Catholic Area Faith Community of Jesus Our Living Water f{tÜ|Çz à{x _|yx Éy V{Ü|áà Ux|Çz à{x _Éäx Éy V{Ü|áà Kandiyohi St. Patrick 320.382.6424 (StP) Location Intention St. Mary +Nathan Schow OLOL St. Mary +Tony & Angie Heinen No Mass Wed., Oct. 22 8:30 AM OLOL 12:00 PM St. Mary Thurs.,Oct. 23 8:30 AM OLOL 10:00 AM Copperleaf 5:30 PM St. Patrick Fri., Oct. 24 8:30 AM OLOL Sat., Oct. 25 4:00 PM St. Patrick 5:00 PM OLOL 5:30 PM St. Mary Sun., Oct. 26 8:15 AM St. Thomas More 8:30 AM St. Mary 10:00 AM OLOL 10:30 AM St. Mary 12:00 PM St. Mary Spicer Our Lady of the Lakes 320.796.5664 (OLOL) Willmar St. Mary 320.235.0118 (StM) AFCOffi[email protected] Area Mass Schedule Date & Time Mon., Oct. 20 9:00 AM Tues., Oct. 21 8:30 AM Lake Lillian St. Thomas More 320.382.6424 (StTM) +Alice Shemon +Mac & Muriel McCarthy +Jim Plotnik +Eugene Straus Int Rev Andrew J. Michels +Randy Nissen For the People +Jim Illies +Larry Wepplo Int for Stacey Lippert +Celeste Thell +Bernice Reckers +Teresa Rytel +Russell Effertz Calendar of Events Monday, October 20 9:00 AM Atrium ................................................... OLOL 5:30 PM Bell Choir .................................................. StM 6:30 PM RCIA ......................................................... StM 7:00 PM Adult Choir................................................ StM 7:00 PM Boy Scouts ................................................ StM 7:00 PM One Voice ............................................. OLOL Calendar of Events cont. Tuesday, October 21 4:00 PM Children’s Chimes .................................... StM 4:30 PM Prayer Shawl Ministry .............................. StM 6:00 PM Parish Admin. Council Mtg .................... StTM 6:00 PM Spanish Prayer Group ............................... StM 7:30 PM Rosary ....................................................... StM Wednesday, October 22 8:30 AM Mom’s Bible Study ................................... StM 9:00 AM Bible Study............................................ OLOL 9:00 AM Quilters...................................................... StM 3:30 PM FF Classes Gr 1-6.................................. OLOL 4:30 PM Children’s Choir........................................ StM 5:30 PM FF Classes Gr 1-6...................................... StM 6:30 PM Teen Chapel Gr 7-12 ................................. StM 7:00 PM FF Classes Gr 7-11................................ OLOL 7:00 PM FF Classes Gr 7-11.................................... StM Thursday, October 23 9:00 AM Divine Mercy Chaplet/Rosary .............. OLOL 7:00 PM Hispanic Guitar Rehearsal ........................ StM 7:00 PM Hispanic Ministry Mtg .............................. StM 7:00 PM Liturgy of the Word Mtg........................... StM Friday, October 24 7:00 PM Spanish Rosary.......................................... StM 7:30 PM Spanish Mission Group ............................. StM Saturday, October 25 8:30 AM Area Bereavement Workshop ................... StM 3:30 PM Confessions ................................................ StP 4:00 PM Confessions ........................................... OLOL 5:10 PM Confessions ............................................... StM Sunday, October 26 7:45 AM Confessions ............................................. StTM 9:00 AM Diocesan Senior High Youth Rally.................. ....................................... St. John’s University 9:30 AM Social Hour hosted by KC’s ..................... StM 10:00 AM Liturgy of the Word: Ages 4 - 1st Gr .... OLOL 10:30 AM RCIA - Spanish ......................................... StM 10:30 AM Liturgy of the Word: Ages 4 - 1st Gr ........ StM 11:00 AM KC Pancake Feed .................................. OLOL October 19, 2014, Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time STEWARDSHIP Contributions for Week of October 12, 2014 Children Adult Automatic Total Weekly Budget Amount Difference $ $ $ OLOL 12.00 6,284.00 1,167.00 7,463.00 7,552.00 (89.00) $ $ $ St. Mary 13.00 9,927.00 5,492.00 15,432.00 16,160.00 (728.00) St. Patrick $ 1,256.00 $ 1,256.00 1,633.00 (377.00) $ St. Thomas More $ 2.00 816.00 $ $ 818.00 940.00 (122.00) World Mission Sunday: Today is World Mission Sunday! We are invited today to reach out and help build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, as well as local churches throughout the Missions, in the most remote areas across our world. Your prayers and generous gift to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith in the collection today help the work of priest, religious and lay leaders in Mongolia and throughout the Missions who offer the poor practical help and the experience of God’s love and mercy, His hope and peace. Please keep the Missions in your daily prayers. Please be as generous as you can to today’s collection. For more information, please visit StTM Parish Administrative Council (PAC) Meeting will be held at the Church of St. Thomas More on Tuesday, October 21 at 6:00 pm. Area Faith Community Contact List: Priests and Deacon Fr. Steve Verhelst, Pastor ...........................(320) 815-9148 (cell) [email protected] Fr. Jerry Paulson, Sr. Associate .................(320) 905-1365 (cell) [email protected] Rev. Mr. Ken Stalboerger, Deacon ............................................................. [email protected] Department Heads/Directors Anisabel Palma, Adults, Hispanic Ministry and RCIA ................. [email protected] Barb Garding, Preschool – Grade 2 .................................................. [email protected] Christine Pinto, Grades 10-12 and Youth Ministry ........................ [email protected] Diane Pyka, Grades 7-9 ........................................................................ [email protected] Erin Wendt, Grades 3-6 ........................................................................ [email protected] Helaine Bolter, Pastoral Care and Community Life ....................... [email protected] Mary Nordstrom, Administration ............ (320) 444-5100 (cell) [email protected] Sr. Pat Imdieke, Pastoral Care .......................................................... [email protected] Tim Cayler, Music Support Staff Colleen Lindstrom, Faith Formation Principal ......................... [email protected] Dennis Kampsen, Bookkeeper .................................................... [email protected] Gail Magnuson, Office Assistant ................................................... [email protected] Julie Roufs, Administrative Assistant ................................................... [email protected] Julie Swoboda, Faith Formation Assistant ...................................... [email protected] Sharon Onnen, Admin. Asst. and Faith Formation Asst. ................. [email protected] SERVICE Area Bereavement Workshop Saturday, October 25, 2014 at 8:30 am Church of St. Mary, Willmar. “Walking through the Grief Process” A morning of inspiration, encouragement, and renewal. Our presenters are: Rev. Dean Elton Johnson and Fr. Steve Verhelst There will be a wellness time with hand & neck massages, blood pressure and blood sugar checks. All are welcome and registrations are requested by calling 235-0118. OLOL KC Pancake/Sausage Breakfast, Sunday, Oct 26. Serving from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm. Free-will offering. All you can eat. All are welcome. Hospital/Nursing Home Visits: If you or a loved one is in the hospital or nursing home and wish a visit or to receive communion from a priest or a parish volunteer, please be sure to call your parish office. Thanks. WORD—YOUTH Area Youth Website: WORD—ADULT Small Christian Community: A rapidly growing phenomenon in the young churches — one sometimes fostered by the bishops and their Conferences as pastoral priority — is that of 'ecclesial basic communities' (also known by other names, here we call them Small Christian Communities) which are proving to be good centers for Christian formation and missionary outreach. These are groups of Christians who, at the level of the family or in a similarly restricted setting, come together for prayer, Scripture reading, catechesis, and discussion on human and church issues with a view to a common commitment. These communities are a sign of vitality within the Church, an instrument of formation and evangelization, and a solid starting point for a new society based on 'civilization of love.' Want to be part of one? Contact Anisabel at 320-235-0118 or by email at [email protected] for more information. WORSHIP AFC Evening Prayer of Remembrance will be held on Sunday, November 2, at 4:00 pm at the Church of St. Mary, Willmar. This service is an opportunity to remember our deceased relatives and friends. The AFC pays special tribute to parishioners who have died this past year. Priesthood Sunday: October 26 has been designated as Priesthood Sunday. On this special day, please join in praying for our priests, and in praising God for their courage and their generosity. The Good Shepherd SERRA Club of the Diocese of New Ulm urges all parishioners to make appreciation for their parish priest known. A simple note, a smile, or a phone call to assure him of your loving care and gratitude for his presence in the life of our local churches will go along way to serve the greater good of our wonderful Catholic Church! Visiting Women’s Religious Communities in the Twin Cities Area on Saturday, October 25 from 7:30 am—5:00 pm. Women will have a chance to visit four different religious communities to meet, learn, share meal, and pray with Catholic sisters. We will visit local communities of Benedictines, Visitation Sisters, School Sisters of Notre Dame and Sisters of St. Joseph. The event is free. For more information and registration, contact Sister Mary Swanson, SSND, at 414-305-9011 or [email protected]. Please register by October 21. Readings for the Week of October 20, 2014 Monday: Ephesians 2:1-10; Psalm 100:1-5 Luke 12:13-21 Tuesday: Ephesians 2:12-22; Psalm 85:9-14 Luke 12:35-38 Wednesday: Ephesians 3:2-12; Isaiah 12:2-6 Luke 12:39-48 Thursday: Ephesians 3:14-21 Psalm 33:1-2, 4-5, 11-12, 18-19 Luke 12:49-53 Friday: Ephesians 4:1-6; Psalm 24:1-6 Luke 12:54-59 Saturday: Ephesians 4:7-16; Psalm 122:1-5 Luke 13:1-9 Sunday: Exodus 22:20-26; Psalm 18:2-4, 47, 51 1 Thessalonians 1:5-10 Matthew 22:34-40 In your prayers please remember these people who recently died: • Raymond Grund, (StP) • Janet Hanson, mother of Judd Hanson, (OLOL) • Eugene Reiman, father of Ralph Reiman, (StM) • Henry Ritz, husband of Pat Ritz, (StM)
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