Curriculum Vitae Alexander York Bigazzi [email protected] Objective: A research and teaching position in a transportation engineering faculty with a focus on air pollution emissions and air quality, urban transport data and systems modeling, and health impacts of transportation Education: Ph.D. Civil & Environmental Engineering, Portland State University, (to be conferred Dec. 2014) ● Dissertation: “Bicyclists’ uptake of trafficrelated air pollution: effects of the urban transportation system”, Committee: Miguel Figliozzi (chair), James Pankow, Robert Bertini, and Jennifer Dill ● U.S. National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow ● GPA 4.00 Graduate Certificate, Environmental and Resource Economics, Portland State University, 2013 Master of Science, Civil Engineering (Transportation), Portland State University, 2011 ● Thesis: “Traffic Congestion Mitigation as an Emissions Reduction Strategy”, Advisor: Miguel Figliozzi (Pikarsky Award for Outstanding M.S. Thesis in the U.S.) ● U.S. Department of Transportation Eisenhower Fellow ● Visiting student/researcher at T.U. Delft, The Netherlands (Fall 2009) ● GPA 4.00 Bachelor of Science (summa cum laude), Civil Engineering, Portland State University, 2009 ● Honors thesis: “Carbon Sponsoring: Personallevel Carbon Trading to Offset Personal Travel”, Advisor: Robert Bertini ● GPA 4.00 Bachelor of Music (cum laude), Studio Music and Jazz (Saxophone), University of Miami, 2001 ● GPA 3.94 Refereed Journal Publications: 1. Bigazzi, A. and K. Clifton, “ Modeling the effects of congestion on fuel economy for advanced powertrain vehicles.” Transportation Planning and Technology, Forthcoming. 2. Bigazzi, A., M. Figliozzi and K. Clifton, “Traffic Congestion and Air Pollution Exposure for Motorists: Comparing Exposure Duration and Intensity.” International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, Forthcoming. 3. Bigazzi, A. and M. Figliozzi, “Review of Urban Bicyclists’ Intake and Uptake of TrafficRelated Air Pollution.” Transport Reviews, Vol. 34, pp. 221245, 2014. 4. Moore, A., M. Figliozzi, and A. Bigazzi, “Modeling Impact of Traffic Conditions on Variability of Midblock Roadside Fine Particulate Matter Concentrations on an Urban Arterial.” Transportation Research Record, No. 2428, pp. 3543, 2014. 5. Bigazzi, A. and M. Figliozzi, “Marginal Costs of Freeway Traffic Congestion with OnRoad Pollution Exposure Externality.” Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Vol. 57, pp. 1224, 2013. 6. Bigazzi, A. and M. Figliozzi, “A Study of the Emissions Benefits of Commercial Vehicle Lane Management Strategies.” Transportation Research Record, No. 2341, pp. 4352, 2013. 7. Bigazzi, A. and M. Figliozzi, “Role of HeavyDuty Freight Vehicles in Reducing Emissions on Alexander Bigazzi; Page 1 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Congested Freeways with Elastic Travel Demand Functions.” Transportation Research Record, No. 2340, pp. 8494, 2013. Bigazzi, A. and M. Figliozzi, “Congestion and emissions mitigation: A comparison of capacity, demand, and vehicle based strategies.” Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Volume 17, pp. 538547, 2012. Bigazzi, A. and M. Figliozzi, “Impacts of freeway traffic conditions on invehicle exposure to ultrafine particulate matter.” Atmospheric Environment, Volume 60, pp. 495503, 2012. Kendrick, C., A. Moore, A. Haire, A. Bigazzi, M. Figliozzi, C. Monsere and L. George, “The Impact of Bicycle Lane Characteristics on Exposure of Bicyclists to TrafficRelated Particulate Matter.” Transportation Research Record No. 2247, pp. 2432, 2011. Bigazzi, A., H. Siri and R.L. Bertini, “Effects of Temporal Data Aggregation on Performance Measures and Other ITS Applications.” Transportation Research Record, No. 2160, pp. 96106, 2010. Wei, F., A. Bigazzi, S. Kothuri and R.L. Bertini, “Freeway Sensor Spacing and Probe Vehicle Penetration.” Transportation Research Record No. 2178, pp. 6778, 2010. van Lint, J.W.C., A.J. Valkenberg, A.J. van Binsbergen and A. Bigazzi, “Advanced traffic monitoring for sustainable traffic management: experiences and results of five years of collaborative research in The Netherlands.” IET Intelligent Transport Systems 4, No. 4, pp. 387400, 2010. Bigazzi, A. and R.L. Bertini, “Adding Green Performance Metrics to a Transportation Data Archive.” Transportation Research Record No. 2121, pp. 3040, 2009. Reviewed Conference Proceedings (Based on Full Paper): 1. Bigazzi, A. and M. Figliozzi, “Roadway Determinants of Bicyclist Exposure Concentrations.” 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2015. 2. Bigazzi, A. and M. Figliozzi, “Dynamic Ventilation and Workload of Urban Bicyclists.” 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2015. 3. Bigazzi, A., W. Luo, M. Figliozzi, J. Pankow, and L. Isabelle, “Measuring urban bicyclists’ uptake of trafficrelated volatile organic compounds using ambient and breath concentrations.” 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2014. 4. Moore, A., M. Figliozzi, and A. Bigazzi, “Modeling Impact of Traffic Conditions on Variability of Midblock Roadside Fine Particulate Matter Concentrations on an Urban Arterial.” 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2014. 5. Bell, K., M. Figliozzi, A. Bigazzi, and A. Moore, “Identification and Characterization of PM2.5 and VOC Hot Spots on Arterial Corridor by Integrating Probe Vehicle, Traffic, and Land Use Data.” 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2014. 6. Bigazzi, A. and M. Figliozzi, “Marginal Costs of Freeway Traffic Congestion with OnRoad Pollution Exposure Externality.” 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2013. 7. Bigazzi, A. and M. Figliozzi, “A Study of the Emissions Benefits of Commercial Vehicle Lane Management Strategies.” 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2013. [Blue Ribbon Award for Best Paper from the Transportation & Air Quality Committee, ADC20] 8. Bigazzi, A. and M. Figliozzi, “The Role of HeavyDuty Freight Vehicles in Reducing Emissions on Congested Freeways with Elastic Travel Demand Functions.” 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2013. 9. Bigazzi, A., C. Kendrick and M. Figliozzi, “An Empirical Study of the Impact of Freeway Traffic on inVehicle Exposure to Ultrafine Particulate Matter.” 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Alexander Bigazzi; Page 2 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2012. Bigazzi, A., K. Clifton and B. Gregor, “Modeling the Effects of Congestion on Fuel Economy for Advanced Powertrain Vehicles.” 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2012. Bigazzi, A. and M. Figliozzi, “Do MobilityBased Performance Measures Reflect Emissions Trends?” 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2012. Bigazzi, A. and M. Figliozzi, “The Impacts of Stochastic Capacity on Freeway Traffic Flow Benefits and Costs: a Model and Case Study from Portland, Oregon.” IEEE Forum on Integrated and Sustainable Transportation Systems, Vienna, Austria, June 2011. Bigazzi, A. and M. Figliozzi, “An Analysis of the Relative Efficiency of Freeway Congestion Mitigation as an Emissions Reduction Strategy.” 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2011. Bigazzi, A., M. Figliozzi and K. Clifton, “Motorists’ Exposure to TrafficRelated Air Pollution: Modeling the Effects of Traffic Characteristics.” 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2011. Moore, A., C. Kendrick, A. Bigazzi, A. Haire, L. George, M. Figliozzi and C. Monsere, “Assessing Bicyclist and Pedestrian Exposure to Ultrafine Particles: Passive Shielding with Noise Barriers.” 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2011. Kendrick, C., A. Moore, A. Haire, A. Bigazzi, M. Figliozzi, C. Monsere and L. George, “The Impact of Bicycle Lane Characteristics on Bicyclists’ Exposure to TrafficRelated Particulate Matter.” 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2011. Bigazzi, A., J.W.C. Van Lint, G. Klunder, U. Stelwagen and N. Ligterink, “Traffic Data for Local Emissions Monitoring at a Signalized Intersection.” 13th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Madeira Island, Portugal, Sept. 1922, 2010. Bigazzi, A., H. Siri and R.L. Bertini, “Effects of Temporal Data Aggregation on Performance Measures and other ITS Applications.” 89th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., January 2010. Feng, W., A. Bigazzi, S. Kothuri and R.L. Bertini, “Assessing the Impacts of Freeway Sensor Spacing and Probe Vehicle Penetration on Travel Time Prediction and Estimation Accuracy for Traveler Information and Traffic Management.” 89th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., January 2010. Bigazzi, A. and R.L. Bertini, “Adding Green Performance Metrics to a Transportation Data Archive.” 88th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., January 2009. Conference Proceedings (Based on Abstract): 1. Bigazzi, A., W. Feng, A. Moore, and M. Figliozzi, “Integrating fixed and mobile arterial roadway data sources for transportation analysis.” Big Data and Urban Informatics Workshop, Chicago, Illinois, August 2014. 2. Bigazzi, A., J. Pankow, M. Figliozzi, W. Luo, and L. Isabelle, “Bicycle facilities and the uptake of air pollution by active travelers.” Transportation/Land Use Planning and Air Quality (TLUPAQ) Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina, March 2014. 3. Moore, A., M. Figliozzi, and A. Bigazzi, “Arterial Traffic Conditions and the Variability of Roadside Fine Particulate Matter at MidBlock and Intersection Locations.” Transportation/Land Use Planning and Air Quality (TLUPAQ) Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina, March 2014. 4. Bigazzi, A. “Portland Ace: A lowcost mobile device for assessing bicyclists’ exposure to air pollution.” Institute of Transportation Engineers Western District Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, July 2013. Alexander Bigazzi; Page 3 5. Bigazzi, A. “What we know about bicyclists' intake of trafficrelated air pollution.” Bicycle Urbanism Symposium, Seattle, Washington, June 21, 2013. 6. Bigazzi, A., “Exploring the Aggregate Effects of Roadway Capacity on Congestion and Travel Demand Using Panel Data Granger Causality Tests.” 54th Annual Transportation Research Forum, Annapolis, Maryland, March 2013. 7. Bigazzi, A. and M. Figliozzi, “The Emissions Benefits of TruckOnly Lane Management.” 54th Annual Transportation Research Forum, Annapolis, Maryland, March 2013. 8. Bigazzi, A. and M. Figliozzi, “HeavyDuty Vehicle Emissions Effects of Congestion.” 51st Annual Meeting of the Pacific Northwest International Section of the Air & Waste Management Association, Portland, Oregon, November 2012. 9. Bigazzi, A. and M. Figliozzi, “Health Costs of OnRoad Pollution Exposure.” 51st Annual Meeting of the Pacific Northwest International Section of the Air & Waste Management Association, Portland, Oregon, November 2012. [Best Student Presentation Award] 10. Bigazzi, A. and M. Figliozzi, “Congestion and Emissions Performance Measures.” Institute of Transportation Engineers Western District Annual Meeting, Santa Barbara, California, June 2012. 11. Bigazzi, A. and M. Figliozzi, “Do CongestionBased Roadway Performance Measures Reflect Emissions Trends?” Northwest Transportation Conference, Corvallis, Oregon, February 2012. 12. Clifton, K., B. Gregor, R. Chen, and A. Bigazzi, “The Development of a Decision Tool for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Strategies: The Role of NHTS Data in GreenSTEP Model Development” Using National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) Data for Transportation Decision Making Workshop, June 67, 2011 in Washington, DC. 13. Bigazzi, A. and M. Figliozzi, “Freeway Traffic Flow Optimization Considering Delay, Emissions, and Fuel Costs with Stochastic Capacity.” 52nd Annual Transportation Research Forum, Long Beach, CA, March 1012, 2011. [Best Paper Award] 14. Bigazzi, A., S. Kothuri, C. Monsere, M. Figliozzi, and K. Tufte, “Emissions Estimates for Dynamic Applications Using Measured Travel Times.” 52nd Annual Transportation Research Forum, Long Beach, CA, March 1012, 2011. 15. Bigazzi, A. and M. Figliozzi, “Freeway Congestion Mitigation and the Emissions Minimization Problem.” INFORMS 2010 Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas, November 710, 2010. 16. Bigazzi, A. and M. Figliozzi, “Roadway Congestion’s Effects on Motor Vehicle CO2 Emissions: a Review of Methods, Findings, and Misconceptions.” 15th IUAPPA World Clean Air Congress, Vancouver, B.C., September 1216, 2010. 17. Bigazzi, A., J.W.C. Van Lint and G. Klunder, “OnRoad Vehicle Data Collection for Local Emissions and Air Quality Estimates.” Institute of Transportation Engineers Western District Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, June 2730, 2010. 18. Van Baalen, J., A. Bigazzi, R. De Lange, J.H. Duyzer, R.T. Van Katwijk, M.C. Kruithof, N.E. Ligterink, U. Stelwagen, G.A. Klunder, J.H. Weststrate and I.R. Wilmink, “RealTime Vehicle Emission Monitoring along Roadsides.” 18th International Symposium on Transport and Air Pollution, Dubendorf, Switzerland, May 1819, 2010. 19. Bigazzi, A. and R. L. Bertini, “Impacts of ITS Data Aggregation on Sustainable Transportation Performance Measures.” Institute of Transportation Engineers Western District Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, July 1215, 2009. 20. Bigazzi, A. and R.L. Bertini, “Temporal Aggregation Effects on ITS Data Applications.” Canadian Institute of Transportation Engineers, Quad Conference, Vancouver, B.C., May 12, 2009. 21. Bigazzi, A. and R. L. Bertini, “Green PORTAL.” 50th Annual Transportation Research Forum, Portland, Oregon, March 1618, 2009. Alexander Bigazzi; Page 4 Invited talks 1. Bigazzi, A. “Pollution Uptake Measurements for Bicyclists in Portland.” Bicycle Lunch and Learn Series, Portland Bureau of Transportation, July 17, 2014. 2. Bigazzi, A. “Sustainable Urban Transportation: Intermodal Freight and Transit Oriented Development.” 37th meeting of the Transportation Working Group of the AsiaPacific Economic Cooperation, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, April 2013. Reports and Theses: 1. Bigazzi, A. “Bicyclists’ Uptake of TrafficRelated Air Pollution: Effects of the Urban Transportation System.” Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Portland State University, 2014. 2. Figliozzi, M. and A. Bigazzi, “Value of Travel Time Reliability Part II: A study of Tradeoffs Between Travel Reliability, Congestion Mitigation Strategies and Emissions.” Final report OTRECRR1112B, Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium, September 2012. 3. Bigazzi, A. “Traffic Congestion Mitigation as an Emissions Reduction Strategy.” Master’s thesis, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Portland State University, 2011. 4. Bigazzi, A. and K. Clifton, “Refining GreenSTEP: Impacts of Vehicle Technologies and ITS/Operational Improvements on Travel Speed and Fuel Consumption Curves.” Final report, Oregon Department of Transportation, November 2011. 5. Bigazzi, A. “Carbon Sponsoring: A New Idea in Personallevel Carbon Trading to Offset Personal Travel.” Undergraduate honors thesis, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Portland State University, 2009. 6. Bertini, R.L. and A. Bigazzi, “Third Annual Portland Metropolitan Region Transportation System Performance Report.” Portland State University, Center for Transportation Studies, Research Report, 2008. Seminars: 1. Bigazzi, A., “Measuring urban bicyclists’ uptake of trafficrelated pollution” Portland State University Transportation Seminar Series, February 28, 2014. 2. Bigazzi, A., “PSU TRB Presentations” Portland State University Transportation Seminar Series, January 18, 2013. 3. Bigazzi, A. and M. Figliozzi, “A review of case studies exploring pedestrians, cyclists, and transit users' exposure to particulate matter in Portland.” Portland State University Transportation Seminar Series, February 3, 2012. 4. Bigazzi, A., “TRB Showcase” Portland State University Transportation Seminar Series, January 20, 2012. 5. Bigazzi, A., “Can Congestion Mitigation Reduce Emissions?” Portland State University Transportation Seminar Series, June 3, 2011. Papers under Review: 1. Bigazzi, A., M. Figliozzi, W. Luo and J. Pankow, “Breath Levels of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) as Indicators of TrafficDependent Uptake by Bicyclists.” 2. Bigazzi, A. and M. Figliozzi, “Roadway Determinants of Bicyclist Exposure Concentrations.” 3. Bigazzi, A. and M. Figliozzi, “Dynamic Ventilation and Workload of Urban Bicyclists.” Alexander Bigazzi; Page 5 Teaching: 1. CoInstructor, CE 410 “Applied CEE Statistics”, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Portland State University, Fall term, 2014. 2. Instructor, developed and taught a new course: CE 410/510 “Transportation Emissions Modeling”, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Portland State University, Winter term, 2014. 3. Guest lecturer, “ Point Estimation & Statistical Intervals.” CE 410 CEE Statistics and Probability, Portland State University, April 28 & 30, 2014. 4. Guest lecturer, “Bicycling and Air Pollution.” CE 410/510 Air Quality, Portland State University, June 10, 2013. 5. Guest lecturer, “Urban Transportation & Air Pollution.” USP 456/556 Urban Transportation Problems & Policies, Portland State University, April 22, 2013. 6. Guest lecturer, “Transportation Effects on Air Quality and Pollution Exposure.” CE 510/610 Transportation and Health, Portland State University, February 15, 2011. 7. Guest lecturer, “Emissions Modeling.” CE 454 Urban Transportation Systems, Portland State University, November 22, 2010. Experience: Portland State University, Adjunct Instructor 2014Present Developed and taught a new undergraduate/graduatelevel course, “Transportation Emissions Modeling”, encompassing technical and regulatory aspects of estimating and mitigating transportationrelated air pollution; instructor for undergraduate statistics and transportation engineering courses. Portland State University ITS Laboratory, Research Assistant April 2008–Present Research projects in the Intelligent Transportation Systems Laboratory include congestion effects on emissions, air quality, and human exposure to trafficrelated air pollution, sustainability performance measures, and emissions estimates in a transportation data archive Portland State University iSTAR Laboratory, Research Assistant June 2006–April 2008 Research projects in the infraStructure Testing and Applied Research Laboratory included dynamic capacity of steel angles under axial impulse loads, finiteelement analysis of structures under seismic loads with nonlinear spring dampers, and rail car comparative lateral stiffness with steel and composite deck materials Bonneville Power Administration, Engineering Intern July 2007–November 2007 Projects included an investigation of a reliabilitybased design process for transmission line structural systems and analysis of new highintensity wind load cases for lattice steel transmission towers Professional Musician 1998–2006 Fellowships and Grants: ● ● Eno Leadership Development Conference Fellow, 2014 Cleantech Challange, “SPEC: Sensing Pollution Exposure by Community” (Portland State University), 2014, $7,500 ● NITC Doctoral Dissertation Research Fellowship (National Institute for Transportation in Communities), 2014, $15,000 ● NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (U.S. National Science Foundation), 20112014, $121,000 ● Innovation Grant, “Measuring Bicyclists’ Exposure to Air Pollution” (Portland State University, Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science), 2012, $1,000 Alexander Bigazzi; Page 6 ● ● ● ● Eisenhower Graduate Fellowship (U.S. DOT, FHWA), 20092011, $62,300 Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science Dean’s Lottery Award, 20112012, $12,000 PSU AcademicallyControlled Auxiliary Activities Travel Awards, 20092013, in excess of $5,000 Miller Grant Student Sustainability Travel and Conference Award, 2010, $500 Awards and Honors: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● President’s Doctoral Academic Achievement Award (given to a single doctoral candidate at the university each year), Portland State University; 2014 Cleantech Challenge finalist and secondplace winner, “SPEC: Sensing Pollution Exposure by Community”, Portland State University; 2014 3Minute Thesis competition finalist, Portland State University; 2014 1st Place and People’s Choice awards at the 2013 Oregon Transportation Summit Dissertation Showcase, September 16, 2013, Portland, Oregon. Blue Ribbon Award for Best Paper of the Transportation & Air Quality Committee (ADC20), 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2013. Best Student Paper Presentation Award, 51st Annual Meeting of the Pacific Northwest International Section of the Air & Waste Management Association, Portland, Oregon, November 2012. Pikarsky Award for Outstanding M.S. Thesis in Science and Technology, Council of University Transportation Centers, 2011 Best Paper Award, 52nd Annual Transportation Research Forum, Long Beach, CA, March 1012, 2011. Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium (OTREC) Scholar, 20112014 Student of the Year, Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium, 20102011. Student of the Year – Honorable Mention, U.S. Dept. of Transportation Region X, 20102011 Best Poster Presentation, RunnerUp, Region X Student Conference, February 18, 2011, University of Oregon. 1st Place Presentation, Oregon Chapter of the Air & Waste Management Association's 2010 Student Environmental Competition, April 8, 2010. University Commendation Award, and “Outstanding Graduate Student” in the Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering; M.Sc., Portland State University Erzurumlu full tuition scholarship (2 years), Coral Sales Scholarship, University Commendation Award, Civil Engineering Departmental Honors, “Outstanding Undergraduate Student” in the Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tau Beta Pi, and Chi Epsilon; B.Sc., Portland State University Bowman Ashe tuition scholarship (4 years), AllAmerican Scholar, National Dean’s List, Golden Key National Honor Society, and Phi Kappa Phi; B.Music, University of Miami Professional Service: ● ● Committee membership o Transportation and Air Quality Committee (ADC20) of the Transportation Research Board; 20142017 o Oregon Modeling Steering Committee, Transportation and Health Subcommittee; 2014 o Student Research Advisory Committee, Portland state University; 20132014 Conference paper review cochair o Transportation and Air Quality Committee (ADC20) of the Transportation Research Board; 2014 Alexander Bigazzi; Page 7 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Workshops and Events o Daimler Trucks North America: SPIN Think Tank Hack Day, invited participant Journal paper reviewer o Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Planning o Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment o Journal of Transport and Land Use o Transport Policy o Environmental Science & Technology o Atmospheric Environment Conference paper reviewer o Transportation Research Board committees: ▪ ADC20 Transportation and Air Quality ▪ ADD50(1) Health and Transportation Joint Subcommittee ▪ AHB20 Freeway Operations ▪ ABJ30 Urban Transportation Data and Information Systems o IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference o IEEE Forum on Integrated and Sustainable Transportation Systems o World Conference on Transport Research Institute of Transportation Engineers Young Professionals in Transportation American Society of Civil Engineers Engineers Without Borders at Portland State University: Vice President, Public Relations Officer, Webmaster; service projects in Nicaragua; 20062009 Students in Transportation Engineering and Planning at Portland State University; 20082014 Skills and Qualifications: ● ● ● ● Engineer in Training (EIT) certification from the U.S. NCEES Computer proficiency including Java/Android, C/Arduino, R, PHP, MySQL, and others Foreign language proficiency in Spanish and Italian; extensive international travel experience Strong communication skills; fast learner, adaptable, and independently motivated References: Excellent references available upon request. Updated October 2014 Alexander Bigazzi; Page 8
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