, hummertrawl, tobistrawl. Egen produktion af tovværk og snurrevodstov. Trawlwire, trawlskovle, alle typer jernvarer. Sale, repair work and production of fishing gear for all types of fishing, midwater trawl for hering, mackerel, sardines and horsemackerel. Groundfishtrawl, dbl. belly groundfish trawls, shrimptrawls, prawntrawls, sandeeltrawls, Danish Seines. Rope and seine rope from own factory. Trawlwire, trawl doors and all types of iron ware. Serviceteam Skagen Havn D858 Vestre Strandvej 10, 9990 Skagen, Denmark Tel: +45 98 45 80 08 [email protected] · Serviceteam Skagen Havn tilbyder et ”One Stop” servicekoncept, hvor alle aktører er fokuseret på at skabe de bedste rammer for alle sejlende kunder - fiskefartøjer, fragtskibe og lystbåde. Losning, kran- og truckservice. Reparation og salg af motorer og maskiner. Salg og reparation af elektronik og elektronisk udstyr. Udlejning og vask af fiskekasser. Lev. af is. Køle- og frysehusfaciliteter. Fiskeauktion. Shipping, stevedoring. Fuel og olie. Lodseri, slæbning og bugsering. Redningsvæsen. Serviceteam Skagen Havn offers a ”One Stop” service concept 24/7 to all kinds of vessels fishing vessels, freighters and leisure boats. Our member companies offer i.e.: Discharging, crane- and truck service. Repair and sale of motors and machines. All sorts of electronic equipment. Delivery of ice. Refrigeration plant. Fish Auction. Shipping. Stevedoring. Fuel and oil. Tug and Roadstead service. Supply vessel. Fish boxing. Ship yards. You name it, we got it! Welcome to Skagen. Siang May Pte Ltd D739 51, Ubi Avenue 1, Paya Ubi Industrial Park, Singapore 408933, Singapore Tel: +65 6741 6333 [email protected] Grundlagt i 1980. Siang May Pte Ltd er førende på markedet inden for fremstilling af syntetiske fibre. Vifte af ekspertise: sportsfiskeri, akvakultur, landbruget, konstruktion. Vi eksporterer til mere end 60 lande i verden. Vores fabrikker er beliggende i Kina, Indonesien og Thailand. Nr. 1 i Sydøstasien. For hvert produkt vi leverer, står vores garanti for pålidelighed og service. Created in 1980, Siang May Pte Ltd is a market leader in the supply of netting fabrics, twines, lines and other products related to the commercial fishing, sports fishing, aquaculture, agricultural, construction and horticultural industries. We export to more than 60 countries worldwide. Our factory is located in China, We also have joint ventures with other factories in South East Asia like Indonesia and Thailand. For every product we supply stands our guarantee of reliability and service. 89 SIF/Fishtracer c/o Danske Fiskeres PO C236 Nordensvej 3, Taulov 7000 Fredericia, Denmark Tel: +45 70 20 61 00 [email protected] SIF – sporbarhedssystem til fiskeindustrien. SIF er et elektronisk porbarhedssystem, der dokumenterer alle fisk fra fangst til forbruger. SIF er et fælles sporbarhedssystem for hele kæden. SIF er fleksibelt så det passer til det større fartøj med e-log og søvægt, og den mindre dagbåd. Og sporbarheden kan følges på land med alt fra RFID scannere over stregkoder til manuel indtastning. SIF er tilpasset reglerne i EU’s kontrolforordning om sporbarhed i hele kæden, som træder i kraft 1. januar 2012 SIF/Fishtracer – the traceability solution for the fishing industry. SIF/Fishtracer provides electronic traceability documentation of all fish and seafood from catch to consumer. Fishtracer is able to handle an infinite number of transformations, i.e. splits and mergers of lots, repackagings, tradings, processings and retail packagings, etc. throughout the supply chain. SIF/ Fishtracer complies with EC1224/2009 (the fisheries control act) and relevant international standards, such as; ISO-12875. Síminn Satellite A139 Sørupvej 29, 5700 Svendborg, Denmark Tel: +45 27 80 47 80 [email protected] · Siminn Satellite er en del af Siminn koncernen med 1.300 medarbejdere. Siminn har beskæftiget sig med VSAT og satellit kommunikation de sidste mange år. VSAT er fremtiden i det maritime erhverv og Siminn Satellite er klar til at rådgive og bistå omkring disse løsninger + satellit TV til søs. Intellian og SeaTel er produktprogrammet, idet begge produkter er stabile og teknologisk på forkant hele tiden. Super kvalitet og excellent performance. Siminn Satellite is a part of Siminn group with 1,300 employees in total. Siminn has worked with VSAT and satellite communications for many years. VSAT is the future in the maritime industry and Siminn Satellite is ready to advise and assist around these solutions + satellite TV at sea. Intellian and SeaTel’s are in our product range, both products are stable and technologically upfront all the time. Super quality and excellent performance. Simrad/Kongsberg Subsea A111 P.O.Box 111, Strandpromenaden 50, 3191 Horten, Norway Tel: +47 21 47 43 90 [email protected] · Siden virksomheden blev startet for mere end 50 år siden, har Simrad vokset sig til at være verdens mest anerkendte mærke inden for professionel fiskefindingsudstyr. Med base i Norge og som en del af Kongsberg Maritime AS, fremstiller Simrad avancerede sonarer, ekkolod og 90 fangst kontrol udstyr til hele verdens fiskerflåde. Vi tilbyder verdens omspændende salg og service til fiskeriet. Simrad er verdens førende inden for ekkolod og multibeam ekkolod systemer til fiskeriforskningsmiljøet. Since the company was started for more than 50 years ago, Simrad has grown to be the world’s most recognized brand in professional fish finding equipment. Based in Norway and a part of Kongsberg Maritime AS, Simrad manufactures advanced sonars, echo sounders and catch monitor instrumentation for the world’s fishing fleet. We offer worldwide sales and service to the fishery community. Simrad is also a world leader in equipment for fishery research equipment. Single and multibeam echo sounders. Skaarup og Salskov ApS / Smed Marine Service D834 Nordsøkaj 34, 7680 Thyborøn, Denmark Tel: +45 97 83 18 22 [email protected] · Skaarup & Salskov ApS / Smed Marine Service kan hjælpe dig med vedligeholdelse af dit fartøj, enten på vores værksted eller hvor skibet måtte være. Uanset om det er nyt eller reparation inden for motorer og mekaniske dele, konstruktioner eller specielle opgaver, er vi dem du kontakter. Vi har også adgang til egen bedding, op til 500t. Skaarup & Salskov ApS / Smed Marine Service can assist you in maintenance of your vessel, either at our workshop or wherever the vessel might be. Whether it’s new or repair in the areas of engines and mechanical items, constructions or special tasks, we are the ones to contact. We also have access to own slipway, up to 500t. Skagen Fiskeauktion A/S D858 Auktionsvej 10, 9990 Skagen, Denmark Tel: +45 98 44 12 00 [email protected] · Fiskeauktion. Fish auction. Skagen Havn D854 Havnevagtvej 30, 9990 Skagen, Denmark Tel: +45 98 44 69 11 Skagen Skipperskole D859 Bankvej 1, 9990 Skagen, Denmark Tel: +45 98 44 33 44 [email protected] · (fortsættes næste side/continued on next page) 91 Skagen Skipperskole med afdeling i Thyborøn udbyder alle navigatøruddannelser og alle former for maritime radiokurser til fiskeriet. Kursus i Ecdis, radar og SSO tilbydes. SkagenFood A127 Hyttefadsvej 8, 9970 Strandby, Denmark Tel: +45 70 20 03 30 [email protected] · Fiskeeksportør. Skibsforsikringen Frederikshavn A147 Auktionskaj 5, 9970 Strandby, Denmark Tel: +45 96 22 13 88 [email protected] · Danmarks ældste gensidige forsikringsforening indenfor forsikring af fiskefartøjer. Foreningens formål er, ved gensidig forsikring af medlemmernes fiskefartøjer, at sikre medlemmerne mod økonomisk tab efter en forsikringsbegivenhed. Smart Farm AS F445 Støperigata 2, postbox 1524, 4093 Stavanger, Norway Tel.: +47 51 59 59 15 [email protected] · Unique patented solutions for growing, husbandry and harvesting bivalves & seaweed. The SmartTechnology is based on SmartUnits or SmartCage with pe-pipes for carrying the biomass and machinery to handle the majority of the husbandry and harvesting work under water. No dismantling and reassembling the collector or buoyancy. Efficient, esthetical, safe and labour-saving! Spar Nord - Hirtshals D811 P.O.Box 110, 9850 Hirtshals, Denmark Tel: +45 96 34 40 00 [email protected] · Spar Nord Bank A/S Østergade 8, 9800 Hjørring, Denmark Tel: +45 96 23 06 50 [email protected] Pengeinstitut. Finansiel institution. 92 D811 Sparekassen Vendsyssel D811 Jyllandsgade 14, 9850 Hirtshals, Denmark Tel: +45 82 22 98 50 [email protected] · Pengeinstitut. Financial institution. SPC Marine ApS C211 Hvidkærvej 42, 5250 Odense SV, Denmark Tel: +45 66 17 16 62 [email protected] · SPC Marine er en ingeniør- og handelsvirksomhed. Vi er leverandør i en stor del af Norden af blandt andet belysning og transformatorer til værfter, grossister, installatører samt industrivirksomheder. Vores program omfatter kendte fabrikater som Aqua Signal, Glamox, Norselight, Høvik, Wiska og Zöllner, som alle igennem innovativ teknologi har opnået en kvalitet, der kan klare de ekstreme forhold til søs. Foruden levering af vore produkter, i stort omfang fra eget lager, tilbyder vi også rådgivning omkring valg af eksempelvis belysning. Sperre AS F417 Merdevejen 2F, 3676 Notodden, Norway Tel: +47 35 02 50 00 [email protected] · The company has now produced nearly 70 ROV systems of various sizes. It is also produced another sub-related products for the diving industry, offshore and fish farming. In addition to ROV systems, Sperre ROV delivers tools (tooling) in many varieties. Control systems for remote operations above and below the water are also offered. Sperre AS has a separate workshop for electronics and mechanics. Strandby Fiskeauktion A127 Auktionskajen 7, 1 th, 9970 Strandby, Denmark Tel: +45 98 48 16 11 · [email protected] Strandby Fiskeeksport ApS A127 Hyttefadsvej 3, 9970 Strandby, Denmark Tel: +45 98 48 22 00 [email protected] · Torskefilet, rødspættefilet. 93 Strandby Fiskeriforening A127 Auktionskajen 5, 9970 Strandby, Denmark Tel: +45 98 48 22 59 [email protected] Strandby Fiskerihavn A127 Rødspættevej 5, 9970 Strandby, Denmark Tel: +45 98 48 20 42 [email protected] · Fiskerihavn. Strandby Havneforum A127 Auktionskajen 5, 9970 Strandby, Denmark Tel: +45 98 48 13 00 Strandby Net A127 Sildevej 24, 9970 Strandby, Denmark Tel: +45 98 48 13 00 [email protected] · Nybygget værksted med direkte kaj-kontakt og bedste strækplads for reparationer på Strandby Havn. Strandby Værft og Bedding ApS A127 Nordre Havnevej 4, 9970 Strandby, Denmark Tel: +45 98 48 10 24 [email protected] · Servicering af fiskefartøjer, beddingsophaling op til 250 tons, samt lukket hal, totalrenovering af gamle træskibe, udskiftning af køl og planker, alt indenfor moderne samt gammeldags aptering, forlængelse af fartøjer, smedeværksted, motorudskiftning samt skruearbejde, hydraulikarbejde, nybygning, ombygning, aluminiumsarbejde, installation og forhandling af brandslukningsudstyr, forhandling af Shell olieprodukter. Strapex D740 Literbuen 9, 2740 Skovlunde, Denmark Tel: +45 44 85 06 00 [email protected] · Strapex leverer systemløsninger og service for produktsikring under transport for produktion, handel og logistik. Vores omsnøringsprogram dækker produktsikring under transport, 94 produkter som pakker, kasser og bundter, tryksager. Samtidig er en omsnøring ofte også en beskyttelse mod tyveri. Strapex tilbyder en komplet vifte af produkter fra omsnøringsmaskiner, folieviklere, håndværktøj til forbrugsvarer som strapbånd og folie. Vi tilbyder også service via vores erfarne servicepersonale. Strapex serves the market with system solutions and services for product securing during transportation, for production, trade and logistics. Our strapping applications cover product securing during transportation, bundled products and shipping boxes, printed matter, protection (pilferage). Strapex also offers a complete range of products, from strapping machines and hand tools to consumables and services, to support the supply chains of various industries. Sydvestjysk Fiskeriforening D839 Havnegade 7, 6960 Hvide Sande, Denmark Tel: +45 97 31 19 35 [email protected] · Sydvestjysk Fiskeriforening er en sammenlægning af Esbjerg Fiskeriforening og Hvide Sande Fiskeriforening. Foreningens formål er at arbejde for fiskeriets fremme, varetage medlemmernes interesser, og medvirke til samarbejde mellem alle i fiskerierhvervets interesserede parter. Mød os på stand D839. Sydvestjysk Fishing Association aim is to work for the promotion of fishing, its members’ interests and contribute to cooperation among all fishing industry stakeholders. Meet us at stand D839. Technoflex ApS D711 Industrivej 21, 8653 Them, Denmark Tel: +45 87 24 45 45 [email protected] · TECHNOFLEX tilbyder koblinger, sensorer samt kontrol- og overvågningsudstyr til diesel- og gasmotorer - er typegodkendte - kan leveres med certifikat. Koblingerne leveres borede eller med splines og L-Loc samt svingteknisk udlagt for opgaven. Vi tilbyder vibrationsmåling, strain-gage måling mm. NEWS: Magnetic Couplings Tell Fisk A127 Hyttefadsvej 11, 9970 Strandby, Denmark Tel: +45 98 48 16 55 Fiskeeksportør. Fish exporter. 95 Thisted Kommune B301 Kirkevej 9, 7760 Hurup, Denmark Tel: +45 99 17 17 17 [email protected] · Thisted Kommune har ca. 46.000 indbyggere fordelt på 1.093 km2. Vi er Danmarks førende klimakommune. Det samlede elforbrug og mere end 80% af varmeforbruget dækkes af vedvarende energi. Indenfor kommunegrænsen findes der et varieret og stærkt erhvervsliv. Mange er beskæftiget indenfor fødevarefremstilling, metalindustri og plastindustri. Blandt de fremtrædende erhvervsaktører er Hanstholm Havn – Danmarks førende fiskerihavn, med dens mange virksomheder. In the Municipality of Thisted there are approximately 46.000 inhabitants dispersed over 1.093 km2. The Municipality of Thisted is the cleanest municipality in Denmark. In fact more than 100 percent of our electricity consumption and more than 80 percent of our heating consumption is met by non-fossil based energy supplies. Within the limits of the Municipality there is a very diversified economic life. One of the major players is the Harbour of Hanstholm - Denmarks leading fishing harbour. Thorkil Grøn’s Samlecentral B301 Auktionsgade 23, 7730 Hanstholm, Denmark Tel: +45 97 96 19 88 [email protected] · Siden opstarten i 1967 har Thorkil Grøn’s Samlecentral leveret 1. klasses service til såvel danske som udenlandske fiskere. Vi tilbyder: 1. klasses sortering af al slags fisk. Moderne køleanlæg sikrer den bedst mulige opbevaring af fiskene. Døgnvagt der sikrer høj service og modtagelse af fisk døgnet rundt. Mandskab stilles til rådighed på kajen. Kvalificeret kontorpersonale står for alt administrativt, bl.a. toldpapirer og regninger. Afregning udbetales eller sendes omgående. Thorkil Grøn’s Samlecentral was established in 1967 and has since then delivered first class service to Danish as well as foreign fishermen. We offer: 1st class sorting of all kinds of fish. Modern refrigeration system ensures the best possible storage of fish. 24 hr. service ensuring high service and discharging of fish around the clock. Crew available on the quay. Qualified office staff are responsible for all administrative documentation, custom papers, bills etc. Payment is paid or sent immediately. Thorsminde Havn D839 Vesterhavsgade 1a, Thorsminde, 6990 Ulfborg, Denmark Tel: +45 97 49 72 44 [email protected] · Thorsminde Havn er en aktiv fiskerihavn med særdeles driftige fiskere. Indenfor de sidste år er der kommet flere nye moderne fartøjer til, der har fokus på høj kvalitet 96 i mindre partier. Specielt torsk, rødspætter, pighvar og tunger er populære arter – som landes afhængig af sæsonen. I Thorsminde er der også udstyr, der gør det muligt at lande levende krabber. Mød os på stand D839. Thorsminde Harbour is an active fishing harbour with several new modern vessels with focus on high quality in small batches. Especially cod, plaice, turbot and sole are popular species. In Thorsminde we also have the equipment that makes it possible to land living crabs. Meet us at stand D839. Thyborøn Havn D821 Tankskibsvej 4, 7680 Thyborøn, Denmark Tel: +45 96 90 03 10 [email protected] · En af Danmarks største fiskerihavne, med både konsum- og industrifiskeri. Thyborøn tilbyder dygtige og fleksible servicevirksomheder inden for alle områder. ”Super-service” og et højt kvalitetsniveau sættes i højsædet. One of Denmark’s biggest fishing harbours with edible fishery as well as industrial fishery. Thyborøn offers efficient and flexible service companies in all areas. “Super-service” and a high quality level are given high priority. Thyborøn Havns Fiskeriforening D839 Havnegade 15, 2. sal, 7680 Thyborøn, Denmark Tel: +45 96 90 01 20 [email protected] · Thyborøn Havns Fiskeriforening er med sine ca. 250 medlemmer Danmarks største lokalforening. Foreningens medlemmer består af partsfiskere og fartøjsejere og er medlem af Danmarks Fiskeriforening. Foreningens formål er at virke til fiskeriets fremme for dets medlemmer. Foreningen rådgiver fiskerne i forbindelse med lovgivningen indenfor fiskeriet, i sager om tilskud til modernisering, og indsættelse af fartøjer samt anden rådgivning. Mød os på stand D839. Thyborøn Harbour Fishermen’s Association is, with its approx. 250 members, the largest local Fishermen’s Association in Denmark. Members consist of share fishermen and vessel owners and is member of the Danish Fishermen’s Association. We work for the fishermen. Meet us at stand D839. Thyborøn Skibs & Motor A/S D830, G8 Beddingsvej 5, 7680 Thyborøn, Denmark Tel: +45 96 90 01 00 [email protected] · Thyborøn Skibs & Motor A/S er et firma med 50 ansatte, som hovedsalig beskæftiger sig med (fortsættes næste side/continued on next page) 97 reparationer på den nationale og internationale fiskeflåde, i form af motorreparationer, konstruktion af marineudstyr, hydraulik-, stål og aluminiumsarbejde. Vores medarbejder er alle uddannede skibsmontører, rørlægger, mekaniker, svejsere, samt aluminiums konstruktører, alle med stor erfaring fra deres daglige arbejde og specialuddannelser, bl.a. i hydraulik og i dieselmotorer. Vi har egenproduktion af bl.a. spil og tromler, såsom split-, takkel-, frelser- og ankerspil, dobbelt og trippel splitspil, tov spil enkelt- og dobbelt- samt splitnettromler. Thyborøn Skibs & Motor A/S is a company with 50 employees, mainly making repairs on the national and international fishing fleet, doing all kinds of operation such as engine repairs, constructions of marine equipment, hydraulic-, steel-, and aluminum work etc. Our workforce consists of well educated ship mechanists, fitters, mechanics, welders and aluminum constructors, all with experience from daily work and special educations, some with specializations in hydraulics and in diesel engines. We produce different kind of winches and net drums, split-, tackle-, gilson-, and anchor winches, Double-, and triple split winches, Seiner winch, single-, double-, and split net drums. Thyborøn Skibssmedie A/S G4, D822 Sydhalevej 8, 7680 Thyborøn, Denmark Tel: +45 97 83 19 22 [email protected] · Thyborøn Trawlskovle - er blandt verdens største producenter af trawlskovle. Vores dansk producerede trawlskovle er til alle former for trawlfiskeri, bund, semi-pelagisk og pelagisk. I tillæg har vi specialiseret os i rigning til flere trawl samt brug af flydeskovle til bundtrawl både enkelt- og dobbeltrig. Fordelene ved dette system er mindre brændstofforbrug og mindre slitage på skovle og trawl. Thyborøn Trawldoors - are among the worlds leading manufacturers of trawldoors. Our Danish produced trawldoors are suitable for all kinds of trawlfishing, bottom, semi-pelagic and pelagic. We have also specialized in multipurpose rigging and use of pelagic trawldoors for bottomtrawling on both single- and doublerigging. The advantages of this system is less fuelconsumption and less wearing on trawldoors and trawl. Timars Svets & Smide AB G1 Industrivägen 12, 311 33 Falkenberg, Sweden Tel: +46 346 821 00 [email protected] · Timars leverer unikke løsninger til effektiv og skånsom forarbejdning af fisk. Første klasses produkter og kundetilpassede løsninger. Specialiseret i rulle- og vibrations sorterings anlæg Mange års erfaringer Tøv ikke med at kontakte os med dit eget forslag Timars supplies unique solutions for efficient and merciful processing of fish. 98 First class products and customized solutions. Specialized in grading machines (rollergraders and vibrationgraders) and reception stations. Many years of successful experience. Don’t hesitate to contact us for your own proposal. TM Marine ApS D869 Vibevej 10, 3060 Espergærde, Denmark Tel: +45 70 20 43 75 [email protected] · TM Marine ApS er skandinavisk forhandler for den spanske gear- og motorfabrikant Guascor S.A. Effektområdet er 200-2500KW. Vi har i mange år serviceret den skandinaviske fiskeriflåde og er kendt med vor gode service. Vi leverer ligeledes skibsreservedele til handelsflåden samt Off-shore branchen worldwide. Vi er altid klar med et godt tilbud. ”Prøv os!” TM Marine ApS are the Scandinavian distributor for the spanish gearbox- and marine engine manufactorer. The power range are from 200-2500 KW. For many years we have serviced the Scandinavian fishing fleet and are well known in the market. Also we supply all kind of ship spare parts for the sea going vessels as well the Offshore market worldwide. Please ”try us!” Tor-Net ehf. D741 Eyrartröð 14, 220 Hafnarfjordur, Iceland Tel: +354 555 7888 [email protected] · Icelandic company Tor-Net specializes in the production of pelagic trawls, pelagic codends, headline kites and other equipment for pelagic trawling. We can supply equipment for vessels of any size, in any waters tailored to suit the target species. Tor-Net supplies complete fishing gear packages, as well as service and spares around the world. Trade Council of Iceland D759, D760 Borgertún 35, 15-121 Reykjavik, Iceland Tel: +354 511 4000 [email protected] · Transmotor ApS A101 Lemtorpvej 13-17, 7620 Lemvig, Denmark Tel: +45 96 64 09 77 [email protected] · Transmotor ApS, der er beliggende i Lemvig, har egen produktion af elmotorer, generatorer og transformere, samt er lagerførende agent i Danmark, Norge, Grønland, Færøerne og Island, af DNV typegodkendte Mecc Alte generatorer i 2-4-6 polet fra 6,5 til 3000 Kva. Transmotor ApS is an Danish electromechanical manufacturer and distributor that provide (fortsættes næste side/continued on next page) 99 you with reliable deliverances. Transmotor ApS is general agents and storage leading agent for Mecc Alte Generator in Norway, Greenland, Iceland and the Faroe Islands of alternators in 2-4-6 pole from 6,5 to 3000 Kva Transmotor ApS trade product from: Vitron Inverters/chargers, Vacon Motor control, Banner batteries, Ritar/Vision batteries. TripleNine Fish Protein AmbA D833 Fiskerihavnsgade 35, 6700 Esbjerg, Denmark Tel: +45 79 12 09 99 [email protected] · TripleNine, der ligger lige ud til Nordsøen, på vestkysten af Danmark, er en af verdens førende leverandører af fiskemel og fiskeolie. Virksomhedens 999 logo er velkendt og står som en garanti for høj kvalitet og fremragende service. Located right out on the North Sea, on the west coast of Denmark, TripleNine is one of the world’s leading suppliers of fish meal and fish oil. The 999 brand is well known and acknowledged as a guarantee for high quality and outstanding service. Troutex ApS F450 Vejrmosegaards allé 66, 7000 Fredericia, Denmark Tel: +45 40 40 22 68 [email protected] · UltiSat Europe A/S A102 Bagsværd Møllevej 3, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark Tel: +45 45 27 70 00 [email protected] · Satellitkommunikation til ethvert behov. Uanset behovet for kommunikation har vi en løsning. UltiSat tilbyder komplette løsninger, og ikke alene komplette løsninger, men globale løsninger. Dit behov – vores løsning Uanset hvilken situation du eller dine kolleger er i – lige meget hvor i verden og på tværs af forskellige tidszoner – kan vi dække kommunikationsbehovet, og give adgang til de muligheder, som du normalt har adgang til. En totalløsning Når kommunikation er en nødvendighed og der ikke er andre muligheder, er kommunikation via satellit en særdeles effektiv løsning. Vi tilbyder Iridium, Inmarsat og VSAT til både maritim og landbaseret kommunikation, håndholdte som stationære enheder. Global kommunikation Vi samarbejder med nogle af de største og mest anerkendte leverandører og samarbejdspartnere i verden, og kan derfor levere satellitkommunikation overalt. Vi kan levere forskellige former for satellitudstyr og satellitkapacitet fra bl.a. Inmarsat, Vizada, Intelsat m.fl. På Danfish præsenterer vi de nyeste muligheder indenfor satellitkommunikation og vi glæder os til at møde dig! Ultimate Satellite Solutions Whatever the need for communications might be, UltiSat can provide a solution. We offer turnkey solutions for many different needs and customers. We do not only offer turnkey solutions, we offer global solutions. Your Needs – Our Solution Wha100 tever the situation might be, no matter where you are, we can offer a solution to meet your demands. Satellite is the best and most efficient solution – and in some cases even the only solution – if communication is essential and you are operating in remote areas with no other communications options. UltiSat offers Iridium, Inmarsat, Thuraya and VSAT – both maritime and land based - handheld, mobile and fixed solutions. Global Communication We cooperate with some of the best and most well known suppliers and partners in the World. We can provide a wide range of satellite equipment, space and airtime packages from Inmarsat, Vizada, Intelsat, Sirius etc. At DanFish 2011 we are looking forward to meeting present and potential customers, and introduce you to our exciting new offers within the World of satellite solutions. See you at DanFish 2011! UltraAqua F426 Niels Jernes Vej 2-4, 9220 Aalborg Ø, Denmark Tel: +45 70 23 10 20 [email protected] · UltraAqua is market leaders in aquaculture UV-systems Ulykkesforsikringsforbundet for dansk Fiskeri G/F C232 Platanvej 12, 1810 Frederiksberg, Denmark Tel: +45 33 21 83 11 [email protected] · Arbejdsskade- og ulykkesforsikringer. Industrial Injuries. Van Beelen D750 Industriestraat 48, 1976 CV IJmuiden, Netherlands Tel: +31 255 560 560 [email protected] VAN BEELEN is manufacturer of the highest strength netting and ropes since 1906 loacted in the Netherlands. Products are: The strongest Dyneema® D-netting, up to 5 mm with double knots, Super strong 12 strand Dyneema® D-ropes, 25% stronger Enkalon® PL netting, 20% stronger Stealth ropes. We make fishing profitable. Van Voorden Repair D732 Seendweg 15, 9936 GA Farmsum, Netherlands Tel: +31 596 619 965 [email protected] 101 Vendelbo Spedition A/S D811 Sprogøvej 21, 9800 Hjørring, Denmark Tel: +45 98 92 52 33 [email protected] · Vendelbo Spedition blev grundlagt i 1971. Vi dækker alle former for biltransporter i Europa. Efter de mange år har vi løst utal af finurlige transportopgaver. Vores speciale er termins-transporter, hvor vi bl.a. har været på følgende destinationer: Murmansk, Istanbul, Kreta, Cypern, Malta, Gibraltar og Gran Canaria. Vi dækker HELE Norge til/fra kontinentet med eget materiel og danske chauffører. Vi råder over egen moderne vognpark, der lever op til kundens krav om miljø og leveringssikkerhed. Vendelbo Spedition A/S was founded in 1971. We cover all forms of road transport throughout Europe. After many years we have solved countless quirky transport tasks. Our specialty is express transport and we have been on the following destinations: Murmansk, Istanbul, Crete, Cyprus, Malta, Gibraltar and Gran Canaria, We cover the ENTIRE Norway to/from the continent with own equipment and Danish drivers. We have a modern fleet to meet customer requirements for environmental and supply security. Vestergaard Marine Service A/S D749 Havnepladsen 12, 9000 Frederikshavn, Denmark Tel: +45 96 22 11 10 [email protected] · Vestergaard Gruppen. Vestergaard Marine Service A / S - Service og reparation af marine-og offshore-installationer. Motorer, gear og propeller. Service worldwide 24/7. DT-Interlink A / S - import og eksport af originale reservedele og tilbehør til diesel-motorer. Maritime Technology AS – Ingeniørvirksomhed inden for Design, Project Management, samt Project styring fra design til levering til maritime og offshore projekter. Turbo DeNor – Worldwide turboladerservice. Turbo DeNor har moderne turbolader værkstedsfaciliteter i Norge og Danmark. Vestergaard Group. Vestergaard Marine Service A / S - Service and repair of marine and offshore installations. Engines, gear and propellers. Worldwide Service 24 / 7. DT-Interlink A / S import and export of spare parts and accessories for diesel engines. Maritime Technology AS - Engineering and Design and Project Management from design to delivery to maritime and offshore projects. Turbo DeNor - Worldwide turbocharger service. Turbo DeNor have modern turbocharger workshop facilities in Norway and Denmark. Vestjysk Bank Bredgade 4, 6960 Hvide Sande, Denmark Tel: +45 97 31 13 22 [email protected] 102 D841 Vestkajens Maskinværksted A/S D811 Sydvestkajen 4, 9850 Hirtshals, Denmark Tel: +45 98 94 48 88 [email protected] · Vi er et alsidigt værksted, der fortrinsvis servicerer fiskeflåden, men også handelsflåden og industrivirksomheder. Vi laver opgaver indenfor skibsreparation, installation og reparation af fremdrivnings- og generatoranlæg. Vi er servicecenter for MAN B&W ALPHA Diesel, og forhandler/servicerer Caterpilar og Cummins motorer m.v. Vi har egen produktion af hydraulisk dæksmaskineri. Vores bedding har kapacitet op til 600 ton, her klarer vi bundbehandling, akseltræk og reparation af propellerudstyr. Vestværftet ApS D842 Nordhavnskaj 12, 6960 Hvide Sande, Denmark Tel: +45 97 31 33 32 · [email protected] VETUS ApS A110a Engvej 9C, 6600 Vejen, Denmark Tel: +45 76 97 50 00 [email protected] · Victorinox D867 Industrivej 22E, 3550 Slangerup, Denmark Tel: +45 47 33 98 98 [email protected] Victorinox knive til professionelt brug. Slibemaskiner, knive m.m. fra FR. DICK. Proffessional knives. VIKING LIFE-SAVING EQUIPMENT A146, G5 Sædding Ringvej 13, 6710 Esbjerg V, Denmark Tel: +45 76 11 81 00 [email protected] · VIKING tilbyder et bredt sortiment af redningsflåder, redningsdragter og redningsveste til fiskeriindustrien verden over. Alle produkter opfylder naturligvis de seneste krav fra både SOLAS, EU og Søfartsstyrelsen. På DanFish viser VIKING sin seneste produktnyhed: en ny ISO 9650-1 godkendt redningsflåde til mindre fiskefartøjer. Flåden, som hedder VFI, er til 4 personer. Køber du en redningsflåde på DanFish, får du en gratis redningsvest med i handlen. VIKING - når hvert liv tæller... (fortsættes næste side/continued on next page) 103 VIKING offers a wide range of safety and rescue equipment to the fishing industry all over the world. All products have been developed in close cooperation with our customers who have high demands to personal safety and comfort. All products fulfil the latest requirements from both SOLAS, EU and Søfartsstyrelsen. During DanFish VIKING will show their latest product: a new ISO 9650-1 approved liferaft for small fishing vessels. If you buy a liferaft during DanFish you will get a free lifejacket. Visafslag Lauwersoog BV D732 Haven 1, 9976 VN Lauwersoog, Netherlands Tel: +31 519 349 125 [email protected] Denmark’s most southern fish auction. The auction is situated near the fishing grounds with as less sailing time as possible. We are certified for MSC. We are leading in Holland in terms of hygiene and are HACCP-certified. We use a digital auction system, profided by Efice. Visveiling Urk BV D732 Westwal 2, 8321 WG Urk, Netherlands Tel: +31 527 389 789 [email protected] Volvo Penta AB A114 Market Unit Nordic, Office Denmark, Vestre Hedevej 16, 4000 Roskilde, Denmark Tel: +45 44 54 67 70 Vónin Ltd. D769 Bakkavegur 22, 530 Fuglafjørdur, Faroe Islands Tel: + 298 474 200 [email protected] · Vónin blev grundlagt i 1969 og er i dag en af Nordatlanten’s førende leverandør af fiskeredskaber og akvakultur udstyr. Vónin har 10 afdelinger på Færøerne, Grønland og Canada. Nogle af Vónin’s omfattende sortiment af produkter omfatter pelagiske trawl, semi-pelagisk trawl, bundtrawl, rejetrawl, noter, krabbetejner, trawl døre, netkasser, fortøjningssystemer, netvaskesystemer og alle relaterede produkter. Vónin was established in 1969 and is today one of the North Atlantic’s premier supplier of fishing gear and aquaculture equipment. Vónin has 10 branches in Faroe Islands, Greenland and Canada. Some of Vónin’s comprehensive range of products include pelagic trawls, semipelagic trawls, bottom trawls, shrimp trawls, purse seine nets, crab pots, trawl doors, net cages, mooring systems, net washing systems all related products. 104 West Diesel Engineering A/S A108, A156 H.E. Bluhmesvej 6, 6700 Esbjerg, Denmark Tel: +45 75 12 70 44 / +45 30 29 25 54 [email protected] · West Diesel Engineering A/S er distributør i Danmark, samt for Grønland og Færøerne af: Mitsubishi – dieselmotorer fra 8 til 3600 HK til marine og industri, John Deere – dieselmotorer fra 40 til 600 HK til marine og industri, Heila – marinekraner fra 1 til 650 TM samt specialløsninger op til 2000 TM, TMA – hyd. spil, Dong I – marinegear. Herudover er West Diesel Engineering A/S autoriseret forhandler af Facett filtre og lastevandseparatorer. Vi er lagerførende i reservedele til vore agenturer og vor professionelle medarbejderstab yder naturligvis 24 timers døgnservice. West Diesel Engineering A/S is sole distributor in Denmark, Greenland and Faroe Islands for: Mitsubishi – diesel engines from 8 up to 3600 HP for marine and industry, John Deere – diesel engines from 40 up to 600 HP for marine and industry, Heila – marine cranes from 1 up to 650 TM and custom built cases up to 2000 TM, TMA – hyd. winches, Dong I – marine gear. Furthermore West Diesel Engineering A/S is authorized sole distributor for Facett filters and bilge water separators. We carry a wide range of spare parts to support our agencies, and our well-educated staff is ready to service our customers on 24 hour basis. West-Marine A/S A100 Fiskerihavnsgade 30, 6700 Esbjerg, Denmark Tel: +45 75 45 70 44 [email protected] · ”West-Marine A/S er en handels- og servicevirksomhed som er Dansk agent for NorSap styrehusstole, AMF salon stole, HS Marinekraner, Azcue pumper, PLT linekastere, Sula redningsudstyr, ZF thruster systems and propellers, Kobelt manøvreudstyr og Fontemar ferskvandsgeneratorer. Vort omfattende program betyder at vi bl. a. er leveringsdygtige i omfattende pakkeløsninger til værtsindustrien. Vi fremstiller endvidere vore egne nødbrandpumper som er godkendt af Søfartsstyrelsen. Vi er leveringsdygtige i alt indenfor pumper, egenproduktion af kabler til fjernbetjeningsystemer, fjernbetjeningsudstyr, sikkerheds- og redningsudstyr samt marineudstyr generelt. Vi har produktion af en maritim redningsbåre med og uden opdrift. Alle typer af pakninger og friktionsmateriale , til bl.a. bremsebånd fremstilles i henhold til kundens specifikationer”. Importer of NorSap wheel house chairs, AMF salon chairs, HS Marine cranes, Azcue pumps, PLT line throwers, Sula rescue equipment, ZF thruster systems and propellers, Kobelt maneuvering equipment and Fontemar freshwater generators. Our program makes us capable to deliver packages to the shipbuilding Industry. We produce our own portable emergency fire pumps approved by The Danish Maritime Authority. We provide all types of pumps, have own production of cables for remote wired systems, remote control equipment, safety- , rescueand marine equipment. We are specialists in all types of gaskets and friction material for engines and brakes according to customer specifications”. 105 West-Ship B301 Auktionsgade 23, 7730 Hanstholm, Denmark Tel: +45 97 96 10 05 [email protected] · West-Ship, Danmarks største skibsmægler, formidler ikke alene fiskefartøjer i Danmark, gennem mange år i branchen har West-Ship opbygget et stort netværk af skibsejere og organisationer over hele verden. Vi er specialister i køb og salg af fiskefartøjer i alle størrelser – lige fra joller til store stålbåde. Udover vores mægler-aktiviteter, tilbyder vi også assistance i forbindelse med vurdering af fartøjer, f.eks. til finansielle institutioner eller ejere af skibe. We-Tech Aps D738 Bugattivej 5D, 7100 Vejle, Denmark Tel: +45 41 33 58 00 [email protected] · We-tech ApS er eneforhandler af Orion smøremidler i Danmark, Færøerne og Grønland. Vi baserer udelukkende vores forretning på højkvalitets produkter til professionelle slutbrugere, såsom Fiskere, Entreprenører, Vognmænd, Landmænd og Industrivirksomheder. We-tech ApS beskæftiger i dag 9 fuldtidssælgere i Danmark. Wing Consult A/S F446 Holtumvej 14, 7400 Herning, Denmark Tel: +45 76 69 83 84 [email protected] Wing Consult har udviklet og implementeret management systemer til en lang række primærproducenter inden for fødevaresektoren. Wing Consult’s Master Management System – MMS-AkvaR og MMS- SkaldyrR - lever op til krav og anbefalinger i enhver ønskelig international standard (ASC, MSC, GlobalGAP, ISO 22000 m. fl.). Med baggrund i mere end 25 års erfaring fra den globale akvakultursektor yder Wing Consult kvalificeret rådgivning inden for risikovurdering, uddannelse, sikker drift og management til både nyetablerede og igangværende akvakulturproducenter. Wing Consult has developed and implemented management systems for several primary producers of food. Wing Consult’s Master Management System – MMS-AquaR and MMSShellfishR – is in compliance with all requirements and recommendations, as they are described in any international standard (ASC, MSC, GlobalGAP, ISO 22000 etc.).With background in more than 25 years’ experience within the global aquaculture sector, Wing Consult offers qualified assistance in relation to risk assessment, education and management for new as well as established aquaculture producers. 106 World Fishing D763 The Old Mill, Lower Quay, Fareham, po16 0ra Fareham, United Kingdom Tel: +1 329 820 497 [email protected] · World Fishing & Aquaculture is dedicated to all aspects of commercial fishing and provides the latest news and product launches, alongside country profile features, interviews and regular columns from fishery experts. Coverage includes content on all the major fishing hotspots and the issues facing the industry in these regions. World Fishing also investigate the latest developments in all sectors of the industry, including gear technology, electronic equipment, fish processing and machinery. WS-Rørhandel D712 Alexandrinevej 1, 6270 Tønder, Denmark Tel: +45 73 72 40 33 [email protected] · WS-Rørhandel er et handelsselskab, som sælger polypropylen rørsystemer til skibsbyggeri. Vi repræsenterer i Danmark det tyske selskab Aquatherm GmbH. Wärtsilä Danmark A/S D811 Jens Munksvej 1, 9850 Hirtshals, Denmark Tel: +45 99 56 99 56 [email protected] · Wärtsilä er en global leder i totale livscyklus power løsninger til marine- og energimarkederne. Ved at fremhæve den teknologiske innovation og optimere den samlede effektivitet, maksimerer Wärtsilä de miljømæssige og økonomiske resultater for vores kunders fartøjer og kraftværker. I 2010 udgjorde Wärtsilä nettosalg EUR 4,6 mia med mere end 17.500 medarbejdere. Virksomheden har afdelinger i 160 lokationer i 70 lande over hele verden. Wärtsilä er noteret på NASDAQ OMX Helsinki, Finlan Wärtsilä is a global leader in complete lifecycle power solutions for the marine and energy markets. By emphasising technological innovation and total efficiency, Wärtsilä maximises the environmental and economic performance of the vessels and power plants of its customers. In 2010, Wärtsilä’s net sales totalled EUR 4.6 billion with more than 17,500 employees. The company has operations in 160 locations in 70 countries around the world. Wärtsilä is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki, Finland. Yamaha Danmark A115 Agerhatten 27 A, 5220 Odense, Denmark Tel: +45 63 10 95 00 (fortsættes næste side/continued on next page) 107 Virksomheden Yamaha Scandinavia AB drives fra Odense, Oslo, Stockholm. Selskabet har ansvaret for markedsføringen og forhandlingen i Norge, Danmark, Sverige, Estland, Letland, Litauen samt Grønland, Island og Færøerne. Regionen udgør den største marine- og snescootermarked i Europa og repræsenterer en betydelig del af det europæiske marked for motorcykler og 4-hjulere. Zephyr Marine D742 Troldholm 5, 9400 Nørresundby, Denmark Tel: +45 98 15 45 15 [email protected] · ZF Danmark A149 Taastrupgaardsvej 8-10, 2630 Taastrup, Denmark Tel: +45 70 22 62 43 [email protected] · ZF producerer en bred vifte af produkter til det maritime miljø. bl.a marinegear fra 10 kW til 10.000 kW i alle slags udførelser, vi producerer også propeller, kontrolsystemer samt CPP systemer. Ørbech en gros D844 Numitvej 27, 6960 Hvide Sande, Denmark Tel: +45 97 31 25 55 [email protected] Ørbech en gros er grundlagt i 1885. Siden virksomheden blev købt af Frydendahl i 1988 har firmaet ligget på Vestkysten i Hvide Sande. I dag varetager firmaet salg og leverance af fiskenet, flettede liner og mange andre fiskeri artikler til forhandlere i Danmark og hele Skandinavien. Ørbech en gros was founded in 1885. Since the company was bought by Frydendahl in 1988 the location has been in Hvide Sande on the westcoast of Denmark. Today the company handles sale and shipment of fishing nets, braided lines and many other fishing articles to dealers in Denmark and all of Scandinavia. Østbornholms Kutterservice ApS A119 Værftsvej 1, 3730 Nexø, Denmark Tel: +45 56 49 65 82 [email protected] · Østbornholms kutterservice har specialiseret sig i fremstilling af garnklarer, nethalere, autoline krogemaskiner og mange andre maskiner, der effektiviserer fiskeriet. Derudover laver vi mange prototyper og mindre serier af maskiner. Vi har en del underleverandør arbejde for mange andre forskellige brancher – specielt indenfor CNC bearbejdning. 108 East Bornholm Boat Service has specializes in manufacturing of netclearer, net haulers, autoline hook machines and many other machines that efficiency the fishing process. In addition, we make many prototypes and smaller series of machines. We have some contractual work for many different industries - especially in CNC machining. Øster Hurup Båd- og Garnhandel D718 Havnen 2, Øster Hurup, 9560 Hadsund, Denmark Tel: +45 98 58 81 97 [email protected] · Kære Kunde. Med mine 40 års erfaring i produktion og salg af garn til fiskeriet, er jeg stolt af, at jeg kan se et stigende salg af vores kvalitetsprodukter. Den lange erfaring med produktion af garn og før dette som aktiv fisker, tør jeg godt love, at Øster Hurup Båd-& Garnhandel producerer og leverer verdens bedste garn. Mine medarbejdere på systuen, behersker både håndlavede og maskinmonterede garn og benytter sig kun af de bedste råvarer. Jeg glæder mig til se Dem i vores butik eller tale med Dem i telefonen..! Med venlig hilsen Egon Jensen Fiskeri- og erhvervsmesse Sisimiut · Grønland/Greenland Polar Fish · 5. - 7. oktober 2012 109 Produktindeks / Product index Advokater Solicitor Advodan Midt / Vest A/S 0005 Akustisk udstyr Acoustic equipment JT electric Ltd., PF. MacArtney Group 0030 Akvakultur Aquaculture DTU Aqua Flexabar-Aquatech Hvide Sande Vodbinderi ApS IRAS A/S JT electric Ltd., PF. Midtjysk Aqua ApS Nordsøen Forskerpark OxyGuard International A/S Oxymat A/S ProFlex ApS Innovative Coatings Refa Frøystad Group RK Plast A/S Smart Farm AS Troutex ApS Ultraaqua Vónin 0040 Alarmsystemer Alarm systems Ptech ApS Technoflex ApS 0050 Ankerspil Windlasses AS SCAN Thyborøn Skibs & Motor A/S 0070 D841 F439 F418 C221 F436 F444 F403 F439 F451 D762 F441 F448 F436 D769 F442 F445 F450 F426 D769 D752 D711 D840 D830 Anti-fouling, net Anti-fouling, net Flexabar-Aquatech 0093 Arbejdsmiljø Work environment Fiskeriets Arbejdsmiljøråd 0097 Aviser Newspapers Danske Fiskeres PO – Danmarks Fiskeriforening 0115 Backoffice-programmer Back-office software Efice BV F436 C224 C203, C 228, C229, C231 0116 D732 Ballastvand, systemer til rensning 0117 Ballast water treatment systems DESMI Danmark A/S A135 Batterier Batteries Transmotor ApS 0120 A101 Beklædning 0140 Clothing Carl Backs A/S D819 Hanstholm Havns Indkøbsforening B301 Marigold Industrial D724 VIKING Life-Saving Equipment A146, G5 Øster Hurup Båd- og Garnhandel D718 Belysning Light for ships Elthermo a/s Luminell AS Pesch Marinescheinwerfer MacArtney Group 0150 C218 A101a C237 F418 Antenner Antennae Polaris Electronics A/S 0080 Anti-forureningssystemer Anti-fouling systems Gedhus Consult v/Jens Gjesing Oxymat A/S 0090 Beluftningsudstyr 0152 Oxygenation and water treatment Kjaergaard Maskinfabrik AS F406 D722 F448 Bovpropeller Bow thrusters 110 A125 0170 Gertsen & Olufsen Hundested Propeller A/S A141 D870 Bunkers 0200 Bunkers Hanstholm Havns Olieforsyning ApS B301 Bødenåle Net mending needles Randers Reb International A/S Bøjer Buoys Daconet DAN-FENDER, Dan hill plast a/s Bådebyggere Boat builders Atlantic Shipping A/S Bredgaard Bådeværft ApS Thyborøn Skibs & Motor A/S 0210 D872 0220 D844 D849 0230 D866 A143 D830 Bådudstyr Boat equipment Palby Marine 0233 Computere Computers MONTES A/S 0240 Containere Containers Royal Arctic Logistics A/S SPERRE AS 0250 Dambrugsudstyr Fish farm equipment Impex Agency Hoerning ApS 0253 Detectbare produkter Detectable products RG Detectline 0262 Dieselmotorer, service Diesel engines, service Nordhavn A/S Thyborøn Skibs & Motor A/S 0265 D767 D764 C213 F417 F430 C204 A153 D830 Dybdemålingsudstyr Depth gauge equipment MacArtney Group Zephyr Marine 0270 Dyser Nozzles Van Voorden Repair 0285 Dæksmaskineri Deck machinery A/S Oilpower Hydraulics Bagenkop Smede- & Maskinværksted ApS Rolls-Royce AS SCAN 0290 F418 D742 D732 D773 A124 D707 D840 Dørkbelægning Floor mats E. Vejvad Hansen 0295 Ekkolod Echosounders Garmin Danmark A/S Polaris Electronics A/S SeaMaster Simrad/Kongsberg Subsea 0310 El-installationer Electricity installations Elthermo a/s Gertsen & Olufsen Hirtshals El-Motorservice Marine-El A/S Scanel International A/S SeaMech A/S C238 D720 A125 A150 A111 0311 C218 A141 D811 D811 D815 D858 Elektronisk udstyr Electronic equipment Serviceteam Skagen Havn 0325 Elektroniske systemer Electronic systems Baltic Marine Contractors Elthermo a/s Hanstholm Elektronik A/S JT electric Ltd., PF. Leif Jensen Grenaa ApS 0330 D858 D744 C218 B301 F439 A137 (fortsættes næste side/continued on next page) 111 Oxymat A/S SeaMaster SeaMech MacArtney Group F448 A150 D811 F418 Emballering Packaging Oxymat A/S Strapex 0340 Fangstindikatorer Barrier nets Leif Jensen Grenaa ApS NOTUS Electronics Ltd. 0360 Fangstkontroludstyr Catch control equipment Hanstholm Elektronik A/S Leif Jensen Grenaa ApS Marel NOTUS Electronics Ltd. SeaMaster Simrad/Kongsberg Subsea 0370 Fangstsystemer Catch systems Scanmar AS 0375 Fendere Fenders DAN-FENDER, Dan hill plast a/s RG Rom Gummi A/S Scanfi ApS 0380 F448 D740 A137 A137 B301 A137 A136 A137 A150 A111 A151 D849 A119 D860 Ferskvandsanlæg Freshwater plants Gedhus Consult v/Jens Gjesing Hanstholm Ny Flydedok A/S 0385 Filtre Filters C.C. JENSEN A/S Gedhus Consult v/Jens Gjesing HOLM TECHNOSCAN as Palby Marine RK Plast A/S 0390 112 D722 B301 D864 D722 A121 D767 F442 Finansiering Financing Vestjysk Bank 0400 Fiskeauktioner Fish auctions Efice BV Hirtshals Fiskeauktion International Shrimp Auction BV i.o. Serviceteam Skagen Havn Skagen Fiskeauktion Visafslag Lauwersoog BV Visveiling Urk BV 0410 D841 D732 D811 D732 D858 D858 D732 D732 Fiskefindingsudstyr Fish finding equipment Simrad/Kongsberg Subsea 0416 Fiskeforarbejdning Seafood processor Fresh Catch 0417 A111 D722 Fiskefremføring Fish feed Thyborøn Skibs & Motor A/S 0420 Fiskekasser Fish boxes FISCHERNET Lyngsoe Systems Pack and Sea 0430 Fiskeknive Fishing knives Columbus Trading A/S DICK, FR. Victorinox 0440 Fiskekvoter Fish quota Atlantic Shipping A/S Hanstholm Puljeselskab ApS 0455 Fiskelandingspladser Fish landing facilities Triple Nine Fish Protein AmbA D830 D771 C212 C212 D867 D867 D867 D866 B301 0460 D833 Fiskemelsfabrik Fish meal producer Hanstholm Fiskemelsfabrik Triple Nine Fish Protein AmbA 0470 Fiskeolie Fish oil Triple Nine Fish Protein AmbA 0475 Fiskepumper Fish pumps Kjaergaard Maskinfabrik AS 0477 Fiskeriklynge samarbejde Fishery cluster Konsumfisk 0479 Fiskesortering (samlecentral) Fish sorting Fiskernes Fiskesortering Hanstholm Samlecentral A/S Thorkil Grøn’s Samlecentral 0480 Fiskeudstyr Fishing gear Bagenkop Smede& Maskinværksted ApS Björkö Telnfabrik Ab CIV Lauwerszee UA Comet Trawl Cosmos Trawl A/S Daconet Fishering Service Kingfisher / Seafish Peter Harbo A/S RG Rom Gummi A/S Selstad Nordtrawl A/S Thyborøn Skibssmedie A/S Tor-Net ehf. Van Beelen Ørbech en gros Østbornholms Kutterservice ApS Flåder Floats Fischerner 0490 B301 D833 D833 F406 D839 D811 B301 B301 A124 D771 D732 D824 D871 D844 D753 D706 D852 A119 D857 D822 D741 D750 D844 A119 0495 D771 Forarbejdningsmaskineri Processing machinery Carnitech A/S 0510 Foreninger Associations Dansk Eksport Forening Danske Fiskeres PO - Danmarks Fiskeriforening Hanstholm Havneforum Hanstholm Puljeselskab ApS Hirtshals Fiskeriforening Hirtshals Service Group Konsumfisk 0520 A143 D849 C203, C 228, C229, C231 B301 B301 D811 D811 D839 Forsikring Insurance If Skibsforsikringen Frederikshavn Ulykkesforsikringsforbundet for dansk Fiskeri G/F 0530 Forskning Research DTU Aqua Simrad/Kongsberg Subsea 0535 Fortøjningsudstyr Mooring equipment Smart Farm AS Vónin 0540 Fremdrift Propulsion Granly Diesel AS Mekanord Nordhavn A/S Ptech ApS Thyborøn Skibs & Motor A/S 0550 Fryseudstyr Freezing equipment A/S Dybvad Stål Industri Johnson Controls Marine 0570 Færgeteminalbygninger Ferry terminal buildings Aalborg Havn A/S A145 A147 C232 C221 A111 F445 D769 A130 D851 A153 D752 D830 D865 D728 0585 C214 113 Garn Gill nets Daconet FISCHERNET Hanstholm Havns Indkøbsforening Øster Hurup Båd- og Garnhandel Ray’s Vod- & Trawlbinderi Refa Frøystad Group Ørbech en gros 0590 D844 D771 B301 D718 D811 D769 D844 Garnhalere Net haulers Østbornholms Kutterservice ApS 0592 Garnklarere Net clearer Østbornholms Kutterservice ApS 0593 A119 A119 Gear 0600 Gears CENTA Transmissioner A/S A116 Granly Diesel AS A130 Hundested Propeller A/S D870 MAN Diesel & Turbo D809 Mekanord D851 Technoflex ApS D711 TM Marine ApS D879 Vestergaard Marine Service A/S D749 West Diesel Engineering as A108, A156 Wärtsilä Danmark A/S D811 Gear, flyshoot Flyshootgear Nordsøtrawl 0605 Generatorer Generators Granly Diesel AS Hirtshals El-Motorservice MAN Diesel & Turbo Nordhavn A/S Pon Power Ptech ApS Scanel International A/S SeaMech Technoflex ApS Transmotor ApS Vestkajens Maskinværksted 0610 114 D822 A130 D811 D809 A153 D744 D752 D815 D811 D711 A101 D811 West Diesel Engineering as Wärtsilä Danmark A/S A108, A156 D811 Gummiartikler Rubber articles AAG DAN-FENDER, Dan hill plast a/s Marigold Industrial RG Rom Gummi A/S Scanfi ApS 0630 D731 D849 D724 A119 D860 Gummibåde Inflatable boats Cralog A/S 0640 Handsker, specialiserede Industrial gloves Marigold Industrial 0643 Havne Ports Aalborg Havn A/S Dansk Eksport Forening EHL BV Hanstholm Havn Hirtshals Havn Hvide Sande Havn Serviceteam Skagen Havn 0645 Hydraulisk udstyr Hydraulic equipment A/S Oilpower Hydraulics AS SCAN Bagenkop Smede- & Maskinværksted ApS Hirtshals Skibs- og Industriservice Hvide Sande Skibssmedie A/S MarineService Hirtshals Technoflex ApS Thyborøn Skibs & Motor A/S 0660 Hygiejne produkter Hygiene products RG Detectline 0665 Højtryksrensning High pressure cleaning Duusgaard Coating 0670 D765 D724 C214 D849 D732 B301 D811 D841 D858 D773 D840 A124 D811 D845 D811 D711 D830 C204 D811 Imprægnering til net Net coatings Flexabar-Aquatech 0688 F436 Instrumentering Instrumentation Hanstholm Elektronik A/S SeaMaster 0700 Interesseorganisation Interest group Dansk Metal 0702 Internetportaler Internet portals Danske Fiskeres PO - Danmarks Fiskeriforening Isfremstillingsudstyr Ice making equipment Hvide Sande Skibssmedie A/S B301 A150 C234a 0705 C203, C 228, C229, C231 C207 0730 D845 Isolering Insulation Duusgaard Coating 0740 Kabler Cables Elthermo a/s 0750 Kamera Camera SPERRE AS 0752 Koblinger Couplings CENTA Transmissioner A/S 0768 Kogeudstyr Cooking equipment Carnitech A/S 0770 Kommunikationer Communications Baltic Marine Contractors Hanstholm Elektronik A/S Polaris Electronics A/S 0780 D811 C218 F417 A116 A143 D744 B301 A125 SeaMech Seasat A/S Ultisat Europe A/S D811 A131 A102 Komponenter Components Pon Power 0810 Konsulenter Consultants Dansk Eksport Forening Hjørring ErhvervsCenter KNAPK Leif Jensen Grenaa ApS MONTES A/S 0830 D744 D849 D811 C213a A137 D764 Kontrolcontainere Control containers SPERRE AS 0835 Kontrolsystemer Control systems Mekanord Ptech ApS Technoflex ApS ZF Danmark 0840 Kraftblokke Power blocks NorthLift AB RG Rom Gummi A/S 0850 Kraner Cranes A/S Oilpower Hydraulics Cralog A/S West Diesel Engineering as 0860 F417 D851 D752 D711 A149 D709 A119 D773 D765 A108, A156 Kroghalere Autoline hook machines Østbornholms Kutterservice ApS 0865 Kølebokse Insulated fish tubs FISCHERNET 0915 Køling Refrigeration 0920 A119 D771 (fortsættes næste side/continued on next page) 115 Johnson Controls Marine D728 Køreskinner Deck tracks E. Vejvad Hansen 0925 Ladeapparater Chargers Transmotor ApS 0930 Lamper Lamps SPERRE AS 0931 Langline Longline Beitir ehf 0932 Leverandørens e-log Supplier E-Logbook E-Catch BV 0934 Logistikløsninger Logistics Lyngsoe Systems 0942 Losseudstyr Unloading equipment IRAS A/S 0943 Lyddæmpere Silencers Palby Marine 0945 C238 A101 F417 C216 D732 C212 F403 D767 Marketing 0950 Marketing KYSTMAGASINET – Findexa Forlag AS D705 C207 Medie 0963 Media KYSTMAGASINET – Findexa Forlag AS D705 Messer Exhibitions Dansk Eksport Forening 116 0965 D849 Motorer 0970 Engines Anglo Belgian Corporation D710 Fred. Rasmussen A122 Gertsen & Olufsen A141 Granly Diesel AS A130 Hirtshals El-Motorservice D811 HOLM TECHNOSCAN as A121 Hvide Sande Skibssmedie A/S D845 MAN Diesel & Turbo D809 MarineService Hirtshals D811 Nordhavn A/S A153 Pon Power D744 Ptech ApS D752 Rolls-Royce D707 Scanel International A/S D815 Thyborøn Skibs & Motor A/S D830 Vestergaard Marine Service A/S D749 West Diesel Engineering as A108, A156 Navigationsudstyr Navigation equipment Baltic Marine Contractors Elthermo a/s Garmin Danmark A/S Hanstholm Elektronik A/S Hirtshals El- Motorservice Pesch Marinescheinwerfer Polaris Electronics A/S Scanel International A/S SeaMech SeaMech A/S Smart Farm AS 0990 Net Nets Cosmos Trawl A/S Daconet FISCHERNET Flexabar-Aquatech Hvide Sande Vodbinderi ApS Ray’s Vod- & Trawlbinderi ProFlex ApS Innovative Coatings Scanfi ApS Siang May Van Beelen Ørbech en gros 1000 D744 C218 D720 B301 D811 C237 A125 D815 D811 D858 F445 D871 D844 D771 F436 F444 D811 F436 D860 D739 D750 D844 Net antifouling og imprægnering Net antifouling and coatings ProFlex ApS Innovative Coatings 1005 Netfremstilling Netmaking machinery Ray’s Vod- & Trawlbinderi Siang May 1010 F436 D811 D739 Netindhalere Net haulers Bagenkop Smede- & Maskinværksted ApS NorthLift AB Østbornholms Kutterservice ApS 1020 Offentlig administration Public administration Ministeriet for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri Thisted Kommune 1040 Olieabsorberende produkter Absorbing products for oil spill C.C.JENSEN A/S 1045 A124 D709 A119 C220 B301 D864 Operatørstole Operator chairs E. Vejvad Hansen 1048 Oxygen fremstilling Oxygen manufacturing Oxymat A/S 1063 Pakkemaskiner Packaging machinery Carnitech A/S Strapex 1065 Pelagisk Trawl Pelagic trawl Comet Trawl Egersund Trål AS Fishering Service Nordsøtrawl Vónin 1088 C238 F448 A143 D740 D824 D743 D753 D822 D769 Pengeinstitut Financial institution Jyske Bank Spar Nord bank A/S Sparekassen Vendsyssel 1089 Pilkemaskiner Jigging machines NorthLift AB 1090 Pladefrysere Plate freezers A/S Dybvad Stål Industri 1100 Projektører Searchlights Gertsen & Olufsen Pesch Marinescheinwerfer Propeller Propellers Granly Diesel AS Hundested Propeller A/S MAN Diesel & Turbo MarineShaft Mekanord Rolls-Royce Van Voorden Repair Vestergaard Marine Service A/S Vestkajens Maskinværksted Wärtsilä Danmark A/S ZF Danmark Propeller, reparation Propeller repair Van Voorden Repair Propelpumper Propellor pumps Kjaergaard Maskinfabrik AS D811 D811 D811 D709 D865 1120 A141 C237 1130 A130 D870 D809 D811 D851 D707 D732 D749 D811 D811 A149 1133 D732 1135 F406 Publikationer 1140 Publications Danske Fiskeres PO - C203, C 228, Danmarks Fiskeriforening C229, C231 KYSTMAGASINET – Findexa Forlag AS D705 World Fishing D763 117 Pumper Pumps DESMI Danmark A/S Hirtshals Skibs- og Industriservice Idromeccanica Forani & Pecorari Snc IRAS A/S LSM Pumper ApS RG Detectline RG Rom Gummi A/S 1150 A135 D811 D747 F403 G1 C204 A119 Pumpeservice Pump service DESMI Danmark A/S 1155 Radar Radar Baltic Marine Contractors Garmin Danmark A/S SeaMech A/S 1160 Radio Radio Garmin Danmark A/S Redningsveste Lifejackets VIKING Life-Saving Equipment Redningsflåder Life rafts VIKING Life-Saving Equipment A135 D744 D720 D858 1170 D720 1183 A146, G5 1190 A146, G5 Rengøringsartikler Cleaning articles Kemilux 1200 Rensning af spildevand Waste water treatment DESMI Danmark A/S 1222 Revision Accounting BDO Statsautoriseret Revisionsaktieselskab 1225 Ror Rudder MarineShaft 1231 118 D811 C207 D811 D811 Ruser Fykes Daconet Refa Frøystad Group Øster Hurup Båd- og Garnhandel 1232 D844 D769 D718 Rørsystemer Pipe systems Midtjysk Aqua ApS 1255 Rådgivning Consultancy DTU Aqua Vestergaard Marine Service A/S 1257 Satellitkommunikation Satellite communication Seasat A/S Ultisat Europe A/S 1258 Satellitnavigation Satellite navigation Baltic Marine Contractors Garmin Danmark A/S 1260 Satellit TV/Telefon Satellite TV/Telephone Siminn Satellite 1265 Sejlgarn Twines Van Beelen 1270 Separatorer Separators C.C.JENSEN A/S Carnitech A/S 1290 F451 C221 D749 A131 A102 D744 D720 A139 D750 D864 A143 Service Service Vestergaard Marine Service A/S 1294 Service, alle pumpefabrikater Service, all makes of pumps DESMI Danmark A/S 1295 Sikkerhed Safety 1300 D749 A135 Carl Backs A/S Cralog A/S Fiskeriets Arbejdsmiljøråd Marigold Industrial Thyborøn Skibs & Motor A/S VIKING Life-Saving Equipment D819 D765 C224 D724 D830 A146, G5 Sjækler Shackles Hanstholm Havns Indkøbsforening 1310 Skibsbyggere Shipbuilders Atlantic Shipping A/S Hanstholm Ny Flydedok A/S Havnens Skibsbyggeri Hirtshals Skibs- og Industriservice Riga Shipyard Wärtsilä Danmark A/S 1320 B301 D866 B301 D811 D811 D713 D811 Skibsdesign Ship design Rolls-Royce 1323 Skibsmaling Marine paints Duusgaard Coating Hanstholm Ny Flydedok A/S 1330 Skibsmæglere Ship brokers Atlantic Shipping A/S Eos Shipbroker AB Royal Arctic Logistics A/S WEST-SHIP 1340 Skibsreparationer Boat repairs Hanstholm Ny Flydedok A/S Hanstholm Skibssmedie Hirtshals Skibs- og Industriservice Hvide Sande Skibssmedie A/S MarineService Hirtshals MEST P/f Pon Power Scanel International A/S Thyborøn Skibs & Motor A/S Vestkajens Maskinværksted D707 D811 B301 D866 D714 C213 B301 1360 B301 B301 D811 D845 D811 D770 D744 D815 D830 D811 Wärtsilä Danmark A/S D811 Skibssmed Ship blacksmith Hanstholm Skibssmedie 1363 Skibsvinduer Ship windows C.C.Jensen Skibsvinduer 1364 Skibsværft Shipyard Hanstholm Ny Flydedok A/S Karstensens Skibsværft MEST P/f Riga Shipyard Serviceteam Skagen Havn Thyborøn Skibs & Motor A/S 1365 Slibemaskiner Grinding machines Columbus Trading A/S DICK, FR. Victorinox B301 B301 B301 D855 D770 D713 D858 D830 1385 D867 D867 D867 Smøremidler Lubricating oils We-Tech ApS 1390 Sonarudstyr Sonar equipment Baltic Marine Contractors JT electric Ltd., PF. SeaMaster SeaMech A/S Simrad/Kongsberg Subsea MacArtney Group 1410 D738 D744 F439 A150 D858 A111 F418 Sorteringsmaskiner Sorting machines Carnitech A/S IRAS A/S LSM Pumper ApS Marel 1420 Spedition Forwarding of goods Royal Arctic Logistics A/S 1427 A143 F403 G1 A136 C213 119 Spil Winches A/S Oilpower Hydraulics AS SCAN Hvide Sande Skibssmedie A/S Rolls-Royce Thyborøn Skibs & Motor A/S West Diesel Engineering as 1430 D773 D840 D845 D707 D830 A108, A156 Spoler Bobbins Ray’s Vod- & Trawlbinderi 1435 Sporbarhedssystemer Traceability systems Lyngsoe Systems 1437 Strømforsyning Power packs Nordhavn A/S Pon Power 1440 Styremaskiner Steering machines AS SCAN 1447 D811 C212 A153 D744 D840 Styrhusstole Wheelhouse chairs E. Vejvad Hansen West-Marine A/S 1460 Undervandslys Underwater lights JT electric Ltd., PF. 1462 Ståltov Wire Randers Reb International A/S Scanfi ApS 1465 Søfartsudstyr Marine equipment Pesch Marinescheinwerfer SeaMech VIKING Life-Saving Equipment Telekommunikation Telecommunications 120 C238 A100 F439 D872 D860 1490 C237 D811 A146, G5 1510 Siminn Satellite Ultisat Europe A/S A139 A102 Tilbehør Accessories Comet Trawl 1517 Tov Ropes Fishering Service FISCHERNET Hanstholm Havns Indkøbsforening Hvide Sande Vodbinderi ApS Randers Reb International A/S Van Beelen Øster Hurup Båd- og Garnhandel D824 1520 D753 D771 B301 F444 D872 D750 D718 Transformere Converters Transmotor ApS 1530 Transmissioner Transmissions CENTA Transmissioner A/S Mekanord ZF Danmark 1540 Transportbånd Conveyor belts DK Transportbånd ApS Thyborøn Skibs & Motor A/S 1545 A101 A116 D851 A149 A142 D830 Transport og distribution Transportation and distribution Merema Transport BV Royal Arctic Logistics A/S Vendelbo Spedition A/S 1550 Trawl Trawl BM International Co., Ltd. Comet Trawl Cosmos Trawl A/S Egersund Trål AS Fishering Service FISCHERNET Hvide Sande Vodbinderi ApS Nordsøtrawl 1570 D732 C213 D811 D729 D824 D871 D743 D753 D771 F444 D822 Ray’s Vod- & Trawlbinderi Refa Frøystad Group Selstad Nordtrawl A/S Serviceteam Skagen Havn Tor-Net ehf. Vónin D811 D769 D857 D858 D741 D769 Cralog A/S Danske Fiskeres PO - Danmarks Fiskeriforening DTU Aqua Fiskeriteknologuddannelsen Skagen Skipperskole D765 C203, C 228, C229, C231 C221 C234 D859 Trawlblokke 1580 Trawl blocks Brdr. Markussens Metalvarefabrik A/S D861 Undervandsteknisk udstyr Underwater technical equipment SPERRE AS 1675 Trawlgear Trawl gear BM International Co., Ltd. Brdr. Markussens Metalvarefabrik A/S Comet Trawl Cosmos Trawl A/S Egersund Trål AS Fishering Service Hvide Sande Vodbinderi ApS Nordsøtrawl Refa Frøystad Group Selstad Nordtrawl A/S Van Beelen Vónin Vandsportskikkerter Water sport binoculars Palby Marine 1685 Vekselrettere Inverters Transmotor ApS 1715 VHF VHF Polaris Electronics A/S 1725 VSAT VSAT Siminn Satellite 1735 Vægte Scales Marel 1740 Værktøj Tools Hanstholm Havns Indkøbsforening 1745 Watermaker Watermaker Gertsen & Olufsen 1750 Ørred æg Trout eggs Troutex ApS 1760 Trawlkugler Floats Scanfi ApS 1590 D729 D861 D824 D871 D743 D753 F444 D822 D769 D857 D750 D769 1600 D860 Trawlsensorer Trawl sensors Besrad 1605 Trawlskovle Trawl doors Bagenkop Smede- & Maskinværksted ApS BM International Co., Ltd. Cosmos Trawl A/S Egersund Trål AS Injector Door ltd Thyborøn Skibssmedie A/S 1610 Uddannelse Education Center for det Maritime Sundhedsvæsen D841 A124 D729 D871 D743 D721 D822 F417 D767 A101 A125 A139 A136 B301 A141 F450 1660 C233 121 Alphabetical list of products and services offered by the exhibitors Alphabetical list of products and services offered by the exhibitors. After having identified the categories of your interest, please turn to the classified index that is listed in numerical order. Here you may find a list of exhibitors offering the products and services of your interest. Absorbing products for oil spill Accessories Accounting Acoustic equipment Alarm systems Antennae Anti-fouling, net Anti-fouling systems Aquaculture Associations Autoline hook machines Ballast water treatment systems Barrier nets Batteries Boat builders Boat equipment Boat repairs Bow thrusters Cables Camera Catch control equipment Catch systems Cleaning articles Clothing Communications Components Consultancy Consultants Containers Control containers Control systems Conveyor belts Cooking equipment Couplings Cranes Deck tracks Detectable products Diesel engines, service Echosounders Education 122 1045 1517 1225 0030 0050 0080 0093 0090 0040 0520 0865 0117 0360 0120 0230 0233 1360 0170 0750 0752 0370 0375 1200 0140 0780 0810 1257 0830 0250 0835 0840 1545 0770 0768 0860 0925 0262 0265 0310 1660 Electricity installations Electronic equipment Electronic systems Engines Exhibitions Ferry terminal buildings Filters Financial institution Financing Fish auctions Fish boxes Fish farm equipment Fish feed Fish finding equipment Fish hooks Fish landing facilities Fish meal producer Fish oil Fish pumps Fish quota Fish sorting Fishery cluster Fishing gear Fishing knives Fishing plotter files Fishmonger Fiskekasser Floats Floats Floor mats Flyshootgear Forwarding of goods Freezing equipment Freshwater plants Fykes Gears Generators Gill nets Grinding machines High pressure cleaning 0311 0325 0330 0970 0965 0585 0390 1089 0400 0410 0430 0253 0420 0416 0450 0460 0470 0475 0478 0455 0480 0479 0490 0440 1102 0425 0430 0495 0295 1600 0605 1427 0570 0385 1232 0600 0610 0590 1385 0670 Hydraulic equipment Hygiene products Ice making equipment Industrial gloves Inflatable boats Instrumentation Insulated fish tubs Insulation Insurance Interest group Internet portals Inverters Jigging machines Lamps Lifejackets Life rafts Logistics Long line Lubricating oils Marine equipment Marine paints Marketing Media Mooring equipment Navigation equipment Net antifouling and coatings Net clearer Net coatings Net haulers Net making machinery Nets Newspapers Nozzles Operator chairs Oxygen manufacturing Oxygenation and water treatment Packaging machinery Packaging Pelagic trawl Pipe systems Plate freezers Ports Power blocks Power packs Processing machinery Propeller repair Propulsion Propellers 0660 0665 0730 0643 0640 0700 0915 0740 0530 0702 0705 1715 1090 0931 1183 1190 0942 0932 1390 1490 1330 0950 0963 0540 0990 1005 0593 0688 0592 1010 1000 0115 0285 1048 1063 0152 1065 0340 1088 1255 1100 0645 0855 1440 0510 1133 0550 1130 Propellor pumps Public administration Publications Pump service Pumps Radar Radio Refrigeration Ropes Rubber articles Rudder Safety Satellite communication Satellite navigation Satellite TV/Telephone Scales Seafood processor Searchlights Separators Service Service, all makes of pumps Shackles Ship blacksmith Ship brokers Ship design Shipbuilders Shipyard Solicitor Sonar equipment Sorting machines Steering machines Supplier E-Logbook Telecommunications Tools Traceability systems Transmissions Transportation and distribution Trawl blocks Trawl doors Trawl gear Trawl sensors Trout eggs Trawl Twine Twines Underwater lights Underwater technical equipment Unloading equipment 1135 1040 1140 1155 1150 1160 1170 0920 1520 0630 1231 1300 1258 1260 1265 1740 0417 1120 1290 1294 1295 1310 1362 1340 1323 1320 1365 0005 1410 1420 1447 0934 1510 1745 1437 1540 1550 1580 1610 1590 1605 1760 1570 0215 1280 1462 1675 0943 123 VHF VSAT Watermaker Waste water treatment Water sport binoculars 1725 1735 1750 1222 1685 Wheelhouse chairs Winches Windlasses Wire Work environment Noter / Notes 124 1460 1430 0070 1465 0097 Tillæg til udstillerkatalog / Supplement to the Official catalogue AquaSearch ova aps Siljeager 1 7300 Jelling Denmark Tel: +45 55 44 22 11 [email protected] F402 ova AquaSearch OUR EXPERTISE - YOUR VALUE AquaSearch ova sælger og distribuerer levende ørredæg i hele verden. Avlsarbejde og æg produktion foregår på egne avlsdambrug (AquaSearch farm ) og tilknyttede avlsdambrug. Samlet har AquaSearch koncernen en ledende position som ørred avls firma og æg leverandør til de fleste ørredproducerende lande. AquaSearch produkter omfatter specialiserede ørred stammer til portions ørred produktion (AquaSearch FRESH), stammer til produktion af stor ørred i havet (AquaSearch SALT) og andre produktlinier. AquaSearch ova sells and distribute live rainbow trout eggs worldwide. Breeding and egg production are performed by AquaSearch farm dedicated brood stock facilities and associated brood stock farms. In combination the AquaSearch group has a leading position as trout breeding company and egg supplier to most trout producing countries. Products include specialized strains for “pan size” production (AquaSearch FRESH), strains for large rainbow trout in the sea (AquaSearch SALT), and other products. Bergstrøm Plastteknik ApS F401 Vallensbækvej 20A, 2605 Brøndby Denmark Tel: +45 43 52 71 22 [email protected] ESL Danmark C213b Valhøjs Allé 177 2610 Rødovre Denmark Tel: +45 36 70 36 03 [email protected] ESL er en ledende leverandører af kommunikationsløsninger til fiskeri, mega yachts, regeringskunder og kommerciel skibsfart globalt, baseret på traditionelt radio- og satellitekommunikationsudstyr, samt bredbåndsløsninger baseret på VSAT, FleetBroadband, Iridium OpenPort og DVB-RCS. ESL tilbyder sine kunder mobile kommunikationsløsninger der opfylder deres individuelle behov, gennem individuelt tilpassede (fortsættes næste side/continued on next page) løsninger. ESL tilbyder desuden sine kunder konkurrencedygtige airtime abonnementer til Iridium, Inmarsat og VSAT løsninger. Du kan også finde mere information om ESL på INTER AQUA Advance A/S F449 Muslingevej 36B 8250 Egå Denmark Tel: +45 38 41 48 09 [email protected] INTER AQUA Advance A/S er den førende globale leverandør af komplette nøglefærdige ”state-of-the-art” recirkulationsbaserede akvakultur anlæg med mere end 30 års erfaring i recirkulationsteknologi. Vores patenterede 3. Generations CLEARWATER ”Moving Bed” baserede teknologi giver det eneste kommercielt tilgængelige system koncept på markedet, der tillader fuldstændig bio-film kontrol. Som følge heraf, er INTER AQUA Advance’s system designs karakteriserede ved den højeste grad af sikkerhed, stabilitet og de laveste totale produktionsomkostninger på markedet. INTER AQUA Advance A/S is the leading global supplier of complete turn-key state-ofthe-art turn-key recirculation aquaculture systems with more than 30 years of experience in RAS technology. Our patented 3rd generation CLEARWATER moving bed based technology provides the only system concept in the market that offers complete bio-film control capacity. Consequently, the INTER AQUA Advance system designs are characterized by the highest level of safety, stability and lowest overall production costs in market. Kem-En-Tec A/S F434 Kuldyssen 10 2630 Taastrup Denmark Tel: +45 39 27 17 77 [email protected] Kem-Em-Tec A/S er dansk, svensk og norsk distributør af Turner Design detektorer. Vi hjælper med til at sammensætte løsninger og leverer løsninger indenfor detektion af Klorofyl, Alger, Turbiditet, Fluoroforer, Nitrat, Sulfat, Ammonium, CDOM og Olie. Vi har løsninger til stationær 24/7 måling som alarmerer, hvis målinger overstiger en fastsat grænse samt mobile løsninger med håndholdt sensor og datalogger. Vi ser frem til at hjælpe dig med dine applikationer. Kem-En-Tec A/S is a Danish, Swedish and Norwegian distributor detectors from Turner Design. We assist in building solutions and supply detectors to Chlorophyll, Algae, Turbidity, Tracer stains, Nitrate, Sulphate, Ammonium, CDOM and Oil. We supply solutions to stationary real time on-line measuring, which sets of an alarm if the measurement exceeds a set limit, as well as mobile solutions consisting of handheld Sensor and Datalogger. We look forward to helping you with your specific application. Multi Pump Innovation AS F408 Festningsveien 19a 1368 Stabekk Norway Tel: +47 45 25 29 28 [email protected] PBP Services Ltd. C206 Harbour Road AB43 9TB Fraserburgh Scotland, United Kingdom Tel: +44 1 346 514056 [email protected] POCA Glasfiber Aps G10 Nrd. Fabriksvej 9 8722 Hedensted Denmark Tel: +45 75 89 14 77 [email protected] Skandinavisk Brandteknik A/S C210 Hestehaven 19, Hjallese 5260 Odense S Denmark Tel: +45 63 14 31 60 [email protected] Skandinavisk Brandteknik A/S eller bare SB har mere end 25 års erfaring. Vi er specialister i brandslukningsudstyr, brandteknik og service af brandmeldeanlæg. Vi opererer både på land og til vands. Blandt vores kernekompetencer er service og vedligehold(fortsættes næste side/continued on next page) else af brandsluknings -systemer og -udstyr, men vi udfører også autoriseret service på udsætningsarrangementer. Vi operer i hele verden og intet job er for vanskeligt for SB. Skandinavisk Brandteknik A/S, SB, has more than 25 years of experience. We are specialists in firefighting equipment, fire technique and service on fire detection systems. We operate primarily in the maritime business. Among our core competencies are service and maintenance of fire extinguishing systems and equipment, but we also perform authorized service on lifting appliances. We are operating globally and no job is too difficult for SB. Seigla EHF D758 Gooanes 12 603 Akureyri Iceland Tel: +354 551 2809 [email protected] Seigla bygger fiskebåter etter kundes behøv. Vinner av Nor-Fishing innovasjons prisen 2008 med senkekjølen. Seigla is building fishing boats according to customers demand. Winner of the NorFishing Innovation Prize 2008 with the drop keel. Fiskeri- og erhvervsmesse Sisimiut · Grønland/Greenland Polar Fish · 5. - 7. oktober 2012 “CJC™ Oliefiltrering “CJC™ Oil Filtration sikrer længere levetid på både olie og komponenter” ensures longer lifetime on both oil and components” Per Svenningsen, Technical Manager, Ocean Prawns A/S Når der skal fiskes, så skal der fiskes - og ikke laves dyre reparationer! When it comes to fishing, you need to fish! - And not make costly repairs! Næsten 80% af alle nedbrud i hydraulik, gear og smøreolie samt brændstofindsprøjtning skyldes snavset olie. Dette kan undgås ved effektiv filtrering! Reparationsomkostninger er høje, men tabet af tid på havet kan være katastrofalt! Nearly 80% of all breakdowns in hydraulic, gear and lubricating oil and fuel injectors are due to dirty oil. This can be avoided by effective filtration! Repair costs are high, but the loss of time at sea can be disastrous! Mød os på Danfish 2011, stand D864 og få mere at vide om, hvordan du sparer penge med CJC™ Oliefiltre! Hvordan har fx. din GEAR olie det? International Meet us at Danfish 2011, stand no. D864 and learn more about how You save money with CJC™ Filters! How is the condition of Your oil? Clean Oil - Bright Ideas C.C.JENSEN A/S | Tlf.: 6321 2014 | [email protected] 125 See you in 2013 9 - 11 October Vi ses i 2013 9. - 11. oktober 126 Standoversigt / Floorplan Vild med venner! 859 867 879 874 865 869 849 858 854 866 857 839 711 809 712 713 714 771 770 759 765 764 855 875 833 823 832 821 811 811 811 773 772 769 852 864 851 841 822 860 Hall D 842 850 830 840 756 762 871 870 808 810 820 717 800 710 709 709a 708 752 758 760 757 763 767 872 861 716 718 719 721 720 722 Hall D 824 825 834 844 845 815 819 829 747 746 741 740 753 751 742 755 750 707 749 744 705 704 706 Hall C, A, B, F 729 728 724 732 739 727 743 738 703 731 702 701 723 725 726 700 Hall F, A, B, C Hall D 424 434 Restaurant 238 211 237 235 236 234 234a 231 233 232 Hall C 212 213 214 218 215 430 201 224 220 229 425 228 216 213a 210 209 213b 208 206 205 Hall F Front Hall 203 204 VIP Lounge 436 426 207 406 430 222 221 408 438 418 421 417 2 4 4 115 114 301 Hall B 117 118 119 121 154 153 147 146 141 140 128 134 98 127 142 156 301 301 138 149 151 E IN C A N M RA T EN 96 136 150 143 137 130 131 125 105 104 102 101a 101 451 450 G8 99 INFO 107 401 446 G9 EXIT 124 110 108 402 448 5 110a 301 1 44 301 403 44 122 139 145 DanAqua 9 Hall A 111 43 97 4 4 4 301 116 Front Area G G6 100 G1 G3 G4 G5
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