Loving Jesus of First Baptist Church Volume XXIX, #10 First Baptist Church Loving His family Serving His world “Be disciples of Jesus! Make disciples!” — Matthew 28:19 John Roberts, Pastor Dear Brothers and Sisters, One Thursday evening a month, I have the privilege of going to the Logan County Detention Center (LCDC) to preach the Word of God. I’ve also been invited to speak occasionally on Thursday evenings at “Crossroads,” the Campus Crusade ministry on the NJC campus. Last month, I was blessed to speak at these two places on consecutive Thursdays. The contrast was compelling, and made all the more stark by the fact that the two audiences were similar in age. The main difference between the two groups was the extent to which their lives had been ravaged by sin. Mind you, both audiences were composed entirely of sinners in need of a Savior. The difference was that the group at LCDC have defied God’s laws so vigorously they’ve also run afoul of man’s laws. They’re in jail because of sin, and they know it. I wondered whether the students at Crossroads — all outwardly free — ever felt the bondage of sin, and its imprisoning power. The experience made me ponder how much better our lives would be if we fought harder against sin; how much more freedom we would enjoy if we obeyed God more, and sinned less. But how do we sin less? God’s Word tells us how, in Psalm 119:11: “I have stored up Your Word in my heart, that I might not sin against You.” This Mona Bowey, Children’s Minister verse says that to reduce sin’s grip on our lives, we get God’s Word stored up in our hearts. Another way to say “store up in my heart” is “memorize.” And as soon as I say that word, many folks respond, “I can’t remember anything, let alone Bible verses.” Christian, I believe you can. If you’re a Christian, you can memorize Scripture because Christ lives in you. He can memorize Scripture; and because He lives in you, He will assist you. If you’re a Christian, you can memorize Scripture because the Holy Spirit will help you remember. We read in John 14:26 that Jesus assigned to the Holy Spirit a ministry of “rememberizing.” “The Helper, the Holy Spirit . . . will bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” Clearly, memorizing Scripture is different from memorizing other things, because with Scripture we have Christ’s assistance and the Holy Spirit’s “rememberizing.” But let us never forget the purpose of Bible memorization. It isn’t a discipline for its own sake. We memorize Scripture because in the fight to overcome sin, in the battle to love God and enjoy Him, we need this powerful weapon called the Word of God. And we need to have it handy, in our minds, in our hearts, not just on a shelf or a desk at home. So I am encouraging us to pursue a church-wide Bible memory challenge. I think it has the potential to transform our lives. The late October, 2014 Sterling, Colorado Dr. Dallas Willard, author of The Spirit of the Disciplines, said, “As a pastor, teacher, and counselor I have repeatedly seen the transformation of life that comes simply from memorizing and meditating upon Scripture. Personally, I would never undertake to pastor a church or guide a program of Christian education that did not involve a continuous program of Scripture memorization for all ages.” Read that again: “a continuous program of Scripture memorization for all ages.” Not just for children and youth. For all of us. So, let’s all get into this thing. Over the next couple of months. we’ll be working on five specific memory verses, each of which is about Scripture itself. As an aid to memorization, all five are taken from the three primary chapters we’re studying in our current sermon series called “God’s Word, Our Delight.” The verses are Psalm 1:1-2; Psalm 19:11; Psalm 119:9,11; Psalm 119:105; and Psalm 119:165. They’re printed in our weekly bulletin. You’ll also find them scattered throughout this issue of The Beacon. Just look for this heading: God’s Word About God’s Word I am truly excited to see what God does in our lives in coming months, as we join together to store up His Word in our hearts! For His glory, Pastor John<>< Monthly Statistics, Schedules, & Happenings Sunday & Wednesday Stats Weekly counts for Aug. 31 & September Wed. Sunday Sunday Offering Date Eve.* School Worship Received Aug. 31 .. Summer .........77...... 68-1st 86-2nd .......... $3,094.34 Sept. 7 .. Summer .........69...... 71-1st 78-2nd ........ $14,254.00 Sept. 14 ... Kick-off ..........66..... 62-1st 89-2nd ......... $3,142.00 Sept. 21 ..... 83 ............66..... 70-1st 85-2nd ......... $2,963.02 Sept. 28 ..... 88 ............63..... 67-1st 91-2nd ......... $2,648.00 Weekly averages** for September Wed. Sunday Sunday Undesignated Date Eve.* School Worship Offering st nd Sept. ‘13.... 101 ...........63....... 60-1 82-2 ........... $3,311.16 Sept. ‘14..... 86 ............68....... 68-1st 86-2nd ........... $5,220.27 Weekly averages** for the Year 2013 .... 101 ...........76....... 63-1st 98-2nd ........... $3,851.61 2014 ..... 91 ............71....... 70-1st 90-2nd ........... $4,281.44 FIRST SATURDAY Morning of Prayer This Saturday, October 4, is the next opportunity for First Saturday Prayer. The church doors will be open from 8:00 a.m. until 12 noon. We encourage everyone to come to the sanctuary to pray for our local Church Family and those around the world and for all of the circumstances in our homes and in our community — whether it’s the City of Sterling or the United States of America. You are welcome to come for any portion of the morning. This is simply a time of prayer set aside for individuals to spend quiet time with our Lord. We hope and pray that you will be able to use this opportunity for the benefit of all. *Note that “Wed. Eve.” are for attendance on the preceding Wednesday (i.e. Sunday, Sept. 21 is Wednesday, Sept. 17). **Averages are here for identical weeks. Each Friday, 12:00 Noon Oct. 3 ..... South 5th Avenue & Delmar Street Oct. 10 .... South 7th Avenue & Delmar Street Oct. 17 .... South 8th Avenue & Columbine Street Oct. 24 ... South 9th Avenue & Delmar Street Oct. 31 .... South 9th Avenue & Fairhurst Street SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Classes for ALL ages! You are invited! WOMEN’S PRAYER GROUP Meet at 405 Park Circle Drive. For day & time, call Anita Fielder at 522-3986 or 580-5968. “Parenting Matters” Mona Bowey & Andy Rice Monday mornings, 7:30 a.m. MEN’S INTERCESSORY PRAYER 6:30 a.m. Friday in Munson Parlor. VERSE OF THE MONTH FOR OCTOBER With my whole heart I seek You; let me not wander from Your commandments! Your Word have I hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You. — Psalm 119:10-11 ABCRM Annual Gathering Adopts Definition of “Generally Accepted Baptist Beliefs and Practices” American Baptist Churches of the Rocky Mountains (ABCRM) is an area-wide organization of our denomination, American Baptist Churches, USA (ABCUSA). ABCUSA is the first and oldest Baptist denomination in the United States, with roots that go back to the pioneering work of the first American foreign missionaries, Adoniram and Ann Judson, who arrived in Burma in 1814. ABCRM comprises 85 covenanting churches in Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico, and eastern Utah. As stated in ABCRM By-Laws, the term “covenanting churches” means that each church in ABCRM agrees to “conduct regular weekly services of worship and operate in conformity with generally accepted Baptist beliefs and practices.” (italics added) Last Saturday, September 27, at its annual meeting, ABCRM took action to bring definition to that last phrase. A bit of back story will help to clarify. Like many Baptist denominations, ABCUSA has never adopted a denomination-wide statement of faith. Instead, ABCUSA has maintained that “we have no creed but the Bible.” Member churches have been encouraged to espouse their own confession of faith, so long as it was within “generally accepted Baptist beliefs and practices.” Many older ABCRM churches, including First Baptist, Sterling, were founded with the 1853 New Hampshire Confession as their statement of faith. Both nationally and here in this region, our denomination has commonly bolstered its “no creed but the Bible” stance with the widely-held doctrine called “soul liberty.” This doctrine teaches the biblical truth that every soul is competent to be born again by grace through faith in Christ; and therefore is free to be in direct relationship with God through Christ, without any other mediating agency, whether church, creed, or ritual. While this doctrine is biblically sound, like all doctrines when advanced beyond their purpose, “soul liberty” has sometimes morphed into a kind of “nobodycan-tell-ME-what-to-believe” individualism. For centuries, odd-ball Christian movements have used (or rather, abused) the doctrine of soul liberty to support all kinds of unbiblical ideas, which have led to untold fractures and failures within the body of Christ. Despite these abuses of the doctrine, ABCRM has doggedly maintained its refusal to adopt a region-wide set of truths, in hopes that the phrase “generally accepted Baptist beliefs and practices” would suffice as our unifying principle. Until recent years, it has usually worked. However, under the increasing pressure of both culture and liberal theology, churches in every denomination have struggled to remain faithful to the biblical truths upon which they were founded. ABCRM churches have not been immune to this pressure. The unifying capabilities of the phrase “generally accepted Baptist beliefs and practices” have been tested and sometimes been found too weak to hold us together. Two years ago, in my final meeting as a member of the Board of Directors of ABCRM, I made an earnest plea to the Board, that some strengthening and vitalizing definition be added to that phrase. Subsequently a task force to address that request was formed. The result of their labors is what was overwhelmingly voted (92% for, 8% against) into the ABCRM By-laws on Saturday. These By-laws now read, “A covenanting congregation shall . . . conduct regular weekly services of worship and operate in conformity with the following generally accepted Baptist beliefs and practices: a. Belief that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior, and that the Bible is the divinely inspired word of God; b. Belief that the local church is the fundamental unit of mission; c. Belief that the committed individual Christian can and should approach God directly, and that individual gifts of ministry should be shared; d. Belief that the call to evangelism and missionary work should be taken seriously; e. Partake of two ordinances: believers’ baptism and The Lord’s Supper; f. Support religious freedom and respect the expressions of faith of others; g. Acknowledge that God’s family extends beyond our local churches, and that God calls us to cooperative ministries; h. Serve as Christ’s witnesses for justice and wholeness; i. Celebrate the racial, cultural, and theological diversity witnessed within its membership; j. Heed the biblical call to renewal and witness.” While there is certainly much more that could be added to this definition, this is a great place to start. What it boils down to is this: if you’re going to be on the team, you need to wear the uniform. For ABCRM, we now know a good deal better what that uniform looks like. Do I wish it were more specifically designed? Yes. This is not enough, but it’s a good step in the right direction, and I believe we will be blessed by having taken it. Please pray with me that God would bless us. More on this next month, as we see the implementation method that was put in place with this definition. Pastor John CHILDREN’S MINISTER PAGE Mona Bowey, CM 522-9002 or 520-2620 AWANA LEADER SUPPER MEETING OCTOBER 8, 2014 Supper meetings are for ALL leaders, including jr. leaders, substitute leaders, and children of leaders. Sign-up sheet for leaders will be available at club on October 1st. RSVP’s are needed for a food count! Awana has officially begun, but it’s never too late for kids to come - there is open enrollment all year. We have a great team of leaders again this year and we have room for more kids! Have YOU invited anyone? (Why not?) Are there any kids in your neighborhood? Could you bring a kid or two to Awana? You can pick up an Awana brochure from the table in the lobby to give to someone as you invite them. High School Youth Group will meet for the fall on these dates at the Bowey’s house (unless otherwise notified): October 5th, October 19th, November 2nd, November 16th and November 30th. Address is 1307 Fillmore Street. Time is 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. Spread the word! Invite your friends! Contact phone no. is Mrs. Bowey at 520-2620. We serve refreshments to the kids at each meeting. If you could help provide snacks, please call Mona. You don’t have to come and serve the food, you could just get it to the Boweys’. Some help would really be appreciated! Please remember to keep contributing nonperishable, non-expired food items to the collection basket in the lobby for Cooperating Ministry! The need continues! Parenting Insights The late Christian financial expert Larry Burkett emphasized the importance of giving our “first fruits” to God. Here are a few of his insights about money management for children: Why we give—Because God is the provider, we aren’t really giving for his sake. “We give our money for our sakes, to remind ourselves we’re God’s stewards and everything is his.” How much to give—Burkett recommended the following budgeting guidelines for children: give 10%, save 50%, and spend 40%. How we give—Returning resources to God should be a celebration. Burkett suggested making the act of giving seem like a “thanks party.” Giving some money back to God is just the beginning. God wants all of us! Try these experiences from Group’s Hands-On Bible. Give Yourself to God—Read aloud Luke 21:1-4, about the poor widow who donated two small coins to the temple. Say: “Giving ourselves to God means trusting and obeying him with our whole lives.” Then make some reminders to be like the widow. Have each family member tape two pennies to an index card. Then rub a crayon or pencil on the other side of the card, over the coins. Remove the pennies and write “Give Yourself to God” on the card. Then decorate it. Tape your cards to a mirror or a place where you’ll see them every day. Encourage family members to give themselves to God daily. Give God Your Best—Read aloud 1 Corinthians 10:31: “So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” Have each family member share what he or she thinks this verse means. Then ask: “How can we give God glory with our family’s income? with our personal earnings? What does it mean to honor God with our whole lives?” Then have a “Give God Your Best” dinner with your family. Use your best tablecloth, wear nice clothes, make favorite foods, and serve a fancy dessert. Ask each person to name one way to honor God this week with their words or actions. With my whole heart I seek You; let me not wander from Your commandments! Your Word have I hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You. — Psalm 119:10-11 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 6:30p Awana Fri 2 9:30a Staff Meeting 3:00p T.A.B.S. at Devonshire Acres 6:15p Praise Team practice 5 6 COMMUNION 7 6:00a Men’s Bible Study, Room 9 8:30 1st Worship 9:30 Sunday Sch 10:45 2nd Worship 8 6:30p Awana 9 9:30a Staff Meeting Sat 3 6:30a Men’s Prayer 12:00 Prayer Walk, South 5th Avenue & Delmar Street 5:30p Rehearsal Dinner 10 6:30a Men’s Prayer 6:15p Praise Team practice 12:00 Prayer Walk, South 7th Avenue & Delmar Street 16 17 9:30a Staff Mtg. 6:30a Men’s Prayer 3:00p T.A.B.S. at Devonshire Acres 12:00 Prayer Walk, South 8th Avenue & Columbine Street Sign-up today for directory pictures 12 st 8:30 1 Worship 9:30 Sunday Sch 10:45 2nd Worship Sign-up today for directory pictures 19 st 8:30 1 Worship 9:30 Sunday Sch 10:45 2nd Worship 13 14 Church Office is Closed 6:00a Men’s Bible Study, Room 9 6:30p Church Council 9:15a Community Ladies’ Prayer Group 20 5:00p Willard Wildcats 4H Group 15 6:30p Awana 6:15p Praise Team practice 21 6:00a Men’s Bible Study, Room 9 22 6:30p Awana 9:30a Staff Meeting Sign-up today for directory pictures 26 st 8:30 1 Worship 9:30 Sunday Sch 10:45 2nd Worship Final day to signup for directory pictures ~1:15p Annual Business Meeting of the Church Body 27 28 6:00a Men’s Bible Study, Room 9 29 6:30p Awana 23 24 12:00 Prayer Walk, South 9th Avenue & Delmar Street 30 31 2:00p Collating of the Beacon 3:00p T.A.B.S. at Devonshire Acres 6:15p Praise Team practice 8:00a First Saturday Prayer 1:30p ScottMorgison Wedding 11 8:00a Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study 10:00a Ladies’ Craft Group 18 25 6:30a Men’s Prayer 6:15p Praise Team practice 9:30a Staff Meeting 4 6:30a Men’s Prayer 12:00 Prayer Walk, South 9th Avenue & Fairhurst Street November 1 8:00a First Saturday Prayer Worship Schedules for October DATE 10/05 Greeters & Ushers Worship Assistants 8:30 WORSHIP: 8:30 Nancy Broughton, WORSHIP: Del Brant, Gayle Japp, Ardith Pat Roberts Gillham 10:45 WORSHIP: Jeanette Stubbe, Ty & Jenni Krier 10/12 Communion Setup & Servers Setup: Anita Fielder 8:30 WORSHIP: Charlene Lee 10/26 8:30 WORSHIP: Bob Davis 8:30 WORSHIP: Willard inskeep 8:30 WORSHIP: 8:30 Nancy Broughton, WORSHIP: Del Brant, Gayle Japp, Ardith Pat Roberts Gillham 10:45 WORSHIP: Denise Piel, Jeanette Stubbe, Ty & Jenni Krier 8:30 WORSHIP: Shawn Mion 8:30 WORSHIP: Susan Smith 8:30 WORSHIP: Shawn Mion 10:45 WORSHIP: Steve Piel 10:45 WORSHIP: Dave West 8:30 WORSHIP: Madison Applegate 8:30 WORSHIP: Shawn Mion 10:45 WORSHIP: Jacob Parrish 10:45 WORSHIP: Jack & Mona Bowey, Darcy & Camryn Trump 11/02 Amber Douglas Children's Sunday School Amber Douglas Children's Time 10:45 WORSHIP: Cookies Lisa & Warren Hedlund Charlene Lee Jenn Roberts Jenn Roberts 10:45 WORSHIP: 10:45 worship: 10:45 WORSHIP: Trace Elliott Dave West 10:45 WORSHIP: Scott, Michele, Lauren, & Owen Szabo 8:30 WORSHIP: Walt Heimbegner, Les Copass, Shawn & Connie Mion 8:30 WORSHIP: Shawn Mion Nursery Assistants 10:45 WORSHIP Rudy & Dianne Budin, Larry & LaRose Karr 10:45 WORSHIP: Bryan & Lindy Barnhill, Wes & Jennifer Elliott 10/19 8:30 WORSHIP: Gayle Japp Sound System 8:30 WORSHIP Bob & Sue Davis, 10:45 worship: 10:45 WORSHIP: Ardith Gillham, Jacob Parrish Anita Fielder Dave West 8:30 WORSHIP: 8:30 Betty Trahern, Jeff WORSHIP: & Chris Kloberdanz, Walt Sue Davis Heimbegner 8:30 WORSHIP: Jim & Mary Peters, Arnie & Leota Constance Power Point Setup: Denise Piel 8:30 WORSHIP: Gayle Japp Courtney Graham Meleesa Genereux Judy Gibbs Christian Genereux Desiree Loomis Jenni Krier 10:45 WORSHIP: Dave West 8:30 WORSHIP: Shawn Mion 8:30 WORSHIP 10:45 worship: 10:45 Warren & Lisa WORSHIP: Hedlund, Steve Piel Clarence & Dave West Marilyn Croissant 10:45 WORSHIP: 10:45 WORSHIP: Jenni Krier Madi Applegate Tyler Krier 10:45 WORSHIP: Tyler Krier Jewel & Wendell Sonnenberg, Jeanette Stubbe The Trump Family, Jeff & Chris Kloberdanz Contact the office or Nancy Broughton to help this day Nancy Broughton, Gayle Japp, Lynda Dillie 10:45 WORSHIP Roy & Angela Norling, Steve & Denise Piel For questions about the schedule, please contact the church office, 522-9002, or the Coordinator of that area: Debbie Roberts: Greeters & Ushers, Worship Assistants, Power Point and Sound System Anita Fielder: Communion Setup Denise Piel: Communion Servers Nancy Broughton: Cookies / Fellowship Mona Bowey: Nursery Assistants, Children’s Sunday School, and Children’s Time UPCOMING EVENTS, NEWS, and THANK YOUS GOd’s WORd AbOut GOd’s WORd Let’s memorize these verses between now and advent! Psalm 1:1-2 – 1Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; 2but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on His law he meditates day and night. Psalm 19:11 – Moreover, by them [God’s words] is Your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward. Psalm 119:9,11 – 9How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to Your Word. 11 I have stored up Your Word in my heart, that I might not sin against You. Psalm 119:105 – Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:165 – Great peace have those who love Your law; nothing can make them stumble. Merry Christmas!!! It may seem a little early but the elves and personnel at Samaritan’s Purse are gearing up for another rewarding year for the 2014 Operation Christmas Child shoebox campaign. Once again, First Baptist will be participating in this worthy and worthwhile giftgiving project to send gifts to thousands of children who would never know the joy of receiving a gift, while hearing about Jesus, without our help. Beginning October 19th plastic boxes will be available in the foyer of the church for you to take home, fill, and return to the church BY November 16th. Also available will be lists of appropriate gifts for separate age groups so that shopping and packing will be easier. Each box costs $7.00 to ship so we ask that you place a check or cash in an envelope and include it inside the top of your box. For those writing checks, PLEASE make your checks payable to First Baptist Church with “OCC” in the memo line. At the request of Samaritan’s purse, we will collect all the money and then one check will be sent along with our shoe boxes. We look forward to a successful campaign for Operation Christmas Child this year. Sue Davis & Shirley Inskeep HANDWORK / CRAFT DAY Second Saturday This Month October 8, 2014 Join the Chain Gang 10:00 a.m. to noon Munson Parlor Once again ladies of the church will join together for fellowship and a chance to work on a project. Join The Chain Gang whether you are a beginner or an experienced crafter. This month the ladies will also be making table decorations for Thanksgiving. All of the materials will be provided. We just need YOU! You are also welcome to bring the project you are working on or, if you aren’t sure what project you want to work on or haven’t started one, come in and see what others are doing. This casual group helps one another while enjoying some time set aside to work on their project. All ladies are welcome; we just ask attendees under 12 years need to bring an adult. For questions, call Gail LaForce at 526-6328 and leave a message if no one answers. Men’s bible study Tuesday mornings, led by Pastor John Room 9 @ FBC, 6:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. The Tuesday morning men’s Bible is studying of the book, “Transforming Grace: Living Confidently in God’s Unfailing Love” by Jerry Bridges. All men are encouraged to join in this study that will show just how inexhaustible and generous God’s grace really is. MEN’S BREAKFAST & BIBLE STUDY The men are beginning a new study this month. Come to Lund Hall for a warm breakfast & study God’s Word. 2nd Saturday October 8, 8:00 a.m. Questions? Bill LaForce at 526-6328 ANNUAL MEETING, ELECTIONS, & MORE October 26, 2014 Fellowship lunch at 12:15 p.m. Annual Meeting follows immediately after at about 1:15 p.m. STAFF & COUNCIL At First Baptist Church Paid Staff Pastor Children’s Minister Secretary Bookkeeper Custodian Nursery Attendant Nursery Attendant John Roberts Mona Bowey Becky Romero Bob Blake Fred “Woody” Wood Del Brant Katelynn Mack Business Council Chairperson Treasurer Financial Secretary Finance Director Personnel Director Property Director Bill LaForce Fred Simants Jewel Sonnenberg Connie Mion Sheri Dorney Cullen Trump Ministries Council Vice-Chairperson Church Education Min. Youth Ministries Coord. Discipleship Min. Coord. Worship Min. Coord. Fellowship Min. Coord. Shepherding Min. Outreach Min. Coord. Prayer Min. Coord. Denise Piel Vacant Vacant LaRose Karr Debbie Roberts Nancy Broughton Vacant Vacant Vacant On Sunday, October 26, 2014, there will be a special potluck fellowship meal following second service. Immediately following, this meal will be our Annual Business Meeting. Everyone is welcome to our fellowship meal and all members are encouraged to attend the FBC Annual Business Meeting. This is your chance to be involved with the church, electing the leaders of the church, and to know the “goings POTLUCK BEFORE THE MEETING First Baptist will provide the meat and drinks for our fellowship lunch after the 10:45 worship hour on Oct. 26. Please bring a favorite side dish to share. If your last name begins with these letters, please bring: A-G Dessert H-N Potatoes/Pasta O-R Fruit/Vegetable S-Z Rolls/Bread It’s that time of year! Fall is here. And, with it, comes the restarting and refreshing of ministries here at First Baptist Church. We ask that each of you consider the happenings at our church and how you can participate. Watch for opportunities or ask your church Council or staff. See this page for information about our leaders. And, our upcoming need for leaders! What? There are vacant positions? Yes! And, our elections will be happening at the Annual Business Meeting. Some of the people listed above are not eligible to run again for their positions. We need more people to volunteer to fill leadership positions. Are you a member? Are you a leader? Are you willing to serve our church? Contact Pastor John or Sheri Dorney to find out more! First Baptist Church—Sterling, Colorado Photography Dates: November 18-22 Times: Tuesday-Friday—2:00-9:00pm; Saturday 10:00-5:00pm Free 8x10 & Free Directory per family Portrait Purchases Available HOW DO I REGISTER FOR AN APPOINTMENT? You will be able to sign-up at church, before and after worship, on a first come, first choice basis. In Person Sign Up Dates: Oct. 5,12,19,26 Sign up online: call the church for “how” Or call the church to schedule an appointment. WE WILL ACCOMMODATE YOUR NEEDS! Let us know if you have special requests for: Intergenerational family poses. Also, you can bring props and have special posing done for extra portraits of family members. YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS PERSONALLY! For personal photos, Lifetouch encourages you to bring to your portrait session something that says who you are: Perhaps a: hat...pin...scarf...musical instrument...Bible...sports gear…or whatever it is that’s important to you! Don’t Forget… To Bring Your Pet! Do you have that special pet at home? We want to encourage you to bring it with you for your personal portrait! Special Online Sign-up Offer $10.00 discount by e-mail off your order for signing up online! Bring a non-perishable food item for our food pantry and receive $5.00 off your order! YOU’RE PART OF Our Church FAMILY! IT WON’T BE THE SAME WITHOUT YOU! SIGN UP IN OCTOBER to BE PART OF OUR CHURCH Family DIRECTORY AND RECEIVE YOUR COMPLIMENTARY PORTRAIT AND FREE DIRECTORY! 20% Senior Citizen Discount! Prayer and Thanksgiving PRAYER REQUESTS Our prayer ministry has its own email address. Requests are sent once each day. Please send email prayer needs to: [email protected] If you have an emergency request, call Sue Tait at 522-7407 or 580-4200, or call Pastor John at the church office, 970-522-9002. Support in prayer these ministries that FBC supports financially: A Caring Pregnancy Resource Center Cooperating Ministries of Logan County Crossroads Ministry @ NJC KAIROS Prison Ministry David and Teesha Laflin Illusion Ministry Young Life in Sterling “Round Pen,” led by Frank Waitley Sterling Regional MedCenter Chaplain America for Christ One Great Hour of Sharing Retired Ministers and Missionaries World Missions ABC Missionaries Tom & Terri Meyers in Bulgaria and Kit Ripley/New Life Center in Thailand Missionary Rex Coker in Senegal FIRST SATURDAY PRAYER VIGIL Saturday, Oct. 4, 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon Saturday, Nov. 1, 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon ABCRM Northern Front Range During September we began praying for our ABCRM region: the region staff, their travels and dealings with churches, and their health and safety. We also prayed for the AB Women’s Board Meeting, the SoulJourners Retreat, and The Gathering. During October, please pray for the results of each of those meetings and that our ABCRM staff and leaders will be able to go forward with God’s Word and in working with the churches of our region. Pray also for the volunteers that are needed to keep our organizations moving forward and being disciples for Jesus. Call the office (522-9002) if you know of someone from FBC who is hospitalized or when there is any kind of prayer need among our church family. Among the concerns for which we have prayed during Sunday worship and on the prayer chains this past month are: Currently, our Logan County residents & family members have returned from the war. We offer praise for their return and continued prayers for the men and women still serving there. Families of Connie Buxbaum, Fred Granillo, Cyndie Giles, Alice Hedlund, Bobbie Raffaeli, Kathy Wettstein, and the families of all those who did not return home from the war. Lois & Wen Baldwin, Dorothy Bersano, Bobbi Blake, Jim Blake, Ellen Bohm, John Boles, Gay Borth, Daniel Botsfort, Barbara Bowden, Jay Bowey, Lee Bowey, Brenda & Howard Bradley, Del Brant, Nancy Broughton, Mary Budin, Lou Campbell, Betty Chandler, Aline Charles, Andrew Contreras, Micah Crosby, Jeannie Crouch & family, Ken Crouch, Sr., Jennifer Crow, Greg Davis, Josh, Suzanne Davis, Khrystie Dickinson, Taylor Dinn, Jewlene Donnelly, Ethen Dorney, Gaylord Dorney, Quintin Dorney, Sara Dorney, Charlie Dressel, Alice Elam, Connie Erickson, Karen Evans, Danny & Kandy Fielder, Becky Finley, Rebecca Frasier, Rob Frick, Chris & Bill Friend, Allen Froman, Jerry Fry, John Gibson, Eva Graham, Carol Graybill, Rachel Guernsey, Peggy Harper, Jenice Hays, Harry Held, Joan & Lloyd Hobbs, Dawn Johnson, Vance Jones, Jeremy Kind, Fred Kubitz, Cindy & Jeff Kurth, Nathan LaForce, Larry Leake, Lori Lest, Kelly Lightsey, JJ Livingston, Mike Midcap, Shawn Mion, Sue Mion, Todd Mion, Kari Moreno, Alvin Murphy, Trish Murphy, Dorothy Norling, Pat & Billie Nott, Steve & Linda Ochoa, Dick O’Neill, Denise Piel, Roger Polenz, Andrea Pope, Christopher Ramey, Sarah Reed, Marcus Reeves, Kathy Rhodes, Brayden Riddle, Connie Roberts, Doug Roberts, Byron Rogers, April Romero, Michelle Roseberry, Keith Rundall, Jennifer Sator, Larry Sator, Heidi Schneider, Harry Schneider, Celeste Skeels, Don Sonnenberg, Lisa Spelts, Jeanette Stubbe, Wilber Stubbe, Donnelle Stocker, Mike & Theresa Steger, Dick Tait, Mike Tait, Sue Tait, Betty Trahern, Cody Waitley, Vickie Wallace, Virginia Watson, Joe Wehman, Ken Wettstein, and Rick Young, and all at the Correctional Facility. God’s Word about God’s Word Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on His law he meditates day and night. —Psalm 1:1-2 READINGS & CELEBRATIONS NEW Bible Reading Schedule! As many of you know, we are moving on to a new schedule for our Bible reading. This schedule will allow us to read all through the New Testament this year and through the Psalms and Proverbs a couple of times. Join us, won’t you? Date Verse of the Month With my whole heart I seek You; let me not wander from Your commandments! Your Word have I hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You. - Psalm 119:10-11 Reading October 1 2 Corinthians 1 October 2 2 Corinthians 2 October 3 2 Corinthians 3 October 4 Psalms 108-109 October 5 2 Corinthians 4 October 6 2 Corinthians 5 October 7 Psalms 110-111 October 8 2 Corinthians 6 October 9 2 Corinthians 7 October 10 Psalms 112-114 October 11 Proverbs 23 October 12 2 Corinthians 8 October 13 2 Corinthians 9 October 14 Psalms 115-116 October 15 10/03 Aline Charles 10/04 Sadie Holloway 10/04 Brandy (Sator) Lei 10/08 Virginia Watson 10/11 Betty Chandler 10/13 Zaylee Croissant 10/15 LaRose Karr 10/15 Sue Tait 10/16 Bonnie Skeels 10/19 Marcus Reeves 2 Corinthians 10 10/22 Chyann Chandler October 16 2 Corinthians 11 10/24 Jason Harryman October 17 2 Corinthians 12 10/24 Bill LaForce October 18 2 Corinthians 13 10/24 Caleb Garcia October 19 Psalms 117-118 10/25 Ardith Gillham October 20 Proverbs 24 10/26 Rhonda Simants October 21 Jude 10/26 Jason Trautman October 22 Psalm 119 10/28 Mary Harryman October 23 1 John 1 10/31 Anita Fielder October 24 1 John 2 October 25 1 John 3 October 26 1 John 4 October 27 1 John 5 October 28 Psalms 120-122 October 29 Proverbs 25 October 30 2 John October 31 3 John Happy Anniversary! Oct. 2 Oct. 5 Doug & Jennifer Crow George & Betty Chandler October 2014 Beacon The latest encouragement from First Baptist Church in Sterling! STAFF: PASTOR: Rev. John E. Roberts CHILDREN’S MINISTER: Mona Bowey ADMINISTRATIVE ASST: Becky Romero BOOKKEEPER: Bob Blake CUSTODIAN: Fred “Woody” Wood SUNDAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE (Nursery provided): 8:30 am ... First Worship 9:30 am ... Sunday School followed by Fellowship Time 10:45 am ... Second Worship OTHER WEEKDAYS AND EVENINGS See inside or call the church office for details about Children’s Ministries, Bible studies, Community Groups, and More OFFICE HOURS: Monday – Friday 9:00-12:00, 1:00-4:00 PHONE: (970) 522-9002 FAX: (970) 522-5575 E-MAIL: [email protected] (Pastor John) [email protected] (Mona) [email protected] (Office) [email protected] (Prayer Requests) Address Service Requested 915 S. 8th Ave. Sterling, CO 80751 First Baptist Church of Sterling CO
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