here. - St Peter-in

The Parish of St Peter-in-Chains
Parish Priest: Fr. Sean Carroll
Parish Secretary: Jennifer Graham-Dillon
Address: 12 Womersley Road, London N8 9AE.
Tel: 020 8340 3394.
Email: [email protected]
Sunday Masses
Weekday Masses
6.30pm (Sat) Mass
9.45am Sung Mass
11.15am Family Mass
7.00pm Evening Mass
See Below and Christmas Leaflet (available at the back of
the church on newsletter stand)
Monday 9.30am-10.00am
Tuesday 9.30am-10.00am
Wednesday 9.30am-11.00am
Saturday 6.00pm-6.20pm
Prayer of the Church
Exposition of Blessed Sacrament & Benediction
Morning Prayer will take place
15 minutes before the appropriate Masses
Friday – No Holy Hour
Saturday – No Exposition of Blessed Sacrament
To our parishioners and their families and all our visitors:
Fr Sean, Jennifer and the Parish Team offer you our prayers and best wishes for a
Peaceful and Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Thank you for your cards, presents and good wishes.
Crib Appeal 2014 - Every day the Catholic Children’s Society (Westminster) works with families who are
struggling on low incomes and facing domestic crises. Through our work and the generosity of your parish, we
are able to bring light into their darkness, ease their burden and so give them real hope and faith in the future.
Despite news reports that the economy is experiencing the first signs of a recovery, this Christmas millions of
people in our Diocese are still desperately trying to think of ways to save money and cut back on spending. By
donating at the crib or visiting and following the link to ‘donate’, you have an opportunity
to capture the spirit of the season by making an offering to help the most deprived families in our Diocese.
Please be as generous as you can because your support will make a real difference to children’s lives.
Christmas Eve - Wednesday 24th December
6.30pm - Family Mass of Christmas
9.30pm Vigil Service with Carols (Midnight Mass follows immediately at 10PM)
Christmas Day - Thursday 25th December
9.45am Family Mass with a short Nativity play
11.15am Mass
(No evening Mass)
Feast of St Stephen - Friday 26th December
10am St Stephen’s Servers Guild Mass
New Year’s Eve - Wednesday 31st December
9.00am Mass
New Year’s Day - Thursday 1st January 2015 - Solemnity of Mary Mother of God
10am Mass
Confessions Before Christmas
Monday 22nd December & Tuesday 23rd December – After Morning Mass
Christmas Eve – Wednesday 24th December - 9.30am-11am
NB. Christmas Service leaflets are available from the back of the church on the newsletter stand.
Eucharistic Ministers wishing to serve at Christmas Masses please complete the sheet at the back of church
Christmas Offerings – All offerings on Christmas Day are for the priest. Envelopes are available at the
back of the church for you to place your offering. Thank you for your kind generosity.
Newsletter - Please note this Sunday’s newsletter covers two weeks the next Newsletter will be available on
Sunday, 4th January 2015.
Christmas Offerings – All offerings on Christmas Day are for the priest. Envelopes will be available at the
Please let the parish Priest know of any housebound parishioners who wish to receive the sacraments over
the Christmas period.
Can you Help – Volunteers needed to help clean, dust and polish the church in preparation for Christmas. If
you can spare a couple of hours, please come along on Monday, 22nd Dec. after the 9am Mass.
Union Church Christmas Day Lunch & Party – You are warmly invited to spend Christmas Day at Union
Church & Community Centre (Crouch End) on Thursday, 25th December 2014 from 12.30pm-5.00pm.
Please contact the Union Church office on 020 8341 3918. Further details available on church notice board.
Feast of St Stephen (Patron saint of altar servers) - The St Stephen’s Servers Guild Mass will take place
on Friday, 26th December at 10am. Would all servers please make every effort to attend this Mass. Wishing
you all a blessed & Holy Christmas. Fr Sean & Andrew Lidstone
Parish Raffle Tickets will be on sale 3rd/4th January. December Draw Results – 1st 461, 2nd 423 & 3rd 426
(Pale Blue)
Priest General Surgery and Signing School Forms – Fr Sean will be available for a general surgery/signing
of forms on Tuesday, 6th January from 6.00pm-7.00pm (no appointment needed).
St Gildas’/St Peter’s Christmas Market - Approx £6,000 was raised at the Christmas Market last Sunday
which was a great success. A big thanks to everyone for their support and help.
Confirmation 2015 – Any Unwanted Gifts From Christmas? Our Confirmation candidates will be running a
gifts stall and serving teas/coffees/cakes on Sunday, 11th January after the morning Masses, to raise funds
for their chosen charity. If you have any unwanted gifts and would like to donate them to this project please
hand them in to the parish office before 11th. Sessions resume on Monday, 12th January at 7pm.
SPEC Day Retreat - Saturday, 17th January 2015 at SPEC, Waxwell House, Pinner, Middlesex – 10-4pm
Eucharistic Ministers - For those who did not receive a rota via email, the January/February Rota is
available on the Newsletter stand. Any queries/errors please contact Fr Sean or Jennifer at the parish office.
Can ministers who are available for the Christmas services please sign the sheet on the Newsletter stand.
Soup Run - Please note that there won't be a soup run on Saturday, 27th December, as Crisis is operating
on that day. Team B will recommence on Saturday, 3rd January. We would like to thank all our volunteers
for their commitment and energy without you it would not be possible to provide this wonderful service.
A Big Thank You to all who have helped us prepare for Christmas in any way - cleaning, decorating the
church, preparing the Crib, serving, ushering, reading, arranging flowers, singers and musicians, Eucharistic
Ministers, bankers, the counting teams.
LINEN: Theresa Quinn (21st December)
22nd Dec COUNTING TEAM C meet in lower parish rooms after the morning Mass
READERS: 27 /28 Dec - 6.30pm Gillian Spry 9.45am 1st Reading Sue Hannington, 2nd Reading
Errol Curran 7.00pm Sandra Ademola
READINGS: 27th/28th Dec - - First Reading - Genesis 15:1-6. 21:1-3
2nd Reading – Hebrews 11:8. 11-12. 17-19
Gospel - Luke 2:22-40
EUCHARISTIC MINSTERS: 27th/28th Dec - 6.30pm (Sat) Susan Fleming, Ann Hughes, Augustine Burno
9.45am Lesley Pippet, Margaret Forkan, Maura O’Shea, Sr Odile Mahe, Regina Fleming
11.15am Michael Buchanan, Sandra Fluin, William Carson, Anna Fernandez, Gianni Gagnier
7.00pm Daniel Llloyd-Morgan, Fiona Stone, Joan Summers
PLANNED GIVING: 28th Dec TEAM D meets in low at 6.45pm
COUNTING TEAM: 29th Dec TEAM D meets in lower parish rooms at 9.30am
READERS: 3rd/4th January - 6.30pm Margaret Maloney
9.45am 1st Reading Lesley Pippet,
2 Reading Harriet Mackie
7.00pm Chris Hannington
READINGS: 3rd/4th January - First Reading Isaiah 60:1-6
Gospel- Matthew 2:1-12
2nd Reading - Ephesians 3:2-3.5-6
EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: 3rd/4th January - 6.30pm (Sat) Catherine Sexton, Claire Carballo, David
Fleming, 9.45am Sheila Clerkin, Sheila Doyle, Sue Hannigton. Sr Ann Heaney, Sr Ann O’Sullivan
11.15am Helen Bligh, Jenny Coleman, Katherine Quinn, Kathleen McGrath, Kayte Brimacombe 7.00pm Kathy
McHale, Margaret Maloney, Mary Maloney
PLANNED GIVING: 05th Jan TEAM A meets in lower parish rooms at 9.30am