DENHOLME SHARED CHURCH IS A LOCAL ECUMENICAL PARTNERSHIP OF BAPTIST, CHURCH OF ENGLAND AND UNITED REFORMED CHURCH MEMBERS. YOU ARE WELCOME TO JOIN US FOR WORSHIP ON SUNDAYS AT 10.30AM. SERVICES FOLLOW EITHER THE TRADITION OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND OR URC/BAPTIST. OTHER SPECIAL SERVICES WILL BE AS LISTED. FOR MORE INFORMATION SEE THE CONTACT DETAILS BELOW. SERVICES DURING OCTOBER Sun 5th Morning Worship Chris Wilcock Sun 12th Morning Worship with Holy Communion Revd Dr Paul Severs Sun 19th Family Allsorts Sun 26th Holy Communion Revd Liz Moy FORTHCOMING EVENTS Sun 2nd November Thanksgiving for Life Service 3.00pm Sun 9th November Remembrance Sunday 10.00am Fri 14th November Nepal, Narration and Nosh 7.30pm Sat 29th November Christmas Fayre 10.00-1.00pm Sat 6th December Workshop for Christmas activities 10.00-5.00pm Sun 7th December Congregational Meeting Sat20th/Sun 21st December Rings of Celebration CONTACT DETAILS Church Secretary and Church Warden: Mrs Anne Jay 01535 274257 Minister CofE Revd Suzy McCarter 01535 270687 The Vicarage, Halifax Road, Cullingworth, Bradford BD13 5DE URC/Baptist Contact and Newsletter: Mrs Judith Drake 01274 833603 Items for the newsletter before the end of the second week of the month please to Judith Drake Newsletter October 2014 Dear Friends As I write this letter I look out on a beautiful view with a hint of Autumn about it and the realisation that summer has gone. I feel as if I’m living in a parallel universe, sat comfortably but listening to the radio which is relaying the most horrific stories from around the world, a world which seems to have gone mad and where the media is apparently unable to keep up with all the atrocities. When did we last hear of the girls kidnapped in Nigeria? It was back in April that nearly 300 girls were kidnapped and they are still missing. No doubt global efforts are being made to counter terrorism and diplomatic efforts are unabated but do you feel as helpless as I do when we encounter these horror stories? What can we do about it then? Maybe, as individuals, we can offer support to organisations such as Medecins sans Frontieres (MSF), also known as Doctors without borders. MSF is an organisation which goes into conflict zones throughout the world to provide medical care regardless of race, religion creed or political affiliation and is reliant on financial donations. Maybe you already donate to another charity which provides humanitarian aid for the victims of conflict. You may be thinking you can’t afford to donate any more money to charitable causes, no matter how worthwhile they may be. There is something you can do though. As the words of that well known hymn “Make me a channel of your Peace” go around my head I’m reminded that as individuals we cannot halt world conflict or terrorism but, in our dealings with those we come into contact with, it is our responsibility to behave in such a way which channels Peace. Who knows – by behaving in such a way other individuals may do the same. We may never know but that’s no excuse not to try. God bless Janice Make me a channel of your peace. Where there is hatred let me bring your love; Where there is injury your pardon, Lord; And where there’s doubt true faith in you. Oh, Master grant that I may never seek So much to be consoled as to console; To be understood as to understand; To be loved as to love with all my soul. Make me a channel of your peace. Where there’s despair in life let me bring hope; Where there is darkness, only light; And where there’s sadness, ever joy. Make me a channel of your peace. It is in pardoning that we are pardoned; In giving to all men that we receive; And in dying that we’re born to eternal life. BIRTHDAY SCHEME Many Happy Returns to the following people as they celebrate their birthdays in October 15th Kath Wilcock ST PAUL’S WIVES GROUP Wed 1st October - Bingo Wed 15th October – Bradford Textiles Wed 29th October - Quiz A TIME TO REMEMBER ……. On Sunday 2nd November at 3.00pm there will be a special service for anyone who has been bereaved. You may have lost someone close to you this year or it may be many years ago. We give you the opportunity to remember them in a short reflective service. We do hope that you will also stay behind afterwards to enjoy afternoon tea and a chat. DENHOLME LOCAL HISTORY GROUP Invite you to come along to an event to commemorate the start of the First World War on Saturday 1st November in the Mechanics Reading Room from 10.00-3.30pm. Displays and local memorabilia relating to the war as well as stories of local interest. COMING SOON ……….. CHRISTMAS RINGS CELEBRATION WEEKEND 20/21 DECEMBER - more details in our next newsletter. ACTIVITES FOR UNDER FIVES Babes and Tots - PLEASE NOTE THE SESSIONS ARE ON FRIDAY MORNINGS FROM 9.15-11.30 (Senior Moment in the last newsletter, I said it was afternoon) Toddler Praise - I plan to re-introduce this monthly session for parents, grandparents and carers of young children. Story, songs and craft activities around a Biblical theme, with time for play and refreshments. The first one will be on Thursday 9th October at 10.00am, then on Thursday 6 th November and 4th December. Please invite anyone you know with young children to come along. Judith TRIP TO CHATSWORTH HOUSE FRIDAY 21 NOVEMBER Janice is running a trip to Chatsworth which will include the Christmas Market, timed slot for a tour of the house dressed for Christmas on this year’s ‘Alice in Wonderland’ theme, time to explore the gardens and the ‘Chatsworth in Wartime’ exhibition. Cost is £29.00 per person and any profit will be split between the Scout Group and our church. Coach leaves Denholme at 9.00am, returning from Chatsworth at 5.00pm. Contact Janice to reserve a place 01422 247446. CHRISTMAS FAYRE SATURDAY 29TH NOVEMBER 11.00-1.00pm It may seem a long way off but we're already planning the Christmas Fayre and need your help in collecting items for the different stalls we'll be having this year. It isn't too early to bring any of the following items into the church building: Christmas tree decorations - new, handmade or good as new Unwanted gifts Anything star shaped or good quality items with stars on them Tombola items Good as new toys/jigsaws etc Bottle Stall Refreshments throughout the morning, light lunches – hot turkey sandwiches. Please put the date in your diary, this is our main Christmas fund raising event. Christmas Crafts Resource Event Wednesday 22nd October Betty will demonstrate things to make and do with children focusing on Advent and Christmas. The event is open to anyone working with children, parents, grandparents, uniformed leaders, teachers etc. There will be lots of craft supplies to buy at cheap prices. Times in the afternoon 1.302.30 with browsing from 1.00 and afterwards until 3.30 and in the evening from 7.30-8.30 with browsing from 7.00 and afterwards until 9.30. Admission £1.00 includes refreshments. Please can you let Betty know if you intend coming along. 0-0-0-0-0 APPEAL FOR FUNDS FOR THE BUILDING You may have noticed in the Town Council Newsletter that we have put out a general appeal for donations to our Building Fund. We are asking for village support to help keep our building open. We hope that if you are approached you will tell of our numerous problems, explain the work we have already funded and encourage people to give what they can. Helen will gladly receive cash, cheques or donations can also be sent direct to the bank. Please note contractors are coming into the building on Tues 30th September to replace an area of ceiling plaster in the church. We may have to meet in the back room on Sunday 5 th and 12th October. Notices will be put on the door to tell you where to go. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Nepal Narration Nosh nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Last year we had a very successful evening listening to John Ackroyd tell of his visit to Peru, which was followed by poetry readings. John has been on his travels again trekking to Nepal in aid of Yorkshire Cancer, and we have asked him to come and tell us all about it by having a similar sort of evening. However this time we are asking if you would like to contribute a narration. We will start the evening with John then it is up to you!! Have you got a favourite passage from a book, a funny story, something you cut out of a newspaper - anything that you think others might find entertaining. Come along and share it - we want humour, stories to make you think or even to make us cry, amazing facts we wouldn't even know!!. Supper will be Pie and Peas - no charge but donations welcome. Please can you let Anne know if you want to read or can bring something for others to read. There will also be a list to sign if you want to come along to the evening so we can cater for supper. When is it? FRIDAY 14TH NOVEMBER 7.30pm A date not to miss
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