Midwifery Supplementary Application Form Instructions: Please read these instructions carefully before completing this form and submitting your material. Please print clearly. Sign and date the form. Please include your complete name, Ryerson or OUAC Student Number, program choice, signature, and date in all material submitted. Please complete and submit the cover sheet along with the Midwifery Supplementary Application Form, your academic transcripts, and your Personal Letter to: Attn: Midwifery Admissions Committee Undergraduate Admissions and Recruitment Ryerson University 350 Victoria Street Toronto, Ontario, M5B 2K3 It is necessary to submit these documents by the February 1st deadline date. Each of these documents are essential in the review of your application. If we do not receive them by the deadline date, we will assume that you are no longer interested in pursuing the application process. There is no guarantee that documents submitted beyond the deadline date will be reviewed. It is your responsibility to meet all deadline and comply with all Ryerson University admission policies and procedures, including those outlined in the Applicants’ Acknowledgement, the current Ryerson Undergraduate Calendar, Ryerson publications and the Ryerson website, as well as the terms and conditions of any Offer of Admission. You may also review significant applicant communications and updates at the Ryerson Undergraduate Admissions After I Have Applied website. To avoid missing key and date-sensitive information, it is imperative that changes to your application (e.g., program choice) or personal information (e.g., e-mail/postal address/telephone number) are made as soon as possible. In order to make changes to your application, log on to the OUAC Review and Change Your Completed Application section at the Current Ontario Secondary School Students (OUAC 101) website, or the All Other Undergraduate Applicants (OUAC 105) website, as applicable, or by fax at (519) 823-5232. It is each applicant’s responsibility to track the status of an application for admission via the Choose>Ryerson portal. Ryerson does not rely on surface mail. We use the Choose>Ryerson portal as our primary method to communicate with applicants. The Choose>Ryerson portal indicates the status of an application in the My Application Status section and includes letters from Ryerson in the My Documents section. Each applicant should bookmark the Choose>Ryerson website and check their Choose>Ryerson portal often. Midwifery Supplementary Application Form SECTION 1 - PERSONAL INFORMATION 2015- OUAC NUMBER 9-DIGIT RYERSON NUMBER PREFERRED TELEPHONE NUMBER WITH AREA CODE EMAIL ADDRESS There is special admission consideration for Aboriginal applicants. If you would like to identify yourself in this category, please check the following box: Aboriginal SECTION 2 - COURSES REQUIRED FOR ADMISSION To be considered for admission, you must have achieved a grade of at least 70% (B-) in the courses indicated (this includes interim results). All courses required for admission consideration must be complete by no later than June 30th. Please complete the chart below as applicable: Grade 12 U/M (or Equivalent) Institution Final Grade/Interim Grade Year Completed Expected Date of Completion (if Course is in Progress) English Biology/Chemistry Social Science/ Humanities SECTION 3 - OFFICIALLY CERTIFIED ACADEMIC TRANSCRIPTS Ryerson will not send you reminders or requests for officially certified academic transcripts or other documents. This section reminds you about supporting documents that are required. Please complete the areas and/or check off the items that are appropriate to your background. It is your responsibility to arrange the submission of your officially certified academic transcripts including your promotion/graduation status of all secondary school and post-secondary school studies. Your application will be cancelled if these documents are not received. Please select applicable options: Type of Transcript Enclosed On File Not Applicable Will be forwarded Please enter approximate date Already Forwarded Please enter approximate date Secondary School Interim Transcripts Secondary School Final Transcripts Post-Secondary Interim Transcripts Post-Secondary Final Transcripts New document submission policy for Fall 2015, please visit the Undergraduate Admissions Apply website for details. Midwifery Admissions Committee UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSIONS AND RECRUITMENT 350 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5B 2K3 To learn about Ryerson's protection of personal information visit www.ryerson.ca/privacy Midwifery Supplementary Application Form 2015- 9-DIGIT RYERSON NUMBER OUAC NUMBER SECTION 4 - ACADEMIC HISTORY Name of Institution Year(s) Attended Degree/Diploma/ Other (e.g. BA, BSc) Subject Area (e.g. Psychology) Graduation Date (if applicable) APPLICANT AGREEMENT By clicking “I Agree” below, I hereby certify that all statements are correct and complete. I understand that any misrepresentation of this information may result in the cancellation of my application, admission or registration status at the University at any time. I AGREE Midwifery Admissions Committee UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSIONS AND RECRUITMENT 350 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5B 2K3 Date (dd/mm/yy) To learn about Ryerson's protection of personal information visit www.ryerson.ca/privacy
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