455U-D 805U-D 905U-D 380 - 512 MHz 869MHz (Fixed Frequency) 915MHz (Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum) 10mW - 5W 5mW - 500mW 1W Radio TransparentModems data communication 455U Module types DC- ELPRO Technologies Radio Modems ELPRO Technologies Industriel 1,2 to 19,2 kbaud 19,2 to 76,8 kbaud 19,2 to 230 kbaud Data modem, full functionality Data modem compatible with ELPRO 405U with the possibility of upgrading retrospectively to full 455U-D functionality Data modem, Bell 202 or V23 messaging External modem, 600 ohm audio input Modems transfer data without conditioning it, e.g. pass data transparently via the BAELPRO Technologies RS232 serial connection. This could be any form of data, including PLC programs, Transparent data communication designs and manufactures Radio Modems Modems audio and video information, logged data or signals to open a valve. Some units offer Industrial Wireless products Ethernet Radio transfer data without conditioning it, e.g. pass Modems data transparently via the that provide secure, Transparent data communication remote communication and configuration. Transparent Ethernet communication reliable solutions for your RS232 serial connection. This could beModems anytransfer form of data, including PLC programs, Transparent data kommunikation data without conditioning it.ELPRO next project. Modems transfer data without conditioning it, e.g. pass data transparently via the Ethernet radio units are transparent to Ethernet data. audio and video information, logged data or signals to open a valve. Some units offer Modems overføre data uden påvirkning, det vil sige, at sende data transparent The reasons for selecting Design Features include: RS232 serial connection. This could be any formELPRO of aredata, including PLC programs, clear: remoteDette communication and configuration. Licensed andseriel license-free radio channels, via en RS232 forbindelse. kunne være enhver form for data, inklusiv Access Point or Client/Station Bridge or Router 25 years of industrial audio and video information, logged data or signals to open a valve. Some units offer PLC programmer, audio og video informationer, loggede data eller signaler til Serial Server capability wireless experience 455U-D 380 - 512 MHz 10mW 1,2 to 19,2 kbaud WDS Meshvia5W AP-AP repeatability Får du dine netværksløsninger, I/O moduler og at åbne en ventil. Nogle enheder tilbyder remote kommunikation og konfi guration. remote communication and configuration. On board digital I/O point available Consistent, innovative Simultaneous use of RJ45, RS232 805U-D and 869MHz (Fixed Frequency) 5mW - 500mW 19,2 to 76,8 kbaud Licensed license-free radio channels, product design and RS485 ports punkt-til-punkt koblinger fra forskellige leverandører? 905U-D 380 915MHz (Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum) 19,2 Industrial Specifications and By1W design ELPRO’s Ethernet modems are inherently flexible. Every to 230 kbaud 455U-D - 512 MHz 10mW - 5W 1,2 to 19,2 kbaud ETHERNET RS485 ETHERNET RS232 RS485 RS232 secure AES encryption BRIDGE ETHERNET LAN RS485 Access Point / Client Bridge / Router all in the same unit Licens afhængige og licens-frie radio kanaler ROUTER Licensed and license-free radio channels, ETHERNET module can act as a Router/Bridge for AP/Client mode. Extend reach via AP to AP connectivity in ELPRO 240U-E. Incorporate ELPRO 115S serially for I/O expansion. Simultaneously connect 10/100 Ethernet, RS232 and RS485 devices via on board ports. ELPR Reliable Industrial Wireless trådløs kommunikation Reliable Industrial Wireless Relia LAN high security 805U-D Frequency) 5mW- -5W 500mW 19,2 to 76,8 kbaud A complete wireless offering... 455U-D869MHz 380 (Fixed - 512 MHz 10mW 1,2 to455U-D 19,2 kbaud 380 - 512 MHz 10mW - 5W 1,2 to 19,2 kbaud • Smart Gateways 455U Module types 905U-D 915MHz (Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum) 1W 19,2 to 230 kbaud Security features include: 805U-D 869MHz (Fixed Frequency) 5mW 500mW 19,2 to 76,8 kbaud • Wireless I/O 805U-D 869MHz (Fixed Frequency) 5mW 500mW 19,2 to 76,8 kbaud Firewall protection via filtering of MAC and/or IP addresses • Serial Modems D- 905U-D Data modem, functionality WPA-PSK (AES) standard Encryption 915MHzfull (Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum) 1W 19,2 to to230 kbaudIP • Ethernet Modems 905U-D 915MHz (Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum) 1W 19,2 to 230 kbaud Types C- Module Data modem of2.4GHz, upgrading retrospectively to full 455U typescompatible with ELPRO 405U with the possibility 240U-E 100mW or 300mW 805U-E 870MHz 455U-D functionality 905U-E 906MHz Module types D- 455U Data modem, full functionality us 455U Module types BData modem, Bell 202 or V23 messaging odb C- D Data modem fuld compatible with ELPRO 405U with the possibility of upgrading retrospectively to full Data modem, funktionalitet M AExternal modem, 600 ohm audio input Contact us now to receive your free Industrial DData modem, full functionality functionality C 455U-D Data modem kompatibel med ELPRO 405U med mulighed for opgradering. Wireless Handbook: [email protected] CDataA member modem of The MTLcompatible Instruments Group plc with ELPRO 405U with the possibility of upgrading retrospectively to full BData 202 or V23 messaging til fuldmodem, 455U-D Bell funktionalitet 455U-D functionality THINK WIRELESS . . . T H I NETHERNET K E LPRO THINK WIRELESS...THINK ELPRO RS485 A- B External modem, 600eller ohmV23 audio input Data modem, Bell 202 meddelelser BData modem, Bell 202 or V23 messaging WORLDWIDE OFFICE LOCATIONS: A External modem, 600 ohm audio input USA/Canada United Kingdom Australia AExternal modem, 600 ohm audio input Ph: 619 741 3574 Ph: 44 1295 724270 Ph: 61 7 3352 4533 WDS AP - Mesh Network Ser iel Profib I/O RS485 RS232 ETHERNET ETHERNET RS232 RS485 encryption BRIDGE LAN RS232 Design Features include: et ETHERNET LAN Et he rn Access Point / Client Bridge / Router all in the same unit s ETHERNET Pr ofi bu Access Point or Client/Station RS485 LAN Bridge or Router Serial Server capability ROUTER RS485 WDS Mesh via AP-AP repeatability Access Point / Client Bridge / Router On board digital I/O point available ETHERNET LAN all in the same unit ROUTER Simultaneous use of RJ45, RS232 andLANRS485 ports ETHERNET secure AES encryption BRIDGE Access Point / Client Bridge / Router all in the same unit Ethernet & serial device server WDS AP - Mesh Network Firewall protection via filtering of MAC and/or IP addresses RS485 BRIDGE Encryption to WPA-PSK (AES) standard bu Security features include: Firewall ETHERNET ETHERNET Types Ethernet & serial ETHERNET device server 240U-E 805U-E ETHERNET 905U-E BRIDGE LAN LAN RS485 2.4GHz, 100mW or 300mW 870MHz 906MHz THINK WIRELES E• 2The L7 9P R L u nS d e a. g.e r. 2T 4A•H P oIs tN boK k s 4 2of 1 D r a gO ø r Instruments • t e l e f o n 7 0 2 0 4Group 840 member MTL plc f a x 7 0 2 0 4 8 4 7 • s a l g @ g r e e n m a t i c . d k • w w w. g r e e n m a t i c . d k UK USA Bloxham Mill, Barford Road, 7364 El Cajon Boulevard, Suite 201, Bloxham, Banbury, OX15 4FF, UK San Diego, CA, 92115, USA THINK WIRELESS...THINK ELPRO LAN s IP / MAC filtering ETHERNET RS485 ROUTER WDS AP - Mesh Network By design ELPRO’s Ethernet modems are inherently flexible. Every module can act as a Router/Bridge for AP/Client mode. Extend reach WDS AP - Mesh via AP to AP connectivity in ELPRO 240U-E. Incorporate ELPRO Network IP / MAC filtering 115S serially for I/O expansion. Simultaneously connect 10/100 Firewall Ethernet, RS232 and RS485 devices via on board ports. l RS232 Modems transfer data without conditioning it.ELPRO Ethernet radio units are transparent to Ethernet data. secure AES N et secure AES encryption BRIDGE rie Transparent Ethernet communication ETHERNET Ethernet & serial device server BRIDGE IP / MAC filtering Firewall ce RS485 GreenMatic kan sammenkoble det hele med enkle og fleksible moduler Se RS232 RS232 De vi RS485 ETHERNET A member of The MTL Instruments Group plc Australia 9/12 Billabong St, Stafford, Qld, 4053, Australia ETHERNET ELPRO Technologies designs and manufactu ELPRO Technologies Industrial Wireless pro designs and that providemanufactur secure, Industrial Wireless produ reliable solutions for yo that provide secure, next project. reliable solutions for you The reasons for selec next project. ELPRO are clear: The reasons for selecti 25 years of industrial ELPRO are clear: wireless experience 25 years of industrial Consistent, innovative wireless experience product design Consistent, innovative Industrial Specification product design high security Industrial Specifications A complete wireless of high security • Smart Gateways A complete wireless offe • Wireless I/O • Smart Gateways • Serial Modems • Wireless I/O • Ethernet Modems • Serial Modems • Ethernet Modems RS485 Contact us now to receive your free Industrial bro_overview_europe_1.2 870MHz 2.4GHz, 100mW or 300mW 906MHz 2,4GHz, 400mW 5GHz, 400mW 870MHz 906MHz Ethernet Radio Modems ETHERNET od fordeleviainkludere: Firewall protection filtering of MAC and/or IP addresses Sikkerheds Types Firewall beskyttelse via filtrering af MAC og/eller IP adresser to WPA-PSK (AES) standard ✓ Encryption 240U-E 2.4GHz, 100mW or 300mW ✓ Kryptering til WPA-PSK (AES) standard 805U-E 870MHz Types 905U-E 906MHz Types 2.4GHz, 240U-E 100mW or 300mW v De RS485 M AP toELPRO’s APdesign connectivity in ELPRO Incorporate ELPRO ELPRO’s af Ethernet modems240U-E. er individuelfl eksibel. Byvia design Ethernet modems are inherently flexible. Every 115S serially I/O expansion. connect 10/100 Hvert fungere aom Simultaneously enfor Router/Bridge for AP/Client mode. module canmodul actfor askan a Router/Bridge AP/Client mode. Extend reach Ethernet, and RS485 via onIncorporate board ports. rækkevidde via AP devices til AP 240U-E. forbindelse til ELPRO 240U-E. via APUdvidet to APRS232 connectivity in ELPRO ELPRO Indarbejde 115S for I/O udvidelse. 115S serially forELPRO I/O expansion. Security features include: Simultaneously connect 10/100 Samtidig forbindelse til10/100 Ethernet, Ethernet, RS232 and RS485 devices via onRS232 boardog ports. Firewall protection via filtering of MAC and/or IP addresses RS485 enheder via on board porte. Security include: Encryption to WPA-PSK (AES) standard features ETHERNET et N ice USA 7364 El Cajon Boulevard, Suite 201, San Diego, CA, 92115, USA Tel: 619 741 3574 Fax: 619 303 9347 24 Hour Support 866 713 4409 I/O Modems transfer data without conditioning it.ELPRO Transparent kommunikation Ethernet radio Ethernet unitsEthernet are transparent to Ethernet data. Transparent communication Modems overføre data udenconditioning påvirkning. ELPRO Modems data without it.ELPRO Designtransfer Features include: Ethernet radio enheder er transparent for Ethernet Ethernet radio units are transparent to Ethernet data.data. Access Point or Client/Station Design Features Design Bridge orinclude: Router fordele, der er inkluderet: Serial Server capability Access Point eller ✓ Access Point or Client/Station Client/Station WDSeller Mesh via AP-AP repeatability Bridge Router ✓ Bridge or Router On board digital I/O point available Serial Server egenskaber ✓ Serial Server capability Simultaneous use of repeatability RJ45, RS232 WDS Mesh AP-AP gentagelse ✓ WDS Meshviavia AP-AP and RS485 ports On board point til rådighed ✓ On boarddigital digitalI/O I/O point available ✓ Samtidig brug af RJ45, RS232 design Simultaneous use of RJ45, RS232 By ELPRO’s Ethernet modems are inherently flexible. Every og RS485 porte and RS485 ports module can act as a Router/Bridge for AP/Client mode. Extend reach 805U-E 240U-E 905U-E 245U 245U 805U-E 905U-E UK Bloxham Mill, Barford Road, Bloxham, Banbury, OX15 4FF, UK Tel: +44 1295 724270 Fax: +44 1295 724271 24 Hour Support +61 7 3352 5276 Australia 9/12 Billabong St, Stafford, Qld, 4053, Australia Tel: +61 7 3352 4533 Fax: +61 7 3352 4577 24 Hour Support +61 7 3352 5276 bro_overview_europe_1.2 bro_overview_europe_1.2 Ethernet Radio Modems Ethernet Radio Modems Transparent communication Ethernet Ethernet Radio Modems LAN et ETHERNET RS485 Et he rn BRIDGE bro_overview_europe_1.2 ETHERNET Ethernet & serial device server us IP / MAC filtering Firewall ETHERNET LAN Wireless Handbook: [email protected] Contact us now to receive your free Industrial Wireless Handbook: [email protected] THINK WIRELESS...THINK ELPRO – har løsningen A member of The MTL Instruments Group plc T H I N K WORLDWIDE W I R E L E SOFFICE S . . . T LOCATIONS: HINK ELPRO sold in over 50 countries, IP66, the 505U is typically applied to small I/O applications where remote and/or difficulties in accessing power are constraints. number of industries. Industriel Trådløs Kommunikation Simple (uni-directional) radios - 105U-L Telemetri moduler (Input/Output) Again smaller I/O count transmit only devices, the 105U-L (T - transmit and R - receive) come pre-configured but are readily incorporated into a wider ELPRO wireless network. Elpros Multi I/O Transceiver produkt – 105U ✓ Inputs/Outputs også kendt som radio telemetri, forbindes direkte til transducer DIN rail mounted, the 105U-L can also power 24VDC loop powered devices and is a cost og kontrol signaler og sender signal værdier via radio. Signalerne er enten gendannet ELPRO 105U Fixed Frekvens og 905U Frekvens to hard wired installations. som tilsvarende signaler effective eller outputalternative som en data forbindelse - Ethernet, Profi bus, Hopping Spread Spectrum radio modtager tilbyder Modbus etc. multi I/O kanneler med to-vejs kommunikation. Serial Telemetry ✓ Trådløs Gateway produkter skaber trådløs forbindelse(115S) mellem data-buser; ✓ Forbindelse mellem enheder, derunits burgerare den same databus eller mellem 115S made exclusively as forskellige serial I/O expansion modules Fire andforskellige are capable of af105U og 905U er tilgængelige, versioner databuser; Ethernet til Profi bus til DeviceNet etc. afhængige det mix I/O, der kræves(se I/O tabel). communicating via Modbus RTU or ELPRO protocol, as required.kun These unitsafcan alsoafbe Gas ✓ Seriel radio modems transmittere seriel data via radio, ved at bruge en trådløs link Inputs på et modul kan overføres som outputs til et andet Analyser used with other types of modem, e.g. fibre-optic or GSM modules. mellem intelligent enheder. Modems kan kommunikere i enten en broadcast eller modul. I/O udvidelsesenheden, 115S modulet, som ikke Metering “dial up/point to point” mode. har en integreret radio, kan kobles direkte til en 105U eller Easy Configuration ✓ Ethernet radio modems skaber transparent Ethernet kommunikation med seriel en 905U via en RS485 port. Op til 31 enheder kan kobles Alarms Configuration software supplied with - Low power, Transmit server kapacitet og onboard digital I/O. sammen på denne505U måde over enisafstand på 2 km. eachOnly Products PLC wireless unit. “Inputs” on are re-created xedunits frequency ultra low power consumption modules have a smaller Disse kanon forsynes AC eller og as enheder “outputs” otherfraunits or DC as forsyning I/O registers ses; connectivity between ELPRO tilbyder en manufactures række løsninger for et stort ELPRO Technologies wireless products for antal industrier: . levere en reguleret 24VDC for forsyning af analoge kredsløb. in the ELPRO interface units, the Gateway Gauges to Profibus to DeviceNet etc. ✓ Process Industrier ✓ Petrokemisk instrumentation, process control and factory automation applications. Enhede har også en intern batteri lader anvendelig foropmodules. Individual inputs can be transferred ✓ Fabriksautomation ✓ Vand og forsyning Plant Control ladelige batterier og kan blive brugt med solar paneler. to outputs on different modules and each k between intelligent devices. ✓ Mine industriare found in every industry ✓ Lagerautomation Our products as an alternative to signal ✓ Transport (vej, tog & fly) products are ✓ sold Bygningsovervågning and data wiring. ELPRO’s in over 50 countries, input-can sentkun to multiple outputs. There ode. 505U lav be energi sende moduler across all continents. is the option of password protection on 505U moduler med fixed frekvens, ultra lav effektforbrug har en mindre I/O h serial server capability and configuration files for added security. Wireless GatewayELPRO offers a range of solutions for a number of industries. input kapacitet for transmission til andre ELPRO I/O og/eller Gateway moduler. Enheden går i sleep mode mellem målinger alene for at spare energi. liable Industrial Wireless 105U-1 er 25 years105U-G and offers 105U-2 105U-3 105U-4 105L-T RADIO PORT 105L-R 505U 115S-11 115S-12 115S-13 115S-14 Radio Port Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Enheden kan også forsynes fra et batteri for forøgede perioder og kan forsyne en analog DATA BUS 105U-G Fast Frekvens produkt interface mellem et trådløst loop Yenhed - se modulYspecifikationers. Kan af moduler i et netværk Y Y Y Y Y omfatte tusindvis Y Industrieson call 24 hours Petrochemical Serial Port ncess engineers PROFIBUS I/O netværk og eksterne databuser som Ethernet, Profi bus, og er indbygget I en NEMA 4 indpakning for IP66, 505U er typisk for mindre I/O apDATA I/O RADIO ETHERNET Digital Inputs 4 4 0 4-16 2 0 2 up to 16 up to 8 up to 8 up to 8 tory Automation Water and Utilities DF1, Modbus +, DeviceNet, etc.Disse produkter skaffer INTERFACE DATABASE MODBUS INTERFACE plikationer hvor remote og/eller vanskeligheder for at få forsyning frem. Digital Outputs DF1 4 1 8 4-16 0 3 0 up to 16 up to 8 up to 8 up to 8 505U - Low power, Transmit Only Products ing Warehouse Automation trådløse forbindelser mellem forskellige high-speed databuser DEVICENET xed frequency ultra low power consumption modules have a smaller MODBUS+ dnsport from(road, the website. Inputs 2 6 0 0 1 0 1 0 4 “floating / 8 commoned 0 0 i rail et enkelt har Analog 8 digitale & air)netværk. Den trådløse Gateway Buildingenhed Management ELPRO Technologies manufactures wireless products for Overview of module I/O on-board. Og kan forsynes fra en AC eller DC forsyning Enkel - 105U-L Analog Outputs 2 0 ELPRO Gateway 8 0 0 1 0 0 (envejs) radioer 0 8 sink/source 4 isolated instrumentation, process control and factory automation applications. igennem en intern batteri lader bands conforming to local 105U-L (T - transmit and Pulse Inputs 1 4 0 4 2 0 2 4 en lille I/O enhed 0 0 R - receive), 0 som leveres pre konfigureret er Inputs/Outputs also known as radio telemetry, connect directly to Our products are found in every industry as an alternative to signal også klar til at indgå i et større ELPRO trådløs netværk. ELPRO’s0products are sold Pulse Outputs Direct 1 0 4 4 0 and data wiring. 0 8 in over 50 countries, 8 8 8 transducer and control signals and transmit the signal values by radio. I/O across all continents. Types DIN skinne montering,105U-L kan også forsynes med 24VDC loop forsynet enhed og er The signals are either re-created as similar signals or output as a data til fast fortrådet installationer. ELPRO offers a range of solutionset for effektivt a number of alternativ industries. 105U-G-MD1 Modbus RTU Master/Slave or DF1 connection - Ethernet, Profibus, Modbus etc. ELPRO Module I/O Count Table 105U-G-PR1 Profibus dp Slave Note: Pulse and digital I/O are same connection. 905U/105U-4 has 4 fixed inputs and 4 fixed outputs and a further 12 which may be configured as input or output Wireless Gateway products Profi provide wireless data-buses; 105U-G-PR2 bus dp Masterconnectivity between combinations. With 115Sconnectivity units,when a between channel is used as an output, itis Petrochemical not available as an input. Process Industries Seriel telemetri (115S) devices using the same data-bus or between different data-buses; Ethernet to Profibus toFactory DeviceNet etc. 105U-G-ET1 Ethernet IP/Modbus TCP/HTTP-FTP-SMTP Automation Water and Utilities Mining Warehouse Automation 115S enheder er alene produceret som seriel I/O udvidelses moduler og er funktionsDeviceNet Slave USerial radio105U-G-DE1 modems transmit serial data via radio, providing a wireless link between intelligent devices. Transport (road, rail & air) Building Management færdig med kommunikation via Modbus RTU eller ELPRO protokol. Disse enheder 105U-G-M+1 Modbus + RADIO Hoppingcan Spread Spectrum Modems communicate in either a broadcast or ‘dial up/point to point’ mode. kan også anvendes med andre typer modems, f. eks. fi ber-optic eller GSM moduler. PORT 60 D1 G SM / connect GPRSdirectly SER 605M ELPRO as-radio telemetry, toIAL MODEM • Inputs/Outputs also known way communication. Four transducer and control6signals 05M-and R1transmit GPRthe S signal ROUvalues TERby radio. DATA BUS Technologies Ethernet radio modems provide transparent Ethernet communications with serial server capability and The signals are either re-created as similar signals or output as a data 105U-G A member of the MTL Instrument Group Enkel konfiguration onboard digital I/O. PROFIBUS connection - Ethernet, Profibus, Modbus etc. 105U-1 105U-2 105U-3 105L-T 105L-R 505U 115S-11 115S-12 115S-13 115S-14 DATA 105U-4 I/O RADIO ETHERNET dustrialbetween -strength cellKonfi ulargurationsoftware The 105U-G Fixed Frequency productsIninterface connectivity between er udviklet • Wireless Gateway products provide wireless connectivity between data-buses; INTERFACE DATABASE MODBUS INTERFACE Radio Port Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Technologies has been a manufacturer of industrial for I/O overnetwork 25 years and anddevices offers using thedata-buses same to Profibus DeviceNet etc. til hver enkeltotrådløs modult. “Inputs” ddata-bus ata norebetween tsuch wodifferent rkas s data-buses; Ethernet aproducts wireless external Industriel styrke i celle data wireless netværk DF1 Serial Port Y Y Y Y“outputs” Y Y Y Y nce in the support of local and global solutions through its team of application engineers on hours på enheden konfi gureres som Serial24 radio modems transmit serial data via radio, providing a wireless link between intelligent devices. • call Ethernet, Profibus, DF1, Modbus +, DeviceNet, etc. Theseup/point to point’ mode.DEVICENET Modems can communicate in either a broadcast or ‘dial Digital Inputs på andre 4MODBUS+ 4 0 4-16 2 0 2 up to 16 up to 8 up to 8 up to 8 orking day. ELPRO 605M-D1 er en multi-band GSM/GPRS seriel data enheder eller som I/O registre The ELPRO 605M-D1 is a quad-band GSM/GPRS serial data modem products also provide wireless connectivity between different for applications requiring industrial-strength performance. provide transparent Ethernet communications with serial server capability and • Ethernet radio modems Digital Outputs 4 1 8 4-16 0 3 0 up to 16 up to 8 up to 8 up to 8 i ELPRO interface enheder, GatewayGateway module modem for applikationer, der kræver en industriel-stærk Overview of ELPRO digitalnetwork. I/O. high-speed data-buses in aonboard single RO software, application notes, brochures and manuals are free to download from the website. Analogmode, Inputs with 2 device 6 0 0 1 0 1 0 4 “floating / 8 commoned 0 0 The 605M-D1 can operate in stand-alone the host moduler. Individuelle inputs kan Metering ydelse. 605M-D1 kan fungere alene i stand-alone mode, controlling dial-up communications or GPRS connections AT ELPRO Technologies has been a manufacturer of industrial wireless products overvia and Analog Outputsfor 225 years 0 offers på 8 forskellige 0 0 1 0 0 0 8 sink/source 4 isolated overføres til outputs commands. med en host enhed, der kontrollere dial-up kommunikationen experience in the support of local and global solutions through its team of application engineers on call 24 hours Theunlicensed Wirelessbands Gateway units to have I/O on-board Pulse Inputs moduler perience spanning the globe, we offer solutions for licensed and conforming local8 digital 1 4 0 kan sendes 4 2 0 2 4 0 0 0 every working day. og hvert input eller GPRS forbindelser via AT kommandoer. Direct ons in all parts of the world. and can be powered from an AC or DC supply through an Pulse Outputs til flere 1 0 Der er 4 et password 4 0 0 0 8 8 8 8 Alarms I/O All ELPRO software, application notes, brochures and manuals are free to download fromoutputs. the website. internal battery 605M-D1 charger. beskyttelse for konfi gurationsfi ler Modem WithGSM experience spanning the globe, we offer solutions605M-R1 for licensed and unlicensed bands conforming to local • Quad-band 850/900/1800/1900 ELPRO Module I/O Count Table som ekstra sikkerhed. ROUTER in all parts the world. • Supportsregulations the GSM standard AT of command Reliable Industrial Wireless . uts/Outputs) Wireless Gateways Telemetry Modules (Inputs/Outputs) Types 105U-G-MD1 ELPRO Multi-I/O Transceiver Products - 105U Gauges 105U-G-PR1 • • • set Embedded TCP/IP stack supports PPP,UDP,FTP & email clients Built in terminal functionality Embedded Python interpreter 105U-2 105U-3 105U-4 105L-T 105L-R 505U Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 115S-11 115S-12 115S-13 Y Y Y Y 2 0 2 up to 16 up to 8 up to 8 up to 8 up to 8 Serial Port Y Y Y Y 4 4 0 4-16 Digital Outputs 4 1 8 4-16 0 3 0 up to 16 up to 8 up to 8 Analog Inputs 2 6 0 0 1 0 1 0 4 “floating / 8 commoned 0 0 Analog Outputs 2 0 8 0 0 1 0 0 0 8 sink/source 4 isolated Pulse Inputs 1 4 0 4 2 0 2 4 0 0 0 Pulse Outputs 1 0 4 4 0 0 0 8 8 8 8 Note: Pulse and digital I/O are same connection. 905U/105U-4 has 4 fixed inputs and 4 fixed outputs and a further 12 which may be configured as input or output combinations. With 115S units, when a channel is used as an output, it is not available as an input. Wireless Gateways MODEM 115S-14 Digital Inputs Note: Pulse and digital I/O are same connection. 905U/105U-4 has 4 fixed inputs and 4 fixed outputs and a further 12 which may be configured as input or output combinations. With 115S units, when a channel is used as an output, it is not available as an input. ELPRO Module I/O Count Table Telemetry Modbus RTU Master/Slave or DF1 Modules (Inputs/Outputs) INTERNET 605M-D1 Profibus dp Slave ELPRO Multi-I/O Transceiver Products - 105U LAN 105U-1 Radio Port RADIO
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