Catholic Area Faith Community of Jesus Our Living Water f{tÜ|Çz à{x _|yx Éy V{Ü|áà Ux|Çz à{x _Éäx Éy V{Ü|áà Kandiyohi St. Patrick 320.382.6424 (StP) Lake Lillian St. Thomas More 320.382.6424 (StTM) Location Intention St. Mary +Mary Kay Devenport OLOL St. Mary No Mass +Ed & Delores Rudek St. Mary OLOL +Teresa Kulis No Mass OLOL Pleasantview St. Patrick +Jim Illies +Martin Koller +Glenn Mielke OLOL +Marie Paulson St. Mary 4:00 PM St. Patrick 5:00 PM OLOL 5:30 PM St. Mary Sun., Oct. 19 8:15 AM St. Thomas More 8:30 AM St. Mary 10:00 AM OLOL 10:30 AM St. Mary 12:00 PM St. Mary Willmar St. Mary 320.235.0118 (StM) AFCOffi[email protected] Area Mass Schedule Date & Time Mon., Oct. 13 9:00 AM Tues., Oct. 14 8:30 AM 4:15 PM Wed., Oct. 15 8:30 AM 8:30 AM Thurs.,Oct. 16 8:30 AM 9:30 AM 5:30 PM Fri., Oct. 17 8:30 AM Sat., Oct. 18 Spicer Our Lady of the Lakes 320.796.5664 (OLOL) Wedding of Dayna Stusynski & Tyler Anderson +Jake Schorn +Theresa Miller +Dorothy Lippert For the People +Eleanor Finnegan +D. J. Unzen +Lee Braun +Joe Kotzenmacher Please note the Mass schedule changes on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week due to Pastoral Leader Days. AFC Evening Prayer of Remembrance will be held on Sunday, November 2, at 4:00 pm at the Church of St. Mary, Willmar. This service is an opportunity to remember our deceased relatives and friends. The AFC pays special tribute to parishioners who have died this past year. Calendar of Events Monday, October 13 9:00 AM Atrium Orientation for New Children... OLOL 5:30 PM Bell Choir .................................................. StM 6:00 PM OLOL CCW Mtg ............ New London Legion 6:15 PM OLOL KC’s Mtg ............. New London Legion 6:30 PM RCIA ......................................................... StM 7:00 PM Adult Choir ............................................... StM 7:00 PM Boy Scouts/Cub Scouts ............................. StM 7:00 PM One Voice ............................................ OLOL 7:00 PM Alleluia Charismatic Prayer Group ........... StM 7:00 PM Parish Society Mtg .................................... StM Tuesday, October 14 - Pastoral Leader Days 6:00 PM Spanish Prayer Group ............................... StM 7:00 PM Heartbeat ............................................... OLOL 7:30 PM Rosary ....................................................... StM Wednesday, October 15 - Pastoral Leader Days NO FF Classes 8:30 AM Mom’s Bible Study ................................... StM 9:00 AM Bible Study............................................ OLOL Thursday, October 16 9:00 AM Divine Mercy Chaplet/Rosary .............. OLOL 7:00 PM Area Pastoral Council Mtg.................... OLOL 7:00 PM Hispanic Guitar Rehearsal ........................ StM Friday, October 17 5:30 PM Wedding Rehearsal ................................... StM 7:00 PM Spanish Rosary.......................................... StM 7:30 PM Spanish Mission Group ............................. StM Saturday, October 18 3:30 PM Confessions ................................................ StP 4:00 PM Confessions ........................................... OLOL 5:10 PM Confessions ............................................... StM Sunday, October 19 7:45 AM Confessions ............................................. StTM 9:30 AM Sunday Social Hour .................................. StM 10:30 AM RCIA - Spanish ......................................... StM 11:00 AM Coffee CCW Gr 16 ............................... OLOL 12:30 PM Carmelite Mtg ....................................... OLOL October 12, 2014, Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time STEWARDSHIP Contributions for Week of October 5, 2014 Children Adult Automatic Total Weekly Budget Amount Difference $ $ $ OLOL 15.00 6,260.00 1,167.00 7,442.00 7,552.00 (110.00) $ $ $ World Mission Sunday: Next weekend our parishes will celebrate World Mission Sunday. The year we are invited to reach out and help build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, as well as local churches throughout the Missions, in the most remote areas across our world. Through the work of these churches, and their witness to Christ, the poor receive practical help and experience God’s love and mercy, His hope and peace. Please keep the Mission in your daily prayers. Please come prepared next weekend to give generously in the collection for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. For more information, please visit St. Mary 44.00 10,726.00 5,492.00 16,262.00 16,160.00 102.00 St. Patrick $ 1,121.00 $ 1,121.00 1,633.00 (512.00) $ St. Thomas More $ 3.00 1,083.00 $ $ 1,086.00 940.00 146.00 StP Fall Cleanup Day! All helping hands are invited to the Church of St. Patrick on Saturday, October 18 at 9:00 am. A Big Thank You to everyone who helped make the OLOL Fall Festival another huge success this year! We appreciate the organizations of the Council of Catholic Women members, Knights of Columbus members, Catholic United Financial members and all the volunteers, bakers, youth help, and buyers for your contribution. We grossed $15,596.00. Save the Date! Turkey Bingo, November 9, 2014 at St. Thomas More in Lake Lillian. More information to come. AFC Minutes: Minutes from the Area Pastoral Council (APC), The Parish Administrative Council (PAC) and each of our AFC committees and subcommittees are posted in each church. In addition, they are on the AFC website, AREA PASTORAL COUNCIL APC: The Area Pastoral Council will meet on Thursday, October 16 at 7:00 pm at the Church of Our Lady of the Lakes in Spicer. The agenda includes the following items for discussion: • 2013-2014 Parish Self Studies • Possible revisions to the Sunday Mass schedule • Discipleship retreat on Saturday, January 24, 2015 • Area Stewardship Committee WORD—YOUTH Please Pray for the following youth from our AFC who will be making their first TEC at Central Minnesota TEC October 17-19: Kristine Fank, Teresa Amaral, Megan Klaphake, Brady Pfau, Jaden Hanson, Brea Westberg The Senior High Youth Rally is October 26 at St. John’s University. Youth in grades 9-12 are encouraged to attend this great all-day event! John Angotti is the keynote speaker, inflatables, ultimate Frisbee on the St. John’s football field, food, and tons of fun! Deadline to register is Tuesday, October 14. Cost is $20. Adults needed. College Care Packages is Tonight! 6-8 pm for grades 7-12. Come make care packages for recent grads of our AFC. No cost, friends are welcome! Permission slip is required as we will be going shopping to purchase items for the packages. Adults needed. AFC Faith Formation: There will be no classes on Wednesday, October 15 due to MEA break. OLOL No Liturgy of the Word for children ages 4,5,6, and 1st graders on Sunday, October 19. Fun Faith Event has been moved (again) to March 8 for grades 5-6. More information to come. WORD—ADULT RCIA: Currently we have eleven (11) people who are journeying into full communion with the Catholic Church: Maria Gamez, David Ayala, Daniel Anderson, Randy Swanson, Sara Harper, Sheila O’Meara, Mauricio Torres, Olvin Trochez, Elva Rivas, Luis Rivas, and Juventino Alveno! Please remember these people in your prayers. If you want to join RCIA and receive Sacraments this upcoming Easter season, you must join by October 27. Call 235-0118 and ask for Anisabel. Also, thanks to the two wonderful RCIA teams who are helping with this year’s RCIA. Would You Like to Form the Basic Structure of Church life? Join a Small Christian Community! These communities are approved and encouraged by the universal Church; biblically based and historically proven to be a leaven for world evangelization and Church renewal. These communities are basic Christianity. Contact Anisabel at 320-235-0118 [email protected] for more information. WORSHIP Readings for the Week of October 13, 2014 Monday: Galatians 4:22-24, 26-27, 31—5:1 Psalm 113:1-7 Luke 11:29-32 Tuesday: Galatians 5:1-6 Psalm 119:41, 43-45, 47-48 Luke 11:37-41 Wednesday: Galatians 5:18-25 Psalm 1;1-4, 6 Luke 11:42-46 Thursday: Ephesians 1:1-10 Psalm 98:1-6 Luke 11:47-54 Friday: Ephesians 1;11-14 Psalm 33:1-2, 4-5, 12-13 Luke 12;1-7 Saturday: 2 Timothy 4:10-17 Psalm 145:10-13, 17-18 Luke 10:1-9 Sunday: Isaiah 45:1, 4-6 Psalm 96:1, 3-5, 7-10 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5 Matthew 22:15-21 In your prayers please remember these people who recently died: • Jerome (Jerry) Malvin, husband of Johanna Malvin and father of Christian Malvin (StTM), • Sara Ramirez, grandmother of Anisbel Palma. (AFC) • Bonnie Lindquist, sister of Fran Stahl (StM) (regretfully omitted from last week’s bulletin) SERVICE OLOL KC Pancake/Sausage Breakfast, Sunday, Oct 26. Serving from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm. Free will Offering. All you can eat. All are welcome. OLOL Knights of Columbus Meeting is Monday, October 13 at the New London Legion. Social hour is 6:00 pm. Meeting is at 7:00 pm. Christ the King Retreat Center, Buffalo, MN *Married Couples Weekend Retreat Theme: “The Joy of the Gospel” Date: October 17-19 Presented by: The Staff of Christ the King Retreat Center For more information or to register for this retreat at Christ the King Retreat Center, call 763-682-1394 or visit our website at www.kingshouse.come
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