Geological map of Greenland QUATERNARY ICE Qundif Ice Quaternary, undifferentiated cover Q1 Historic moraine Q2 Ground moraine, glaciofluvial deposits, colluvium - 1 : 500 000 beta1 Lower Plateau Lava Series Ha Hareelv Fm. q2 Quartzite KC Kap Bernhard and Campanuladal Fms. Hængefjeldet Fm. KL Kap Leslie Fm. a1 Amphibolite, undifferentiated TU Turesø Fm. CD Campanuladal Fm. CM Caroline-Mathilde Alper Fm. Knf Metaturbidite Vandsfaldsdalen and Mikis Fms. O Olympen Fm. md2 Diorite KJ Cape Calhoun and Kap Jackson Fms. CF Catalinafjeld Fm. BG Aage Bertelsen Gletscher Fm. Knfo Metaturbidite, orthopyroxene-bearing Undivided lavas VK Vardekløft Gr., undivided gn1 Orthogneiss, relatively homogeneous, 2000-1600 Ma BR Børglum River Fm. Jyske Ås Fm. IG Ingolf Fjord Fm. Ksp Semipelitic and pelitic gneiss and schist gsy Granite and syenite Granite Ch Charcot Bugt Fm. gn4g Orthogneiss, Caledonian granulite facies overprint CW Cape Webster Fm. LY Lynn Ø Fm. Marble, undifferentiated gdi Granite and diorite Hs Hekla Sund Fm. Kca Calcite marble, Mârmoralik region gh Granite, with hornblende and K-feldspar augen HG Hougaard Ø Fm. Kq Quartzite gy Granite, foliated Ka Amphibolite, with inclusions of ultramafic rocks gd Granodiorite Km Calcite and dolomite marble gdf betaVM betaU gamma1 ORDOVICIAN J Q6 Alluvium and deltaic deposits Syenite and quartz syenite Ju Jurassic sediments, undivided sandstone gn4 Orthogneiss, with mafic dykes SP Steensby Gletscher, Warming Land, and other Fms. Alluvium psi5 Foyaite and nepheline syenite N Neill Klinter Gr. gn5 Orthogneiss, Archaean to middle Proterozoic W Wandel Valley Fm. R Rivieradal Gr., undivided Q8 Marine deposits, includes raised delta terraces psi6 Pulaskite KS Kap Stewart Gr. CN Canyon Elv and Nunatami Fms. Rf Tågefjeld greywacke, Mb. 6 Q7 Glaciofluvial and marine deposits PC Poulsen Cliff and Nygaard Bay Fms. Re Pale grey sandstone, Mb. 5 CC Cape Clay and Christian Elv Fms. Rd Mixed mudstone and sandstone, Mb. 4 Cf Cass Fjord Fm. « Rock slides Pingo (mud volcano) NEOGENE - PALAEOGENE sigma2 d3 Diorite delg Gabbro TS CALEDONIAN OROGEN omegag Gabbro and ultramafic rocks FF Fleming Fjord Fm. omegaG Alkaline ultramafic rocks G Gipsdalen Fm. ms2 Pelitic and semipeltic metasediments b3 Alkaline mafic lavas, nunatak region only P Pingodal Fm. qms Siliceous gneiss and metasediments, tectonised TRIASSIC Wordie Crk., Pingodal, Gipsdalen, Fleming Fj. Fms. KK Kap København Fm. b2 Upper Plateau Lava Series BD Kap Brewster and Kap Dalton Fms. b1 Lower Plateau Lava Series ib Pre- and synvolcanic sediments FC Foldvik Creek Gr., carbonate, sandstone, shale tu Tuffaceous sediments RO Røde Ø Conglomerate, Mid - Late Permian PALAEOGENE North Atlantic Igneous Province, West Greenland delT Hr gamma2 delT Mafic dykes and sills, mainly dolerites Mafic dykes and sills, mainly dolerites Hareøen Fm. lavas Granite-gabbro complex, Ubekendt Ejland WC Wordie Creek Fm. PERMIAN Latest DEVONIAN - Early PERMIAN TOG Traill Ø Gr. UPPER CRETACEOUS - PALAEOGENE Igneous Rocks, North Greenland a2 Post-Caledonian continental sediments and igneous rocks, East Greenland Amphibolite WR ga Gabbro-anorthositic bodies KE Kastrup Elv Fm. Metadolerites RG Blue Cliffs, Brikkerne and Blåfjeld Fms. mg Orthogneiss, mesocratic to leucocratic Metadioritic to metagabbroic rocks Hg B Humboldt Gletscher/Dallas Bugt Fm. Imilik Fm., dolostone, limestone and carbonate di1 Diorite and tonalite sy Syenite Brønlund Fjord Gr. Tss Smith Sound Gr., sandstone and shale ai1 Mafic intrusive rocks gk Monzogranite Dolerite sills in Smith Sound Gr. dg1 Diorite and gabbro qd Meta-quartz diorite Gabbroic-dioritic rocks go Orthogneiss, granodioritic to dioritic PO Portfjeld Fm. Late granitoid gneiss Orthogneiss, relatively homogeneous, 2000-1600 Ma rho Acidic tuff and ignimbrite, Ubekendt Ejland ba Basic lavas Vi Middle Devonian gn1au TSS Sandstone, interbasaltic beds gs Greenstones Pz Possible Devonian deposits betaa Alkali basalt lava, Ubekendt Ejland vc Midtkap volcanic centres CG Celsius Bjerg Gr. with overlying Harder Bjerg Fm. KG Kap Graah Gr. KKg Kap Kolthoff Gr. VIG Vilddal Gr. PL Peary Land Gr., undivided LP Undivided Lower Palaeozoic sediments db Basaltic lavas, dykes and sills CB Chester Bjerg Fm. DC Dark clastic sediment rh Rhyolitic lavas NL Nyeboe Land Fm. PP Upper Proterozoic to Lower Palaeozoic sediments g7 Granite WL Wulff Land Fm. KH Kap Holbæk Fm. with Skolithos TF Wulff Land Fm., Thors Fjord Mb. ZS Zebra Series with Skolithos NK Nordkronen Fm. M Morænesø Fm., glaciogenic sediment MR MRA Maligât Fm., Rinks Dal Mb. Maligât Fm., Akuarut unit, middle Rinks Dal Mb. Wandel Sea Basin, eastern North Greenland WS Undivided Wandel Sea Basin sediments MU Maligât and Svartenhuk Fm., basalts and breccias Vpb Vaigat Fm., picrites and breccias Ts Undivided Palaeogene sediments Vph Vaigat Fm., Pillow breccias and hyloclastites me Tectonic melange of Upper Cretaceous sediments MP Svartenhuk Fm., basalt lavas Th Thyra Ø Fm. PALAEOZOIC Dolerite UC Undivided Upper Cretaceous sediments omegaB HS Herlufsholm Strand Fm. Nak Nakkehoved Fm. Nakc Nakkehoved Fm., covered by superficial deposits delT1 UPPER CRETACEOUS - PALAEOGENE Nuussuaq basin sediments, West Greenland NU Undifferentiated Cretaceous-Paleocene deposits NAt NE PALAEOGENE UPPER JURASSIC - LOWER CRETACEOUS Atanikerluk Fm., non-marine sediments JC Eqululik Fm., marine shelf mudstones and tuffs LA Narwhale Sound and Heimbjerge Fms. AW Antiklinalbugt and Cape Weber Fms. CK Sandstone, siltstone, limestone and dolomite Kangilia Fm., marine deposits DU Dunken Fm. Itilli Fm., marine deposits PB Parish Bjerg Fm. NAQ NAK TRIASSIC PERMIAN Atane Fm., Qilakitsoq Mb. UP Atane Fm., Kingittoq Mb., Ravn Kløft Mb. MI Upper Permian, limnic sediments Granite with screens of metasediments Midnatsfjeld and Kim Fjelde Fms. mgi Monzonite and quartz monzonite agi Granodiorite and quartz diorite di Intermediate intrusives, mainly Caledonian g5 Granite with screens of metasediments Atane Fm., Skansen Mb., fluvial channel sandstone NKS Kome and Slibestensfjeldet Fms. C2 Late Carboniferous sediments NUI Sandstone, sandy shale and black shale MM Mallemuk Mountain Gr., undivided C1 Sorte Bakker Fm. CARBONIFEROUS PALAEOGENE Kgamma Granite, Kialineq Plutonic Centre Ksigma Syenite, Kialineq Plutonic Centre Kd i g4aug g4 CARBONIFEROUS - PALEOGENE Sedimentary basins, East Greenland CRETACEOUS - PALEOGENE mm3 Migmatitic pelitic to psammitic metasediments gm3 Migmatite gneiss and diatexite Quartzite Diorite, Kialineq Plutonic Centre Kangerdlugssuaq Gr. Ijolite and phonolitic dykes, Sulugssût complex KAPG Kap Gustav Holm Fm. a1 UCm Home Forland, Månedal and Vega Sund Fms. Alkali syenite and alkali granite LCu Steensby Bjerg and Rold Bjerg Fms. epsilo Alkali granite PT Palnatokes Bjerg Fm. sigma1 Alkali syenite, caldera deposits LB Lindemans Bugt Fm. gamma Granophyric and felsitic rocks H Hesteelv Fm. gc Basic complex, gabbro and dolerite voc Central volcanic complex Hz Hartz Fjeld Fm. vb Volcanic breccia and tuff RV Raukelv Fm. beta3 Alkaline mafic lavas beta2 Upper Plateau Lava Series JURASSIC HBu JK Granite Granodioritic gneiss, Liverpool Land qg3 Nepheline syenite Augen granite agn KANG sigma psi CALEDONIAN OROGEN - Hagar Bjerg Thrust Sheet South of Bessel Fjord shear zone (76°N) g6 NAS North Atlantic Igneous Province, East Greenland Shelf sequence, central East Greenland Ladegårdsåen Fm., siliciclastic shelf sequence NKa Atane Fm. (undivided) CAMBRO - ORDOVICIAN Upper Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous sediments Agatdal and Quikavsak Fms. NA Batbjerg Complex, alkaline mafic to ultramafic rocks Batbjerg Complex, olivine gabbro NH NQA NI delB Igneous rocks, central East Greenland gn1 Amphibolite, undifferentiated Orthogneiss, relatively homogeneous, 2000-1600 Ma CALEDONIAN OROGEN - Niggli Spids Thrust Sheet South of Bessel Fjord shear zone (76°N) Cape Schuchert and Lafayette Bugt Fms. ME Merqujôq Fm. SY Sydgletscher Fm. ORDOVICIAN AG Amundsen Ld., Brønlund Fj., Tavsens Iskappe Grs. CAMBRIAN VG Vølvedal Gr. Pm Pelitic sediments Pmm Pb Pbm Ps Psm Pp Ppm PA PAm S Metamorphic pelitic rocks Metagabbroic sills Tbw Wolstenholme Fm., sandstone, conglomerate ub1 Ultramafic rocks, undifferentiated NEOPROTEROZOIC - LOWER PALAEOZOIC Tb Undivided, sandstone, conglomerate, shale, siltstone Tn Undivided, sandstone and volcanic rocks Tcn Cape Combermere Fm., lavas and ?tuff MESOPROTEROZOIC tau1 Ggamma theta Sediments in foreland and parautochthonous windows, central East Greenland Gardar Province, South Greenland Syenite and quartz syenite nu Monzo- to syenogabbro eta chi Orthogneiss, relatively homogeneous, 2000-1600 Ma grn1 Gneiss, mainly orthogneiss, granulite facies Amphibolite, undifferentiated PALAEOPROTEROZOIC Quartzite Paragneiss Extrusive rocks, undifferentiated fmv Felsic and local intermediate metavolcanic rocks de Intermediate metavolcanic rocks PALAEOPROTEROZOIC Prudhoe Land granulite and supracrustal complexes gnx ps Pelitic and semipelitic schists Sgn Orthogneiss, reworked Archaean gneisses qz Quartzite Sgnf Orthogneiss, brown, reworked, with fenitisation Orthogneiss, with fenitisation Arfersiorfik intrusive suite Pgn Orthogneiss, reworked grey Archaean gneisses SS Sisimiut intrusive suite, mainly tonalitic, Opx-bearing North Qôroq nepheline syenite centre Motzfeldt centre del2 Gabbro, sills and dykes tau Saturated effusive rocks without quartz (trachyte) beta PALAEOPROTEROZOIC Sedimentary and metasedimentary rocks, undifferentiated PALAEOPROTEROZOIC Stendalen gabbro complex Metagabbro msv1 Metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks al Leucogabbro a Amphibolite, undifferentiated, locally mafic granulite alpha Albitised sandstone, siltstone and orthogneiss Metamorphic semipelitic rocks AYL Andre Land, Ymer Ø and Lyell Land Grs., undivided qe Sandstone qs Metasandstone, locally conglomeratic Ad Ammassalik Intrusive Complex, diorite, granodiorite Mudstone and siltstone AG2 Limestone and dolomite, Fms. AL 5-7 Metamorphic pelitic and semipelitic rocks AG1 Limestone and dolomite, Fms. AL 1-4 Psammitic sediments YG Ymer Ø Gr., undivided Metamorphic psammitic rocks YG2 U. Ymer Ø Gr., dolomite, mudstone, sandstone Paradisfjeld Gr. YG1 Metamorphic Paradisfjeld Gr. LG2 L. Ymer Ø Gr., mudstone, limestone Midsommersø Dolerites, copper mineralised Md Metadolerites, ?correlated w. Midsommersø Dolerites Sandertop Fm. KF Kempe Fjord Fm. OY Odin Fjord and Ymer Gletscher Fms. NG Nathorst Land Gr., undivided KM Kap Morton Fm. NG2 Upper Nathorst Land Gr., sandstone, mudstone NG1 Lower Nathorst Land Gr., sandstone, mudstone ms3 Pelitic, semi-pelitic and psammitic metasediments WG Djævlekløften, Petermann Halvø, and other Fms. qg3 Quartzite Djævlekløften and Petermann Halvø Fms., mounds Aleqatsiaq Fjord Fm. Zig-Zag Dal Fm., interbasaltic sediments Upper Lyell Land Gr., sandstone, mudstone ST Adams Bjerg Fm. Zi MD Odin Fjord Fm. Pentamerus Bjerg and Hauge Bjerge Fms. Basic volcanics, Northeast Greenland NEOPROTEROZOIC Shelf sequence, Northeast Greenland Granite, migmatised sandstone qv Clastic metasedimentary rocks qv_grn p p_grn rs Granite, migmatised sandstone and/or greywacke Metagreywacke, -siltstone and -mudstone Granite, migmatised greywacke and/or mudstone md1 lambda del1 Mafic dykes and sills NEOARCHAEAN TO MESOARCHAEAN Extrusive rocks, undifferentiated Tvs Tartoq Group metavolcanic and -sedimentary rocks vcl Volcaniclastic rocks, acid to intermediate ae Amphibolite, extrusive origin, incl. mafic granulite Metadolerites Lamprophyric dykes and plugs NEOARCHAEAN TO MESOARCHAEAN Mafic dykes and sills, mainly dolerites Sedimentary and metasedimentary rocks, undifferentiated Rusty weathered semipelitic horizon msv ms1 Mica schist gr Granite (sensu lato), rapakivi suite pg1 Paragneiss gb Granite, biotite-bearing, commonly porphyritic ls Zebra and Trekant Series, undifferentiated asP Paragneiss, schist and metasedimentary rocks gar Gabbro, orthopyroxene-bearing pp Mixed rocks in imbricate zone qP Paragneiss, quartzo-feldspathic with minor quartzite PALAEO-MESOPROTEROZOIC Intercratonic sag sequence, Northeast Greenland TK Trekant Series,?correlated w. Independence Fj. Gr. IF Independence Fjord Gr., undivided Nf Norsemandal Fm, Fiil Fjord Mb. Nk Norsemandal Fm, Kap Stadil Mb. qms Siliceous gneiss and metasediments, tectonised m1 Marble c1 Marbles, locally with stromatolites and mega-breccias gnc c Calc-silicate gneiss and marble Calcareous metasedimentary rocks, incl. dolomite pegm PALAEOPROTEROZOIC Ketilidian Orogen, c. 1880-1720 Ma Granite and pegmatite Anap Nunâ Group Na Noresmandal Fm, Astrup Fjord Mb. ANc Limestone and dolomite at Anap Nunaa FS Fyns Sø Fm. Nh Noresmandal Fm, Hagen Bræ Mb. AN Sandstone and siltstone Fyns Sø and Kap Bernhard Fms. Nc Norsemandal Fm, Academy Gletscher Mb. q ms pgq gl gp Metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks Quartzite Mica schist Muscovite-garnet schist Paragneiss, sil-gt-bearing Paragneiss, quartzofeldspatic, bt-bearing, ± gt pg Paragneiss, Thule mixed-gneiss complex m Marble and calc-silicate rocks Intrusions related to the Julianehåb batholith Granite (sensu lato), ± bt-, ± hbl-bearing EOARCHAEAN TO PALAEOARCHAEAN Granite (sensu lato), ± bt-, ± hbl-bearing, porphyritic Metamorphic rocks of South West Greenland Granodiorite (sensu lato) Avs gj Orthogneiss, tonalitic to granodioritic gna Tonalitic to granodioritic gneiss, locally agmatitic z Diorite and px-bt monzonite, inner parts of intrusions Ivs Isua supracrustal sequence dz Diorite and px-bt monzonite, outer parts of intrusions d1 Diorite and mafic tonalite gd1 Hagen Fjord Gr., undivided Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland - Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Building PALAEOPROTEROZOIC PALAEOPROTEROZOIC HF KBFS PALAEOPROTEROZOIC Ammassalik Intrusive Suite Gåseland Window, chlorite schist, tectonised Tectonically interleaved sequences, Dronning Louise Land it qs_grn PALAEOPROTEROZOIC vsz1 PROTEROZOIC - CAMBRIAN mc Metanorite ai Ammassalik Intrusive Complex, anatexite Zig-Zag Dal Basalt Fm. Metadiorite nr Stendalen gabbro complex at Z Metadiorite and metatonalite d as Siliceous metasedimentary rocks, ± conglomerate MESOPROTEROZOIC dt Supracrustal rocks, undifferentiated s Arkose and conglomerate Samuelsen Høj Fm. Orthogneiss, mainly enderbitic, with fenitisation Ar psi1 OF Orthogneiss, mainly enderbitic Metavolcanics and metasedimentary rocks Tillite Gr. SH grn grno vsk Slottet Fm., with Skolithos Berzelius Bjerg Fm. Orthogneiss, with gabbro-anorthosite xenoliths Granite (sensu lato), granulite facies Nepheline syenite TG Lower Lyell Land Gr., sandstone, mudstone Orthogneiss, mafic tonalitic to dioritic Gneiss, mainly orthogneiss, granulite facies grg PSI psi2 LG1 Orthogneiss, tonalitic dgn ss SILURIAN Orthogneiss, tonalitic to granodioritic tgn gnf SF BZ Orthogneiss, tonalitic to granitic gnp Arfersiorfik and Sisimiut Intrusive Suites South Qôroq centre Kap Alfred Fm. Orthogneiss, granodioritic, with augen texture gnt PALAEOPROTEROZOIC Igdlerfigssalik centre KA Orthogneiss, syenitic Eleonore Sø complex, greenschist and pillow basalts psi3 Vibeke Sø Fm. gns Amphibolites of extrusive origin, incl. mafic granulites psi4 VS Orthogneiss, granodioritic to granitic vs1 Marble, possible correlation with Målebjerg Fm. Skjoldungebræ Fm. Orthogneiss, mainly granitic ggr Agpaitic nepheline syenite Målebjerg Fm., dolomite SB Orthogneiss, mainly granodioritic to tonalitic gg grn1 qq Skagen Gr. gn gnpo Intrusive rock, metamorphosed gn1 a1 Etah Group Intrusive rock, metamorphosed Syenite and augite syenite Mf Eleonore Bay Supergroup, central East Greenland PALAEOPROTEROZOIC Qôrqut granite complex ae1 MF NEOPROTEROZOIC qz pgn Alkali granite Granite (sensu stricto) PALAEOPROTEROZOIC Carbonatite and carbonatitic tuff AB Marble and calc-silicate mg1 Basalt HB Bernbjerg Fm. Qaanaaq Fm., pale sandstone, conglomerate mu Franklinian Basin, shelf sequence, western North Greenland AF Tbq Qgi NEOARCHAEAN TO MESOARCHAEAN Tillite Gr. LOWER PALAEOZOIC WGm Gabbro Inglefield Mobile Belt - Etah Meta-igneous complex TG Amphibolite and metagabbro Marble, calc-silicate, calc-schist NEOPROTEROZOIC - LOWER PALAEOZOIC ap gaa PALAEOPROTEROZOIC Semipelitic sediments Granite with screens of metasediments c2 Carbonatite Lauge Koch Land Fm. LS a3 c3 Paleozoic carbonatite, West Greenland Olrik Fjord Fm., shale and siltstone Dundas Gr., undivided, shale, siltstone, sandstone Td Clastic sediments, North Greenland g5 Hall Bredning Gr., undivided GEUS, Geological Data Centre - GeoGreen2, 2013-04-04 L Tdo Franklinian Basin, trough sequence SILURIAN Nephelinitic-carbonatitic complex Tni gn1 CARBONIFEROUS - PALAEOGENE Ultramafic rocks, undifferentiated ne Gabbro gn3 Maligât Fm., Nordfjord and Niaqussat Mbs. Leucogabbro and anorthosite ub ge Upper Devonian MNN Itilli diorite an Quartz-diorite Q western North Greenland Gabbro and diorite, locally deformed Id Aplitic granite its Largely comenditic lavas Maligât Fm., Sapernuvik Mb. dg Aorfêrneq Fm., dolostone, limestone and carbonate Pyroclastics MS Prøven granite, orthopyroxene-bearing Tna co mu1 Pgio Tavsens Iskappe Gr. py LOWER PALAEOZOIC Leucocratic quartzofeldspathic and aplitic rocks Monzonite to monzodiorite Flood basalts Augen quartzo-feldspatic gneiss Gabbro, tonalite, granodiorite mz Trachyte Ilivertalik granite gt Bylot Sund Fm., dolostone and calcareous sandstone del3e Igi Prøven granite, leucocratic with garnet Tnb Buen Fm., with Skolithos Tonalite and granite Pgi Quartz porphyry, Eleonore Sø complex BU Granodiorite with fenitisation tg Granite, granodiorite and diorite qp Presumed metavolcanic rocks Granite, undifferentiated (sensu lato) Prøven charnockite Thule Basin, North-West Greenland mv MESOPROTEROZOIC Prøven granite and charnockite g Pch ga1 PALAEOPROTEROZOIC Intrusive rock, unmetamorphosed Granite, granodiorite and tonalite qg Telt Bugt Fm. Intrusive rock, unmetamorphosed Granite, undifferentiated (sensu lato) NEOARCHAEAN TO MESOARCHAEAN Granite, ± garnet Dolerite sill TB Kc Karrat Group gx del3b Late orogenic granitoids PALAEOPROTEROZOIC grr ggd g3 T g1 Dolerite sill Dallas Bugt, Cape Leiper and Cape Ingersoll Fms. Amphibolite, undifferentiated Sills and dykes, North-West Greenland Inuiteq Sø Fm. PALAEOPROTEROZOIC del3a DI a1 Slope sequence, Northeast Greenland IS Wulff River, Cape Kent, Cape Wood Fms. Marble and calc-silicate md1 NEOPROTEROZOIC NEOPROTEROZOIC CAMBRIAN c2 mdg DEVONIAN Basement complexes north of Bessel Fjord shear zone (c. 76°N) tau2 K Polygon Legend betaH ALV Q10 - Amphibolite and metasediments
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