October 12, 2014 Train Up A Child Luke 2: 41-52 October 12, 2014 Please silence cell phones as we prepare our hearts for worship. 8:45 *indicates the people standing Prelude A Time to Praise Karen Lakey Buckwalter Carillon Ringers; Michael Lightfoot, director Greeting Dr. Clayton Oliphint This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. *Hymn 155 All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name (Stanzas 1-4 & 6) Conversation on Domestic Violence Dr. Oliphint and Jan Langbein, CEO Shelter Ministries of Dallas Time of Prayer Rev. Scot Bontrager The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory forever. Amen. Offering Our Gifts to God (Remember the Extra Dollar) Offertory Music Shine On Us arr. Benjamin Harlan The Journey Youth Choir; Caitlin Wells, director Lord, let your light, light of your face shine on us that we may be saved, that we may have life, to find our way in the darkest night, let your light shine on us. Lord, let your grace, grace from your hand fall on us that we may be saved, that we may have life, to find our way in the darkest night, let your grace fall on us. Lord, let your love, love with no end come over us that we may be saved, that we may have life to find our way in the darkest night, let your love come over us. Children’s Time Allyson George Scripture Luke 2: 41-52 Rev. April Johnson Bristow This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. Sermon Almost Christian: Train Up A Child Dr. Oliphint Invitation to Christian Discipleship *Hymn 445 Happy the Home When God Is There (Stanzas 1,2 & 4) Reception of New Members Sending Forth Postlude Trumpet Tune Andrew Carter October 12, 2014 Please silence cell phones as we prepare our hearts for worship. Prelude 9:45 11:00 *indicates the people standing A Time to Praise Karen Lakey Buckwalter Carillon Ringers; Michael Lightfoot, director Greeting Dr. Clayton Oliphint This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. *Hymn 155 All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name (Stanzas 1-4 & 6) Baptism (9:45) Dr. Oliphint and Rev. April Johnson Bristow Rosemarie Grace Smith daughter of Scott and Shannon Smith Rebekah Ruth Setzer daughter of Nathan and Stacey Setzer (11:00) Dr. Oliphint and Rev. Scot Bontrager Skyler Grace Jurek daughter of Marty and Jennifer Jurek Grady Davis Myers son of Colin and Diedre Myers Congregational Pledge With God’s help we will so order our lives after the example of Christ, that Rosemarie Grace and Rebekah Ruth/ Skyler Grace and Grady Davis, surrounded by steadfast love, may be established in the faith and confirmed and strengthened in the way that leads to life eternal. Special Music Walk in Jerusalem arr. Rollo Dilworth Chancel Choir I want to be ready to walk in Jerusalem just like John. Are you ready to walk in Jerusalem just like John? John said the city was just four square. Walk in Jerusalem just like John. And he declared he’d meet me there. Walk in Jerusalem just like John. O John, O John, what do you say? Walk in Jerusalem just like John. That I’ll be there in the coming day. Walk in Jerusalem just like John. I want to be ready to walk in Jerusalem just like John. Are you ready to walk in Jerusalem just like John? I am ready to walk. Yes, I’m ready to walk in Jerusalem just like John! Conversation on Domestic Violence Dr. Oliphint and Jan Langbein, CEO Shelter Ministries of Dallas Time of Prayer Julie Klossner The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory forever. Amen. Offering Our Gifts to God (Remember the Extra Dollar) Offertory Music Rejoice, the Lord is King! Joel Raney Chancel Choir Lift up your voice, let all creation sing a song of love and praise to glorify the King. Lift up your voice! Rejoice, again I say, I say rejoice! Rejoice, the Lord is King! Your Lord and King adore! Rejoice, give thanks, and sing, and triumph evermore: Lift up your heart, lift up your voice! Rejoice, again I say, I say rejoice! Lift up your voice, let all creation sing, rejoice, the Lord is King! Our Savior, Jesus, reigns, the God of truth and love; when he had purged our stains, he took his seat above. His kingdom cannot fail, he rules both earth and heaven; the keys of death and hell are to our Jesus given. Lift up your heart, lift up your voice! Rejoice, again I say, I say rejoice! Lift up your voice, lift up your heart. Let all creation sing the mighty power, the power of God! Rejoice in glorious hope for Christ the judge shall come to gather all his saints to their eternal home. Lift up your heart, lift up your voice! Rejoice, again I say rejoice! Children’s Time Allyson George Scripture Luke 2: 41-52 (9:45) Dr. Rebecca Bruff (11:00) Rev. April Johnson Bristow This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. Sermon Almost Christian: Train Up A Child Dr. Oliphint Invitation to Christian Discipleship *Hymn 445 Happy the Home When God Is There (Stanzas 1,2 & 4) Reception of New Members Sending Forth Postlude Trumpet Tune Andrew Carter There are two ways offered to become a member of this congregation: - Fill out the Journey With Us card found in the pew back and bring it forward to the pastor during the singing of the closing hymn - Meet Rev. Scroggin in Ogden Fellowship Hall at the close of the 9:45 or 11:00 worship hours. Communion is available in Ogden Fellowship Hall East at 12 (noon) Rev. Debra Hobbs Mason, minister; assisted by a Stephen Minister Flowers in the Sanctuary are in memory of Jack E. Jones by Pat & Robin, Scott & Madelyn, Chris & Lisa Kelly The “Extra Dollar Concept” represents the way members of First United Methodist Church Richardson, who give to the church monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually or by mail, may place “an extra dollar” in the offering plate each Sunday in order to participate in our worship through giving and serve as an example to our children, youth and guests of our love for our church. Please welcome our new members who joined last week: Carol Henson, Linah Jokanya, Jemillah Lartey and Jamie & Mandy Walk Reception for Allyson George 9:30 - 12:30 TODAY in the Nursery Rotunda Join Allyson for cake and conversation as we say goodbye and wish her all the best! She will be the Director of Children’s Ministry at Memorial Drive UMC in Houston. Gratitude notes available to express our thankfulness for her ministry. Sponsored by The Children’s Council and Staff Parish Relations Committee First United Methodist Church - Richardson - 503 North Central Expressway Richardson, Texas 75080 972 235 8385 www.fumcr.com sunday - october 12, 2014 TODAY @ FUMCR: coffee & convo 9:30-12:30 shawver welcome ctr ACCESS contemporary worship 5pm notes to newcomers understanding baptism 11 am fumcr.com/senioradults rev. fred treviño [email protected] the gathering Welcome! For questions, or if you would like to get to know more about FUMCR, please contact: Elizabeth Wilson Director of Inviting and Involving 972.996.0134 [email protected] October 19 senior adult ministry Rm. 210 Gain an understanding of Baptism and what it means in the United Methodist Church. October 13 9:30am - 12noon Bartula Family Life Center Game Time, Lecture & Entertainment fall mission-fest Monthly during The Gathering Please bring donations to benefit our guest speakers’ non-profit organizations. Items for October: hand lotion, body powder, bath soap, shampoo, toothbrushes and toothpaste. Monetary donations welcome. mission project/work day fumcr.com/events October 28 10am-1:30pm Tour of VNA Meals on Wheels and wrap Christmas gifts for home-bound clients. communications Center [email protected] family life ministry fall learning communities fumcr.com/familylife upcoming opportunities Detailed information on classes, dates and times located at fumcr.com/learn christmas greenery sale Order your Christmas wreaths and garland in the Shawver Welcome Center or online. Sponsored by The Journey Youth Choir. Heather canny [email protected] holiday sports camp Registration open for Thanksgiving week and Christmas holiday camps. For ages 5-12. fumcr.com/sports crosspoint service project youth basketball league October 19 12:15pm Work on homes of Richardson senior citizens. Bring work gloves and yard tools. Meet at the Bartula Family Life Center. Lunch is provided. Registration open for Winter basketball league sponsored by FUMCR and YMCA. Practices begin December 8th. Games begin in January. Register online. fumcr.com/sports wesley rankin garage sale outreach ministry October 17, 18 & 19 2900 Bataan St., Dallas To benefit Wesley Rankin Center in helping members of the community who seek educational opportunities and economic stability. fall pansy sale Order forms in Shawver Welcome Center or online at fumcr.com/pansy. Sponsored by Woman’s Center and FUMCR Garden Ministry. umw fall meeting October 14 6:30pm Shawver Welcome Ctr. All women are welcome. Presentation by Rev. Joy Anderson. Light dinner is provided. fumcr app Use the App to share a prayer request with FUMCR. Available for download now for Android, iPhone and iPad. tamale sale Orders forms available at the Shawver Welcome Center. $12 per dozen. Order by October. 19. Pick up Saturday, October 25, 3-5pm. student ministry fumcr.com/youth tommy houghteling [email protected] spring break ski trip March 6-11 Cost $440 Registration and deposit due by December 30. fumcr.com/mission rev. joy anderson [email protected] NETWORK NEEDS: october Chili, canned corn, spaghetti sauce, flour domestic violence awareness October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Displays and informational material located in the Shawver Welcome Center. aids supper club October 17 Cooks needed. Recipes are provided. Contact Dee Weaver at [email protected] international christmas market November 14, 15, & 16 Bartula Family Life Ctr Purchase gift certificates, good for all crafts and merchandise, by contacting Mary Collins at [email protected] or 972-996-0101. joys & concerns: In the Hospital as of Tuesday, September 16: Maxine Calame, Luella Johnson Those who have lost loved ones: Millie Denham on the death of her husband, Clyde Denham The family of Jackie Wilder on her death Benita Belsley on the death of her sister-in-law, Louise Hal Kinne on the death of his wife, Sally Kinne Melanie and Shawn Stevens on the death of Melanie’s mother; Graham on the death of his grandmother JoAnne Walker on the death of her husband, Bill Walker Norma Van Marel on the death of her father Bill Walker; Rebecca on the death of her grandfather Those especially needing our prayers: (Names will be listed for three weeks.) Luella Johnson, Maxine Calame, Jeff and Karen Morgan’s daughter, Beth Smith’s mother, Beverly Baggett, Melinda Bogoslavsky’s mother-in-law, Chelsea Edge, Brendan and Dillon McMahan’s father, Kaitlin Navarro’s friend, Carol Gill’s brother-in-law, Mt. View Kairos Weekend, Billie Snow’s friend, Heather Grimsley’s sister, Tommy Atchison’s friend, Jack Orr’s son, Billye Crumlish’s niece and nephew, Ruth Brixey, Blessing Saungweme, Bud Carr’s cousin, Spike Huddleston’s friend, Dee Cummings friend, Heidi Lindh, John Buehner’s friend, Jenny Bernhard’s aunt, Bill Sproull’s brother, Dot Van Norman, Tim Griffy’s friend, Joe and Sharon Snayd’s daughter, Lisa Althaus, Marvilou Walters’ grandson, Debra Young’s father, Harolyn Ezell’s friends, Nancy Long’s mother, Bethani Blair’s father, Cristine Morrison’s brother-in-law, Kathy McKee’s daughter-in-law and grandson, Karen Palmer’s friend, Jemillah and Shadrach Nartey, Barbara Marshall’s friend, Charles Lee’s friend, Bud and Louise Cramp, Donna Usher, Leslea Hurt, Dalva Mozzer-Coffee, Carol Tate’s father, Rose Marie Benton, Martha Aldridge’s family member, Joan Cook, Jim & Audrey Gillis’ son & daughter, Marie Liptak, Addie and Donna Reddick, Glenda Frizzell’s husband, Marilyn Clarke’s friend, Deborah Porter and her father, Wayne Hill, Marilyn Jacobsen, Guy Blanchard, Melissa Wilson Rev. Ella McDonald Julie Klossner Lisa Hancock FUMCR is excited to present its second Women’s Conference on November 8, 2014. The theme is from John 10:10b “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” Conference speakers include, Lisa Hancock, Julie Klossner and Rev. Ella McDonald. A favorite portion of the day will once again be our breakout sessions. This year there are 5 choices being offered at both sessions. The Art of Full-ness Bible Study on John 10:10b Living Abundantly while Picking Up the Pieces Parenting in a Social Media World Yoga REGISTER www.fumcr.com/womensconference Early bird registration until October 15 (fee includes lunch) Deadline October 31st Childcare available 972.996.0120 P A R E N T C O N N E C T I O N S “How are the children? translating faith for a new generation” p r o f e s s o r , p r i n c e t o n u n i v e r s i t y s c h o o l o f t h e o l o g y Talking about faith with our kids is tough – and as a result, most of us don’t! This evening will explore concrete steps that families can take to give people a faith vocabulary as we share faith across generations. O CT OBE R 19 . 5 pm childcare 4 years and younger 972.996.0120 F U M C R . C O M
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