Knutsford Town Council

Knutsford Town Council
Town Clerk: Adam Keppel-Garner
Council Offices, Toft Road, Knutsford, Cheshire, WA16 6TA
01565 653929
[email protected]
8 October 2014
To: The Members of Knutsford Town Council Planning and Licensing Committee
Dear Councillor,
You are summoned to attend the meeting of Knutsford Town Council Planning and Licensing
Committee to be held at 18:00 on Monday 13 October 2014 in the Lower Council Chamber, Toft
Road, Knutsford.
Yours sincerely,
Adam Keppel-Garner
Town Clerk
To receive apologies for absence
To note declarations of Members interests
Public Participation
A period for members of the public to raise comments on matters being discussed at the meeting
To receive and confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 22 September 2014 (attached)
To consider the latest planning applications (attached)
To consider the draft letter requesting additional Cheshire East Consultation in line with the 2020 Vision
To consider representations to the Appeal for The Old Vicarage, Stanley Road (attached)
To consider supporting the Community Groups’ Statement of Common Ground (attached)
To consider the review of conservation areas in Knutsford
To consider the latest planning decisions (attached)
To receive reports from members of planning issues in Knutsford
To note the date of the next meeting (03/11/2014)
Planning Applications
Knutsford Day Nursery, 2a
Brook Street
Heath Lodge, Parkgate Lane
Application details
Change of use - convert adjoining piece of land into a children's play area
Demolition of two buildings and Erection of 13 No Residential Dwellings (re-sub of refused planning
application 14/1480M)
Single storey extension to Reindeer Cottage, to provide third bedroom plus lounge and breakfast room, plus
utilising existing covered porch area to accommodate hall and utility room and staircase to existing loft space
Gate Mews, Chelford Road,
21 Goughs Lane
Whitethorn, Chelford Road
Proposed rear side bedroom extension
Variation of condition 2 of permission 13/0137M, ground and first floor side and rear extensions, front ground
floor extension and removal of porch
88 Grove Park
Two storey extension to north side elevation, garage and open porch to ground floor. Provide two new
bedrooms to first floor levels. Single storey sun lounge to south elevation to replace existing conservatory
14 Stanley Road
Permission for vehicular access across public footpath (tarmacadam pavement) adjacent to my property at the
specified address in order to progress to Highway Authority stage
45 Summers Way
Removal of existing garage followed by two storey side extension and single storey rear extension
Planning Decisions 13/10/2014
Details of Application
Town Council Comments
CEC Decision
Approved with
7 Teal Avenue
Two storey and single storey extensions with
detached garage
The Council raises no objections but believe the project
could be achieved in a way which would be more
neighbourly and request the planning officer discuss with
the applicant to consider the positioning of the garage
which the Council believe could be better placed to the
front of the site.
14 Lilac Avenue
Single Storey side and rear extension
The Council raises no objections.
Approved with
12 Sugar Pit Lane
Variation of Condition 2 (Plans) on
Application 13/5192M
The Council raises no objections.
Approved with
19 Sandiway
2 storey side extension plus room extension
with the creation of a dormer window
The Council raises no objections but requests that the
planning officer satisfy themselves that sufficient parking
is provided within the curtilage of the site in accordance
with planning policy.
Approved with
1 Yewlands Drive
Single storey extension to accommodate the
enlarging of the existing dining room to the
side elevation of the property and the
creation of a new study. Extending the
existing front elevation of the garage to allow
the provision of a store/utility room at the
rear of the garage. The entrance hallway to
be extended in line with the garage frontage
to enlarge the lobby and allow room for
modifications to the size of the existing
cloakroom/WC for the installation of a
The Council raises no objections.
Approved with
Knutsford Town Council
Town Clerk: Adam Keppel-Garner
Council Offices, Toft Road, Knutsford, Cheshire, WA16 6TA
01565 653929
[email protected]
of the
Planning and Licensing Committee September 22nd 2 014
In the Lower Council Chamber of the Town Council Offices
Cllrs Gardiner, Bancroft, Hutchence, P Coan and Dean
In attendance: A Keppel-Garner (Town Clerk)
To receive apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Cllrs Davies and Forbes (personal business) and Cllr Raynes (health).
To note declarations of Members interests
Cllrs Bancroft, Gardiner and P Coan Non-pecuniary
Cllr Gardiner
Known to the proprietor
Known to a neighbour of
the property
Public Participation
A resident spoke in objection to application 14/4276M outlining their reasons for objecting. Their
comments were endorsed by another resident.
To receive and confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 1 September 2014
Members resolved to confirm the minutes subject to the insertion of “variation in the” to 14/3915M
and correction of commend to comment on 14/3972M.
To consider the latest planning applications
Members resolved to submit the comments below.
To consider the Technical Consultation on Planning
Members resolved to delegate Cllr Bancroft, Cllr Gardiner and the Town Clerk to respond to the
consultation on behalf of the committee.
To consider matters related to the 2020 Vision Action Plan including determination of the priorities
and targets
Members resolved to set the targets as per the report. Members resolved that the Town Clerk draft
a letter for committee approval requesting Cheshire East to consult the Town Council on certain
applications as per actions 8.5 and 8.6 of the 2020 Vision.
To consider the latest planning decisions
Members noted the decisions.
To receive reports from members of planning issues in Knutsford
The Town Clerk updated the committee on the previously reported issues.
To note the date of the next meeting
Members noted the date.
Planning Comments 01/09/2014
Application details
The Council objects on the grounds of on the grounds of the
importance of protecting the streetscene in the
conservation area.
Whilst the Council support the provision of additional off
street parking, particularly in this location, the expanse of
the proposed access way would result in the removal of a
feature from the streetscene and the provision of hard
standing would have a detrimental effect on the
conservation area contrary to policy KTC1 of the
Macclesfield Borough Local Plan.
The Council raises no objections subject to an appropriate
condition to control noise emissions and that such a
condition is monitored regularly.
The Council strongly objects on the grounds of
overdevelopment of the site and that the proposed
development would detract from the existing spacious
streetscene on this particular stretch.
The Council is concerned that the development would be
out of character with the existing streetscene and set a
dangerous precedent for similar development in this area.
The Council raises concerns about the consequences of
vehicular ingress and egress onto the plot due to increased
daily activity.
The Council further believes the proposed development
would adversely affect neighbouring properties through
encroaching upon their privacy and request that full
consideration is given to the views of the neighbours.
The Council also note the comments regarding the tree
survey and ask that a full assessment of the report is made
and that the Planning Authority ensure appropriate
conditions are attached should they be minded to grant
16 Stanley Road
Permission for vehicular access across public footpath
(tarmacadam pavement) adjacent to my property at the
specified address in order to progress to Highway Authority
Co-operative Late Shop, 8
Parkgate Lane
New plant, shop front colour change
The Orchards, Toft Road
Construction of 3 bed detached dwelling and a pair of 3 bed
semi-detached dwellings following demolition of The
Orchards dwelling
Cllr Dean arrived during the discussion of this application.
Cllr Gardiner abstained from voting and did not discuss this application.
Application details
planning permission.
25-29 Canute Place
External alterations to allow use of first floor as offices
subsequent to Planning 14/2154M
Whilst the Council has no objections to the principle of full
height windows the Council objects to the windows opening
on the grounds that it would be out of character and
detrimental to the character of the area and lead to
potential amenity issues.
Knutsford Town Council
Town Clerk: Adam Keppel-Garner
Council Offices, Toft Road, Knutsford, Cheshire, WA16 6TA
01565 653929
[email protected]
Peter Hooley
Cheshire East Council
Middlewich Road
CW11 1HZ
Monday 13th October 2014
Dear Mr Hooley,
Knutsford Town Council, through the development of its 2020 Vision (strategic plan), has set out its
commitment to work with partners to protect the heritage and character of Knutsford ensuring
conservation areas, buildings, developments, modifications and materials are in keeping with
To this end the Town Council requests to be consulted on two additional planning matters which is it
not currently:
1) The felling of trees in a conservation area and within the grounds of listed buildings
2) Approval of materials for works to listed buildings
This will enable the Town Council to engage more fully in the planning process in pursuance of
meeting its above aim.
I trust that the above request can be accommodated and the Council’s Planning Committee looks
forward to considering these applications.
Yours sincerely,
Adam Keppel-Garner
Town Clerk
[email protected]
1. This Statement of Common Ground [“Statement”] is agreed by all six Knutsford Community Groups (CGs).
They comprise Knutsford Conservation and Heritage Group (KCHG, with a pan-Knutsford role), Nether Ward CG
(in North West Knutsford), North Knutsford CG, South Knutsford Residents Group, South East Knutsford
Residents Association, and Knutsford Community Spirit (in Over Ward, East Knutsford).
2. Knutsford CGs have met the MP for Tatton, the Rt Hon George Osborne MP, and Knutsford Town Council
(KTC), both of whom commend the reasonable way in which the CGs have worked to achieve consensus on the
major proposals in the Cheshire East Local Plan Strategy Submission Version [“the Strategy”].
3. Cheshire East Council (CEC) is aware of the CGs’ intention to prepare this Statement but CEC views on it have
not been sought in order not to prejudice content.
4. The CGs are in agreement with many of the Knutsford dimensions of the Strategy, in particular:
a. the scale of proposed development in Knutsford: provision of an absolute maximum of 10 ha of
employment land and 650 new homes (Strategy Policy PG 6);
b. the strategic locations of proposed development: land in the Green Belt in North West Knutsford and
mostly greenfield land at the Parkgate Extension (Strategy sections 15.259 - 15.287, “Knutsford”);
c. as a Key Service Centre surrounded by the Green Belt, the balance of not compromising on the
fundamental objectives of the Green Belt whilst meeting an appropriate proportion of locally-arising
needs (Strategy section 8.83, Justification for Policy PG 6);
d. the proposed North Cheshire Growth Village (NCGV), to help deflect development pressure from North
Cheshire settlements in the Green Belt, such as Knutsford (Strategy section 8.85, Justification for Policy PG
5. However, the CGs consider some elements of the Strategy are unsound, in particular:
a. the amount of proposed safeguarded land and the proposed removal of the car showrooms from the
Green Belt, both in North West Knutsford, are not supported by objective evidence. For safeguarded
land, the matter could be rectified through CEC’s re-consideration and publication of the evidence, if such
land is required, consultation with stakeholders and clear evaluation of the sustainability of the proposals.
The car showrooms should simply not be removed from the Green Belt;
b. the lack of explicit application by CEC to Knutsford of the national Green Belt purpose “to preserve the
setting and special character of historic towns”. In practice, the Strategy recognises the heritage value of
the town and achieves what the CGs consider is the correct balance in Knutsford in the release of Green
Belt land for development;
c. the lack of specific protection of long-distance and/or strategic views of significance: the CGs consider that
this is an important omission from the Strategy. This could be rectified through CEC Policy stating: “The
Council will protect long-distance and/or strategic views of significance, comprising: ……..” (such views
being determined through consultation with stakeholders, for example views to, from and within Tatton
6. In formulating this Statement the CGs have agreed the following key tenets:
a. some development on Green Belt land is necessary for the future growth of Knutsford;
b. protection of the distinctive character and identity of Knutsford, including the Green Belt, from
inappropriate development;
c. priority in Knutsford for the development of within-town brownfield sites and building adaptations before
greenfield sites and the lowest priority for the development of Green Belt land;
d. it may be necessary for the future growth of Knutsford to have some land safeguarded for future
development, although that case has not been made satisfactorily by CEC (and see paragraph 5(a)).
Knutsford is surrounded by the Green Belt once proposed developments at Parkgate North and East have
been undertaken, but options for development in Knutsford on non-Green Belt land should be considered;
e. development in Knutsford to be supported by objectively assessed need, noting that National Planning
policy and guidance require consideration also of other Planning issues;
f. Knutsford is presently at or over capacity for many of its key services and in its infrastructure. The
provision of additional infrastructure and facilities is essential to make it ‘fit for purpose’ for the functions
of Knutsford as a Key Service Centre (population: 13,300: Strategy, section 2.58), in particular improved
traffic management, provision of a health and wellbeing centre, and more primary school places in each of
which there are significant current deficiencies;
g. preservation and enhancement in North and North West Knutsford of protected open space and
community sports facilities, specifically those between Manchester Road and Mereheath Lane, and the
protected open space west of Warren Avenue; and reduction elsewhere of the town’s current deficiency
in open space;
h. adoption and effective application by CEC of Design Guides for all development in Knutsford, to achieve
quality in new buildings and building adaptations;
i. continuing willingness of CGs to work with CEC, KTC and Knutsford stakeholders in helping secure the
making of place, including through the Site Allocations stage of this Local Plan and through a proposed
Neighbourhood Plan for Knutsford.
7. Achievement of the representations made by the CGs in this Statement has involved negotiation,
compromise and co-operation. Some residents have had to be persuaded, given the stated openness and
permanence of the Green Belt and Knutsford’s location in it. Other than the particular exceptions noted in
paragraph 5, the CGs are agreed that the Strategy is the best way forward for Knutsford, based on their
knowledge and understanding of the town and its locality, the expertise of their members and the commitment
of those Groups to the future of Knutsford.
8. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) requires local community engagement, and this has been
undertaken in Knutsford. Several landowners and developers do not agree with the Strategy and are not
expected to agree with this Statement. Nonetheless, the CGs hope that the commonality of community
thinking - in large measure supportive of the Strategy - may help inform the Planning Inspector in his
consideration of the Knutsford elements of the Strategy.
9. The CGs are aware of CEC’s current thinking as to the possible relocation of Egerton Primary School to the
Knutsford Academy site.
Agreed by the six Knutsford Community Groups:
Knutsford Conservation and Heritage Group (KCHG)
Nether Ward Community Group
North Knutsford Community Group
South Knutsford Residents Group
South East Knutsford Residents Association
Knutsford Community Spirit
Dated: September 2014