GHT PAGEeV M. OMOM, AMONG THU EXCHANGES: rrrTI? A IV! I 1 I IV! I Ls inc. LLnsnms Or IV T TlTT ,(, mriKtL PHYSICIANS. DR. ..u"""" ,. R. FRATERNAL t. ' - s TO M AKE IT POPULAR. HOTEL ARRIVALS. JuwUnl Time Scut by Cable Around From Washington. C, Dec. 31. Fol lowing the experiment of last year the ura obwrvatory will tonurnt .send line alirnals of the new year around ih world. Four different diRDatches v be Hent. one at midnlsrht and ether at 1. 2 and 3 o'clock. Last w tne signals traversed about 300.- m ml es of wire and were heard In Alaska, Patianm, Valparaiso, Honolulu. Guam and Manila. This ypar It i the intention to trans mit the signals literally around the rotlil. which will be possible by the N'operatlon of the telegraph and Hie World Washington, D. companies. able i ilrmiKlit Home for Trial. . Umlon, Dec. 81. James Wallace. koli wanted in Marquette. Mich., for alleged theft of stock certificates J the vulue of 130.000. sails for New lots today in the custody of Sheriff Pttiglase to Muiquette. ,. The Kidneys Are bj Weakened Over-Wo- rk. JtikalUiy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. used to be considered that onlv loaarywid bluddcr troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, now I, modern Dut I science proves that ' nearly all diseases have their beginning in the disorder of .these moat iuiportaut org-ina- . The kidneys filter and purify the blood tlmt ia ttmir u.r.-- lr forefore. when vour kidnevnare weAk of order, you can understand how ekly your entire body is affected and lUVertrv Orvall mimmim tn fail In dn its " I TOU tw.,11. " tv.nii. IK ir.k m jikiag the great kidney remedy, Dr. ulaw'i Swamp-Roo- t, because as soon " kidneys are well they will help Iks other organs to " J" health. A trial fl doctoring your kidneys. iT ,miMtnd the extraordinary effect of -- gran ..urUVL remedy, i9 goon realized. It ux miFUest for its wonderful cures moat dintressiiig cases, and is sold ""nu Dy all r L triitit, Cd.. size may ""."le-doll- 2 Von rLN " VY- - JSmL y mistake, 1 e name, Swamp-RoSwa m d-- not .nH ti.. .A. '".Singbamtou, N. Y on every bottle- - to TJ8 FILL YOUR BlW WITH ock 5i.n VaST1" Coal most economical fuel. with you lor your ,'upp,5r- - , w a- - the city. Laatz Bros. NEAR DEPOT. . fhr'. n.,.rfof Southern Europe. Importers, "!. , A. T- mils T M- - HKNDKRSON, PHTS1CIAN an surgeon. Office In Savings Bank bonding, room l. phonV main office 1411 ! resldeacs red 122S. . C!c7reVEBJ A . - ALTA STREET, Props. LlTerr. feed 8LABLK- -- an line la connection. LYNN K. BLAKESLRR. CHRONIC nervous diseases and olseuee of uua Dunains. eornar Ualn ami Conn streets. Office 'Dhone auln 721 : .. ' m. . residence, m4 ii .n " iDflrmpenncs. w" , 'Phone mala T01 RESORT. CLEANINU JLKNSprlor' Lall' and .P.i' tT Zt therefore we don't bare culls' from Eastern bams,. If yoa buy a horse from as and he does not fulfill the guarantee yoa will not have to go ont of the state to hare matters adjusted.. We Invite ' '." i V your Infarction. A. C. RUBY & AND awn's Daspaln attention. 'apnonViaaln carefnl "" 11 LRNA ALLEN BOONE, OSTEOPATH 1581 Residence, Thompson street, between Conrt and Water streets. 'Phone black ?E S1?-- 4 HOTEL WILL gQUIPPKO AND 102. Nerrona diseases a specialty. raonlng order. Good trade, win ' Apply to Chung Kes, Umatilla, MRS. M. N. 8AWTRLLR, COUNTY MAN- - Oregon agar of the Northwest Tlavl Co, 620 yuaoie street, renaieron, uregoa. DR. td ' SCHOOL FOR HOUSES r. IIIMHH I Wanted One hundred head of horaea I am located for the winter at the Dutch Henry feed yard, corner of Alta and Lilleth streets, where I conduct a first-cla- ss training and sale stable. If you want to buy a horse I will take vour order anA ae. j lect the best horse for you, or If you nave a norse to sell I am well acDENTISTS. quainted with the beat buyers. I am DR. M. 8. KERN, DENTAL SURGEON. well equipped to break and handle Office, building. any horse from the finest blooded room 15 Judd Phone black 1201. stock to the wildest and most desperThere la no horse bat DENTIST, OFFICE- IN ate broncho. B. A. 1FADGHAN, can be broke and be made to drive Judd building. 'Phone red 1411. or work nicely if he be handled cor BANKS AND BROKERS. rectly. I have broke one hundred and twenty-thre- e head In Pendleton, some FIIIRT NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA. of which had become desperadoes. I Oregon. Capital. (50,000; surplus and profits, S12.r00.00. Interest on time de- guarantee satisfaction in every case. log in acarosly harder than our efforts to pleas everybody. Best possible stock, well seasoned and cars- -' fully handled, large assortment of slaes, close buying and equal-clos- e selling and prompt help to make our lumber yard popular with lumber ne.ders. Ars you on Pendleton Planing Mills Robert. Forater, Prop. I I I I I I I I I Happy New Year fist Arrived A new lot of pianos and small musical instruments for the HOLIDAY TRADE The famous STEIN WAY AND Make It happy for frlenda and relatives by presenting them with some from our Una. Chafing Dishes, Silver Plated Tea Sets, rocket Knives, Pistols, Rifles, Shotguns. The Celebrated GILLETT RAZOR, the safety that la always ready for use. Requires no honing or stropping. EMERSON pianos. New styles are ready for your selection. Latest styles and designs In lace curtains, portieres and rugs. Agent for the Improved White sewing machines. Payments of 15 per month. vimiaMiT ii i vir nni pkndi.b. Capital, snrplna and undividedton. ... W.-- n mntm ffenmm. nnn ' prorits, eral banking business. Eichange bought and sold on an parrs nld on time deposits. An reasonable term. collations, 1 """".;-,o..- t Ivl Goodman-Thompso- Jesse Failing Co. n HARDWARE, Store Near Bridge. George Hart ; II loosening the "king-pin- " a lumber jam, but II II II lllllllllllllllll SiSi SAVINGS BANK, PENDLETON THE IVndleton, Oregon, organised warcn i, Cinnnnn. iiirnlnt t7fv000: .Don. Ex- Interest .allowed on'. all time deposits. uo ai nu nialnelnat Cnange DOOgni mm Bum An F.. points. Special attention given to collecJ. N. W. J. Furnish, president; tions. T. J. Morris, cashier; Teal, J. w. Maloney, assistant casMer. cashier dent: O. man. Jr., assistant romnrr. : Lee Kennard OF WESTON. THE FARMERS' BANK Weston, Oregon. Does a general banking business. Exchange bonght and sold, collections promptly attended to. R. Jame son, presiaent; ueorpe n. president: J. R. Kllgore, cashier; directors a A. Hartman, M. M. Jones. T. J. Price. 0 D. Orsw. J. F. Kllgore, Robert Jameson, G. W. Proebstel. Rice, ) ITS HARD WOFK T. J. LLOYD, ORADUATB OF THR Grand Rapids Veterinary College of urand Rapids, Mica. All ailments of domestic animals scientifically treated. Specialty ol dentistry, apevtng, and eastra-tln- g rldgellng horaea. . of&oe at Brock A McTomas drug store. DR. posits. Desls In foreign and domestic exchange. Collections promptly attended to. Henry C. Adams, president; T. J. Kirk, F. S. LeGrow, cashier; I. M. Kemp, assistant casnier. CO. Pendleton, Oregon; TRAINING SURGEONS. VETERINARY SURGEON DR P McNabb. Office at Tallman'a drof store. M. s, MISCELLANEOUS. and VETERTNAIY SnJrea, and Jacks. If you are In the market for, anything In this line, ram show yoa mors of iho good kind that weigh a ton and over, than all Use other bams In the North est, and sU yoa one rhearr, make you better term, gin yoa a better guarantee than ran be gotten ebseaaerei at wt an permanently located with hoadquartem at Pendleton, OrFgrm. We are the only firm In the Northwest that ships direct from Europe M. SsiV wert.t breeders and dealers In IVrrherons, German Coach Stallion stawl and sale rim3aI Unrj. feed ,ol!o rto at "r' 8twk hoarded hj Ring .or in, du J. M'FAUTj, JUDD BLOCK, TRLB-phQmam Ml; Msldenc. kUck 161. D. DR. nun i A.C.RUBY&CO. IilYERY AND FEED STABLES. DR. h SRVEJS,. ORDERS. tC'l thfrS' STOVES, PLUM RING . ARCinTECTS ANT BUILDERS. e AND rONTRACTOgS DPNLAP, & HORSE builders. Estimates given on short notiee. Leave orders at office ol Drays Harbor Lumber Company. ,niniu inciTITEPT oV,'lnindnt. room 12 Judd Good j Dry Wood j AND block. Pendleton. Oregon. ..r - ippniTRCT su AND 'Make, complete and perintendent. m.n. for buildings In the city or country. Room IT Jndd building. ft CO.. CONTRACTORS .Voider.: .rn. iMn on .bort Mwna - onr.r.n. : pmmnt builder., . ;"- D jJob wor. a notice. near Main. crvlce. Sbop on Bluff .treet. AND BTJILD. A MAY. CONTRACTOR c.rnisiied on all Hods a lira BtchiP walls. or of- order, at TEST OregonUu. etc. flee. FOR : W ft. furnished R,Umat teed ITeortler. ir.. Main r. vn nnrvinF ! Block. BOARDING AND LOWilNG TfAmm msMs rst- ' I THE WORKINa ? g. c. rTHENA HOTEl. the city, Milieu, proprwiui. BltMfi W LEAD.NO BOWt ' .. . r& d ment. vis Z7.T MANAQB- - The French X T HARTMAN. . j Best M Cent Meal In b City. Private Dining Parlors. Furnbatied Rooan ConneeOea. e Elegant . BENTLET M. oldest ana --- jden, mlssloner. . Inn and proof. -"iVf fie. Ill T"J of title at """",, .h.,rsrt Ml "Ul : 1 M P. .ccl ... . . Scott's Santal-Feps- in A S DEALI, im East Court Street. Z f e : Building Material SASH, DOORS Made to Order Balldlng Paper, Lime, Cement, Brick and Sand, Wood Gutters lor Barns and Dwellings a Specialty. shcopii 1 Sold br F- - Capsules Alta Street, Op p. Court Hons. posmvK cum. HE BUYS A CHEAP ONE, when prlo Is the only thing a sua knows about buggies. After he has had soma experience, quality comes first, and yoa always gst that In the vehicles at Neigle's. Winona Wagons, Buggies and Hacks, and the bast mad. W sell them. Bone-dr- y timber, well painted and Ironed, and warranted by us, Neddie Brothers THE BLACKSMITHS. We sell the Stover GasoUna Englaa. Handsome Souvenir Free ror USJunmMIM or of tb. Bladder aat ilMtMd To steawfrmphers, bookkeepers, nouns. So only tm-Miu-ff aad bank clerks, sending name and Oin iiilltlr lli. worst CAM. of place of esnploysnenl to For all kinds of fancy uainera sag hot and Merrill Typelor ll.r.if IlllvklJC tMl t,.r of Agents wanted. leather kinds aU Tans Ids. Absolaulf"'!'. writer Co Spokane, Wash. ti drncslsis- all purposes. Mounting and cleaning pssav Best wor .aa, or by mmiL ti furs and fur garments. aij.bous:aa.ia. manshlp. CO, CTHt SWTAl-rtn- il Daily East Oregonian SOW, OTTKE BcuaeosrraMa, ones. only la cents a week. . .. . 141f West Alta Street -- h r' "" ' W. Bcnmiui m crr fan , Y,,, "ar.., t A. crtTi7iurDD MlLrii J, AND DECORATOR. Oregon Lumber Yard wio, o fnrnltsre. ana cU crockery, d ?iteWs?I' 412 Court .tree. HIIW MOtTSl (n nnriarkTTfl "" SECOND-HAN- " STROBLK. hand goods. nera la new V. for w, l&Sct LAND CO V. made of isno and , collectlooa '"""rnL. . SOS and WINDOWS mnwnMEI. "" ",,r,of(lc.and -Hinniau ..,rv.Wiolty JH. joh e slain street, center of block, between Alta and Webb streets. OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. ketD JR-- . -- window. e PAINTER C0Sl3: CMATILLA Don't buy a plejt ward find a t' make Ton an accmjte a.nnable f .n sbstract. J Restaurant j rjM Blg ' by e Mrs. Kelley on display In our See C. Sharp county. Loans on Rnvs and sens Does a general "rf. See the J executed PROPRIETOR. u painting le Well ventilated, neat and rooms, good beds. Bar In connection, where ths best goods are served. na s 0US LaFONTAINE, Prop, 'ala gtreet - required for oil and e Neuanan's Orders at Cigar Store, root -. ieea ymm Proprietor. Lodging House beautiful - HIT- Supplies water color painting.. eeeeeeeeeee .. . The Columbia Everything CASH. W. C. MINNIS Leave fi; Won. j I have good, sound wood which la delivered at reasonable price and cement brick, .tone work: address Box aoo, I Artist ALL KINDS llVra uj ' L?111" sieetlags first and broth. uT woe, conrt "wet. Thorn., rits O.rald. r. tat ,ov 'SISKI2K. ttvlstAtlMl HoT86. BtTet, mart down th nnmnin th AocuDaiits. or B. hundrea ; other ooident, r everyevery uuuj t rhnnwi u Mive bandy and iiDr.ia aa good as Bucklen sores, ecArnica Salve. Burns, cuts, on ema and plies disappear quickly der its soothing effect, tic at Tan man 4 Co.'s drug store. iho nndlln moth will be nr.. in California br the prop a parasite imported from agation s Sprii 01 Hotel St. George. R. N. Adams, city. C. E. Kuy, Chicago. .Louis Proebstel, Weston. W. N. Maxwell, Portland. George Van Dran, city. S. E. Starr, Helix. A. P. Garner. Charles Copeland. E. E, Swertzer. L. B. Greene. W. W. WatkhiF, Portland. R. M. Buttle. Newport. MIhb Lenu Felkers, Wardner. W. S. Drier, Baker City. Robert Kennedy, Portland. E. JohnBon, Caldwell. . A. E. Finch, South Bend. , James Mutch, Portland. R. F. Brewden, Chicago. A. K. Fuller and wife. Lexington. George W. Harris, Portland. D. L. Bowen, Heppner. j Hotel Bickers. .. Louis Hognn, city . F. E. Sherman, city. John P. McManus. Pilot Rock. Mrs. Lenu Anderson, Chicago. J. M. Hemphill, Pilot Rock. Hazel Lawrence. Pilot Rock. D. N. Weyant, Portland. Laura Turner, Tekoa. Mary Goodnight. Tekoa. A. J. Adams, Morrow. G. J. McEvary, Starbuck. F. J. Allison, Starbuek. CI. D, Rinker, Btarbuck. William J. Moore. Spokane. 8. C. Hill, St. Louis. J, D. Gregorle, Adams. 8. B. Wells, Echo. Fred Farley, Adams. Z. W. Lockwood. Helix. A. R. Love, Walla Walla. Fred Hugglst. Walla Walla. G. H. Frost, Lewiston. Mrs. T. C. Meslorlng. Seattle. The Pendleton. H. M. Steol, Portland. Frank H. Hood, Detroit C. J. Freese, Review. J. A. McLean, Welser. G. H. Black, Lewiston. W. R. Blohop, Lewiston. F. W. Walte, San Francisco. W. D. Officer, John Day. Vol Officer. John Day. Clara Tabor, Endlcott. Frank Wleden, Portland. G. 8. Youngman, Portland. Faye MoClary, Salem. Ned K. talllesple, Sing Sing. W. H. Dlndlnger, city. N. 8. Gillette, Chicago. C. 8. Goldsmith, San Franolsco. George Btrachan, New York. Louis A. Ambes, St. Louis. H. W. Aldls, St. Louis. R. Scott, Milwaukee. F. D. LeGraw, Athena. H. W. Cameron, Spokane. Andy Nylander, Portland. E. Brngdon. Portland. John Skogland, Portland. ; C. Ades, Spokane. m: H. McWllllams, Howard. H. M. Holt, Portland. George D. Craw, city. L. P. Prlnger. St. Louis. G. W. Rlnkman, Allcel. C. L. Andrews, Eagle. J. C. Llndsey, Portlnnd. O. Rosensteln, Chicago. F. C. Patterson, Fossil. PASS . ... j lwt, PROFESSIONS AND TRADES T" ' Tn. 1, USINESS CARDS, SOCIETIES candlea, toys and other Chrietma. Whrary at Boise. Carnegie library gooda and depoelted them In hla the of " Jkl the cond - wagon, standing within less than a block of store, the and the while at the account! for... . postofflce . tnf .,11.,i, some miscreant appropriatuoo 5noo were audited , to Mr. Carnegie ed hla entire purchase. ,Wri pay' u The officials aay It la the result of sol ..... Th. fourth and lat . .rnn frnm Mr. Camegte the ball and chain put In effect recently at Lewlaton which has had the ' k.., called for in another irill Proi." a..., will coat t2B.- - effect of giving this place some of surplus population. Mos ,,. innnn tn coium- - Lewlaton mmi" iimea-uemocrUl 00- t ikoH and the cow -- I..K two . in w tair An from the Smelter Proponed at Werner. otfiv .....A "'Viirh r mounts to .... a nf-- iuiiu Prom a reliable source It is learned a irooHv two vaara' a"'1'"' SHU IW 114.1. that negotiations are now under way ' hOfn DttlU m between a strong Oregon corporation and the owner of the abandoned Intention of the board 41 smelter a few miles from Welser f6r n complete ready for i hVe . ii i UnnW flW BUh tne purchase of. the smelter. If It la purchasers. iiTof the Interior furnishings has acquired ny the would-b- e rbwn secured and the Ingenuity It will be used to smelt the oopper ores .... mw he taxed to raise of the Seven Devils and the gold ores . "-- " tne " oi tne Bauer district. fnnirai flew w'-' n.tu Agent Leman Is now In the East for the purpose of closing the deal. The Halley. Miner Shot at has a capacity of 100 tons per John Wester dahl, a atnelter Th, afternoon day, which can be increased at any . o. ihnt and dangerously - . - tlm,e. jinn miner. It la one of the most, thoroughy unarm. UjUTM ly equipped plants in the West. .....-- , . . i , r wuujrwuu Welser Signal. naa " : T 11 II a rn inn KUUU1 ID n,n. . . Gilliam County Circle Hunt. . .han HIIFTPV 111 III Illtlll UCU UTV town h...... . There 1a to be a hunt on Saturday, - n XI a nifi nm Ml II II.' an ritl I US. 10 nan. ... .un atinrn over-- - ma nta. December 81 at Locust, sides to be t nreu chosen and points to be made, the v nL,,F l railing . i. .. ... Bntai nff tne nRRK near losing aide to pay for an oyster sup. thn, me uuin-- ,.... . . . 1 per to be given at the school houBO, i .i .. r niiT i nnminv in the ngni I""" wasterdahl s cnances ior recovery tri While they watch the old year out and the new year In. Meet at the school utctrtaln. He nas two cmiurau house Saturday noon, where sides and Bjlley lnaepenuein. captains will be chosen. Arlington Record. Moscow. t Siimk Tlilfves of laet week Friday and Saturday Porker WcIrIu 600 Pounds. jjmue weic gi hulfleu men OI HUH ., 1. . Uln..A. V. .. . l.. l i Link Swaggart, the celebrated pork r riaay evening producer of Lamar Qulch, was In town round their mores, a "gentleman hog" with ojULiiaa. Monday OI ravid ft Kly IOfll a auii He (the hog) Saturday a truer wai caugnr Dy une oi weighing 600 pounds. universal e admiration becici rb uianina attracted Gwnre ureiKm"" extreme obesity. cause his He is a of IBI1IIDI IWIT Wlin a JJTCIWWh China Poland uo. i registeded animal, maing nt Motter, w neeier ui iiuin, breed. Weston Leader. lore purcnanfu 9iu wurui ,...nrlo SATTRDAT, DECEMBER Oregon Tannery
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