October 2014 THROUGH THE SPYGLASS From the Commodore

October 2014
Essex Yacht Club
13 Novelty Lane
Essex, Connecticut 
 -
Fax  -
[email protected]
Willets Memorial Race
Saturday, October 4
Fall Frosbite Begins
Sunday, October 5
Ladies Night
Thursday, October 9
6:00pm Cocktails & Dinner
Sunset Seafood Fest
Friday, October 17
Hallowine Tasting Party
Friday, October 31
Commodore’s Ball
November 8
Men’s Night
November 20
From the Commodore
This is my third to last article for our world class
newsletter. Or to put it another way, my twenty
second article of twenty four…but who’s counting? After 22 articles I feel like Elizabeth Taylor’s
8th husband on their wedding night. “I know
what to do but I am not sure how to keep it interesting for you”. So… this month I thought
I would try something different and share some
random thoughts about “goings on” at the club.
One guess as to the lead topic. Of course, it’s
about “Sailing” at EYC. I have a reputation to
Commodore Frank Flores, Jr.
uphold, you know? This past month the regatta
committee organized the Loubenvar/Thundermug race weekend. They used the
pursuit race format for Saturday’s race. Boats start in succession with the slowest
boats starting first so that in theory everyone will finish at the same time. The
Loubenvar race was one of the quickest and one of the most memorable that I can
remember. Winds were 15-18 knots with a favorable current. Checkmate was
sailed by four of our women sailors. They were the second to last to start, eventually pulled ahead, and were first around the last turning mark. Notice I said
second to last to start as the last boat to start was Blue Steel, a 32 foot trimaran.
The ladies sailed to within a half mile of the finish moving 9 knots over ground.
Not enough. The trimaran sailed past them doing 18 knots. It was thrilling to
watch the big black sail grow closer and closer and then finally overtake us. Next
year, I propose they start two hours after everyone else instead of an hour and a
half. Next year, I encourage you to participate; it is one of our best race events
of the season.
While we are on the subject of racing, frost bite racing starts this week. Contact the Regatta Committee if you would like to participate as there may still
be time to sign up for an Ideal 18. Our Club was founded in May of 1933 as a
direct result of the initial frostbite regatta held on the Essex waterfront in March
of 1933. After 80 plus years, frostbite racing continues to thrive here, and I know
our founders would be thrilled. I encourage you to participate and discover one
of the most enduring and fun aspects of membership.
I must be having some success at Keeping Sailing Relevant at EYC. Sweet
Freedom has informed me they have drunk the Kool-Aid and put a sail on their
35 foot power boat. That’s not quite what I meant guys.
I was thrilled to have two proposed junior members at
our most recent meet and greet. These young people know
boats and are good sailors. Another proposed junior member is in the process and I am happy to report that this year
we will have brought in more junior members in one year
than I can ever remember. Young members are great for the
Club in so many ways. They provide energy and enthusiasm. They can also be a resource to help crew locally and
Sweet Freedom
Through the Spyglass continued on page 2
Through the Spyglass continued
Dining Room Hours
Lunch Daily
11:30 am–2:30 pm
Wednesday Pub Night
5:00–9:00 pm
Friday Night Dining
5:00–9:00 pm
Saturday Pizza Plus & More
5:00–9:00 pm
Slider Sunday
4:00–7:00 pm
offshore. Financially, it is easy to do and is a painless path to full membership. Junior membership begins the process of binding young yachtsmen
and women to our Club and our community. I believe this will help solidify
our Club’s continued existence for years to come.
The Entertainment Committee, working hand in hand with Chef Michael
and our Club Manager Bob are planning the fall social calendar of our Club.
Opportunities to swap sea stories and discuss the past years adventures will
abound. I eagerly await the Seafood Feast and the costumed Wine Tasting in
October. Please join us for great food, libations, and loads of fun.
Lastly, I share a quick story before I close. On a recent launch ride, I met
a visiting yachts woman who overflowed with enthusiasm about her stay at
EYC. It seems she has cruised the world over and has found nothing that
is better than what we provide. If you think she spoke of our great food or
great staff you would be wrong. Instead think, “Head”. Seems the heads in
the launch building are world class. The size, design, color scheme and décor
are apparently the best. “I have never visited a yacht club with such wonderful and comfortable bathrooms. It’s a pleasure to use them”. So I guess it’s
now official. EYC does everything well, and I mean everything!
Members Return
I am so happy to announce that Jay and Joni Lyn Malcynsky were just reinstated to EYC at the last Board of Governors Meeting. Joni helped decorate
EYC for Christmas last year and did a superb job. Please welcome them
As an FYI, EYC Membership is approaching our maximum membership.
We do have several prospective members in the process of becoming members.
This does not mean to stop proposing new members as there is always a drop
in membership at the beginning of the year. So “keep on keeping on”, as
they said in the 60’s. Also, Jr. class, Jr. Corinthian class and Sr. Corinthian
members are not included in our Regular Resident Membership so you can
bring in as many members in these classes as you wish. It is a healthy sign
in any club to have young members, as well as our experienced members
(notice, I did not say old).
We continue to expand our list of reciprocal clubs. If you know of clubs that
would be interested in sharing reciprocity with us within the US and even in
Europe, please let us know. Hans Ullstein has created an introductory letter
that describes our club and the village of Essex that he will mail to the suggested new clubs.
On Going Projects:
Lawn: In the last newsletter we talked about developing a plan to grow
a healthier, greener lawn. We are in the process of exploring outside lawn
services and will make a decision on a plan that we can move forward with
House Committee continued on page 3
House continued
In Memoriam
Mr. Lee A. Duran passed
away last month. The
Essex Yacht Club Board
of Governors extends our
deepest sympathy and
support to his wife, Judith,
and their family.
to take advantage of fall being the optimum time to start establishing a
healthier, greener lawn.
Security: Two new cameras have been added to the network that covers
the harbor area and one additional camera will be added to cover the side
facing the Essex Corinthian Yacht Club. The entrance columns and signage
that clearly define our property will soon be in place and will hopefully keep
out trespassers.
Seasons: Some of the most beautiful days on the river are here and as the
leaves begin to change color Chef Michael has already begun to develop new
fall menus.
With a busy season of parties coming up please contact Club Manager
Bob Forbes with any special requests.
Comments/ Questions/Suggestions:
It may be hard to believe but I’m still in the discovery stage of this new
position. The only way we can affect change is by your constructive input.
Suggestions may be emailed or placed in my club mailbox.
Fall Fun
Ladies, please sign up for Ladies night to be held on Thursday, October
9th. See attached flyer and menu. This is a wonderful opportunity to eat,
drink and catch up with the wonderful women of EYC.
Back by popular demand is the Sunset Seafood Fest! This year our
evening of fruits de mer will be on Friday, October 17th at 5:30pm. See
enclosed flyer for details and please sign up early!
On October 31st EYC will celebrate Halloween in style with a HalloWine
tasting party! Start planning your costumes now! See attached flyer for
The Commodores Ball this year will be held on November 8, 2014. This
will be a wonderful evening with music by Freeplay. NOTE: Reservations
for this event will be limited to 130, in order to accommodate efficient
service for dinner. Also, each member will be limited to one guest only.
Men’s night is scheduled for Thursday, November 20th. More details
to follow.
Cruise Recap
The annual Hamburg Cove raft up Sunday September 14, completes the
2015 cruise season with a splendid day at the cove and super hors d’oeuvres by
members. We have had a great year highlighted by good weather, interesting
ports of call, wonderful dinners, and fellowship of people who enjoy the
boating experience. Sometimes it is easy to forget the really good times we
had on the cruise. Take a look at the cruise pictures on the Club web site. We
averaged 20 boats and 50 members attending the cruises with a good mix of
Cruise continued on page 4
Cruise continued
power and sail. We are pleased with the number of new members and first
time cruisers that participated.
A cruise down memory lane includes the Memorial Day cruise to Coecles
Harbor, Taylor Island and Shelter Island Yacht Club; Summer Cruise to
Stonington, Narragansett Bay-Dutch Harbor, Wickford YC, Bristol, and
Block Island; and labor Day cruise to Stonington YC and Mystic Seaport.
Special thanks goes to our hard working Cruise committee that made
sure all the logistics for the various events came together to make our cruises
Now, as we have a cruise year ending, we begin planning for the new 2015
cruise year. It is necessary to book events in the fall to reserve events at select
Ports. Many Clubs close for the winter so the Committee is busy booking
events now for 2015. Next month, the committee will publish a full Cruise
calendar so you can make plans.
As our summer season comes to an end we are now enjoying some wonderful
fall sailing on the River and in the Sound.
Ideal 18 Sailing
Our summer Ideal 18 season concluded with our Championship Series sailed
over four weeks in August and September. With a few exceptions, winds were
on the light side but the currents were strong making it a very challenging
series. Getting a good start in clear air, playing the wind shifts, avoiding the
strongest adverse currents and tight mark roundings were essential elements
of a winning strategy. Our Non-Spinnaker series had six crews competing
over four weeks while our Spinnaker series had four crews also competing
in all four weeks. Our Ladies series was sailed on one evening in September.
Essex YC Ideal Summer Championship Results
Spinnaker Racing
1 Peter Harding
Rick Weiner
2 Renny Schoonmaker
David Dorrance
3 Frank Flores
Sue Wyeth
4 Pierre Boulanger
Kate Lee
Essex YC Ideal Summer Championship Results
Non-Spinnaker Racing
1 Peter Harding
Rick Weiner
2 Dick Buel
Janice Atkeson
3 Pierre Boulanger
Kate Lee
4 David Dorrance
Sarah Lively
5 Renny Schoonmaker
Cliff Myers
6 Jack Stillwagon
Ned Baker
Regatta continued on page 5
Regatta continued
Essex YC Ideal Summer Championship Results
Ladies Racing
1 Deb Pearl
Val Shickel
2 Charlotte Posey
Sue Wyeth
3 Kate Lee
Margaret Morris
While the summer is over our Ideal 18 sailors still have much to look
forward to! On Saturday Sept 27 we will be team racing against Pettipaug
Yacht Club and on October 4 there will be an Ideal 18 class in our annual
Thomas S. Willets Memorial Race.
Frostbiting begins on Sunday October 5 with a nine-week fall season. Our
Ideal 18s are available for charter to Club members who wish to compete in
some of the best sailing of the year. Don’t let the frostbite name put you off
– the River is still warm so it’s a different experience from the true frostbiting
that starts in March when the River ice melts after the winter freeze-up!
Cruiser Racing
Our annual Loubenvar – Thundermug weekend on September 13 and 14
provided some great racing for our cruising boat sailors. The Loubenvar Race
on Saturday was a pursuit race in which the racers started at different times
based on their handicap ratings – the slowest boat first and the fastest boat
last. If each boat sailed exactly to her rating then every boat would cross the
finish line at exactly the same time. Of course that never happens but it
makes the results obvious – first over the line wins! The excitement builds
as the faster boats that started later try to catch up with and pass the early
starters so it becomes a real race to the finish. With a southeasterly breeze the
first leg was a beat for most racers as the incoming tide made it hard to fetch
the mark without tacking but once around it was reaching legs to the finish.
On Saturday evening the racers and a number of supporters enjoyed free
cocktails and a wonderful buffet prepared by Chef Michael and the staff
in the clubhouse at Pilots Point Marina. A little rain failed to dampen any
spirits and a great evening was had by all who attended.
The Thundermug Race on Sunday had another devious twist – a
harbor start. All the racers had to be at anchor with sails furled before the
committee boat decided where to set the starting line! Once the starting gun
sounded the crews bounded on deck to hoist the anchor and raise the sails
and then had to cross the starting line before heading for the first mark. The
front that brought the rain the previous evening also shifted the wind to
the northwest so our racers enjoyed a fast reach home to the finish off the
Saybrook breakwater in plenty of time for the Hamburg Cove Raftup later
that afternoon. The weekend results were:
Regatta continued on page 6
Regatta continued
Loubenvar – Thundermug Weekend Results
Loubenvar Trophy
Place Boat
1 Blue Steel
Randel & Molly Osborne
2 Checkmate
Frank & Marianne Flores
3 Banshee
Bill & Lynn Herlihy
4 Starbound
George & Dianne Sexton
5 Voyager
Jack & Melinda Kingsbury
6 Renaissance
Pierre Boulanger & Jean Luberg
Thundermug Trophy
Place Boat
1 Blue Steel
Randel & Molly Osborne
2 Checkmate
Frank & Marianne Flores
3 Banshee
Bill & Lynn Herlihy
Our cruiser racers have proven their skills on the Sound and will end their
season with three chances to prove their skills in the confined spaces of the
Connecticut River in the Tri-Club series. The Tri-Club Trophy is awarded to
the boat with the best combined score in a three-race series held in October:
the Essex YC’s Willets Memorial Trophy on October 4, the Essex Corinthian
YC’s Clark Memorial Trophy held on October 11 and the Pettipaug YC’s
Birch Memorial Trophy held on October 18. All the races are sailed in Essex
Harbor between Calves Island and Brockway Island so the crews get plenty
of tacking practice as they seek to stay in or out of the strongest currents up
and down the River.
EYC Ideal Ladies News
Ladies Sailing had a wonderful summer! Great weather, great turnout and
that terrific win against SHYC!
And it’s not over yet. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, depending on turnout,
Back- to -School sailing will be open for anyone, not just Moms with kids in
school, for a casual hour or so of sailing with mentors, then if desired, lunch
following. You can be a beginner, someone with a little bit of experience, or
someone who just wants to relax on our beautiful CT River. We’ll be starting at 10:30 or 11 a.m. depending on participants’ preferences.
There will be a signup sheet at the Club, or email/call Marily MacKinnon
at 860-391-2255 to let us know your interest.
The weather is beautiful, let’s enjoy it!
We’d also like to ask for suggestions about next year’s programs. For example: would there be interest in starting the Beginner class earlier in the
day, say at 2; then running the Intermediate class at the 5 o’clock slot? Ladies
Sailing is for all women sailors or any who want to become proficient in sailing the Ideal 18’s. It’s your program, so let us know what you’d like to see.
Send us your articles!
It is worth mentioning
that the EYC presence in
the southern climes is well
noted. This year’s Annual
Ladies Day Regatta held
in Marco Island was won
by Nicoletta Amendola
sailing “Moby Nick”. She
sailed a perfect race. We
not only beat the fleet of
14 boats but were first to
finish - out sailing a Swan
53, the expected winner!
Winner gets a keeper
plaque and gets the
winning trophy until
next year’s race. What is
interesting to note is this
trophy had been won over
the past 12 years by two
different lady skippers.
Along came this CT group
in a CT boat with an all
CT crew; our youngest
son and grandson and
changed the pattern. It
really was a surprise to the
traditionalists. We knew
we could win!
(Proudly) submitted by
John Amendola
Webmaster Jeff Lovelace reports that use of our website grew steadily through
the summer months. In July, over 1,500 unique visitors (read: individual email
addresses) viewed our various pages over 16,000 times. Pages visited most
frequently were the Rum Challenge, Facilities, Mooring/Slip Rental, Reciprocity
and Regatta pages. This is a true testament to Jeff’s hard work at updating
and maintaining the overall site, keeping it current and easy to navigate. Work
continues to add useful features for the benefit of our members and reciprocal
As reported in the August Spyglass, we have researched options for
developing an EYC App for smartphones and tablets, but concluded that the
initial development and maintenance cost is prohibitive for the time being. As
an interim step, attached to this Spyglass is a one-page step-by-step instruction
for creating a shortcut to our website for your iPhone or Android smartphone.
Although this shortcut will require that you increase the size of each page with
your fingers, at least you can quickly get at the website. Here again, we have Jeff
to thank for this frugal and creative solution.
Many have enjoyed viewing Skylar Senning’s video of Checkmate’s Thrash
to the Onion Patch (aka 2014 Newport Bermuda Race) through our web site
and want more video action! If you have Go Pro or other video clips of your
racing, cruising, party, or other adventures and are willing to share, please bring
a memory stick with your video to EYC and leave it in Pat Herman’s capable
hands in the front office. She’ll make sure that Jeff gets it and your video will be
posted on our web site.
Finally, given today’s tendency toward digital everything, the Communications
Committee and Board of Governors have noted a need for more structured
archiving to compliment the work of Club Historians Rick Harrison and George
Graf. While we are receiving and posting 100s of pictures from various events,
there is no process by which a select sampling of such materials are archived and
stored for future reference and story-telling. If you have any interest in helping
to define archival protocols and/or to administer/manage an archival database,
please let us know via email to [email protected]. . . your thoughts
and interest will be welcomed and appreciated. Our 100th is not too far away ...
we’ll need material for a celebratory publication!
As always, please reach out to advise if we can enhance what/how EYC
communicates by sending suggestions to [email protected]. Best
wishes for a safe autumn!
Spyglass ....................Frank Flores
Board .......................Alyson Danyliw
Membership .............Lynn Herlihy
Entertainment ..........Linda Douglas
Regatta .....................Peter Harding
Cruise ......................Dick Mather
House ......................Jack Kingsbury
Communications......Thomas Klin
Ladies Sailing........Marily MacKinnon
Deadline for each issue is the Tuesday after the monthly board meeting. Newsletter items may be emailed to
Janeen Carabetta at [email protected] or delivered to EYC.
Ladies Night
October 9
6 PM
Cocktails and dinner
Essex Yacht Club | 13 Novelty Lane | Essex, CT 06426 | 860-767-8121 | essexyc.com
October 9th 2014
Triple Cream St. Andre Brie
Sugar seared grapes with spiced walnuts and pistachios, whole grain crostini
Grilled Shrimp Skewers with lemon and rosemary
Pico di Gallo, avocado and goats’ cheese tartlets
Dinner service
Baby spinach salad with warmed bacon vinaigrette
Cranberry and cornbread stuffed statler chicken breast, butternut and maple puree
Pumpkin ricotta cheesecake, Oreo cookie crust and vanilla cream
$28.00 pp ++
Sunset Seafood Feast
October 17th
$35 per person
raw bar available for an additional fee
5:30 PM
Essex Yacht Club | 13 Novelty Lane | Essex, CT 06426 | 860-767-8121 | essexyc.com
Hallowine Tasting Party
October 31
6 PM
$40 Per person
Costumes optional but encouraged
Essex Yacht Club | 13 Novelty Lane | Essex, CT 06426 | 860-767-8121 | essexyc.com
How to Create a Shortcut to EYC Website on Your Mobile
Device. Now you can take EYC wherever you go. For
iPhone or iPad.
1) Open up safari browser on your home screen and go to www.essexyc.com and
login to go to the member homepage.
2) Once you are on the member homepage, tap on the Share/Action icon (It’s a
box with an arrow exiting.) at the bottom of the iPhone screen. Its left side of in
top margin on iPad screen.
3) On the menu that opens, select the “Add to Home Screen” option.
4) You can change the name to “EYC” for iPhone or “Essex Yacht Club” if you like.
5) Press “Add” and your EYC site will be added to your home screen.
6) Return iPhone/iPad to the home screen and you’ll see an EYC miniature
screenshot amongst your app shortcuts. Click it and it will take you to EYC
member homepage skipping the login page. If you “sign out,” you will have to log
7) If you want to delete the EYC icon/screenshot, or change its heading, you can
simply touch and hold the icon/screenshot and press the little “x” button next to
the bookmark, much like you’d delete any normal iOS app.
Now you have an easy way to add shortcuts to your home screen for quick access to
any of your favorite sites. To best view the EYC site, hold your iPhone or iPad in a
horizontal position.
For an Android Device, try the following:
Go to www.essexyc.com in browser and login.
Add it to the bookmarks (Menu – Add bookmark – Done)
Open Bookmark Manager (Menu – Bookmarks)
Long press the site that needs to be added to the home screen.
From the pop-up menu, select Add shortcut to Home
Return to home screen and tap EYC shortcut to launch our site.
Remember: If you sign out, you will have to log in. The shortcut will take you to the site.
Webmaster’s note: While these instructions should work for most mobile devices, they
may not work for all platforms. You may have to google bookmarking instructions for your
specific device.